C19 Bioweapons and Brain Computer Interface…

Mar 7, 2024

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Mary-Ann - Mar 8 - Edited

Mary-Ann’s Newsletter - THE TRU…

Yes, Grapene/Graphene oxide and their derivates are used, but all the others is simply nonsense, because if you read e.g. here at Material and Methods,
you know immediately that there is neither a so-called "mRNA" nor any so-called "proteins" - EVERYTHING is only ever experimented with in chemically produced cell lines, with finished chemical ordered/purchased products "in vitro" = in glass, petri dish, well plates etc and with the exact instructions to achieve a so-called desired result with the help of a computer tool - none of this has anything to do with reality!!!
Nobody has ever found a "virus", therefore there is no "RNA", therefore no "mRNA", no "variants", simply nothing - the word "mRNA" was used illegally to legally poison people - with highly toxic chemical substances and the help of nanotechnology, as well as different forms and structures made of different materials - of course, none of this belongs in an organism - in addition, it was handled in such a way that there were different batches with different loads of these toxic substances/some absolutely without, so that people would not get behind this diabolical and highly criminal planning and action so quickly!!! And just by the way, I worked in the lab for almost 40 years until I retired and I can say 100% that there are NO "viruses" and NO "pathogenic bacteria" or anything else!!!!
Also these idiotic "PCR tests" are also designed, chemically produced so-called "oligo-nucleotide primers", which can be produced in billions of different letter groups - and no matter how many so-called "alignments" are made with a computer softwar/tool, nobody can say where they really come from - in humans THESE can only be dead cell debris, which humans excrete between 50-70 million every day(cell division) to grow and stay healthy.
and with the so-called "microbes" a nucleotide sequence can NEVER be a whole so-called "genome" - THAT is also an impertinent lie!!
(plants and animals also excrete dead cell debris) and if a person has the misfortune to take this "dummy test" at a time when they are excreting this cell debris determined by "letter groups", they are stigmatised with a "disease" that absolutely does not exist!!
You can get sick from different things - if you scroll down here, I've listed most of them!
Getting sick means that the organism is working to keep the body healthy - in other words, the organism detoxifies(detoxification organs are the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, lymph, mucous membranes and, above all, the skin, the largest organ of human) - every day the organism detoxifies (which the majority of humanity does not notice at all), but when the transition from warm to cold and vice versa takes place (or when you have been exposed to toxic substances or nanoparticles in short intervals or for a long period of time), there is an extraordinary intracellular stress and then there can also be extraordinary disease-symptoms....


michael68 - Mar 13 - Edited

michael68’s Substack

I have long been convinced that there are no viruses. Dr. Stefan Lanka, for example, has explained and proven this in detail. But he also clearly states that pathogenic bacteria do not exist in the living body but in the dead. Dr. Ana has also said in other articles that there are no viruses. Various people like Steve Kirsch, Dr. Kern etc. have found no evidence of mrna in the vaccines. Dr. Ana has also mentioned this in other posts and is aware of this.
I am not wasting any more energy on the virus discussion. Because what is happening here is on a completely different level. A network builds up in the body. What you see under the microscope is real and frightening. It's not nonsense, you can see it! There must be a blueprint somewhere for these various nano devices. It's beyond my imagination how it works. The first thing I want to know now is how to get it out of my body. There's still a long way to go before the whole thing is understood. And I am glad that there are people like Dr. Ana and Karen who sacrifice their time and have already worked out solutions and share this knowledge. Otherwise we would be dying of this shit while we discuss the virus issue. Your explanations for illness (stress, acidosis etc.) may be sufficient in a normal world. But that's all beside the point now. You must have noticed that we still have a high excess mortality rate, there is talk of 17 million vaccine deaths. Disease is a lack of cell voltage, of electron voltage. Cationic nanoparticles lower the cell voltage and make us ill. this rapid drop in cell voltage is the reason for turbo cancer. In addition, there are the effects that this hydrogel grows in the blood vessels, replaces the blood, increasingly hinders the transport of oxygen and can ultimately even replace the blood. The white blood clots. Embalmers pull these things out of the veins. or what Dr. arne burkardt, for example, has seen, the destruction of the elastic lamellae. With far-reaching consequences.


Mark Angelo - Mar 14

If you want to understand how advance this technology is study Walter Russell. You will find the government has technology 1000yrs in advance of anything we see.


Stephan - Mar 22

Check out Sabrina Wallace on Rumble. No chip needed. We are all tracked and traced by frequency.


Mark Angelo - Mar 22

I know of her on Odysee


Stephan - Mar 22

I had to listen to her shows 2-3 times to comprehend all she was stating! πŸ‘


Seeking Truth - Mar 22

Seeking Truth

There are toxins- like mycotoxins that make us sick, & bacteria like lyme disease, & Bartonella, & pathogens like Babesia.


Stephan - Mar 22

Pretty sure all these sicknesses are Man made intentional releases


TreeTomato - Mar 7

Arlene’s Newsletter

Terrific episode, and very informative. Many thanks Dr M.


Charlie - Mar 8

What a great future to look forward to.
I am so thankful I get to become a non human entity concealed from who I was by these over lords looking out for my best interests! S/…
Until there is blood on the righteous sword absolutely nothing changes. Unfortunately for human 1.0 it is to late. Cog dissonance is the next phase. Because of humans own psychological defenses (ill conceived) we the people are actually dead or walking dead as a whole. Prove these statement’s wrong with brutal honesty. Tell me how to defeat an enemy that controls our lives by money, mind control and group dynamics via digital media and worship’s psychopaths? Musk, Jones, drumph ect. Ha.
Sure, you and I understand this attack. Ha, talk to a normie, and reality sets in…
See I have accepted our fate.
Yea it blow donkey dik…
Live as if tomorrow will not arrive.
Acceptance is worst part of fate.
This is meant to happen no matter what you or I think wish or hope. From that perspective the understanding can start to manifest into acceptance and reality.
See the outcome and step by step it becomes obvious, at least to me.
Final question; is the genie not out of the bottle? Look up for your answer.
Then around as our natural world deteriorates….


Maryanne Laurie - Mar 8

thing is they could be injecting us with the DNA from Nimrod or some giant, we know when any giants are found their remains are usually taken very quickly .. what are they doing with that DNA we don't know, they are truely mad scientists


Stephan - Mar 22

Yep, could be anything ad everything. How the heck would anyone know save the evil bastards who create the blend.


sky - Mar 8

sky’s Newsletter

Until now, I didn't know you two ladies had had to endure the abominations you so intelligently and compassionately share!


Mark Angelo - Mar 7

Injecting covaids-19 quackccine is like injecting a cell phone into yourself.


Max Headroom - Mar 8

Oh……if I install a smart phone into my body, then I will ……uh……. Mmm…..be smart?


Mark Angelo - Mar 8

cell phones turn sheeples into retards so I'll venture to say no.


Anita Söderman - Mar 9

Anita’s Substack

Thank you two so much for this enlightening and comprising summary of what you have brought to us these last years. I knew you were right the very minute on Stew Peters 2022.08.24 that I first heard you tell about your science - and then lost again unfortunately... Today this was even more compelling for everybody to know and react on. I mean for you two to get on like Jo Rogan´s, Del Longtree´s, Maria Zeee` s or even Tucker`s shows seems to be the next, very urgent step!


Stephan - Mar 22

All this info has Nothing on what Sabrina Wallace has to offer. Sabrina is on Rumble. Good luck catching up if you don't know what she is relaying.


Gerald Shantz - Mar 8

It is so amazing the documentation that you 2 have dug up that confirms how long the criminals have been planning and working on this technology. The very fact that this information is SO far out there to the average person, makes it hard to talk about without instant rejection. and vilification. To me, the best part is that Dr. Ana is able to bring healing in short order with her chelation. And seeing the changes in the blood is so powerful! Makes me wish I could afford the right microscope, but then I'd have no way to obtain the blood.
I also am concerned about both your well-being. I've seen too many important doctors wiped out over far less. Some quite recently. I would plead the blood of the Lord Jesus to protect you, as He is our only safe place.
With everything I'm seeing, it helps me to understand why the Lord HAS to burn the earth over with such intense heat that even the heavens will melt. Now is the time to be on the Lord's side.


Thomas Hanna - Mar 9

Because He has told us of all things before, I see His hand the more that the evil does. You two are champions that He said would come, by examples given. A Deborah and a Jael. You will be sustained and I pray to Him for that.


elcasto - Mar 9

Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…

Dear QAnna & QK ; i have not seen this video . regarding QK post 'the hybrids' - what i see is ; people want to show their inner self [ mind & spirit ] so ............ if they want not just to act like animals , we ask Elon [super joint] to start transplanting dogs & cats brains into animal wanna be humans . What i am wondering is ........will they poop on the toilet or the yard ? LOVE YOU BOTH ON INTERNAT WOMAN'S DAY .


Doesnt Matter - Mar 9

$1.45 BILLION , not TRILLION (at 22min - 23min)


gusman - Mar 8

gusman’s Newsletter

bio convergeence


Anonymous - Mar 8 - Edited

Excellent interview from two of my favorite HEROES! I ask that you please make it clear that you are finding this nano tech in all of humanity! Not just the vaxxed.


kate Biglands - Mar 31

You guys are heros and the most amazing humans. Thankyou for everything you are doing!


John Vargo - Mar 26 - Edited

John Vargo

Targeting our brain's limbic system using electromagnetic frequencies is how Lisa Renee explains it,https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3698-solar-synthesis.


John Vargo - Mar 26 - Edited

John Vargo

So looked up the limbic system,the amygdala,The amygdala’s name refers to its almond-like shape. Located right next to the hippocampus, the left and right amygdalae play a central role in our emotional responses, including feelings like pleasure, fear, anxiety and anger. The amygdala also attaches emotional content to our memories, and so plays an important role in determining how robustly those memories are stored. Memories that have strong emotional meaning tend to stick.
The amygdala doesn't just modify the strength and emotional content of memories; it also plays a key role in forming new memories specifically related to fear. Fearful memories are able to be formed after only a few repetitions. This makes ‘fear learning’ a popular way to investigate the mechanisms of memory formation, consolidation and recall.
QBI researchers are working on mapping the neural connections that underpin learning and memory formation in the amygdala. Suppressing or stimulating activity in the amygdala can influence the body’s automatic fear response, which kicks in when something unpleasant happens, such as a startling noise. Through this research, QBI scientists have identified receptors in the amygdala that could help to develop new types of anti-anxiety drugs.
Recently QBI researchers have confirmed that new neurons are made in the amygdala.


John Vargo - Mar 26 - Edited

John Vargo

A look at our brain,https://qbi.uq.edu.au/brain/brain-anatomy/limbic-system#:~:text=The%20limbic%20system%20is%20the,and%20fight%20or%20flight%20responses. Fight/flight 24/7


John Vargo - Mar 26

John Vargo

Might as well leave this one for those who like to read,It's possible to repair,rebuild and reclaim our "JUNK" DNA,all 10 strands of it.That would be quite a feat,we would be hyperdimensional and our bodies maybe immortal.I'm getting started with immediately questioning all negative thoughts.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Implanted_Thoughts_and_Implants


MG Piland III - Mar 23

MG’s Substack

πŸ™πŸ’‍♂οΈβ€οΈπŸ’‍♂️thank you for your noble pursuit of the truth πŸ™ there is a more dangerous weapon than the nano particles πŸ™ what do you think this is ? …hint …. Columbine…..and what “vehicle” carried the brainwashing that conned over half the world into taking shots
that have never been tested πŸ™πŸ’‍♂️🀷‍♂️



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