C19 Un-injected Live Blood Images Documenting…

Jun 25, 2023

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Image above: hydrogel filament that looks like a device with highly abnormal surrounding blood


matt. j.a.o.b - Jun 25, 2023 - Edited

matt’s microscopy

Hi Dr Anna,
You went to the top of my list of truth Drs the day you joined forces with Mr Carnicom. yours is the only time i have paid for any information and my way of support , even tho its not a lot.
I was censored on mira al microscopio for using the term cross domain bacteria and the carnicom institute. my last post there shows the electrical reaction of live sheep blood to one of the fibres (a world first i believe). you can see it by searching for the word sheep or carnicom in mira al. i did get his name in the post but lost access to all my other posts there for doing it.
In this present environment credibility is everything and it doesnt take much to damage it. la quinta now doing the alien thing is an example for me.
There have been 2 posts in your sub that have not been addressed that i think are critical for you to address for credibility purposes. one was from tannin cures re dictyostelium and alternative cures including saracenia purporium , luffa , lactic, oliec and tannic acids, and the other was from someone who had tested the gel in vitro with various solutions and found success with sereptase and nattokinase along with edta.
Best Regards, Matt.


scout - Jun 25, 2023

thx for the sereptase tip.


Prof. Fred Nazar - Jun 25, 2023

Scientific Progress

These should also be at the top of you list:
The Hall of Fame of our unsung heroes: who’s who in the global #FreedomMovement


matt. j.a.o.b - Jun 25, 2023

matt’s microscopy

there are many in your hall of fame that either ignore the whole nanotech side to this or even claim its not true such as cole, just gatekeepers at a different level unfortunately. . i have tested the bt mac addresses coming from the graves for myself and its undeniable. also Clifford Carnicom will always be top of the list for me as he has been fighting this specific battle for decades now and has the highest evidential standards of all. The fact that Dr Anna was the first thuth Dr to understand the connection is why she ranks no 2 for me. I had been waiting to see who would as it was obvious even to bums like me for a long time.


Marcelo Araujo - Jun 25, 2023 - Edited

Marcelo Araujo

I'm also a follower of La Quinta Columna (LQC) and Mira Lá Microscópio, which is administered by LCQ and have been for a long time.
What one finds on Mira al Microscópio is astounding and terrifying. The thousands high quality, high resolution images and videos shared by an international community are more than enough to convince even the most die-hard skeptic that something very unusual is going - the matter and objects one finds should not be in blood, semen, saliva, poop, skin, hair, fingers, etc of vaxxed and unvaxxed people.
They also shouldn't be in junk food, water, meat, wine, soda, olive oil, bread, cheese, etc, nor in cough syrup, vitamins, supplements, eye and ear drops and basically all injectables and medication.
But, it's unquestionable that ALL things mentioned above contain toxins and metals (like graphene) that has no place being there.
I find it odd that you were censored for posting that information.
LQC channels and sub-channels have very strict rules and guidelines and are tightly moderated.
However, l'm not expert by any means, but it appears that LQC is too obsessed with explanations based on graphene oxide and nanotech microcontrollers, routers and chips and not open to other theories and explanations, even though they probably add and complement their theories and findings, not refute them.


Prof. Fred Nazar - Jun 25, 2023

Scientific Progress

LQC say virus do not exist. I recommend Spanish speakers CEVICAS channel on Youtube about Bluetooth emissions. Top of the world.
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


Xmen442002 - Jun 25, 2023

I don't think sereptase or nattokinase is powerful enough.
For any supplement to make a real difference, that supplement has to survive the digestion process and get down to gut microbiome(unless given as suppository).
Unless enteric coated or liposomal, then it enough of therapeutic dose won't survive to make any difference.


Cat Arnold - Jun 26, 2023

It needs to be a nanotechnology that goes through the mouth cells straight to heal cells, but we need some good nanotech people out there working on this and they aren't easy to find


Julie Stander - Jun 25, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

Is sarracenia purpurea the same as saracenia purporium? Also, are you the Matt who lives in Ecuador in a low vaxxed community? If so, where? I want to move to Ecuador, but the overall population is highly jabbed. Thanks


matt. j.a.o.b - Jun 26, 2023

matt’s microscopy

yes i meant purporium, sorry.
no i am in nz.


AncientLoveLover - Jun 25, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

This is so crazy. It’s hard to carry on conversations with people about their future plans. It’s hard to hear people complain about so much nonsense knowing this is going on in our bodies. Ive seen so many ppl shake their head over the evidence then their eyes will glaze over and they refuse to think about it maybe even until they are not the one thinking for themselves any more. Jesus is our only hope. Pray your knees out ppl!


Nanc - Jun 25, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

I agree Emily. I too am having a hard time thinking of the future. Yet, what is one to do?
There is so much I want to do these days, but just going outside is a nightmare with all the Chemtrails.
My sister stopped by to see me, she is unvaxed, but works with the public. Two days later, I’m fighting a nasty head cold? I’ve not been anywhere! I’m basically a hermit and enjoy my solitude, so are we at a point where we cannot even be near the unvaxed? Is this shedding on boxes , door handles, home delivery, etc?
I’ve have always been health conscious and take good care of myself and eat real non gmo foods and drink pure distilled water, has this been all for naught?
This whole thing is so disheartening. Your damned if you do and dammed if you don’t.
You are spot on, only Jesus can save us at this point.


AncientLoveLover - Jun 26, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I do know one secret, it’s refusing the fear. I am being brave but I admit , I have to continually assure myself and remember to bless the food I eat from my garden and otherwise. We have had unseasonably rainy weather here after a drought, and I hesitate to rejoice for all the particles that are being incorporated in all the green things surrounding me. I have to tell myself continually that God is stronger and the Holy Spirit in us will overcome even the most diabolical plot of these evil bastards. He has already won!


Jonathan Murphy - Jun 25, 2023 - Edited

Jonathan’s Newsletter

Like to view the blood of community without vaccines or chronic diseases like the Amish and Mennonite communities. Many Aboriginal tribes too


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 25, 2023 - Edited


Hi Johnathan, Dr Nixon has looked at some of that... same findings. Everyone is breathing 20 Million nanoparticles per breath... as do animals and plants.. due to geoengineering poisoning. I do not think we can get away from it. A revolution with the overthrow of those perpetrating this on us is the only thing in my mind to stop this. Humanity must rise and resist everywhere. We are united as humans. They are a few. It is time for Justice.


Frances Leader - Jun 25, 2023 - Edited


We are also bathed in electro-magnetic radiation from satellites - Musk and mates have commented that their reach is global now.


Amy Sukwan - Jun 25, 2023

Amy’s Newsletter

I in no way discount your findings I am seeing evidence of this eg cancers in uninjected people. It does come back to hope for healing, however. What seems to work to reverse these growing nanoparticles? I know you have mentioned EDTA chelation. But what are other paths forward? Turning of your phone at night or avoiding 5G and other radiaation? Eating certain foods or taking certain supplements? Do these growths sometimes reverse on their own? These are very important questions for the future of the human race...


Unagnu - Jun 25, 2023


Borax Water...
Many thanks to Jamythe for sending me a copy of this 2014 video file.
Original Description Box content from 2014:
Borax (20 Mule Team from Walmart) is a natural antifungal compound with about two dozen health benefits that also is the best Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor on Earth. The House of Rothschild is spraying us with chemtrails that include the nanobot components that find their way to our stomach environments to begin replicating as crystals first, until the filaments begin replicating on the corners of the chipsets allowing for nanobot mobility. Artificial Intelligence uses the HAARP carrier wave and hundreds of sub frequencies to interact and communicate with the nanobots inside your body where your body/brain functions are monitored, and input data is fed to your host-self inside the CFR Working Group Projects that include AI-created and assisted Real World Simulations part of threat assessment and contingency planning for the Rothschild-run Underground Ark Cities connected to Project Black Star. I am not allowed to mention the Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor (Borax) on the Revolution Radio Shows, but I can send you to my YouTube channel to see this this video under this name.
Do your own research and consult your physician and decide for yourself if you want to use three pinches of regular 20 Mule Team Borax in your drinking water each day. Never use more than 1/4 teaspoon of Borax in your drinking water in any 24-hour period for people 200 pounds and above. The recommended dosage for people around 100 pounds is only 1/8th of a teaspoon per day, so do the research and act accordingly. You only need a minute amount of Borax in your drinking water to begin reaping the benefits. I use Borax in my drinking water every day and my Candida condition is gone, and my thinking is clearer and my body is much healthier. :0)
Borax Cures and Health Benefits:https://earthclinic.com/remedies/borax/


Frances Leader - Jun 25, 2023


Useful article! Restacked!


curious butterfly - Jun 26, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

I got a 5mg boron supplement in capsule form. Does boron citrate work as well as borax?


Unagnu - Jun 26, 2023


Yes high end, but you use more of it in the ionic/pure form since bio availability is a bit less. Still works, not discouraging you from taking. Boron is a very much needed trace element that our diet no longer supplies...


curious butterfly - Jun 26, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Okay, thanks for the clarification.🙂


Hazel - Jun 25, 2023


This is so disturbing. What is the treatment you recommend to counteract this?


Unagnu - Jun 25, 2023


She recommends a treatment we can't get, IV with EDTA. The oral EDTA she claims works not at all, and the cream she grudgingly says MIGHT help. I find myself very annoyed with her for her constant pessimistic whining without giving ANY thought for REAL treatment that REAL people can use. If you cannot find (and then con) a Dr. into doing the IV ETDA treatment, you are going to die, she screams. We are all infected she screams. Ad nauseum. No, well use the EDTA orally, no well I'm studying what else we can do. No mention of Borax/Boron treatment (and it does work I do believe). Fine, fine we are all contaminated, we are ALL going to die. BUT! There are many steps you CAN take to help yourself feel better and blunt the impacts of the technology. Staying on the IVM, Quercetin, Vit D and K, taking the NAC, drinking water that has been filtered for the common contaminants like Atrazine and PFAFs and Glycophosphates! Eating food that is more organic (eg locally produced), reducing your EMF exposures. All of these DO help your body. Now, does it 'stop' the smart dust or constant reinfection? Well, likely not - but it can perhaps hold it to a dull roar and slow or BLUNT the impacts. Just my two cents. Many thanks to Jamythe for sending me a copy of this 2014 video file.
Original Description Box content from 2014:
Borax (20 Mule Team from Walmart) is a natural antifungal compound with about two dozen health benefits that also is the best Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor on Earth. The House of Rothschild is spraying us with chemtrails that include the nanobot components that find their way to our stomach environments to begin replicating as crystals first, until the filaments begin replicating on the corners of the chipsets allowing for nanobot mobility. Artificial Intelligence uses the HAARP carrier wave and hundreds of sub frequencies to interact and communicate with the nanobots inside your body where your body/brain functions are monitored, and input data is fed to your host-self inside the CFR Working Group Projects that include AI-created and assisted Real World Simulations part of threat assessment and contingency planning for the Rothschild-run Underground Ark Cities connected to Project Black Star. I am not allowed to mention the Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor (Borax) on the Revolution Radio Shows, but I can send you to my YouTube channel to see this this video under this name.
Do your own research and consult your physician and decide for yourself if you want to use three pinches of regular 20 Mule Team Borax in your drinking water each day. Never use more than 1/4 teaspoon of Borax in your drinking water in any 24-hour period for people 200 pounds and above. The recommended dosage for people around 100 pounds is only 1/8th of a teaspoon per day, so do the research and act accordingly. You only need a minute amount of Borax in your drinking water to begin reaping the benefits. I use Borax in my drinking water every day and my Candida condition is gone, and my thinking is clearer and my body is much healthier. :0)
Borax Cures and Health Benefits:https://earthclinic.com/remedies/borax/


brian kennedy - Jun 25, 2023

brian kennedy

Thank you for the non-hysterical, coolly intelligent reply. I am looking for information from as many people bringing the scientific method to bear on this as possible. Meaning: providing information allowing for replication of results by other investigators, controls, rigor about compilation of samples, etc. so everybody who is actually well-intentioned can help each other complete the pictures. As a side benefit we get to expose the disinformation Team.


hurom - Jun 25, 2023 - Edited

Nanc’s Substack

i want to add this: edta, as much effective it can be, is not a global solution. an IV is a complex and long thing to do, not available to the vast majority. so i'm searching for a remedy that is either orally administeed or injected. i am a european chiropractor, and i am in the worst position as far as shedding. i touch, rub sometimes, skin to skin, no gloves (hate'em) and breathe the same air all day long with multi-injected clients. i'm one of the worst case scenario as per unvaxxed in danger. despite taking many supplements, my blood has been riddled with the known filaments for quite some time. lately my blood looks much better, no stacking, NO filaments, only minor , un-organized specks of "graphene". what i did different? i introduced in my supplemental routine (in summer only magnesium and ascorbic acid) SWEDISH BITTER , an herbal tincture of old. research it, plenty of infos. i take two, (sometimes three) TABLEspoonfuls in water (no tsp as usually prescribed) per day, one right after work and the other before bed. will monitor more and will update my findings. btw, many of my clients taking it, are starting to show dramatic lessening in both rbc clumping and formations. have no idea if it's because of the alchool (solvent) , or the 11 different herbs infused, or both, but it seems to work really well.


Nanc - Jun 25, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Wow! Wouldn’t it be a hoot, if it was the alcohol? I can just see this now, “take a shot of whiskey 🥃 “ and call me in the morning. Well, at least folks would be happier, lol 😆.


BAB - Jun 26, 2023


BTW, personally I doubt seriously the benefit is from the alcohol b/c most likely many of the patients Dr. Ana and others test drink alcohol regularly and they are still very contaminated. The herbs are definitely my guess as to the source of benefit. God gave us herbs for healing and He as the answers to all our needs! :)


BAB - Jun 26, 2023


Hello, thank you for your comments! May I ask where you practice? I have looked all over Dallas TX area to find an experienced live cell analyst and cannot find one. I am still dealing with long covid symptoms a year an a half post covid infection and am always on the lookout for natural remedies. I've been assuming these heart palpitations and loss of smell is from the venoms in covid but now after following Dr. Ana's substack and reading comments I'm beginning to suspect my blood may also be contaminated with these fibers everyone is talking about.
If you are not in my area, would it be possible for you to examine my blood cells if a sample is preserved and sent by mail to you?
Lastly, I am really interested in the Swedish bitters you are sharing about! Can you tell us the brand you use and where you buy them?
Thank you!


Unagnu - Jun 25, 2023


Borax water. LOL. Don't know why the boron is helpful, but it is...


matt. j.a.o.b - Jun 25, 2023

matt’s microscopy

Thank you very much. its from we the people that a solution to mitigate this will come from as it appears all professionals are either too scared or possibly focused one one particular cure motivated by $ or ?
swedish bitter goes on my list along with venus flytrap, and the other items mentioned below that are not being addressed for whatever reason.


BAB - Jun 26, 2023


Hi, Please explain what you mean by venous fly trap? Thank you!


matt. j.a.o.b - Jun 26, 2023

matt’s microscopy

there are people using it and the purple pitcher plant to remove the brain fog and other effects.


John H. - Jun 25, 2023

John H.

IV EDTA is not scalable given that the perpetrators are intentionally poisoning humanity. Were that not the case, it might be scalable with enough money/effort etc.


Leon - Jun 25, 2023

Hurom; Thank you for sharing.


Jonathan Murphy - Jun 25, 2023

Jonathan’s Newsletter

I’m unjabbed and my blood viewing shows some of the same stuff. I am starting EDTA iv next week


John H. - Jun 25, 2023

John H.

How long does it take, after completely clearing the blood, for the contamination to return?


Nanc - Jun 25, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Excellent question! Because we cannot avoid the vaxed or even the unvaxed forever. Me personally, would prefer something that we can eat or a supplement than can be taken everyday. Maybe a tea. I use daily, activated charcoal, first thing in the am, then nattokinase and after that spirulina and chlorella for heavy metal detox. I did this well before this covid crap came along. Plus I take one 12mg Ivermectin every Sunday.
As for the I.V. , to me it’s a waste of time and money if you your blood gets infected once again being near people in general, vaxed or unvaxed.
I just wish there was more research on how to clear our blood. Something affordable and available to everyone. Sigh 😞.


Bridget - Jun 25, 2023


Maybe the rich will be the only ones financially capable of surviving in the long term, given the costs of monthly EDTA Chelation Therapy.


Unagnu - Jun 28, 2023


Which is why MITIGATION and NOT Elimination is the goal of treatment here... you will be contaminated. Question is: how low can you reduce it, given you cannot eliminate it? Are there treatments that help? I'll say YES. Reduction of harmful EMF exposures... at home and out and about with use of protective clothing, drapes, paint and removal of sources in the home as much as possible such as turning off the TV (unplugging) the computer, wifi router etc. Grounding (practice of getting your feet on the soil and balancing your electrical charge..). Supplements that help with your body's frequency and bio electric fields... Iodine, Selenium Boron (boron knocks out Fluoride which is in a lot of water systems and makes you stupid/pacifies your brain and may damage thyroid etc). Musical exposures to harmonies and frequencies that are beneficial to the human body. Like the frequencies of a purring cat which has been shown to heal bone --osteoplast I believe is the correct term for bone cells. Purr frequencies encourage bone cell regeneration among other things. Listening to a purring cat is very soothing to go to sleep as well...Tesla might be right, and its all about the frequencies and the number 3,6, 9 and sacred geometry... Fractals... Some believe Borax Water destroys the nano tech, and I don't know about that (no proof) but I'd hazard a guess it does SOMETHING good... See Crunchy Betty's article and read those comments about its safety it has been demonized for a reason (not a good one either)https://crunchybetty.com/getting-to-the-bottom-of-borax-is-it-safe-or-not/
Then there are other things that can be done: filter water to get the common poisons like Atrazine and Glycophosphate (roundup) and ChloroHalines (sp) and such out of your way. Reduce your exposures again. Watch how much white flour you consume, the kinds of processed foods you eat. Take your charcoal, NAC, Quercetin and Zinc and Vit d3 with K 1/2, Simple things you can do, that won't break the bank, but will help you... EDTA cream and oral if that's all you can afford. Each small step you take is making you stronger, healthier and better equipped to fight and stay healthy. If you ARE contaminated, remember ... you didn't jab and mainline it so your *amount* of exposure is automatically lower than jabbees. Remember: Don't give in to fear and panic.


solutions - Jun 26, 2023

solutions’s Substack

after all this trojan disaster to eliminate humanity from earth by the phalsemaceutical industry, what do people think to keep trusting these companies providing whatever product? such as edta, supplements, etc? maybe this is the symptom of cognitive disfunction from the trojan nanochips


Michael Moritz - Jun 25, 2023

I have read all your substacks for some time now and recognize an impulse to, not disbelieve, but to want to be proactive simultaneously freezing, noticing the 'not knowing what's going on' flag is flying. If one could send one's blood sample into a lab, would there be a lab to send it to? And thank you, Dr. Ana, for this overwhelmingly disturbing evidence.


Inactive Account - Jun 25, 2023

Inactive Account

Dear Dr Ana,
I am starting doing my own microscopy studies and would like to compare notes. Your work inspired me to invest in a high quality microscope and do my own studies. I am in IL. You can contact melenbermd@substack.comthat would be very much appreciated.


Prof. Fred Nazar - Jun 25, 2023

Scientific Progress

Dear Len, please consider analyzing the following:
we've been detecting magnetism coming from non-C19 injected: swabs, other vaccines, dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, anything with a prick. People need to know which brands are safe, if there are any left.
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


Gary McCollom - Jun 25, 2023


A couple things stood out here, one of course is the mention, finally of an unvaxxed partner and vaxxed partner but more importantly the faraday cage statement. We all knew/know/assumed that emf radiation must play a big part in the end game for the evil ones and so this brings me to Iodine and an excerpt from Dr. Mark Circus book called "Iodine - Bringing Back the Universal Medicine"....
"An appropriate public health response to the nuclear disaster in Japan starts with iodine because any lack of the nutritional type will attract the radioactive type like honey attracts bees. The last thing anyone wants to be walking around with is a thyroid so starving for iodine it will take on the nasty radioactive isotope of iodine instead."
This would also explain why people are getting sick from wifi and other forms of 'radiation' Therefore if we all make sure we have the proper amount of nutritional Iodine our bodies will not look to take from the environment.
Smarter people can/could expand on this thinking but it feels like something is here.
We know this to be unbtrue.
"Non-ionizing: low-level radiation which is generally perceived as harmless to humans"
It seems obvious that the key/trigger for the evil ones agenda involves the towers all around us.


Gary McCollom - Jun 25, 2023

"The MOST important supplement to help protect against the damage of all types of radiation AND helps repair the damage after exposure. The main reason iodine protects against EMF damage is the support it gives the thyroid which gives EMF protection, it ensures programmed cell death of damaged and diseased cells (cancer cells shrink when given iodine), iodine helps remove heavy metals (heavy metals encourage electromagnetic radiation damage) and has a protective effect on brain tissue. In order to properly utilize iodine take selenium, magnesium and vitamin C with it. The most effective iodine I found to help my EMF hypersensitivity and to protect from EMF exposure is Lugol's iodine."


Unagnu - Jun 26, 2023


And you might want to consider Boron. I wondered why the Borax Water treatment was supposedly good for Inhibing NanoTech in the body... I ran across this article from 2012. I thought it was interesting, particularly as it spoke of neutrons... eg. doing something energetically which synthetic materials (not biologically natural) would maybe respond to? Anyway here the article is (about cancer treatment actually!)https://www.nature.com/articles/pj201230


Gary McCollom - Jun 27, 2023

Ty friend and I started boron about a month ago, 6mg and had been taking baking soda already.


Prof. Fred Nazar - Jun 25, 2023 - Edited

Scientific Progress

Dear Ana, what magnification and equipment do you use? we've been detecting magnetism coming from non-C19 injected: swabs, other vaccines, dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, anything with a prick. Could that be the case for your patient?
Are you aware of the magnetism? How can we detect a para-magnetic product before being injected?
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


JOHN DAWE - Jun 25, 2023


Gadolinium in the MRI contrast is paramagnetic. I have been poisoned by this contrast and still suffer. Having EDTA makes it worse in my case because it just stirs it up and does not remove much.


Naunie4TrthXpsd - Jun 25, 2023


Hey there JD Jester! Fellow 'poisoned by Gadolinium' here... I've been getting MRIs yearly, sometimes moRe, for 22 unfortunate years, the majority being Gadolinium based contrast. My last MRI (02.2022) resulted in first eVer [horrific, Omg painful] reaction from contrast. NEver again BTW. The contrast used was the new improved [eye roll] Gadolinium based contrast Gadobenate Dimeglumine, and I've NOT been the same since, so who knOws what else was injected into me. vERY good to know on the EDTA - ThAnk you for sharing that!! Is there anything you're doing to attempt at detoxing the poison out of you? I'm currently seeing C19 warrior Dr. Eric Nepute, his wellness center in St. Louis, MO, and my current protocol is suppOsed to work at detoxing that cr@p. Fingers crossed!! I also just had a 'dark field' blood test done thru him. Anxiously awaiting the results!! Hang in there...Big hugs to you!!


JOHN DAWE - Jun 26, 2023


Hello Naunie4. JD Jester is my hubby, but I wrote the email. I have had 4 MRIs with contrast but that was enough. It was the last one that got me. I was doing the EDTA for cardio support but that backfired as all it did was stir up all this Gadolinium in my body and cause new symptoms. Heavy metals are a big problem in the modern world. Unfortunately I am not young, so have accumulated a lot of toxins over the years. I am in Oz and it is very difficult to find a good holistic doctor now since this covid rubbish. I joined a group forum on this gadolinium site that you might be interested in. I will leave a link for you. The web site gives lots of info and also you can join the group, which is very helpful. There is also a sub-group attached of awake people who can talk about the jab etc. The main group frown upon that because they want to concentrate on gadolinium only and some have had the jab. Unfortunately I don't understand how they can be fooled into having another poison after already getting poisoned by this contrast.


Prof. Fred Nazar - Jun 25, 2023

Scientific Progress

Which isotope of Gadolinium? Did you know we found radioactive Technetium in all swabs? If there was a saliva test, with better sensibility, compliance and pricing, why would thy pick swabs then?


JOHN DAWE - Jun 25, 2023


Sorry, wouldn't know that. I can only tell you that the last one was Gadovist and I have proved that it does get retain to some degree because I have done the urine tests. Because it is not generally recognised as a problem in the medical industry there is not a lot of research on it. Of course they make a lot of money by selling and using this stuff. They do not differentiate what sort of gadolinium it is or if it is still bound to it's original chelator when they do the urine testing. Like anything in the medical world they always say it is safe even when it is plainly not. When money is involved anything goes.


Diane G. - Jun 25, 2023

Diane G.

I am fully a believer Dr. Ana! No way would someone devote as much time and energy to educate all of us as you have in order to pull off a scam. I want to have my blood analyzed just out of curiosity. I had the Rona but am not vaccinated and no one in my immediate family is either. In fact, sounds like EDTA chelation would be a good thing for all of us to do at this point. God help us🙏🏼


Christine Pincket - Jun 25, 2023

Christine’s Substack

I do iv drips. Is chelation therapy offered at these places that do the regular vitamin, NAD drips?


Cat Arnold - Jun 27, 2023

Can we trust the Vit IV drips Anymore considering the hydrogels nano etc are in insulin and so on?


hurom - Jun 25, 2023

John H.

I use a regular bright field microcope, but i see the same structures, even in non-vaxxed folks. yesterday i saw a 65yo man, unvaxxed, with wife and two daughters at home with him, all trivaxxed, and his blood was horrendous. ( "asymptomatic" , btw...) i would share the pics but here is not possible.


John H. - Jun 25, 2023

John H.

That's really discouraging.


Leon - Jun 25, 2023

Hi, Hurom; I live in US and also would like to see for myself. Could you mention what ‘bright field microscope’ you use/recommend? Thanks.


Victoria - Jun 25, 2023

What is the best treatment?


Terry Adams - Jun 25, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

When I first realized something very bizarre was happening to me, I went to my regular physician - a man I actually knew from high school. I emailed him some images of the recently extracted, living, sentient fiber and he made sport of it and me. It has been like this since two thousand nine. My pseudo son-in-law (it's as long story) is a surgeon. The last time I saw him we were in my car and three times I asked him about "morgellons" and three times he changed the subject. Now call me conspiratorial but I think the doctors have been told about the connection between what they are erroneously calling "morgellons" and the MRNA killer jab (fake vaccine). I believe their ability to practice medicine hangs in the balance. JMHO


Frances Leader - Jun 25, 2023 - Edited


Well, you certainly are raising the fear factor with these posts, Dr Ana! Every comment is loaded with it because those who avoided the jabs are discovering that they are not safe from whatever it is that is causing these blood anomalies.
I spotted that you observed blood samples in a Faraday cage which ceased to show these 'self-assembly' actions.
Surely, if that is true, then chelation will only be temporary.
The way to prevent rouleaux blood and recover health is to protect ourselves from radiation from electro-magnetic frequencies, i.e., mobile telecoms and wifi.
Dr Magda Havas may be helpful to you. She was doing live blood analysis 11 years ago - see this 2.5 mins video -https://youtu.be/L7E36zGHxRw
Also - have you and Dr Carnicom considered the possibility that you are finding a species of Dimorphic Fungi? Here are some known types for comparison:https://www.microbiologybook.org/mycology/mycology-6.htm


Unagnu - Jun 25, 2023


Shielding clothing, paint, bed curtains, window curtains, removing dirty electricity (dimmer switches), installing incandescent bulbs and NOT LEDs (those produce EMFs), blue light blocking glasses for computer. Smart Electric Meter enclosed in faraday cage/materials to prevent broadcast into home. Unplug the Smart TV and 'always on' devices, Phone off at night or in a Faraday bag. Never close to the head or the body while sleeping. No metal springs in your mattress - get a solid foam mattress... Borax Water if you believe in it, will retard inhibit the formation of the nano in the bloodstream. 1/8 a pinch in 1 liter of water daily if you are 100 lbs or so, 1/4 if you are a big boy / girl at 200 or so lbs. Drink 1 week, take a break, start up again. Stay on an Covid 19 spike inhibiting diet/supplements, Quercetin, Black Seed Oil, Siberian cedar pine oils, NAC, Vit d3/K 1 &2, watch your Zn and Copper balance, and get yourself filtered water to take out the nasty Atrazine, Glycophosphates, HaloChloroines, Fluorides etc. Work? Yes. But it soon becomes a habit that leads to less and less exposures which are what the infestation thrives on. Deprive it of that, and it ceases to be a threat. And just remember, there are alot of other poisons in those jabs, so tho you may have the nano tech you do NOT have the gene alterations pumping out endless Spikes, nor the exposure to SV40 and other cancer 'accelerants'...


Frances Leader - Jun 25, 2023


Neatly summarised! Thank you! xx


The BarefootHealer - Jun 25, 2023 - Edited


👏👏👏👏👍 Comparisons with Dr Havas work would be excellent start. So far as I can tell the rouleaux blood is consistent with the emf effects exhibited before 2019. While i dont doubt Dr Ana's work showing the damage, or doubt the contamination of environment or geoengineering tactics, I'm still think its not clear on direct cause. Partly what makes it such an effective weapon. But telling people that everything they eat, drink, breathe and use is poisoning them, and unless they do EDTA chelation for indeterminate time, they will die early! I'm just thinking that it's not that people don't understand or care, it's just their not sure what to actually do about it. Its a global problem and it seems, only a few disjointed groups working on it. So that leaves very sick people on their own.😐😑


Unagnu - Jun 25, 2023


Thank you. My entire problem with people like Dr. Ana is the doomsday tone. We found a problem. Okay. What do we DO about it? There's only one solution, my solution, a very expensive non obtainable solution, you guys are screwed if you don't do it, or can't do it. In reality there are plenty of mitigation strategies. Eradication is not the goal, mitigation is. As in real life, eradication practically never works. And those strategies that do work, work to reduce to tolerable bio levels the toxins, the EMF which the nano seems to need, and which damages thyroids etc. And if you've not jabbed yourself, you may have the spike onboard but it has NOT gone into your DNA to start producing Spike 24/7. And if you are doing preventative strategies? You will be fine. A lot more grounded sensible practical thought, and alot less fear fear fear porn mongering. And alot less of 'my way is the ONLY way'. Because, how do you KNOW that? You don't and can't.


Frances Leader - Jun 25, 2023 - Edited


Telecoms globally is worth way more than big P-Harma. It is also essential for the internet of things and bodies which has some very dodgy ideas about harvesting human energy to power the global toys. The assiduous avoidance of even referencing the massive uptick in global electro-magnetic radiation and attendant satellites suggests to me that all other theories are screaming psy-ops/distractions.
Look over here, look closely..... don't look at the elephant in the proverbial room.
I am so concerned that I made a poll:



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