Karen has gone silent since July 25th, she usually post 3 times a week, her last video was concerning.
If we don't check in each other, it's not right.
Hello JustAnotherOpinion: I feel compelled to caution readers against these sorts of speculation. None of us "know" what Ms. Kingston's current status is, nor any verifiable details regarding potential exposures. It is not constructive to speculate when no data is available. We can only hope she has found safe haven. Hope you are not offended by my suggestions.
"To add to Dr. Mihalcea’s explanation of quantum dots: Speaking to Mike Adams last year, Karen Kingston explained that a patent showed how the size of the quantum dot responds to different energies or frequencies."
The "frequencies" part somehow related to 5G smartphone technology? Wuhan China was an early full-scale 5G city when the outbreak first occurred
Is that sarcasm or are you for real?
I have never taken any injection and still find your comment extremely offensive.
Given you are commenting on a post by Dr. Mihalcea, you are obviously familiar with her work.
As such you should know better.
This is an issue affecting EVERY SINGLE HUMAN on this planet and REGARDLESS of their injection situation!
Very poor taste imho.
I struggle between fighting off a horrible, panicky feeling of unreality just thinking about all my loved ones who I'm afraid are now ticking, walking time-bombs......to grabbing at anything to restore a sense of sanity, even sick humor. Truthfully.....a lot of people can only deal with horribleness in this way. I remember when I was young, my brother and I were watching an episode of Happy Days with our father....it was the situation where Ritchie C got into a motorcycle accident, and Fonzie was at his bedside in the hospital, crying and talking to his unconscious friend and telling him how important he was to him. My brother and I (ages twelve and ten) were so uncomfortable at seeing the cool Fonz in such a vulnerable state that we giggled throughout the entire episode, completely pissing our father off. He kept saying things like "I have no idea what you kids can possibly find so funny about this!" and being really annoyed at us. After the show was over, he told us that he had suddenly realized that our way of expressing humor was really a way of us dealing with the tragedy of the situation. Humor really is a coping mechanism.
Michael I think this is incredibly dark. To the people that know what is really happening who try to keep their sanity AND still function day to day, well you got to find some kind of coping mechanism. You can't live in complete darkness every single day, every single moment. It is way to draining. And if you did live in such darkness all the time, I bet your life probably will be shorten. Taking a break from such constant evil may actually make a person stronger. But I get it Michael. Not your cup of tea.
There are comedians that joke about the holocaust. Eh..... Not sure I can go that far either. Though maybe check out Gabor Mate, MD on you tube. If you live constantly thinking how evil this is, and how incredibly destructive this is, who will live and die etc.., eventually the body will say NO MORE. It can't take it . Your body will just shut down without even getting a jab or any other poison as fear/trauma is poison to the body.
I get it.
I am not all in on that.
Too many Covariates.
(Full disclosure, I had to look up Covariates, to make certain that it meant what I thought it did.)
- Yep.
I Love The Chronically Vaccinated.
And Especially The Mask Wearers.
Because I Love Watching People
That Simultaneously
Are A Threat To Themselves
Live In Mortal Fear.
Have you looked at municipal water supplies and commercial saline products? I'd like to see some comparisons to something that DOESN'T have this stuff in it.
I stopped all needle pokes when the bioweapon virus was first reported. My military experience suspected bioweapon as soon as I saw those China videos of people taking nose dives. Most anti-vaxxers didn't even think of dental procedures but I did. Anything involving a needle plus getting poked with 6" swabs were suspect to me back then. Then add drinking water, chemtrails, and who knows what else. I'd like some testing showing what is NOT involved at this stage.
You confirm my recent resolve to stay away from ALL needle pokes. Of course you must be following Sasha Latypovahttps://substack.com/@sashalatypovawho traces the "illegal-camouflaged-as-legal" jab actions back to the military Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
So I am thinking since it is pretty much everywhere, how are the people who did this avoiding it? Yeah they may avoid main stream dentist etc.. but I would think they too would be subject somehow to this? How are they getting this poison out of their body?
That question has been asked so many times ... i think with such a conspiracy and the leaky nature of the weapon it's impossible for the predators to protect themselves and those they want to protect from their bioweapons, those who specialize in biowarfare know this, how do you unleash a bioweapon on a global scale without taking out your "own people" ? They're affected as well, even if a complete antidote exists. However the DoD seems to have the technology to break/dissolve the nanocircuitry devices that this tech creates in the body.
The transhumanists may be using advanced bio-holographic intervention products to cancel out the harmful signals associated with the nanotech.
Transhumanist scientist Peter Gariaev was on the 1960's team that designed the EMD Directed Energy Weapons that were/are being tested on Targeted Individuals. He now works for Google who are currently developing a bio-holographic 'medicine' archive which will apparently have a cure for every ailment known to humankind. However, these medicines are not pills and potions, they are bio-holographic frequency based medicines. They offer frequency based solutions which according to Google will "herald the unification of quantum mechanical and chaotic dynamics in human consciousness".
"We can now model the human bio-computer"....https://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/quantum-bioholography.html
Russian company Wave Genome is at the forefront of these bio-holographic medicine 'cabinets'. The CEO and founder of the company Irene Ceasar developed the theory of wave optics as they relate to bio-holograpy in 1985. The CIA and other establishment intelligence agencies have been trying to emulate her work for 3 decades...https://www.wavegenome.com/
Holographic Universe - Interpreting Reality...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgtHFx4ndto
More info on simulation theory and historical interventions by A.I. can be found here...https://archaix.com/
I dont think ppl click the links cuz its complicated. Maybe explain and in way someone can understand. There is still no explanation though I think the WB BK explained it. But its too scary for most etc....
I don't have much more info on this sorry, there was someone from the military on this substack a few months ago, he was jabbed and had a life-threatening reaction, he said that the govt has the capacity to dissolve the nanochips, not sure how, maybe EMF or some chelation agent, colloidal gold does it too ... will try to find his comment later. Makes sense that they'd have some tech to undo some of their (horrible) mistakes ..
My understanding from Dr. David Nixon is that borax breaks the "legs" of the things, so they cannot communicate. Colloidal gold neutralises the chips, so that they no longer transmit. You likely still have garbage in your blood, but - at least it's not talking, or growing.
I'm especially concerned about saline, since - in order to get EDTA chelation, I have to buy it from a private company (it's a medical grey area here in Oz) - and - they likely use standard box saline.
I'm crying for the Type-1 diabetics which I hope you are not. They can't get off insulin. Type 2 diabetics can get out of the diabetic + insulin trap in a few months (a few weeks if they do it right). There are various options that take some research. Dennis Pollock of Beat Diabetes! is very helpful and so are the "keto guys" aka YT doctors: Berg, Fung and Berry. They explain the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting or, as Dennis Pollock calls it, time restricted eating.
If the blood is being transformed into hydrogel- are the hydrogel blood clots indicative that the person is not synthesizing this tech.? On the other hand does the hydrogel transform into synthetic non human tissue and synthesize into the body- since hydrogel hosts enables and facilitates the AI quantum dots combining man and machine. ?
I really have to question whether there is any "intelligence" to this? If there are materials that are more negative and others more positive, and perhaps amplified by outside energy, wouldn't they attract one another? Is there any way to observe this without providing electrical energy (doing it within a mesh that blocks outside energy) or does the microscope itself provide some? Can comparative times in "assembly" in/out of energetic fields be a legitimate comparison? What if the assembly of materials itself creates an antenna path that is receptive to receiving energy for further assembly?
Quantum dots do intelligent self assembly i think. My question is do the hydrogel clots mean the person is not integrating the tech? And I think Dr Ana said hydrogel transforms the blood into artificial non human tissue scaffolding while eliminating water. Is that successful integration?
I'm just questioning the use of the term AI in this context. I've read for years that little nanobots were a dream (or fulfilled? I don't know, and it's Popular Science, natch), supposedly able to clean out the inside of arteries or do other miracle medical activities. I never looked into how they were "built", figuring lots of little gears, levers, etc. LOL. But building scaffolding because that's the way puzzle pieces go together doesn't necessarily exhibit intelligence. It could just be a design to interlock that way, perhaps genetically, mechanically, chemically, biologically. I don't know. But intelligence requires a brain or a synthesis of it with the ability to make decisions.
I'm thinking that little factory instructions are given to make a substance, possibly using minerals from your body, or what comes with the vax, and they fit together . Kind of like these next few characters. >>>>>>>> and by themselves > are harmless. But together, they build up chains that don't let go easily. (non-reactive) The little factories are using energy from around them.
It would be good to get an app for those people who are alive after discovering these long clots, and use it to map their daily lives, where they go, and intersect it with say, 5G antennas, or some other pattern, and check them occasionally for clots. Or do the same thing with vax infected blood samples that are kept viable, to watch them in the presence of various types of energy sources... microwave, 5G, wall current, TV screens, phone screens (or devices), etc.
Because I'm sure what's being "built" is energy receivers that help polarize the little particles, causing them to possibly connect electromagnetically, until perhaps biological or chemical bonds are able to hold on more permanently. This would be a synthesis of electrical, mechanical, chemical and biological forces for assembly.
Gene therapy is a term that is more closely aligned with mRNA technologies in "vaccines", but as noted in Meryl Nass' (?) substack, pharmaceutical companies are keeping with the "vaccine" "standard" because it's less onerous for testing than gene therapy.
New World War - You Are The Enemy. Targeted Individuals not crazy after all...https://rumble.com/v34nf9y-new-world-war-you-are-the-enemy.html
Targeted Individuals are the canary in the coalmine. The transhumanists have been testing these intracorporeal EMF weapons systems on TI's for more than 40 years. Covert testing protocols began in the 1960's with silicon based materials and have now progressed to nanoscale graphene oxide, hydrogel and bio-active quantum dots that can be modulated by quantum computers via 5th Generation Beam Forming technologies.
21st Century Diseases are a Program - Mimetics - digitized EMF pathogens that can mimic pathological diseases...https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Tony%2C-FM8-and-Cherie:b?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD
Dr. Ana... have you sent any electrical currents through these blood samples to determine if they experience electrical overload and explode?
Ok, we GET these things are thickening the blood, building themselves in the blood etc. and chelation helps dramatically...
Have YOU checked YOUR blood and shown is a sample...
Before and after...
Have you used H2O2
Have you Zapped the blood with a steady current similar to a low dose Tazer?
Some have mentioned an easy way to destroy these particles is to literally touch a good old hard wired electric cattle/horse fence... !
ZAP!!! NanoP’s FRIED and our brains a tad clearer....
How wonderful, to become published in your favourite medium! Congratulations for that and the fact that your findings from start last fall on Drew Peter now are accepted facts.
Where is Karen?
I wish the testing status of these unvaccinated folks was disclosed. I always knew they were using the test swabs to insert some poison...that could explain some vaccinated also having the vax clots
Shedding is real.
Here's a real science example. In 2020 New South Wales had a mouse plague that was threatening the farms. CSIRO designed a vaccine that they only had to catch a few mice, send them back to the nest, to "shed" and become infertile. Mouse plague fixed.
Expand on that thought, when you think about humanity.
Please, please, please, limit comments and replies to information contained within the actual article. I happen to be self-educated in a technical field. (Analog electronics - over thirty years)
Speculation regarding how technology can be applied makes for great water-cooler conversation... But within the electronics industry (and within most technological applications) the functional model is reliant upon repetitive testing within a "controlled setting". Successful application does not rely upon random speculation... Jus' sayin'
The technology has been repetitively tested on citizens for at least 4 decades, these citizens are called Targeted Individuals. The technology that's being tested on them has been developed by the global intelligence agencies in liaison with The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which is a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense - so these technologies aren't available to the mainstream electronics industry - they are military applications, hence the covert testing protocols.
The system was in beta-test phase between 1969 and 2020. Live human testing began in Tokyo, Japan in 1979. These non-consenting human test subjects have come to be known as Targeted Individuals.
There is no random speculation going on here...
"The 1969 Armed Forces Appropriations Act, codified at 50 USC 1511 et seq. authorized the DOD Chemical and Biological Warfare Program, including use of human subjects for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) weapons research and development; Presidential suspension of otherwise applicable statutes and regulations under "national emergency" conditions as unilaterally declared by the executive branch, including nullification of informed consent rights for human recipients of biologically-active and potentially toxic products; and limited Congressional reporting requirements." ~https://bailiwicknewsarchives.files.wordpress.com/2023/05/2023.05.01-legal-history-american-domestic-bioterrorism-program.pdf
Graphene - A biocompatible implant...https://graphene-flagship.eu/graphene/news/graphene-sensors-read-low-frequency-neural-waves-associated-with-distinct-brain-states/
Implantable Mesh Electronics: Dr Charles Leiber's work on silicon nanowires centered around the development of an injectable synthetic nervous system for humans, however, graphene oxide was found to be a MUCH better medium. Everything that silicon can do graphene oxide can do 1,000 times more efficiently. "Our goal to bridge the gap between the structure and mechanical properties of neural(organic) and electronic(digital) networks a decade ago has now led to the realization of mesh electronics that ‘look and behave’ just like neural tissue..."https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959438817301952
Dr. Ana María Oliva on brain-machine hybridization by means of nanotechnology...https://www.orwell.city/2022/01/hybridization.html
Magnetic fields provide a new way to communicate wirelessly to and from the human body. The article below doesn't mention graphene specifically, but its very likely that graphene in the COVID jabs is being utilised as part of a super-conductive biological wireless communication system to facilitate the coming bio-cyber CBDC Quantum Financial System(QFS)...https://www.electronicproducts.com/magnetic-fields-provide-a-new-way-to-communicate-wirelessly-via-the-human-body/#
Measuring electron transfer between human cells connected with nanowires. Conclusive proof that nanowires do in fact act as conductive appendages...https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Ak-5bm6odf8
Transhumanist professor Jose Delagado neural control experimentation from a distance using RF frequencies in 1963...https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:f/mind-control-prof-delgardo%2C-harari%2C:d?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD
According to transhumanist professor Dr Craig Venter, nanoscale electronic networks are indistinguishable from organic neural networks.
Neurochemical Modulations at Whole Brain Level - Towards Individualized tES Interventions. This article describes transcranial electric stimulation protocols that are used to treat psychiatric diseases. If these technologies can cure mental disorders then how difficult would it be to use the technology to cause mental disorders instead? Not very...https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2017.00159/full
Biohacking Linking Someone's Brain to Another's Brain - Inserting and Retrieving False Memories - Dr Charles Morgan Lecture on Nanotechnology at West Point Military Academy. Everything I'm saying is being confirmed here by a scientist who worked on these projects...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk3C0HIbB_Y
Gangstalking is an ongoing (REPETITIVE) shadow government beta-test program being run via a massively over-engineered Artificial Intelligence program. Targeted Individuals have been the non-consensual guinea pigs for these new militaristic remote neural weapons systems for more than 40 years.
Targeted Individual Program Exposed...https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Targeted-Individual-Program-Exposed-Dr-Robert-Duncan-Dr-John-Hall-Bryan-Kofron-David-Voigts:4?r=BzeaDEtU9gUs5Seo2tJcXiQjJf9Ekzvu
The COVID Plandemic was a Military Operation - Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm...https://rumble.com/v28r8kc-covid-19-countermeasures-evidence-of-the-intent-to-harm.html
Yes. I've read quite a few of these studies, objectives, and potential technical applications. The civil populace can't even get it through their minds that cellular communications and pulsed electromagnetic frequencies, are decimating the human specie along with the rest of the entire planet. They tinker with biological, electromagnetic, and chemical pollutants, and poison their own children with the rotten shit they themselves have created.
They throw confetti parades for military thugs, and prance around waving flags and crucifixes. Who are the bad guys? No one ever gets arrested...
I've been following TI's from a psychiatric perspective - they always get diag-nonsensed as "crazy," and drugged. My job, is of course, to help them get off the drugswww.survivingantidepressants.orgbut - in listening to these people, they were mostly just people. A few ex-military (but you never are truly retired). I couldn't figure out *why* these people. Now that this new thing has rolled out it's easy to see - they did what they did because they COULD, and they were testing for a broader application. I hate it when things like this make sense.
Good luck finding repetitive testing in a controlled setting. You tried to limit conversation and someone who was speculating on this tech to help karen kingston deleted their comments. Point being we know we are speculating and that is all that is available.
My comment motivated the party who posted, to limit speculation to some form of rational discussion. These issues are volatile enough without inflaming the situation with more and more speculations as to how the technology can or cannot be applied. Generally, the more sophisticated the technology, the greater the margin of error... Quantum chemistry is well beyond the realm of current applications, and is by definition, a speculative field of endeavor.
So who is going to inform us? And what ppl have posted is not inflammatory- they are links to the actual science. And this science is in existence being tried and USED on people.
I have no skill level to impress anyone. Stay silent if you want . All one can do at this point is discuss / speculate. If you dont want to then dont. Why the need to silence ppl? I dont get it. Enjoy yoyr skill level be proud stay silent do nothing let things be I dont care what you do. If you have knowledge you should help and contribute your knowledge. Be a fine engineer and stay silent. what a joke. Im done figure out the twisted logic. Yes it can get inflammatory but its already on total fire and some can see it- others dont.
My 11 yo granddaughter, previously healthy, no Covid vax (but all the others), was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes this week. Coming home today from hospital admission.....on LANTUS!! I first heard about the Lantus problem just yesterday, the timing is uncanny. Now what to do? I Levemir a viable option? Would we even know for sure unless it has been analyzed like Lantus has?
My 11 yo granddaughter, previously healthy, no Covid vax (but all the others), was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes this week. Coming home today from hospital admission.....on LANTUS!! I first heard about the Lantus problem just yesterday, the timing is uncanny. Now what to do? I Levemir a viable option? Would we even know for sure unless it has been analyzed like Lantus has?
My 11 yo granddaughter, previously healthy, no Covid vax (but all the others), was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes this week. Coming home today from hospital admission.....on LANTUS!! I first heard about the Lantus problem just yesterday, the timing is uncanny. Now what to do? I Levemir a viable option? Would we even know for sure unless it has been analyzed like Lantus has?
Crosby Guy - Aug 4, 2023
Karen has gone silent since July 25th, she usually post 3 times a week, her last video was concerning.
If we don't check in each other, it's not right.
kaal - Aug 4, 2023
I think she was attacked in Florida. Then she posted she was Ok. I dont/ cant afford to subscribe to her substack.
Reply (1) - Aug 9, 2023
Comment removed.
kaal - Aug 9, 2023
Please stop replying to my comments with the same message over and over again.
Reply (1) - Aug 11, 2023
Comment removed.
kaal - Aug 11, 2023
stop stalking with repeated ads or whatever your doing....
kaal - Aug 4, 2023
Maybe e- mail her and ask if she is Ok!
Crosby Guy - Aug 5, 2023
She regularly reads her comments, so far she remains undiscernible, and our comment reflect our concerns.
kaal - Aug 5, 2023
did u e-mail her?
Crosby Guy - Aug 5, 2023
She doesn't show her email addy
Crosby Guy - Aug 7, 2023
Karen has posted, (proof of life), very cryptic and has been poisoned
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 5, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Comment removed.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 7, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello JustAnotherOpinion: I feel compelled to caution readers against these sorts of speculation. None of us "know" what Ms. Kingston's current status is, nor any verifiable details regarding potential exposures. It is not constructive to speculate when no data is available. We can only hope she has found safe haven. Hope you are not offended by my suggestions.
stardot - Aug 4, 2023
stardot’s Substack
"To add to Dr. Mihalcea’s explanation of quantum dots: Speaking to Mike Adams last year, Karen Kingston explained that a patent showed how the size of the quantum dot responds to different energies or frequencies."
The "frequencies" part somehow related to 5G smartphone technology? Wuhan China was an early full-scale 5G city when the outbreak first occurred
Thomas Lewis - Aug 4, 2023
Useless Liberal
If You Are Vaccinated
You Don't Owe Me An Apology
You'll Be Sorry Enough.
But While I'm Thinking Of It
Can I Have Your Stuff ?
Michael Ginsburg - Aug 4, 2023
Actionable Truths & Actions
Is that sarcasm or are you for real?
I have never taken any injection and still find your comment extremely offensive.
Given you are commenting on a post by Dr. Mihalcea, you are obviously familiar with her work.
As such you should know better.
This is an issue affecting EVERY SINGLE HUMAN on this planet and REGARDLESS of their injection situation!
Very poor taste imho.
Dr Kay - Aug 4, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
I struggle between fighting off a horrible, panicky feeling of unreality just thinking about all my loved ones who I'm afraid are now ticking, walking time-bombs......to grabbing at anything to restore a sense of sanity, even sick humor. Truthfully.....a lot of people can only deal with horribleness in this way. I remember when I was young, my brother and I were watching an episode of Happy Days with our father....it was the situation where Ritchie C got into a motorcycle accident, and Fonzie was at his bedside in the hospital, crying and talking to his unconscious friend and telling him how important he was to him. My brother and I (ages twelve and ten) were so uncomfortable at seeing the cool Fonz in such a vulnerable state that we giggled throughout the entire episode, completely pissing our father off. He kept saying things like "I have no idea what you kids can possibly find so funny about this!" and being really annoyed at us. After the show was over, he told us that he had suddenly realized that our way of expressing humor was really a way of us dealing with the tragedy of the situation. Humor really is a coping mechanism.
Dee - Aug 5, 2023
Michael I think this is incredibly dark. To the people that know what is really happening who try to keep their sanity AND still function day to day, well you got to find some kind of coping mechanism. You can't live in complete darkness every single day, every single moment. It is way to draining. And if you did live in such darkness all the time, I bet your life probably will be shorten. Taking a break from such constant evil may actually make a person stronger. But I get it Michael. Not your cup of tea.
There are comedians that joke about the holocaust. Eh..... Not sure I can go that far either. Though maybe check out Gabor Mate, MD on you tube. If you live constantly thinking how evil this is, and how incredibly destructive this is, who will live and die etc.., eventually the body will say NO MORE. It can't take it . Your body will just shut down without even getting a jab or any other poison as fear/trauma is poison to the body.
Deep Diver - Nov 22, 2023
Deep Diver
I remember when the Challenger tragedy happened. There were lots of jokes almost immediately. Want to hear one?
Thomas Lewis - Aug 4, 2023
Useless Liberal
When It Comes To "Protecting Others"
The Vaccinated Have Set Their Sights ...
Shall We Say
- A Triffle High.
Lisa - Aug 4, 2023
However, if you are reading Dr Ana's work, you know that it's not just the vaccinated who are at risk.
Thomas Lewis - Aug 4, 2023
Useless Liberal
I get it.
I am not all in on that.
Too many Covariates.
(Full disclosure, I had to look up Covariates, to make certain that it meant what I thought it did.)
- Yep.
Deep Diver - Aug 7, 2023
Deep Diver
I agree Thomas! My 'spidey sense' says hmmmm - buyer beware.
Dee's meow - Aug 4, 2023
Dee’s Meow
And that scares everyone.
Thomas Lewis - Aug 5, 2023
Useless Liberal
Comment removed.
Thomas Lewis - Aug 5, 2023
Useless Liberal
I Love The Chronically Vaccinated.
And Especially The Mask Wearers.
Because I Love Watching People
That Simultaneously
Are A Threat To Themselves
Live In Mortal Fear.
stardot - Aug 4, 2023
stardot’s Substack
Pretty offensive post friendo.
Deep Diver - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited
Deep Diver
Have you looked at municipal water supplies and commercial saline products? I'd like to see some comparisons to something that DOESN'T have this stuff in it.
kaal - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited
There are some ppl like Celeste Solum [spelling?} who say it is in MANY things. Maybe she could help. Although i wonder if ppl think its pointless.
Deep Diver - Aug 5, 2023
Deep Diver
I stopped all needle pokes when the bioweapon virus was first reported. My military experience suspected bioweapon as soon as I saw those China videos of people taking nose dives. Most anti-vaxxers didn't even think of dental procedures but I did. Anything involving a needle plus getting poked with 6" swabs were suspect to me back then. Then add drinking water, chemtrails, and who knows what else. I'd like some testing showing what is NOT involved at this stage.
Kathy M. - Aug 5, 2023
Kathy M.
You confirm my recent resolve to stay away from ALL needle pokes. Of course you must be following Sasha Latypovahttps://substack.com/@sashalatypovawho traces the "illegal-camouflaged-as-legal" jab actions back to the military Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Dee - Aug 5, 2023
So I am thinking since it is pretty much everywhere, how are the people who did this avoiding it? Yeah they may avoid main stream dentist etc.. but I would think they too would be subject somehow to this? How are they getting this poison out of their body?
Marty - Aug 5, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
That question has been asked so many times ... i think with such a conspiracy and the leaky nature of the weapon it's impossible for the predators to protect themselves and those they want to protect from their bioweapons, those who specialize in biowarfare know this, how do you unleash a bioweapon on a global scale without taking out your "own people" ? They're affected as well, even if a complete antidote exists. However the DoD seems to have the technology to break/dissolve the nanocircuitry devices that this tech creates in the body.
psychoNWO - Aug 5, 2023
The transhumanists may be using advanced bio-holographic intervention products to cancel out the harmful signals associated with the nanotech.
Transhumanist scientist Peter Gariaev was on the 1960's team that designed the EMD Directed Energy Weapons that were/are being tested on Targeted Individuals. He now works for Google who are currently developing a bio-holographic 'medicine' archive which will apparently have a cure for every ailment known to humankind. However, these medicines are not pills and potions, they are bio-holographic frequency based medicines. They offer frequency based solutions which according to Google will "herald the unification of quantum mechanical and chaotic dynamics in human consciousness".
"We can now model the human bio-computer"....https://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/quantum-bioholography.html
Russian company Wave Genome is at the forefront of these bio-holographic medicine 'cabinets'. The CEO and founder of the company Irene Ceasar developed the theory of wave optics as they relate to bio-holograpy in 1985. The CIA and other establishment intelligence agencies have been trying to emulate her work for 3 decades...https://www.wavegenome.com/
Holographic Universe - Interpreting Reality...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgtHFx4ndto
More info on simulation theory and historical interventions by A.I. can be found here...https://archaix.com/
kaal - Aug 5, 2023
I dont think ppl click the links cuz its complicated. Maybe explain and in way someone can understand. There is still no explanation though I think the WB BK explained it. But its too scary for most etc....
Leon - Aug 5, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Marty; can you elaborate on ' break/dissolve technology'? Thanks.
Marty - Aug 5, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
I don't have much more info on this sorry, there was someone from the military on this substack a few months ago, he was jabbed and had a life-threatening reaction, he said that the govt has the capacity to dissolve the nanochips, not sure how, maybe EMF or some chelation agent, colloidal gold does it too ... will try to find his comment later. Makes sense that they'd have some tech to undo some of their (horrible) mistakes ..
JC - Nov 22, 2023
My understanding from Dr. David Nixon is that borax breaks the "legs" of the things, so they cannot communicate. Colloidal gold neutralises the chips, so that they no longer transmit. You likely still have garbage in your blood, but - at least it's not talking, or growing.
kaal - Aug 7, 2023 - Edited
Woman pays using palm scan at whole foods. what kind of tech?
JC - Nov 22, 2023
I'm especially concerned about saline, since - in order to get EDTA chelation, I have to buy it from a private company (it's a medical grey area here in Oz) - and - they likely use standard box saline.
Kathy M. - Aug 5, 2023
Kathy M.
I hope Ana is listening to you!
Nancy Kuehn - Aug 4, 2023
Kathy M.
I’m wondering about my fast acting insulin now.
Kathy M. - Aug 5, 2023
Kathy M.
I'm crying for the Type-1 diabetics which I hope you are not. They can't get off insulin. Type 2 diabetics can get out of the diabetic + insulin trap in a few months (a few weeks if they do it right). There are various options that take some research. Dennis Pollock of Beat Diabetes! is very helpful and so are the "keto guys" aka YT doctors: Berg, Fung and Berry. They explain the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting or, as Dennis Pollock calls it, time restricted eating.
kaal - Aug 4, 2023
If the blood is being transformed into hydrogel- are the hydrogel blood clots indicative that the person is not synthesizing this tech.? On the other hand does the hydrogel transform into synthetic non human tissue and synthesize into the body- since hydrogel hosts enables and facilitates the AI quantum dots combining man and machine. ?
Justin - Aug 5, 2023
I really have to question whether there is any "intelligence" to this? If there are materials that are more negative and others more positive, and perhaps amplified by outside energy, wouldn't they attract one another? Is there any way to observe this without providing electrical energy (doing it within a mesh that blocks outside energy) or does the microscope itself provide some? Can comparative times in "assembly" in/out of energetic fields be a legitimate comparison? What if the assembly of materials itself creates an antenna path that is receptive to receiving energy for further assembly?
kaal - Aug 5, 2023
Quantum dots do intelligent self assembly i think. My question is do the hydrogel clots mean the person is not integrating the tech? And I think Dr Ana said hydrogel transforms the blood into artificial non human tissue scaffolding while eliminating water. Is that successful integration?
Justin - Aug 5, 2023
I'm just questioning the use of the term AI in this context. I've read for years that little nanobots were a dream (or fulfilled? I don't know, and it's Popular Science, natch), supposedly able to clean out the inside of arteries or do other miracle medical activities. I never looked into how they were "built", figuring lots of little gears, levers, etc. LOL. But building scaffolding because that's the way puzzle pieces go together doesn't necessarily exhibit intelligence. It could just be a design to interlock that way, perhaps genetically, mechanically, chemically, biologically. I don't know. But intelligence requires a brain or a synthesis of it with the ability to make decisions.
I'm thinking that little factory instructions are given to make a substance, possibly using minerals from your body, or what comes with the vax, and they fit together . Kind of like these next few characters. >>>>>>>> and by themselves > are harmless. But together, they build up chains that don't let go easily. (non-reactive) The little factories are using energy from around them.
It would be good to get an app for those people who are alive after discovering these long clots, and use it to map their daily lives, where they go, and intersect it with say, 5G antennas, or some other pattern, and check them occasionally for clots. Or do the same thing with vax infected blood samples that are kept viable, to watch them in the presence of various types of energy sources... microwave, 5G, wall current, TV screens, phone screens (or devices), etc.
Because I'm sure what's being "built" is energy receivers that help polarize the little particles, causing them to possibly connect electromagnetically, until perhaps biological or chemical bonds are able to hold on more permanently. This would be a synthesis of electrical, mechanical, chemical and biological forces for assembly.
Justin - Aug 8, 2023
Gene therapy is a term that is more closely aligned with mRNA technologies in "vaccines", but as noted in Meryl Nass' (?) substack, pharmaceutical companies are keeping with the "vaccine" "standard" because it's less onerous for testing than gene therapy.
psychoNWO - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited
New World War - You Are The Enemy. Targeted Individuals not crazy after all...https://rumble.com/v34nf9y-new-world-war-you-are-the-enemy.html
Targeted Individuals are the canary in the coalmine. The transhumanists have been testing these intracorporeal EMF weapons systems on TI's for more than 40 years. Covert testing protocols began in the 1960's with silicon based materials and have now progressed to nanoscale graphene oxide, hydrogel and bio-active quantum dots that can be modulated by quantum computers via 5th Generation Beam Forming technologies.
21st Century Diseases are a Program - Mimetics - digitized EMF pathogens that can mimic pathological diseases...https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Tony%2C-FM8-and-Cherie:b?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD
Vinnie - Aug 5, 2023
Dr. Ana... have you sent any electrical currents through these blood samples to determine if they experience electrical overload and explode?
Ok, we GET these things are thickening the blood, building themselves in the blood etc. and chelation helps dramatically...
Have YOU checked YOUR blood and shown is a sample...
Before and after...
Have you used H2O2
Have you Zapped the blood with a steady current similar to a low dose Tazer?
Some have mentioned an easy way to destroy these particles is to literally touch a good old hard wired electric cattle/horse fence... !
ZAP!!! NanoP’s FRIED and our brains a tad clearer....
Anita Söderman - Aug 5, 2023
Anita’s Substack
How wonderful, to become published in your favourite medium! Congratulations for that and the fact that your findings from start last fall on Drew Peter now are accepted facts.
Where is Karen?
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Aug 5, 2023
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
I wish the testing status of these unvaccinated folks was disclosed. I always knew they were using the test swabs to insert some poison...that could explain some vaccinated also having the vax clots
JC - Nov 22, 2023
Shedding is real.
Here's a real science example. In 2020 New South Wales had a mouse plague that was threatening the farms. CSIRO designed a vaccine that they only had to catch a few mice, send them back to the nest, to "shed" and become infertile. Mouse plague fixed.
Expand on that thought, when you think about humanity.
Dee's meow - Aug 4, 2023
Dee’s Meow
Would this have been in injectable exr insulin in March 2020?
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 7, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
Please, please, please, limit comments and replies to information contained within the actual article. I happen to be self-educated in a technical field. (Analog electronics - over thirty years)
Speculation regarding how technology can be applied makes for great water-cooler conversation... But within the electronics industry (and within most technological applications) the functional model is reliant upon repetitive testing within a "controlled setting". Successful application does not rely upon random speculation... Jus' sayin'
psychoNWO - Aug 8, 2023 - Edited
The technology has been repetitively tested on citizens for at least 4 decades, these citizens are called Targeted Individuals. The technology that's being tested on them has been developed by the global intelligence agencies in liaison with The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which is a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense - so these technologies aren't available to the mainstream electronics industry - they are military applications, hence the covert testing protocols.
The system was in beta-test phase between 1969 and 2020. Live human testing began in Tokyo, Japan in 1979. These non-consenting human test subjects have come to be known as Targeted Individuals.
There is no random speculation going on here...
"The 1969 Armed Forces Appropriations Act, codified at 50 USC 1511 et seq. authorized the DOD Chemical and Biological Warfare Program, including use of human subjects for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) weapons research and development; Presidential suspension of otherwise applicable statutes and regulations under "national emergency" conditions as unilaterally declared by the executive branch, including nullification of informed consent rights for human recipients of biologically-active and potentially toxic products; and limited Congressional reporting requirements." ~https://bailiwicknewsarchives.files.wordpress.com/2023/05/2023.05.01-legal-history-american-domestic-bioterrorism-program.pdf
Graphene - A biocompatible implant...https://graphene-flagship.eu/graphene/news/graphene-sensors-read-low-frequency-neural-waves-associated-with-distinct-brain-states/
Implantable Mesh Electronics: Dr Charles Leiber's work on silicon nanowires centered around the development of an injectable synthetic nervous system for humans, however, graphene oxide was found to be a MUCH better medium. Everything that silicon can do graphene oxide can do 1,000 times more efficiently. "Our goal to bridge the gap between the structure and mechanical properties of neural(organic) and electronic(digital) networks a decade ago has now led to the realization of mesh electronics that ‘look and behave’ just like neural tissue..."https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959438817301952
Dr. Ana María Oliva on brain-machine hybridization by means of nanotechnology...https://www.orwell.city/2022/01/hybridization.html
Magnetic fields provide a new way to communicate wirelessly to and from the human body. The article below doesn't mention graphene specifically, but its very likely that graphene in the COVID jabs is being utilised as part of a super-conductive biological wireless communication system to facilitate the coming bio-cyber CBDC Quantum Financial System(QFS)...https://www.electronicproducts.com/magnetic-fields-provide-a-new-way-to-communicate-wirelessly-via-the-human-body/#
Measuring electron transfer between human cells connected with nanowires. Conclusive proof that nanowires do in fact act as conductive appendages...https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Ak-5bm6odf8
Transhumanist professor Jose Delagado neural control experimentation from a distance using RF frequencies in 1963...https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:f/mind-control-prof-delgardo%2C-harari%2C:d?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD
According to transhumanist professor Dr Craig Venter, nanoscale electronic networks are indistinguishable from organic neural networks.
Neurochemical Modulations at Whole Brain Level - Towards Individualized tES Interventions. This article describes transcranial electric stimulation protocols that are used to treat psychiatric diseases. If these technologies can cure mental disorders then how difficult would it be to use the technology to cause mental disorders instead? Not very...https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2017.00159/full
Biohacking Linking Someone's Brain to Another's Brain - Inserting and Retrieving False Memories - Dr Charles Morgan Lecture on Nanotechnology at West Point Military Academy. Everything I'm saying is being confirmed here by a scientist who worked on these projects...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk3C0HIbB_Y
Gangstalking is an ongoing (REPETITIVE) shadow government beta-test program being run via a massively over-engineered Artificial Intelligence program. Targeted Individuals have been the non-consensual guinea pigs for these new militaristic remote neural weapons systems for more than 40 years.
Targeted Individual Program Exposed...https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Targeted-Individual-Program-Exposed-Dr-Robert-Duncan-Dr-John-Hall-Bryan-Kofron-David-Voigts:4?r=BzeaDEtU9gUs5Seo2tJcXiQjJf9Ekzvu
The COVID Plandemic was a Military Operation - Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm...https://rumble.com/v28r8kc-covid-19-countermeasures-evidence-of-the-intent-to-harm.html
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 8, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Yes. I've read quite a few of these studies, objectives, and potential technical applications. The civil populace can't even get it through their minds that cellular communications and pulsed electromagnetic frequencies, are decimating the human specie along with the rest of the entire planet. They tinker with biological, electromagnetic, and chemical pollutants, and poison their own children with the rotten shit they themselves have created.
They throw confetti parades for military thugs, and prance around waving flags and crucifixes. Who are the bad guys? No one ever gets arrested...
JC - Nov 22, 2023
I've been following TI's from a psychiatric perspective - they always get diag-nonsensed as "crazy," and drugged. My job, is of course, to help them get off the drugswww.survivingantidepressants.orgbut - in listening to these people, they were mostly just people. A few ex-military (but you never are truly retired). I couldn't figure out *why* these people. Now that this new thing has rolled out it's easy to see - they did what they did because they COULD, and they were testing for a broader application. I hate it when things like this make sense.
kaal - Aug 9, 2023
Simply go to rumble type in DR James Giordano. Hopefully the videos wont get taken down.
kaal - Aug 7, 2023 - Edited
Good luck finding repetitive testing in a controlled setting. You tried to limit conversation and someone who was speculating on this tech to help karen kingston deleted their comments. Point being we know we are speculating and that is all that is available.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 8, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
My comment motivated the party who posted, to limit speculation to some form of rational discussion. These issues are volatile enough without inflaming the situation with more and more speculations as to how the technology can or cannot be applied. Generally, the more sophisticated the technology, the greater the margin of error... Quantum chemistry is well beyond the realm of current applications, and is by definition, a speculative field of endeavor.
kaal - Aug 8, 2023
So who is going to inform us? And what ppl have posted is not inflammatory- they are links to the actual science. And this science is in existence being tried and USED on people.
kaal - Aug 8, 2023
I have no skill level to impress anyone. Stay silent if you want . All one can do at this point is discuss / speculate. If you dont want to then dont. Why the need to silence ppl? I dont get it. Enjoy yoyr skill level be proud stay silent do nothing let things be I dont care what you do. If you have knowledge you should help and contribute your knowledge. Be a fine engineer and stay silent. what a joke. Im done figure out the twisted logic. Yes it can get inflammatory but its already on total fire and some can see it- others dont.
Crosby Guy - Aug 7, 2023
Karen Kingston has been poisoned!
JC - Nov 22, 2023
Nov 2023, this article no longer exists.
Claire Zengerle - Aug 19, 2023
My 11 yo granddaughter, previously healthy, no Covid vax (but all the others), was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes this week. Coming home today from hospital admission.....on LANTUS!! I first heard about the Lantus problem just yesterday, the timing is uncanny. Now what to do? I Levemir a viable option? Would we even know for sure unless it has been analyzed like Lantus has?
Claire Zengerle - Aug 19, 2023
My 11 yo granddaughter, previously healthy, no Covid vax (but all the others), was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes this week. Coming home today from hospital admission.....on LANTUS!! I first heard about the Lantus problem just yesterday, the timing is uncanny. Now what to do? I Levemir a viable option? Would we even know for sure unless it has been analyzed like Lantus has?
Claire Zengerle - Aug 19, 2023
My 11 yo granddaughter, previously healthy, no Covid vax (but all the others), was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes this week. Coming home today from hospital admission.....on LANTUS!! I first heard about the Lantus problem just yesterday, the timing is uncanny. Now what to do? I Levemir a viable option? Would we even know for sure unless it has been analyzed like Lantus has?
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