Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 22, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Dear all,
I just got off a conference call with the attorneys of Interest of Justice and I am putting all of my assistance behind them. We all have been focusing and praying to find a judge and a court that will hear us. In November we have this opportunity. On November 9th at 8:30 am CST you can sign up to live stream this public hearing and show your solidarity. I am asking for your help to donate to the Pro Bono Legal Team now. They need our help in this historic case that may affect the whole world. I spoke with David Meiswinkle, Esq, President of National ARM and we are in full support of Interest of Justice team and will join forces where we can.
Stripe de- platformed Interest of Justice so they cannot receive funds through their substack.
Please click on the link below to contribute to this epic fight now via their website:
Interest of Justice Legal Fund
You can sign up for the live stream of the public hearing here:
Watch November 9th hearing live
Please send your focus and prayers to the team.
Let’s do this! For Justice, for humanity and for the future of our species.
Thank you
Dr Ana
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Interest of Justice - Oct 22, 2023
Interest of Justice
Thanks for helping to testify and share the truth with the judge Dr. Ana! We really appreciate you sharing the word with the public to attend live and asking people to help us raise the funds to take this epic battle on! We pray a lot of people sign up to show solidarity to the court that we are all watching and praying for justice to stop the experimentsLets do this!!!!
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Roman S Shapoval - Oct 22, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Tell people that the best medicine is UV light, which builds our melanin, and can ultimately detox heavy metals from our blood!
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