Apr 2, 2023
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We know that the C19 shots contain lipid nanoparticles with are the components of hydrogel like Polyethylene Glycol in Pfizer and SM 102 in Moderna.
Linda Powell - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited
Laughing’s Substack
it's interesting that we don't hear about many/any passengers collapsing during flight.
Maybe because more electronics in the cockpit?
Blue Zebra - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited
Laughing’s Substack
Also, pilots spend much more cumulative time flying
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited
Laughing’s Substack
seriously, they start out human, spend years living out of hotel rooms all over the planet, if they have families they need EBT assistance....maybe just a little too much of good old fashioned stress?
People online don't seem to know very much about real people's real lives.
Mario A Leblanc - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
Blue Electric Storm - You wrote : ¨People online don't seem to know very much about real people's real lives.¨ What do mean by that? Are you talking about airline pilots?
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited
Laughing’s Substack
yes, I was speaking of airline pilots...but not exclusive to their work and lives...people have been raised on disneyland images and stories...imagine themselves and others as movie characters
Dominic Gleeson - Apr 3, 2023
Why has it only been a thing since the roll cv out
Blue Zebra - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
Or maybe it's not all electronics. Maybe this kind of things only happens to aircraft that have a radar in the nose of the plane, and the radar has EM leakage. Or maybe one of the frequencies on a certain radio. Without a proper epidemiological study, it is impossible to know.
Mario A Leblanc - Apr 2, 2023
Mario’s Substack
All aircrafts have a radar in the nose. Also, the cockpit is full of electronic.
Stegiel - Apr 2, 2023
The Journal of Lingering Sanity
I am very interested in your research and their research.
Bufus Alvarius - Apr 2, 2023
The Menelaus Gambit
yes this video and their channel, proving graphene in everything :https://t.me/miraalmicroscopio
Ernest D. Lieberman - Apr 2, 2023
The Menelaus Gambit
It appears to be in Spanish. Is there an English version?
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 2, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
go to La Quinta Columna...they have been at the lead of this all along. But they're not publicity hounds, and they don't ask for money. So....
on odyssey, official channel, english official translations
Ernest D. Lieberman - Apr 2, 2023
The Menelaus Gambit
Thank you.
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 2, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
can't say if it's this comment that did it, but "Dr. Ana" has just nixxed me from her comments section. That ought to tell you something.........it tells me all I need to know.
I am doing health posts on my substack. Join me there. Amongst much else.
Bufus Alvarius - Apr 2, 2023
I have only discovered their microscopy channel today and even without much knowledge you can use the search with names of products that may contain graphene and often, shockingly so, it appears, like NaC, which is supposed to attack it - so these vile creatures have thought about all of this ... of course ....
420MedicineMan - Apr 2, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
I agree 100%. Pilots and cabin crew are also at higher risks of cancer, from greater exposure to cosmic radiation, communication EMF, flying closer to satellite sourced EMF, and as you pointed out the increased atmospheric voltage increases by altitude, I learn something new every day.
It's a recipe for disaster.
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 2, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
not to mention...may I? ....the insane amount of heavy metals being sprayed out of their machines 24/7 since 9/11? And can we mention the ionosphere heaters all over the planet, and the nexrad system, and all the supposed satellites and all? God, you can cause a pilot a complete meltdown...I've done it and had to pay for a different flight...just asking what they are spraying out of those wings or underbelly. Fragile, they are. With good fucking reason.
WAit until we find the first class money whore A-holes who put up all the towers. We're gonna have some fun, me and the girls, when the whip comes down.
Ernest D. Lieberman - Apr 2, 2023
The Menelaus Gambit
Has anyone tried using "grounding" or "earthing products"? These are supposed to ground the body (via the ground socket in a three-socket electrical outlet) which supposedly supplies a negative charge to the body that supposedly acts as an anti-oxidant, as well as detoxing and/or protecting from EMF radiation and electrical fields from appliances. I'm looking at bed pads and sheets fromEarthing.com(not selling it, just asking about it), and its related Earthing Institute for more info.
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 2, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
try sleeping in a tent , on the ground, with only natural fibers beneath you
try walking somewhere on actual earth
lay on the GROUND...admit that you are made of this earth/ground, and to it you will return
Try to worship the ground under your feet...find its worthiness...it feeds you...clothes you....shelters you...makes you what you are....for free...imagine...a gifting culture based on reality
420MedicineMan - Apr 3, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
I go sit on a massive rock, around some powerful ley lines. I find an old lava tube that connects to the ground water, that has a nice trickle of Earth magnetism field running out of it, so it's not too powerful, just nice and cozy. It has granite, with pink quartz, milky quartz and black garnet. Good mix of the Devine feminine and masculine. :-)
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 3, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
oooohh, nice....just repeating..." granite, pink quartz, milky quartz and black garnet" ... makes me feel so high!
420MedicineMan - Apr 3, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
I sit on it naked. yep. :) Very naturally high.
Charlotte Z - Apr 2, 2023
Charlotte Z
I am an outdoor woodsy kind of gal so I can do that. It's a good suggestion and I thank you for sharing it.
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 2, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
Even better by a rushing stream or river. "Bench" a tree. Make a sunrise fire. Listen to the planet awaken.
Sit up all night with a babe in your arms, on a highway entrance in Florida, and feel the night unfold. Learn the first sign of the approaching dawn. It'll be at your feet. You won't see it. You have to feel it. Give thanks and praise. Spider Woman told us we were put here to sing the praises of the creation. Sing with all your heart and soul, until the walls come tumbling down. They have no choice.
420MedicineMan - Apr 3, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
hmm approaching dawn, most powerful time to do it...
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 2, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
This woman has just nixxed me from her site, probably for mentioning La Quinta Columna. I do health posts and a lot else on my substack. All free. I don't use, nor sell, "products". Pills is pills, all made by the same players.
420MedicineMan - Apr 3, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
I just support my local health food shop, they have some great products, plus I just got myself some colloidal gold.
Beth - Apr 2, 2023
Hi, just standing in the earth in bare feet will ground you as well. There’s a reason that people build up a static charge when we wear rubber soles...!
Charlotte Z - Apr 2, 2023
Charlotte Z
Yes, I sit outside on my patio barefooted with my feet in the grass doing grounding when the weather cooperates. I feel more relaxed and energized. Of couse, I'd rather be on a sandy beach. I should look into grounding products myself. I also use infrared light therapy for an arthritic shoulder that keeps my shoulder pain free and mobile.
damon mcclure - Apr 2, 2023
damon’s Substack
Hi Ana
As usual, nice work. You're an inspiration to everyone thats actually curious.
I emailed one to David Nixon but he only asked if I had more video(2) and one was too long to email.
I'm behind on uploading our blood work but if you want a look you're welcome to it.
No sure how i use the edta intravenously here in Australia, the cream is only in Amazon that I can see. Is there another source?
420MedicineMan - Apr 3, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
You can use oral products called Millenium Australian made, its the most popular Vit C in the health food shops, they use a natural EDTA extracted from citrus, a Hesperidin complex. It's a liposomal EDTA, has Vit C and colloidal minerals in it. I take half a teaspoon in structured water twice a day.
Peppermint tea also has a naturally occurring Hesperidin molecule, really good for IBS or stomach pain as the methanol is anti inflammatory. Since they're poisoning our food... makes sense eh.
So if SHTF people gonna be growing peppermint and citrus, my personal favorite citrus is the lemonade variety it's a cross between Mandarin and lemon, it tastes just like home made lemonade, plus it peels like a mandarin. :) I miss my hobby farm, I live in Suburbs now. :(
damon mcclure - Apr 3, 2023
damon’s Substack
Thanks mate, I'll check them out .
Saw an interview where they said make sure that its applied on the skin but as Ana is doing it intravenously then there myst be a way to ensure safety when taken orally.
420MedicineMan - Apr 3, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
Medicines have different routes, IV and dermal EDTA applications are different medicinal drug preparations.
Orally it has to be liposomal with organic hesperidin complex, which is a different drug preparation, it crosses the gut lining without extracting macro and micro nutrients from the diet.
Herbs or extractions there of are still drugs, which you have to be careful with, as people can react to them differently too.
Take care mate.
The Green Hornet - Apr 2, 2023
The Green Hornet
Makes sense. Pressure changes from altitude can affect BP heart rate and blood flow. Any jab induced blockage would be potentially catastrophic. Worse if electric currents accelerates the formation of these fibrous and metal based clots.
Dan Preece - Apr 2, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
Or could it be magnetic waves? LPNs have many novel anomalies pertaining to magnetic properties. Ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, paramagnetic, diamagnetic, ferrimagnetic! The reason these particles are coated in PEG’s is to control the spin and keep them from heating up. 😵💫
Monica M - Apr 2, 2023
Dan Preece, wow, did you hear that in one of the Asian countries, I forget which one, they actually said the corpses had a HIGHER body temperature than normal...I believe before death and after (which was odd after death). ?? This is all just unbelievable & awful. 😔
Dan Preece - Apr 4, 2023
Yes, I did hear about that.🥶 lipid nano particles do spin and heat up in certain situations. That’s why the industry is coating them with PEG (polymers). To help control the spin.
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 2, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
well, at least on this site, it isn't all satan
Mario A Leblanc - Apr 2, 2023
Mario’s Substack
The air in the cockpit and the cabin is not so clean. I know. I am a retired airline pilot and what you will read here is true. Jet Blue Flight Attendant Kate Speaks Out -The Impact of Fume Events
¨Please listen to Kate, a ‘Jet Blue’ Flight Attendant from the USA, explain the impact of Fume Events »
The Transport Workers Union (TWU) USA, November 2019, on the subject:
‘What Are Toxic Fumes? Cabin crew and airline passengers are being exposed to toxic fumes which can cause severe health effects, including brain damage, cancer, and loss of motor function. Passengers are often unaware that the air they breathe on board is circulated through a series of mechanical processes to “bleed” air from around the engines. When these processes malfunction, toxic fumes can seep into the cabin air, releasing gasified engine oil, hydraulic fuel, and other aircraft fluids which can become potent nerve agents.
These nerve agents can be absorbed through inhalation and through the skin. Repeated or prolonged exposure to these – such as the daily exposure flight attendants and pilots endure – may result in the same effects as acute exposure. Some TWU members have become completely disabled from exposure to these chemicals.’ Read More and petition.
LONG In The TRUTH - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited
Hamish625’s Substack
.....been WANTING since your latest interview with Maria Zeee to comment about a concern which is almost NEVER communicated, Ana - this wholly-ERRONEOUS conclusion of SOME New Agedly-inclined healers, that MORE electrical charge / potential, MUST be a GOOD thing for health but, TOO much unquestionably DEvitalizes (eliminates ability to function) dermal media, other tissue as if there had been ELECTROCUTION (something the CUMULATIVE effect of ALL needles, injections have, I believe - given MULTIPLE types of organic materials with piezoelectric pressure / stress capacities - wireless radiation exposures, WORST contributing factor).....though I'm NOT certain if Dr. Michael Levin at Tufts (now) following in pioneer Dr. Robert Becker's (author of groundbreaking 1990 book 'Cross Currents') footsteps would embrace conclusions like these HIMSELF, he as WELL as Professor Gerard Pollack have BOTH confirmed a range of - 40 to - 90 millivolts (or, 400 - 900 negatively-charged MICROvolts) crossing associated ion channels for MITOSIS / cytological replication to commence, while as I may have previously noted, a March 2019 Nature comparative graph demonstrates that 'viruses' so generate over FIVE times the higher limit value; certainly ENOUGH to sufficiently CORRUPT such metabolic processes, and INCREASINGLY promote ONCOGENIC conditions.....here's a link to Levin's FASCINATING experimentation.....
LONG In The TRUTH - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited
Hamish625’s Substack
....here ALSO, is a link to Pollack's COMPARABLY-fascinating presentation; tried to sound him out about artificial tubing (such AS nanotubes) he highlights producing effects comparable to the MICROTUBULES which you YOURSELF noted, have been OBLITERATED by 3 decades of aluminum compound adjuvants in vaccines - and I further believe, are a BIG reason why OBESITY has since SKYROCKETED but, was SIMILARLY unresponsive (yet DID engage in a TRYING message exchange with me before finally recognizing what I was attempting to convey - he's WELL along, though).....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6fKV9M0ymY&t=1487s
Grasshopper Kaplan - Apr 2, 2023
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
What can we do?
I am vegan, and I have no idea how to cleanse of these alien toxin tech bio bars.
I want to get out of jail, but sadly, after they let me out in 2007the first time, I saw the world they released me to was merely a different jail.
We all need to get outta jail, free....
And I need to know that what I use is vegan....which is definitely not true of the Harmacide scamdemic injextions.
Being vegan means do no harm, neither to my self
Beth - Apr 2, 2023
Hi, bring vegan means your are a step closer to having clean blood anyway. People that eat animals are ingesting heavy metals (even if the meat is organic, because poor animals are injected like fuck constantly with supposed ‘vaccine’).
Tips to try and clean your blood: get a high quality water filter (big berkey is ok but reverse osmosis with added minerals is best).
Halogen cleanse.
Eat organic and natural.
Blood tonics such as stinging nettle infusion.
Black seed oil.
Systemic enzymes - I use serrapeptase and nattokinase to eat the fibrin and blood clots.
Heavy metal detox. I’ve been using chlorella and coriandolo for over a year now, my
Memory is I much better. I want to speak with dr Ana about this because she recommends a different type.
Learn herbal medicine and stay away from pharmaceuticals if possible.
I use nano particle silver as an antibiotic. It kicks covd’s ass.
Also pine needle tea.
Monica M - Apr 2, 2023
Beth, do you, yourself, take nattokinase & serrapeptase together at the same time...or do you know if it’s okay to take both together at the same time? I ask because, tragically, I recently learned that my 20 year old took two moderna jabs last year in 2022 (despite my incessant warnings). Guess he thought his mom was being over reactive, he trusted his government, he was of legal age to take the poison, & he wanted his freedom to go to a concert & college. 😞 So, I’m trying best to help him now, & I’ve been giving him NaC, bromelain, nattokinase, serrapeptase, & C60. I will look further into EDTA chelation, chlorine dioxide, & diatomaceous earth. I took him the other day to get a troponin test & d-dimer test to see if he could have any heart damage &/or micro blood clots. 😰 But I wasn’t sure if I could give both the nattokinase & serrapeptase together because I thought maybe I don’t want to thin the blood too much. ?? I don’t know if the two together can cause a bleed or any problem (prob not for short term use, I would think). Last thing I want to do is cause more harm than good, & knowing my luck...?? If you happen to know, any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you.
Beth - Apr 3, 2023
Hi Monica, I have been using both together for about 2-months now with no problems so far. My plan was to do this for 6-months and then have blood tests (my primary reason for using them
Endometriosis, but I am also hoping they will help remove any blood clots I may have as a result of shedding from vaxxed loved ones).
I use high doses of each (1,000,000iu Serra and 8,000fu natto).
I also use an organic stinging nettle infusion because this is a blood tonic and cleansing for liver and kidneys (important to help the body clear out as we are healing it).
I haven’t tried the edta but have been on chlorella and coriandolo for over a year (for heavy metal detox). I’ve found it really powerful and my memory much better. Chlorella is also packed full of nutrients and so is health-giving alongside being powerful metal chelation.
Good luck with helping your son to heal. I defo think it’s important for him to do the heavy metal cleanses…also if not already done I suggest going organic (as far as is possible) and stopping eating meat (filled with vaccine related yuck - refer to Dr Ana’s most recent post about testing meat for more info).
I also use a big berkey water filter to remove toxins and fluoride but am saving up for an osmio instead.
Someone very learned in this area said that is the best (but need to ensure you get one that’s replenishs minerals otherwise these get depleted from your body).
Sorry for long message.
Other natural health giving medicines that I use are:
Pine needle tea (5 x more vit C than oranges and contains ‘shikimic acid’ which is such a powerful anti-viral they used it in Ebola medecine).
Elderberry syrup
Turmeric and black pepper
Dandelion tea (liver health).
…good luck! X
Monica M - Apr 3, 2023
Hi Beth, thank you so much for taking the time to share all that info! It is much appreciated! Sorry to ask another question, but I’m just wondering, where do you get your pine needle tea? Do you make it or buy it? Thanks again & good luck to you too! 😊
Beth - Apr 4, 2023
Hi Monica no worries at all. It makes me happy to be able to help others…my belief is that we need to be kind, support each other and move forward together x
I buy my pn tea from ‘the Kent and Sussex tea company’ in the U.K. their tea is really cheap and organic. If you choose to make your own be careful because there are some
Toxic varieties such as yew and Cyprus trees. I think that the saying is that flat pine needles are not safe but round ones are.
The believe that the ones I buy are from eastern white pine trees. Personally I would read widely before purchasing anything to ensure safety etc! Best wishes xx
Monica M - Apr 4, 2023
Beth, thank you so much! ❤️
LucyNeo - Apr 2, 2023
Look up NanoSoma /Metadichol.
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 2, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
well, then, grasshopper, quit whining...I went to jail three times and I got over it immediately each time. Boohoohoo. Woe is me. I learned to stay out of the fuckers' way. Like crossing a street. Elemental, my dear Watson. Unless you harbor illusions of grandeur.
I'm seriously tired of reading your sob story.
Beth - Apr 2, 2023
Dr Ana I have been using chlorella and coriandolo for a year for heavy metal cleansing. My memory is soooo much better now.
I also use nattokinase and serrapeptase for blood clots and fibrin and stinging nettles as a blood tonic.
I have a lot More energy since doing the above. I would like my blood tested to see if my protocols are helping. Can you advise me where to go pls? ...I’m in the U.K. thank you for all of your workxxx
Michael johnson illustrator - Apr 2, 2023
Michael johnson illustrator
Yes.. and dont forget 5G...activated by HAARP ..Plus the ionisphere radiation used in weather control ...
Bird - Apr 2, 2023
Interesting idea.
Somewhat related question -- are you and your colleagues interested in placenta samples from a Morgellons patient?
Bridget - Apr 2, 2023
How often should we have live blood testing? I’m trying to figure out how to come up with a game plan.
Ernest D. Lieberman - Apr 2, 2023
The Menelaus Gambit
I am writing a post for DYI when you can't get Dr. Ana's treatment. It includes nutritional info that expands on her posts (so far). For example, briefly:
According to Carlton Fredericks (1972), niacin helps produce heparin naturally, which adds a negative charge to red blood cells to (hopefully) ward off Rouleaux clumping. Heparin also "clears milky fats and triglycerides" from the blood and stimulates fibrinolysis, which dissolves clots. (He wrote of this in the context of the niacin flush, in which mast cells produce histamine, and then he went on to write that mast cell also produce heparin. I am as yet unclear if a flush is needed, or if "flushless niacin"--IHN--would also work; I suspect the latter.)
Dr. Robert Atkins wrote (1998) that adequate vitamin B1 helps reduce accumulation of lead (unclear about other toxic heavy metals), and he wrote that selenium "binds with [heavy] metals, leaving them inert and harmless."
A lot of the literature seems to verbally slide over distinctions between chelation (binding to heavy metals), aiding the detoxification of heavy metals, and competing with heavy metals at their attachment sites (such as zinc).
If this is of interest, I suggest you subscribe to The Menelaus Gambit (Seeing Beneath the Illusions). It's free. Good health to you!
420MedicineMan - Apr 3, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
"A lot of the literature seems to verbally slide over distinctions between chelation (binding to heavy metals), aiding the detoxification of heavy metals, and competing with heavy metals at their attachment sites (such as zinc)."
That is the one, I now use a copper glycinate as competition in nervous tissue, it also stimulates the growth there of. If you take it orally you have to be carful with the amount of Zinc you consume as Copper and Zinc, interact in the gut, and can cause a deficiency of zinc. So I alternate Zinc day and copper day.
I guess I should write up a post on it all to.
Plus you can use colloidal gold or cannabis oil grown with a nutrient that contains ionic gold, it affects the toxins on a biophysics level with it's electron aura. Plus cannabis anti informatory, anti cancer, a lot of other stuff too. Cannabis oil alone reverses the Electrostaticity of the blood.
I use magnetic braces to affect the ZETA potential of the blood too. Oh and Ginger and Turmeric aides by attaching to the ACE2 receptors therefore inhibiting the S2 spike I think I have to read about that again, I know it works. Here it is .
Bridget - Apr 2, 2023
I appreciate your post. We’re all largely here to find valid information and learn from others. Some people like you get it, others don’t.
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 2, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
oh, every day, and hour, for sure. Blood is what it is all about, what it's always been about, and until the last drop of warm blood on this planet has been extracted, the show ain't over.
Good luck with your ....
"game plan". I know how to play Monopoly. So boring.
Bridget - Apr 2, 2023
Thanks for your thoughtful contribution.
Weihan Xing - Apr 2, 2023
Weihan Xing
And what about soccer fields and other sports venues?
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 2, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
massively hooked up....male religious rituals
Ernest D. Lieberman - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited
The Menelaus Gambit
Dr. Ana, You are a modern-day Paul Revere.
Have you tried podcasts or broadcasts with:
Tess Laurie (Substack podcast)
World Council for Health (live webcasts)
Glenn Beck (podcasts)
FLCCC (weekly live webcasts)
Dark Horse Podcast (weekly)
Coast to Coast (live, overnight radio)
And, of course, Joe Rogan's podcast?
Ernest D. Lieberman - Apr 2, 2023
The Menelaus Gambit
P.S. Jessica Rose (Substack) goes deeply into the biochemistry of the Covid shots. "A Midwestern Doctor" (Substack) looks deeply too. I think both would be very interested.
Bridget - Apr 2, 2023
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