Calcium Disodium EDTA plus Ascorbic Acid…

Sep 6, 2024

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Image: Injectable Calcium Disodium EDTA, Ascorbic Acid and Articaine Epinephrine


Kim - Sep 7 - Edited


Along with the EDTA, Vitamin C and methylene blue, I have taken to walking outside barefooted and IT REALLY MAKES A DIFFERENCE! Afterwards, I feel "lighter," have more energy, and can think more clearly. It's amazing that something that easy can make such a difference and gives us a good indication of how this EMF/radiation "burden" that we are being constantly exposed to is contributing to our general sense of not feeling well.


Nick - Sep 7 - Edited


Agree I use a grounding mat and I use it everyday.


Kim - Sep 7 - Edited


What is a "grounding mat" and how do you use it?


Nick - Sep 7 - Edited


Conducting/Earthing mat, plug it in, and place bear feet on it. Connects you to the earth, supposed to bring many benefits. Good for clearing EMF.


Kim - Sep 7 - Edited


That sounds really interesting because you can't go outside and walk around barefooted in the winter so I was wondering what to do then. Where do you get a grounding mat?


Nick - Sep 7 - Edited


I got mine from ‘Grounding Well’ company. I think they are on Amazon too. I got one for my bed also, helps ease insomnia for me.


Kim - Sep 7 - Edited


That is really helpful. I am going to check it out right now!
Thank you!


Pinco Pallino - Sep 19

Pinco Pallino

Do you take the EDTA and Vitamin C as listed on the bottles? We just got them and will get started.


Kim - Sep 19


I think that is a good starting way to do it. Obviously, whoever makes the supplements knows a general dose to take. However, I do know that in the past, Dr. Ana has recommended a daily dose of EDTA from 450mg-800mg/day and she recommends up to 10,000mg of vitamin C, but a lot of people cannot tolerate a dose that high. I know that I don't take that much. I take around 700mg/day with all of my supplements containing Vitamin C combined. I am not that choosy about the Vitamin C as I am the EDTA. One pill of the EDTA at night is 400mg. So, I would start with what it says on the bottles and then see how you do, and then you can adjust accordingly as tolerated.
I think it also depends on your level of exposure to people who may or may not have been injected with the bioweapon (shedding) as well as how much you are outdoors (geoengineering), food, etc. And since it is impossible to know exactly what and how much you have been exposed to, I just go by how I feel. If I am getting symptoms of brain fog and my heart rate is increased with palpitations and I have anxiety, then I figure that I may need to take more. You will begin to understand once you start taking it and your body begins to get used to it. And, everyone is different and will react differently according to their own bodies. Some may need more, some may need less. So, most importantly, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. All we can do is start somewhere and then do the best we can.


Pinco Pallino - Sep 20

Pinco Pallino

Thank you very much Kim for your detailed response.


BEFisher525 - Sep 9 - Edited


What dosages are you using? (not shots?)


Kim - Sep 9 - Edited


I take anywhere from 1 to 2 pills/day of the Med Five (400 or 800mg respectively). I was also given information from another person on here that says that it should not be taken every day and a "holiday" (i.e a break) should be taken to allow the minerals in the body to replenish, which I did not know. I am not beholden to taking it the same every day. I basically take it according to how I feel and according to my activity. If I am out in public more (exposed to more shedding)or using the computer more, I can "feel" it, so I kind of listen to my body and take it accordingly, but never more than 2 pills/day. And I think Dr. Ana agrees with this. I heard her just yesterday saying that there is no "cookie cutter" protocol and that everyone is different and responds differently. So, hopefully that answers your question.


Aminata Diouf - Sep 7 - Edited

Aminata Diouf

Hallo Kim,which kind of edta you areusing.Youtake it oral?


Kim - Sep 7 - Edited


I take the Med Five myself, but if it is too expensive (which it is), you can also take the Global Healing EDTA, which Dr. Ana recommends. And yes, I do take it orally.
Whichever one you end up taking, you have to make sure that it bypasses the stomach acid because stomach acid destroys it. Both of those ones I showed you do bypass the stomach acid so it can be absorbed and used by the body.


Kim C at the Sea - Sep 8

I just post about which one she recommended- the Med Five pills are almost double the mg than the Global Healing drops just fyi :)


Pinco Pallino - Sep 19 - Edited

Pinco Pallino

So this implies taking them outside of mealtime … right? Thanks! This is a great thread.


Kim - Sep 19 - Edited


Yes, outside of mealtimes as well as not taking it with other supplements. Dr. Ana has been saying to take the EDTA at night and then take your mineral supplements in the morning. However, if you plan on taking the EDTA twice/day, just make sure that it is (I have read other information from another person on here who seems to know exactly how to take the EDTA and they are saying) at least 2 hours away from any other supplementation or food. So, since I have been taking the Medfive for around 9 months, I can get away with taking it only once/day now, and I have been doing like Dr. Ana says and taking it at night and then taking the daily multiple vitamin and mineral supplement in the morning.


Pinco Pallino - Sep 20

Pinco Pallino

Thank you so much again Kim! We did just that. My wife works around a lot of people that have been vaxxed up and this is why I feel it is critical to take both. We have also been taking NAC, among other supplements. A year ago when I did the protocol 1000 of Chlorine dioxide, all sorts of health issues were resolved. It’s like the substacker “2nd smartest guy in the world says” … “They want you dead, do not comply.”


Kim - Sep 20


Another supplement that I know Dr. Ana recommends highly is methylene blue if you aren't already on it. It is effective in helping dissolve the rubbery clots, and is also an electron donor. I take it myself and I like it because it gives me energy as well as helps me to think more clearly. She also recommends humic and fulvic acids which are good for reducing the graphene oxide in the blood, as well as they provide trace minerals taken out by the EDTA. Are you on those two things too?
And it is true...they are trying to kill us one way or the other!! But, we aren't that easy to kill, are we?


BChase - Sep 9 - Edited


Thank you for your information! I was wondering how the EDTA could work out in the digestive system, and if I could truly avoid IVs.


Kim - Sep 9 - Edited


Yes, you can avoid IVs. IV chelation is the best way to clear the blood, but it is impractical for most people. All of us will continue to be "reinfected" because we are constantly being exposed to shedding as well as the other ways it gets into our bodies (I.e. geoengineering, that leads to it getting into our food and water supplies, and it is in the air we breathe since they are always "spraying" it in the sky). Most people cannot keep running for an IV chelation treatment.
So, with that said, oral is the next best thing. It comes in both enteric coated formulation (one example and also liposomal/microsomal (can be gotten at Global Healing.
There is also an EDTA cream that you can use topically and it can be bought at
All 3 of these choices will bypass the stomach acid and be absorbed in another part of the body since the stomach acid affects the absorbtion and effectiveness of the EDTA.
Hopefully, I answered your question.
I am not a doctor and I used to be a registered nurse, but now I am just a regular person like you trying to maneuver my way through this nightmare just like everyone else, so I don't have all of the answers. I am just sharing from my own personal experience and what I have learned from Dr. Ana.


lauron Smith - Nov 24

lauron Smith

Med five has been broken down and nanotechnology has been found in it, Brian artist lab EDTA contains nanotechnology, Robert Young masterpiece zeolite contains nanotechnology methylene blue contains nanotechnology anything that the pharmaceutical company can get a hold of that is not raw material that will accommodate the self-assembly now technology through transport to the body will be tampered with


Dee (Mustard Seed ) - Sep 6

Dee (Mustard Seed )

God bless you with good health & happiness. ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™ Please tell your mom , I’m so glad you didn’t listen to and still became a gifted doctor. Healing is in your DNA . How we Thank you so much for saving humanity and so many others in your team.


Tony Franchitto - Sep 6

John Vargo

Thank you so very much for the follow up and comparisons to various methods of treatment ( hopefully cures), in particular nicotine. We are bombarded in every inconceivable method there in existence, air, food, water, clothes, personal care products, WiFi, emf, microwave, TV, film , Lillie waves, psychological and spiritual warfare. One thing I’m certain about is this war on mankind is not man; I pray we could actually see them with the naked eye, then it would level the playing field. May the almighty creator watch over you and your family.


John Vargo - Sep 9

John Vargo

They are coming into view my friend,


Tony Franchitto - Sep 11

John Vargo

Thanks John, the article explains what I’ve been experiencing, the spiritual seeing to the dark forces attacking. There is a lot more going on than the eye can see (3 D). However I’ve been told we win and there will be attrition.


John Vargo - Sep 11

John Vargo

Yeah,we can't even see 1% of the existing electromagnetic spectrum Tony.I think maybe that's connected to previous genetic engineering.I literally don't believe hardly anything they have told us including (Junk) DNA.I've been mulling this over,I don't really meditate but contemplate much,


John Vargo - Sep 11

John Vargo

So for those reading this they are not calling it alien implants in this video but maybe we should be,


Monica Onit - Sep 11

Monica Onit



JamesKitts - Sep 6 - Edited


Will oral edta be of any benefit? OR DOES IT NEED TO BE A I.V.


Bee Gee - Sep 7 - Edited

Bee Gee

Oral EDTA Can work if you take it Right.
Or if you Really Really want it to work like I do, Fast and dont eat Anything while you take oral EDTA, its actually really easy. We regularly do 3-5 day EDTA fasts about once a month now.
IV is much better, no doubt but its more money and the only places around me are all shedder shacks giving out the jabs and Im not going to sit there for 3 hours stewing in their shedding to try to get Rid of the shedding.
Also you need a Lot of oral EDTA, those drops only have 225mg per 20 drops (1 ml) which isnt very much at all.
We take around 7000mg (7 grams) a day when we fast but I dont think its dangerous at all, like so many people try to say. We Feel Great, I cant recommend it enough. And if you read some of those old studies on EDTA, some people took 27 grams a Day, for Months.
Dont Do that but Im just saying, dont listen to fake doctors telling you how bad EDTA is, they dont know shit.


GetUpStandUp - Sep 7 - Edited


Omg…I’ve had 8 dental shots in the past two years. No covid shots but flu shots back from 2021. Side effects big time like dyslexia. Covid like 3 times. I’m on 2,000mg liposomal vit c and numerous supplements. Blood work reveals micro-clotting. What do you recommend? I have not had any EDTA.


Monica Onit - Sep 7 - Edited

Monica Onit

I am not a doctor nor a pharmacist but please look carefully at the numerous other supplements, are they somehow contradicting, in terms of clotting?


Nick - Sep 7


Agent demonstrates that vitamin & mineral supplements are a scam. They have never been isolated. For example, vitamin D even has rat poison in it.


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

With all respects, please make more time to dig for yourself much more into the subject,you may want to study each supplement and corroborate what many more entities had to say about, what reviewers in various places wanted to share.
Studying the basics of human physiology is a great place to start all. There are a few seasoned, outspoken doctors to learn from some different takes than pharma industrial complex’s narrative. If you have time, doing them both will show how subtle our destruction is crafted, mostly in the last decades.oAfter, take your decision. Don’t go mesmerized after the most ready -to -swallow ideeas, just look critically at all aspects and persons. Don’t believe me , when I say EDTA doesn’t bite the few amalgams and my tooth implant ! Ask the producers, read the books on chelation … ask chelation doctors in your region. Don’t be shy and tired of asking around!
Don’t put calcium edta under the tongue, after you fully understand how it works you’ll see this is unnecessary . You need to make choices so better to be fully informed and ok with your choice. This is what I did and still doing. I am the tester of my Fam and it’s not always easy.
What a shame nobody dares these days to at least upgrade Dr Gordon ‘s latest co-written book on oral chelation! The 2009 edition.
David Jay Brown, do you hear us? Do a new edition quickly please, with some few upgrades, adapted to this more complex reality we are in!!!! No chelation doctor touch this, why is that? That means we might be on the right path!
Before seasonal flu, when traditionally we take more D3+K2 and vit C, since decades, it feels like normal from some influencers to cave to the dough and do their part. I don’t even speak about what’s needed to replace the goods washed with the gunk in chelation process …
There are obviously fermented, natural vitamins and minerals out there on the market. I use them for my dogs. There are also humans ones, sometimes a good veterinarian is a keeper for all in the pack :))) I don’t use them in the chelation context- there are designed for a ‘normal’ life use and there is not documented lab work on them to find the optimal quantities in chelation mode.
Well, nothing is completely natural, even in supplements called ‘naturals’. There is none. We need to live with that. But don’t make me start to enumerate what is gross in our ‘clean’ eating … it’s weekend and I don’t spoil the party!
So what do we do? We evaluate the best compromise for us, not before informing ourselves thoroughly! It takes much longer than looking podcasts but it will give people enough tools to make the best from their own decisions.
Wish you well!


Nick - Sep 7


Wish you well too Monica, I read your posts with much interest and I’m happy to recognise that there is always more to know!


E.C. - Sep 7 - Edited

Monica Onit

Comment removed.


E.C. - Sep 7

Most of our pharmaceutical meds come from China, even in compounding pharmacies.
Personally, i dont think u can get away from it 100%


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

There are not all made in there. Even so, if the quality control of the seller is what is meant to be, I wouldn’t worry about ‘where’. In general I would look at ‘what are they made from’, if there are fillers in there, the bioavailability.
Many primary ingredients come from China and India and just from there nowadays.
I am afraid of FDA, CDC, these kind of lunatics, much more than of an exporting country wanting to get happy and repetitive clients.


Sep 7

Comment removed.


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

Well, he takes snippets of spectacular sorts, nice graphics and all, good for him. Not really impressed. I do my research, from different sources, I study all I can find about a supplement, vitamin and mineral, from chemical, biochemical, how it impacts body’s physiology, historical context and anecdotal-what people say, from many sources, not one. The doctors talking about, if they sustain their opinions backed on ample biochemistry work and the crucial point, they have total mind’s liberty- looking into how their private clinic works, do they have their own lab or not…the degree of client satisfaction and fidelity. I listen only to doctors who work the path on solid, independent, ample biochemistry for each patient. Affluent enough to speak his or her mind. Not pushing sales on me.
Agent is a funny guy, well , if he buys his bread, bad news, glyphosate and bromide in it… and ‘enriched’ with really chip folates, the dreadful Deandre so on… He doesn’t look as someone cooking organic from scratch and I am not mean here, just pointing the evidence.
Stella, there is a war on us, nothing is pure around and EDTA cant work the long way ahead without supplementing. We may want to inform ourselves from many many sources, going back, because chelations were glorious until public health turned against the people… There is that.
I would look into some old and not so old books by: Dr Garry Gordon, Dr Morton Walker, Dr Elmer Cranton, etc, titans of chelation when health wasn’t weaponized yet …You’ll see with your own eyes the amount of supplements going along with edta chelation. I don’t know if I may cite these thrift books here but for those doing chelation without supplements to replenish what’s lost in the process…
Guys coming around to instill fear with good manipulation skills, galore!
Dig more,use your intuition too. Calculate the risks and you’ll know what to do.
God bless!


Sep 7

Comment removed.


JMarie.58 - Sep 8 - Edited

JMarie.58’s Substack

Same with dental visits. I take 5000mg of very clean C powder, Dr Keith’s Super C, and also weight chart dose Borax w/nano silver 5 days on/2off….and other anti-oxidant’s amino acid supplements along with nightly grounding sheet. Always feel great on this protocol 1 yr now.


JMarie.58 - Sep 8

JMarie.58’s Substack

I did IV EDTA w/10mg C IV after - ppl have to know their kidney status first. EDTA is very hard on kidneys.


Flea Mason - Sep 7

Flea’s Substack

Can edta powder be made liposomal with an sonicator?


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

I would maybe let a chelator doctor to formulate and sell this one first , we don’t know how the body reacts to such form of distribution of EDTA in the body…


Aminata Diouf - Sep 7 - Edited

Aminata Diouf

Hallo Bee Gees,you think the edta from bulk is clean.I live in Germany here you cant get edta withoutprescription.SoI wanted to order the one frombulk.Youwrite you need a lot of edta.And in the Arizona EDTA is only 600 mg.Which kind of edta you use?You think the edta from bulk supplements is clean?Or which one would be the best to order?The bottle is to small you are right.Regards Aminata


Monica Onit - Sep 8

Monica Onit

Concerning bulk supplements, I use some of their products without problems and seem to work well until now: malic acid, magnesium citrate, resveratrol and calcium-EDTA.
Although I am on MedFive for now, still gave a try at bulk supplements powdered EDTA, for an eventual ‘God forbid’ moment, when they might decide to shut this one down for the world, like they did with ivermectin and other panaceas.
Putting it in a gelatin capsule, didn’t have any trouble and I am the sensitive weirdo in the house. I would suggest a research of ‘Calcium- EDTA oral chelation products ‘. You’ll find some nice formulations, easy to replicate.
I’ve used one of them before going MedFive. I’ve stayed 4 weeks on up to 2g/day edta, plus malic acid, vit C and garlic extract-inspired by positive experience from a previous product.
For simplicity, I won’t mix the other co-chelators with edta but swallowing them together and dedicating a capsule or more for each item. A good gelatin capsule won’t do harm if we swallow some.
A good milligrams scale it’s a must.
I wouldn’t go up suddenly with neither of the items. The water should be the cleanest possible and abondant enough.
What I liked about this ‘classic’ form was taking it just once a day and so far so good. No cramps in muscles ever. Of course supplementing after chelation’s time is crucial. We are different, we get depleted differently and less or more faster so I keep a journal for everyone in the house, useful to adjust strategies.
I don’t know if you may find books on home chelation in Germany but it’s worthy to give it a try.
My main reference , with some modern-day changes, is Detox with Oral Chelation by Dr Garry Gordon and David Jay Brown.
Dr Garry was using simple Calcium-edta in his time,not all the current, fancy formulations. In the end, if correctly and persistently done, we should get the same results.
Really hope that Dr Ana or someone less busy will write or reedit all forgotten precious books on chelation, with the necessary modifications and updates. Worldwide accessible solutions are needed.


Aminata Diouf - Sep 8

Aminata Diouf

Thank you for all the tipps I will try my best.


Christian - Sep 9

Ar’s Substack

Bonjour... does your EDTA IV treatment still uneffective ? I am in germany again... for my fourth treatment...


Monica Onit - Sep 8

Monica Onit

You are welcome!


Aminata Diouf - Sep 8

Aminata Diouf

I use translator for english so I cant read books in englisch fro. Dr Garry Gordon and David Jay Brown.


Bee Gee - Sep 7 - Edited

Bee Gee

I like Arizona brand and take it but if you cannot get that I would buy in bulk and fill my own capsules. Just basic oral EDTA works fine as long as you take it right.
The Arizona pills are 600mg Each but their recommended serving is 3 pills for 1800mg total. I take 3 Arizona pills 3 times a day when I am fasting.
I have not taken the bulk variety myself since I think Arizona works fine but I think taking Any EDTA is better than Not taking any EDTA. Bulk is slightly cheaper though.


Aminata Diouf - Sep 8

Aminata Diouf

Thanks for answering.Yes some edta is better than takenothing.Beblessed.


Beverly - Sep 7

Beverly’s Substack

Thanks for the article


Doug Brown - Sep 7 - Edited

Doug Brown

I clean up after shedders and lately I got to feeling the darkness, you know, and angry at everyone, and like my brain was clogged. I couldn't be creative or anything and I knew I needed to get rid of the nano.
IV is financially and geographically out of reach for me, so I used the EZ Detox EDTA cream Dr Ana was talking about months ago, along with oral vitamin C. I got sleepy and went to bed. The next morning my urine was dark and had "stuff" in it, and my brain felt a lot clearer. I thought of good solutions to problems I have been having, and I had some creative ideas.
I was also fasting before I took it. I'm going to keep doing all that a couple days a week. I know it is not enough, but at this point, I think anything is better than nothing.


Beverly - Sep 7

Beverly’s Substack

There is a fairly inexpensive ETDA powder on the market, sold on Amazon. They give you a scoop for a daily dose. The scoop is super tiny, maybe 1/8-1/12 teaspoon. I mix mine together with a scoop of Ascorbic acid ( also in powder form bulk on Amazon) along with a little methylene blue and chloride dioxide I mix it with a gallon of Kool-aid with Stevia. Yes, the Kool-Aid is probably from of nanobot forming graphene. How long has everything been contaminated? 2020 or years before?


Aminata Diouf - Sep 8

Aminata Diouf

Hallo Beverly,which inexcpensive edta you found on Amazon?


AudioSK - Sep 11

Where are you applying the EDTA cream, and was this the first time? I've read that wrists are best, but that's a limited area.


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

Please, consider what Bee says and look at his previous posts.
We don’t fast like him and his wife yet, but we will soon.I am still on daily Medfive, twice in a 14 h fast time, mostly while sleeping. brushing with edta toothpaste, twice a day. My family is into oral -only edta chelation, different formulas, 13 months now and counting.
Great results in terms of energy, sharp memory, changed glasses because improving vision, spotless teeth and no plaque-EDTA cleans the teeth but it won’t bite them in two minutes of brushing with a diluted paste.
Study everything you may find about chelation and you’ll figure out why, at a certain moment, they’ve tried to literally bury it after so stellar results… You’ll be furious but informed :)
Good luck to you and don’t forget to replenish with good minerals and vitamins!


Nick - Sep 7


Doesn’t EDTA pull teeth filling toxins into blood stream?


Bee Gee - Sep 7

Bee Gee

Only if you try to absorb it under your tongue so dont do that.


Kim C at the Sea - Sep 8

Bee Gee

I remember Dr. Ana in one video though said to crush the pill and rub it around your teeth...


Bee Gee - Sep 9

Bee Gee

Yes, that was an old video when she first found MedFive.
The MedFive guy Also says to put it in your mouth, or make a mouthwash out of it, which is why I looked into putting EDTA in your mouth.
Taking it orally works just fine if you bother to take it right... and under the tongue can make your fillings fall out or dump a bunch of mercury into your stomach when you swallow that EDTA saliva that has been sitting in your mouth.
Good luck to you in any case.


psychoNWO - Sep 7 - Edited


Shove it up your ass...


AudioSK - Sep 11

Attempting to replicate IV, maybe? Interesting idea, but I'd avoid this method on delicate skin, as some have described EDTA as having a burning effect.


psychoNWO - Sep 7



Bee Gee - Sep 7

Bee Gee

Im not sure why so many people want to put EDTA in their ass rather than just taking oral EDTA CORRECTLY but rectal EDTA can Also break loose a Flood of lead from your intestinal wall directly into your bloodstream, as that one study proved.
EDTA has actually been around for a long long time and there are literally hundreds of studies going back 70 years talking about it.
I would advise you Read Them.
Or listen to the people who already have.


AudioSK - Sep 7


Comment removed.


AudioSK - Sep 7


But if you've seen contamination in all EDTA liquids, why would you trust injections with EDTA?


Nick - Sep 7


Good point


Bee Gee - Sep 7

Bee Gee

Comment removed.


Bee Gee - Sep 7

Bee Gee

Chlorine dioxide breaks the EDTA molecule so unless you let all the chlorine dioxide evaporate out, thats part of your problem.


Nick - Sep 7


I took Masterpeace Zeolite briefly and it fucked me up. I later read that it has nanobots in it and travels far into our cells. Dr Ana has also warned against using Zeolite as it accelerates nanotech.


Aminata Diouf - Sep 7

Aminata Diouf

What kind of edta is clean or wich one you use now at the moment?You allready test the powder edta from bulk supplements?


Aminata Diouf - Sep 7

Aminata Diouf

I am proud of you Lauron you spoke out what you have experienced.


Kim - Sep 7 - Edited


I am still bothered by the fact that Dr. Ana is no longer recommending the Med Five EDTA after she did initially and has instead switched to recommending Global Healing EDTA without any explanation. What about those of us who continue to use the Med Five and aren't sure whether we should or not? I think it would be helpful if some clarification was provided.


Monica Onit - Sep 7 - Edited

Monica Onit

MedFive works. It needs discipline, fasting, before and after and great care to replenish the minerals and vitamins. Like all other oral formulations. Like with many enteric molecules, we may get some weird symptoms first times. Nobody in my family complains and we use them since April. We’ve used other forms before, way less efficient. Hope this helps a little. Best wishes!


Kim - Sep 7 - Edited


Thank you for that testimony. I have been using it probably for close to 8 months now with no issues. Occasionally I might get some muscle cramping that is relieved by taking more magnesium ( I got some of the Magtein and it works so much better than taking basic magnesium supplements) and drinking more water, but it relieves the heart palpitations and anxiety I used to get, so I continue to be a big fan of Rick and the Med Five.
Plus, taken twice daily gives a daily dose of 800mg EDTA compared to the 450mg daily dose with Global Healing EDTA. AND, the Med Five ALSO has vitamin C in it as well. Not that there is anything wrong with Global Healing EDTA and I am not a "commercial" for the Med Five but I just think that it is a superior choice myself. And it is patented!
It is more expensive, though, so in that regard the Global Healing may be a more practical choice.
I just wish that Dr. Ana would say SOMETHING about why the change in recommendation.


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

That’s for I would like to do Bee’s fast, 5 days a month and after let the body all the time to replenish with everything, it’s more logical than daily’s use. Maybe keeping some plain edta for daily use also? Dr Gordon personally used 1g each day, appart his IV chelations…
EDTA brushes out everything, so Mg should be the first worry to put in place… in my opinion, MedFive requires even more discipline than with plain calcium edta… because Mg might be more depleted, it happened to me but I figured out and immediately took an electrolyte. For us, is Magnesium citrate during the day and threonate in the evening.
Also, we take ortho molecular quantities, to each his sweet spot dose. Dr Sircus has a great book on Magnesium.
Thank you for telling us about your experience with Magtein.


Nick - Sep 7


Thing is that after the 5 day detox, you just get decontaminated with nanotech. It’s in everything and everywhere. They have planned this depopulation for decades, probably even longer. They are not going to be undone by us pesky travellers.
I also wonder what post depopulation is going to look like.


Kim - Sep 7


I think that you mean "RE-contaminated" not decontaminated, is that right? And that is true. It is in everything and this is a depopulation, as well as a "transhuman" attempt on humanity.
But, just because they have a "plan" to depopulate people or turn humans into Cyborgs doesn't mean that their "plan" is going to be successful. They can certainly mess things up for us, but they ultimately do not have the power to do what they are attempting to do or are leading people to believe they have. Only WE, and God have the only power over what happens to us. So, don't be taken in by their false fear.
We have been hit with a synthetic biological/technological weapon, as well as an informational weapon so we need to understand what has been done to us (which is what Dr. Ana and others are working on), and then do what is necessary to fight that weapon.
As much as these evil monsters like to think that they have ultimate power, I hate to rain on their delusion. They just don't.


Nick - Sep 7


Yes, I did mean that! I welcome your optimism Kim and I needed to hear that!


Monica Onit - Sep 11

Monica Onit

Dear Kim, I’ve forgot to mention , for the cramps, appart internal ingestion of Mg, a very quick fix for us is the magnesium oil, sprayed on skin.
This is one of the easiest diy hacks, working very well. I do it appart the fasting hours with EDTA , of course.
If the cramps may happen during the fast and would be strong or persistent and around chest or back, Mg depletion may be the culprit. It happened the first times with MedFive to me, nobody else in the Fam got all that but I am the sensitive mimosa so I think this may help other like myself.
Dr Sherry Rogers, a seasoned environmental doctor for decades, basically states that most of heart attacks technically happen from a great Mg depletion in the body.
I prefer to buy pharmaceutical grade magnesium chloride and doing it at home , with distilled water. One vol Mg Chloride for one vol water in a small, brown spray bottle. A few sprays of this and no discomfort, total relief instantly. Good when we drive or hike. It won’t replace our internal intake of what works for each of us in terms of daily Mg replenishing but it adds to it.
So of course, we need to keep track of the total daily Mg intake, internally and externally.
For those who prefer to buy magnesium oil, there are plenty options out there.
Be well!


Kim - Sep 11


That sounds like a great idea!
I don't get them very often but usually if it happens, it is after I have been working in the yard and I may have not drank enough fluids or I could be low on electrolytes, which magnesium is one of. And, I usually get them in my toes and fingers, which is kind of weird because it makes my toes and fingers look "deformed." They get "stuck" a certain way and I have to do whatever I can to get the muscles to relax. I can also get them in my intercoastal muscles in the back as well.
I keep track of my mg intake as well and I have started taking that Magtein Dr. Ana mentioned in one of her substacks. It seems to work better, however, then I have to take calcium separately so it really is a "juggling" act sometimes. I notice, though, if I add Trace Mineral Drops to my water for the electrolytes, it makes the cramps worse so I stopped doing that.
So, this suggestion of yours sounds like a good option because it seems to be easier to control where you put it and is more localized so Thank you!


Monica Onit - Sep 11

Monica Onit

You’re very welcome!
Thank you for all your posts, they are of great help!
Interesting your symptoms… Have you already tried to see if there isn’t a depletion of vit Bs and folate too? When we detox at this high intensity, there is high need of folate too…
I’ve started at a point to have slight, weird muscle twitches but put a stop with more Mg, Citrate, the Mg oil and liposomal threonate. Threonate just in the evening. I take all my calcium from foods,eating almost carnivore, under Dr Martin’s guidelines.
Indeed, when we work physically or exercise, the electrolytes at hand are necessary and I’ve started to sip continuously when at it.
Because when I’ve started to play with more B1, B6 and B12, not each day though, everything got perfect immediately. I keep taking them, methylated forms of B12 and folates. Benfotiamine B1. Not mice’s portions. Appart from the daily multi. All these are doctors’ formulas. I’ve guessed my lucky pattern to rotate them. They are at worst expensive urine๐Ÿ˜„if taken with right amount of water lol But what a tragedy if we miss them from our system… Hope this may help solve this upsetting mystery.๐Ÿ™
Bless you,


Kim - Sep 12


Definitely more interesting possibilities to consider. No, it can't be from lack of B vitamins. I started taking a methylated B-complex from Mother Earth Labs when I learned about the MTHFR gene variation particularly in those of northern European descent (which I am). Since learning about it and starting to take the methylated form, it was practically instant energy. Yay! I love energy! So, now I take it every day.
Calcium is an issue because the only form of animal source I eat is cheese ( and I do love cheese!), and some eggs. So, that is why I continue to take Global Healing's Calcium and Magnesium daily. I also take a multi but more likely than not, and for whatever reason, Calcium isn't usually in it. I also take Global Healing's (I just trust Global Healing. They have always done a really good job with their supplements.) multivitamin and calcium isn't in it either. I guess that you have to be careful too taking calcium as it can affect the heart and other "channels."
I will be upset if everything goes to pot and we have difficulty being able to get our supplements (due mainly to the financial system as well as supply chain disruptions) that we have become accustomed to taking. You know how "they" are doing everything they can to make us weak and unhealthy so it may become more difficult to get them in the future. I try to stock up but there is only so much you can stock up with. Maybe I should do more while I still can.


Kim C at the Sea - Sep 8

I'm sitting here with both in front of me right now just shaking my head lol


Nick - Sep 7


Monica how do you know MedFive works? I saw it is patented because it’s absorbed in the colon rather than stomach.


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

Before MedFive, I did the plain, classic capsules-by the way we can make them home if we have to.
I have used Peak Naturals for many months before MedFive, with good results.I have felt a different boost from MedFive-Ryan assisted me in real time with all the questions. Because first time my pulse went up which never happens. So I’ve started small and going up slowly. Recently we all went to visit the optician doc, for annual check. After thorough checking, the doc asked what we would do differently because the last test-looking at the capillaries - was something he doesn’t see lately, clean and very healthy circulation. I have changed my lecture glasses because improved vision.
I have used to still feel an angina like slight blockage sometimes, never revealed a real one in recent testing and any other tests. One month into MedFive, the feeling disappeared. The sinuses are always clear and the teeth clean of plaque and coffee spots.
The hair is healthy, the sinuses too. I think whatever EDTA we use, we’ll get the results, we need to increase the quantity gradually and to find our ideal dose.
The first formulation I have used has 400mg Calcium EDTA, along with some garlic and malic acid. It was way too small for what we are addressing right now but still making improvements.
According to old school Dr Gordon, the father of home chelation, we can safely go to 50mg Calcium edta/ kg of body weight. Humans and pets together…


Kim - Sep 7


The EDTA is destroyed by stomach acid so it needs to bypass the stomach in order to be absorbed and used by the body. Both enteric coated, as well as the liposomal form, and even topically used as a cream or even taken via the rectal route all bypass the stomach acid so it is not destroyed and can be absorbed.
And how do you know that the "antibiotic" or any other medicine or remedy "works?" You look to see if the issues you are having get better.


Bee Gee - Sep 7

Bee Gee

Thats not true, Some of it May be broken down by stomach acid but Im not even sure about that. Most people just arent taking it right, like taking it with magnesium, which is a mineral EDTA binds with.


Kim - Sep 7


That is helpful information. I did not know that you weren't supposed to take it everyday but I do understand that you should not take your minerals "with" the EDTA. That just seems like common sense to me. That is like taking medications with activated charcoal. I was a nurse so I do understand these things.
And as far as the stomach acid destroying it, I tend to believe that part is true. Why else would all forms be made to "avoid" it breaking down in the stomach? And if it is not true, I would like to see some evidence proving otherwise.


Bee Gee - Sep 7

Bee Gee

You cannot take it with minerals or food or many beverages like coffee with dairy in it because EDTA will Instantly bind with those things and be wasted.
Read the original study where they determined the oral effectiveness of EDTA, they gave people oral EDTA, then did a heavy metals urinalysis, and looked at how much lead they urinated out.
Then they said X amount of lead came put so Thats how effective oral EDTA is and therefore All the other EDTA must have been destroyed in the stomach. I dont have it handy though, look it up... they reference it all the time in Other EDTA studies (that I also read).


Kim - Sep 7


Comment removed.


Kim - Sep 7


I don't think that you truly understand what it is that we have been "hit" with. It isn't just a "one and done" type of thing. The nanotechnology comes back, and we are constantly being exposed to shedding. It is not just going to go away with one treatment, or in a month, or a year. We are constantly being "re-infected." You have to keep doing it. And, the EDTA, according to Moderna's OWN patent, TELLS us that the EDTA is the antidote. When the enemy comes into your house to rob and kill you and tells you what he is planning to do, you BELIEVE him!


Kim C at the Sea - Sep 8



E.C. - Sep 7 - Edited


I wonder if, as Dr Ana finds out more, that things change. Like another medicine may do a better job. Or maybe it can be taken in a different way, etc.


Kim - Sep 7 - Edited


Maybe, but that seems like something she might share with us so we know.
As far as I know, Calcium Disodium EDTA is the same thing in both products. The only difference that I see is the method of delivery. One is enteric coated and the other is liposomal/microsomal, and of course, the dosage is different between the two. Although, I am looking on the bottle from Global Healing and it does say in parenthesis, "USP/BP Purity" so maybe this one is more pure?
I am thinking that maybe the reason she isn't saying anything is because she doesn't want to place one above the other that might lead people to stop using one over the other based on her recommendation, but in my opinion, that is happening anyway. And by not saying anything, it leads people to somehow think that one is better than the other, or that there is something wrong with the one she is no longer recommending.
It does kind of put her in a difficult position because she doesn't want to hurt either company so she is avoiding the issue altogether and leaving it up to each individual to make their own informed decision. That is just my guess.
But, maybe, hopefully, after this she will see our questions and concerns and address it in some way so we know.


John Vargo - Sep 9 - Edited

John Vargo

I think it more likely she is also recommending global healings calcium disodium EDTA is because it works and it's a lot less expensive than med 5.I got shedding symptoms around 3 months ago so I took med 5 for 2 months and then got a bottle from global healing so will see how it goes but as far as I'm concerned if you can't get chelation then med 5 is the next best option.I started drinking at least 1 superfood powder smoothie about a month ago and like the results of much moreenergy.Soyesterday read a stack about synthetic vitamins,aren't we so lucky,they make synthetic vitamins for our synthetic biology,bless their black hearts.I bought powered vitamin C from bulk supplements and looked at other ingredients and saw hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and wondered what the fuck is that doing in there?I will be looking a lot closer at all supplements,


Kim - Sep 9 - Edited


NOTHING is sacred anymore, is it?
We have to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves!


John Vargo - Sep 9 - Edited

John Vargo

We are sacred, we were created as angelic humans,


E.C. - Sep 7


Maybe in one of her videos.
Never yet seen a comment in here.


Kim - Sep 7


No, me either which is why I am so curious about it. It is like "the elephant in the room" that no one wants to talk about even though everyone is wondering. Believe me, if people think they are not being told something, they are going to want to find out what it is and why they are not being told about it. Lol


Kim - Sep 8 - Edited


Comment removed.


Kim - Sep 8 - Edited


I don't think she has time, Purple. I mean, she is the one doing the heavy lifting. We probably wouldn't know as much as we do right now if it weren't for her. I doubt that she even has time to eat or sleep.
I can understand that you feel somewhat sleighted. I am like that too. I can't stand to be ignored.
But I think we should keep following her regardless because things change. New information comes out. We can't just throw our hands up in the air and say that there is nothing we can do. And if shedding is happening non-stop, just imagine what we would be like if WE DID NOTHING?
And I agree, the supplements are always questionable, but if we try and use reputable sources, I think it is more of an assurance that the ones making the supplements actually care about what they are putting in them.
And as I have already pointed out about nanotechnology being found in the supplements, it is being found in our food and in our water. It is in EVERYTHING! Why would people expect that it wouldn't also be in supplements? And if we can't even get it out of our food, our water, or our own bodies, how do people propose to get it out of supplements?
And try not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. This is a fight to the finish. What has been done to us is unconscionable and we don't really know everything yet that there is to know about what we are faced with. So, don't lose heart, and don't give up!! This too shall pass.


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

Comment removed.


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

Sorry but you need to come with some solid proof or back this one off and apologize to Dr Ana. These are very serious accusations… paid operatives are those denying what was valuable in medical field before medical health turned against their own people and whole world, go after those ones first!


MrSuspicious - Sep 7

MrSuspicious’s Substack

Comment removed.


MrSuspicious - Sep 8

MrSuspicious’s Substack

Do you have a brand suggestion?


Kim - Sep 7


Oh I see. Enteric coated Med Five and all of the other products are "contaminated" with nanotechnology but not the "powdered EDTA CaNa2"!!


MrSuspicious - Sep 7

MrSuspicious’s Substack

Comment removed.


MrSuspicious - Sep 7

MrSuspicious’s Substack

Frustrating. Unsure who to semi-trust.


lauron Smith - Sep 7

lauron Smith

I have always been unable to trust anyone without believing it with my own two lying eyes so I spent the $4,700 building my darkfield oil condenser microscope and seeing the truth and know the liars today.


Nick - Sep 7


Agree, it can be very confusing and I think that is by design. I believe we need to be mindful that controlled opposition might be at play.


Kim - Sep 7


I think the nanobots are in everything no matter where we look. That is the whole point of the EDTA. Why would you expect them not to be in there? And how would you propose to get them out if we can't even barely get them out of our bodies?


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

Are you a microbiologist? Do you have photos of some slides you’ve worked on? Please, share some maybe?


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

Comment removed.


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

Thank you for sharing! Best of health to you!


william schneider - Sep 7

william’s Substack

Ana always notes chelation therapy with EDTA intravenouos treatments . What of oral use of EDTA? What dose ,etc? Ana why not share this detail? It does appear that you are promoting your practice and not general health of masses. Most of us do not have access to intravenous EDTA or Vit C.


Bee Gee - Sep 7

Bee Gee

Read More Comments.
I have made hundreds telling people all about how to take EDTA Properly.
Its not just another vitamin and if you are taking it like one, you are wasting it.


GettingReadyFor25 - Sep 7


Another question: is it just in dental anesthetics? Or is it in other anesthetics like local anesthetics for minor procedures like getting stitches?


E.C. - Sep 7

I think its in everything with a needle. Aargh!


Lee Wilson - Sep 7

Lee Wilson

Dr Mihalcea: Have any researchers had the opportunity to observe these structures in the presence of any sort of field other than background radiation from all wavelengths? Congratulations on your good work and this day Dr John Campbell covers this self assembly issue in his Youtube broadcast as peer reviewed and published? by Japanese researchers. You are so truly ahead of the herd in your research!


GettingReadyFor25 - Sep 7


I believe a former US American now living somewhere remote in South America did look at this intially by accident. I don't recall his name right now but I will post again if it comes to me. He observed that wifi signals seem to stimulate the assembly process and removing the field reversed it.


Bee Gee - Sep 7

Bee Gee

Mat Taylor.


EA - Sep 14 - Edited


Be wary of taking calcium of any sort. Calcium kills and it can do so rather quickly. Get calcium from food but avoid supplementation at all costs.


Kim - Sep 14 - Edited


I have heard similar warnings although I don't know why it is a bad thing now days to take calcium when in the past it was always important for one's bones to get enough calcium. And, as a case in point, the CALCIUM disodium EDTA supplement recommended by Dr. Ana has calcium in it.
I have also heard "warnings" lately that CARBS are now bad for you but when I was in nursing school, I was taught that your body, ESPECIALLY your BRAIN actully prefers using carbohydrates for energy.
Now, far be it from me to be a conspiracy theorist, but could it be possible that these people who are trying to kill us actually don't WANT us taking anything that will make us healthier and able to think more clearly and to have more energy?


EA - Sep 15


Calcium when not in the correct form and paired with K2 and K2 7 deposits in arteries and calcifies organs. Becomes bone spurs etc. its a killer and quickly. One year of improper supplementation you are not in a good place. Excess or free calcium is dangerous. Carbs are not harmful btw. All things in balance to avoid nutrient antagonism… read DR. william albrecht and Dr Carey Reams work. Thats the missing link in our health…


Kim - Sep 15


Ok. You have convinced me. I believe it. Thanks for "educating" me.


Defender of Freedom - Sep 7

Defender of Freedom

Does every Dental office use the same Anesthetic? That's terrifying.
Can you just take EDTA from Amazon, 1000 mgs and Ascorbic Acid? Does it have to say Calcium EDTA? Thank you!


E.C. - Sep 7

Monica Onit

No, every dental office does not use same anesthetic.
There are different kinds of edta so i would look at Dr Ana's old posts for more info. or someone else will comment.
I tried edta capsules under tongue but they were still there (one) after ten mins. and taste is awful. Not for me.
Ascorbic acid vit. C is not bioavailable so you would not be utilizing 100% of it.
The best to you on your journey.


Monica Onit - Sep 8

Monica Onit

Why under the tongue!!! Whoever gives this kind of advice, please stop!
Please look into all you can find and read everything! Don’t just quit, the benefits are consistent. Even with plain calcium edta. Dr Gordon didn’t use fancy enteric calcium edta or glycerite or whatever. What we do better than him nowadays is the strict fasting hours before and after ingesting the thing. It’s that simple and drinking the purest water during this fast-personally I drink around 600 ml of home made distilled water with the edta pill . After the ingestion, drinking just distilled if I need , until my fasting hours are up. That simple. God bless!


E.C. - Sep 10

Monica Onit

I think the person giving that advice thought it would get into the blood stream. Argh...


Monica Onit - Sep 10

Monica Onit

EDTA enters blood circulation via gastrointestinal tract, when taken oral.
This link may be helpful to help you a little:


E.C. - Sep 11

Monica Onit

I see a Holistic MD and his office offers IV edta chelation. I feel blessed.
Now what is the procedure called where some blood is taken out, then run through some kind of light, then returned to the body?


Monica Onit - Sep 11

Monica Onit

This looks like Paul Ehrlich’s procedure…Lucky you ๐Ÿ’ชOldie but goldie medicine! ๐Ÿ™
I don’t mean the contemporary Paul Ehrlich, the infamous eugenist.
The good Paul Ehrlich was a great Doctor who received the Nobel prize for Medicine in 1908. His work and biography is something worthy to be studied by everyone.
I dream to have a clinic like yours near my house!
Best of health to you and your Family!


Monica Onit - Sep 11

Monica Onit

Sorry for the ‘help’ ridiculous phrasing!


GettingReadyFor25 - Sep 7


There's a link and picture of methylene blue at the end of the article but it wasn't mentioned earlier. How does methylene blue fit into the story? Excuse my ignorance, I'm still getting up to speed.


E.C. - Sep 7

I thinkM.Blueincreases oxygen (oxygen donor?) which the crap in our blood is sucking on for their survival.


Dr. G - Sep 7

Steven’s Substack

Congratulations on seeing abnormal formations in blood, but please realize, this author does not have a clue on what she is looking at. As a physician with engineering training, turning micro visuals into structured functional microchips and nonobots is beyond bat crap crazy. This delusional projecting discredits something that needs to be defined. Yes, it is probably something that should not be there. No, it is not right to pretend to know and precisely define what is seen. Scare you with exaggerated ideas then sell you something is a ridiculous conflict of interest.
Dark field microscopy can sometimes bring out the worst in non-critical thinking human beings.


GettingReadyFor25 - Sep 7


I think you're right that what is presented as evidence isn't sufficient to conclude "it's nanobots". How are your investigations going?


Monica Onit - Sep 7

Monica Onit

She’s not the only one seeing these horrific structures in the blood. This phenomenon is already peer-reviewed by doctors all over the world and even creating political scandals in countries like Japan…
Dr Ana is the bearer of very bad news and people are highly frustrated, that’s a fact!


Doug - Sep 7

Bee Gee

Monica, I follow this news closely and haven't seen any peer-reviewed reports from other physicians about these structures, nor have I seen stories about this evidence triggering political scandals in countries like Japan. I did view one YouTube video from a Japanese doctor about illnesses caused by the Covid injections a few weeks ago, but I'm not aware that it led to a political scandal. If you have some URLs that you could share, could you please post them here?


Bee Gee - Sep 7

Bee Gee

The most highly edumacated are typically the people who know the least and are most unlikely to find any research on their own because they think they already know everything.
Why would I care enough about your ignorance to waste my keystrokes to try to change your mind?
You will figure it out eventually, One Way or The Other.


Monica Onit - Sep 8

Monica Onit

Respectfully and no offence, hopefully, Webster and Oxford’s dictionaries have good definitions of what peer reviewing should actually be.
And this is the case now, the scientists somehow look into current horrors independently and add their own experiments and observations to those of their colleagues …without fraudci’s maneuvering and control ! Cheers to them !


E.C. - Sep 7

Other doctors and scientists are seeing it too.
I do understand what you are saying.


John Vargo - Sep 9

John Vargo

You're the one who doesn't have a clue.


Claudia - Sep 7


Fantastic news … Have you seen any comparable results with sodium citrate that Karl C has noted?


Bee Gee - Sep 7

Bee Gee

I also take sodium citrate as part of our EDTA fasting protocol, it dissolves alginate based hydrogels. Dont buy it though, make it yourself, then you know whats in it.
I made a long post about it the other day, works great but slightly alkanizes your blood so research your own health situation before you take a bunch.
I am in great health though and have taken around 20 grams a day with no issues.


Doug - Sep 7

I don't see any activity on the Karl.C Substack site after May 2024. Is Karl no longer active? Also, I can only find one post on the Matt’s Microscopy Substack site during the past eight weeks. Is anyone else publishing recent results for sodium citrate or laser therapy who is more active?


Michael G Eaglemeare - Sep 8

He has done videos, of recent, with D Nixon, Rumble dot com.


Gwendolyn Jones - Sep 7

Gwendolyn’s Substack

So, I’m guessing one would need a doctor’s prescription for Articaine Epinephrine? The other two can be purchased online.


Drew Carmack - Sep 7

John Vargo

Wonder how the ranch well water shows under magnification?


John Vargo - Sep 9

John Vargo

Betting just about the best you can get,I purchased the mountain valley spring water from sprouts farmers market. it's from a well in Arkansas that's a thousand feet down.I try to drink it about 20% of the time otherwise drink reverse osmosis.They have been selling water from that well since 1871.


Kathryn - Sep 6


Many thanks Dr. Mihlacea!



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