if this is the blood analysis of the unvaxx’d, imagine samples from the vaxx’d. I strongly recommend following Canadian oncologist/radiologist/immunologist Dr. William Makis’s advice on regular three day water fasts and other wellness supports. Now we can all perhaps see and understand why Jesus said that unless these days were cut short no one would survive…(Matthew 24:22) and why we are also reminded to “occupy” until He returns (Luke 19:13)…Hold your ground, Truth and Light warriors. God-speed! God’s strength, and keep up the good fight.
The Bible also says in Isaiah 54:17 "No weapons formed against us shall prosper. " God is ALL powerful and will protect his children from these evil, tyrannical plots against humanity. Yes He will shorten the time fir the days are evil! God bless and thank you for your great work!
Thank you for mentioning scripture. I think you meant Luke 21:19 though. Matthew 24:13 and Mark 13:13 are similar and well worth reading. For those who wish to understand the context in which Christ answered the apostles in detail when they asked him about what signs would precede the destruction of Jerusalem and the those that would occur prior to the end of the world and His return in glory to judge the living and the dead, I suggest reading all of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. A great deal of food for thought is contained therein. So much more could be said.
Too sad the man speaking on Reese report thinks we are dead and gone when we die. Poor thing. Those that love and know God and Jesus never die. We leave our worn out , and now evil mistreated bodies on Earth, and go to Heaven to receive our new bodies. Heaven will NOT be crowded because so many have turned from God. They will go to the “Eternal Lake of Fire”, and we will never see them again.
Get out your Bibles, Read 2Chronicles 7:14 ,
and do some serious praying, and feel peace from God Almighty. He and those following him win. God says, “Do not fear”. Love God
Apparently evil is trying to hinder souls to their destination . Evil is trying to take everyone .. 5 g . Star link used to create a trap ? .. my mom passed and before she’s buried I’m damn sure getting g her blood and maki g sure it isn’t moving or sending out signals …. Hindering her from my dads eternal company is simply not an option… we win . It’s written … and 1000 years of peace ✌️ .
From what I’m reading … Dead bodies may be used with nano tech to keep the spirits trapped . Great idea if your evil and want to hinder spirits travel etc … they are finding moving things in the dead .. zombie apocalypse type crap . 💩.. I’m just saying I may need to cremate her to make sure she is absolutely dust without being trapped by decaying living slime in a graveyard .
Apologies for changing the subject. The sun has flared dozens of times over the past week, M and X class flares, and the sun has also released at least 4 sizeable coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the past couple days, and these CMEs are forecast to start impacting earth on Friday, May 10.
Might want to take measures to prepare for power grid and comms disruptions. The modern lifestyle is built upon a house of cards. It just takes the disruption of one major component to throw everything out of rhythm. A solar impact such as this can do just that. Make sure you have everything you would need to make it without outside help for at least a month, or as close to that as possible. If nothing comes of this one, you'll still be better off having prepared.
Blessings ❤️
Yes. And the morons in charge have no clue as to the consequences of a grid down situation. Instead they continue to "upgrade" control systems with layer upon layer of redundant digital controls. Digital broadcast technology is the *most* vulnerable element to CME influx. They've been warned of these vulnerabilities for decades, yet continue to party and mentally masturbate about "high tech"...
Pretty sure the ones who are really in charge know exactly the risks. The system was built to fail. But only after getting the world addicted to this version. Access to the next version will be predicated upon total compliance. And people will make the trade to escape the new stone age.
That's generational thinking. That's also why they keep us distracted, and why the "education" system works the way it does.
I guess I'm just not very good at being a coincidence theorist.
Hopefully it makes a few people think about cause and effect. And I think it's much more effective than simply recycling the term "dumbass" for the millionth time.
We need it on t-shirts and bumper stickers everywhere:
"Proud patents of a highly indoctrinated, mouth breathing coincidence theorist🤤
PS math is racist"
For many months now, the Boston skyline, and much of Massachusetts and extending north and south, has been blanketed 85% of the time by a thick canopy. Not like any natural clouds I have seen in over 45 years.
What is it? Where does it come from?
Seems more than coincidental that Gates floated his "blocking out the sun" hypothesis not long ago. And actual trials have been announced in recent weeks for California.
Those are the official trials.. I strongly suspect that what I see over my head everyday are the unofficial trials.
I have been attempting to piece together where the new sky ingredients are coming from for some time. Spraying from pilots in aircraft doesn't quite match the volume.
I will just share a theory - I have seen footage of orbs and craft passing through this junk, to instant appearing tree shaped toxic clouds appearing, but one of the more logical options that makes a little more sense was I pieced together from BPEarthWatch.
In this vidhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGN2Q1b16I0he shows 'obstacles' at south and north poles, directly in the center of the jet stream. If this is legit I will let you imagination do the rest.
What better place to carry out an operation, no one is allowed to these regions except military.
Through much of the 2023/2024 winter in Toronto many of my neighbors remarked how wonderful it was to see a sunny day. Sunny days have become rare in Ontario at least. If you can block out the sun you can greatly reduce the food supply and thus humans in very short order. Look to the UN/ WHO/ Bill Gates/Rockefellers/ et al. For the joys population reduction. This is all being engineered
Yes! It WORKS. I've seen it with my own eyes multiple times. You might want to see Vinegar Blue Sky on YT if you haven't already, and thank you for mentioning that! Amanda Vollmer also does this!
11,923 views May 10, 2024 #chemtrails #whitevinegar #clouds
"Colin Wyatt joins Richard Vobes , to discuss placing white vinegar in a heated dish outside/arometherapy diffuser and allowing the vapours to float up, does make a difference to the chemtrails in the skies. What do you think?"
..i know its magic & im watching the skies clear alot
I greatly appreciate ALL you do in informing us!! Thank you ever so much!
Especially since this has been going on for such a long time and the idiot so called " elites " have had a headstart with their unintelligent agenda.
Now we need people to start the movement. I know I'm tired of watching all this happen to humanity, my kids & family.
Are we going to just sit back and watch it all hapoen or stand up and do something?
I think its coming to a SPLIT of society
This year will be pivotal
Just a bunch of people and legions of billions would just need to do away with maybe 1000 to stop their plans for a while, 10000 specifically targeted to end the threat to humanity. Let's get together and make it happen is it worth do little the survival of the human race of our childrens????? Are we "cattle" like their shredding paper says or are we humans souls, divine and sovereign???????let's show the world ffs
I've noticed that after a period of 3 months taking Methylene Blue (about 14 drops daily in a gel cap) Irish moss (in a gel cap), chlorophil, vitamin C & Niacin (500mg 3xdaily) has finally resulted in my nose and forehead exhibiting less orange under 365NM light (about ¾ reduction). I go to a hot yoga studio and am most likely exposed to shedding people since this whole jab thing was unleashed. I have yet to look at my blood, however. Hoping that this helps.
Please, dr Ana, don´t give it up. See what is happening right now in the right direction! I suppose many have entered the zombie state according to dr Lehns typology, but not all yet. It takes only 20% to lead the way, so please just go on! May for Karen and you to get on still more talk shows, Del Bigtree, Maria Zeee, Naomi Wolf and O´Shea, Bobby`s campaigns? People need to hear and see this again and again, rather beautiful as it is, not like me that have grown with your and Dr Nixon`s work for some year by now. Just continue, what else?
NO !!! I DONT WANT YOU TO SUGAR COAT IT !!! SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS hopefully some of these people wil lwake up to the reality before its too late !!
What really piss's me is when I here 'No we can't just rip the band aid off, some cultures can't handle it'. The Band Aid should have been ripped off 5-100 years ago, and they should have stopped making band aids!
starting to look like advetising, Norse.
I'm skeptical of anyone/any company/org. that states, "we have the solution!", and....we'll sell it to you!
It's too late in the game for profit taking.
I'm not against profiting, but 'the hour's getting late.'
We are consuming them every day. The Nanobots are also in our food and supplement supply. I have a microscope and I am searching for unadulterated sources of everything.
• Call on the name of Jesus and be saved. (Romans 10:9-10)
• When you see all these things, you can know my return is near. I'm right at the door. (Matthew 24:33)
•Christ died for our sins, was buried and was raised on the third day. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
• Trust in His work on the cross, not your works, as a sinner. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
• You then will be taken very soon by Jesus, in what is called The Rapture, along all believers to heaven - for all eternity! (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)
• You will be spared being on earth for the next seven years, which will be the worst time in all of human history, which most will not survive, in what the Bible calls The Tribulation, when God’s wrath is poured out on the earth to unbelievers! (Revelation Chapters 4-18)
• God already told us the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) in the Bible🎚️
Religion especially the patriarchal ones were the beginning of globalization and enslavement of men if each country had their own spirituality instead of s foreign religion from the middle East adopted through fees horror wars and tortures then we'd be sovereign each country sovereign and ungovernable and "unglobalizable "
Thank you for this...
While many of the Unvaxxed are taking a bow in their hubris, they are quite naive to think they will be spared.
The vaxxed may have sat for mega doses of this, but if anyone breathes or eats or drinks water, they've been exposed.
People have been breathing and drinking water and eating bad food forever... strange how no one ever started emitting a MAC ID until the fake vaxxes.
Strange how no one was magnetic until the fake vaxxes.
Strange how no one was shedding the magnetism and all the other health effects to unvaxxed people... Until The Jabs.
I dont know why people keep pretending eating or drinking or breathing are anywhere nearly as bad as getting trillions of particles injected into your body, which you then shed to everyone else around you.
There is no comparison.
And every person Dr Ana sees has been shed on by many people for 3 years now... I would Expect everyone to continue to get worse.
Many of them are being shed on constantly, all day every day.
If smart dust or contaminated food or water were the culprit, why do you think unvaxxed never emit MAC ID's?
Why is it you can get rid of the magnetism, fly on an airplane and then be magnetic again when you get out of the airport?
Air from outside the airplane?
Or is it more likely that literal Millions of people shedding millions or billions of particles Each is building up in every enclosed structure and you are inhaling That saturated infected air every time you go anywhere?
Attempting to piece things together - Interesting what Sabrina shared recently regarding shedding to be partly 'load balancing' of the mesh network, makes sense, but there is still transfection taking place.
Exactly Bee Gee. And it is equally amazing that all of these new researchers have gotten away from looking at the spike protein we all now have due to shedding and the graphene oxide from the jabs and possibly from the air. These were the things first reported that caused the deaths of several of the scientists who reported on them. But almost all of these new researchers on the Substacks keep taking our attention away from those and into complexities which offer no solution, but hopelessness and revolution. Truth is always simple. Complexities only conceal it. Getting rid if the monsters will not free us from the nano. Besides, if we have it, they have it too. If they don't, then they have a way to get rid of it and finding it will be our victory. If I were a researcher, I would look at the spike protein as the key element in the self assembly of the nano. Nano has been around for years, but the level to which this is happening now is only recent, after the release of the plandemic and the jabs. And the only connecting element between the vaxed and the unvaxed is the spike that spreads through shedding. Thus, I have become very curious about who stands behind this new research. When I wrote this here as a direct comment to Ana Maria half an hour ago, it was erased. Very curious :)
Getting rid of the monsters and taking down 5g will render the nanos useless and the scientists working now for the monsters will have motivation even if only money to come forward to get rid of nano
Although early mice tests in an Australian lab showed if you could inject 60%, they could achieve ~93% saturation, but I also ponder on exactly what you stated, injection is different to shedding, no buts about it, maybe ~93% leaves 500 million left over? Were these tests results even used with the cov shots
Yes, they knew at the very beginning that 60-70% vaxx rate means it is impossible to escape the infected who are shedding everywhere.
Thats why the countries all set their vaxx goals at around 70%... and they pretty much got it.
Watching from a distance. There has been mixed results shown when adding Zeolite to solutions under the microscope, some showing it speeds up the development process dramatically. Similarly for CG, I think Dr Ana has covered this under 'metals' previously.
Dear Ana, could you please check if the person had been:
- swabbed (we've detected nanotech in the swabs)
- injected with other vaccines (we've detected micro-carbon tubes in the flu vax 2019)
- injected with dentist anesthesia (we've detected para-magnetic material there)
- injected with IV in hospitals
Thank you!
Prof. Fred Nazar
PS The real reason for the Big Crush is to impose CBDCs tied to monthly carbon quotas and Universal Basic Income (to make it digestible)
That's exactly the issue with some of Dr. Ana's articles, she makes this broad generalisations that everyone now has it. If that's the case, then the stupid elites ALSO have it in them including Bill Gates. I mean he visits plants and factories everyday where the workers there are definitely jabbed. Surely he must also know he is at RISK.
At least find out how this so called unvaxxed people YOU TEND TO FOCUS ON COMING TO SEE YOU are getting these nonsense in them. Are they around some jabbed folks all day at work or sleeping with them or sharing same house with them. Something must be triggering them. It definitely can't be the food or air we breathe. Perhaps water, that's a possibility. In that case they also definitely can't escape it in that case, except they have speciality equipments in all their houses.
I mean she's a great scientist but you can't just make broad statements like everyone now has it. Sincerely, it will take more than that to rouse people up... we need to know the truth. However, that does not preclude the fact that those of us- unjabbed shouldn't stand up as ONE HUMANITY for the benefit of others. we need to do that LIKE YESTERDAY.
All the non kool aid folks I take to my local place that does Dark Field have not had any of what you listed. Every single person, to include myself, have all this digital building city tech Dr. Ana is posting photos/videos of inside the one drop of blood. I eat mostly Raw Organic, grounding, exercise and take high-end whole-food supplements. Every substack, the photos/videos are getting worse (meaning, more and more of this demonic high tech shit in the one drop of blood).
Any idea on how you all got it?
Do some or all of you show magnetism or emit Bluetooth signals when not grounded and near an EMF source (like holding your non-airplane-mode cellphone?
No, nothing like that. Just went into local professional that has been trained and doing Dark Field Microscopy for over 30 years, lol..
But I do want to suggest this short 12 min video to give you an idea:
A colleague's blood, in 2022, before going to the dentist, was perfect. This proves it's not the chemtrails. So don't worry if you haven't been injected with anything.
Did you colleague's blood change after the dentist injection? Could you please post the anonymized blood analysis pre and post anesthesia injection? It's important for the World to know! Thank you!
Also can be dead as the antenna from the na o interacts with satilights and these satilights can give off a frequency that intiates destruction of the tissues.
Effectively. The United States will bear the brunt, and I think rightly so, since the majority of its population remains confused because it has not been able to recognize False Dissidence and does not know what to do.
So if you and every other experts have no idea how to stop this then what do u expect the average Joe trying to survive do exactly? Kill an elite and go to jail? They will do what they want and we have to save our self but now the hope is closer to none
I agree with you. They are saying to wake up BUT no cure for this and it has happened already. Not vaxed but now have long Covid with extreme fatigue etc. Being treated with Ivermectin, low dose Naltrexone, Natokinase, nicotine patches. Queriten with Bromelien. So far no relief. So what are we supposed to do?
If you don't wake up you're going to last very little. You have not known how to recognize the False Dissidence, which only exists to confuse even more.
I am very aware of what has been going on. It started with the fall of man (Adam Eve) Satan knows his time is getting short so he has ramped up his deception and evil to kill, steal and destroy! Revelation in the Bible is being played out. My hope and faith is in God. So death has lost it’s sting. Yes, people need to wake up repent and turn to God! Because eternity is forever and our life, here on earth is like a mist.
Same questions everywhere. You are confused and no one gives answers. You have not known how to recognize the False Dissidence, which only exists to confuse even more.
So once, if or when, enough wake up, then we won't get stopped by a 'normie' when taking down a (D)elite. Where I am if you tried to take someone down, it is likely a normie would come up and stop you, crazy world.
Four years after and I still see many normie's hanging on to 'normaility' for dear life waiting for the gov to save them!
Am not really sure jailing them will work, unless we take over the police, judiciary and fed govt.
Thanks Joe for your more than expected reaction to my comment.
I feel the same way sometimes. I would love to ram my TRUCK down these evil psychopaths on the streets, in the shopping mall and other places but i learnt long time ago, my heavenly father doesn't approve of that. There is a reason he says, vengeance is mine, i'll repay. Sometimes, i find myself saying but God you take so long and he tells me, be patient my child.
Firstly, you know what, visiting the same wrath on them they visited on humanity makes me no better than them. The rage and hate they are filled with that led them the horrible paths of injecting nanoparticles into 75% of humanity is exactly the same hate and lack of patience we would be displaying if we went down the path of doing what you feel.
Secondly, come to think about, the reason they do what they do is because they don't see life as sacred so for them it's just a blob of bacteria based off evolution. If u do the same by killing in return, then you have subscribed to their evil philosophy and what does that make you my dear friend? God is the maker of life and he FROWNS GRAVELY ON ANYONE WHO TAKES IT.
Thirdly, you have to feel very sorry for these hapless "beings" called "the powers that be not". They are truly SICK. More often than not, by the time the victim exacts his revenge, what he finds is that the same blood thirsty demons that inspired his attacker has seemingly possessed him to to commit and act on his vengeance rage. If God were to open your eyes in the spirit, what you'll see are demons rejoicing and giggling away at the havoc we are committing towards each other. Unfortunately, the failure of the justice only compounds. But trust me, there is POWER IN RESTRAINT. Prov 16:32- Better is man who rules over his own spirit- emotions, than he who captures a city. Trust me you wanna be better than these EVIL WEF RAT TYPES n co,.
I trust God to exact vengeance after all man's predilection to do evil is mostly because of the DEMONIC forces that HE WILLINGLY GIVES HIMSELF TO.
I forgot to add, just because man interprets the silence of God as weakness, HE IS ACTUALLY A VERY TERRIBLE- dreadful, frightful GOD. It is a FEARFUL THING TO FALL INTO THE HANDS OF THE LIVING GOD - Heb 10:31
Psalm 47 : 2- For the Lord most high is TERRIBLE: he is a great king over all the earth.
Deut 32:39 - ... I KILL and i make alive.
Bless U.
my only problem is i kinda believe there is a spirit in us of some sort but hard to believe that there is a god sometimes and why do u believe so much in a god
My dear friend Joe,
Is it even possible for a created being to prove the existence of The Creator let alone the One who is believed to have created all things.
Firstly, i can tell you about the existence of the gross evil going on all around us especially since 2020 as a solid proof that there must be a much greater good somewhere but sincerely that will only diminish the one i refer to. He is all by himself.
Secondly, i can tell you that that same spirit you talked about above is a confirmation there is much more to our physical existence but then again, it's not enough.
Thirdly, take your organs and how they are intricately woven and work together in harmony and how they function. If you're an engineer like me you know everything tends towards chaos unless intelligently interrupted. So if you look at the human body one could very well say surely there must be an intelligent designer behind that. U certainly don't think the internet or the computer am using to type these words just came together via a big bang or by random chance. If you a child will find it very difficult to accept that, why then is it difficult for you to trust in an intelligent and all powerful being that formed and created all things.
Lastly, the absolute truth is this, no one or thing can prove God is real, I just know he is real. Nothing is sufficient enough to substantiate his existence, it's folly for us to even begin to think we can prove him let alone grasp the magnitude of his being. I mean, how can the created substantiate the existence of the CREATOR?
My prayer for you - Father please reveal yourself to Joe in a way he can no longer deny or refute in Jesus name.
ThinkOnTheseThings - May 9
if this is the blood analysis of the unvaxx’d, imagine samples from the vaxx’d. I strongly recommend following Canadian oncologist/radiologist/immunologist Dr. William Makis’s advice on regular three day water fasts and other wellness supports. Now we can all perhaps see and understand why Jesus said that unless these days were cut short no one would survive…(Matthew 24:22) and why we are also reminded to “occupy” until He returns (Luke 19:13)…Hold your ground, Truth and Light warriors. God-speed! God’s strength, and keep up the good fight.
MimaRN6 - May 10
The Bible also says in Isaiah 54:17 "No weapons formed against us shall prosper. " God is ALL powerful and will protect his children from these evil, tyrannical plots against humanity. Yes He will shorten the time fir the days are evil! God bless and thank you for your great work!
John H. - May 10
John H.
Thank you for mentioning scripture. I think you meant Luke 21:19 though. Matthew 24:13 and Mark 13:13 are similar and well worth reading. For those who wish to understand the context in which Christ answered the apostles in detail when they asked him about what signs would precede the destruction of Jerusalem and the those that would occur prior to the end of the world and His return in glory to judge the living and the dead, I suggest reading all of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. A great deal of food for thought is contained therein. So much more could be said.
Tom - May 10
It's also important to note that He was referencing TWO events: The destruction of the temple, and the end of the age.
Froggy - May 9
1000 years O’ peace ✌️…
Reply (2) - May 10
Comment removed.
San - May 10
Pirate Studebaker - May 10
Pirate Eyes
Reply (1) - May 9
Bee Gee
Comment removed.
Bee Gee - May 9
Bee Gee
Can you hear this?
Then turn it up...
oh wait, thats just my Fuck You finger.
Fuck off spammer.
Rob - May 10
Susan Skinner - May 9
Susan’s Newsletter
Too sad the man speaking on Reese report thinks we are dead and gone when we die. Poor thing. Those that love and know God and Jesus never die. We leave our worn out , and now evil mistreated bodies on Earth, and go to Heaven to receive our new bodies. Heaven will NOT be crowded because so many have turned from God. They will go to the “Eternal Lake of Fire”, and we will never see them again.
Get out your Bibles, Read 2Chronicles 7:14 ,
and do some serious praying, and feel peace from God Almighty. He and those following him win. God says, “Do not fear”. Love God
Froggy - May 9
Apparently evil is trying to hinder souls to their destination . Evil is trying to take everyone .. 5 g . Star link used to create a trap ? .. my mom passed and before she’s buried I’m damn sure getting g her blood and maki g sure it isn’t moving or sending out signals …. Hindering her from my dads eternal company is simply not an option… we win . It’s written … and 1000 years of peace ✌️ .
Pirate Studebaker - May 10
Pirate Eyes
It doesn't matter what is happening with her terrestrial body. It's a dead empty shell and she has moved on. They don't win no matter what they do.
Froggy - May 10
From what I’m reading … Dead bodies may be used with nano tech to keep the spirits trapped . Great idea if your evil and want to hinder spirits travel etc … they are finding moving things in the dead .. zombie apocalypse type crap . 💩.. I’m just saying I may need to cremate her to make sure she is absolutely dust without being trapped by decaying living slime in a graveyard .
Anna - May 10
Paul Vonharnish
No not dead and gone but recycled like cattle for energy all religions are man made are brainwashinghttps://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/pyijav/ive_researched_the_afterlife_for_nearly_10_years/?rdt=63239. The truth will set you free of you research it but first it will make you furious sometimes enough to dismiss it
Paul Vonharnish - May 10
Paul Vonharnish
Correct. All religions are brainwashing, period...
Nathan Foia - May 9
Nathan Foia
Apologies for changing the subject. The sun has flared dozens of times over the past week, M and X class flares, and the sun has also released at least 4 sizeable coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the past couple days, and these CMEs are forecast to start impacting earth on Friday, May 10.
Might want to take measures to prepare for power grid and comms disruptions. The modern lifestyle is built upon a house of cards. It just takes the disruption of one major component to throw everything out of rhythm. A solar impact such as this can do just that. Make sure you have everything you would need to make it without outside help for at least a month, or as close to that as possible. If nothing comes of this one, you'll still be better off having prepared.
Blessings ❤️
Paul Vonharnish - May 10
Paul Vonharnish
Yes. And the morons in charge have no clue as to the consequences of a grid down situation. Instead they continue to "upgrade" control systems with layer upon layer of redundant digital controls. Digital broadcast technology is the *most* vulnerable element to CME influx. They've been warned of these vulnerabilities for decades, yet continue to party and mentally masturbate about "high tech"...
Nathan Foia - May 11
Nathan Foia
Pretty sure the ones who are really in charge know exactly the risks. The system was built to fail. But only after getting the world addicted to this version. Access to the next version will be predicated upon total compliance. And people will make the trade to escape the new stone age.
That's generational thinking. That's also why they keep us distracted, and why the "education" system works the way it does.
I guess I'm just not very good at being a coincidence theorist.
Paul Vonharnish - May 11
Paul Vonharnish
I love the "coincidence theorist" title. Damn funny --- in a way...
Nathan Foia - May 11
Nathan Foia
Hopefully it makes a few people think about cause and effect. And I think it's much more effective than simply recycling the term "dumbass" for the millionth time.
We need it on t-shirts and bumper stickers everywhere:
"Proud patents of a highly indoctrinated, mouth breathing coincidence theorist🤤
PS math is racist"
Bee Gee - May 9
Bee Gee
We can hope.
Chris C - May 9 - Edited
Chris C
For many months now, the Boston skyline, and much of Massachusetts and extending north and south, has been blanketed 85% of the time by a thick canopy. Not like any natural clouds I have seen in over 45 years.
What is it? Where does it come from?
Seems more than coincidental that Gates floated his "blocking out the sun" hypothesis not long ago. And actual trials have been announced in recent weeks for California.
Those are the official trials.. I strongly suspect that what I see over my head everyday are the unofficial trials.
Cos - May 9 - Edited
I have been attempting to piece together where the new sky ingredients are coming from for some time. Spraying from pilots in aircraft doesn't quite match the volume.
I will just share a theory - I have seen footage of orbs and craft passing through this junk, to instant appearing tree shaped toxic clouds appearing, but one of the more logical options that makes a little more sense was I pieced together from BPEarthWatch.
In this vidhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGN2Q1b16I0he shows 'obstacles' at south and north poles, directly in the center of the jet stream. If this is legit I will let you imagination do the rest.
What better place to carry out an operation, no one is allowed to these regions except military.
Robert - May 10
Through much of the 2023/2024 winter in Toronto many of my neighbors remarked how wonderful it was to see a sunny day. Sunny days have become rare in Ontario at least. If you can block out the sun you can greatly reduce the food supply and thus humans in very short order. Look to the UN/ WHO/ Bill Gates/Rockefellers/ et al. For the joys population reduction. This is all being engineered
Paul Vonharnish - May 10
Paul Vonharnish
There is NO naturally occurring weather or cloud cover on planet Earth anymore. >>> Potential for Aerosol Dissemination of Biological Weapons: Lessons from Biological Control of Insects >>>https://zerogeoengineering.com/2020/potential-for-aerosol-dissemination-of-biological-weapons-lessons-from-biological-control-of-insects/
We are ze bugs now...
TXR - May 10
Tzila’s Substack
I read earlier today, if you stream vinegar outside, using heat under a pot of it, that clears up the sky.
JulesUSA - May 10
Yes! It WORKS. I've seen it with my own eyes multiple times. You might want to see Vinegar Blue Sky on YT if you haven't already, and thank you for mentioning that! Amanda Vollmer also does this!
Norsekode - May 10
11,923 views May 10, 2024 #chemtrails #whitevinegar #clouds
"Colin Wyatt joins Richard Vobes , to discuss placing white vinegar in a heated dish outside/arometherapy diffuser and allowing the vapours to float up, does make a difference to the chemtrails in the skies. What do you think?"
..i know its magic & im watching the skies clear alot
Shawn - May 9
I greatly appreciate ALL you do in informing us!! Thank you ever so much!
Especially since this has been going on for such a long time and the idiot so called " elites " have had a headstart with their unintelligent agenda.
Now we need people to start the movement. I know I'm tired of watching all this happen to humanity, my kids & family.
Are we going to just sit back and watch it all hapoen or stand up and do something?
I think its coming to a SPLIT of society
This year will be pivotal
Anna - May 9
Just a bunch of people and legions of billions would just need to do away with maybe 1000 to stop their plans for a while, 10000 specifically targeted to end the threat to humanity. Let's get together and make it happen is it worth do little the survival of the human race of our childrens????? Are we "cattle" like their shredding paper says or are we humans souls, divine and sovereign???????let's show the world ffs
Chuck Matzker - May 9
I've noticed that after a period of 3 months taking Methylene Blue (about 14 drops daily in a gel cap) Irish moss (in a gel cap), chlorophil, vitamin C & Niacin (500mg 3xdaily) has finally resulted in my nose and forehead exhibiting less orange under 365NM light (about ¾ reduction). I go to a hot yoga studio and am most likely exposed to shedding people since this whole jab thing was unleashed. I have yet to look at my blood, however. Hoping that this helps.
Norsekode - May 10
two supplements that can help , colloidial gold & masterpeace
gold dissolves nano tech
Anita Söderman - May 9
Anita’s Substack
Please, dr Ana, don´t give it up. See what is happening right now in the right direction! I suppose many have entered the zombie state according to dr Lehns typology, but not all yet. It takes only 20% to lead the way, so please just go on! May for Karen and you to get on still more talk shows, Del Bigtree, Maria Zeee, Naomi Wolf and O´Shea, Bobby`s campaigns? People need to hear and see this again and again, rather beautiful as it is, not like me that have grown with your and Dr Nixon`s work for some year by now. Just continue, what else?
S. Martin - May 9
NO !!! I DONT WANT YOU TO SUGAR COAT IT !!! SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS hopefully some of these people wil lwake up to the reality before its too late !!
Cos - May 9
What really piss's me is when I here 'No we can't just rip the band aid off, some cultures can't handle it'. The Band Aid should have been ripped off 5-100 years ago, and they should have stopped making band aids!
Dawn M - May 9
Dawn M
This is very disturbing. How do un-injected get this problem? Shedding from
Injected people? My apologies I didn’t read the whole article.
Chris C - May 9
Chris C
Not just shedding.. They are dropping it from planes.. We are breathing it in. Nearly all of our water sources are contaminated. We are drinking it.
Norsekode - May 10
two supplements that can help , colloidial gold & masterpeace
gold dissolves nano tech
Susan Skinner - May 9
Susan’s Newsletter
Yes…. Shedding
JulesUSA - May 10
Chemtrails a major source. Those strange wisps in the sky? Not water. See Vinegar Blue Sky in YT
Norsekode - May 10
two supplements that can help , colloidial gold & masterpeace
gold dissolves nano tech
crapshoot farmer - May 10
crapshoot farmer
starting to look like advetising, Norse.
I'm skeptical of anyone/any company/org. that states, "we have the solution!", and....we'll sell it to you!
It's too late in the game for profit taking.
I'm not against profiting, but 'the hour's getting late.'
FreedomWarriorWoman - May 10
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
We are consuming them every day. The Nanobots are also in our food and supplement supply. I have a microscope and I am searching for unadulterated sources of everything.
Michelle - May 9 - Edited
• Call on the name of Jesus and be saved. (Romans 10:9-10)
• When you see all these things, you can know my return is near. I'm right at the door. (Matthew 24:33)
•Christ died for our sins, was buried and was raised on the third day. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
• Trust in His work on the cross, not your works, as a sinner. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
• You then will be taken very soon by Jesus, in what is called The Rapture, along all believers to heaven - for all eternity! (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)
• You will be spared being on earth for the next seven years, which will be the worst time in all of human history, which most will not survive, in what the Bible calls The Tribulation, when God’s wrath is poured out on the earth to unbelievers! (Revelation Chapters 4-18)
• God already told us the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) in the Bible🎚️
Anna - May 10
Religion especially the patriarchal ones were the beginning of globalization and enslavement of men if each country had their own spirituality instead of s foreign religion from the middle East adopted through fees horror wars and tortures then we'd be sovereign each country sovereign and ungovernable and "unglobalizable "
Bicycling Mom - May 9
Clearly already too late
Froggy - May 9
Now now … we humans are fairly resilient and we have a lot of help .. …. Everything will be ok .. xoxo
Joe - May 9
Joe’s Substack
Makes sense why rich people have their own islands
Chris C - May 9 - Edited
Chris C
Thank you for this...
While many of the Unvaxxed are taking a bow in their hubris, they are quite naive to think they will be spared.
The vaxxed may have sat for mega doses of this, but if anyone breathes or eats or drinks water, they've been exposed.
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - May 9
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
how are you labeling the UNVAXXED as being the people with HUBRIS???? We are the WARRIORS
Chris C - May 9
Chris C
Reading comprehension.. Use the context clues.
Bee Gee - May 9 - Edited
Bee Gee
People have been breathing and drinking water and eating bad food forever... strange how no one ever started emitting a MAC ID until the fake vaxxes.
Strange how no one was magnetic until the fake vaxxes.
Strange how no one was shedding the magnetism and all the other health effects to unvaxxed people... Until The Jabs.
I dont know why people keep pretending eating or drinking or breathing are anywhere nearly as bad as getting trillions of particles injected into your body, which you then shed to everyone else around you.
There is no comparison.
And every person Dr Ana sees has been shed on by many people for 3 years now... I would Expect everyone to continue to get worse.
Many of them are being shed on constantly, all day every day.
Chris C - May 9 - Edited
Chris C
Bee Gee - May 9 - Edited
Bee Gee
Yes. That is a smartdust link.
Golf Clap.
Chris C - May 9 - Edited
Chris C
It must be nice having gills that prevent you from inhaling it.
Bee Gee - May 9 - Edited
Bee Gee
If smart dust or contaminated food or water were the culprit, why do you think unvaxxed never emit MAC ID's?
Why is it you can get rid of the magnetism, fly on an airplane and then be magnetic again when you get out of the airport?
Air from outside the airplane?
Or is it more likely that literal Millions of people shedding millions or billions of particles Each is building up in every enclosed structure and you are inhaling That saturated infected air every time you go anywhere?
Cos - May 9
Attempting to piece things together - Interesting what Sabrina shared recently regarding shedding to be partly 'load balancing' of the mesh network, makes sense, but there is still transfection taking place.
Rob - May 10
Rob - May 10
What do you know
Norsekode - May 10
two supplements that can help , colloidial gold & masterpeace
gold dissolves nano tech
Bee Gee - May 10
Bee Gee
Masterpeace is fake as fuck and I am trying to remove metals, not intake them.
Limon - May 10 - Edited
Limon’s Substack
Exactly Bee Gee. And it is equally amazing that all of these new researchers have gotten away from looking at the spike protein we all now have due to shedding and the graphene oxide from the jabs and possibly from the air. These were the things first reported that caused the deaths of several of the scientists who reported on them. But almost all of these new researchers on the Substacks keep taking our attention away from those and into complexities which offer no solution, but hopelessness and revolution. Truth is always simple. Complexities only conceal it. Getting rid if the monsters will not free us from the nano. Besides, if we have it, they have it too. If they don't, then they have a way to get rid of it and finding it will be our victory. If I were a researcher, I would look at the spike protein as the key element in the self assembly of the nano. Nano has been around for years, but the level to which this is happening now is only recent, after the release of the plandemic and the jabs. And the only connecting element between the vaxed and the unvaxed is the spike that spreads through shedding. Thus, I have become very curious about who stands behind this new research. When I wrote this here as a direct comment to Ana Maria half an hour ago, it was erased. Very curious :)
Anna - May 10
Nano Ordo Mundi
Getting rid of the monsters and taking down 5g will render the nanos useless and the scientists working now for the monsters will have motivation even if only money to come forward to get rid of nano
Marty - May 12
Nano Ordo Mundi
The nanos don't need 5G to take control of the host, they're autonomous.
Cos - May 9 - Edited
Bee Gee
Although early mice tests in an Australian lab showed if you could inject 60%, they could achieve ~93% saturation, but I also ponder on exactly what you stated, injection is different to shedding, no buts about it, maybe ~93% leaves 500 million left over? Were these tests results even used with the cov shots
Bee Gee - May 9
Bee Gee
Yes, they knew at the very beginning that 60-70% vaxx rate means it is impossible to escape the infected who are shedding everywhere.
Thats why the countries all set their vaxx goals at around 70%... and they pretty much got it.
Norsekode - May 10
two supplements that can help , colloidial gold & masterpeace
gold dissolves nano tech
Cos - May 10
Watching from a distance. There has been mixed results shown when adding Zeolite to solutions under the microscope, some showing it speeds up the development process dramatically. Similarly for CG, I think Dr Ana has covered this under 'metals' previously.
Joe - May 9
Joe’s Substack
No shit Sherlock the question is how to regularly detox this shit
JulesUSA - May 10
Joe’s Substack
What happened to the EDTA she mentioned?
Joe - May 10
Joe’s Substack
She changes her mind
Joe - May 10
Joe’s Substack
That was just to meditate
Chris C - May 9
Chris C
Read the article Sherlock.. Nobody knows.
Joe - May 9
Joe’s Substack
I did and that’s the thing no one knows but it’s most likely we may be to late
Mon - May 10
Yes and don't forget those who took the nasal swab prc test
Prof. Fred Nazar - May 9 - Edited
Scientific Progress
Dear Ana, could you please check if the person had been:
- swabbed (we've detected nanotech in the swabs)
- injected with other vaccines (we've detected micro-carbon tubes in the flu vax 2019)
- injected with dentist anesthesia (we've detected para-magnetic material there)
- injected with IV in hospitals
Thank you!
Prof. Fred Nazar
PS The real reason for the Big Crush is to impose CBDCs tied to monthly carbon quotas and Universal Basic Income (to make it digestible)
Stepping22 - May 11
That's exactly the issue with some of Dr. Ana's articles, she makes this broad generalisations that everyone now has it. If that's the case, then the stupid elites ALSO have it in them including Bill Gates. I mean he visits plants and factories everyday where the workers there are definitely jabbed. Surely he must also know he is at RISK.
At least find out how this so called unvaxxed people YOU TEND TO FOCUS ON COMING TO SEE YOU are getting these nonsense in them. Are they around some jabbed folks all day at work or sleeping with them or sharing same house with them. Something must be triggering them. It definitely can't be the food or air we breathe. Perhaps water, that's a possibility. In that case they also definitely can't escape it in that case, except they have speciality equipments in all their houses.
I mean she's a great scientist but you can't just make broad statements like everyone now has it. Sincerely, it will take more than that to rouse people up... we need to know the truth. However, that does not preclude the fact that those of us- unjabbed shouldn't stand up as ONE HUMANITY for the benefit of others. we need to do that LIKE YESTERDAY.
Das Raciss - May 9
Scientific Progress
All the non kool aid folks I take to my local place that does Dark Field have not had any of what you listed. Every single person, to include myself, have all this digital building city tech Dr. Ana is posting photos/videos of inside the one drop of blood. I eat mostly Raw Organic, grounding, exercise and take high-end whole-food supplements. Every substack, the photos/videos are getting worse (meaning, more and more of this demonic high tech shit in the one drop of blood).
Prof. Fred Nazar - May 10
Scientific Progress
Any idea on how you all got it?
Do some or all of you show magnetism or emit Bluetooth signals when not grounded and near an EMF source (like holding your non-airplane-mode cellphone?
Das Raciss - May 13
No, nothing like that. Just went into local professional that has been trained and doing Dark Field Microscopy for over 30 years, lol..
But I do want to suggest this short 12 min video to give you an idea:
JulesUSA - May 10
Cov - Id Project Substack
This is why I won't have my blood looked at. Hopefully you're washing ALL produce very well.
Cov - Id Project - May 10
Cov - Id Project Substack
A colleague's blood, in 2022, before going to the dentist, was perfect. This proves it's not the chemtrails. So don't worry if you haven't been injected with anything.
Prof. Fred Nazar - May 10
Scientific Progress
Did you colleague's blood change after the dentist injection? Could you please post the anonymized blood analysis pre and post anesthesia injection? It's important for the World to know! Thank you!
Norsekode - May 10
two supplements that can help , colloidial gold & masterpeace
gold dissolves nano tech
Drew Skonberg,DC - May 9
Dr. Drew’s Newsletter
200 million Americans dead by 2025 is very far fetched IMHO.
Stepping22 - May 11
That's a lot of bodies. Where ARE YOU GOING TO HIDE THEM???
Comeon Dr. Ana, we shouldn't believe everything Deagle reports.
Mon - May 10
Also can be dead as the antenna from the na o interacts with satilights and these satilights can give off a frequency that intiates destruction of the tissues.
Doug Brown - May 9
Doug Brown
She's not sayong they will be Dead - They will not be 100% human anymore. This is transhumanist technology, ok
Drew Skonberg,DC - May 10
Dr. Drew’s Newsletter
Deagle report: 200M DEAD, not 100% not human.
Cov - Id Project - May 10
Cov - Id Project Substack
Effectively. The United States will bear the brunt, and I think rightly so, since the majority of its population remains confused because it has not been able to recognize False Dissidence and does not know what to do.
Drew Skonberg,DC - May 10
Dr. Drew’s Newsletter
Not sure exactly what False Dissidence means in reference to C19, vaccine injury, and nano tech in these vaccines? Can you please explain?
JulesUSA - May 10
I mean, maybe it could mean that?
Joe - May 9 - Edited
Joe’s Substack
So if you and every other experts have no idea how to stop this then what do u expect the average Joe trying to survive do exactly? Kill an elite and go to jail? They will do what they want and we have to save our self but now the hope is closer to none
Cindy C Costolo - May 9
Cindy’s Substack
I agree with you. They are saying to wake up BUT no cure for this and it has happened already. Not vaxed but now have long Covid with extreme fatigue etc. Being treated with Ivermectin, low dose Naltrexone, Natokinase, nicotine patches. Queriten with Bromelien. So far no relief. So what are we supposed to do?
Marty - May 12
Nano Ordo Mundi
Have you tried sodium citrate ?https://managainstthemicrobes.substack.com/p/my-solution-sooner-than-expected
Cov - Id Project - May 10
Cov - Id Project Substack
If you don't wake up you're going to last very little. You have not known how to recognize the False Dissidence, which only exists to confuse even more.
Cindy C Costolo - May 10
Cindy’s Substack
I am very aware of what has been going on. It started with the fall of man (Adam Eve) Satan knows his time is getting short so he has ramped up his deception and evil to kill, steal and destroy! Revelation in the Bible is being played out. My hope and faith is in God. So death has lost it’s sting. Yes, people need to wake up repent and turn to God! Because eternity is forever and our life, here on earth is like a mist.
JulesUSA - May 10
Cindy’s Substack
Try fasting? With juicing?
Cindy C Costolo - May 10
Cindy’s Substack
Haven’t done this yet. What kind of juicing do you recommend?
JulesUSA - May 17
For me, juicing would mean a Juiceman juicer, and juicing some carrots, apples, celery, to start.
Cov - Id Project - May 10
Cov - Id Project Substack
Same questions everywhere. You are confused and no one gives answers. You have not known how to recognize the False Dissidence, which only exists to confuse even more.
Cos - May 9 - Edited
So once, if or when, enough wake up, then we won't get stopped by a 'normie' when taking down a (D)elite. Where I am if you tried to take someone down, it is likely a normie would come up and stop you, crazy world.
Four years after and I still see many normie's hanging on to 'normaility' for dear life waiting for the gov to save them!
Stepping22 - May 11
Am not really sure jailing them will work, unless we take over the police, judiciary and fed govt.
Joe - May 16
Joe’s Substack
Sorry but don’t agree, don’t kill those who are killing us lol are u serious
Stepping22 - May 16
Thanks Joe for your more than expected reaction to my comment.
I feel the same way sometimes. I would love to ram my TRUCK down these evil psychopaths on the streets, in the shopping mall and other places but i learnt long time ago, my heavenly father doesn't approve of that. There is a reason he says, vengeance is mine, i'll repay. Sometimes, i find myself saying but God you take so long and he tells me, be patient my child.
Firstly, you know what, visiting the same wrath on them they visited on humanity makes me no better than them. The rage and hate they are filled with that led them the horrible paths of injecting nanoparticles into 75% of humanity is exactly the same hate and lack of patience we would be displaying if we went down the path of doing what you feel.
Secondly, come to think about, the reason they do what they do is because they don't see life as sacred so for them it's just a blob of bacteria based off evolution. If u do the same by killing in return, then you have subscribed to their evil philosophy and what does that make you my dear friend? God is the maker of life and he FROWNS GRAVELY ON ANYONE WHO TAKES IT.
Thirdly, you have to feel very sorry for these hapless "beings" called "the powers that be not". They are truly SICK. More often than not, by the time the victim exacts his revenge, what he finds is that the same blood thirsty demons that inspired his attacker has seemingly possessed him to to commit and act on his vengeance rage. If God were to open your eyes in the spirit, what you'll see are demons rejoicing and giggling away at the havoc we are committing towards each other. Unfortunately, the failure of the justice only compounds. But trust me, there is POWER IN RESTRAINT. Prov 16:32- Better is man who rules over his own spirit- emotions, than he who captures a city. Trust me you wanna be better than these EVIL WEF RAT TYPES n co,.
I trust God to exact vengeance after all man's predilection to do evil is mostly because of the DEMONIC forces that HE WILLINGLY GIVES HIMSELF TO.
Stepping22 - May 16
I forgot to add, just because man interprets the silence of God as weakness, HE IS ACTUALLY A VERY TERRIBLE- dreadful, frightful GOD. It is a FEARFUL THING TO FALL INTO THE HANDS OF THE LIVING GOD - Heb 10:31
Psalm 47 : 2- For the Lord most high is TERRIBLE: he is a great king over all the earth.
Deut 32:39 - ... I KILL and i make alive.
Bless U.
Joe - May 16
Joe’s Substack
my only problem is i kinda believe there is a spirit in us of some sort but hard to believe that there is a god sometimes and why do u believe so much in a god
Stepping22 - May 18
My dear friend Joe,
Is it even possible for a created being to prove the existence of The Creator let alone the One who is believed to have created all things.
Firstly, i can tell you about the existence of the gross evil going on all around us especially since 2020 as a solid proof that there must be a much greater good somewhere but sincerely that will only diminish the one i refer to. He is all by himself.
Secondly, i can tell you that that same spirit you talked about above is a confirmation there is much more to our physical existence but then again, it's not enough.
Thirdly, take your organs and how they are intricately woven and work together in harmony and how they function. If you're an engineer like me you know everything tends towards chaos unless intelligently interrupted. So if you look at the human body one could very well say surely there must be an intelligent designer behind that. U certainly don't think the internet or the computer am using to type these words just came together via a big bang or by random chance. If you a child will find it very difficult to accept that, why then is it difficult for you to trust in an intelligent and all powerful being that formed and created all things.
Lastly, the absolute truth is this, no one or thing can prove God is real, I just know he is real. Nothing is sufficient enough to substantiate his existence, it's folly for us to even begin to think we can prove him let alone grasp the magnitude of his being. I mean, how can the created substantiate the existence of the CREATOR?
My prayer for you - Father please reveal yourself to Joe in a way he can no longer deny or refute in Jesus name.
Joe - May 12
Joe’s Substack
I don’t know I don’t think god will protect us from contamination and won’t avenge us while on earth so idk about your statement
JulesUSA - May 10
Joe’s Substack
She probably means say something, share, make comments, refute it, refuse it, inform people, your lawmakers, etc.
Joe - May 16
Joe’s Substack
That will just make us more paranoid and we have no way to cure the hydrogel so just more worried now…
JulesUSA - May 17
How would taking action make you more paranoid? You don't even make sense. What's your point? You don't believe in God right?
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