What work?
"As I specialize in the treatment of C19 vaccine injury to the unvaccinated from shedding - my clinical practice is unique in allowing me to discuss the phenomenon of C19 vaccine shedding. Since I have personally been injured by the bioweapon when it was initially deployed as a “virus” ( aka aeroslized self assembly nanotechnology), I share with people the methods that have saved my own life and kept me functional. I take my own medicine, in the truest sense of the word."
Really? There is ZERO evidence of any "bioweapons" or "shedding". (Which is supposedly our cells making tons of dangerous "spike proteins" that can somehow fly away from our body and get into someone's body and wreak havoc). "Bioweapons" and "shedding" are just more false narratives to try and prevent people from understanding the ultimate hidden truth: There is no such thing as contagious disease and "viruses" do NOT exist. They do not exist in nature and they do certainly not exist in "gain of function" laboratories either. It's all a scam.
I broke down the latest "spike protein scientific paper" in a recent Boostershots article. Many of the anti-vax germ pushers on Substack were clapping like trained seals when this Italian spike protein "study" was first published last December...but then they all went dead silent as if the paper no longer exists...why is that?
There's no such thing as a "virus", just as there is no such thing as "viral spike proteins" which can be "shed".
Is this a serious comment? "There is no evidence of bioweapons or shedding?" Have you lived under a rock for the last 4 years? Whether you ascribe to the theory behind virology or not does not matter. I agree that there is no COVID-19 "virus." The injections (bioweapons) were contagious. The contagious injection components have been added to the PCR swabs, the surgical masks, the food supply, all injectables, nebulizer drugs, the tap water, bottled drinks, and is being sprayed in the air via chemtrail smart dust, hence its in the rain water as well. No, there wasn't a live virus used to make the injections, so the traditional definition of "shedding," doesn't apply. However, most do not understand all of the psyops involved here, so it's silly to mince words when what is intended by those words is still true. The injections are contagious and transfer to people who were not injected. That's what most of us mean when we talk about bioweapon shedding.
I think I agree with most of what you and Boostershots say but this is the way I see it. These injections they refer to as vaccines are Chemical Weapons, there's nothing biological in them and that the RNA is synthetic thus there's absolutely no mRNA that can create the fictional Spike Proteins. Virus do not exit but only Poisons which some are passed off as viruses. The transmission in my opinion is caused by EMF frequencies, Graphene in it's reduced from is magnetic and conducts heat. Reduced Graphene causes the cells to clump and as they die on mass they start to Spike which is obviously an OUT-Fection and this spiking binds together to cause these white Rubbery clots. Hydrogel is a solvent that's designed to help the body evade the toxins for as long as possible, an incutif you will.
Brighton is Mike Adams who I refer to as Controlled Opposition. Adams mate is Alex Jonestein who is also controlled opposition. Billionaire Ted Turner created and moulded Jonestein to what we see today. Turner is former owner of CNN and part of the good club of billionaires associated with the club of Rome.
This is a very serious comment! (Although it's true that the Boostershots blog uses a lot of humor in our posts). Why not check out "What Spike Protein"? (The Italian study is linked in that article).
There's no doubt that these crappy fake "vaccines" are harmful, but that's because of the many toxic elements contaminate it during the manufacturing process. There is no evidence for a magical thingie that instructs our cells to produces dangerous "viral spike proteins" which we can "shed" to other people. It's all an illusion.
It's like saying that there's a new kind of "mRNA whiskey bioweapon" which supposedly has some magical lab created mechanism that "instructs" your brain cells to make a new form of serotonin molecule , and you can also "shed" your new serotonin particles to someone else if you come in close contact with them! (In reality it's just a chemical...called alcohol!)
What ARE these "contagious injection components" that you are referring to? How do they work? How do scientists "make them"? Are there any scientific papers that demonstrate it? Are there any experiments which can predict the shedding effects of this "bioweapon"?
This idea of "shedding" promotes the false notion that our bodies can be "instructed" to make some kind of new organic particle that is also "contagious". Nothing is "contagious". "Cooties" is a false concept.
If these injections could really be "transferred", then why are all the unvaxxed people still ok? Shouldn't every human on Earth be suffering from being shed on? I'm the one of the only unvaxxed people at my company of over 400 employees, and I'm around them all the time. I'm fine. What about children with "vaxxed" parents? Are children somehow immune to the "spike protein" that is being "shed" all over them when their quad-vaxxed mom or grandma gives them a bunch of hugs and kisses?
It's interesting to see so many people are now finally accepting that "there is no COVID-19 "virus". Do you still believe in all of the other "viruses"? (Like monkey pox for instance?)
I will look at your spike article. You should look at mine, too. "There is No Virus and the Spike Protein is a Psyop." I don't think we disagree that much. The nanotechnology is highly contagious. That is what is making everyone sick. Pfizer calls the nanotechnology, "mRNA," and it self-replicates using your cellular materials. It is contagious via respiratory exosomes, body fluids, and touch. So, to people who don't understand that there is no virus, it appears to transmit easily, like a virus supposedly transfers. I don't have a solid opinion whether or not viruses are real. I tend to lean toward the viruses are not real camp, but I don't feel I know enough about the topic to plant my feet firmly on one side or the other. Monkeypox, HIV, Small pox, etc, are all engineered biological weapons in my opinion, all of which were given to people via injections masquerading as vaccines. Here is the link to my article.https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/its-all-connected-series-there-is
I read your article. Thanks for sharing.
"It’s All Connected Series: There Is No Virus and the Spike Protein Is a Psyop."
That's a very bold title. I was honestly quite surprised, as we are in total agreement so far. I originally assumed that both you and the author were always referring to the mainstream "mRNA hijacks your cells to make spike proteins" fake story.
Your opening paragraph is spot on as well:
"There was no virus and the spike protein is a psyop. The footage coming out of China in January 2020 was not real. China hired actors to pretend to be sick and dying. Two years later, there were clips circulating showing the outtakes from their movies, where supposedly dead people believed the cameras had stopped rolling, sat up, and showed they were faking their deaths and faking illness. None of the Chinese hospital scenes were real."
But then you say this:
"Respiratory viruses replicate in the back of the nose and throat, therefore, it is in the saliva if it is in the body. They could have swabbed the cheek or simply had people spit on the swabs to find the super contagious respiratory virus infecting humanity."
You practically did a 180! Perhaps you're just writing this to "be in their realm" in order to make a point, but why not put quotation marks around "viruses" at the very least? I was certainly thrown off and left unclear. Seems really odd.
But then we get another twist:
"First, we now know that the injections were contagious. They were contagious via touch, via body fluids, and via respiratory exosomes. What has been proven to be inside the injections? Weaponized DNA plasmids, toxic heavy metals which self-assemble into various types of nanotechnology, graphene, along with the SV-40 virus, HIV, and gene editing technology."
And this:
"Furthermore, it is possible that this weaponized venom is also contagious."
There's no evidence for any of these narratives, just as there is no evidence of a "contagious virus" or a "contagious" ANYTHING. Furthermore, there's all kinds of different venoms and poisons from all sorts of organisms found in nature, but none of those substances can actually "self assemble" in the "victims" body which will then get "shedded" or "transferred" onto another victim.
It's just like the alcohol analogy...(Or is there a "microbot" that can somehow highjack your body and self assemble a "weaponized" version of the alcohol particle? Dr Mihalcea used the term "microbot", which can supposedly self assemble "weaponized contagious venoms"... Again, how would an engineer make such a "microbot"? (And why micro, I thought we were talking about nanotechnology!? whatever!)
Additionally, Dr Mihalcea's trippy pictures have no other information provided. What were the materials and methods used to get these photographic "results"? Would she not be able to get the same "results" had she done all of the same stuff to "vaxxed people's blood" too? (She should really do this 420 times for both vaxxed and unvaxxed in a double blind study...that's a good number of samples don't you think?)
The other thing I don't understand about your No-Virus position are all the solutions that you've offered in another post called, "How to Resist the New World Order".
You don't say a word about refusing to take "vaccines", medical "tests", or big pharma "medications", but you do say things like:
"We need to arrest these UN troops and return them to their countries of origin."
"We need to remove their FEMA camps from American soil."
"Their [elites] wealth should be confiscated and used to find solutions for their victims."
"Stop paying Federal income taxes."
"We need to dissolve the intelligence agencies and all of the alphabet agencies."
All of these "solutions" are pie-in-the-sky hopium induced fantasies that are incredibly unrealistic...to the point where they are just soul crushing. We have no power whatsoever to do any of the things that you are demanding. It's a form of demoralization.
However, WE CAN stop the NWO by taking out the medical establishment! Humanity actually HAS the power to do this. All people who understand our no-virus reality get this. Here's the real solution that no-virus people really stand behind:
1. Stop taking ALL vaccinations.
2. Stop using the medical system altogether.
(Aside from injuries, poisonings or other emergency care).
3. Stop being afraid of each other!
Thanks for this great debate. It's wonderful that others will be able to view all of our comments and information in order to make their own informed decisions.
Here is the Maria Zee, Dr. Mihalcea interview I mentioned before. She takes you through the DOD documents, shows you the scientific literature, and does a great job explaining the nanotech.https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/discussion-of-new-research-findings
I didn't do a 180. There is no COVID-19 virus and the spike protein is a psyop. That is the point of the article. I'm not putting the word virus in quotes because I don't share your certainty that viruses aren't real. Dr. Mihalcea, Dr. David Nixon, and Dr. Karen Kingston have all done quite a bit of work showing us how the nanotechnology operates. Dr. Mihalcea took me through the DOD literature that explains this technology, so, apologies, but there is a ridiculous amount of evidence out regarding the nanotechnology...you just may not have yet accessed it. It self-assembles and self-replicates within the body. These are facts, my friend. I'll try to find the Maria Zee interview where she takes you through the DOD documents and share it.
Shedding is real, it has been for over 3 years now and just because you yourself have not found your 'proof' does not mean it does not exist.
Slide a coin or key around your forehead or collarbone or sternum until it sticks. Take a blacklight in a dark room and shine it on your face and chest until the pink glowing spot fluoresce.
Maybe then you will have your 'proof'. Im too tired of arguing with ignorant people who havent paid attention for 3 years now to make any further case that will appease your ignorance.
Its your life, care as much or little as you want, Im over typing novellas in comments.
Regarding resisting the NWO, maybe you don't fully understand what they are doing. Avoiding injection won't stop anything. They have been releasing weaponized mosquitoes, they have aerosolized vaccines, they are poisoning everything we eat, drink, and breathe. Go do a live blood analysis and have your blood looked at under electron microscopy. It's in everyone's blood because the nanotechnology is contagious and it has been put into everything. The globalists have openly discussed their plans to reduce the global population to 500 million by 2030. They are not doing that by injecting everyone. They are doing it by focusing everyone on the injections while they are covertly putting the injection components into everyone and everything. Idk if you are in the US, but of so, understand that the US and the entire Western world, is about to radically change. We are at war. It is a UN army they have been bringing in for the last 10 years. They are already folding these men into police departments and the US military. They plan to bring us into a 3rd world war. They plan to have us in a civil war on US soil so they can place us under martial law, where we will be being policed by UN troops in US uniforms. They plan on taking down the US electric grid. They have their Hemorrhagic fever virus plandemic scheduled from 2025-2028. They will be going door to door and force testing, force quarantining, and force injecting by that point. The 5G towers are weapons systems that are already being used on the civilian populations. This is all going to get much worse before there is a chance of any of it getting better. I agree that the likelihood of us overcoming this is slim, but if we don't do the things mentioned in my article, then none of us will survive.
The trouble with this is that thousands of scientists worldwide have studied Covid under a microscope and it's difficult to suggest that every last one of them is lying about their observations. Look, Fauci's colleagues admitted years before covid came on the scene how fun it is to attach and splice other deadly things to a Corona virus in the laboratory and the Corona is the perfect merger for hundreds of other DNA sequences for hybrid viruses in the laboratory. I saw the since sponged interviews myself. Gain of function activities with viruses are extremely real. Covid is very similar to Aids, actually. Not that it can't be healed through a more pure lifestyle and devotion to nutrition.
The vaccinations now, that's a whole different can of worms on a entirely different level of deception. Anyone who needs 80 years to admit the ingredients of an "preventative covid" injection can go jump in a lake.
"thousands of scientists worldwide have studied Covid under a microscope and it's difficult to suggest that every last one of them is lying about their observations."
Please cite the best 3 studies out of the thousand that you are referring to. (Or at least your favorite one).
"Gain of function activities with viruses are extremely real."
Please show us that study too! (At least one!)
BTW, here's the "study" which the elites are trying to use to justify the existence of the "COVID19 virus", for example. Is it any wonder that none of them ever mention it anymore? Careful though, once you finish reading this nonsense, you'll probably turn into a "virus denier"...
I've been inspired to add to this, (sorry for the double comment).
Let's say someone drinks a ton of alcohol in a short timespan. They will essentially start to "shed" the alcohol particles through their skin pours in addition to their urine. You could even smell and taste the alcohol by licking their skin. Same goes if they breathed nasty hot humid breath on you right after downing a triple shot of whiskey. But would any of that "shedding exposure" ever be enough to get someone else buzzed? The same holds true for any type of poising. (Unless you know of some secret assassin weapon like that guy's poison tooth in the original Dune from 1982).
The main point is...your body is not instructed to "make" any new alcohol poison particles. It's simply a toxin that your body must expel.
That's the main issue I have with this "shedding" nonsense. Your body is simply just trying to process all the toxic crap that's in many of these fake COVID injections. Your body isn't making anything new. It's a false cause and effect dilemma.
Just because an unvaxxed person falls ill after visiting his "vaxxed" friend's house doesn't mean that "shedding" is the cause. There could be any number of toxins which could have caused the illness. It's very much like the "blame it on a virus game".
Pretty soon we will see holograms that look like spaceships and then the people will give up to the Fake Aliens, lining up 6 ft apart to get their anti-alien vax. Thats the next deal... Im already hearing so many people talking about Aliens are real and they will be helping us? WHAT?????? There is a Twilight Zone episode that reminds me of real life, about a town like that, where they all turn against one another and accuse each other of being an alien, when they dont believe the psyops. Experiencing the shunning over being a non vaxer was so bazaar, but I guess I was right not to be a jab victim!
Matthew 23
23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand.
Moral of this story...Believe in GOD and NO one else. Trust your God given intuition and do not give in to fear and lies. Keep your mind free from drugs and alcohol. A sober mind is always best for sorting out the truth from fiction. Fear is the absents of faith. Stay NATURAL in your food and supplements. Pray and meditate on positive things.
The vaccines were designed to transmitt. My good friend's daughter was 5 mos pregnant and got a massage from a vaccinated therapist and started bleeding on the way home and lost the baby that night. It IS a known bioweapon, under contract as a Counter Measure with the Dept of Defense and Pfizer. Sasha Latipova has shown us the contract. The U.S. Dept of Defense is bioweapon murdering off the world.
Transmit what? "Viral spike proteins" that don't exist? I'm sorry about your friend's loss, I can't imagine the emotional and physical suffering she must have gone through, but there could be any number of reasons for a miscarriage. We have no other information about this woman other than she "got a massage from a vaccinated therapist". I don't know your friend's age or her medical history. What about women who start bleeding after they have a steak dinner with their family? Should she blame the steak? Was the cow vaccinated?
Sasha Latypova's DOD contract is not a scientific experiment. The military can claim whatever the hell they want to anyway.
It is all the above, we are under attack from all sides, Air -chem trails , bioweapons, Directed energy weapons, isolation, food supplies destroyed and poisoned, War.
I too am finding the whole shedding narrative hard to get my head around. I think maybe the unvaxxed people Dr Anna is helping have the toxic crap in their blood from other environmental sources, which very likely we all do to some degree or another (unless we live in a monastery in a remote part of Tibet).
Vous avez tort ! Non vacciné, 4 massages par des masseurs vaccinés m'ont presque tué ! J'ai fait une chélation de 3 semaines et mon sang est aussi pollué que celui d'un vaxx. Je vais aller voir le résultat...quand j'aurai le courage.
Will Dr. Ana please join in on this discussion? It is very important for her too. How do you explain what she is finding in the blood analysis ? The circuits that we can see? Do you not see them?
How can anyone explain what she is "finding"? Dr Ana does not provide the materials and methods used to obtain any of these trippy images and videos. Is she just putting a drop of "unvaxxed" blood on a slide and then hitting it with a black light under a microscope? There are also no controls, meaning, Dr Ana doesn't show us any "non-robot" blood. How do we know the processes she's using aren't directly causing these trippy effects in the first place? If these are really "self assembling robots" with "circuits", then why do they each look different from each other from picture to picture? Did scientists invent a whole array of different microbots? How did they make these robots in the first place? (They certainly don't look like "micro-bots", they look like debris or common bacteria or crystalized gunk, even air bubbles. I'm not buying any of it. Dr Ana should make a video of her entire microscopy process used to make these videos, and she should also use "control blood" under all the same conditions to verify that there's no weird trippy shapes in those too.
Vous $etes un prétentieux et un imbécile ! Je suis la ^preuve vivante de la contamination : sang en rouleaux, fibrine, hydrogel, graphène... et pas d'injections Covid, mais des massages avec des masseurs vaccinés. Je reviens de 3 semaines de chélation en Allemagne. Je vais avoir le résultat...
Il y a des millions de personnes non vaccinées qui reçoivent des massages de masseurs vaccinés, y compris moi-même.
Il y a des millions d'enfants non vaccinés qui ont des câlins et des baisers de leurs parents et grands-parents vaccinés.
Il n'y a pas des millions d'enfants qui souffrent ou meurent de "se répliquer aux microbots".
Vous n'avez fourni aucune preuve. Le Dr Mihalcea n'a fourni aucune preuve.
Comprenez-vous les processus et les machines complexes qui sont nécessaires pour faire une « micropuce » de base?
Comment un "microbot" ou un "nanobot" "s'assemblent" dans votre sang ?
Le processus complexe de fabrication des puces à semi-conducteurs implique de multiples cycles de superposition, de patronage et de gravure. Pensez-vous vraiment que tous ces processus peuvent effectivement se produire à l'intérieur de votre corps?
There are millions of unvaccinated people who get massages from vaccinated masseurs, including myself.
There are millions of unvaccinated children who get hugs and kisses from their vaccinated parents and grandparents.
There are NOT millions of kids who are suffering or dying from "self replicating microbots".
You have provided no evidence. Dr Mihalcea has provided no evidence.
Do you understand the complex processes and machinery that are needed to make a basic "microchip"?
How does a "microbot" or a "nanobot" "self assemble" inside your blood?
The intricate process of how semiconductor chips are made involves multiple cycles of layering, patterning, and etching. Do you really think that all of these processes can actually happen inside of your body?
Preparation and Orientation: The process begins with the thorough cleaning of the wafers, preparing them for the intricate fabrication process. Correct orientation is crucial at this stage due to the wafers’ crystalline structure, which must be aligned precisely for the subsequent steps.
Oxide Layer Growth: The first step in the layering process involves growing an oxide layer on top of the wafer. This layer plays a vital role in controlling the doping process, which is essential for altering the electrical properties of the semiconductor.
Photoresist Application and UV Imaging: A layer of photoresist, a light-sensitive material, is then applied to the wafer. The image of the doped regions is projected onto the photoresist using ultraviolet (UV) light. This step is critical for defining the intricate patterns of the microchip’s circuits.
Development and Etching: After exposure to UV light, the photoresist is developed, removing the unexposed areas. A strong acid, such as Hydrofluoric acid, is then applied to etch away the oxide areas not protected by the photoresist.
Doping Process: Dopants are introduced to the semiconductor at this stage. The areas not covered by photoresist absorb these dopants, altering their electrical properties to create N and P type regions, which are fundamental for transistor functionality.
Additional Oxide Layer and Gate Formation: Another oxide layer is grown over the entire wafer, serving as the foundation for transistor gates. A new layer of photoresist is applied, and the gate structure is imaged onto the wafer using UV light. The subsequent development and etching process creates the semiconductor regions that form the transistors.
Interconnect Fabrication: The final stage involves the fabrication of interconnects, which link the various semiconductor regions. Unlike oxide layers, interconnect layers are made from metals like aluminum, deposited using vacuum deposition techniques. These metal layers are then patterned with resist and etched, similar to the earlier steps.
Layering and Patterning: The process of layering, applying photoresist, developing, and etching is repeated to create the interconnects. A chip can have as many as 15 interconnect layers, although designers typically aim for between 3 and 6 layers to balance complexity and functionality.
Fort bien monsieur ! Vous ne fournissez aucune preuve que ce que je dis est faux. En ce qui me concerne, c'est soit les masseurs triples vaxx, soit, éventuellement les anesthésiants dentaires reçus en 2021. Comment expliquez vous que mon sang soit aussi affecté que celui des vaxx !? ROULEAUX FIBRINE OXYDE DE GRAPHENE HYDROGEL... avec les symptômes de tous els gens qui vont dans la clinique des chélateurs : fatigue chronique, souffle court, tension sanguine élevée...
Ce que vous pouvez faire et que je vous conseille : allez faire examiner votre propre sang !
Selon des dizaines de chercheurs, le sang de quasiment tous est contaminé et abîmé ! Beaucoup ne représentent pas encore de symptômes ! C 'est exact. Depuis que j'ai fait la chélation, les rouleaux ont disparu, j'attends cependant de lire un diagnostic plus précis. Par ailleurs, allez lire les brevets découverts par la brillantissime Karen Kingston...
Shocking News Warnings that may enlighten you all on the weight loss drug Wegovy "RO" "OZEMPIC" and other names, and on this blood results testing
"…they are believed to have lost their sense of smell or the flowers have lost their fragrants?" Or can't find home anymore because of the electromagnetic pollution everywhere.
The same clowns screaming about our Imaginary "Carbon Footprint", driving around in limos, yachts, private jets and leaving their billions of space satellite junk pieces from years of spying on us, funking up the next "frontier". Sipping martinis in Dubau with air conditioners running at max speed, Jets fueling to take them back to their mansions, while deciding if we should be locked down in our homes, and by the way, what on earth is taking so long for us to die from their poisons.https://www.femaflavor.org/Who the hell elected this bunch forcing this S into our food?
Leave my food alone! Disguising chemicals in flavors and getting away with it "NATURAL FLAVORS" label is not natural at all.
FEMA (Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association) is led by a Board of Governors who determine the general policy of the association. The President, Officers, and Governors are selected at FEMA’s annual convention. The organization currently has six standing committees, which are led by member company volunteers and supported by FEMA staff1.
The association itself comprises flavor manufacturers, flavor users, flavor ingredient suppliers, and others with an interest in the U.S. flavor industry2. One of FEMA’s significant initiatives is the GRAS (generally recognized as safe) program, which assesses the safety status of flavor ingredients according to federal regulations3.
Here are some key individuals involved in FEMA’s leadership:
Laurette Rondenet: FEMA President
Paul Graham: FEMA President-Elect
Lucy Reid: Vice President & Secretary
Christopher Perkins: Treasurer
Danielle Barbaro, Gillian Bleimann, Dolf DeRovira, Dr. Markus Eckert, Scott Glennon, Kelli Heinz, Calvin McEvoy, Erica Reiner, Roderick W. Sowders, and Lynn Warner: Board of Governors
Dr. Suzanne Johnson: Advisor
Joanna Drake: Executive Staff
Christie Harman: General Counsel
George Southworth: Scientific Director1
FEMA plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and quality of flavors used in various food and beverage products. π½οΈπ
Related industries Any country
Animal Feed
Fresh Vegetables
Citrus Fruit
Business Services
Construction & Real Estate
Food & Beverage
Coffee Drinks
Fast Food
Flavor Enhancers
Other Drinks
Other Food
Health & Medical
Home & Garden
Because you have seen 'creatures' you assess as Interdimensional or Aliens does not mean they are what they claim to be, or what you believe them to be. The Devil is powerful and cunning; his demons can appear as all sorts of things, and claim all sorts of things. We are up against a hugely powerful Fallen Angel and his armies - this world is a trial, and the Devil has power to enrich and give knowledge to those who serve him - Jesus referred to him as being the Prince of this world.
True! They are beautiful beings still this fallen angels.
They deceive everyone into thinking they are ugly and have animal like features.
They can take whatever shape they want.
The Bible tells us that Satan is going to impersonate Christ here on Earth and deceive many.
He will "come" with "angels of light" and "dead people" which are nothing but demons in disguise.
Read Matthew 24.
And we cannot solve anything by "reaching a higher vibrational frequency" because we have no power in us.
But Jesus does. He is the only One who can help us in this war.
Our intuition won't help us. Actually the Bible says "Proverbs 28:26 (KJV) He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered."
Search for God while He may still be found.
Isaiah 55:6 (KJV) Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
If that were true, we wouldn't be suffering so much in this world.
In contrary, humanity is collapsing because we are no longer connected to God.
Sin broke the connection with God and we are powerless on our own in this spiritual war.
That's why Jesus came in this world and died on the cross for our sins, to save us from the power of Satan.
Due to His death and resurrection He got victory over the wicked spiritual forces at the cross 2000 years ago.
If we want to conquer also in this spiritual war, we must believe in Him and His sacrifice, repent and confess our sins to Him.
He will give as a new life, a new heart or a new spirit. He will recreate us from the inside.
This is called the born again experience.
Sin will no longer have dominion over us.
Then prayer and study of God's Word everyday will sustain this new life.
John 8:32 (KJV) And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
https://youtu.be/JqLIndMA9Ks?si=jczChUHkgKOBhamb- Cosmic Conflict, The Origin of Evil.
si parlo italiano ma questo forum è in inglese come l'articolo è per far capire a tutti cmq ho scritto Sì, l'edta e il metilene sono pericolosi, danneggiano il fegato e i reni, le macchine rife? No, lol, perché dici così, sai almeno come funzionano?
no, non so che cose sono le MR ? ... ho appena fatto una chelazione con EDTA e vitamini in una clinica in Germania. Il mio sangue non è ancora totalmente pullito ma i rouleaux e la fibina sono sparite ! adesso sto provando l'olio del buono samaritano... e aggiungio che non so,no vaccinato ! ma la vittima della contaminazione dei Vaxx e forse di lavori dentari dato che tutti gli iniettabili sono corrotti ! sono francese ed a volte scrivere in inglese mi da fastidio !
cerca spooky2 c'è il sito in italiano e dovrebbe esserci anche in francese. Paulette Coates ha pulito il suo sangue con queste macchine di frequenze Rife
Tried MB and it caused me to have a headache that was pretty miserable. Not discounting it’s effectiveness, but I’ll stick with other treatments that have kept me clear headed, and energized. I haven’t tested my blood, but I feel pretty good. And have brought morgellons disease into remission. Gum spirits of turpentine shilajit iodine vitamin D3 C baking soda borax and sodium citrate
Ive had a very bad reaction from the blue. Only took it for 5 days. Every time I laid down or turned quickly after day 5, I was spinning for seconds. Im still having issues a month and a half out. If I lay down or get up Im spinning for a few seconds. Im scared to ever try it again. There was a time I had mercury fillings removed and the idiot dentist drilled the mercury to dust and let it land in my mouth without any protection. I was so pissed when I looked in my mouth and saw my entire mouth full of mercury. I dont know if I awoke the mercury that was absorbed into my mouth when i took the blue. I just know I cant do the blue again. Im still scared by these side effects im still experiencing. Ive read others had amazing results so I have to believe its that mercury exposure from 20 yrs ago that makes me different. My jaw and gums have been hurting ever since the Blue. My doctor, an MD of 40 yrs and Naturopathic has explained it away as an "adrenaline surge" from the Blue. I still think it has something to do with the mercury that I absorbed from 3 old mercury fillings turned into mercury dust in my mouth.
Just because something has had biomedical applications doesn't mean it should be used as a supplement. I'll follow my intuition on this one. You can be sure that the powers that be are infiltrating the "supplement" market every step of the way.
I bought Ziolite a yr ago EDTA, and used it a couple times until the Health Ranger Mike Adams, who I trust, at Brighteon TV, lab tested several Zeolite brands and found it was full of lead. I threw that 49 dollar can of it away. I agree that we need to get our natural products from a trusted source because these Pharma guys are out for blood! Buyer Beware! Zeolite has been hailed as a cure all but it can do more harm than good. There are other options.
Exactly right. That's my concern with most supplements. Look, no matter how many Ph.D's people put behind recommendations - we all have to understand that people make huge bucks for promoting certain products. I ran into this precise same issue with Zeolite. I found a really good German source, but upon looking more deeply into their business through various records, it turned out it was CHINESE OWNED! You can bet the zeolite was not being sourced from a pure area. It's exhausting trying to find the "true" thing with most of these "miracle" supplements. The entire industry has been tampered with, and that's the REALITY OF THE SITUATION! Even "tests" can be fudged by companies in order to keep the money rolling in...
This is the world we live in..
NEVER BUY SOMETHING simply because an impressive scientist or doctor told you that you should. You (collective you) do have a mind and soul - you are not "more stupid" than those impressive titles. No one is. USE YOUR INTUITION and try not to be blind because an impressive doctor or scientist insists on certain things being safe.
I never wanted to mention this, but I will. Dr. Mihalcea is a secret student of the "RAMPTHA" school - the woman who runs it believes she's channeling an entity and has been sucking people out of their money for years. So many people here talk about "God this, god that". Yeah, I'm into "GOD" too. But I don't trust every person who says they're channeling. Apparently, Dr. Mihacea is FAR MORE INVOLVED with the Ramptha Empire than she'd tell her followers.
The very bottom of her website has links to it. Ramptha is a very dark source of information and I even know one of the original members who got sucked into it in the 1980's. Someone who knows about the corruption that went on in that "mystery" school...
VERY INTERESTING AND THANKS. TRUST NO ONE HAS ALWAAYS BEEN MY BIBLE AND IT TURNS OUT TO BE RIGHT EVERY TIME. Everyone seems to be a snake in the grass. I got suckered and now I had to learn again the hard way.
Well, trust those you love.. But trust people who make huge dollars in order to promote miracle cures? The world is a much darker place than that. The entire industry is corrupt and supplments are now laced left and right.
There is a lot of hype on MB, and every time I hear promotion of it, I rethink if I should use it or not. My body intuition is very resistant to MB, so I am paying attention and choosing to NOT use it.
Dear Ana. Would it be possible that you do a WEBINAR on HOW TO TREAT nanoparticle overload? For busy doctors it would be most useful to have a webinar with GUIDELINES or CASE STUDIES on this topic. Helping us span the distance from FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH TO CLINICAL PRACTICE. We all operate in different countries and under different jurisdictions which makes it more challenging.
Thanks you for considering
Isn't this blue dye stuff classified as a toxic substance? Why is this being promoted? It seems to me that even doctors who are studying these things might be having their research infiltrated by the powers that be. Everything in my gut says to not trust this blue dye stuff...
I only used 4 drops in water and drank it for 5 days and had a terrible reaction. That, I was told was a very low dose, also I lowered the dose to 2 drops on the last day of taking it. I think it depends on the person and many factors. It began with a feeling of on top of the world good on day one but then I couldn't fall asleep. Day two I passed and finally fell asleep, day 3 I took the same dose and it opened up my mind, I felt my head was clear, day 4 same, day 5 i decided not to take it as I had a restless sleep, wired up, day 6 I passed again because I still felt weird, took it again on day 7, which was the 5th day of taking it and I began to see trails as I turned to move like it was a psychedelic drug, and my heart was racing a hundred miles an hour. My jaw tensed so hard, and my face felt like it was locked. My brain was on steroids, I couldn't sleep for more than 3 hrs a night and I didn't feel like myself. I hated the feeling. It felt like a weird drug I wanted to come down from, but I couldn't. 7 days later I got in to see my DR and he told me it was an "adrenaline surge" from the Blue. I take no prescriptions so there was no drug interaction except Vit D3 I take every day. He told me it would pass and to drink lots of water. A week after that, I started to come down slowly each day from it but 1 and a half months later Im still spinning when I get out of bed or lay flat in bed. My jaw still tense and in pain. I hope eventually it passed. I think everyone should know what I experienced although I might be a rare case. I used Quantum USP GRADE Methylene Blue (Lab Tested) and reports from lab included. I understand from YOU TUBE Doctors that MB is used in Emergency rooms "When you have a situation where a patient might die and you dont know what to do, use M-Blue" was one quote.
There care a few companies selling like 99% + Take caution. Prob all contaminated with heavy metals . Just as sodium citrate . The citrate part is not organic neither on the market . Comes from crap & detoxing with it can cause kidney pain etc . But some Benifits can be found If sourced correctly . Everything seems to be a work in progress .. pray & weed and listen to a lot of music is my current therapy..
I took 6g bidaily for 3weeks. Had no problem, it cleaned up the neuropathy in My right foot. I only take it every 3 or 4 weeks now, for three days 6g once a day.
I procured Alkali N from health food shop, it's mainly sodium citrate, potassium citrate and sodium bicarbonate. It did not have the ratios.
I been reading some of the hydrogel that utilises Luciferase uses Ca2+ nano wires.
I've been reading about it for years, albeit skeptically, and I need no convincing it's getting it people's bodies through many different devious ways including the vaccinations. I just wasn't aware till now you could check for it.
The glowing dots people have in the T zone on face is the Luciferase, mine are pink, it's in the skin pours, I think it's the skin trying to excrete it as a toxin. People get it from being Vax jabbed or shedded on. Could be in environment and Anesthesia...
So I was doing some reading last night and night before. The hydrogel Luciferase utilised has Ca2+ nano wires in it. This could be why people are getting relief. Sodium citrate in the literature states that it can chelate out calcium and hydrogel.
Main thing is kidneys and liver function and dosage. I did read in literature that I think it was 1.2 grams 3 times a day is safest dose. As you know everyone is different, and has different tolerances.
I pray for you the best of luck Elana, to chelate it out, and your right hand neuropathy recovers.
Why would ypu buy it from amazon? And how did you even measure milligrams, I have multiple scales and none of them do measurements that low so Im doubtful.
Make Sodium Citrate yourself, dont order it from anyone. All you need is purified water (zerowater is the best for the money), citric acid and sodium bicarbonate. Many people are taking Much Much higher doses than you with no issues, for example I have drank aprox 40 Grams today and have no gut issues but then I am also on a much better diet than most people and so dont have a bunch of buildup in my intestines to purge.
I only took a pinch in water and drank 4 glasses of water afterwards. My kidneys felt a little achy at one point but then it went away and I did feel better. I purchased food grade from Modernist Pantry. I have high blood pressure so I don’t use it often and I have to frequently check BP if I take it.
I don't take MB because my body is telling me not to, but I know that just because something is called toxic does not mean it is.
For example, MMS and DMSO. FDA calls them dangerous and toxic, but used correctly they provide great benefit.
Ana, what do you think of Sodium Citrate as a treatment (See Karl C/David Nixon)for these entities ?
As another mechanism of sodium Citrate ?: In standard blood microscopy it's used as an anticoagulant. People report remission of ?arthritic pain. 2nd day in and so far I would have to agree. Is this because the blood is freer to move and transport Oxygen round the body ?
In every day situations we are surrounded by EMFs which cause Rouleaux and agglomeration:
I'm on my second session of sc. One teaspoon 3 x a day.
I live blood test before and during. So far no reduction in rouleaux, coagulation. But testing ph of urine has gone from 5-6 up to 7-9. I'm not sure of the significance but was surprised by the result.
Purely used as painkiller for arthritis (?) 1/3 tsp SC gives about 6 hrs effective, same as 1 tbsp minced ginger stored in honey (takes away a lot of the heat). Voltaren 4 hours. 1 week in.
From back in the days of my career; had some time working as Prayer Intercessor for Exorcism and learned the name of the Dragon/Lizard you're referring to, Dr. Ana Mihalcea.
It's name is Leviathan (/lΙͺΛvaΙͺ.ΙθΙn/ liv-EYE-Ι-thΙn; Hebrew: ΧΦ΄ΧΦ°ΧΦΈΧͺΦΈΧ, romanized: LīvyāαΉ―ān; Greek: ΛεβιΞ¬θαν). It's a sea serpent/dragon noted in theology and mythology. It is referenced in several books of the Hebrew Bible, including Psalms, the Book of Job, the Book of Isaiah, and the pseudepigraphical Book of Enoch. The Leviathan is often an embodiment of chaos, threatening to eat the damned when their lives are over.
In the end, it is annihilated. Christian theologians identified Leviathan with the demon of the deadly sin envy inherent to those lusting for power over all God's creation. According to Ophite diagrams, the Leviathan encapsulates the space of the material world.
It was stated to be the Primary demigod over Queen Elizabeth II...And, that using this family as its conduit...As named from the ancient times with 'Del Drago' and then 'Guelph' before now known as 'The House of Windsor' since Guelph was too German sounding for the British realm.
Exactlyππ―βοΈ ... but... eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized. Yeshua said "and when u pray, always pray 4 Deliverance". AMEN. And Thank You for Speaking TRUTH even tho u will b persecuted4it (just as Is Written)βοΈ
Regardless of persecution; we have no time for the pithy and puny half-lies, complete lies by omission or commission and so much caution that turth is so obscure as to not exist. Regardless of what the Demons do; it is necessary to step out in 'Courage of Conviction' to speak the truth.
Absolutely pray for deliverance, conversion of souls and in reparation of the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts of our Lord Jesus Christ and his Mother and daughter, 'The Arch of the True Covenant', Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary for blasphemies and lack of gratitude for the blood of the Lamb bringing all into communion with God who wish it.
We must always remember...The best Exorcism is 'Confession' for self as all Demonic is immediate sent to the cross for judgment. We must pray for conversion of souls for more people to perform this task of courage. Amen.
Thank-you for your reply. God Bless and Keep You. πΉπππΌππΉ
Great work Dr. Ana. Always a pleasure to read. Was compelled to reply to your email abour fluorescent orange filaments. I think you will find it interesting as I witnessed something quite remarkable just the night before.
Please tell us what to do if we need dental work. Are there nanoparticles in dental injectable anesthesia? This is a serious problem. Please share your thoughts on this.
Yes, she has articles showing that dental anesthetics are contaminated, as are most all other medications and injectables. All of us have the nanotechnology already, so don’t stress if you can't avoid exposure to more. There are alternatives like nitrous gas, but even the gas may have the nanotechnology added. What's most important is to be on a daily maintenance protocol to reduce the quantity of nanotechnology and to regularly deactivate what's present so you have less symptoms and less clot production. There is an antidote. It's just a question of if we can get more scientists working to find the antidote. This is the challenge since the psychological manipulation is so prevalent.
Can't Docs always find some remote compounding pharmacies??...
Thanks to all for explaining more about why some of my friends who took a lot of vaccines, had surgery, etc. now "glow in the dark" when we were in "black light" at this fancy hotel??.... It was so weird!.. :/ Also, they always use top of the line cellphones... It's got to be that combination!.. :/ God have Mercy!!-
Dont take big pharma lidocaine. Im from vietnam and vietnam probably still produce the original lidocaine. I can buy samples but who have a microscop to look on it?
UPDATE. totale failure. i bought a microscope and even lidocaine from Vietnam contain the same GO structucture in it. i look at SEPTODONT france. VINPHACO vietnam. HUON from korea, and KABI germany
Research the book “Hidden Epidemic” by Thomas E Levy. Even biological dentists aware of the dangers of the v a x can’t seem to find products not infected with this stuff.
update. just looked for Vietnam lidocaine, and even at x40 we can see the strange structure . transparent and glowing. metalic. probably GO. and even few tubes of GO !! scarry. Brands are Vinphaco vietnam. septodont France, huon korea. Kabi germany. all contain GO
Thank you so very much for this and other findings that we have been able to follow these recent times. I totally agree with your conclusions, try to read the bible and stay away from most people. These the end of times are strangely foreseen by the prophets, in order to let us know? And braze ourselves? The hard part is when the near and the dear will not understand, nor take precautions though I do my best to sell in your name and work in other contexts. It has been absolutely outstandning to have been able to follow your analysises of blood in detail, and the conclusions, and all the other stuff. Thanks a lot!
Sarah E. Lawton - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Research Your World
Thank you for all you do Dr. Mihalcea! We love you and appreciate you sharing your work!
Boostershots - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
What work?
"As I specialize in the treatment of C19 vaccine injury to the unvaccinated from shedding - my clinical practice is unique in allowing me to discuss the phenomenon of C19 vaccine shedding. Since I have personally been injured by the bioweapon when it was initially deployed as a “virus” ( aka aeroslized self assembly nanotechnology), I share with people the methods that have saved my own life and kept me functional. I take my own medicine, in the truest sense of the word."
Really? There is ZERO evidence of any "bioweapons" or "shedding". (Which is supposedly our cells making tons of dangerous "spike proteins" that can somehow fly away from our body and get into someone's body and wreak havoc). "Bioweapons" and "shedding" are just more false narratives to try and prevent people from understanding the ultimate hidden truth: There is no such thing as contagious disease and "viruses" do NOT exist. They do not exist in nature and they do certainly not exist in "gain of function" laboratories either. It's all a scam.
I broke down the latest "spike protein scientific paper" in a recent Boostershots article. Many of the anti-vax germ pushers on Substack were clapping like trained seals when this Italian spike protein "study" was first published last December...but then they all went dead silent as if the paper no longer exists...why is that?
There's no such thing as a "virus", just as there is no such thing as "viral spike proteins" which can be "shed".
Sarah E. Lawton - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Research Your World
Is this a serious comment? "There is no evidence of bioweapons or shedding?" Have you lived under a rock for the last 4 years? Whether you ascribe to the theory behind virology or not does not matter. I agree that there is no COVID-19 "virus." The injections (bioweapons) were contagious. The contagious injection components have been added to the PCR swabs, the surgical masks, the food supply, all injectables, nebulizer drugs, the tap water, bottled drinks, and is being sprayed in the air via chemtrail smart dust, hence its in the rain water as well. No, there wasn't a live virus used to make the injections, so the traditional definition of "shedding," doesn't apply. However, most do not understand all of the psyops involved here, so it's silly to mince words when what is intended by those words is still true. The injections are contagious and transfer to people who were not injected. That's what most of us mean when we talk about bioweapon shedding.
Haden - Feb 25, 2024
I think I agree with most of what you and Boostershots say but this is the way I see it. These injections they refer to as vaccines are Chemical Weapons, there's nothing biological in them and that the RNA is synthetic thus there's absolutely no mRNA that can create the fictional Spike Proteins. Virus do not exit but only Poisons which some are passed off as viruses. The transmission in my opinion is caused by EMF frequencies, Graphene in it's reduced from is magnetic and conducts heat. Reduced Graphene causes the cells to clump and as they die on mass they start to Spike which is obviously an OUT-Fection and this spiking binds together to cause these white Rubbery clots. Hydrogel is a solvent that's designed to help the body evade the toxins for as long as possible, an incutif you will.
Haden - Feb 25, 2024
Incubator if you will
Reply (1) - Feb 25, 2024
Comment removed.
Haden - Feb 25, 2024
Brighton is Mike Adams who I refer to as Controlled Opposition. Adams mate is Alex Jonestein who is also controlled opposition. Billionaire Ted Turner created and moulded Jonestein to what we see today. Turner is former owner of CNN and part of the good club of billionaires associated with the club of Rome.
Boostershots - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
This is a very serious comment! (Although it's true that the Boostershots blog uses a lot of humor in our posts). Why not check out "What Spike Protein"? (The Italian study is linked in that article).
There's no doubt that these crappy fake "vaccines" are harmful, but that's because of the many toxic elements contaminate it during the manufacturing process. There is no evidence for a magical thingie that instructs our cells to produces dangerous "viral spike proteins" which we can "shed" to other people. It's all an illusion.
It's like saying that there's a new kind of "mRNA whiskey bioweapon" which supposedly has some magical lab created mechanism that "instructs" your brain cells to make a new form of serotonin molecule , and you can also "shed" your new serotonin particles to someone else if you come in close contact with them! (In reality it's just a chemical...called alcohol!)
What ARE these "contagious injection components" that you are referring to? How do they work? How do scientists "make them"? Are there any scientific papers that demonstrate it? Are there any experiments which can predict the shedding effects of this "bioweapon"?
This idea of "shedding" promotes the false notion that our bodies can be "instructed" to make some kind of new organic particle that is also "contagious". Nothing is "contagious". "Cooties" is a false concept.
If these injections could really be "transferred", then why are all the unvaxxed people still ok? Shouldn't every human on Earth be suffering from being shed on? I'm the one of the only unvaxxed people at my company of over 400 employees, and I'm around them all the time. I'm fine. What about children with "vaxxed" parents? Are children somehow immune to the "spike protein" that is being "shed" all over them when their quad-vaxxed mom or grandma gives them a bunch of hugs and kisses?
It's interesting to see so many people are now finally accepting that "there is no COVID-19 "virus". Do you still believe in all of the other "viruses"? (Like monkey pox for instance?)
Sarah E. Lawton - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Research Your World
I will look at your spike article. You should look at mine, too. "There is No Virus and the Spike Protein is a Psyop." I don't think we disagree that much. The nanotechnology is highly contagious. That is what is making everyone sick. Pfizer calls the nanotechnology, "mRNA," and it self-replicates using your cellular materials. It is contagious via respiratory exosomes, body fluids, and touch. So, to people who don't understand that there is no virus, it appears to transmit easily, like a virus supposedly transfers. I don't have a solid opinion whether or not viruses are real. I tend to lean toward the viruses are not real camp, but I don't feel I know enough about the topic to plant my feet firmly on one side or the other. Monkeypox, HIV, Small pox, etc, are all engineered biological weapons in my opinion, all of which were given to people via injections masquerading as vaccines. Here is the link to my article.https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/its-all-connected-series-there-is
Boostershots - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
I read your article. Thanks for sharing.
"It’s All Connected Series: There Is No Virus and the Spike Protein Is a Psyop."
That's a very bold title. I was honestly quite surprised, as we are in total agreement so far. I originally assumed that both you and the author were always referring to the mainstream "mRNA hijacks your cells to make spike proteins" fake story.
Your opening paragraph is spot on as well:
"There was no virus and the spike protein is a psyop. The footage coming out of China in January 2020 was not real. China hired actors to pretend to be sick and dying. Two years later, there were clips circulating showing the outtakes from their movies, where supposedly dead people believed the cameras had stopped rolling, sat up, and showed they were faking their deaths and faking illness. None of the Chinese hospital scenes were real."
But then you say this:
"Respiratory viruses replicate in the back of the nose and throat, therefore, it is in the saliva if it is in the body. They could have swabbed the cheek or simply had people spit on the swabs to find the super contagious respiratory virus infecting humanity."
You practically did a 180! Perhaps you're just writing this to "be in their realm" in order to make a point, but why not put quotation marks around "viruses" at the very least? I was certainly thrown off and left unclear. Seems really odd.
But then we get another twist:
"First, we now know that the injections were contagious. They were contagious via touch, via body fluids, and via respiratory exosomes. What has been proven to be inside the injections? Weaponized DNA plasmids, toxic heavy metals which self-assemble into various types of nanotechnology, graphene, along with the SV-40 virus, HIV, and gene editing technology."
And this:
"Furthermore, it is possible that this weaponized venom is also contagious."
There's no evidence for any of these narratives, just as there is no evidence of a "contagious virus" or a "contagious" ANYTHING. Furthermore, there's all kinds of different venoms and poisons from all sorts of organisms found in nature, but none of those substances can actually "self assemble" in the "victims" body which will then get "shedded" or "transferred" onto another victim.
It's just like the alcohol analogy...(Or is there a "microbot" that can somehow highjack your body and self assemble a "weaponized" version of the alcohol particle? Dr Mihalcea used the term "microbot", which can supposedly self assemble "weaponized contagious venoms"... Again, how would an engineer make such a "microbot"? (And why micro, I thought we were talking about nanotechnology!? whatever!)
Additionally, Dr Mihalcea's trippy pictures have no other information provided. What were the materials and methods used to get these photographic "results"? Would she not be able to get the same "results" had she done all of the same stuff to "vaxxed people's blood" too? (She should really do this 420 times for both vaxxed and unvaxxed in a double blind study...that's a good number of samples don't you think?)
The other thing I don't understand about your No-Virus position are all the solutions that you've offered in another post called, "How to Resist the New World Order".
You don't say a word about refusing to take "vaccines", medical "tests", or big pharma "medications", but you do say things like:
"We need to arrest these UN troops and return them to their countries of origin."
"We need to remove their FEMA camps from American soil."
"Their [elites] wealth should be confiscated and used to find solutions for their victims."
"Stop paying Federal income taxes."
"We need to dissolve the intelligence agencies and all of the alphabet agencies."
All of these "solutions" are pie-in-the-sky hopium induced fantasies that are incredibly unrealistic...to the point where they are just soul crushing. We have no power whatsoever to do any of the things that you are demanding. It's a form of demoralization.
However, WE CAN stop the NWO by taking out the medical establishment! Humanity actually HAS the power to do this. All people who understand our no-virus reality get this. Here's the real solution that no-virus people really stand behind:
1. Stop taking ALL vaccinations.
2. Stop using the medical system altogether.
(Aside from injuries, poisonings or other emergency care).
3. Stop being afraid of each other!
Thanks for this great debate. It's wonderful that others will be able to view all of our comments and information in order to make their own informed decisions.
Sarah E. Lawton - Feb 18, 2024
Research Your World
Here is the Maria Zee, Dr. Mihalcea interview I mentioned before. She takes you through the DOD documents, shows you the scientific literature, and does a great job explaining the nanotech.https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/discussion-of-new-research-findings
Sarah E. Lawton - Feb 18, 2024
Research Your World
I didn't do a 180. There is no COVID-19 virus and the spike protein is a psyop. That is the point of the article. I'm not putting the word virus in quotes because I don't share your certainty that viruses aren't real. Dr. Mihalcea, Dr. David Nixon, and Dr. Karen Kingston have all done quite a bit of work showing us how the nanotechnology operates. Dr. Mihalcea took me through the DOD literature that explains this technology, so, apologies, but there is a ridiculous amount of evidence out regarding the nanotechnology...you just may not have yet accessed it. It self-assembles and self-replicates within the body. These are facts, my friend. I'll try to find the Maria Zee interview where she takes you through the DOD documents and share it.
Bee Gee - Feb 22, 2024
Bee Gee
Shedding is real, it has been for over 3 years now and just because you yourself have not found your 'proof' does not mean it does not exist.
Slide a coin or key around your forehead or collarbone or sternum until it sticks. Take a blacklight in a dark room and shine it on your face and chest until the pink glowing spot fluoresce.
Maybe then you will have your 'proof'. Im too tired of arguing with ignorant people who havent paid attention for 3 years now to make any further case that will appease your ignorance.
Its your life, care as much or little as you want, Im over typing novellas in comments.
Catherine - Feb 21, 2024 - Edited
Very interesting. What are you treating your Jabbed patients with?
Sarah E. Lawton - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Research Your World
Regarding resisting the NWO, maybe you don't fully understand what they are doing. Avoiding injection won't stop anything. They have been releasing weaponized mosquitoes, they have aerosolized vaccines, they are poisoning everything we eat, drink, and breathe. Go do a live blood analysis and have your blood looked at under electron microscopy. It's in everyone's blood because the nanotechnology is contagious and it has been put into everything. The globalists have openly discussed their plans to reduce the global population to 500 million by 2030. They are not doing that by injecting everyone. They are doing it by focusing everyone on the injections while they are covertly putting the injection components into everyone and everything. Idk if you are in the US, but of so, understand that the US and the entire Western world, is about to radically change. We are at war. It is a UN army they have been bringing in for the last 10 years. They are already folding these men into police departments and the US military. They plan to bring us into a 3rd world war. They plan to have us in a civil war on US soil so they can place us under martial law, where we will be being policed by UN troops in US uniforms. They plan on taking down the US electric grid. They have their Hemorrhagic fever virus plandemic scheduled from 2025-2028. They will be going door to door and force testing, force quarantining, and force injecting by that point. The 5G towers are weapons systems that are already being used on the civilian populations. This is all going to get much worse before there is a chance of any of it getting better. I agree that the likelihood of us overcoming this is slim, but if we don't do the things mentioned in my article, then none of us will survive.
Blue712 - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
The trouble with this is that thousands of scientists worldwide have studied Covid under a microscope and it's difficult to suggest that every last one of them is lying about their observations. Look, Fauci's colleagues admitted years before covid came on the scene how fun it is to attach and splice other deadly things to a Corona virus in the laboratory and the Corona is the perfect merger for hundreds of other DNA sequences for hybrid viruses in the laboratory. I saw the since sponged interviews myself. Gain of function activities with viruses are extremely real. Covid is very similar to Aids, actually. Not that it can't be healed through a more pure lifestyle and devotion to nutrition.
The vaccinations now, that's a whole different can of worms on a entirely different level of deception. Anyone who needs 80 years to admit the ingredients of an "preventative covid" injection can go jump in a lake.
Boostershots - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
"thousands of scientists worldwide have studied Covid under a microscope and it's difficult to suggest that every last one of them is lying about their observations."
Please cite the best 3 studies out of the thousand that you are referring to. (Or at least your favorite one).
"Gain of function activities with viruses are extremely real."
Please show us that study too! (At least one!)
BTW, here's the "study" which the elites are trying to use to justify the existence of the "COVID19 virus", for example. Is it any wonder that none of them ever mention it anymore? Careful though, once you finish reading this nonsense, you'll probably turn into a "virus denier"...
MarshaGail - Feb 18, 2024
Boostershots - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
I've been inspired to add to this, (sorry for the double comment).
Let's say someone drinks a ton of alcohol in a short timespan. They will essentially start to "shed" the alcohol particles through their skin pours in addition to their urine. You could even smell and taste the alcohol by licking their skin. Same goes if they breathed nasty hot humid breath on you right after downing a triple shot of whiskey. But would any of that "shedding exposure" ever be enough to get someone else buzzed? The same holds true for any type of poising. (Unless you know of some secret assassin weapon like that guy's poison tooth in the original Dune from 1982).
The main point is...your body is not instructed to "make" any new alcohol poison particles. It's simply a toxin that your body must expel.
That's the main issue I have with this "shedding" nonsense. Your body is simply just trying to process all the toxic crap that's in many of these fake COVID injections. Your body isn't making anything new. It's a false cause and effect dilemma.
Just because an unvaxxed person falls ill after visiting his "vaxxed" friend's house doesn't mean that "shedding" is the cause. There could be any number of toxins which could have caused the illness. It's very much like the "blame it on a virus game".
Catherine - Feb 21, 2024 - Edited
Protect and Alert
Pretty soon we will see holograms that look like spaceships and then the people will give up to the Fake Aliens, lining up 6 ft apart to get their anti-alien vax. Thats the next deal... Im already hearing so many people talking about Aliens are real and they will be helping us? WHAT?????? There is a Twilight Zone episode that reminds me of real life, about a town like that, where they all turn against one another and accuse each other of being an alien, when they dont believe the psyops. Experiencing the shunning over being a non vaxer was so bazaar, but I guess I was right not to be a jab victim!
Matthew 23
23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand.
Moral of this story...Believe in GOD and NO one else. Trust your God given intuition and do not give in to fear and lies. Keep your mind free from drugs and alcohol. A sober mind is always best for sorting out the truth from fiction. Fear is the absents of faith. Stay NATURAL in your food and supplements. Pray and meditate on positive things.
Protect And Alert - Feb 26, 2024
Protect and Alert
thanks I agree. Unity is important.
Protect And Alert - Feb 26, 2024
Protect and Alert
The vaccines were designed to transmitt. My good friend's daughter was 5 mos pregnant and got a massage from a vaccinated therapist and started bleeding on the way home and lost the baby that night. It IS a known bioweapon, under contract as a Counter Measure with the Dept of Defense and Pfizer. Sasha Latipova has shown us the contract. The U.S. Dept of Defense is bioweapon murdering off the world.
Boostershots - Feb 27, 2024
Transmit what? "Viral spike proteins" that don't exist? I'm sorry about your friend's loss, I can't imagine the emotional and physical suffering she must have gone through, but there could be any number of reasons for a miscarriage. We have no other information about this woman other than she "got a massage from a vaccinated therapist". I don't know your friend's age or her medical history. What about women who start bleeding after they have a steak dinner with their family? Should she blame the steak? Was the cow vaccinated?
Sasha Latypova's DOD contract is not a scientific experiment. The military can claim whatever the hell they want to anyway.
Christian - Feb 25, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Oui, mon chéri... mais l 'empoisonnement par les anesthésiques dentaires est bien réel. Watch my blood !https://arzano.substack.com/p/mon-sang-my-blood-mein-blut-il-mio
Catherine - Feb 21, 2024
Protect and Alert
Its more likely the toxins over our heads nonstop called chem trails on steroids. Im non stop sneezing and coughing, Geo Engineering Watch . org
Protect And Alert - Feb 26, 2024
Protect and Alert
It is all the above, we are under attack from all sides, Air -chem trails , bioweapons, Directed energy weapons, isolation, food supplies destroyed and poisoned, War.
Claire De Lune - Feb 19, 2024
Ar’s Substack
I too am finding the whole shedding narrative hard to get my head around. I think maybe the unvaxxed people Dr Anna is helping have the toxic crap in their blood from other environmental sources, which very likely we all do to some degree or another (unless we live in a monastery in a remote part of Tibet).
Christian - Feb 19, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Vous avez tort ! Non vacciné, 4 massages par des masseurs vaccinés m'ont presque tué ! J'ai fait une chélation de 3 semaines et mon sang est aussi pollué que celui d'un vaxx. Je vais aller voir le résultat...quand j'aurai le courage.
Sarah E. Lawton - Feb 18, 2024
Research Your World
Your spike article was AWESOME! I laughed out loud several times. I agree with every word, my friend!!
Protect And Alert - Feb 26, 2024
Protect and Alert
Will Dr. Ana please join in on this discussion? It is very important for her too. How do you explain what she is finding in the blood analysis ? The circuits that we can see? Do you not see them?
Boostershots - Feb 27, 2024
How can anyone explain what she is "finding"? Dr Ana does not provide the materials and methods used to obtain any of these trippy images and videos. Is she just putting a drop of "unvaxxed" blood on a slide and then hitting it with a black light under a microscope? There are also no controls, meaning, Dr Ana doesn't show us any "non-robot" blood. How do we know the processes she's using aren't directly causing these trippy effects in the first place? If these are really "self assembling robots" with "circuits", then why do they each look different from each other from picture to picture? Did scientists invent a whole array of different microbots? How did they make these robots in the first place? (They certainly don't look like "micro-bots", they look like debris or common bacteria or crystalized gunk, even air bubbles. I'm not buying any of it. Dr Ana should make a video of her entire microscopy process used to make these videos, and she should also use "control blood" under all the same conditions to verify that there's no weird trippy shapes in those too.
Christian - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Vous $etes un prétentieux et un imbécile ! Je suis la ^preuve vivante de la contamination : sang en rouleaux, fibrine, hydrogel, graphène... et pas d'injections Covid, mais des massages avec des masseurs vaccinés. Je reviens de 3 semaines de chélation en Allemagne. Je vais avoir le résultat...
Boostershots - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
Il y a des millions de personnes non vaccinées qui reçoivent des massages de masseurs vaccinés, y compris moi-même.
Il y a des millions d'enfants non vaccinés qui ont des câlins et des baisers de leurs parents et grands-parents vaccinés.
Il n'y a pas des millions d'enfants qui souffrent ou meurent de "se répliquer aux microbots".
Vous n'avez fourni aucune preuve. Le Dr Mihalcea n'a fourni aucune preuve.
Comprenez-vous les processus et les machines complexes qui sont nécessaires pour faire une « micropuce » de base?
Comment un "microbot" ou un "nanobot" "s'assemblent" dans votre sang ?
Le processus complexe de fabrication des puces à semi-conducteurs implique de multiples cycles de superposition, de patronage et de gravure. Pensez-vous vraiment que tous ces processus peuvent effectivement se produire à l'intérieur de votre corps?
There are millions of unvaccinated people who get massages from vaccinated masseurs, including myself.
There are millions of unvaccinated children who get hugs and kisses from their vaccinated parents and grandparents.
There are NOT millions of kids who are suffering or dying from "self replicating microbots".
You have provided no evidence. Dr Mihalcea has provided no evidence.
Do you understand the complex processes and machinery that are needed to make a basic "microchip"?
How does a "microbot" or a "nanobot" "self assemble" inside your blood?
The intricate process of how semiconductor chips are made involves multiple cycles of layering, patterning, and etching. Do you really think that all of these processes can actually happen inside of your body?
Preparation and Orientation: The process begins with the thorough cleaning of the wafers, preparing them for the intricate fabrication process. Correct orientation is crucial at this stage due to the wafers’ crystalline structure, which must be aligned precisely for the subsequent steps.
Oxide Layer Growth: The first step in the layering process involves growing an oxide layer on top of the wafer. This layer plays a vital role in controlling the doping process, which is essential for altering the electrical properties of the semiconductor.
Photoresist Application and UV Imaging: A layer of photoresist, a light-sensitive material, is then applied to the wafer. The image of the doped regions is projected onto the photoresist using ultraviolet (UV) light. This step is critical for defining the intricate patterns of the microchip’s circuits.
Development and Etching: After exposure to UV light, the photoresist is developed, removing the unexposed areas. A strong acid, such as Hydrofluoric acid, is then applied to etch away the oxide areas not protected by the photoresist.
Doping Process: Dopants are introduced to the semiconductor at this stage. The areas not covered by photoresist absorb these dopants, altering their electrical properties to create N and P type regions, which are fundamental for transistor functionality.
Additional Oxide Layer and Gate Formation: Another oxide layer is grown over the entire wafer, serving as the foundation for transistor gates. A new layer of photoresist is applied, and the gate structure is imaged onto the wafer using UV light. The subsequent development and etching process creates the semiconductor regions that form the transistors.
Interconnect Fabrication: The final stage involves the fabrication of interconnects, which link the various semiconductor regions. Unlike oxide layers, interconnect layers are made from metals like aluminum, deposited using vacuum deposition techniques. These metal layers are then patterned with resist and etched, similar to the earlier steps.
Layering and Patterning: The process of layering, applying photoresist, developing, and etching is repeated to create the interconnects. A chip can have as many as 15 interconnect layers, although designers typically aim for between 3 and 6 layers to balance complexity and functionality.
Christian - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Fort bien monsieur ! Vous ne fournissez aucune preuve que ce que je dis est faux. En ce qui me concerne, c'est soit les masseurs triples vaxx, soit, éventuellement les anesthésiants dentaires reçus en 2021. Comment expliquez vous que mon sang soit aussi affecté que celui des vaxx !? ROULEAUX FIBRINE OXYDE DE GRAPHENE HYDROGEL... avec les symptômes de tous els gens qui vont dans la clinique des chélateurs : fatigue chronique, souffle court, tension sanguine élevée...
Ce que vous pouvez faire et que je vous conseille : allez faire examiner votre propre sang !
Selon des dizaines de chercheurs, le sang de quasiment tous est contaminé et abîmé ! Beaucoup ne représentent pas encore de symptômes ! C 'est exact. Depuis que j'ai fait la chélation, les rouleaux ont disparu, j'attends cependant de lire un diagnostic plus précis. Par ailleurs, allez lire les brevets découverts par la brillantissime Karen Kingston...
Catherine - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Shocking News Warnings that may enlighten you all on the weight loss drug Wegovy "RO" "OZEMPIC" and other names, and on this blood results testing
MarshaGail - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
"…they are believed to have lost their sense of smell or the flowers have lost their fragrants?" Or can't find home anymore because of the electromagnetic pollution everywhere.
Catherine - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
The same clowns screaming about our Imaginary "Carbon Footprint", driving around in limos, yachts, private jets and leaving their billions of space satellite junk pieces from years of spying on us, funking up the next "frontier". Sipping martinis in Dubau with air conditioners running at max speed, Jets fueling to take them back to their mansions, while deciding if we should be locked down in our homes, and by the way, what on earth is taking so long for us to die from their poisons.https://www.femaflavor.org/Who the hell elected this bunch forcing this S into our food?
Leave my food alone! Disguising chemicals in flavors and getting away with it "NATURAL FLAVORS" label is not natural at all.
FEMA (Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association) is led by a Board of Governors who determine the general policy of the association. The President, Officers, and Governors are selected at FEMA’s annual convention. The organization currently has six standing committees, which are led by member company volunteers and supported by FEMA staff1.
The association itself comprises flavor manufacturers, flavor users, flavor ingredient suppliers, and others with an interest in the U.S. flavor industry2. One of FEMA’s significant initiatives is the GRAS (generally recognized as safe) program, which assesses the safety status of flavor ingredients according to federal regulations3.
Here are some key individuals involved in FEMA’s leadership:
Laurette Rondenet: FEMA President
Paul Graham: FEMA President-Elect
Lucy Reid: Vice President & Secretary
Christopher Perkins: Treasurer
Danielle Barbaro, Gillian Bleimann, Dolf DeRovira, Dr. Markus Eckert, Scott Glennon, Kelli Heinz, Calvin McEvoy, Erica Reiner, Roderick W. Sowders, and Lynn Warner: Board of Governors
Dr. Suzanne Johnson: Advisor
Joanna Drake: Executive Staff
Christie Harman: General Counsel
George Southworth: Scientific Director1
FEMA plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and quality of flavors used in various food and beverage products. π½οΈπ
Related industries Any country
Animal Feed
Fresh Vegetables
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Paul Barbara - Feb 18, 2024
Paul Barbara
Because you have seen 'creatures' you assess as Interdimensional or Aliens does not mean they are what they claim to be, or what you believe them to be. The Devil is powerful and cunning; his demons can appear as all sorts of things, and claim all sorts of things. We are up against a hugely powerful Fallen Angel and his armies - this world is a trial, and the Devil has power to enrich and give knowledge to those who serve him - Jesus referred to him as being the Prince of this world.
Jdn - Feb 18, 2024
Ar’s Substack
True! They are beautiful beings still this fallen angels.
They deceive everyone into thinking they are ugly and have animal like features.
They can take whatever shape they want.
The Bible tells us that Satan is going to impersonate Christ here on Earth and deceive many.
He will "come" with "angels of light" and "dead people" which are nothing but demons in disguise.
Read Matthew 24.
And we cannot solve anything by "reaching a higher vibrational frequency" because we have no power in us.
But Jesus does. He is the only One who can help us in this war.
Our intuition won't help us. Actually the Bible says "Proverbs 28:26 (KJV) He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered."
Search for God while He may still be found.
Isaiah 55:6 (KJV) Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Christian - Feb 19, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Le perroquet enjuivé "chrétien"...
Chelie - Feb 19, 2024
Thank you and Amen !
Seeking Truth - Feb 18, 2024
Seeking Truth
I don't believe we don't have any power. We are beings of light & energy & emit frequencies. We do have the power to raise the vibrations.
Jdn - Feb 18, 2024
If that were true, we wouldn't be suffering so much in this world.
In contrary, humanity is collapsing because we are no longer connected to God.
Sin broke the connection with God and we are powerless on our own in this spiritual war.
That's why Jesus came in this world and died on the cross for our sins, to save us from the power of Satan.
Due to His death and resurrection He got victory over the wicked spiritual forces at the cross 2000 years ago.
If we want to conquer also in this spiritual war, we must believe in Him and His sacrifice, repent and confess our sins to Him.
He will give as a new life, a new heart or a new spirit. He will recreate us from the inside.
This is called the born again experience.
Sin will no longer have dominion over us.
Then prayer and study of God's Word everyday will sustain this new life.
John 8:32 (KJV) And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
https://youtu.be/JqLIndMA9Ks?si=jczChUHkgKOBhamb- Cosmic Conflict, The Origin of Evil.
John Roberts - Feb 18, 2024
John Roberts
Amen and Amen !!!
Christian - Feb 19, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Le blabla Jésus des sionistes américains ! L'horreur !
sara1 - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Rife treatments are another way to clean ourselves
Christian - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Pericoloso, forse, no ?
Antonella - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
yes, edta and methylene are dangerous, hard on the liver and kidneys, rife machines? no lol why would you say that do you even know how they work?
Christian - Feb 20, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Troppo complicato per me...
Christian - Feb 20, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Ma lei non parla italiano ?
Antonella - Feb 20, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
si parlo italiano ma questo forum è in inglese come l'articolo è per far capire a tutti cmq ho scritto Sì, l'edta e il metilene sono pericolosi, danneggiano il fegato e i reni, le macchine rife? No, lol, perché dici così, sai almeno come funzionano?
Christian - Feb 20, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
no, non so che cose sono le MR ? ... ho appena fatto una chelazione con EDTA e vitamini in una clinica in Germania. Il mio sangue non è ancora totalmente pullito ma i rouleaux e la fibina sono sparite ! adesso sto provando l'olio del buono samaritano... e aggiungio che non so,no vaccinato ! ma la vittima della contaminazione dei Vaxx e forse di lavori dentari dato che tutti gli iniettabili sono corrotti ! sono francese ed a volte scrivere in inglese mi da fastidio !
Antonella - Feb 20, 2024 - Edited
cerca spooky2 c'è il sito in italiano e dovrebbe esserci anche in francese. Paulette Coates ha pulito il suo sangue con queste macchine di frequenze Rife
AncientLoveLover - Feb 18, 2024
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
Tried MB and it caused me to have a headache that was pretty miserable. Not discounting it’s effectiveness, but I’ll stick with other treatments that have kept me clear headed, and energized. I haven’t tested my blood, but I feel pretty good. And have brought morgellons disease into remission. Gum spirits of turpentine shilajit iodine vitamin D3 C baking soda borax and sodium citrate
Blue712 - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Concerning methylene blue.... extremely toxic. Why is this being sold to the masses?https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/14/2/242#:~:text=Among%20these%20dyes%2C%20methylene%20blue,human%20health%20and%20environmental%20safety
Claire De Lune - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Not in the right quantities. I have taken it myself and felt amazing afterwards.
Mad Science - Feb 18, 2024
I've also had amazing results with it for Lyme with no side effects. Its also effective with skin growths on animals.
Blue712 - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Some aspect of it did, but it doesn't mean you didn't also ingest something with hidden dangers.
MarshaGail - Feb 18, 2024
U see who published this article u posted??? U C who its authors R?? Good heavens - GetSmart.
MarshaGail - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
U clearly haven't done enuf Real Research or Investigating. Please b careful with such blanket statements that mislead.
Blue712 - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Actually, I have. Work on that spelling, it would do you a world of good.
MarshaGail - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Sigh. Eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized. U do u - I'll do me. Go in Peace.
Blue712 - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Please stop responding to my comments. I don't correspond with people with such low capacity for communication. Blocked.
Catherine - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Ive had a very bad reaction from the blue. Only took it for 5 days. Every time I laid down or turned quickly after day 5, I was spinning for seconds. Im still having issues a month and a half out. If I lay down or get up Im spinning for a few seconds. Im scared to ever try it again. There was a time I had mercury fillings removed and the idiot dentist drilled the mercury to dust and let it land in my mouth without any protection. I was so pissed when I looked in my mouth and saw my entire mouth full of mercury. I dont know if I awoke the mercury that was absorbed into my mouth when i took the blue. I just know I cant do the blue again. Im still scared by these side effects im still experiencing. Ive read others had amazing results so I have to believe its that mercury exposure from 20 yrs ago that makes me different. My jaw and gums have been hurting ever since the Blue. My doctor, an MD of 40 yrs and Naturopathic has explained it away as an "adrenaline surge" from the Blue. I still think it has something to do with the mercury that I absorbed from 3 old mercury fillings turned into mercury dust in my mouth.
S.M. Carson - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
The article list numerous biomedical applications. It's toxicity is highly dose dependent
Blue712 - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Just because something has had biomedical applications doesn't mean it should be used as a supplement. I'll follow my intuition on this one. You can be sure that the powers that be are infiltrating the "supplement" market every step of the way.
Catherine - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
I bought Ziolite a yr ago EDTA, and used it a couple times until the Health Ranger Mike Adams, who I trust, at Brighteon TV, lab tested several Zeolite brands and found it was full of lead. I threw that 49 dollar can of it away. I agree that we need to get our natural products from a trusted source because these Pharma guys are out for blood! Buyer Beware! Zeolite has been hailed as a cure all but it can do more harm than good. There are other options.
Blue712 - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Exactly right. That's my concern with most supplements. Look, no matter how many Ph.D's people put behind recommendations - we all have to understand that people make huge bucks for promoting certain products. I ran into this precise same issue with Zeolite. I found a really good German source, but upon looking more deeply into their business through various records, it turned out it was CHINESE OWNED! You can bet the zeolite was not being sourced from a pure area. It's exhausting trying to find the "true" thing with most of these "miracle" supplements. The entire industry has been tampered with, and that's the REALITY OF THE SITUATION! Even "tests" can be fudged by companies in order to keep the money rolling in...
This is the world we live in..
NEVER BUY SOMETHING simply because an impressive scientist or doctor told you that you should. You (collective you) do have a mind and soul - you are not "more stupid" than those impressive titles. No one is. USE YOUR INTUITION and try not to be blind because an impressive doctor or scientist insists on certain things being safe.
I never wanted to mention this, but I will. Dr. Mihalcea is a secret student of the "RAMPTHA" school - the woman who runs it believes she's channeling an entity and has been sucking people out of their money for years. So many people here talk about "God this, god that". Yeah, I'm into "GOD" too. But I don't trust every person who says they're channeling. Apparently, Dr. Mihacea is FAR MORE INVOLVED with the Ramptha Empire than she'd tell her followers.
The very bottom of her website has links to it. Ramptha is a very dark source of information and I even know one of the original members who got sucked into it in the 1980's. Someone who knows about the corruption that went on in that "mystery" school...
Catherine - Feb 19, 2024
VERY INTERESTING AND THANKS. TRUST NO ONE HAS ALWAAYS BEEN MY BIBLE AND IT TURNS OUT TO BE RIGHT EVERY TIME. Everyone seems to be a snake in the grass. I got suckered and now I had to learn again the hard way.
Blue712 - Feb 19, 2024
Well, trust those you love.. But trust people who make huge dollars in order to promote miracle cures? The world is a much darker place than that. The entire industry is corrupt and supplments are now laced left and right.
Aminata - Feb 19, 2024
Which upportunities we have?
anna burns - Feb 18, 2024
There is a lot of hype on MB, and every time I hear promotion of it, I rethink if I should use it or not. My body intuition is very resistant to MB, so I am paying attention and choosing to NOT use it.
Catherine - Feb 21, 2024
MarshaGail - Feb 18, 2024
I've taken MB for years & Thank God everyday for the wisdom & Miracles of His Gifts. Read more - search further & u will find theTruth.
Domnitza - Feb 18, 2024
Dear Ana. Would it be possible that you do a WEBINAR on HOW TO TREAT nanoparticle overload? For busy doctors it would be most useful to have a webinar with GUIDELINES or CASE STUDIES on this topic. Helping us span the distance from FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH TO CLINICAL PRACTICE. We all operate in different countries and under different jurisdictions which makes it more challenging.
Thanks you for considering
Blue712 - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
Isn't this blue dye stuff classified as a toxic substance? Why is this being promoted? It seems to me that even doctors who are studying these things might be having their research infiltrated by the powers that be. Everything in my gut says to not trust this blue dye stuff...
S.M. Carson - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…
It's one of the oldest drugs in the pharmacopeia. It has many biomedical applications. The dose determines the toxicity.
MarshaGail - Feb 18, 2024
Catherine - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
I only used 4 drops in water and drank it for 5 days and had a terrible reaction. That, I was told was a very low dose, also I lowered the dose to 2 drops on the last day of taking it. I think it depends on the person and many factors. It began with a feeling of on top of the world good on day one but then I couldn't fall asleep. Day two I passed and finally fell asleep, day 3 I took the same dose and it opened up my mind, I felt my head was clear, day 4 same, day 5 i decided not to take it as I had a restless sleep, wired up, day 6 I passed again because I still felt weird, took it again on day 7, which was the 5th day of taking it and I began to see trails as I turned to move like it was a psychedelic drug, and my heart was racing a hundred miles an hour. My jaw tensed so hard, and my face felt like it was locked. My brain was on steroids, I couldn't sleep for more than 3 hrs a night and I didn't feel like myself. I hated the feeling. It felt like a weird drug I wanted to come down from, but I couldn't. 7 days later I got in to see my DR and he told me it was an "adrenaline surge" from the Blue. I take no prescriptions so there was no drug interaction except Vit D3 I take every day. He told me it would pass and to drink lots of water. A week after that, I started to come down slowly each day from it but 1 and a half months later Im still spinning when I get out of bed or lay flat in bed. My jaw still tense and in pain. I hope eventually it passed. I think everyone should know what I experienced although I might be a rare case. I used Quantum USP GRADE Methylene Blue (Lab Tested) and reports from lab included. I understand from YOU TUBE Doctors that MB is used in Emergency rooms "When you have a situation where a patient might die and you dont know what to do, use M-Blue" was one quote.
Froggy - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
There care a few companies selling like 99% + Take caution. Prob all contaminated with heavy metals . Just as sodium citrate . The citrate part is not organic neither on the market . Comes from crap & detoxing with it can cause kidney pain etc . But some Benifits can be found If sourced correctly . Everything seems to be a work in progress .. pray & weed and listen to a lot of music is my current therapy..
Edward Bernaysauce - Feb 18, 2024
Edward Bernaysauce
Disavow the lies, release the fear,
& all else clicks into place...
( if not, rinse and repeat...;) )
MarshaGail - Feb 18, 2024
420MedicineMan - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
420MedicineMan’s Substack
Comment removed.
420MedicineMan - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
420MedicineMan’s Substack
I took 6g bidaily for 3weeks. Had no problem, it cleaned up the neuropathy in My right foot. I only take it every 3 or 4 weeks now, for three days 6g once a day.
I procured Alkali N from health food shop, it's mainly sodium citrate, potassium citrate and sodium bicarbonate. It did not have the ratios.
I been reading some of the hydrogel that utilises Luciferase uses Ca2+ nano wires.
Catherine - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
420MedicineMan’s Substack
Comment removed.
Catherine - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Luciferase...Patent # WO2020 666 (this number was removed from the web and replaced by phony numbers now and phony patents from earlier dates) Lucifer-race as it is pronounced was patented by BILL GATES for use in the COVID VAX pre-planned genocide use w/ Dr Fuckxi pre COVID19. It is a toxic substance. It was reported to be in the Jab and is luminous. Its dangerous to the human body because it is able to bypass the blood brain barrier, which nothing should do, that barrier designed to protect our brains. Part of his ID2020 Agenda plan.
Blue712 - Feb 18, 2024
I've been reading about it for years, albeit skeptically, and I need no convincing it's getting it people's bodies through many different devious ways including the vaccinations. I just wasn't aware till now you could check for it.
420MedicineMan - Feb 18, 2024
420MedicineMan’s Substack
The glowing dots people have in the T zone on face is the Luciferase, mine are pink, it's in the skin pours, I think it's the skin trying to excrete it as a toxin. People get it from being Vax jabbed or shedded on. Could be in environment and Anesthesia...
So I was doing some reading last night and night before. The hydrogel Luciferase utilised has Ca2+ nano wires in it. This could be why people are getting relief. Sodium citrate in the literature states that it can chelate out calcium and hydrogel.
Main thing is kidneys and liver function and dosage. I did read in literature that I think it was 1.2 grams 3 times a day is safest dose. As you know everyone is different, and has different tolerances.
I pray for you the best of luck Elana, to chelate it out, and your right hand neuropathy recovers.
Blue712 - Feb 18, 2024
Is there a way to reveal the "glow" from home?
Wendy Schale - Feb 18, 2024
Wendy Schale
I became electric. I got huge shocks when I touched metal and my hair became extremely staticky. I don't trust it
Bee Gee - Feb 18, 2024
Bee Gee
Comment removed.
Bee Gee - Feb 28, 2024
Bee Gee
Why would ypu buy it from amazon? And how did you even measure milligrams, I have multiple scales and none of them do measurements that low so Im doubtful.
Make Sodium Citrate yourself, dont order it from anyone. All you need is purified water (zerowater is the best for the money), citric acid and sodium bicarbonate. Many people are taking Much Much higher doses than you with no issues, for example I have drank aprox 40 Grams today and have no gut issues but then I am also on a much better diet than most people and so dont have a bunch of buildup in my intestines to purge.
Feb 28, 2024
Comment removed.
Christine Mealer - Feb 18, 2024
Christine Mealer
I only took a pinch in water and drank 4 glasses of water afterwards. My kidneys felt a little achy at one point but then it went away and I did feel better. I purchased food grade from Modernist Pantry. I have high blood pressure so I don’t use it often and I have to frequently check BP if I take it.
Paul Barbara - Feb 18, 2024
Paul Barbara
I take Magnesium Citrate - don't seem to get adverse reactions.
Christine Mealer - Feb 18, 2024
Christine Mealer
Someone made a comment that sodium citrate should be taken with magnesium citrate and something else. Can’t remember. It’s specific formula
anna burns - Feb 18, 2024
I don't take MB because my body is telling me not to, but I know that just because something is called toxic does not mean it is.
For example, MMS and DMSO. FDA calls them dangerous and toxic, but used correctly they provide great benefit.
John Braby - Feb 18, 2024
John’s Newsletter
Ana, what do you think of Sodium Citrate as a treatment (See Karl C/David Nixon)for these entities ?
As another mechanism of sodium Citrate ?: In standard blood microscopy it's used as an anticoagulant. People report remission of ?arthritic pain. 2nd day in and so far I would have to agree. Is this because the blood is freer to move and transport Oxygen round the body ?
In every day situations we are surrounded by EMFs which cause Rouleaux and agglomeration:
Tony - Feb 24, 2024
John’s Newsletter
I'm on my second session of sc. One teaspoon 3 x a day.
I live blood test before and during. So far no reduction in rouleaux, coagulation. But testing ph of urine has gone from 5-6 up to 7-9. I'm not sure of the significance but was surprised by the result.
John Braby - Feb 24, 2024
John’s Newsletter
Purely used as painkiller for arthritis (?) 1/3 tsp SC gives about 6 hrs effective, same as 1 tbsp minced ginger stored in honey (takes away a lot of the heat). Voltaren 4 hours. 1 week in.
BlazeCloude3 - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
From back in the days of my career; had some time working as Prayer Intercessor for Exorcism and learned the name of the Dragon/Lizard you're referring to, Dr. Ana Mihalcea.
It's name is Leviathan (/lΙͺΛvaΙͺ.ΙθΙn/ liv-EYE-Ι-thΙn; Hebrew: ΧΦ΄ΧΦ°ΧΦΈΧͺΦΈΧ, romanized: LīvyāαΉ―ān; Greek: ΛεβιΞ¬θαν). It's a sea serpent/dragon noted in theology and mythology. It is referenced in several books of the Hebrew Bible, including Psalms, the Book of Job, the Book of Isaiah, and the pseudepigraphical Book of Enoch. The Leviathan is often an embodiment of chaos, threatening to eat the damned when their lives are over.
In the end, it is annihilated. Christian theologians identified Leviathan with the demon of the deadly sin envy inherent to those lusting for power over all God's creation. According to Ophite diagrams, the Leviathan encapsulates the space of the material world.
It was stated to be the Primary demigod over Queen Elizabeth II...And, that using this family as its conduit...As named from the ancient times with 'Del Drago' and then 'Guelph' before now known as 'The House of Windsor' since Guelph was too German sounding for the British realm.
MarshaGail - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Exactlyππ―βοΈ ... but... eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized. Yeshua said "and when u pray, always pray 4 Deliverance". AMEN. And Thank You for Speaking TRUTH even tho u will b persecuted4it (just as Is Written)βοΈ
BlazeCloude3 - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Regardless of persecution; we have no time for the pithy and puny half-lies, complete lies by omission or commission and so much caution that turth is so obscure as to not exist. Regardless of what the Demons do; it is necessary to step out in 'Courage of Conviction' to speak the truth.
Absolutely pray for deliverance, conversion of souls and in reparation of the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts of our Lord Jesus Christ and his Mother and daughter, 'The Arch of the True Covenant', Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary for blasphemies and lack of gratitude for the blood of the Lamb bringing all into communion with God who wish it.
We must always remember...The best Exorcism is 'Confession' for self as all Demonic is immediate sent to the cross for judgment. We must pray for conversion of souls for more people to perform this task of courage. Amen.
Thank-you for your reply. God Bless and Keep You. πΉπππΌππΉ
MarshaGail - Feb 18, 2024
Christian - Feb 24, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Le conduit des démons sur terre, c'est le peuple juif, et spécialement les Rothschilds et d'autres.
Christian - Feb 19, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Be careful, Judaism is the root of evil and lie... nothing can be trusted in the Bible.
Tony - Feb 24, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Not my experience, bible has changed my life for the better.
Tony - Feb 25, 2024
Oui, le nouveau testament as well as l'anciebt testament.
Especially Isaiah 66.verse 18
Christian - Feb 24, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Vous avez de la chance ! L'ancien testament est juif démoniaque !
Tony - Feb 24, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Mon ami. Je ne agree pas!
Christian - Feb 25, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Pas le nouveau testament, mais l'ancien.... mon ami...
Andrew Zincraft - Feb 18, 2024
Andrew’s Substack
Great work Dr. Ana. Always a pleasure to read. Was compelled to reply to your email abour fluorescent orange filaments. I think you will find it interesting as I witnessed something quite remarkable just the night before.
MarshaGail - Feb 18, 2024
Wow, wonder what that was!
Caitlin - Feb 18, 2024
Thank you, Dr. Ana. π
nico napo - Feb 18, 2024
nico’s Newsletter
Protocols of Zion.
Their Playbook!
Christian - Feb 19, 2024
Ar’s Substack
And most people here trust he jewish Bible !!!
Seeker - Feb 18, 2024
Please describe in more detail the use of malic acid (dose? specific indications for? etc)
CHARLES JAMES - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Research Your World
Please tell us what to do if we need dental work. Are there nanoparticles in dental injectable anesthesia? This is a serious problem. Please share your thoughts on this.
Sarah E. Lawton - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Research Your World
Yes, she has articles showing that dental anesthetics are contaminated, as are most all other medications and injectables. All of us have the nanotechnology already, so don’t stress if you can't avoid exposure to more. There are alternatives like nitrous gas, but even the gas may have the nanotechnology added. What's most important is to be on a daily maintenance protocol to reduce the quantity of nanotechnology and to regularly deactivate what's present so you have less symptoms and less clot production. There is an antidote. It's just a question of if we can get more scientists working to find the antidote. This is the challenge since the psychological manipulation is so prevalent.
Wendy Schale - Feb 18, 2024
Wendy Schale
You can look for holistic dentists
Catherine - Feb 18, 2024
Yes, you are correct, I saw that too.
Sassafras - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
Can't Docs always find some remote compounding pharmacies??...
Thanks to all for explaining more about why some of my friends who took a lot of vaccines, had surgery, etc. now "glow in the dark" when we were in "black light" at this fancy hotel??.... It was so weird!.. :/ Also, they always use top of the line cellphones... It's got to be that combination!.. :/ God have Mercy!!-
Long viet - Feb 18, 2024
Dont take big pharma lidocaine. Im from vietnam and vietnam probably still produce the original lidocaine. I can buy samples but who have a microscop to look on it?
Long viet - Mar 31
UPDATE. totale failure. i bought a microscope and even lidocaine from Vietnam contain the same GO structucture in it. i look at SEPTODONT france. VINPHACO vietnam. HUON from korea, and KABI germany
Webe1 - Feb 18, 2024
Research the book “Hidden Epidemic” by Thomas E Levy. Even biological dentists aware of the dangers of the v a x can’t seem to find products not infected with this stuff.
Long viet - Feb 18, 2024
Because they only have acess to fda producrs. Look in india brasil russia vietnam
Webe1 - Feb 18, 2024
Agreed. Have you been able to confirm their products via dark field microscope at a minimum of 200x magnification?
Long viet - Mar 31
update. just looked for Vietnam lidocaine, and even at x40 we can see the strange structure . transparent and glowing. metalic. probably GO. and even few tubes of GO !! scarry. Brands are Vinphaco vietnam. septodont France, huon korea. Kabi germany. all contain GO
Webe1 - Mar 31
Disappointing but not surprising.
Anita Söderman - Feb 18, 2024
Anita’s Substack
Thank you so very much for this and other findings that we have been able to follow these recent times. I totally agree with your conclusions, try to read the bible and stay away from most people. These the end of times are strangely foreseen by the prophets, in order to let us know? And braze ourselves? The hard part is when the near and the dear will not understand, nor take precautions though I do my best to sell in your name and work in other contexts. It has been absolutely outstandning to have been able to follow your analysises of blood in detail, and the conclusions, and all the other stuff. Thanks a lot!
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