How on earth was this alleged nano-tech allowed to be added to the Pfizer and Moderna snake oil bio-weapon without any warning to potential patients of its inclusion into the ever growing cocktail list of "extras" that were belatedly revealed not by the now Corporate Safety Agencies but by real independent experts who seem to care about patient safety more than the manufacturers or corporate safety agencies. Were all of the "extras" approved by the Safety Agencies or even Pfizer and Moderna who surely must have carried out their own detailed quality controls at all stages of the manufacture process and ingredients controls.
It was never allowed and there were no detailed quality controls. It was done by ignoring domestic and international law. Follow Karen Kingston's substack.
They were not required to follow the biotech industry regulatory laws because it was a military bioweapon deployed by the Department of Defense under Operation Warp Speed. Follow Sasha Latypova from Due Diligence and Art if you want to better understand how they accomplished their nefarious goals.
Yes. Than you. Ms Latypova details the essential 'legal' process which exempts product testing and allows deployment into the general population. Her work is bolstered on results of investigation by Katherine Watt. >>> FDA's document-only, 2010 definition of 'viral vaccines;' FDA's 2007 recommendation that developers not assess whether vaccination causes autoimmune disease.
KATHERINE WATT >>> AUG 22, 2024 >>>
Readers need to examine the article and associated links. It is obvious the Food and Drug Administration has never required it’s own agency to perform laboratory testing of “vaccines” or other pathogenic pharmaceuticals. This “regulatory” agency is a massive fraud perpetuated by pharmaceutical sponsors and military interests.
There is no quality control testing of bio-weapons, and there never has been. >>>
FDA's document-only, 2010 definition of 'viral vaccines;' FDA's 2007 recommendation that developers not assess whether vaccination causes autoimmune disease. >>> KATHERINE WATT >>> AUG 22, 2024 >>>
If you *take the time* to examine the article and associated links, it becomes obvious the Food and Drug Administration has never required it’s own agency to perform laboratory testing of “vaccines” nor any other pathogenic pharmaceuticals. The FDA as an “regulatory” agency is a massive fraud perpetuated by financial/industrial/pharmaceutical sponsors.
Thank you Paul. Very high quality link from Miss Watt.
I would only add what Karen Kingston has stated, which is there exists no immunity or contractual protection for criminal action.
One of my hobbies is deep researching all the double speak and chemical technical phrasing and terminology. Everything you said, I can definitely back up 110%.
The FDA is a giant middle-man & gatekeeping operation and that's being super polite.
Hello InfoCrypt. Thank you for your kind reply. The Food and Drug Administration needs to be abolished, it's Corporate Charter revoked, and all executive staff hung for Treason, Terrorism, and multiple Genocide. I'm also being polite... Best regards.
😂 indeed you are, sir.... indeed you are..
Here's the thing, this more widely 'understood' (using that term VERY loosely) and accepted version of a healthcare apparatus that we have now is already actively being replaced. The fully accepted globalist change-over began near the end of 2019 and went into ready operation in March of 2020. The replacement is a fully electronic, all encompassing... you could say, very 'inclusive' and fully 'transparent' system. It is known by a few different terminologies.. one being 'graphene healthcare'... Others may call it 'surveillance under the skin' - Yuval Noah Harari (WEF)... also it could be called 'Drone Warfare' (that's what I like to go with). Maybe you know a bit about these subjects? I wouldn't be surprised if you did, you seem well researched enough.
Ya know.. there's this book by a man called James Tunney.. book title: Plantation of the Automatons.. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a real accurate glimpse into the minds of the people responsible for the entire c0nvid-19 operation at warp speed. Here's a good quote from the book to really get an idea of the context throughout:
"At first we will enter a phase of tech-bondage and then our species will be altered by transhumanism. This new world order of global governance will be based on automaticity. The automatic world order will be totalitarian."
I remember on UK TV years ago, a politician in an NHS hospital was talking to medical staff and when the politician was speaking in answer to a question concerning the COVID jabs, the politician simply said words to the effect "Our consultants provide us with all the necessary information", a further question was then raised as to who the consultants are, the simple answer from the politician was "Pfizer".
It would not bother the politician in the slightest that Pfizer had been fined a record 2.3 billion dollar fine for medical fraud, and that that incident was just one of several incidences of fraud and deception committed by that evil company, which is nothing other in reality than a military bioweapons research company for the Israeli government who for many years had been working on developing an ethnobomb bioweapon that would be capable of attacking any targeted ethnogroup desired while leaving the Jews and especially the Israeli Jews themselves unharmed.
A former Israeli military intelligence whistleblower came forward and provided the information that Israel had really been testing out the COVID jabs on Palestinian prisoners and black African people (Israel has now formally deported all black Africans from Israel) and stated that they were not really tested out on the Israeli Jews themselves (of course).
The 500,000 pages of medical research released by court order relating to this that Pfizer initially tried to have kept secret for 75 years are surely only a fraction of what Pfizer really has on file (they will never release the details of their secret ethnobomb trials on Palestinian prisoners for instance), and the massively sophisticated medical trials woudl surely have taken several years to carry out in reality, surely having started years before the alleged first discovery of COVID in 2019, and the 'vaccines' would not be the result of any 1.5 hour supercomputer program or any 2.5 hour supercomputer program designing such COVID jabs as has been ridiculously claimed by Pfizer and Moderna concerning how long it took to create these jabs, which, it has to be said, Israel did say they had been researching before the first case of COVID was discovered 'just in case' such a 'disease' might ever materialize, what a cohencidence.
And of course this research was not botched or done sloppily, the work had to be perfect to ensure that the bioweapon would not turn on the Jews themselves. Extremely detailed and lengthy studies required must have taken several years to complete to ensure that the weapon would not blow up in the Israelis' own faces, and any COVID jabs given out in Israel would only have been placebos anyway, and any stories of masses of Israelis suffering from the jabs and from COVID are just that, mere propaganda stories created to present the illusion before the rest of the world that Israel had it as bad if not worse than everyone else in the world, when they themselves had unleashed it in a planned military attack against the rest of the entire world, while their infiltrated Israeli government agents operating hostile military occupation governments all around the world in most nations authorized the distribution of the sterilizing and deadly bioweapon jabs against all Gentiles, as their occult and money magic-based criminal terrorist death cult falsely presented before the rest of the world in a disarming manner as a genuine spiritual religion states in the Zohar for example that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be totally enslaved and ultimately totally exterminated and that all Gentile souls will be sent to hell at the end of this world under 'the angel Duma' whoever or whatever he is.
And in Israel there is no 5G (also an Israeli Jewish weapon invention), so Jews in Israel would have really been totally immune anyway, as 5G is necessary to activate and direct the COVID ethnobomb nanotechnology that is purposedly designed not to attack Jews anyway.
In New York for instance, the main concentrations of 5G transmitters are not in the Jewish areas, but in the areas most heavily populated by black African Americans.
All Jews, whether Japanese, Chinese, Indian, African Negro, Arab, or Caucasian uniquely possess a haplotype genomic sequence that is peculiar to all Jews alone, and none of them can get citizenship in Israel without proving that they possess it after having a mandatory blood test.
This unique genomic sequence is like the lamb's blood sign painted over the door lintels in the Passover night while the angel of death takes everyone else, the weapon is designed not to sterilize Jews for instance, and not to harm them otherwise, though maybe being near 5G transmitters outside Israel makes even Jews actually vulnerable in some ways too then, but for many years the Israeli government have been stressing to Jews all around the world how essential it is for them to relocate to Israel, and I consider that part of this reason for this is that Israel having no 5G would be the ideal place for Jews to wait it out while the rest of the world gets sterilized and dies out from the bioweapons or from arranged wars and famines.
Quite plainly, there was no deception of all of the governments involved, indeed, they are all entirely in cahoots with the WEF who are the current front for the very ancient soul group of invading tribal infiltrators who for several millenia have been building towards taking the entire planet for themselves alone, this is a military attack to take the entire planet, it is as simple as that, it is no mere 'depopulation program', it is most certainly not any eugenic program either, it is an entirely malevolent dysgenic program, an entirely destructive program, the very opposite of eugenic which actually means to improve, as only the total extermination of all Gentile humanity on this entire planet is intended by this lower dimensional invading soul group and nothing less.
WOW! quite a different and not unreasonable Perspective. How did you arrive at your conclusions? How did you see through the smokescreen? More about the heretofore rumored ethnobomb, please.
The very point is that it is Israel that has been determined to develop this technology for many years and has been doing so for many years, this did not just happen overnight, the proof of that is right before everyones' eyes right now all around the world, deaths of millions, sterilization of millions, masses of miscarriages, birth defects, heart attacks, neurological diseases, strokes, turbo-cancers, and permanent deleterious alteration to human DNA that is of a very definite dysgenic, and NOT eugenic nature.
There are massive numbers of reports flooding in constantly from different nations on all the injuries being inflicted by the COVID jab bioweapons, and massive evidence from the Israelis themselves that the Jews of both Israeli and dual nationality origin themselves are responsible for developing these jabs (weapons); this video below is most surely 'recent' enough:
The further video below shows how Dr Zelenko, a Chabad Lubavitcher himself, rather than really being the hero truther that many mistakenly believe still, was actually a deadly sinister Noahide Law believer who secretly viewed all Gentiles practicing non-Jewish religions only as DEMONS who must all be executed.
Zelenko Never was your Friend - Elizabeth Glass the Noahide Laws
Rabbi Josef Mizrachi for instance has stated on video that 6 BILLION Gentiles will be executed (surely by various surreptious means in the vast majority of cases if not all, without even knowing how this is actually happening to them or really why) just for being 'idolaters' alone, just for being classed as followers of non-Jewish religions, and many more Gentiles will be liquidated for apparently being declared as having contravened other Noahide Laws that similarly each carry a death penalty, but these death penalties attached to the Noahide Laws can only apply to Gentiles and never apply to Jews themselves if Jews break any of these laws according to the terms attached to them.
Zelenko only treated Trump and other rich New York Jews with his azithromycin, zinc sulfate and hydoxychloroquine combination therapy that he, as he termed himself, 'a simple country doctor', 'kinda thunk up', when in reality, in Tel Aviv for years already they would know exactly what it is that any Jews themselves would need if there was any remote chance that any of the 'chosen' themselves might actually be affected by their own bioweapon to any degree by some means or other, which would be extremely unlikely anyway given all the facts, and the Israeli military would have given Zelenko all the information on this 'preventative/cure' to use on his Jewish flock along with the rest of his act.
Even when a small number of Gentiles became aware of Zelenko's protocol, Chabad Lubavitcher agent Trump made it more or less impossible for any Gentile to acquire it or use it.
Chabad Lubavitcher Zelenko's friend Chabad Lubavitcher Trump maliciously did his utmost to ensure that no Gentile in all of America would ever be prescribed that in any American hospital, where Gentile Americans were very deliberately and inappropriately put on usually lethal ventilators and most often deadly remdesivir rather than being given actually appropriate hyperbaric chamber treatment and either of the zinc-ionophores hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin.
People were deliberately harmed and murdered en masse in order for the malevolent Israeli operatives controlling the hijacked US government to be able to present a picture before the world of disaster and death that would appear to be avoidable only by getting jabbed, while the jabs are the very source of the artificially caused disease(s) themselves in truth, as evidenced clearly by massive spikes in hospital admissions and deaths with 'COVID' almost immediately after COVID mass vaccination campaigns had been carried out.
And hyberbaric chambers cost much less than ventilators by the way, and would not require the patient being placed in any induced coma, so the patient being able to move still and be awake to eat and bathe etc. would be able to maintain muscle mass and need no physiotherapy after the long bed rest that induced coma patients require, and patients using hyperbaric chambers would be cured and out of hospital in a matter of a couple of weeks even in the worst cases rather than a couple of months, and almost nobody would die with hyperbaric therapy and ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine for instance. Of course, nobody would die at all if no bioweapon jabs were given out in the first place.
My muscle mass is still depleted due to resultant long-term structural damage even 3 years after I was placed in ICU for nearly 2 months with COVID 19, COVID pneumonia and sepsis with a blood oxygen level of 50% being diagnosed as gravely ill on admission, then placed in an induced coma for much of 4 weeks attached to a ECMO unit - a blood oxygenation unit pumping blood directly out of a tube surgically inserted into my jugular into an artificial oxygenation unit then pumping it back into my jugular through another surgically implanted tube after my own heart and lungs failed after I was given tocilizumab (actemra) on a mechanical ventilator first of all that massively attacks and destroys vast amounts of lung tissue itself (using tocilizumab (actemra) is another trick to ensure very severe injury to the lungs that can be blamed on 'COVID' so as to frighten more people into getting jabbed).
So Zelenko was never really truly intended on actually healing any Gentiles, his entire purpose was really to misinform by appearing as a benevolent Jew intended on actually healing the world, this in itself being intended to disarm any potential thoughts in anyone that Jews themselves might be behind the development of the COVID bioweapon.
Zelenko's friend Trump would have authorized for everyone in the US to have received the real cure that Zelenko had given to Trump himself if either of them had been genuinely intended on actually helping people, but of course, what was really made to occur was very obviously a planned military pincer movement strategy to actually attack the Americans for Israel, Trump would push American people to accept the poison death jab with his Operation Warp Speed propaganda (this actually being the intended warp speed sterilization and extermination of the Gentile human race) so that Gentiles would first get the COVID from it, then Trump would finish them off with his death trap ventilators that usually ensured secondary pneumonia and then his agents added medically useless but highly poisonous remdesivir from the Israeli Gilead 'pharmaceutical company', and other drugs of course were used such as tocilizumab (actemra) which is extremely damaging to the lungs itself, and midazolam was also used to ensure as many deaths as possible, with some patients kept (just) alive so they could then bleat about how 'treatment' saved their lives and how everyone should get jabbed to avoid the terrible fate of near death that they had just suffered.
This kind of military strategy is a typical Communist strategy, just as Joseph Stalin had special Torch Men units liquidating almost entire Russian villages leaving just one Russian alive from each village as a 'witness' to tell of apparent 'German' atrocities they had seen while Stalin's men (surely likely all Jewish special units, as what Gentiles would kill almost entire Russian villages of Gentiles like this?) were dressed in acquired German uniforms so that the surviving Russians would think Germans had been the ones committing atrocities against them and thus be programmed to tell other Russians never to join with the advancing German forces as many Russians actually were doing after millions of Russians had already been liquidated by Stalin, who was actually not a 'Georgian' as usually claimed, but a Bukharian Jew, who I have several photos of on my site wearing full Bukharian Jewish dress in the association of other senior Bolsheviks similarly attired who were openly recognized as Jews at that time. What is happening today is just as dirty. "By way of deception thou shalt do war".
WHAT WAS IT CALLED FOR FOR 40 YEARS FROM 1964 TO 2004 as the cyberphysical backbone for the wireless medical body area network? Who ran the programs? What were they called? When was the first brain-to-brain interface for remote controlled human drones? 1964... Dr. Delgado, patient first Julia, technology used : stimoceiver (the machine has 120 pins; it had 5 in 1964). From 1964 until it became public, what EF bandwidth designation did the military use for remote-controlled human drones? What happens when a body dies and the feedback kills the controller? When pain feedback was turned off, when was the first Headless remote controlled real-time human possession? When was the first head kept alive and connected via real-time human possession without a body? How will an intercellular parasite connecting to your DNA via a binding domain be able to modify your DNA? Crispr cas9 Archaean bacteria, able to produce custom proteins for a variety of tasks like hydrogel construction or ripping methyl from your DNA 8xBio-Superfluid DNA down to 4xDNA where you can't resist mindcontrol signals from overriding and you fade away from neurological reprogramming implanted preconfigured neurobiological programming using a remodelled recorded brainwaves full data field and reconstruction of the field recorded in the DNA , without qcs. Quantum Confined Superfluid, you have no Rtayuj, no consciousness, simply a programmed drone ready for possession by the controllers; how do you naturally resist? Naturally reduce your brainwaves down to zero? Required to remove the neurobiological field resonance to even add methyl to your DNA to upgrade to 8xBio-Superfluid DNA where you can resist implanted cns overriding? Or when the n1 stimoceiver moved to the n2 RFID, directly letting your cns grow on to the circuit board using microelectronics? What about the mother of all demos, where the first remote controlled aircraft was made for long distance real time human possession? Or the meetings at the Club of Rome in 1964 discussions on forcing everyone to be implanted, and if they didn't pay 21 years in advance for a "birth credit" for the 3 tones per year of carbon exhaled, the child would be sold and under mind control so they couldn't resist? And who was the first principle officer of the project? Zbigniew Brzezinsky... what country other than the USA was involved from the beginning? Israel 🇮🇱 who is immune under the directed energy treaty? Who is immune to the furin recognition sequence j2a's Cohen haplogroup DNA mtDNA position 16360 where SARS-COV-2 COVID19 binds to your mtDNA and can't bind to Israel citizens who must be j2a's Cohen haplogroup and were all involved in the USA side from the start USA was under the control of the program... all security council members agreed because they were all cousins... just like when the last Muslim princess married her cousin the Roman emperor pope son of a jew, heads of Jews Muslims and Christians are all Sumerians J2a's Cohen haplogroup who's DNA is modified on mtDNA position 16360 from pineal gland consumption, when a child or undogmafied individuals during a near death experience the body moves methyl from the DNA 8xBio-Superfluid to Neuronal Melanin making dmnm DIMETHYL-NEURONAL-MELANIN the strongest natural regenerative Molecule known to exist only made in pure undogmafied individuals during a near death experience, which will regenerate damage to the cns however when j2a's Cohen had Epstein Bar virus plugged in to position mtDNA 16360 the dmnm ripped out the intercelular parasitise Epstein Bar virus and modified there DNA where a cytosine (C) is replaced by a guanine (G). This is how they made themselves immune while everyone else 3.5 billion under control... and why the rest of the world has united supporting an end to this from Israel and USA Proxy's.
"Alleged" nano-tech?! "ALLEGED"??!! 😆
Come on, you trollin'? You ever heard
Probably just some conspiracy theorist website, I'm sure.
Yes, if you listen to Melissa McAtee (sp?) who worked at one of the subcontractors filling and packing the vials, they were just putting in bags and bulk containers with chinese writing on them into the mixers with no chain of custody or bill of lading details, like they had with every other drug they packaged in the 10+ years she worked there.
So China released the 'virus' (or it escaped containment), then they spread the 'virus' all over the US (and probably the world).
Then they 'gave' the world the digital blueprint for SARS-Cov2 that All the vaccines were based on.
Then they provided the mystery ingredients to pfizer, who packaged them up and got them in the arms with the help of a whole bunch of traitors.
They are a Binary bioweapons, the shots would not be having the same effects if they had not spread the 'virus' in the first place and were not constantly spreading the updated 'virus' variants.
Its happening right now to this day, probably in every city in America. It might even be happening in front of You, just look for a chinese person in the grocery store with a mask on constantly picking up and putting down meat in the meat department.
They never buy any, just pick it up and touch it a little or hold it up like a gameshow host and then put it back down again, over and over and over and over again.
Back in late 2019/early 2020 in Kirkland Wa when I first started noticing it, they would pretend to walk away or leave the store if you took a pic or video of it happening...
but for the last few years, they know most people are clueless and they dont care if you take their pic anymore. They just keep on fulfilling their mission.
I have lived in 2 other states since then and now live near a 'city' of 18,000 people and we saw it happen again just the other day. And if they are doing it here, they are doing it Everywhere but its like the 'magnetism', once you know what to look for, you cant Unsee it.
My wife didnt used to believe me, she knows I am very observant but it sounds crazy and I am usually the one that goes in the store but then she went in the store a few times and saw it for herself.
Multiple stores, multiple cities, over the last few Years... just picking it up and putting it down again, no reading the price or checking the quality of the meat, just picking up and putting down, over and over and Over again.
And why would they still be doing that if they didnt need to spread an updated variant? Everyone already has whatever the infected are shedding by now.
If you look hard enough, all US roads to treason lead back to China.
And its the most basic rule of war for like 3000 years... never take a potion or medicine made by your enemy.
The ultimate problem is not China, the ultimate problem is not even the US, it is who is controlling the US, which is Israel. See these hostiles blatantly celebrating the successful deployment of the Israeli ethnobomb bioweapon against all Gentiles, even saying that 'the Corona' is not for the Jews, and that it is just for the Gentiles. Not one of these hostiles is Chinese:
Meh, funny how I've never seen any jews touching all the meat in the meat department. Have you? Have you even seen the chinese?
It sadly funny how many people do not even see the most basic or even bizarre things happening repeatedly right in front of their own face. And there are Many CONCRETE and some Verifiable examples I just gave you but nope...
Dahhhh Jews! There are Other examples I did Not Give, but meh, apaprently you cant even read those.
I think all the china lovers are seriously delusional and that rules you out from my short list of being capable of making rational decisions, we'll say.
Frankly everything such a person says is suspect imho but its good to know though, thanks.
Meh, good luck to you regardless, we all need it now... thanks to China.
I can assure you that nobody but Jews themselves are running Israel, and that only real Jews are living there.
How daft do you think people really are? The silly stories that are being pumped out by the hasbara sayanim factory are simply ridiculous in the extreme, such as the one that Netanyahu is a reincarnated amalak Nazi who is killing all real Jews with a supposedly similarly 'Nazi' Pfizer and the Hannibal Directive.
All these silly stories being put forward by Jewish agents are so obviously just silly stories that they only make the Jews just look more obviously guilty themselves quite frankly.
Your statement just means that Israeli news sources that you obviously regard as gospel (or wish us to accept as such) are telling you that Israel is 90% vaccinated, this kind of 'factual' news coming from Israel is just like Jews telling everyone ad nauseum every single day of the week that 6 million Jews died in an alleged holocaust, when according to a statement by the then West German Finance Minister around 1974, over 4.25 million Jews (he provided an exact figure at the time) were claiming financial compensation from the West German government at that time for having supposedly been held in camps during WWII by the Germans, when in reality only 3.8 million Jews had ever even been living in territories that later became occupied by the Germans in the first place, with most of these Jews having left Europe at the first signs of war anyway, the Jewish claims in both instances are called FRAUD.
700,000 Jews in France of these 3.8 million total Jews in all of the eventually German-occupied European territories were never deported when the Germans occupied there, only some 11,000 or so Jews were deported from France who had been found guilty of acting as armed Communist partisans engaged in terrorist activities, and 2.2 million Jews from various of these eventually German-occupied European territories went to stay out the war in Russia, and 150,000 mischlinge, or part-Jews, actually served in the German armed forces, and after plans to relocate Jews to the French territory of Madagascar fell though when Germany no longer occupied France, at least 60,000 Jews were deported by Germany to Palestine instead of course after they had received training in the camps on how to produce their own food and work using machine tools so as to be able to engage in industrial work on their relocation.
And many Jews were released from the German-run camps at the end of the war, but the International Red Cross printed an official statement that only 271,000 or so prisoners of all categories died in all the German-run camps from any cause (mostly in the final 2 months of the war due to Allied bombing of supply networks), and 5.5 million prisoners held in these German camps were Russian POW's (upon release, these Russian prisoners were either executed on Stalin's orders or sent mostly to die in the gulags in Siberia on being returned to Russia after the war as 'traitors' for having surrendered and having been taken prisoner rather than fighting to the death to defend a nation that had really already been invaded and taken over by the Jews themselves who were murdering 66 million Gentile Russians anyway according to Solzhenitsyn himself, who stated that Russia had been invaded by an alien people anyway), and by far the most of these 271,000 deaths were those of Russian POW's. Stalin carried on executing Christians in Soviet Russia (really implementing Noahide Law there already) right through WWII and right up till 1953 when he died.
Later, the International Red Cross revised their death total to just over 283,000 or so. The excellent book by AR Butz, The Hoax Of The 20th Century, makes a highly detailed study of all of this.
You will find mention of Jewish intent to totally exterminate all Gentiles on this entire planet in the following verses, any comments on that?
Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts
If you care to deny the reality of what is intended in these Jewish scriptural verses, I can supply a significant number of videos of rabbis stating just the same today, I have them all published on my own site. What these rabbis say in their video recordings and what these Jewish scriptural verses say is the very essence of the WEF agenda, and is exactly what is behind the COVID ethnobomb bioweapon agenda.
Your question seems to indicate a train of thought that assumes shedding causes reinfection. It does but you are also being sprayed with the nano "constructors" via chemtrails. So the answer is, if you are continually reinfected, and have no remediation, never. However, if there is a purge done with edta and associated protocols, the 'viral load' (it's not a virus technically, I just use that term for it's conceptual implications) is too low to cause shedding. The real answer is that you need to continually remediate to counter the reinfection assault. With continual remediation theoretically there is no shedding because the load is too low. But everybody on the planet is not going to do that.
Good point. I sometimes forget this when I hear shedding, it’s NOT a virus it’s a Nano-Machine. Detox the body, via remove the machines and the problem is solved
Only now after all this time one state is requiring full blood analysis and separation of contaminated and uncontaminated blood transfusion stocks. Does not seem to be on any radar of other blood quality and contamination services....... why?
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Put your trust in God and he will guide you! Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus".
Psalm 37:3-4
"Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart".
Psalm 118:8
"It is better to take refuge in the Lord, than to trust in man".
Philippians 4:19
"But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus".
Jesus Christ is coming soon but not before Satan the Antichrist stands in the Holy seed in Jerusalem pretending to be God as Paul teaches in second Thessalonians 2 1 through 4.
The whole world follows in Revelation 13:3 as he comes as Jesus Christ Revelation 13:11 don't be deceived and get the mark of the beast wait for the true Christ Paul's teaching below.
The Man of Lawlessness
2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God
Www.shepherdschapel.comRevelation 6 or 13
Hallo Ana - my sister and her husband are doctors , completely swallowed up by the " system " . When they , if they , come through the cognitive dissonance , I now know what to show them . Thank you . Until then I am just a lunatic ha ha ha
My BIL is an ER doc. He vents & gives remdesiver. At the height of covid he told me he "delights" in venting the unvaxxed because we were causing the epidemic.
This doc is so clueless, he got the last booster + flu shot and had his 26 year old son take it also because the son was going overseas. He had a reaction and even his mother said his looks worsened and hair color changed.
Again and again I wonder why the world becomes more and more divided , beyond any sound reasoning . I am a little scared by the intelligence behind the manipulation . Evil energi is steap , vertical , cant sustain it self . Love and care is horizontal , stabil , lasting .
I agree....who knew we would be living in an AUTHENTIC Twilight Zone?
I've had miracle healings from holistic methods and the body is designed to heal itself.
So we're placed on this wonderfland of earth just for some Cosmic Snuff program?
Life's a mystery and it now it's above any recognition.
It does on the slide but so do a lot of things. An equivalent dose for a human would be lethal.
And all the people that smoke or wear nicotine patches still have the shedding nanotech in their blood, which is further proof it doesnt work the same in people... because raising a humans nicotine level to an equivalent level would be fatal. LQC is just recycling other peoples work from 2 years ago.
Are 70% of the population including a good amount of children who received these shots now sterile? Is this how the population is reduced to 500 million people by 2030?
It was Professor Bell who said on UK TV that they would be probably looking at 'sterility in 70% of those who get the Covid vaccine" and NO ONE said anything!
I know it sounds harsh, but a 70% drop in fertility would be an improvement over the 99% idiocy we are currently expressing... The reduction in population has been programmed since the book of Revelation was ascribed to the artificial god of Abraham.
I wonder if Dr. Ana and those in this video could respond to the "deniers" and "debunkers'" allegations that this journal "IJVTPR" is fake and unrecognized by anyone in the medical community - that Dr. Young is unrecognized and that Prof. Broudy is out in left field investigating this as he isn't an immunologist nor a virologist. Thank you!
Those "spirals" really riveted me because I occasionally see them when I do fecal analysis on our goats.
We found out years ago that most vets think of goats and "throw-away" animals and don't care much for them, thus are of little help, so we have learned to "be our own vet" and always use homeopathic remedies, herbs, essential oils, etc., on them for healing, rather than wasting our time dealing with a veterinarian.
Thus I have done a hundred or more fecal analyses, and have seen not only those "spirals" but also some very long "colored fibers".
I use a standard light microscope, usually view specimens under 400X magnification, so I will never see the nanobot assemblies, but those spirals and long fibers are definitely large enough to see in light microscope.
I have always wondered what they are, and now believe they are part of the geoengineering sprays, as our goats graze outdoors daily on vegetation that has been blanketed with sprays. We use no goat vaccines, and aside from brush and grass, their feed is chopped veggies (like what we eat), so my best guess is that the spirals and fibers we see in goat fecal exams derive from what was sprayed on their paddocks.
And on a related note, I did examine two different brands of contact lens saline solutions and did see long colored fibers-- a few in one drop. I did photograph it and now since one post inquired about where else all this stuff might be hiding, realize it's time to start looking again at saline solutions as well as contact cleaning solution.
Thanks again to Dr. Ana, Dr. Broudy, and Dr. Lee.
Dez - Aug 22 - Edited
Dez’s Substack
How on earth was this alleged nano-tech allowed to be added to the Pfizer and Moderna snake oil bio-weapon without any warning to potential patients of its inclusion into the ever growing cocktail list of "extras" that were belatedly revealed not by the now Corporate Safety Agencies but by real independent experts who seem to care about patient safety more than the manufacturers or corporate safety agencies. Were all of the "extras" approved by the Safety Agencies or even Pfizer and Moderna who surely must have carried out their own detailed quality controls at all stages of the manufacture process and ingredients controls.
David - Aug 22
It was never allowed and there were no detailed quality controls. It was done by ignoring domestic and international law. Follow Karen Kingston's substack.
Tracy A. - Aug 23
Paul Vonharnish
They were not required to follow the biotech industry regulatory laws because it was a military bioweapon deployed by the Department of Defense under Operation Warp Speed. Follow Sasha Latypova from Due Diligence and Art if you want to better understand how they accomplished their nefarious goals.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 27
Paul Vonharnish
Yes. Than you. Ms Latypova details the essential 'legal' process which exempts product testing and allows deployment into the general population. Her work is bolstered on results of investigation by Katherine Watt. >>> FDA's document-only, 2010 definition of 'viral vaccines;' FDA's 2007 recommendation that developers not assess whether vaccination causes autoimmune disease.
KATHERINE WATT >>> AUG 22, 2024 >>>
Readers need to examine the article and associated links. It is obvious the Food and Drug Administration has never required it’s own agency to perform laboratory testing of “vaccines” or other pathogenic pharmaceuticals. This “regulatory” agency is a massive fraud perpetuated by pharmaceutical sponsors and military interests.
Kamii Neko - Aug 23
Whistleblower Melissa Strickler was a Pfizer Quality Control technician. Dr Ana did an amazing interview with her
David - Aug 24
Thank you Kamii. Also thank you for posting rumble, those vids are easier to work with and not censored.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 23 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
There is no quality control testing of bio-weapons, and there never has been. >>>
FDA's document-only, 2010 definition of 'viral vaccines;' FDA's 2007 recommendation that developers not assess whether vaccination causes autoimmune disease. >>> KATHERINE WATT >>> AUG 22, 2024 >>>
If you *take the time* to examine the article and associated links, it becomes obvious the Food and Drug Administration has never required it’s own agency to perform laboratory testing of “vaccines” nor any other pathogenic pharmaceuticals. The FDA as an “regulatory” agency is a massive fraud perpetuated by financial/industrial/pharmaceutical sponsors.
David - Aug 24
Thank you Paul. Very high quality link from Miss Watt.
I would only add what Karen Kingston has stated, which is there exists no immunity or contractual protection for criminal action.
Crypt0phꝫr - Aug 30
Infocrypt Release
One of my hobbies is deep researching all the double speak and chemical technical phrasing and terminology. Everything you said, I can definitely back up 110%.
The FDA is a giant middle-man & gatekeeping operation and that's being super polite.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 30
Paul Vonharnish
Hello InfoCrypt. Thank you for your kind reply. The Food and Drug Administration needs to be abolished, it's Corporate Charter revoked, and all executive staff hung for Treason, Terrorism, and multiple Genocide. I'm also being polite... Best regards.
Crypt0phꝫr - Aug 30
Infocrypt Release
😂 indeed you are, sir.... indeed you are..
Here's the thing, this more widely 'understood' (using that term VERY loosely) and accepted version of a healthcare apparatus that we have now is already actively being replaced. The fully accepted globalist change-over began near the end of 2019 and went into ready operation in March of 2020. The replacement is a fully electronic, all encompassing... you could say, very 'inclusive' and fully 'transparent' system. It is known by a few different terminologies.. one being 'graphene healthcare'... Others may call it 'surveillance under the skin' - Yuval Noah Harari (WEF)... also it could be called 'Drone Warfare' (that's what I like to go with). Maybe you know a bit about these subjects? I wouldn't be surprised if you did, you seem well researched enough.
Ya know.. there's this book by a man called James Tunney.. book title: Plantation of the Automatons.. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a real accurate glimpse into the minds of the people responsible for the entire c0nvid-19 operation at warp speed. Here's a good quote from the book to really get an idea of the context throughout:
"At first we will enter a phase of tech-bondage and then our species will be altered by transhumanism. This new world order of global governance will be based on automaticity. The automatic world order will be totalitarian."
Sandra McL - Aug 22
Sandra McL
Obviously, VERY intentional!
mothman777 - Aug 22
mothman777’s Newsletter
I remember on UK TV years ago, a politician in an NHS hospital was talking to medical staff and when the politician was speaking in answer to a question concerning the COVID jabs, the politician simply said words to the effect "Our consultants provide us with all the necessary information", a further question was then raised as to who the consultants are, the simple answer from the politician was "Pfizer".
It would not bother the politician in the slightest that Pfizer had been fined a record 2.3 billion dollar fine for medical fraud, and that that incident was just one of several incidences of fraud and deception committed by that evil company, which is nothing other in reality than a military bioweapons research company for the Israeli government who for many years had been working on developing an ethnobomb bioweapon that would be capable of attacking any targeted ethnogroup desired while leaving the Jews and especially the Israeli Jews themselves unharmed.
A former Israeli military intelligence whistleblower came forward and provided the information that Israel had really been testing out the COVID jabs on Palestinian prisoners and black African people (Israel has now formally deported all black Africans from Israel) and stated that they were not really tested out on the Israeli Jews themselves (of course).
The 500,000 pages of medical research released by court order relating to this that Pfizer initially tried to have kept secret for 75 years are surely only a fraction of what Pfizer really has on file (they will never release the details of their secret ethnobomb trials on Palestinian prisoners for instance), and the massively sophisticated medical trials woudl surely have taken several years to carry out in reality, surely having started years before the alleged first discovery of COVID in 2019, and the 'vaccines' would not be the result of any 1.5 hour supercomputer program or any 2.5 hour supercomputer program designing such COVID jabs as has been ridiculously claimed by Pfizer and Moderna concerning how long it took to create these jabs, which, it has to be said, Israel did say they had been researching before the first case of COVID was discovered 'just in case' such a 'disease' might ever materialize, what a cohencidence.
And of course this research was not botched or done sloppily, the work had to be perfect to ensure that the bioweapon would not turn on the Jews themselves. Extremely detailed and lengthy studies required must have taken several years to complete to ensure that the weapon would not blow up in the Israelis' own faces, and any COVID jabs given out in Israel would only have been placebos anyway, and any stories of masses of Israelis suffering from the jabs and from COVID are just that, mere propaganda stories created to present the illusion before the rest of the world that Israel had it as bad if not worse than everyone else in the world, when they themselves had unleashed it in a planned military attack against the rest of the entire world, while their infiltrated Israeli government agents operating hostile military occupation governments all around the world in most nations authorized the distribution of the sterilizing and deadly bioweapon jabs against all Gentiles, as their occult and money magic-based criminal terrorist death cult falsely presented before the rest of the world in a disarming manner as a genuine spiritual religion states in the Zohar for example that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be totally enslaved and ultimately totally exterminated and that all Gentile souls will be sent to hell at the end of this world under 'the angel Duma' whoever or whatever he is.
And in Israel there is no 5G (also an Israeli Jewish weapon invention), so Jews in Israel would have really been totally immune anyway, as 5G is necessary to activate and direct the COVID ethnobomb nanotechnology that is purposedly designed not to attack Jews anyway.
In New York for instance, the main concentrations of 5G transmitters are not in the Jewish areas, but in the areas most heavily populated by black African Americans.
All Jews, whether Japanese, Chinese, Indian, African Negro, Arab, or Caucasian uniquely possess a haplotype genomic sequence that is peculiar to all Jews alone, and none of them can get citizenship in Israel without proving that they possess it after having a mandatory blood test.
This unique genomic sequence is like the lamb's blood sign painted over the door lintels in the Passover night while the angel of death takes everyone else, the weapon is designed not to sterilize Jews for instance, and not to harm them otherwise, though maybe being near 5G transmitters outside Israel makes even Jews actually vulnerable in some ways too then, but for many years the Israeli government have been stressing to Jews all around the world how essential it is for them to relocate to Israel, and I consider that part of this reason for this is that Israel having no 5G would be the ideal place for Jews to wait it out while the rest of the world gets sterilized and dies out from the bioweapons or from arranged wars and famines.
Quite plainly, there was no deception of all of the governments involved, indeed, they are all entirely in cahoots with the WEF who are the current front for the very ancient soul group of invading tribal infiltrators who for several millenia have been building towards taking the entire planet for themselves alone, this is a military attack to take the entire planet, it is as simple as that, it is no mere 'depopulation program', it is most certainly not any eugenic program either, it is an entirely malevolent dysgenic program, an entirely destructive program, the very opposite of eugenic which actually means to improve, as only the total extermination of all Gentile humanity on this entire planet is intended by this lower dimensional invading soul group and nothing less.
Thaddeus Robinson - Aug 23
Thaddeus Robinson
WOW! quite a different and not unreasonable Perspective. How did you arrive at your conclusions? How did you see through the smokescreen? More about the heretofore rumored ethnobomb, please.
mothman777 - Aug 23
mothman777’s Newsletter
Here is something on the biological weapons program of Israel,
Thaddeus Robinson - Aug 24
Thaddeus Robinson
will read Thanks
Thaddeus Robinson - Aug 24
Thaddeus Robinson
Have you any more recent sources?
mothman777 - Aug 24
mothman777’s Newsletter
The very point is that it is Israel that has been determined to develop this technology for many years and has been doing so for many years, this did not just happen overnight, the proof of that is right before everyones' eyes right now all around the world, deaths of millions, sterilization of millions, masses of miscarriages, birth defects, heart attacks, neurological diseases, strokes, turbo-cancers, and permanent deleterious alteration to human DNA that is of a very definite dysgenic, and NOT eugenic nature.
There are massive numbers of reports flooding in constantly from different nations on all the injuries being inflicted by the COVID jab bioweapons, and massive evidence from the Israelis themselves that the Jews of both Israeli and dual nationality origin themselves are responsible for developing these jabs (weapons); this video below is most surely 'recent' enough:
The further video below shows how Dr Zelenko, a Chabad Lubavitcher himself, rather than really being the hero truther that many mistakenly believe still, was actually a deadly sinister Noahide Law believer who secretly viewed all Gentiles practicing non-Jewish religions only as DEMONS who must all be executed.
Zelenko Never was your Friend - Elizabeth Glass the Noahide Laws
Rabbi Josef Mizrachi for instance has stated on video that 6 BILLION Gentiles will be executed (surely by various surreptious means in the vast majority of cases if not all, without even knowing how this is actually happening to them or really why) just for being 'idolaters' alone, just for being classed as followers of non-Jewish religions, and many more Gentiles will be liquidated for apparently being declared as having contravened other Noahide Laws that similarly each carry a death penalty, but these death penalties attached to the Noahide Laws can only apply to Gentiles and never apply to Jews themselves if Jews break any of these laws according to the terms attached to them.
Zelenko only treated Trump and other rich New York Jews with his azithromycin, zinc sulfate and hydoxychloroquine combination therapy that he, as he termed himself, 'a simple country doctor', 'kinda thunk up', when in reality, in Tel Aviv for years already they would know exactly what it is that any Jews themselves would need if there was any remote chance that any of the 'chosen' themselves might actually be affected by their own bioweapon to any degree by some means or other, which would be extremely unlikely anyway given all the facts, and the Israeli military would have given Zelenko all the information on this 'preventative/cure' to use on his Jewish flock along with the rest of his act.
Even when a small number of Gentiles became aware of Zelenko's protocol, Chabad Lubavitcher agent Trump made it more or less impossible for any Gentile to acquire it or use it.
Chabad Lubavitcher Zelenko's friend Chabad Lubavitcher Trump maliciously did his utmost to ensure that no Gentile in all of America would ever be prescribed that in any American hospital, where Gentile Americans were very deliberately and inappropriately put on usually lethal ventilators and most often deadly remdesivir rather than being given actually appropriate hyperbaric chamber treatment and either of the zinc-ionophores hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin.
People were deliberately harmed and murdered en masse in order for the malevolent Israeli operatives controlling the hijacked US government to be able to present a picture before the world of disaster and death that would appear to be avoidable only by getting jabbed, while the jabs are the very source of the artificially caused disease(s) themselves in truth, as evidenced clearly by massive spikes in hospital admissions and deaths with 'COVID' almost immediately after COVID mass vaccination campaigns had been carried out.
And hyberbaric chambers cost much less than ventilators by the way, and would not require the patient being placed in any induced coma, so the patient being able to move still and be awake to eat and bathe etc. would be able to maintain muscle mass and need no physiotherapy after the long bed rest that induced coma patients require, and patients using hyperbaric chambers would be cured and out of hospital in a matter of a couple of weeks even in the worst cases rather than a couple of months, and almost nobody would die with hyperbaric therapy and ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine for instance. Of course, nobody would die at all if no bioweapon jabs were given out in the first place.
My muscle mass is still depleted due to resultant long-term structural damage even 3 years after I was placed in ICU for nearly 2 months with COVID 19, COVID pneumonia and sepsis with a blood oxygen level of 50% being diagnosed as gravely ill on admission, then placed in an induced coma for much of 4 weeks attached to a ECMO unit - a blood oxygenation unit pumping blood directly out of a tube surgically inserted into my jugular into an artificial oxygenation unit then pumping it back into my jugular through another surgically implanted tube after my own heart and lungs failed after I was given tocilizumab (actemra) on a mechanical ventilator first of all that massively attacks and destroys vast amounts of lung tissue itself (using tocilizumab (actemra) is another trick to ensure very severe injury to the lungs that can be blamed on 'COVID' so as to frighten more people into getting jabbed).
So Zelenko was never really truly intended on actually healing any Gentiles, his entire purpose was really to misinform by appearing as a benevolent Jew intended on actually healing the world, this in itself being intended to disarm any potential thoughts in anyone that Jews themselves might be behind the development of the COVID bioweapon.
Zelenko's friend Trump would have authorized for everyone in the US to have received the real cure that Zelenko had given to Trump himself if either of them had been genuinely intended on actually helping people, but of course, what was really made to occur was very obviously a planned military pincer movement strategy to actually attack the Americans for Israel, Trump would push American people to accept the poison death jab with his Operation Warp Speed propaganda (this actually being the intended warp speed sterilization and extermination of the Gentile human race) so that Gentiles would first get the COVID from it, then Trump would finish them off with his death trap ventilators that usually ensured secondary pneumonia and then his agents added medically useless but highly poisonous remdesivir from the Israeli Gilead 'pharmaceutical company', and other drugs of course were used such as tocilizumab (actemra) which is extremely damaging to the lungs itself, and midazolam was also used to ensure as many deaths as possible, with some patients kept (just) alive so they could then bleat about how 'treatment' saved their lives and how everyone should get jabbed to avoid the terrible fate of near death that they had just suffered.
This kind of military strategy is a typical Communist strategy, just as Joseph Stalin had special Torch Men units liquidating almost entire Russian villages leaving just one Russian alive from each village as a 'witness' to tell of apparent 'German' atrocities they had seen while Stalin's men (surely likely all Jewish special units, as what Gentiles would kill almost entire Russian villages of Gentiles like this?) were dressed in acquired German uniforms so that the surviving Russians would think Germans had been the ones committing atrocities against them and thus be programmed to tell other Russians never to join with the advancing German forces as many Russians actually were doing after millions of Russians had already been liquidated by Stalin, who was actually not a 'Georgian' as usually claimed, but a Bukharian Jew, who I have several photos of on my site wearing full Bukharian Jewish dress in the association of other senior Bolsheviks similarly attired who were openly recognized as Jews at that time. What is happening today is just as dirty. "By way of deception thou shalt do war".
Keith Programmer - Aug 23
Keith Programmer
Amazing effort post.
Crypt0phꝫr - Aug 29
Infocrypt Release
WHAT WAS IT CALLED FOR FOR 40 YEARS FROM 1964 TO 2004 as the cyberphysical backbone for the wireless medical body area network? Who ran the programs? What were they called? When was the first brain-to-brain interface for remote controlled human drones? 1964... Dr. Delgado, patient first Julia, technology used : stimoceiver (the machine has 120 pins; it had 5 in 1964). From 1964 until it became public, what EF bandwidth designation did the military use for remote-controlled human drones? What happens when a body dies and the feedback kills the controller? When pain feedback was turned off, when was the first Headless remote controlled real-time human possession? When was the first head kept alive and connected via real-time human possession without a body? How will an intercellular parasite connecting to your DNA via a binding domain be able to modify your DNA? Crispr cas9 Archaean bacteria, able to produce custom proteins for a variety of tasks like hydrogel construction or ripping methyl from your DNA 8xBio-Superfluid DNA down to 4xDNA where you can't resist mindcontrol signals from overriding and you fade away from neurological reprogramming implanted preconfigured neurobiological programming using a remodelled recorded brainwaves full data field and reconstruction of the field recorded in the DNA , without qcs. Quantum Confined Superfluid, you have no Rtayuj, no consciousness, simply a programmed drone ready for possession by the controllers; how do you naturally resist? Naturally reduce your brainwaves down to zero? Required to remove the neurobiological field resonance to even add methyl to your DNA to upgrade to 8xBio-Superfluid DNA where you can resist implanted cns overriding? Or when the n1 stimoceiver moved to the n2 RFID, directly letting your cns grow on to the circuit board using microelectronics? What about the mother of all demos, where the first remote controlled aircraft was made for long distance real time human possession? Or the meetings at the Club of Rome in 1964 discussions on forcing everyone to be implanted, and if they didn't pay 21 years in advance for a "birth credit" for the 3 tones per year of carbon exhaled, the child would be sold and under mind control so they couldn't resist? And who was the first principle officer of the project? Zbigniew Brzezinsky... what country other than the USA was involved from the beginning? Israel 🇮🇱 who is immune under the directed energy treaty? Who is immune to the furin recognition sequence j2a's Cohen haplogroup DNA mtDNA position 16360 where SARS-COV-2 COVID19 binds to your mtDNA and can't bind to Israel citizens who must be j2a's Cohen haplogroup and were all involved in the USA side from the start USA was under the control of the program... all security council members agreed because they were all cousins... just like when the last Muslim princess married her cousin the Roman emperor pope son of a jew, heads of Jews Muslims and Christians are all Sumerians J2a's Cohen haplogroup who's DNA is modified on mtDNA position 16360 from pineal gland consumption, when a child or undogmafied individuals during a near death experience the body moves methyl from the DNA 8xBio-Superfluid to Neuronal Melanin making dmnm DIMETHYL-NEURONAL-MELANIN the strongest natural regenerative Molecule known to exist only made in pure undogmafied individuals during a near death experience, which will regenerate damage to the cns however when j2a's Cohen had Epstein Bar virus plugged in to position mtDNA 16360 the dmnm ripped out the intercelular parasitise Epstein Bar virus and modified there DNA where a cytosine (C) is replaced by a guanine (G). This is how they made themselves immune while everyone else 3.5 billion under control... and why the rest of the world has united supporting an end to this from Israel and USA Proxy's.
Barbara Cook - Aug 30
Really… do you honestly think they cared? It was done with an agenda in mind. To reduce population.
Crypt0phꝫr - Aug 30
Infocrypt Release
"Alleged" nano-tech?! "ALLEGED"??!! 😆
Come on, you trollin'? You ever heard
Probably just some conspiracy theorist website, I'm sure.
Bee Gee - Aug 22
Bee Gee
Yes, if you listen to Melissa McAtee (sp?) who worked at one of the subcontractors filling and packing the vials, they were just putting in bags and bulk containers with chinese writing on them into the mixers with no chain of custody or bill of lading details, like they had with every other drug they packaged in the 10+ years she worked there.
So China released the 'virus' (or it escaped containment), then they spread the 'virus' all over the US (and probably the world).
Then they 'gave' the world the digital blueprint for SARS-Cov2 that All the vaccines were based on.
Then they provided the mystery ingredients to pfizer, who packaged them up and got them in the arms with the help of a whole bunch of traitors.
They are a Binary bioweapons, the shots would not be having the same effects if they had not spread the 'virus' in the first place and were not constantly spreading the updated 'virus' variants.
Its happening right now to this day, probably in every city in America. It might even be happening in front of You, just look for a chinese person in the grocery store with a mask on constantly picking up and putting down meat in the meat department.
They never buy any, just pick it up and touch it a little or hold it up like a gameshow host and then put it back down again, over and over and over and over again.
Back in late 2019/early 2020 in Kirkland Wa when I first started noticing it, they would pretend to walk away or leave the store if you took a pic or video of it happening...
but for the last few years, they know most people are clueless and they dont care if you take their pic anymore. They just keep on fulfilling their mission.
I have lived in 2 other states since then and now live near a 'city' of 18,000 people and we saw it happen again just the other day. And if they are doing it here, they are doing it Everywhere but its like the 'magnetism', once you know what to look for, you cant Unsee it.
My wife didnt used to believe me, she knows I am very observant but it sounds crazy and I am usually the one that goes in the store but then she went in the store a few times and saw it for herself.
Multiple stores, multiple cities, over the last few Years... just picking it up and putting it down again, no reading the price or checking the quality of the meat, just picking up and putting down, over and over and Over again.
And why would they still be doing that if they didnt need to spread an updated variant? Everyone already has whatever the infected are shedding by now.
If you look hard enough, all US roads to treason lead back to China.
And its the most basic rule of war for like 3000 years... never take a potion or medicine made by your enemy.
mothman777 - Aug 23
mothman777’s Newsletter
The ultimate problem is not China, the ultimate problem is not even the US, it is who is controlling the US, which is Israel. See these hostiles blatantly celebrating the successful deployment of the Israeli ethnobomb bioweapon against all Gentiles, even saying that 'the Corona' is not for the Jews, and that it is just for the Gentiles. Not one of these hostiles is Chinese:
Bee Gee - Aug 23
Bee Gee
Meh, funny how I've never seen any jews touching all the meat in the meat department. Have you? Have you even seen the chinese?
It sadly funny how many people do not even see the most basic or even bizarre things happening repeatedly right in front of their own face. And there are Many CONCRETE and some Verifiable examples I just gave you but nope...
Dahhhh Jews! There are Other examples I did Not Give, but meh, apaprently you cant even read those.
I think all the china lovers are seriously delusional and that rules you out from my short list of being capable of making rational decisions, we'll say.
Frankly everything such a person says is suspect imho but its good to know though, thanks.
Meh, good luck to you regardless, we all need it now... thanks to China.
mothman777 - Aug 24
mothman777’s Newsletter
You are mentally ill.
Bee Gee - Aug 25
Bee Gee
I wish, that would be so much easier... Im just highly observant.
Try it, you might learn some things.
kitty - Aug 23
mothman777’s Newsletter
Israel is over 90% vaccinated, what does that mean? I think 'they' are trying to wipe out Israel.
mothman777 - Aug 25
mothman777’s Newsletter
I can assure you that nobody but Jews themselves are running Israel, and that only real Jews are living there.
How daft do you think people really are? The silly stories that are being pumped out by the hasbara sayanim factory are simply ridiculous in the extreme, such as the one that Netanyahu is a reincarnated amalak Nazi who is killing all real Jews with a supposedly similarly 'Nazi' Pfizer and the Hannibal Directive.
All these silly stories being put forward by Jewish agents are so obviously just silly stories that they only make the Jews just look more obviously guilty themselves quite frankly.
Your statement just means that Israeli news sources that you obviously regard as gospel (or wish us to accept as such) are telling you that Israel is 90% vaccinated, this kind of 'factual' news coming from Israel is just like Jews telling everyone ad nauseum every single day of the week that 6 million Jews died in an alleged holocaust, when according to a statement by the then West German Finance Minister around 1974, over 4.25 million Jews (he provided an exact figure at the time) were claiming financial compensation from the West German government at that time for having supposedly been held in camps during WWII by the Germans, when in reality only 3.8 million Jews had ever even been living in territories that later became occupied by the Germans in the first place, with most of these Jews having left Europe at the first signs of war anyway, the Jewish claims in both instances are called FRAUD.
700,000 Jews in France of these 3.8 million total Jews in all of the eventually German-occupied European territories were never deported when the Germans occupied there, only some 11,000 or so Jews were deported from France who had been found guilty of acting as armed Communist partisans engaged in terrorist activities, and 2.2 million Jews from various of these eventually German-occupied European territories went to stay out the war in Russia, and 150,000 mischlinge, or part-Jews, actually served in the German armed forces, and after plans to relocate Jews to the French territory of Madagascar fell though when Germany no longer occupied France, at least 60,000 Jews were deported by Germany to Palestine instead of course after they had received training in the camps on how to produce their own food and work using machine tools so as to be able to engage in industrial work on their relocation.
And many Jews were released from the German-run camps at the end of the war, but the International Red Cross printed an official statement that only 271,000 or so prisoners of all categories died in all the German-run camps from any cause (mostly in the final 2 months of the war due to Allied bombing of supply networks), and 5.5 million prisoners held in these German camps were Russian POW's (upon release, these Russian prisoners were either executed on Stalin's orders or sent mostly to die in the gulags in Siberia on being returned to Russia after the war as 'traitors' for having surrendered and having been taken prisoner rather than fighting to the death to defend a nation that had really already been invaded and taken over by the Jews themselves who were murdering 66 million Gentile Russians anyway according to Solzhenitsyn himself, who stated that Russia had been invaded by an alien people anyway), and by far the most of these 271,000 deaths were those of Russian POW's. Stalin carried on executing Christians in Soviet Russia (really implementing Noahide Law there already) right through WWII and right up till 1953 when he died.
Later, the International Red Cross revised their death total to just over 283,000 or so. The excellent book by AR Butz, The Hoax Of The 20th Century, makes a highly detailed study of all of this.
You will find mention of Jewish intent to totally exterminate all Gentiles on this entire planet in the following verses, any comments on that?
Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts
If you care to deny the reality of what is intended in these Jewish scriptural verses, I can supply a significant number of videos of rabbis stating just the same today, I have them all published on my own site. What these rabbis say in their video recordings and what these Jewish scriptural verses say is the very essence of the WEF agenda, and is exactly what is behind the COVID ethnobomb bioweapon agenda.
Wink - Aug 22
Here’s what I want to know… at what point do people stop shedding?
David - Aug 22
Your question seems to indicate a train of thought that assumes shedding causes reinfection. It does but you are also being sprayed with the nano "constructors" via chemtrails. So the answer is, if you are continually reinfected, and have no remediation, never. However, if there is a purge done with edta and associated protocols, the 'viral load' (it's not a virus technically, I just use that term for it's conceptual implications) is too low to cause shedding. The real answer is that you need to continually remediate to counter the reinfection assault. With continual remediation theoretically there is no shedding because the load is too low. But everybody on the planet is not going to do that.
Wink - Aug 22
Good point. I sometimes forget this when I hear shedding, it’s NOT a virus it’s a Nano-Machine. Detox the body, via remove the machines and the problem is solved
David - Aug 22
Dez - Aug 22
Dez’s Substack
Only now after all this time one state is requiring full blood analysis and separation of contaminated and uncontaminated blood transfusion stocks. Does not seem to be on any radar of other blood quality and contamination services....... why?
David - Aug 22
Good question. Another question is, why do blood analysis labs purposely ignore live blood analysis?
Bee Gee - Aug 23
Bee Gee
Which state is that? I haven't heard that before, afaik no states do.
M Henry - Aug 22
M Henry
Thank you Dr Ana !
For bringing us an excellent interview with both researchers ,yourself included.
Key of David - Aug 22
Key’s Substack
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Put your trust in God and he will guide you! Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus".
Psalm 37:3-4
"Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart".
Psalm 118:8
"It is better to take refuge in the Lord, than to trust in man".
Philippians 4:19
"But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus".
Jesus Christ is coming soon but not before Satan the Antichrist stands in the Holy seed in Jerusalem pretending to be God as Paul teaches in second Thessalonians 2 1 through 4.
The whole world follows in Revelation 13:3 as he comes as Jesus Christ Revelation 13:11 don't be deceived and get the mark of the beast wait for the true Christ Paul's teaching below.
The Man of Lawlessness
2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God
Www.shepherdschapel.comRevelation 6 or 13
Michael Larsen - Aug 22
Michael’s Substack
Hallo Ana - my sister and her husband are doctors , completely swallowed up by the " system " . When they , if they , come through the cognitive dissonance , I now know what to show them . Thank you . Until then I am just a lunatic ha ha ha
Rodney Wade - Aug 23
Rodney Wade
I feel the same way. I am also a lunatic to most of the people I know.
Michael Larsen - Aug 23
Michael’s Substack
No shame to be viewed as a lunatic now a days - it is becomming a bagde of honour - all the normals are medically intervened .
moando - Aug 26
Yeah, I can't wait until 'conspiracy theorist' becomes a compliment!
Gas Axe - Aug 24
Gas’s Substack
I laughed out loud at this 🏆 comment
Michael Larsen - Aug 23
Michael’s Substack
We play the part of " The Fool " - the mirror of Emperor Palpatine . The Frontiers , so we ll take the heat .
David - Aug 24
I like it
Michael Larsen - Aug 30
Michael’s Substack
I think conspiracy theory should be a degree in the societal hierachy . But it allready is Michael ! It IS the root of power .
moando - Aug 26
My BIL is an ER doc. He vents & gives remdesiver. At the height of covid he told me he "delights" in venting the unvaxxed because we were causing the epidemic.
This doc is so clueless, he got the last booster + flu shot and had his 26 year old son take it also because the son was going overseas. He had a reaction and even his mother said his looks worsened and hair color changed.
Michael Larsen - Aug 26
Michael’s Substack
Again and again I wonder why the world becomes more and more divided , beyond any sound reasoning . I am a little scared by the intelligence behind the manipulation . Evil energi is steap , vertical , cant sustain it self . Love and care is horizontal , stabil , lasting .
moando - Aug 26
I agree....who knew we would be living in an AUTHENTIC Twilight Zone?
I've had miracle healings from holistic methods and the body is designed to heal itself.
So we're placed on this wonderfland of earth just for some Cosmic Snuff program?
Life's a mystery and it now it's above any recognition.
Mike Hoehn - Aug 22
Mike Hoehn
Seems like the scientific community is coming around. Hmm..thanks to the great Dr Ana !!
psychoNWO - Aug 24
Its being reported by La Quinta Columna that nicotine destroys injectable nanotechnology...
Bee Gee - Aug 25
Bee Gee
It does on the slide but so do a lot of things. An equivalent dose for a human would be lethal.
And all the people that smoke or wear nicotine patches still have the shedding nanotech in their blood, which is further proof it doesnt work the same in people... because raising a humans nicotine level to an equivalent level would be fatal. LQC is just recycling other peoples work from 2 years ago.
David - Aug 24
Good God!!
Robert Sun - Aug 28
Robert Sun
Robert Sun - Aug 27
Robert Sun
Robert Sun - Aug 27
Robert Sun
Woody Norris patents
kitty - Aug 23
Paul Vonharnish
Are 70% of the population including a good amount of children who received these shots now sterile? Is this how the population is reduced to 500 million people by 2030?
T.Perry - Jan 2
It was Professor Bell who said on UK TV that they would be probably looking at 'sterility in 70% of those who get the Covid vaccine" and NO ONE said anything!
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 27
Paul Vonharnish
I know it sounds harsh, but a 70% drop in fertility would be an improvement over the 99% idiocy we are currently expressing... The reduction in population has been programmed since the book of Revelation was ascribed to the artificial god of Abraham.
Rodney Wade - Aug 23
Rodney Wade
It will take a lot more deaths from the injections to get to the 500 million number. It looks like it may happen.
Sandra McL - Aug 22
Sandra McL
Lawsuit failed in California where state made claim to our blood now that it contains State-owned particles! 2024
David - Aug 22
Have you got a link to this?
Sandra McL - Sep 11
Sandra McL
It was 2024, maybe February. Published as news at least. I had a physical copy, but gave it away. I will post when I find it, but you can search, too.
Alanna - Aug 22
please may we have the link too this.
Øystein V - Jan 1
So how can vaccinated and unvaccinated people detox?
Tara Threesix9 - Sep 12
Tara Threesix9
I wonder if Dr. Ana and those in this video could respond to the "deniers" and "debunkers'" allegations that this journal "IJVTPR" is fake and unrecognized by anyone in the medical community - that Dr. Young is unrecognized and that Prof. Broudy is out in left field investigating this as he isn't an immunologist nor a virologist. Thank you!
Linda Tanner - Sep 1
Linda Tanner
Those "spirals" really riveted me because I occasionally see them when I do fecal analysis on our goats.
We found out years ago that most vets think of goats and "throw-away" animals and don't care much for them, thus are of little help, so we have learned to "be our own vet" and always use homeopathic remedies, herbs, essential oils, etc., on them for healing, rather than wasting our time dealing with a veterinarian.
Thus I have done a hundred or more fecal analyses, and have seen not only those "spirals" but also some very long "colored fibers".
I use a standard light microscope, usually view specimens under 400X magnification, so I will never see the nanobot assemblies, but those spirals and long fibers are definitely large enough to see in light microscope.
I have always wondered what they are, and now believe they are part of the geoengineering sprays, as our goats graze outdoors daily on vegetation that has been blanketed with sprays. We use no goat vaccines, and aside from brush and grass, their feed is chopped veggies (like what we eat), so my best guess is that the spirals and fibers we see in goat fecal exams derive from what was sprayed on their paddocks.
And on a related note, I did examine two different brands of contact lens saline solutions and did see long colored fibers-- a few in one drop. I did photograph it and now since one post inquired about where else all this stuff might be hiding, realize it's time to start looking again at saline solutions as well as contact cleaning solution.
Thanks again to Dr. Ana, Dr. Broudy, and Dr. Lee.
Tom Dienes - Aug 30
The Biodigital Convergence Tran…
Great interview! Thanking you both for bringing this knowledge to the public domain!
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