I am not adopting or accepting or acclamating my mind to any of this technology. I will not be updating my mind to any mind file as a way of preservation. As fascinating as it all is, I will be fighting this at every stage and at every step. They are taking what was meant to be free and natural and pure and are destroying it. We are human beings. This is the way God intended for things to be. God made us beautiful as we are. There is no improving on what He created. A bit pissed off because we, the people, are being forced into this so-called “new order”. I thank you and appreciate all your work, Dr. Mihalcea.
You know in the end the evil guys always get it in the kisser and righteousness prevails. Getting my popcorn ready. Hope the good guys win. Outrageously audacious plan. Now, to get the antidote to the nanotech to the masses....and THAT work is ALSO being done in the world. Maybe a reverse-nano-meta-world-poof-code-?????
These people think they can be like god, creating creature with intelligence,,, but nah, they are dellusional, God creates soul, and they cannot. But they are so full of it, they think they are above human, but actually like animal following its own desires without considering humanity
They are trying to give me my brother's motor skills, also want to force me to be the first pregnant man this evil sick technology n weapons are made from Satan himself
I have words to describe markiey mark fuckerberg or is it fuckerbot ? Sick .
But I don't wish to insult squirrels.
The rats feed cats, but they don't want to eat demoRats.
The sheep provide wool. The piggies, food. The possums must even have some positive place in the hovels, so I shall not badmouth the dementor of all Womanity
We already ARE immortal.
Our bodies last as long as they are supposed to, and then we return to God.
I died in 1987 - it was amazing. God and I laughed the entire time I was "dead"
I chose to return.
These people are insane. They already are immortal. How sad that they don't intuitively know this.
Side note: Orthodox monastics know what's happening in science. I was speaking to a nun who was concerned that tech would advance to the point that she wouldn't be able to repent.
She knows all of this. I doubt she took the vaxx.
But of course, no spirit soul will be inhabiting the computer clone double machine, no matter how many mental simulations of brain activity the clone brain is able to reproduce to deceive.
Anyone thinking they will be able to upload their own soul into a machine at the time of death of their gross physical body is in for a rude surprise, though at least their soul will survive somehow as all souls are eternal and indestructible according to the Bhagavad gita for instance, and the real mercy is that they will have to move on from any such failed attempt into a natural new situation.
Every soul is eternally self-existing, but to maintain meaningful consciousness it requires a conscious relationship with the beginningless and uncreated Godhead from whom it is expanded, and can exist consciously even without a subtle external material body, always being linked to the eternally-indwelling Supersoul God in any situation, whether actually aware of this continuous presence of God or not.
But in this present life in this material world the soul is actually situated and maintained in the subtle body, rather than just in the gross physical body itself, this of course is how astral projection occurs and how awareness outside the gross physical body is preserved, with the subtle astral body even having eyesight.
But I do not think a robot clone will be able to link with and house a subtle material body and maintain a flow of prana necessary to support the existence of a subtle body that any soul would need to relate to a material dimension in such a mechanism, and I cannot see that even a naked soul without a subtle material body will form any bond with such an artificial computer body (or even why it would want to or need to).
A soul in this dimension of perception requires a flow of prana, of which there are 50 types according to Kriya yoga, While still alive however, someone could theoretically astrally project inside such an artificial computerized double and be deceived into thinking that because they still feel alive while experimenting then, that after their death this situation in any cloned artificial robotic body will be able to continue, but I do not think it will, and if it did, it would be a very hellish experience.
During yoga I have experienced fully confirmed astral projection and even after doing yoga the same thing has occurred, and when I was in ICU in induced coma with COVID just over 3 years ago I spent 4 weeks solid out of my body as if reborn in another world, and saw things in the future relating to this present world, even that the veins of people would be filled with long white rubbery clots after getting COVID-jabbed, and this has eventually come to be confirmed, which one can see from the numerous videos of long white rubbery clot specimens extracted during the embalming process of COVID-vaccinated people who have died by John O'Looney.
In that prolonged out of body state with my earthly gross physical body attached to an ECMO unit with tubing surgically inserted into my jugular for blood exchange after nearly snuffing it with 50% blood oxygen, diagnosed as gravely ill, in my OOB travels I even saw banks of brains laid out on flat beds together linked to computer networks by military scientists, which COVID was somehow connected with, and I even entered one of those banks of brains and experienced that some of the brains, but not all of them had souls linked to them and were in the most terrible suffering. Just now I think maybe I was lucky not to have been brain-harvested myself there and then for some hellish Robocop-type experimentation in which I might have ended up imprisoned on one of those brain bed computer interfaces, and perhaps I was actually being sized up for that when I had that experience of my projected consciousness entering one of those beds.
Just a few months ago nearly 3 years later I read that scientists in Switzerland are actually experimenting with (what they claim to be just cultivated and not harvested) human brains that they are trying to harness to computers.
The Freemasonic occult work to create 'bodies of light', or robust subtle bodies much more resilient than mere astral bodies is an endeavour to construct bodily vehicles for the soul in order to become effectively immortal, and some students of the occult have actually accomplished this, and many magicians and yogis and other mystics do this as well, though one does not really need computers to do it.
Indeed, the soul, as an eternal and divine essence, cannot be confined to or transferred into an artificial body. Instead, consciousness requires a deeper, spiritual connection and is best cultivated through esoteric practices, not technology.
Yes, a relationship with a discernable, expansive, communally indwelling and surrounding higher spiritual intelligence that one may refer to as the Godhead or Supersoul is required, otherwise any individual soul will remain totally unconscious, exactly as a spark of burning matter drifting out of the flames of a fire loses its brilliance and then only becomes illuminated again once reentering the flames of the fire.
The very nature of the infinite expanse is causeless, beginningless, uncreated pure consciousness, this can be perceived and experienced behind the superficial scenes of all material manifestation directly during yoga practice. That there are many individual consciousnesses and the existence of a spiritual Principal or Godhead Supersoul can be directly perceived.
This means that there has never been a point where consciousness evolved or 'came into being', it means that there never was any original empty void or nothingness, the ultimate reality is that infinity itself in the highest spiritual dimension is and always has been nothing but pure consciousness, teeming with a community of an infinite number of living souls.
From the perspective of consideration from any purely material scientific point of view, any proposition of a beginningless, entirely conscious and naturally existing spiritual infinity is impossible, but the understanding of this spiritual reality as being what is actually natural is entirely obvious when perceived from the spiritual perspective while immersed in that state during yoga.
All individual souls are eternally connected with and expanded from this Supersoul, and whatever we perceive around us in any dimension that the Supersoul manifests around us in any spiritual, subtle material or gross material dimension is entirely the direct product of the mind and substance of that Supersoul in one way or another.
If the Supersoul wishes, according to the Bhagavad gita and Sri Brahma-samhita for instance, He can make any external reality apparent to any soul, and He can make Himself entirely non-apparent to any soul, and any reality projected by that Supersoul can then also be made entirely non-apparent, so that the soul then perceives not only nothing around it, it does not perceive any surroundings at all, not even an empty void, but nothing, and the Supersoul can render an individual soul entirely unconscious even of the inner measure of its own soul, it remains totally unaware until revived by God who dwells eternally within all souls as their Supersoul.
The totally Jewish-based NWO desire to diverge from the expanse offered by the real spiritual Principal or Godhead Supersoul will end precisely nowhere for themselves, they very evidently have never sincerely done any yoga or any equivalent genuine spiritual practice by any other name.
This usurping collective seeking to break away from God and establish their own alternative reality do not properly understand the spirit-based multidimensional structural nature of reality around them, and that by rejecting the real God, if they fully succeed, they will actually then concomitantly also be rejecting any further perception of matter on any level outside the spatial measure of their own souls.
By totally challenging and rejecting the existing infinite Godhead, they will not then be able to perceive any majestic expanse through the stars in this material dimension or in any other, as He alone is the measure of not only the infinite spiritual expanse but also of all material dimensions and the substance of the material sense organs and brains in each dimension affording perception of those dimensions.
Those behind the WEF and UN and Noahide Laws are all part of the same invading anti-human soul group, they utterly reject and ignore God, even declaring themselves as their own 'god' over all other beings, and violently seize resources from victim Gentiles in this dimension while actually torturing them in physical, mental, psychic and spiritual terms.
The ability of the selfish and criminal terrorist NWO perpetrators to then maintain any further measure of consciousness at all without the real indwelling Supersoul Godhead continuing to grant that is extremely doubtful.
Their continued presence in this role is only being afforded to them because God wishes for a play of light and dark, of dharma and adharma to take place to educate us all and usher us all back towards the spiritual dimension.
Though it is very evident that some souls like those behind the WEF, UN and Noahide Laws will very aggressively and criminally choose to continue indefinitely to refuse to allow themselves to be guided by God for a very long time indeed.
But if God did not wish to present such a challenge to us to encourage us all to more rapidly develop a higher spiritual will suitable to function alongside His own in the highest spiritual dimension after this life, He would simply be holding these violently antisocial predatory parasite souls relatively or totally inert even in a petri dish environment till their nastiness sufficiently abates or ceases altogether.
In order for any of us to survive, and for any of our species to survive, the will to challenge what is happening on physical and on multidimensional occult levels is also required.
We can see these offenders are already floundering and unable to deal with actual reality by their desperate attempts to bend reality to suit their own perverted preferences by adrenochrome-drinking after the ritual blood sacrifice of young children involving the feeding on the youthful pranic essence of young Gentile children.
The criminal souls drinking blood and taking prana from innocent young children through black magic occult practice remain artificially youthful as so many Jewish and crypto-Jewish Hollywood stars and politicians of all colours are visibly able to do.
By their similarly obscene black magic kapparot blood sacrifice rituals the invading lower-dimensional Jews literally transfer their own bad karma every year onto innocent other souls like chickens or even kidnapped Gentile human children who are ritually tortured and sacrificed in order to make their victim souls open to the transfer of energetic karmic links which are grafted onto the victim's subtle energy bodies even today, so that these other souls will then have to suffer the bad karma of the Jews in their stead in their own future lives.
But we can see where the real criminals are headed already by the fact that they are so desperately clutching at straws like this, as they are evidently so totally reliant on seizing energy by all kinds of criminal means to remain alive exactly like undead vampires.
The consciousness of these criminals behind the Jewish criminal terrorist pseudo-religion with its Noahide Laws based on the Torah is not expanding, it is dying as long as they maintain such a hateful, selfish and cruel path of seizing life force from all others and challenging God and all others in hate-filled insane anger.
Even if we Gentiles end up getting killed by them by one means or another, if we maintain good spiritual understanding our future lives will be situated by God's arrangement in higher dimensions, though physical action along with this understanding wherever possible is more suitable to keep the world free from these violent predators so that future generations of Gentiles will then be able to continue to incarnate here to study spiritually.
Thank you for sharing such profound insights, mothman777! I couldn’t agree more. We are indeed witnessing the end of the Canaanite era, as the astrological shift from the age of Pisces, marked by a dark and heavy patriarchy, to the light, feminine age of Aquarius transforms our reality. This shift brings new energy that will only resonate with those attuned to higher consciousness.
A large part of the population consists of "NPCs," or what some refer to as backdrop people or bio-bots... individuals whose purpose aligns with following and maintaining the status quo. These are beings without an active connection to source, making it impossible for them to awaken to spiritual truths. In contrast, those with an awakened pineal gland can access source directly and hold the capacity to embody this new consciousness. It is truly their time to go, along with the Canaanite cabal, as we prepare to step into a world of higher vibrations.
The obsession the cabal has with transhumanism is a clear indication of their fear. Because they cannot perceive or connect to the infinite spiritual reality we know to be our true essence, they try to control and distort consciousness through material science. For them, the end of this lifetime means oblivion, and they know it, which is why their desperation is so palpable. What we’re witnessing is the last gasp of a dying paradigm.
It’s up to us, as you said, to hold steadfast in our connection to the Supersoul and keep building the spiritual dimension here. Thank you for inspiring us to stay rooted in the truth. Together, we are creating a new reality!
I wrote a satire piece about Trump being a clone (well, more specifically, an 'organic robotoid')...https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/trump-did-not-win
I don't believe he is, but I certainly believe clones have been used for people in positions of power...
But I guess that makes one a cOnSpiRaCy ThEoRiSt
Well, there are two Trumps. One of them looks like he had too much skin removed during scalp-reduction surgery which makes his eyes appear "lifted" and more of his eyelids showing. Does Trump have a twin? Or, maybe it's a clone.
Is the real Trump still alive, indeed? There is the obvious red-tie and blue-tie actors who doubtless are getting paid oodles to do egregiously stupid stunts. NDA's - aren't they just a convenient cover for criminality? The world's a stage and ....etc. We all now know for certain Shakespeare was not who it is claimed to be. In fact, you'd say it was a collective of authors told to push certain interpretations of stories just like the c and I and a do for Hollywood and such like presentations. The same old tactics are getting a bit long in the tooth, and ragged in appearance. Fixing a set of thoughts into ai programs just leads to inevitable entropy. Life is organic. It grows....and often grows strongest when opposed. Long live organic life!
sorry stupids but Immortality wont come through AI or computers it will only come when Jesus Christ comes back and grants us that.... We will put on immortality and in corruption.
not before then sorry your too stupid or you'd know!!!
not the author just the idiot who think they will create this they're in for a rude awakening soon..
Dr. Mihalcea should have Jack Kruse on her show. I wonder if their independent research into light would find any common ground. Also I'd love to hear what he has to say about this technology considering he is a brain surgeon.
The Best Part Of A Psy-Op
Is When They Argue About
Natural Origin vs. Lab Leak.
When Their Wasn’t An Airborne
Pathogen That Even Existed.
Now That’s Gain Of Function.
Yes I agree - especially the nano tech, and poisoning via just general E number chemicals in food and fluoride/chlorine in water and possibly causing the 'rubber' clotting..
However I'm not sure those inputs explain the same type of compounding diseases eg cancer, womb issues, myocarditis, dementia, parkinsons, lymes, lupus to name a few that appear to be related to the bio weapon in both injected and non.
Lets not also forget that many of the anti jab people (that I have talked to) - have kept going to the dentist and having those needles, and also kept taking their other prescriptions from that same mafia too.
The dentist, surgery, allows for them to put implants, test different medications, technology and then act like it's normal or ok tht the person is being tortured while the rest are being paid money, vacations gift cards n more
The dentist, surgery, allows for them to put implants, test different medications, technology and then act like it's normal or ok tht the person is being tortured while the rest are being paid money, vacations gift cards n more
Moron? Are you in preschool - calling people names that most likely apply to yourself?
All I hear is an ego full of cognitive bias topped off with cognitive dissonance, that cant handle that fact it also got played for another narrative.
Shedding is what viruses do and have done well before this time. Does it exist outside of this process? Sure, as the injections gave the disease as well.
However a closed mind can't accept that all these billion dollar many gov funded bio-labs, much of them military themed- have developed a bio-weapon that used 'a cold' as the other delivery device aka needle..
But hey blame other people - in this case the injected, for your own failures to see what was coming. I avoided all narratives and have the live blood analysis to prove it...
In order to protect your own sanity, I implore you to ignore the Rothblat, it is simply not a sane life-form. While it bothers the hell out of me that there might be secret AI and nanotechnology, I don't have enough evidence to hard-core prove it. I think the focus should be on determining what they actually do have and opening the discussion on how it is applied to the public or at least smashing the veil of secrecy currently over it.
Gwendolyn Jones - Nov 10
Gwendolyn’s Substack
I am not adopting or accepting or acclamating my mind to any of this technology. I will not be updating my mind to any mind file as a way of preservation. As fascinating as it all is, I will be fighting this at every stage and at every step. They are taking what was meant to be free and natural and pure and are destroying it. We are human beings. This is the way God intended for things to be. God made us beautiful as we are. There is no improving on what He created. A bit pissed off because we, the people, are being forced into this so-called “new order”. I thank you and appreciate all your work, Dr. Mihalcea.
240Gordie - Nov 11
Yeah, forced by a bunch of psycho freaks. To hell with them. We all need to rise up and fight this. We have nothing to lose.
Andy - Nov 11
How long have we been searching for the Fountain of Youth? Elixirs of life? Longevity pills? The only thing that never dies is the scam.
Aunt Ohm - Nov 10
Aunt Ohm
I would rather love and experience loss with a real human or animal than pretend with a bunch of plastic , wires and silicone....
Lioness3* - Nov 10
You know in the end the evil guys always get it in the kisser and righteousness prevails. Getting my popcorn ready. Hope the good guys win. Outrageously audacious plan. Now, to get the antidote to the nanotech to the masses....and THAT work is ALSO being done in the world. Maybe a reverse-nano-meta-world-poof-code-?????
do wi - Nov 11
These people think they can be like god, creating creature with intelligence,,, but nah, they are dellusional, God creates soul, and they cannot. But they are so full of it, they think they are above human, but actually like animal following its own desires without considering humanity
Bryan kenneth nicosia - Nov 10
Bryan Publication
They are trying to give me my brother's motor skills, also want to force me to be the first pregnant man this evil sick technology n weapons are made from Satan himself
Grasshopper Kaplan - Nov 10
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
I have words to describe markiey mark fuckerberg or is it fuckerbot ? Sick .
But I don't wish to insult squirrels.
The rats feed cats, but they don't want to eat demoRats.
The sheep provide wool. The piggies, food. The possums must even have some positive place in the hovels, so I shall not badmouth the dementor of all Womanity
Claudia - Nov 11
This is truly one of the creepiest, most deleterious technological developments of our time. In my view, it’s not only unnatural but unGodly.
Catherine☦️ - Nov 11
We already ARE immortal.
Our bodies last as long as they are supposed to, and then we return to God.
I died in 1987 - it was amazing. God and I laughed the entire time I was "dead"
I chose to return.
These people are insane. They already are immortal. How sad that they don't intuitively know this.
Side note: Orthodox monastics know what's happening in science. I was speaking to a nun who was concerned that tech would advance to the point that she wouldn't be able to repent.
She knows all of this. I doubt she took the vaxx.
mothman777 - Nov 11 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
But of course, no spirit soul will be inhabiting the computer clone double machine, no matter how many mental simulations of brain activity the clone brain is able to reproduce to deceive.
Anyone thinking they will be able to upload their own soul into a machine at the time of death of their gross physical body is in for a rude surprise, though at least their soul will survive somehow as all souls are eternal and indestructible according to the Bhagavad gita for instance, and the real mercy is that they will have to move on from any such failed attempt into a natural new situation.
Every soul is eternally self-existing, but to maintain meaningful consciousness it requires a conscious relationship with the beginningless and uncreated Godhead from whom it is expanded, and can exist consciously even without a subtle external material body, always being linked to the eternally-indwelling Supersoul God in any situation, whether actually aware of this continuous presence of God or not.
But in this present life in this material world the soul is actually situated and maintained in the subtle body, rather than just in the gross physical body itself, this of course is how astral projection occurs and how awareness outside the gross physical body is preserved, with the subtle astral body even having eyesight.
But I do not think a robot clone will be able to link with and house a subtle material body and maintain a flow of prana necessary to support the existence of a subtle body that any soul would need to relate to a material dimension in such a mechanism, and I cannot see that even a naked soul without a subtle material body will form any bond with such an artificial computer body (or even why it would want to or need to).
A soul in this dimension of perception requires a flow of prana, of which there are 50 types according to Kriya yoga, While still alive however, someone could theoretically astrally project inside such an artificial computerized double and be deceived into thinking that because they still feel alive while experimenting then, that after their death this situation in any cloned artificial robotic body will be able to continue, but I do not think it will, and if it did, it would be a very hellish experience.
During yoga I have experienced fully confirmed astral projection and even after doing yoga the same thing has occurred, and when I was in ICU in induced coma with COVID just over 3 years ago I spent 4 weeks solid out of my body as if reborn in another world, and saw things in the future relating to this present world, even that the veins of people would be filled with long white rubbery clots after getting COVID-jabbed, and this has eventually come to be confirmed, which one can see from the numerous videos of long white rubbery clot specimens extracted during the embalming process of COVID-vaccinated people who have died by John O'Looney.
In that prolonged out of body state with my earthly gross physical body attached to an ECMO unit with tubing surgically inserted into my jugular for blood exchange after nearly snuffing it with 50% blood oxygen, diagnosed as gravely ill, in my OOB travels I even saw banks of brains laid out on flat beds together linked to computer networks by military scientists, which COVID was somehow connected with, and I even entered one of those banks of brains and experienced that some of the brains, but not all of them had souls linked to them and were in the most terrible suffering. Just now I think maybe I was lucky not to have been brain-harvested myself there and then for some hellish Robocop-type experimentation in which I might have ended up imprisoned on one of those brain bed computer interfaces, and perhaps I was actually being sized up for that when I had that experience of my projected consciousness entering one of those beds.
Just a few months ago nearly 3 years later I read that scientists in Switzerland are actually experimenting with (what they claim to be just cultivated and not harvested) human brains that they are trying to harness to computers.
The Freemasonic occult work to create 'bodies of light', or robust subtle bodies much more resilient than mere astral bodies is an endeavour to construct bodily vehicles for the soul in order to become effectively immortal, and some students of the occult have actually accomplished this, and many magicians and yogis and other mystics do this as well, though one does not really need computers to do it.
Kamii Neko - Nov 11
mothman777’s Newsletter
Indeed, the soul, as an eternal and divine essence, cannot be confined to or transferred into an artificial body. Instead, consciousness requires a deeper, spiritual connection and is best cultivated through esoteric practices, not technology.
mothman777 - Nov 12
mothman777’s Newsletter
Yes, a relationship with a discernable, expansive, communally indwelling and surrounding higher spiritual intelligence that one may refer to as the Godhead or Supersoul is required, otherwise any individual soul will remain totally unconscious, exactly as a spark of burning matter drifting out of the flames of a fire loses its brilliance and then only becomes illuminated again once reentering the flames of the fire.
The very nature of the infinite expanse is causeless, beginningless, uncreated pure consciousness, this can be perceived and experienced behind the superficial scenes of all material manifestation directly during yoga practice. That there are many individual consciousnesses and the existence of a spiritual Principal or Godhead Supersoul can be directly perceived.
This means that there has never been a point where consciousness evolved or 'came into being', it means that there never was any original empty void or nothingness, the ultimate reality is that infinity itself in the highest spiritual dimension is and always has been nothing but pure consciousness, teeming with a community of an infinite number of living souls.
From the perspective of consideration from any purely material scientific point of view, any proposition of a beginningless, entirely conscious and naturally existing spiritual infinity is impossible, but the understanding of this spiritual reality as being what is actually natural is entirely obvious when perceived from the spiritual perspective while immersed in that state during yoga.
All individual souls are eternally connected with and expanded from this Supersoul, and whatever we perceive around us in any dimension that the Supersoul manifests around us in any spiritual, subtle material or gross material dimension is entirely the direct product of the mind and substance of that Supersoul in one way or another.
If the Supersoul wishes, according to the Bhagavad gita and Sri Brahma-samhita for instance, He can make any external reality apparent to any soul, and He can make Himself entirely non-apparent to any soul, and any reality projected by that Supersoul can then also be made entirely non-apparent, so that the soul then perceives not only nothing around it, it does not perceive any surroundings at all, not even an empty void, but nothing, and the Supersoul can render an individual soul entirely unconscious even of the inner measure of its own soul, it remains totally unaware until revived by God who dwells eternally within all souls as their Supersoul.
The totally Jewish-based NWO desire to diverge from the expanse offered by the real spiritual Principal or Godhead Supersoul will end precisely nowhere for themselves, they very evidently have never sincerely done any yoga or any equivalent genuine spiritual practice by any other name.
This usurping collective seeking to break away from God and establish their own alternative reality do not properly understand the spirit-based multidimensional structural nature of reality around them, and that by rejecting the real God, if they fully succeed, they will actually then concomitantly also be rejecting any further perception of matter on any level outside the spatial measure of their own souls.
By totally challenging and rejecting the existing infinite Godhead, they will not then be able to perceive any majestic expanse through the stars in this material dimension or in any other, as He alone is the measure of not only the infinite spiritual expanse but also of all material dimensions and the substance of the material sense organs and brains in each dimension affording perception of those dimensions.
Those behind the WEF and UN and Noahide Laws are all part of the same invading anti-human soul group, they utterly reject and ignore God, even declaring themselves as their own 'god' over all other beings, and violently seize resources from victim Gentiles in this dimension while actually torturing them in physical, mental, psychic and spiritual terms.
The ability of the selfish and criminal terrorist NWO perpetrators to then maintain any further measure of consciousness at all without the real indwelling Supersoul Godhead continuing to grant that is extremely doubtful.
Their continued presence in this role is only being afforded to them because God wishes for a play of light and dark, of dharma and adharma to take place to educate us all and usher us all back towards the spiritual dimension.
Though it is very evident that some souls like those behind the WEF, UN and Noahide Laws will very aggressively and criminally choose to continue indefinitely to refuse to allow themselves to be guided by God for a very long time indeed.
But if God did not wish to present such a challenge to us to encourage us all to more rapidly develop a higher spiritual will suitable to function alongside His own in the highest spiritual dimension after this life, He would simply be holding these violently antisocial predatory parasite souls relatively or totally inert even in a petri dish environment till their nastiness sufficiently abates or ceases altogether.
In order for any of us to survive, and for any of our species to survive, the will to challenge what is happening on physical and on multidimensional occult levels is also required.
We can see these offenders are already floundering and unable to deal with actual reality by their desperate attempts to bend reality to suit their own perverted preferences by adrenochrome-drinking after the ritual blood sacrifice of young children involving the feeding on the youthful pranic essence of young Gentile children.
The criminal souls drinking blood and taking prana from innocent young children through black magic occult practice remain artificially youthful as so many Jewish and crypto-Jewish Hollywood stars and politicians of all colours are visibly able to do.
By their similarly obscene black magic kapparot blood sacrifice rituals the invading lower-dimensional Jews literally transfer their own bad karma every year onto innocent other souls like chickens or even kidnapped Gentile human children who are ritually tortured and sacrificed in order to make their victim souls open to the transfer of energetic karmic links which are grafted onto the victim's subtle energy bodies even today, so that these other souls will then have to suffer the bad karma of the Jews in their stead in their own future lives.
But we can see where the real criminals are headed already by the fact that they are so desperately clutching at straws like this, as they are evidently so totally reliant on seizing energy by all kinds of criminal means to remain alive exactly like undead vampires.
The consciousness of these criminals behind the Jewish criminal terrorist pseudo-religion with its Noahide Laws based on the Torah is not expanding, it is dying as long as they maintain such a hateful, selfish and cruel path of seizing life force from all others and challenging God and all others in hate-filled insane anger.
Even if we Gentiles end up getting killed by them by one means or another, if we maintain good spiritual understanding our future lives will be situated by God's arrangement in higher dimensions, though physical action along with this understanding wherever possible is more suitable to keep the world free from these violent predators so that future generations of Gentiles will then be able to continue to incarnate here to study spiritually.
Kamii Neko - Nov 12
Thank you for sharing such profound insights, mothman777! I couldn’t agree more. We are indeed witnessing the end of the Canaanite era, as the astrological shift from the age of Pisces, marked by a dark and heavy patriarchy, to the light, feminine age of Aquarius transforms our reality. This shift brings new energy that will only resonate with those attuned to higher consciousness.
A large part of the population consists of "NPCs," or what some refer to as backdrop people or bio-bots... individuals whose purpose aligns with following and maintaining the status quo. These are beings without an active connection to source, making it impossible for them to awaken to spiritual truths. In contrast, those with an awakened pineal gland can access source directly and hold the capacity to embody this new consciousness. It is truly their time to go, along with the Canaanite cabal, as we prepare to step into a world of higher vibrations.
The obsession the cabal has with transhumanism is a clear indication of their fear. Because they cannot perceive or connect to the infinite spiritual reality we know to be our true essence, they try to control and distort consciousness through material science. For them, the end of this lifetime means oblivion, and they know it, which is why their desperation is so palpable. What we’re witnessing is the last gasp of a dying paradigm.
It’s up to us, as you said, to hold steadfast in our connection to the Supersoul and keep building the spiritual dimension here. Thank you for inspiring us to stay rooted in the truth. Together, we are creating a new reality!
Eccentrik - Nov 10 - Edited
Eccentrik’s Substack
I wrote a satire piece about Trump being a clone (well, more specifically, an 'organic robotoid')...https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/trump-did-not-win
I don't believe he is, but I certainly believe clones have been used for people in positions of power...
But I guess that makes one a cOnSpiRaCy ThEoRiSt
carri lacy - Nov 11
Eccentrik’s Substack
Well, there are two Trumps. One of them looks like he had too much skin removed during scalp-reduction surgery which makes his eyes appear "lifted" and more of his eyelids showing. Does Trump have a twin? Or, maybe it's a clone.
Eccentrik - Nov 11
Eccentrik’s Substack
given all the assassination attempts, they may want to fire up some more clones! :p
Mog - Nov 12
Is the real Trump still alive, indeed? There is the obvious red-tie and blue-tie actors who doubtless are getting paid oodles to do egregiously stupid stunts. NDA's - aren't they just a convenient cover for criminality? The world's a stage and ....etc. We all now know for certain Shakespeare was not who it is claimed to be. In fact, you'd say it was a collective of authors told to push certain interpretations of stories just like the c and I and a do for Hollywood and such like presentations. The same old tactics are getting a bit long in the tooth, and ragged in appearance. Fixing a set of thoughts into ai programs just leads to inevitable entropy. Life is organic. It grows....and often grows strongest when opposed. Long live organic life!
Eccentrik - Nov 12
Eccentrik’s Substack
one day they'll be able to run candidates who are entirely AI-generated, and the public won't know the difference :/
Doug - Nov 11
Doug’s Substack
sorry stupids but Immortality wont come through AI or computers it will only come when Jesus Christ comes back and grants us that.... We will put on immortality and in corruption.
not before then sorry your too stupid or you'd know!!!
not the author just the idiot who think they will create this they're in for a rude awakening soon..
Anon - Nov 11
Dr. Mihalcea should have Jack Kruse on her show. I wonder if their independent research into light would find any common ground. Also I'd love to hear what he has to say about this technology considering he is a brain surgeon.
Adriana - Nov 11
Oh, wow, this was so interesting.
Thomas Lewis - Nov 10
Useless Liberal
The Best Part Of A Psy-Op
Is When They Argue About
Natural Origin vs. Lab Leak.
When Their Wasn’t An Airborne
Pathogen That Even Existed.
Now That’s Gain Of Function.
Kamii Neko - Nov 11
Bryan Publication
Then how did uninjected get dirty blood?
Bryan kenneth nicosia - Nov 11
Bryan Publication
Food, water, cheese,sugar, they are vaccinating food and poisoning water supplies
Kamii Neko - Nov 11
Bryan Publication
Yes I agree - especially the nano tech, and poisoning via just general E number chemicals in food and fluoride/chlorine in water and possibly causing the 'rubber' clotting..
However I'm not sure those inputs explain the same type of compounding diseases eg cancer, womb issues, myocarditis, dementia, parkinsons, lymes, lupus to name a few that appear to be related to the bio weapon in both injected and non.
Lets not also forget that many of the anti jab people (that I have talked to) - have kept going to the dentist and having those needles, and also kept taking their other prescriptions from that same mafia too.
Bryan kenneth nicosia - Nov 14
Bryan Publication
The dentist, surgery, allows for them to put implants, test different medications, technology and then act like it's normal or ok tht the person is being tortured while the rest are being paid money, vacations gift cards n more
Bryan kenneth nicosia - Nov 14
Bryan Publication
The dentist, surgery, allows for them to put implants, test different medications, technology and then act like it's normal or ok tht the person is being tortured while the rest are being paid money, vacations gift cards n more
Thomas Lewis - Nov 11
Useless Liberal
From shedding from the injected, you moron. And I say that kindly.
Kamii Neko - Nov 11
Moron? Are you in preschool - calling people names that most likely apply to yourself?
All I hear is an ego full of cognitive bias topped off with cognitive dissonance, that cant handle that fact it also got played for another narrative.
Shedding is what viruses do and have done well before this time. Does it exist outside of this process? Sure, as the injections gave the disease as well.
However a closed mind can't accept that all these billion dollar many gov funded bio-labs, much of them military themed- have developed a bio-weapon that used 'a cold' as the other delivery device aka needle..
But hey blame other people - in this case the injected, for your own failures to see what was coming. I avoided all narratives and have the live blood analysis to prove it...
John Wells - Nov 16
Thank you for this wonderful essay and links, bringing to light areas not thought of. Will definitely have to go back through it again!
Alan Grimes - Nov 13
In order to protect your own sanity, I implore you to ignore the Rothblat, it is simply not a sane life-form. While it bothers the hell out of me that there might be secret AI and nanotechnology, I don't have enough evidence to hard-core prove it. I think the focus should be on determining what they actually do have and opening the discussion on how it is applied to the public or at least smashing the veil of secrecy currently over it.
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