My wife and I are now using a cream edta and have used things like chaga, vit c, elderberry syrup in the past to try and mitigate the full scratchy hoarse throat, pinched headache, exhaustion we experience from what can only be described as exposure to something toxic from vaxxed people... and now just about anyone whose spent time with vaxxed people. It has progressively become more and more acute. We live in a place remote from exposure to anyone, and everyone in our community of a few dozen remained unvaxxed unmasked and continuously gathered. Despite that when we go to town, shop, or gather with those in our community who have houses in the city... invariably we get ‘spiked’ immediately after. Our word irrespective of what it actually is we just call it “dang, feels like I got spiked again. Dang wth that is ridiculous why are we all so damn sensitive to this”. Well, due to the work dr Ana has done to show something that works, we tried the cream version on ourselves, and on the others in our community who wanted to see what happens. So far, after about three weeks or so of 4-5 applications a week with a few days off, we are no longer as sensitive or as reactive. Yes, we still feel something. Nope, not anywhere near the level it was getting to, and yes, it’s mitigated quickly with the application of the cream and maybe a nice chaga tea and a glug of elderberry with honey since it tastes so good. It seemed like the progressive repeated exposures “boiled us slowly” and got us to a place where we were very sensitive, over sensitive even. Now we are back To energetic, hardy, tough, still aware of an exposure, but not knocked to,the ground over the top about it. Best try it yourself and see what you experience. We are going to research iv version in our area in case we or none around us develop an extreme case, but so far, cream works fine for our moderate exposure reactions.
Thanks for sharing whats working for you. I’m going to try the cream. At the moment I’m using the capsule form, but am leery of side effects.
My supplement regimen is complicated for the average Joe, but I’ve been at it a long time, which is why I think I’ve been spared so far.
Yet, when I know I’m going to be among the vaxed, I beef up the vitamin C And NAC, take an ivermectin tab and wear my Shield Aer, so far so good. I also use Chlorine Dioxide, 3 drops in 4oz of water when I get home.
There is so much out there for us, yet I long for the days when I didn’t have to worry about folks shedding on me, what’s in my food and water, life was so simple then, sigh π...
EDTA is not an expensive compound to buy so I’ve been shocked at the price of the creams being 60-100 bucks a month. So I’ve been making my own with shea butter and dmso and using it the past couple of weeks. I haven’t had any terrible symptoms but did get food poisoned (I think it was the synthetic biology in the meat) badly, so I’ve been trying to detox it out of the body. I think it’s working.
I trying to make a different cream now with coconut oil. But originally I followed this recipe with shea butter but added Edta instead of magnesium. It worked, I know because it actually made me pass a kidney stone. I didn’t like the smell or oily film left from the shea butter that’s why I’m trying coconut oil now.
What kind of EDTA did you use, and where did you buy it? I'm really interested in an EDTA cream, because the one recommended by Ana is too expensive...
Glad to see that you're reading this, Steve. Please research (I know you're swamped), discuss, comment, and use your voice if you are so inclined. Clearing this out of us is a priority and you have the platform and connections to spread the word.
I bought a microscope. That's probably the most important takeaway here. Why aren't doctors looking at their patients blood under their own microscopes? If I could afford one, they could. It's getting to where everyone should buy their own microscope. Buy a diabetic lancer kit and check your own blood. Then you can see for yourself whether your blood cells are nice and round with good spacing, or they are bunched up in rouleux formation and they can try different off label protocols and see for themselves what is working.
If every doctor checked the blood of their patients under a microscope, there'd be a revolution, cause everyone is poisoned to some degree. I agree, a decent microscope is going to become an essential tool to own to survive these times.
Thanks for your work, Steve Kirsch. We will be our own worst judges one day. I'm so glad you are looking at Dr. Ana's evidence. Pictures say a thousand words! For corroboration see on FB Alternative Roots; a Live Blood Analyst out of Ontario showing similar findings, if you would. I am writing a very new Substack called Canadian Apple Pie, if interested. Dr. Ana, I hope you can get a number to Steve Kirsch. He does wonderful polls to shine a light on logic. He is working from a place of truth; I choose to believe this based on his words so far. He is a gifted soul in my eyes and shows a kind spirit. I wish everyone well.
PS I've been using Ascorbic Acid Powder 2000 mg to 8000 mg per day and find it helpful in quieting coughs and as an antihistamine and to keep one regular. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid Powder) is said to be water-soluble and can be taken to bowel tolerance. Good luck out thereβ£οΈπ
This is a big fear of mine since I had terrible herx symptoms from even the lowest dose of zeolite.. I know I am sensitive and I have consulted with local clinics that do edta and they didn’t even know what a binder was .. does anyone who is probably carrying a pretty toxic load know how to safely do the cream ? And or find a chelation specialist that actually knows what they are doing ?
And, let's not forget that if you are going to be around vaxxed people after EDTA treatment, (or eat the contaminated food, etc), you will need to do this chelation therapy more than just once, probably, on a fairly routine basis. The side effects of that will not be good. Let's not forget that we are in a spiritual battle here. And that there is no more going back to "normal" in THIS world anyway. Jesus is available until the last second to hear your plea and to get on the ark. He SAVES. Love, Shalom, Maranatha
What a wonderful story! I have been reading your posts for some time now - at first it all seemed so hopeless! But you are doing such amazing work and are having real success - you are making a real difference in people's lives! I am "unvaxxed" and thanks to your warnings I keep far away from the those who have had the shots (mRNA especially). So far I am ok. Thankyou so much - keep up the great work - and I agree with you 150% about the other so-called doctors who never do any original work.
FYI, Dr Ana, waaay back in the 1980's, COPS aka, Ontario College of Physicians&Surgeons, banned chelation for many years,& it was performed in broom closets [no joke] by brave naturopaths...many of stealth patients were MDs! one of which travelled from 100 mi.away for weekly sessions. Qu'elle horreur, eh?
Well done. What works... works!
Out of interest from the Spartacus substack here:
there is this:
"The most common pro-vax argument is that the Spike protein is a two-proline substituted laboratory construct locked in the prefusion conformation. Their argument is that the amyloidogenic peptides of SARS-CoV-2 Spike can never be revealed by cleavage, because this modification makes it so that the protein can’t be cleaved proteolytically. This is an absolutely asinine argument, tantamount to suggesting that the Spike protein generated by the vaccines is not digestible by enzymes in the body. News flash, it is, and if it comes in contact with trypsin, neutrophil elastase, or cathepsin, guess what? It’s getting busted into amyloidogenic peptide confetti. QED."
Thought I would let you know to see what you think of the last sentence.
Its not Amyloid, its Hydrogel.
Spike protein can be mimicked by Quantum Dot and nanocrystal, can't digest that with those molecules. Look at Francis Collins NIH 2020 paper
Hi Dr. Ana. I love your work. I wanted to ask you if you identified snake venom peptides as the spike protein within the Covid shots as Dr. Bryan Ardis has reported on Stew Peters Network?
He actually showed the documents today at the Clay Clark’s ReAwaken America Tour in a slideshow using documents and articles from government organizations and medical research. It should be at about the 6:03:30 mark where he starts his presentation.
Have you seen the new interview featuring Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi? He discusses plasmids found in 30% of 'vaccines' sampled, and how these plasmids can enter the cytoplasm. In this case, he says, they cannot be removed and generate spike protein for as long as the injected creature lives. This makes me wonder whether the therapy you are trying might have some effect on these plasmids. Anyone who can make any progress in getting these things out of the cytoplasm deserves every award and prize on the planet.
Bhakdi literally saved my life, warned me in time....hard to see him having to weather this storm but he is so stalwart and inspiring. He is holding both the logic and the emotional ends, LDF from Oregon
Dr. Bhakdi is being tried in court in Germany for comparing what we are going through to the Third Reich. Should I say he is being tried in " Nazi' Germany? It sure seems like it all over again. Prayers for him.
Seems like most governments eventually turn into beasts, unified against the very people they are supposed to protect. Until, I guess, the collapse from their own 'black hole', corrupted. Thank you for letting me know, Cheri. I would say the comparison of Germany (ie also USA GOV) to the Third Reich is not even adequate, they are much worse than the Third Reich, with much greater power, and much less intelligence.
Yes, Germany has no right to complain about the comparison. The nazis were never eradicated, many came to the US in Operation Paperclip. The Bush family were nazi sympathizers, and GHW Bush was always involved in their evildoings through the CIA.
Now we learn that the terrorist group antifa are nazis trained by the nazi Azov battalion in Ukraine. The FOURTH REICH resides in Ukraine. That's why Putin and Russia were forced to take military action against them to protect their people in those regions like the Donbas.
And the US State Department IS the enemy. They, and the administrative state are the "deep state". They want nuclear war. The WEF'ers are also the global enemy, and want war.
Dr. Ana...we can only hope that more doctors will become certified in EDTA chelation therapy so that far more physicians are available to help many of us who would like to try this treatment. I'm lucky: unvaxxed and stayed away from vaxxed people as much as possible. Yet, I still feel that I tire too easily for 74 and have much more life ahead. (Unfortunately, I had to have dental work for several months beginning Dec. '22, and I knew back then, after my first pain-killing injections, that nanotechnology was present. I could feel the effects. I had postponed dental work for EXACTLY that reason.) If I could, I would do an EDTA treatment tomorrow, but in any case, I'm so happy to read stories of these very sick people you treat regaining their health!
I applaud your work ethic and success. I am going to find a way to get EDTA Chelation.
I think the VA inoculated me with something ~2015. I have suffered chronic fatigue since. Didn't do the shot.
Thank you from all of us.
Dr. Ana, if the blood looks like sludge and cannot carry oxygen very well, wouldn't that show up as hypoxia or low oxygen levels on a pulse oximeter? And if so, wouldn't that be the first thing you would check during a person's initial visit with you. Maybe you are and just aren't commenting on it. Wouldn't it seem that the blood is doing it's job, if the pulse oximeter is showing 95-98 percent?
I'm not qualified to comment on your comment from a medical perspective, but I'm not sure that you'r not employing a logical fallacy (albeit unwittingly, of course).
Thank you so much Dr. Mihalcea for what you do. You are #1 in knowledge and on the frontline in your analysis and treatment of this bioweapon. Your mother must be so proud of you. Your mum is one strong lady, having survived her own personal history (I read your family's story). How proud to know her wonderful daughter carries with her the same strength, resilience and truth to fight this insideous and evil war.
Thank you so much Dr. Ana for what you do. May God bless and protect you every single nanosecond of every day. πβοΈπ«β€ππΉ
You are doing awesome work Dr. Ana! I thank God that neither I nor my wife and one of our daughters were jabbed! I pray your work will be more widely recognized!
Thank you so much for this very imporant information. Could you explain how does the EDTA Cream work? And what is it made of and where is a good source? Thank you. Also is it not more appropriate to not use the label ' long covid' when the family got sick not from a virus but from the transmission or shedding from a injected person transmitting toxins from the bioweapon.? It is not actually ' long covid' at all it is a bioweapon transmission. Correct? We now know it was designed as a bioweapon to depopulate Earth and control the rest. The Contracts and Reports are public now. Russia knows too and and their General who is a bioweapons expert has reported that the U.S. DOD has deployed a bioweapon on the World, he quotes our Karen Kingston and the Pfizer Executive caught on the Project Veritas Sting admitting fraud. This of course is an Act of War as the Russian General eludes to.
Bio Cyber Physical System (BCPS) and be careful where you get your information from as there are more than one BCPS in the world and it has an AI that can pull the wool over your mind and misguide and misdirect you. Keep in mind what changed is that ChinaCCP did their own brain initiative and got into BCPS circa 2015. Also, nation stateless groups have access to this tech. The U.S. DOD is also concerned with rogue BCPS systems and the term is called "neurostrike" and you can learn more about that here. The truth is hard to find and kept hidden by evil.
La Quinta Columna alleges that "Long Covid" is the result of continued contamination with GFN's which are made worse with exposure to various frequencies of magnetic radiation (EMF's) from the environment, including 5G capable cell phone towers, smart phones, smart meters and the like. Maybe Dr. Ana was using "Long Covid" for her case report so people would understand the signs/symptoms that her patient presented with (people generally understand what is meant by that term even if they don't know the exact etiology of it). See this:
Thank you for your reply and link. I guess what is troubling to me is the use of the word Covid. Covid is soposed to be a virus. The injections do not have any live covid virus in them, therefore from what I understand is that people injected with the Pfizer et al bioweapons transmitt/ shed toxins and hormone damaging ones, not a virus called covid. Therefore it seems to me that the condition that is being called 'Long Covid" is not an accurate label and should be called what it is. Transmission Injury or Injection Injury, Bioweapon Transmission Injury, something that describes it accurately. That's my opinion. Bioweapon Transmission Injury (BTI) let's coin the term. ( so scary and unbelievable). I am so thankful for the courageous people developing detoxes for us. We should have detox parties.
Dr. Ana-- I can’t thank you enough for your Substack. Because of you I believe I am on the road to recovery after 21 months of long unvaxxed covid. I have started chelation therapy once weekly and will now implement peptides, ozone and high dose vit C therapy in hopes of a complete recovery -- will be sharing this Substack with my physician. IMO you are the only dedicated physician that wants to help the covid injured-- please keep going and get the info out to the long haulers that need direction in getting treatment. I must say it amazes me how many high profile physicians ( Kori, McCullough, Heider, Marik etc) refuse to acknowledge the clinical findings of you, Dr Ardis and Dr Chetty--- why is that? Hard evidence has been produced by the three of you-- how can this be ignored and not talked about in all social media? In order to truly help people recover we need the truth about what has happened to us!!! Thank you for the truth!!!
Hi Bridget. IMO those tight-lipped docs are the good guys. They maybe are just being cautious. Medicine is an art too. I think the Hippocratic states "First do no harm". This method that Dr Ana describes is new to me. I am so happy that people are feeling better.π
One scientific question for you (and great work by the way!); certainly, there must be others replicating what you are doing? Can you provide more info in that regards?
Your client showed C19 vaccine symptoms without the vax but possibly passed from a visitor. That caught my attention as wife is fully jabbed, I'm not, and have zero symptoms, she has many painful areas. All I can offer is that I've always been heavy supplement user and added a few layers of EDTA when the fake pandemic went political about March 2020. I appreciate your work!
Where is your practice located? I was injected with hydrogel 18 months ago in ER after a head injury. I want this stuff out of me and I can travel to you. You’re already having success and know what you’re doing I’d rather be treated by you please let me know my name is Cheryl
Yang Ming Mountain - May 13, 2023
Yang’s Substack
Amazing success in your treatment of the blood disorder. May God bless and keep you.
Steve Kirsch - May 13, 2023
Steve Kirsch's newsletter
How many patients has this been replicated on?
Larry - May 14, 2023
Larry’s Substack
My wife and I are now using a cream edta and have used things like chaga, vit c, elderberry syrup in the past to try and mitigate the full scratchy hoarse throat, pinched headache, exhaustion we experience from what can only be described as exposure to something toxic from vaxxed people... and now just about anyone whose spent time with vaxxed people. It has progressively become more and more acute. We live in a place remote from exposure to anyone, and everyone in our community of a few dozen remained unvaxxed unmasked and continuously gathered. Despite that when we go to town, shop, or gather with those in our community who have houses in the city... invariably we get ‘spiked’ immediately after. Our word irrespective of what it actually is we just call it “dang, feels like I got spiked again. Dang wth that is ridiculous why are we all so damn sensitive to this”. Well, due to the work dr Ana has done to show something that works, we tried the cream version on ourselves, and on the others in our community who wanted to see what happens. So far, after about three weeks or so of 4-5 applications a week with a few days off, we are no longer as sensitive or as reactive. Yes, we still feel something. Nope, not anywhere near the level it was getting to, and yes, it’s mitigated quickly with the application of the cream and maybe a nice chaga tea and a glug of elderberry with honey since it tastes so good. It seemed like the progressive repeated exposures “boiled us slowly” and got us to a place where we were very sensitive, over sensitive even. Now we are back To energetic, hardy, tough, still aware of an exposure, but not knocked to,the ground over the top about it. Best try it yourself and see what you experience. We are going to research iv version in our area in case we or none around us develop an extreme case, but so far, cream works fine for our moderate exposure reactions.
Nanc - May 14, 2023
Nanc’s Substack
Thanks for sharing whats working for you. I’m going to try the cream. At the moment I’m using the capsule form, but am leery of side effects.
My supplement regimen is complicated for the average Joe, but I’ve been at it a long time, which is why I think I’ve been spared so far.
Yet, when I know I’m going to be among the vaxed, I beef up the vitamin C And NAC, take an ivermectin tab and wear my Shield Aer, so far so good. I also use Chlorine Dioxide, 3 drops in 4oz of water when I get home.
There is so much out there for us, yet I long for the days when I didn’t have to worry about folks shedding on me, what’s in my food and water, life was so simple then, sigh π...
BobbyD - May 15, 2023
EDTA is not an expensive compound to buy so I’ve been shocked at the price of the creams being 60-100 bucks a month. So I’ve been making my own with shea butter and dmso and using it the past couple of weeks. I haven’t had any terrible symptoms but did get food poisoned (I think it was the synthetic biology in the meat) badly, so I’ve been trying to detox it out of the body. I think it’s working.
Lucy - May 26, 2023
Could you explain more about DIY EDTA, how to make it? If you have some readings, could you tell me the link? Thank you.
BobbyD - Jun 6, 2023
I trying to make a different cream now with coconut oil. But originally I followed this recipe with shea butter but added Edta instead of magnesium. It worked, I know because it actually made me pass a kidney stone. I didn’t like the smell or oily film left from the shea butter that’s why I’m trying coconut oil now.
bastringue - Aug 8, 2023
What kind of EDTA did you use, and where did you buy it? I'm really interested in an EDTA cream, because the one recommended by Ana is too expensive...
BobbyD - Aug 8, 2023
100 grams would be about 8 month supply, give or take.¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=19585560420&utm_source=x&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=&utm_term=&ad_id=&gc_id=19585560420&h_keyword_id=&h_keyword=&h_placement=&gbraid=0AAAAAD46g0DbietaXefWYpL55uFoKK_3f&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8au5xtzNgAMVwjjUAR0zcwZaEAQYASABEgJgavD_BwE¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=19585560420&utm_source=x&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=&utm_term=&ad_id=&gc_id=19585560420&h_keyword_id=&h_keyword=&h_placement=&gbraid=0AAAAAD46g0DbietaXefWYpL55uFoKK_3f&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8au5xtzNgAMVwjjUAR0zcwZaEAQYASABEgJgavD_BwE
Check out this thread for my upgraded recipe. You will need to buy a few more things but you are talking about dollars a month. Read through the thread because I no longer advise the emulsifying wax, and trying other things. Hope this helps.
Carol_007 - May 14, 2023
Glad to see that you're reading this, Steve. Please research (I know you're swamped), discuss, comment, and use your voice if you are so inclined. Clearing this out of us is a priority and you have the platform and connections to spread the word.
Matt - May 15, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
I bought a microscope. That's probably the most important takeaway here. Why aren't doctors looking at their patients blood under their own microscopes? If I could afford one, they could. It's getting to where everyone should buy their own microscope. Buy a diabetic lancer kit and check your own blood. Then you can see for yourself whether your blood cells are nice and round with good spacing, or they are bunched up in rouleux formation and they can try different off label protocols and see for themselves what is working.
Marty - May 19, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
If every doctor checked the blood of their patients under a microscope, there'd be a revolution, cause everyone is poisoned to some degree. I agree, a decent microscope is going to become an essential tool to own to survive these times.
Canadian Apple Pie - Sep 25, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
Thanks for your work, Steve Kirsch. We will be our own worst judges one day. I'm so glad you are looking at Dr. Ana's evidence. Pictures say a thousand words! For corroboration see on FB Alternative Roots; a Live Blood Analyst out of Ontario showing similar findings, if you would. I am writing a very new Substack called Canadian Apple Pie, if interested. Dr. Ana, I hope you can get a number to Steve Kirsch. He does wonderful polls to shine a light on logic. He is working from a place of truth; I choose to believe this based on his words so far. He is a gifted soul in my eyes and shows a kind spirit. I wish everyone well.
PS I've been using Ascorbic Acid Powder 2000 mg to 8000 mg per day and find it helpful in quieting coughs and as an antihistamine and to keep one regular. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid Powder) is said to be water-soluble and can be taken to bowel tolerance. Good luck out thereβ£οΈπ
Roland - May 15, 2023
May you should instead ask Dr t. See his post below.
Sara - May 13, 2023
Ria’s Substack
Comment removed.
Sara - May 14, 2023
Ria’s Substack
Comment removed.
Sara - May 14, 2023
Ria’s Substack
This is a big fear of mine since I had terrible herx symptoms from even the lowest dose of zeolite.. I know I am sensitive and I have consulted with local clinics that do edta and they didn’t even know what a binder was .. does anyone who is probably carrying a pretty toxic load know how to safely do the cream ? And or find a chelation specialist that actually knows what they are doing ?
Ria at Longhaulers - May 14, 2023
Ria’s Substack
Comment removed.
Ria at Longhaulers - Jul 14, 2023
Ria’s Substack
Do EDTA and then 24 hours afterwards have an EBOO to filter the blood, its amazing
Susannah - May 15, 2023
And, let's not forget that if you are going to be around vaxxed people after EDTA treatment, (or eat the contaminated food, etc), you will need to do this chelation therapy more than just once, probably, on a fairly routine basis. The side effects of that will not be good. Let's not forget that we are in a spiritual battle here. And that there is no more going back to "normal" in THIS world anyway. Jesus is available until the last second to hear your plea and to get on the ark. He SAVES. Love, Shalom, Maranatha
JayD - May 13, 2023
What a wonderful story! I have been reading your posts for some time now - at first it all seemed so hopeless! But you are doing such amazing work and are having real success - you are making a real difference in people's lives! I am "unvaxxed" and thanks to your warnings I keep far away from the those who have had the shots (mRNA especially). So far I am ok. Thankyou so much - keep up the great work - and I agree with you 150% about the other so-called doctors who never do any original work.
Linden - May 17, 2023
"So-called"? On what authority do you make such a slur??
dar - May 13, 2023
FYI, Dr Ana, waaay back in the 1980's, COPS aka, Ontario College of Physicians&Surgeons, banned chelation for many years,& it was performed in broom closets [no joke] by brave naturopaths...many of stealth patients were MDs! one of which travelled from 100 mi.away for weekly sessions. Qu'elle horreur, eh?
Peter Halligan - May 13, 2023 - Edited
Peter’s Newsletter
Well done. What works... works!
Out of interest from the Spartacus substack here:
there is this:
"The most common pro-vax argument is that the Spike protein is a two-proline substituted laboratory construct locked in the prefusion conformation. Their argument is that the amyloidogenic peptides of SARS-CoV-2 Spike can never be revealed by cleavage, because this modification makes it so that the protein can’t be cleaved proteolytically. This is an absolutely asinine argument, tantamount to suggesting that the Spike protein generated by the vaccines is not digestible by enzymes in the body. News flash, it is, and if it comes in contact with trypsin, neutrophil elastase, or cathepsin, guess what? It’s getting busted into amyloidogenic peptide confetti. QED."
Thought I would let you know to see what you think of the last sentence.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 13, 2023 - Edited
Its not Amyloid, its Hydrogel.
Spike protein can be mimicked by Quantum Dot and nanocrystal, can't digest that with those molecules. Look at Francis Collins NIH 2020 paper
Sammy - May 14, 2023 - Edited
Hi Dr. Ana. I love your work. I wanted to ask you if you identified snake venom peptides as the spike protein within the Covid shots as Dr. Bryan Ardis has reported on Stew Peters Network?
KellyG - May 14, 2023 - Edited
He actually showed the documents today at the Clay Clark’s ReAwaken America Tour in a slideshow using documents and articles from government organizations and medical research. It should be at about the 6:03:30 mark where he starts his presentation.
Sammy - May 14, 2023
Thank you Kelly. I will look at this later today! : )
Eclectricity - May 13, 2023
Have you seen the new interview featuring Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi? He discusses plasmids found in 30% of 'vaccines' sampled, and how these plasmids can enter the cytoplasm. In this case, he says, they cannot be removed and generate spike protein for as long as the injected creature lives. This makes me wonder whether the therapy you are trying might have some effect on these plasmids. Anyone who can make any progress in getting these things out of the cytoplasm deserves every award and prize on the planet.
jacquelyn sauriol - May 13, 2023
Protect and Alert
Bhakdi literally saved my life, warned me in time....hard to see him having to weather this storm but he is so stalwart and inspiring. He is holding both the logic and the emotional ends, LDF from Oregon
Protect And Alert - May 14, 2023
Protect and Alert
Dr. Bhakdi is being tried in court in Germany for comparing what we are going through to the Third Reich. Should I say he is being tried in " Nazi' Germany? It sure seems like it all over again. Prayers for him.
jacquelyn sauriol - May 14, 2023
Dave aka Geezermann
Seems like most governments eventually turn into beasts, unified against the very people they are supposed to protect. Until, I guess, the collapse from their own 'black hole', corrupted. Thank you for letting me know, Cheri. I would say the comparison of Germany (ie also USA GOV) to the Third Reich is not even adequate, they are much worse than the Third Reich, with much greater power, and much less intelligence.
Dave aka Geezermann - May 15, 2023
Dave aka Geezermann
Yes, Germany has no right to complain about the comparison. The nazis were never eradicated, many came to the US in Operation Paperclip. The Bush family were nazi sympathizers, and GHW Bush was always involved in their evildoings through the CIA.
Now we learn that the terrorist group antifa are nazis trained by the nazi Azov battalion in Ukraine. The FOURTH REICH resides in Ukraine. That's why Putin and Russia were forced to take military action against them to protect their people in those regions like the Donbas.
And the US State Department IS the enemy. They, and the administrative state are the "deep state". They want nuclear war. The WEF'ers are also the global enemy, and want war.
Honeybee - May 13, 2023
Dr. Ana...we can only hope that more doctors will become certified in EDTA chelation therapy so that far more physicians are available to help many of us who would like to try this treatment. I'm lucky: unvaxxed and stayed away from vaxxed people as much as possible. Yet, I still feel that I tire too easily for 74 and have much more life ahead. (Unfortunately, I had to have dental work for several months beginning Dec. '22, and I knew back then, after my first pain-killing injections, that nanotechnology was present. I could feel the effects. I had postponed dental work for EXACTLY that reason.) If I could, I would do an EDTA treatment tomorrow, but in any case, I'm so happy to read stories of these very sick people you treat regaining their health!
Dennis K McGee - May 14, 2023
Dennis K McGee
I applaud your work ethic and success. I am going to find a way to get EDTA Chelation.
I think the VA inoculated me with something ~2015. I have suffered chronic fatigue since. Didn't do the shot.
Thank you from all of us.
Fred - May 13, 2023
Dr. Ana, if the blood looks like sludge and cannot carry oxygen very well, wouldn't that show up as hypoxia or low oxygen levels on a pulse oximeter? And if so, wouldn't that be the first thing you would check during a person's initial visit with you. Maybe you are and just aren't commenting on it. Wouldn't it seem that the blood is doing it's job, if the pulse oximeter is showing 95-98 percent?
Nnikk - May 15, 2023
I'm not qualified to comment on your comment from a medical perspective, but I'm not sure that you'r not employing a logical fallacy (albeit unwittingly, of course).
Truth Seeker - May 13, 2023
Thank you so much Dr. Mihalcea for what you do. You are #1 in knowledge and on the frontline in your analysis and treatment of this bioweapon. Your mother must be so proud of you. Your mum is one strong lady, having survived her own personal history (I read your family's story). How proud to know her wonderful daughter carries with her the same strength, resilience and truth to fight this insideous and evil war.
Thank you so much Dr. Ana for what you do. May God bless and protect you every single nanosecond of every day. πβοΈπ«β€ππΉ
Keep America Free - May 13, 2023
You are doing awesome work Dr. Ana! I thank God that neither I nor my wife and one of our daughters were jabbed! I pray your work will be more widely recognized!
Protect And Alert - May 14, 2023
Protect and Alert
Thank you so much for this very imporant information. Could you explain how does the EDTA Cream work? And what is it made of and where is a good source? Thank you. Also is it not more appropriate to not use the label ' long covid' when the family got sick not from a virus but from the transmission or shedding from a injected person transmitting toxins from the bioweapon.? It is not actually ' long covid' at all it is a bioweapon transmission. Correct? We now know it was designed as a bioweapon to depopulate Earth and control the rest. The Contracts and Reports are public now. Russia knows too and and their General who is a bioweapons expert has reported that the U.S. DOD has deployed a bioweapon on the World, he quotes our Karen Kingston and the Pfizer Executive caught on the Project Veritas Sting admitting fraud. This of course is an Act of War as the Russian General eludes to.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - May 14, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
Bio Cyber Physical System (BCPS) and be careful where you get your information from as there are more than one BCPS in the world and it has an AI that can pull the wool over your mind and misguide and misdirect you. Keep in mind what changed is that ChinaCCP did their own brain initiative and got into BCPS circa 2015. Also, nation stateless groups have access to this tech. The U.S. DOD is also concerned with rogue BCPS systems and the term is called "neurostrike" and you can learn more about that here. The truth is hard to find and kept hidden by evil.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 14, 2023
Thanks Brandon, brilliant info.
tanzenkran - May 15, 2023
Brandon don't worry be happy ChemE guy.π
John H. - May 14, 2023
John H.
La Quinta Columna alleges that "Long Covid" is the result of continued contamination with GFN's which are made worse with exposure to various frequencies of magnetic radiation (EMF's) from the environment, including 5G capable cell phone towers, smart phones, smart meters and the like. Maybe Dr. Ana was using "Long Covid" for her case report so people would understand the signs/symptoms that her patient presented with (people generally understand what is meant by that term even if they don't know the exact etiology of it). See this:
Protect And Alert - May 14, 2023
Protect and Alert
Thank you for your reply and link. I guess what is troubling to me is the use of the word Covid. Covid is soposed to be a virus. The injections do not have any live covid virus in them, therefore from what I understand is that people injected with the Pfizer et al bioweapons transmitt/ shed toxins and hormone damaging ones, not a virus called covid. Therefore it seems to me that the condition that is being called 'Long Covid" is not an accurate label and should be called what it is. Transmission Injury or Injection Injury, Bioweapon Transmission Injury, something that describes it accurately. That's my opinion. Bioweapon Transmission Injury (BTI) let's coin the term. ( so scary and unbelievable). I am so thankful for the courageous people developing detoxes for us. We should have detox parties.
tanzenkran - May 15, 2023
I am getting a head ache. π
Catherine - May 14, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
Dr. Ana-- I can’t thank you enough for your Substack. Because of you I believe I am on the road to recovery after 21 months of long unvaxxed covid. I have started chelation therapy once weekly and will now implement peptides, ozone and high dose vit C therapy in hopes of a complete recovery -- will be sharing this Substack with my physician. IMO you are the only dedicated physician that wants to help the covid injured-- please keep going and get the info out to the long haulers that need direction in getting treatment. I must say it amazes me how many high profile physicians ( Kori, McCullough, Heider, Marik etc) refuse to acknowledge the clinical findings of you, Dr Ardis and Dr Chetty--- why is that? Hard evidence has been produced by the three of you-- how can this be ignored and not talked about in all social media? In order to truly help people recover we need the truth about what has happened to us!!! Thank you for the truth!!!
Frasier Crane Is Not Amused - May 14, 2023
Musings from the Roman Apocalyp…
IV C and Ozone therapy I can unequivocally recommend based on personal experience.
Bridget - May 14, 2023
Could it be those tight-lipped ones have a different agenda?
tanzenkran - May 15, 2023
Hi Bridget. IMO those tight-lipped docs are the good guys. They maybe are just being cautious. Medicine is an art too. I think the Hippocratic states "First do no harm". This method that Dr Ana describes is new to me. I am so happy that people are feeling better.π
Bridget - May 15, 2023
I’m just trying to make sense of it all.
Blaise - May 13, 2023
Att Viska
One scientific question for you (and great work by the way!); certainly, there must be others replicating what you are doing? Can you provide more info in that regards?
scout - May 13, 2023
Your client showed C19 vaccine symptoms without the vax but possibly passed from a visitor. That caught my attention as wife is fully jabbed, I'm not, and have zero symptoms, she has many painful areas. All I can offer is that I've always been heavy supplement user and added a few layers of EDTA when the fake pandemic went political about March 2020. I appreciate your work!
Bridget - May 14, 2023
What exactly do you use to get those “few layers of EDTA?” I’m curious.
tanzenkran - May 15, 2023
I am curious too.
Cheryl Buchanan - May 14, 2023
Cheryl’s Substack
Where is your practice located? I was injected with hydrogel 18 months ago in ER after a head injury. I want this stuff out of me and I can travel to you. You’re already having success and know what you’re doing I’d rather be treated by you please let me know my name is Cheryl
Scott Frost - May 13, 2023
Was wondering if edta, vitamin C and glutathione could be used with dmso? If this works what an easy way to heal the blood!
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