C19 Unvaccinated Turned Magnetic From Shedding - Correlation With Darkfield Microscopy Live Blood Analysis

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 12, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: C19 unvaccinated blood with many construction sites and clot formation seen

This is an interesting case report of a C19 unvaccinated healthcare worker who works in a hospital, who came to see me for C19 vax shedding symptoms. The patient did not have any vaccination since a influenza shot in 2013. In 2021 she had 3 days of suspected Covid symptoms. Interestingly during that time she had severe chest pains. She did not go to the hospital as she was concerned about being treated with Remdesivir. A fellow healthcare worker, who had similar symptoms showed her that they had become magnetic. The patient took a pair of scissors and they stuck to her chest, as did paperclips. She had no history of ever being magnetic. This magnetism lasted for 3 weeks. Her post Covid symptoms consisted of debilitating brain fog and severe fatigue for many weeks. Now, almost 3 years later, she continues to struggle with cognitive dysfunction - highly unusual for her - and fatigue.

Image: Magnetism June 2021

The patient traveled to my clinic from another country. Her live blood analysis showed extensive self assembly nanotechnology. In the video below you can see multiple spheres filled with nano robots that are clearly moving. The spheres have used the surrounding red blood cells as energy sources and are now fused in a rubbery clot material, as I have shown in previous posts. You can see how the spheres empty themselves to build the filament structures that are also including technology.


You can see that I have documented the same spheres in embalmed blood of someone who died with the rubbery clots

Microscopic Analysis Of Blood Preserved With Embalming Fluid From Deceased Individual With Large Hydrogel Clots Shows Same Findings As Current Live Blood Analysis Of Vaccinated And Unvaccinated


When I examined the face with a 365nm fluorescent light, there was extensive orange glow of the skin surrounding the nose, chin and forehead. For privacy reasons, the face is not shown here. Magnetic nano particles have been described in the literature in vaccine delivery and in association with bio sensing applications in the Covid 19 era.

Manipulative magnetic nanomedicine: the future of COVID-19 therapy

Nanobiotechnology is emerging very promising to investigate novel methodologies for managing COVID-19 pandemic/endemic successfully [2,5]. In this direction, expert have explored the opto-electro-magnetic nanosystem to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus using a biosensing approach. Such optical, electrical, or magnetic biosensors function based on geno-sensing and immune-sensing has detected the SARS-CoV-2 virus selectively at a very low level [7,8]. These efficient-miniaturized biosensors can be operated using a smartphone and promoted for clinical application for early-stage diagnostics of COVID-19 infection. T he successful integration of these SARS-CoV-2 virus sensors with AI and IoMT enables virus detection at point-of-location and sharing of bioinformatics with the medical center at the same time for timely therapeutics decision. This approach is also useful for tracking tasks and managing COVID-19 infection according to patient infection profiling. To avoid human-to-human SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission, experts have developed stimuli-responsive nanotechnology enable which can not only trap aerosol of virus size but can eradicate viruses on applying external stimulation for example nanoenable photo-sensitive virus degradation.

In the article from 2013 below, you can also see that fluorescence was combined with magnetic hydrogel complexes for DNA vaccine delivery.

Design of magnetic polyplexes taken up efficiently by dendritic cell for enhanced DNA vaccine delivery

We used magnetic vectors comprising polyethylenimine (PEI)-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, with hyaluronic acid (HA) of different molecular weights (<10 and 900 kDa) to reduce cytotoxicity and to facilitate endocytosis of particles into DCs via specific surface receptors. DNA encoding Plasmodium yoelii merozoite surface protein 1–19 and a plasmid encoding yellow fluorescent gene were added to the magnetic complexes with various % charge ratios of HA: PEI.

The persistent micellar hydrogel growth patters are seen in many different zones of blood that is being transformed into the rubbery clot material.

Image: Spherical construction site with multiple smaller nanobots and spheres in it, surrounding blood has been transformed into a clot. A spherical hydrogel mesh matrix is visible.

The same spheres were seen in the Pfizer vial content examination.

Video Of C19 Pfizer Bioweapon Shows Same Spheres And Quantum Dots We See In Live Blood. What Happens To Unvaccinated Blood When Mixed With The C19 Bioweapon? It Clots Immediately

This phenomenon was analyzed in the C19 injected, but I am documenting it in the C19 unvaccinated from shedding.

Torsion Spectroscopy Evaluation Of Post C19 Injection Induced Magnetism And The Possible Implications For Humanity. Do The Bioweapons Modify Consciousness And Is Big Pharma Involved In The Paranormal?


Many people do not believe in shedding, despite the Pfizer documents. I have seen all manifestations of C19 vaccine injury in the unvaccinated. The medical community is dismissing this as stress. How many lives need to be continually endangered before this is acknowledged?

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Cindy - Mar 12

This must be stopped now, today. Not in months or years but TODAY, NOW.
making us all aware is good, we need to know but this has to be stopped because thus us not just in covid 19 or injections, I believe this us in food, air, and water. These evil ni good fir nothings have the antidote, you can bet they do. These findings need to be shoved diwn the throats if the senate and congress and then they need to STOP THIS HOLOCAUST they are allowing.! I've had enough!

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Maggie - Mar 13

Thank you Dr. Ana for your continued research. When you say unvaxxed, are they completely unvaxxed or just didn't get the c19 death jab? It would be beneficial to determine if the c19 unvaxxed received any other vaccines in the past 5-10 years and which ones. Perhaps other things were in other vaccines which is just now coming to light.
Be blessed.

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