Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 13, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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My first Interview on my “Dr. Ana’s Science of Light Show” on People for People Radio. This week I am interviewing Biologist, Researcher and Inventor Felipe Reitz from Brazil. We further our discussions on specifics of Live Blood Analysis that was just performed . We discuss why Acanthocytosis ( red blood cells with spikes) which recently has been claimed to be a sign of 5G and Graphene toxicity, may very well be an artifact of improper technique and how live blood analysis is a specific art for diagnostic purposes that requires following set techniques and protocols. Felipe presents new video footage of Rouleaux formation in C19 injected blood and how this tool can be used. We also discuss Computerized Thermographic Imaging.
To contact Felipe Reitz email (
To watch the full video, please click here:
C19 Injected Live Blood Analysis and Computerized Thermography - Diagnostic Correlations
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Weihan Xing - Sep 13, 2022
Weihan Xing
Sadly, I could barely understand a single word the doctor from Brazil was saying. He sounded like he was speaking from the bottom of the ocean, whereas Dr. Ana's voice was right in my ear. Zoom meetings are just NOT what they're cracked up to be. Let's hope we can hear this same presentation with much better audio quality one day.
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Trial N. Error - Nov 3, 2022
Ana asked .. Here
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