CIA Whistleblower Reveals Biden Admin Covered…

Dec 31, 2024

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I wanted to share this important article - about a former CIA Agent who became a Targeted Individual.


LAE - Dec 31 - Edited


5G towers everywhere…nano bots, smart dust, blinking lights inside human 🩸…. Are we doomed?


Be Concerned - Dec 31 - Edited


Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse. EDTA & Vit C, via IV if you have that nearby -- I don't. Even Laura-Lynn Taylor, Canadian journalist, said the other day that she had the blinking lights in her blood. Never vaxxed. These people are pure evil, who are behind all this.


Stephan - Dec 31


We are all infected! The blinking lights are quantum dots!


Be Concerned - Jan 4

That is very true. But Dr. Ana & also the Healing For The A.G.E.S. doctors (Drs Ardis, Group, Ealy, Schmidt) are learning what degrades this self-assembling nanotech. They are teaching us how to cleanse our bodies. Will have to cleanse ongoing, as long as this continues to get into our bodies via chemtrails/geoengineering, our water & food supplies, animals, etc.


joe stuerzl 85 - Dec 31 - Edited

joe’s Substack

I asked a pharmacist to sell me EDTA and he said he can't do that ,it is not allowed in Canada . It means it would get in the way of our extermination .


LAE - Jan 1 - Edited

joe’s Substack

We buy it online. You can get caplets or liquid.


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 4 - Edited

joe’s Substack

Since I only use cash and have no credit cards ,I can't buy anything online .


Be Concerned - Jan 5 - Edited

Can't you buy a gift card or cash card in Canada, at stores, then use that online? Or perhaps link PayPal to your checking or savings account, & use PayPal for the purchase, then delete the PayPal account if you don't want to keep it linked to your account?


Be Concerned - Jan 5

joe’s Substack

Sorry, took a few days to get this info for you, but you can buy the BEST EDTA, that Drs Ardis & Group formulated, from David Wolfe & he ships to Canada! Go
Also, to see a great video of that specific formulation, & why it's THE best, go to this site & watch the video of Dr. Ardis:


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 5

joe’s Substack

Thank you for that tip and info ,I will follow up on it .


LAE - Jan 1 - Edited

Gecko Pico's Special Brew

I do those 2 orally on a weekly basis. Not sure if it is helping. Oral route goes through several passes in the digestive system. No one near me does the IV therapy.


Be Concerned - Jan 4 - Edited

Dr. Group, on theglobalhealing.comwebsite, has a Foreign Protein Cleanse, Heavy Metal Cleanse, etc. Check out his products. I trust them 100%!! Also has a great Liver Cleanse. He keeps saying that our livers are being bombarded by this stuff -- that's our filter, so we need to continue cleansing it!! I also did a liver cleanse for a few days, recently, with QuickSilver Scientific's Push Catch cleanse. Was easy to do. Am currently doing a parasite cleanse, but will do another Push Catch cleanse when done.


LAE - Jan 4

I follow the Healing for the AGES group and have taken some of their classes/conferences and watched the Masterclasses online. Thanks for that. I do buy Global Healing EDTA. dr. Group and Dr. Ealy are a few of my fav’s.


Gecko Pico - Jan 22

Gecko Pico's Special Brew

I saw a great article on using sublingual EDTA as an alternative to IV recently..
It actually results in absorbsion of about 60% compared to 15-18% orally...
"You take 1 gram for every 32Kg of body weight sublingually (under the tongue) once a day for 7 days to 1 month. Please see the following excellent article for details of using sublingual EDTA:
Using EDTA Sublingually for chelation of heavy metals and dissolution of nano tech.
I'm not sure about the dose for maintenance...


Gecko Pico - Jan 22

Gecko Pico's Special Brew

I saw a great article on using sublingual EDTA as an alternative to IV recently..
here it is!
"If you take 1 gram for every 32Kg of body weight sublingually (under the tongue) once a day for 7 to 1 month. Please see the following excellent article for details of using sublingual EDTA:
Using EDTA Sublingually for chelation of heavy metals and dissolution of nano tech."


Afira Memon - Jan 13

...and arrest and nurmeberg the bastards doing this...


Robert Sun - Dec 31

Robert Sun

AMERICA ALSO HAS DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS!,procedures%20to%20acquire%20and%20deploy,procedures%20to%20acquire%20and%20deploy


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 31


And HAARP which is now multiple units and mobile which also includes the
National NEXRAD/Doppler Systems having the capacity to be activated from a central location.


Edward - Dec 31

The only time anything will be done is when it comes for everyone. Unfortunately, it will be too late at that point.


EK MtnTime - Dec 31

EK MtnTime

I do believe this woman was attacked by a directed energy weapon and suffers as she described. However, I do NOT believe this was the work of Russia. This sounds very much like our own CIA. After all we have learned in these last five years about the atrocities committed our own government and have been committing for decades, the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative is supremely worn out as a scapegoat. Is it possible it was Russia? Certainly and I won’t debate it yet for me, this is deep state machinations. I also don’t try to ascertain reasons or motives as I stopped looking for those when I learned about the Plandemic democide.


Liberty Liz - Jan 1

Liberty Liz

Exactly. The REAL gaslighting here (as usual) is who the guilty psych0 culprit is. It's ALWAYS the same dark-money, out-of-control, demonic U S entities (run by the "globalist" psychopaths) who rampantly commit their evil globally and then "blame" everyone else for their dastardly deeds. This script is old and tired. The U S is, and always will be, the culprit. Given that "elected" g0vt "officials" (including the figurehead pretend "presidents") have zero control over ANY of these operations or agencies, nothing will change unless every single one of these (unconstitutional) agencies are relegated to the dust bin of history and the puppetmasters behind the curtain controlling the strings of these nefarious shadow g0vt agencies are permanently deleted.


michael poulin - Dec 31

michael poulin

Our tax dollars......


Sandra Mc - Dec 31


They just spend, spend, spend!
And don’t ask permission or give accounting for the spending. Gov’t would NEVER allow us to be so reckless with “our own money”


kaal - Dec 31


unlimited budget to target ppl w electronic warfare torture gangstalk trap them. and to covertly surveil harass gangstalk whistle blowers truth tellers activists dissidents- book by Cathy Meadows on amazon- surviving and thriving as a ti covert surveillance harassment gang stalking- members of community hired 2 turn against a person who may b lied about. such evil.


Daniel Parks - Dec 31

Daniel Parks

The truth comes out late, but at least it comes out...


AJR - Dec 31


This i where the “mRNA” meets “Big-Tech!” Both are required for complete “Cognitive Take-Over!”
Two technologies working in “UNISON!”
Humanity will never be the same! The “Globalist” now have 5.5 Billion People Worldwide, injected with at least one dose of mRNA!
Remember, there’s more than
“55 Undeclared Chemicals” recently peer reviewed found in these “Bioweapon Injects.”
Hmmm I wonder what could go wrong? 55 undeclared chemicals? Hmm again!
More than half the world population is now a potential “Cyborg / Transhumanist!” Which is why I’m concerned about Trump / Vance / Elon! All are very much involved in “Big-Tech” vaccine development, etc.
I pray I’m wrong.
Literally, people will be / are already being controlled, via mRNA and Direct Energy Weapon technologies. This is a “Slow-Process” as time evolves “SUBJECTS” will not notice anything happening to their minds.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!


crapshoot farmer - Dec 31

crapshoot farmer

Why is our government at war with us?
Why is it happening in almost every country on Earth?
It’s not new.
From June 6 to June 10, 1966, the US Army conducted biological warfare tests in the New York subway system. Trillions of bacillus subtilis variant niger germs were released into the subway system during peak travel hours.(UFO’s And The National Security State, R.M. Dolan, pg.
Whistleblowers and scientists are being randomly murdered around the world.
Is the goal to eliminate most or all the world’s population?
At times it seems they want to destroy our free will and other times it seems they’re bent on killing all of us. There’s evidence that the Defense Dept. created the ‘vaccines’, not the pharma companies.
In the book, “Walking Among Us, The Alien Plan to Control Humanity” by David M. Jacobs, the alien intent is control of humanity. This book, written in 2015, could have been written this year, it is that up to date and concise.
In 1954 Pres. Eisenhower signed the Greada Treaty with aliens, the greys. He agreed to allow aliens to harvest humans and animals for research but insisted on the aliens wiping the memories of those abducted in exchange for technology. Remember that part.
Then it was found the aliens were abducting far more humans than they agreed to.
Where does that leave us today?
How does a human brain come up with the knowledge to create a microchip or nano robot 1,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair? And atom sized graphene?
Remember that alien tech trade off?
The billionaires and the elite don’t want to die. They think their money and power gives them the right to live forever.
Aliens to them: “We cannot keep your bodies alive forever but we can give you eternal life by preserving your mind and consciousness forever.”
Them: “Ok, what do you want us to do?”
Aliens: “Reduce your planet’s population to 500,000 (Georgia Guidestones) and you can live out your physical lives using them as slaves via mind control.”.
[Or] “Kill off your planet’s population because we intend to mine it for it’s resources. It will resemble the moon or Mars when we are finished.”
[Or] “We like your planet and we’re going to live here.


Bee Gee - Jan 2

Bee Gee

And the shedding from the jabs causes effects outside our conventional understanding of physics on planet earth, ie, the 'magnetism-like phenomenon'.
So theres That.


AJR - Dec 31


“Is the goal to eliminate most or all the world’s population?”
I believe so crapshoot farmer, I believe it is exactly what the “Globalist-Agenda” is. Something not to many people mention is, why were the “Georgia Guide Stones” destroyed? They were completely destroyed and the area cleaned up in less than two weeks.
I believe because the Guide Stones last or close to the last line mentioned
“500 Million People Limit” worldwide population for earth to survive.
As crazy as this sounds, it’s not so crazy compared to so many other “Lunatic-Leftist” ideologies.
So where do we go from here? I keep digging deeper hoping something or some group of someone’s realizes what’s going on. I do believe many people are still in the “DARK.”
Thank you crapshoot farmer for your thoughts and insights. We must continue trying to help each other learn from and inform others as we sort through this deliberate ongoing attack against humanity.


michael janket - Dec 31

michael janket

Read about Elon Musk's political beliefs. Here's a guy who popped up like a mushroom after a summer rain. Relatively speaking, all of a sudden he's the richest man on the planet. Something very quixotic about this operative, don't go falling in love with this guy who's supposedly had many kids with many women. I followed this Katherine Horton situation going back 5 years or so, initially had a tough time believing. What does she know that is taboo?


AJR - Dec 31


I’m quite certain michael there’s more than meets the eye with the entire “Trump / Vance / Musk / RDKJr.” Election debacle than most Americans will ever see.
Something isn’t quite right when one political party “Harris / Waltz” are the best on the left? No no no! We have been and we are still being played!
Manipulation seems so easy today. Certainly for those who believe every word out of the mouth of politicians / state controlled MSM / and of course the “Experts!”
Where all this is going I have my thoughts. Each day, a couple more dots connect. Each day it seems we’re inching closer to something much bigger than half of America would ever think about.
I hold no faith in any of these people. Maybe because I’ve always questioned everything my entire life? Or maybe it’s because so much has been “Done to Us, Not for Us” that I come to realize,
“everything is always what it appears to be.”
Thank you michael. We must continue to think “outside the proverbial box.” For pissing on me and telling me it’s raining, may work for some, but only those who allow themselves to lead astray.
The rest of us know,
“It’s Not Raining!”


bluearea - Dec 31


Stay the course, many are watching with not only eyes but ears and most of all instincts that their evil to the highest degree, some are awake and some are holding back, evil always gets the worse in the end and God doesn't need to tell me that


AJR - Dec 31


Absolutely I am “Staying the course” bluearea. One thing is certain, I have never given up on my convictions. This is one of those convictions.
Thank you bluearea. Ultimately, God is and will always be
“Our Creator and Savior” regardless what the
“Evil-Followers” believe or do to us / me.
Thanks again bluearea.


AJR - Dec 31


Honestly michael, the way I see things, the world was attacked with a “Weapon of Mass Destruction” which is exactly what has happened with this “Covid-Attack!”
Has anyone been arrested / charged / or have we heard anyone, so much as say
“do not take another SHOT?”
Simple answer is NO! I know this is the biggest peacetime attack ever in human history!
Yet not a peep from anyone with clout.
Nearly 1.2 million Americans have been slaughtered! Murdered by this “Bioweapon Attack,” and all we hear is “Trump WON!” AYKM?
Worldwide, upwards of 50 million people have been murdered by these shots! Again, NOT A SINGLE PEEP!
SILENCE is so Damn Loud, I can’t scream loud enough anymore!
This is why I do not TRUST ANYONE ANYMORE! We are as I said in my last reply, “We Are Being Played!”
I wanted to make sure I included the real reason why NOBODY should trust a damn word! Not until this “Atrocious & Most Deadly Attack” and the attackers are brought to JUSTICE!
Don’t hold your breath! It ain’t going to happen or it would have happened already!
Thanks again michael.


michael janket - Dec 31

michael janket

You feel as I feel, AJR. My state government (CT) did absolutely nothing when the Covid scam came along. I observed and then wrote letters to the Gov. and his health commando. All to no effect, nada, zip, zero. Ironic in that our health commissioner was an active Yale professor of medicine who was trained to be objective as well as truthful. She turned into a rabid supporter of the untested vaccines, figure that one out. It is blatantly obvious our governor, like most/all other governors went along with this insane edict that popped up surreptitiously. All of a sudden, it was balls to the wall in support for the vaccines and our state medical school said NOTHING to stop the avalanche of coercions that must have taken root prior to the introduction of the vaccines. People had to be forewarned of consequences to their jobs unless they towed the mark. How can anybody not readily admit these people were subject to various force vectors that made them turn around and become peculiar supporters of the bioweapons? Our state government was inert on the same issues, you'd at least think there were some legitimate pols that would see the light but such was apparently not the case. To this day, there is no repentance for what has transpired and we don't see adequately analyzed health summations that show us truthfully how damaging the vaccines were/are. Look at how the nation of Japan succumbed to the whims of a few very powerful death brokers and got involved with the replicon vaccines, a real threat to humanity and the end of Japan. One thing I do not understand- how is Bill Gates still alive? I would have guessed he'd be at ground temperature after what he's done so far.


Chelie - Dec 31


I believe Musk is controlled opposition.


Liberty Liz - Jan 1

Liberty Liz

Musk is flat-out evil. Period. Always has been, always will be. Given that he became the richest person on the planet via "contracts" with the U S g0vt tells you all you need to know. What's he REALLY in control of, and who's he REALLY working with/for? There's SO much more to the whole Baphomet Boy Musk, Vance, Vivek, etc story, most people would crap a brick if they knew.


Geoffrey Newton - Dec 31

Geoffrey’s Newsletter

Wonder if Musk has been taken over? Would he even know?


AJR - Dec 31


Great question Geoffrey. I’m sure to some degree, there’s elements within the “Globalist-Agenda” which Musk may have interest in without knowing the “truth” of the end game.
I’m not sure why nobody has spoken out against these “Bioweapon Injections?” I have heard every excuse possible, which none sit well with me.
Thank you Geoffrey for your input. Time will tell where the “Drones-Orbs” land.


Geoffrey Newton - Dec 31

Geoffrey’s Newsletter

Nuralink is Transhumanism by any other name, and reshoring the 4th Industrial Revolution into an automated Uyghurs surveillance state, is the globalists dream. Only problem is China, with a monopoly on rare earth metals, which means war.


AJR - Dec 31


Yes and it’s no coincidence that Elon Musk joined the Trump / Vance / RFK Jr. team of? Team of I honestly don’t know at the moment.
What I do know is, Trump is, in political terms, the best salesman, Musk is, in political terms, needing fast approvals for advance testing / implanted tests and Vance, also in political terms has huge connections to the “BioLab-Industries.”
Put it all together and what do we get? Transhumanism / Cyborg Combinations of such. Which is why I believe these “Bioweapon Injects” were mandated through a made up “Covid-Attack!”
Something far more dangerous is heading towards humanity. 17 million people dead worldwide wasn’t enough! 1.2 million dead in America since “Injections” started wasn’t enough.
This is how, the “Globalist” will seize world power over the remaining masses. There’s no other explanation I can think of. Covid-Fraud wasn’t about healthcare, chem-trails aren’t about healthcare, weather modifications aren’t about healthcare. Absolutely nothing about healthcare has been front and center these past few years, has it?
Thank you Geoffrey for your thoughtful response. We must keep fighting against whatever is thrown at us.


Bruce Hartnett - Jan 2

Bruce Hartnett

Ramaswamy & Vance's wife are 1st Cousins. And they were all at Yale at the same time.


AJR - Jan 2


I did not know this Bruce, thank you for sharing it.
Sometimes things simply don’t make sense. This election cycle has been one of these times, possibly in such a way, most people haven’t even thought about it.
Some of the psyops are those when people haven’t any idea they’re being played.
Thank you again Bruce. Dots continue to connect / intersect and overlap, sometimes all at once.


Sharing and Caring - Dec 31

Sharing and Caring

I have been praying that I am wrong too, but it is all written out in black and white., for those that want to see. Not looking forward to 2025. Just finished wathching this. It just keeps getting worst by the day.
How many people know what WBAN stands for?
DoD Directive – September 27, 2024
Sabrina Wallace: Military Lethal Force DoD 5240.01 and 3000.09….What is Really Going On?


AJR - Dec 31


I’m in complete agreement with you “sharing and Caring” There’s a reason why they wanted kids to get these “Bioweapon Injects.”
I’m certain the level of compliance has exceeded the “DoD’s” planned “& executed attack code name “Covid!”
With limited time I have dug into nanotechnology and associated technologies.
Humanity is be transformed. By “hook or by crook” they, meaning the “Globalist” literally have everything covered! Except our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
With all the detoxification supplements etc. how long can people truly survive against a never ending supply of evildoers?
My faith has always been in God. The evilness of mankind have continued escalating to the point where we are now.
And certainly they are not going to stop! This is a battle between “Good vs Evil!”
Thank you for sharing this most important information “Sharing and Caring.” I appreciate you help.


Sharing and Caring - Dec 31

Sharing and Caring

Thanks AJR, appreciate you too, nice to connect with like minded with souls.


AJR - Dec 31


You’re welcome. I agree, like minded people obviously understand and or if we don’t know something we can try and figure it out together.
Unfortunately half of the American population cannot see past their nose even with their “Super-Human-Phobia-Emitting-Optics.”
Which shuns our chances for meaningful conversation with the superior “Super-Human” intellects.
We’re stuck with like minded
“Sharing and Caring” folks like yourself.
Thanks again.


nobody's - Dec 31


I can't listen to Sabrina. She has no solutions and she is attacking people who are trying to fight. Is Karen Kingston trying to make money off of us? No, so why does she attack her?


Bee Gee - Jan 2

Bee Gee

She is very annoying and doesnt know half the things she pretends she does. Anyone can find most of those studies on their own if they just Look, plus she has no solutions, just whining.
Shut Up, you didnt tell me shit and you dont seem to know half the things I do.


Sharing and Caring - Dec 31

Sharing and Caring

This was the first time listening to Sabrina. I did't hear the part about Karen, but did see her point out an interview with Dr. Ardis and Dr, Ealy by Mike Adams. Have got to listen to that and see where she is coming from. We really have to measure all angles, and use discreet disernment with this whole evil psyop.


Kyle Young - Dec 31

the secular heretic

5G is the most commonly used DEW because it can target your cell phone or any other device emitting a MAC address. That would include those who got the jabs and are now emitting MAC addresses from the self assembling nanotech in them.


Karen - Dec 31

Dr. Ana…directed energy was used against the people of Lahaina !!! So many examples of it with others sharing. Our government is so corrupt along with people like Bill Gates!! Gates is personally responsible for poisoning people around the world and is still to this day doing it. He has hired NGO’s to pilot the planes to spray our skies with poison everywhere around the world. Some of these pilots make more than money than the pilot for Air Force One!! I’m sure you are more than aware of all of this from all your wonderful research. Wishing you a beautiful New Year filled with good news, great health, and much happiness!! You are truly a blessing to the world🙏🏻


Adrian - Dec 31


The soulution is this👉that the 14th Amendment was never ratified, in truth it doesnt exist...when this truth becomes widespread, and revisited again like it was in 1967 by congress...all the three letter unconstitutional agencies are done...including the See Eye A(i). Review this here


ICN News - Dec 31

International Citizen Network

this is happening to EVERYBODY since 50 years


Nicklas Kolman - Dec 31

Nicklas’s Substack

Does anyone know if Dr. Ana has commented on sodium citrate, compared to Ca EDTA and vitC? I think Karl C claimed that sodium citrate could enter the brain and clean it, while Ca EDTA could not


Bee Gee - Jan 2

Bee Gee

He did say that and I like him well enough but he is wrong.
I just dont want to argue with him in his comments plus he doesnt listen to shit anyway.
They Both do, as does most of the other things I take, which is part of why I take them.


Nicklas Kolman - Jan 3

Nicklas’s Substack

Ok, yes, it's definitely proven that EDTA can get into the brain, particularly if you also consider this article (using labeling):
What do you also take, apart from Ca EDTA and sodium citrate, that you consider to be the most important for both protection against nanotech and the maintenance of optimal lifeforce?
I also take shilajit because of interesting studies on it, and because Dr. Ana claims that it can help remove graphene, as well as Lugol's iodine plus a number of synergistic nutrients (vitC, B2, B3, magnesium, selenium).
Dr. Ana also recommends a combination of lemon, grapefruit and cinnamon essential oil for the elimination of plastics, but I'm wondering if natural turpentine would be more effective.


Bee Gee - Jan 3

Bee Gee

During my EDTA fast, I also take ALA, NAC, the Sodium Citrate, glutathione, malic acid, Vitamin D&E and bromelain.
Bromelain does many many things, breaks down proteins and gets into closed organ systems like nothing else can, on and on. Fresh Pineapple has Much Much more than pills though, if you just peel and quarter it then cut it into chunks, then chew up each chunk, swallow the juice and spit out the pulp, you can get a Ton of bromelain in your system without all that fiber screwing up your gut like if you eat it.
Vitamin C as ascorbic crystals works best for C, you cant drink enough fresh orange juice to get enough C as needed and most C pills have other things in them that bind with EDTA. Everybody thinks they are better though, even though they are not for our purposes.
ALA is naturally in hempseed oil pills, another chelator with plenty of research to suggest it Does cross the BBB. Natural and easy to ramp up to fairly high doses with no issues for most people.
Vitamin D, NAC, glutathione, yadda yadda, if people dont know about them they can look them up.
Malic Acid and Vitamin E are listed as alternate exemplary antioxidants and chelators in the Moderna patent... God I hate Substack.
They keep making all these fucking UI changes to break things intentionally, I cant even use it on my phone anymore, probably trying to force people to use their shit app where they can better track people or shoot optigenetic lasers into your eyes or something.
Even trying to use this shit site on web browser barely works, it keeps text shifting to discourage long comments so I wonder if they aren't about to turn off this limited hangout. EDTA and C works better than anything else though so my goal is to build on it.
Well... I Am building on it ; )
In any case, good luck to you, and Fuck You Substack.


Nicklas Kolman - Jan 8

Nicklas’s Substack

I've been using some capsules that had 400 mg Ca EDTA and 2000 mg malic acid in a daily dosage of 4 capsules, and it feels like taking it lifts my energy. I'll try to fill capsules myself with that combo, and I'll also try a variety of methods, such as liposomal (I think you replied to that as well - thanks), and I also found a recipe for doing Ca EDTA enemas.
My mother did a live blood analysis, and surprisingly she had no visible contamination of her blood - I'll also get that analysis soon.
And I've also read good things about bromelain/pineapple, I'll play around with that as well.


Nurse_SCIENCE - Jan 7

nurse_SCIENCE's Newsletter

I love your candor! 😂


Shawn Rhoades - Dec 31

Shawn Rhoades

Count it all joy when you are persecuted for your reward is great in Heaven.


Shawn Rhoades - Dec 31

Shawn Rhoades

I’ve been targeted since 95. Still deal with Gangstalking as a Truck Driver


Isobel - Jan 1

I’m so sorry. Please stay strong. It sounds like there are so many people suffering but not believed by others.


Robert Sun - Dec 31

Robert Sun



Stephan - Dec 31


SLAVE WORLD full of satan's sons and daughters doing his evil deeds done dirt cheap! This is never ending.



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