Thanks, these nasty things are obviously a bunch of different kill mechanisms packaged together. This way, their victims die of all sorts of different issues at different times so it's not quite so obvious. Feel free to use my new word, coincidist, describing people who blame medical harm on coincidence. Coincidism is a filthy thing that goes right along with fascism and communism. We counter coincidism not only with solid science, but also with creativity, humor and love. Keep up the good work!
Exactly Mark! That’s their cover, kill the populace and make it look like a natural or “oh he / she worked to hard” BS excuse! Or they didn’t take care of themselves! It’s been BS from the get go and it’s becoming clearer every day how devious and maniacal these people are! This was planned to be disabling and murderous by design by all these so called elites!
Tiff, you’re absolutely right!mRNA is in and on and all around us, what we eat, the air we breath and the water we drink. There’s no doubt about it!
They been painting the hell outta the skies to make rain.
Usually I don't get Ill, but it seems like every now and then I have to take a melatonin.
David Nixon says activated charcoal helps, which is perfect. I can eat the ashes of the world that has been smoked to hell with skypainting and scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions,
The sky is falling... !
all alarm aside- I noticed the westernmost u.s. was being hammered yesterday as per GOES imagery- ( geo-tagging as a side as well - come to think of it)
Seems to me that the dispersal of some aerosolized particles, when combined with certain ELF, gives rise to a hexagon-based cymatic ‘grid’ or ‘net’ in the atmosphere above and around us...
( but again, that’s just me...right ?)
crazy that these things have been in shampoo and toys for decades...why would anyone put them there if they were not eugenisists...and yet maybe they too use these products. so insane.
I just discovered that my son has been using "pain-relieving hydrogel patches" from Tiger Balm, aka Haw Par Healthcare Ltd, Taiwan. How can these be safe????
wow - I don't even know what to say - start him on Methylene Blue 1% aqueous solution - Ana said that stuff dissolves the clots - I'm taking it - I put three dropper fulls in my hot drink - coffee or tea - it has no flavor and I think I feel better.
I would refrain from that amount just yet. How can you say 3 dropper fulls in coffee or tea has no flavor? It's disgusting stuff & I was putting just a dropper or so into almost a liter of smoothie & could definitely taste it & got the green pee as a result up to 9-12 hrs later. Later evidence from Dr Nixon & others is suggesting that M Blue isn't doing much at all though I did note that it is a precursor to Hydroxychloroquine & chloroquine & used to treat Malaria & convert ferrous iron into the oxygen carrying ferric state. "Examples of clinical use include anti-malarial regimes, treatment of ifosfamide-induced neurotoxicity (though treatment has been reported ineffective), an antidote for cyanide poisoning, visualization of fallopian tubes or ruptured membranes, a marker of tumors, and even as a potential therapy for septic shock, ischemic brain injury and Alzheimer disease [Articles:14962363, 18840018, 20151259, 17278152, 9605379, 11048840, 17928358, 20731659, 14714878, 20575634, 20959759] (Moldenhauer Brooks, 1936, The Scientific Monthly, 43:585-586). As a photodynamic therapy it could be used to treat psoriasis, West Nile virus infection, AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma, anti-biotic resistant bacterial strains, and decontaminate blood before transfusion [Articles:19180895, 16118025, 16942436, 19193212, 22232515, 14714878]. Methylene blue has also contributed to drug development as the chemical basis of other therapeutic drugs, including the anti-malarial chloroquine, the antihistamine promethazine, and anti-psychotic chlorpromazine [Article:14714878]."
I've seen references to the use of methylene blue in regards to its ability to zip up the terminal oxidase steps in oxidative phosphorylation. As in "I feel better as I am making more ATP thanks to MB". It can be obtained in various concentrations, either homeopathic or allopathic, obviously depending on concentration of the active ingredient. It's recommended by various physiologically oriented physicians, those who know their metabolic chemistries. It's in every emergency room in hospitals and clinics for carbon monoxide poisonings as well as cyanide poisonings. It's interesting, to say the least.
Hi Michael & Yes I'm aware of that & have made my own solution of 1% MB. Used it to fight agonizing tooth pain my daughter had to endure in hospital for 3 days while they ummed & ahhd about what to do besides giving her morphine & other painkillers. I was using it quite regularly for a while in our morning smoothies but the taste we really found objectionable. I was doing about 2 eyedropper squirts per 800mls of smoothie roughly. Maybe too strong a dose but I was following recommendations from a website. I do like the idea of it being a nootropic of sorts & also take colloidal Gold for the same reason. The idea of cognitive decline is less than appealing to me.
well...I guess each to their own. I'm using the Compass Lab Methylne Blue - it was recommended by Mercola - and I actually don't even want to know your opinion on that.
Hey sorry Ann. I didn't mean to sound offensive it's just that I really find the stuff very hard to swallow as do a few others I've suggested to try so I was genuinely surprised by your statement.
thanks Peter for saying that. And believe me I have barely stopped thinking about your comment because generally I don't like supplements - I have so many and I don't take many - but I was excited when Ana said the Blue Methyline dissolved those big clots so I looked it up - there are so many choices but I saw Dr Mercola's presentation and he didn't push the Compass lab, he just took a photo of it - I don't think he's making any money off it. Lucky I got that one becasue if I had had the same experience you had, it would have made me feel exactly like you feel about the stuff.
I was in an accident a little over 2 years ago. Long recovery process an I really didn't get out much at all. This past summer I went to replace my moisturizer & makeup. Interestingly, everything has been discontinued and, at least, moisturizers are all now a gel based product. Weird, right? All the colors of everything are so weird. I'll use my old stuff til all the dust has been used in entirety.
Now, these days you have to question everything. Here's a couple, maybe real tinfoil hat, questions 1) what's up w all that gel in the moisturizers suddenly?
2) is it that we ran low on aborted fetus material that we weren't informed were in it? Ya gotta ask!
3) Is it the same kinds of gels used in the shots?
4) maybe related, maybe just another question caught me..maybe it's a comment..a couple of years before the pandemonium a kid who had been a previous drug user in a small town, USA was on social media and posted. He had given the drugs up for quite some time, but because of his history, people didn't believe him. He kept talking about things under his skin. Even his family didn't believe him!Somehow, morgellans came into the equation, so I had to search it out.
One person on a forum said they had what were like little wirey things coming out of their skin. I just thought they all were feeding into some nonsense...but was it?
I am new to Dr Ana's substack. In this report it talks about what the "vaxed" have. It is my understanding that we ALL now have these things in our blood -- even if we refused to be vaxed due to transmission and it being in the air, food, etc. Do I have this right?
Yes. Unjabbed & yet at last live blood analysis was told my blood looks like jabbed blood. Even though I thought I could dodge this shit it didn’t work. Had entire family jabbed, all work mates. Shedding is real as is the air outside with its toxic load. Butcher says the animals he slaughters don’t bleed out like they use too. There is going to be wide scale starvation in not to distant future if all the animals and birds cannot survive either.
Thanks Anna. Now the million dollar question is how do we get this stuff out??? From other substacks I have heard about charcoal and Sodium Citrate. In fact I am downing my charcoal as I type. Any other suggestions?
Dr Ana has referred to EDTA therapy many times. She uses IV EDTA therapy but also has mentioned a topical cream. I think that she may be doubtful of how much benefit is in the cream. She has had success with IV chelation. Here is a link to one that she has referred to.
Thank you Anna! I will look into IV EDTA. Dr. Bryan Ardis talks up taking EDTA orally. I am also taking CDS and I am curious to see how that might compare to EDTA. I will say that once I started taking Sodium Citrate I got a big boost in energy and health and am no longer succumbing to every encounter with people transmitting.
Anyone have a suggestion for EDTA products that can be taken orally. Actually sublingual under the tongue.
David Nixon and other researchers are looking to this as well. Got the charcoal, SC and MB. Thanks in advance for the suggestions.
Here is where I heard about Sodium Citrate: CDS is Chlorine Dioxide.I heard a doctor say that NASA had touted CDS as the ultimate antidote in the past. Glutathione is very beneficial in helping the liver to detox. I am currently taking NAC to help my body make glutathione.
Yes, I know what chlorine dioxide is. I tried it once a few years ago and had very bad reaction. I took a very small dosage, smaller than recommended, but it hurt my stomach so much that I had to quit.
Dear Ana, thank you for all the consistent research work.
Three days ago, on the Redacted newsletter, one could read this:
'Male Birth Control Gets a Rise'
'The good news is that there is progress in a new male contraception called Plan A. The bad news is that it involves a shot to inject a sticky substance into the testicles. How many men do you think will sign up for a shot in their boys?
The shot contains a hydrogel that disrupts the live sperm in semen so it can’t enter a woman during ejaculation. The company that is working on it is called NEXT Life Sciences. They say that this process is reversible but reversing it requires another shot of sodium bicarbonate, which is basically baking soda, to dissolve the hydrogel.'
Thanks Piki for the share. Now that's a very interesting way of promoting the use of sodium bi carbonate which, incidentally I take in alternation with Magnesium Bi carbonate water which I make thanks to Dr Mark Sircus showing us how. I had been thinking of suggesting the use of bi carb to Dr Nixon & Matt as well as the use of nanozeolite which has been shown to gretly reduce the load of a number of toxins like pthalates & even phosgene, yes phosgene which has been found in blood samples.
I work for a major grocery chain and noticed something in our product line for 2024.. every pastry all sudden changed its name to have yeast first for example : “yeast donut” or “yeast bread” etc and this seemed off to me. Noticed it already at other major retailers as well. Check out this study i found last night while researching
“Principles of MrNa transport in yeast” (2011)
And another
Widespread cytoplasmic mRNA transport in yeast:
Identification of 22 bud-localized transcripts
using DNA microarray analysis
Do not eat bread if you are vaxed folks
Morgellons are not NANO MACHINES, they are ALIEN LIFEFORMS with the intelligence of ANTS or BEES designed for mind control and depopulation.... intelligence courtesy of your boy!!!! Dr. Deagle.... #Agentmidnightrider
Watch ......>
Those With Natural Immunity
Are Made Of So Much More
Than The Lost Souls
Who Remain With Us
In Their Self-Inflicted Suffering.
Knowing How This Ends For Them
Is Now A Secret Worth Keeping.
Hello Mr. Thomas Lewis
I love your poetry. I have seen your work progress and it is- delightful reminder of what has happened to humanity. Dark subject but your art speaks volumes. Thank you.
Brilliant as always, Dr. Ana Mihalcea. My fear is that this information is simply beyond most people's ability to comprehend, and beyond almost as many people's willingness to believe such premeditated evil is possible even if they understand the technology being spoken about.
2012 - Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. Video(1 minute)
This is the one that said that with 5G you could insert thoughts and feelings. They can now do it with the graphene oxide that they have given everyone.
Trudeau Emergency Powers Act to End Canada Trucker Vaccine Passport ... Protests Deemed Unconstitutional Rewind: Mad Max & Tyrants On The Run by Chief Justice
Dr. Andreas Klalcker has a method of making it by capturing the gas that is emmitted by the drops when they are mixed together in water. This is supposed to be much gentler on the stomach.
Mark A Girard - Jan 21, 2024
Thanks, these nasty things are obviously a bunch of different kill mechanisms packaged together. This way, their victims die of all sorts of different issues at different times so it's not quite so obvious. Feel free to use my new word, coincidist, describing people who blame medical harm on coincidence. Coincidism is a filthy thing that goes right along with fascism and communism. We counter coincidism not only with solid science, but also with creativity, humor and love. Keep up the good work!
AJR - Jan 21, 2024
Exactly Mark! That’s their cover, kill the populace and make it look like a natural or “oh he / she worked to hard” BS excuse! Or they didn’t take care of themselves! It’s been BS from the get go and it’s becoming clearer every day how devious and maniacal these people are! This was planned to be disabling and murderous by design by all these so called elites!
Reply (1) - Jan 21, 2024
Comment removed.
AJR - Jan 21, 2024
Tiff, you’re absolutely right!mRNA is in and on and all around us, what we eat, the air we breath and the water we drink. There’s no doubt about it!
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jan 21, 2024
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
They been painting the hell outta the skies to make rain.
Usually I don't get Ill, but it seems like every now and then I have to take a melatonin.
David Nixon says activated charcoal helps, which is perfect. I can eat the ashes of the world that has been smoked to hell with skypainting and scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions,
Edward Bernaysauce - Jan 21, 2024
Edward Bernaysauce
The sky is falling... !
all alarm aside- I noticed the westernmost u.s. was being hammered yesterday as per GOES imagery- ( geo-tagging as a side as well - come to think of it)
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jan 21, 2024
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
The skypainting is falling and galling
Edward Bernaysauce - Jan 22, 2024
Edward Bernaysauce
Seems to me that the dispersal of some aerosolized particles, when combined with certain ELF, gives rise to a hexagon-based cymatic ‘grid’ or ‘net’ in the atmosphere above and around us...
( but again, that’s just me...right ?)
ann watson - Jan 21, 2024
michael janket
crazy that these things have been in shampoo and toys for decades...why would anyone put them there if they were not eugenisists...and yet maybe they too use these products. so insane.
Alison H. - Jan 21, 2024
michael janket
I just discovered that my son has been using "pain-relieving hydrogel patches" from Tiger Balm, aka Haw Par Healthcare Ltd, Taiwan. How can these be safe????
ann watson - Jan 21, 2024
michael janket
wow - I don't even know what to say - start him on Methylene Blue 1% aqueous solution - Ana said that stuff dissolves the clots - I'm taking it - I put three dropper fulls in my hot drink - coffee or tea - it has no flavor and I think I feel better.
Peter - Jan 21, 2024
michael janket
I would refrain from that amount just yet. How can you say 3 dropper fulls in coffee or tea has no flavor? It's disgusting stuff & I was putting just a dropper or so into almost a liter of smoothie & could definitely taste it & got the green pee as a result up to 9-12 hrs later. Later evidence from Dr Nixon & others is suggesting that M Blue isn't doing much at all though I did note that it is a precursor to Hydroxychloroquine & chloroquine & used to treat Malaria & convert ferrous iron into the oxygen carrying ferric state. "Examples of clinical use include anti-malarial regimes, treatment of ifosfamide-induced neurotoxicity (though treatment has been reported ineffective), an antidote for cyanide poisoning, visualization of fallopian tubes or ruptured membranes, a marker of tumors, and even as a potential therapy for septic shock, ischemic brain injury and Alzheimer disease [Articles:14962363, 18840018, 20151259, 17278152, 9605379, 11048840, 17928358, 20731659, 14714878, 20575634, 20959759] (Moldenhauer Brooks, 1936, The Scientific Monthly, 43:585-586). As a photodynamic therapy it could be used to treat psoriasis, West Nile virus infection, AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma, anti-biotic resistant bacterial strains, and decontaminate blood before transfusion [Articles:19180895, 16118025, 16942436, 19193212, 22232515, 14714878]. Methylene blue has also contributed to drug development as the chemical basis of other therapeutic drugs, including the anti-malarial chloroquine, the antihistamine promethazine, and anti-psychotic chlorpromazine [Article:14714878]."
michael janket - Jan 21, 2024
michael janket
I've seen references to the use of methylene blue in regards to its ability to zip up the terminal oxidase steps in oxidative phosphorylation. As in "I feel better as I am making more ATP thanks to MB". It can be obtained in various concentrations, either homeopathic or allopathic, obviously depending on concentration of the active ingredient. It's recommended by various physiologically oriented physicians, those who know their metabolic chemistries. It's in every emergency room in hospitals and clinics for carbon monoxide poisonings as well as cyanide poisonings. It's interesting, to say the least.
Peter - Jan 21, 2024
John Lawton
Hi Michael & Yes I'm aware of that & have made my own solution of 1% MB. Used it to fight agonizing tooth pain my daughter had to endure in hospital for 3 days while they ummed & ahhd about what to do besides giving her morphine & other painkillers. I was using it quite regularly for a while in our morning smoothies but the taste we really found objectionable. I was doing about 2 eyedropper squirts per 800mls of smoothie roughly. Maybe too strong a dose but I was following recommendations from a website. I do like the idea of it being a nootropic of sorts & also take colloidal Gold for the same reason. The idea of cognitive decline is less than appealing to me.
John Lawton - Jan 22, 2024
John Lawton
Try mixing with some Ascorbic acid in water, then very drinkable.
ann watson - Jan 21, 2024
well...I guess each to their own. I'm using the Compass Lab Methylne Blue - it was recommended by Mercola - and I actually don't even want to know your opinion on that.
Peter - Jan 21, 2024
Hey sorry Ann. I didn't mean to sound offensive it's just that I really find the stuff very hard to swallow as do a few others I've suggested to try so I was genuinely surprised by your statement.
ann watson - Jan 21, 2024
thanks Peter for saying that. And believe me I have barely stopped thinking about your comment because generally I don't like supplements - I have so many and I don't take many - but I was excited when Ana said the Blue Methyline dissolved those big clots so I looked it up - there are so many choices but I saw Dr Mercola's presentation and he didn't push the Compass lab, he just took a photo of it - I don't think he's making any money off it. Lucky I got that one becasue if I had had the same experience you had, it would have made me feel exactly like you feel about the stuff.
John Vargo - Jan 22, 2024
John Vargo
Taking 10 drops with orange juice myself
Rebal - Jan 23, 2024’s Substack
I was in an accident a little over 2 years ago. Long recovery process an I really didn't get out much at all. This past summer I went to replace my moisturizer & makeup. Interestingly, everything has been discontinued and, at least, moisturizers are all now a gel based product. Weird, right? All the colors of everything are so weird. I'll use my old stuff til all the dust has been used in entirety.
Now, these days you have to question everything. Here's a couple, maybe real tinfoil hat, questions 1) what's up w all that gel in the moisturizers suddenly?
2) is it that we ran low on aborted fetus material that we weren't informed were in it? Ya gotta ask!
3) Is it the same kinds of gels used in the shots?
4) maybe related, maybe just another question caught me..maybe it's a comment..a couple of years before the pandemonium a kid who had been a previous drug user in a small town, USA was on social media and posted. He had given the drugs up for quite some time, but because of his history, people didn't believe him. He kept talking about things under his skin. Even his family didn't believe him!Somehow, morgellans came into the equation, so I had to search it out.
One person on a forum said they had what were like little wirey things coming out of their skin. I just thought they all were feeding into some nonsense...but was it?
Alison H. - Jan 23, 2024
Keep up with Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea. Same or similar stuff is being sprayed on us as is in the quackcine.
DeterminedDeborah - Jan 21, 2024
DeterminedDeborah’s Substack
I am new to Dr Ana's substack. In this report it talks about what the "vaxed" have. It is my understanding that we ALL now have these things in our blood -- even if we refused to be vaxed due to transmission and it being in the air, food, etc. Do I have this right?
Lighted - Jan 21, 2024
Lighted’s Substack
Yes. Unjabbed & yet at last live blood analysis was told my blood looks like jabbed blood. Even though I thought I could dodge this shit it didn’t work. Had entire family jabbed, all work mates. Shedding is real as is the air outside with its toxic load. Butcher says the animals he slaughters don’t bleed out like they use too. There is going to be wide scale starvation in not to distant future if all the animals and birds cannot survive either.
anna burns - Jan 21, 2024
DeterminedDeborah’s Substack
In previous articles she expounds on this topic and has lab evidence to substantiate this.
DeterminedDeborah - Jan 21, 2024
DeterminedDeborah’s Substack
Meaning Dr. Ana has subdstantiated that we are all now contaminated?
anna burns - Jan 21, 2024
John Vargo
John Vargo - Jan 22, 2024
John Vargo
We were all contaminated by Geoengineering way before the jab.
DeterminedDeborah - Jan 21, 2024
DeterminedDeborah’s Substack
Thanks Anna. Now the million dollar question is how do we get this stuff out??? From other substacks I have heard about charcoal and Sodium Citrate. In fact I am downing my charcoal as I type. Any other suggestions?
Jerms 9654 - Jan 21, 2024
Jerms 9654
Dr Ana has said shes had success in her patients using methylene blue.
DeterminedDeborah - Jan 21, 2024
DeterminedDeborah’s Substack
anna burns - Jan 21, 2024
DeterminedDeborah’s Substack
Dr Ana has referred to EDTA therapy many times. She uses IV EDTA therapy but also has mentioned a topical cream. I think that she may be doubtful of how much benefit is in the cream. She has had success with IV chelation. Here is a link to one that she has referred to.
DeterminedDeborah - Jan 21, 2024
DeterminedDeborah’s Substack
Thank you Anna! I will look into IV EDTA. Dr. Bryan Ardis talks up taking EDTA orally. I am also taking CDS and I am curious to see how that might compare to EDTA. I will say that once I started taking Sodium Citrate I got a big boost in energy and health and am no longer succumbing to every encounter with people transmitting.
Valerie Fawkes - Jan 21, 2024
Valerie Fawkes
Anyone have a suggestion for EDTA products that can be taken orally. Actually sublingual under the tongue.
David Nixon and other researchers are looking to this as well. Got the charcoal, SC and MB. Thanks in advance for the suggestions.
DeterminedDeborah - Jan 21, 2024
DeterminedDeborah’s Substack
I have not used this, but it is a source that I trust:
Valerie Fawkes - Jan 21, 2024
Valerie Fawkes
Thank You Friend!
Carol B - Jan 23, 2024
Carol B
I believe dr. Ana has a product.
DeterminedDeborah - Jan 21, 2024
DeterminedDeborah’s Substack
Here is where I heard about Sodium Citrate: CDS is Chlorine Dioxide.I heard a doctor say that NASA had touted CDS as the ultimate antidote in the past. Glutathione is very beneficial in helping the liver to detox. I am currently taking NAC to help my body make glutathione.
anna burns - Jan 22, 2024
Yes, I know what chlorine dioxide is. I tried it once a few years ago and had very bad reaction. I took a very small dosage, smaller than recommended, but it hurt my stomach so much that I had to quit.
Piki - Jan 21, 2024
Kay and the blue teapot.
Dear Ana, thank you for all the consistent research work.
Three days ago, on the Redacted newsletter, one could read this:
'Male Birth Control Gets a Rise'
'The good news is that there is progress in a new male contraception called Plan A. The bad news is that it involves a shot to inject a sticky substance into the testicles. How many men do you think will sign up for a shot in their boys?
The shot contains a hydrogel that disrupts the live sperm in semen so it can’t enter a woman during ejaculation. The company that is working on it is called NEXT Life Sciences. They say that this process is reversible but reversing it requires another shot of sodium bicarbonate, which is basically baking soda, to dissolve the hydrogel.'
Peter - Jan 21, 2024
Thanks Piki for the share. Now that's a very interesting way of promoting the use of sodium bi carbonate which, incidentally I take in alternation with Magnesium Bi carbonate water which I make thanks to Dr Mark Sircus showing us how. I had been thinking of suggesting the use of bi carb to Dr Nixon & Matt as well as the use of nanozeolite which has been shown to gretly reduce the load of a number of toxins like pthalates & even phosgene, yes phosgene which has been found in blood samples.
Johnathan - Jan 21, 2024
I work for a major grocery chain and noticed something in our product line for 2024.. every pastry all sudden changed its name to have yeast first for example : “yeast donut” or “yeast bread” etc and this seemed off to me. Noticed it already at other major retailers as well. Check out this study i found last night while researching
“Principles of MrNa transport in yeast” (2011)
And another
Widespread cytoplasmic mRNA transport in yeast:
Identification of 22 bud-localized transcripts
using DNA microarray analysis
Do not eat bread if you are vaxed folks
Lisa - Jan 21, 2024
Thanks for the heads up. I imagine that buying yeast for baking bread may be contaminated as well.
Agent Midnight Rider - Jan 21, 2024
Agent’s Substack
Morgellons are not NANO MACHINES, they are ALIEN LIFEFORMS with the intelligence of ANTS or BEES designed for mind control and depopulation.... intelligence courtesy of your boy!!!! Dr. Deagle.... #Agentmidnightrider
Watch ......>
Thomas Lewis - Jan 21, 2024
Useless Liberal
Those With Natural Immunity
Are Made Of So Much More
Than The Lost Souls
Who Remain With Us
In Their Self-Inflicted Suffering.
Knowing How This Ends For Them
Is Now A Secret Worth Keeping.
Valerie Fawkes - Jan 21, 2024
Valerie Fawkes
Hello Mr. Thomas Lewis
I love your poetry. I have seen your work progress and it is- delightful reminder of what has happened to humanity. Dark subject but your art speaks volumes. Thank you.
Sarah E. Lawton - Jan 21, 2024
Research Your World
Hi Dr. Mihalcea. I wanted to share my most recent Substack article since I frequently mention you as a source. You have been such an amazing find, in accessing excellent research that has the potential to help the world through these health challenges. Thank you for all that you do. If you were interested in subscribing to my Substack, I would be honored.
Garth Sears - Jan 21, 2024
Brilliant as always, Dr. Ana Mihalcea. My fear is that this information is simply beyond most people's ability to comprehend, and beyond almost as many people's willingness to believe such premeditated evil is possible even if they understand the technology being spoken about.
R. Q. - Jan 21, 2024
R. Q.
I only see graphene oxide filaments in the photos. Also lead is bad, but what is killing people is graphene oxide.
Phyerlites - Jan 21, 2024 - Edited
Nostradamus X
Pure evil. Is mankind capable of such evil or is this something else? It’s a nightmare. It feels otherworldly.
Nostradamus X - Jan 21, 2024 - Edited
Nostradamus X
“If we are doing a real good job vaccinating children, we can reduce the world population by 10% to 15%” – Kill Gates' Video (Youtube canceled it!).
Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation.
Nostradamus X - Jan 21, 2024
Nostradamus X
2015 - "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia
Nostradamus X - Jan 21, 2024
Nostradamus X
2012 - Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. Video(1 minute)
R. Q. - Jan 21, 2024
R. Q.
This is the one that said that with 5G you could insert thoughts and feelings. They can now do it with the graphene oxide that they have given everyone.
Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 - Jan 25, 2024
Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0
Trudeau Emergency Powers Act to End Canada Trucker Vaccine Passport ... Protests Deemed Unconstitutional Rewind: Mad Max & Tyrants On The Run by Chief Justice
Rebal - Jan 23, 2024’s Substack, for this collective report
DeterminedDeborah - Jan 22, 2024
DeterminedDeborah’s Substack
Dr. Andreas Klalcker has a method of making it by capturing the gas that is emmitted by the drops when they are mixed together in water. This is supposed to be much gentler on the stomach.
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anaunited anacom