Jul 30, 2024
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Dr Lundstrom, a family dentist, who formerly had contacted me to provide Darkfield Microscopy testing on dental anesthetics, was able to get analysis done at the University of Boulder Colorado - and they confirmed Graphene.
Laura - Jul 30 - Edited
I had a dental extraction last December. Almost exactly 90 days later, I had a heart attack. Yeah, I know. I avoided the extraction for 3 months, until I couldn't avoid it any longer (infection progressed toward the eye). Because I knew... I knew because I had not been vaccinated nor boosted. And I just knew...
Kim - Jul 30 - Edited
I am terribly sorry that happened to you. Thank you, though, for speaking out about your experience and warning others. It could happen to any one of us.
I hope that you are doing better now.
Laura - Jul 30 - Edited
I am fine now. I didn't have sequela from the heart attack. I've had 3 now because of my job, including the first being a widow maker in 2017. The second was June 2020 (just after COVID started, and I was an 'essential worker' doing tasks that were outside the scope of my job description). My last EF in late March was a perfect 65, with no scar tissue whatsoever. I share my secret with those who would wish to know, via Private Message.
Annie Oakley - Jul 31
Annie’s Substack
@ Laura. What is your secret in recovering from these heart attacks?
Phyllis B - Aug 1 - Edited
Phyllis B
I would be interested, too. I tried messaging you but it said "page not found." Sorry to hear about all your troubles.
Laura - Aug 12 - Edited
I can't imagine why I'm not found. The solution I used is Cayenne Oil and Hawthorn berry. Buy Left for Dead by Dick Quinn. Information is also available from Dr. John R. Christopher in the book School of Natural Healing.
Robert D. - Oct 9 - Edited
Robert’s Substack
I love my capsaicin's.. a hot sauce lover here.. and cayenne tops my list.. I too had 2 tooth extractions early in 2023.. before I found out about it from Ana.. I felt a twitch in my eye as I was being injected.. and alarm bells start ringing.. my gut is saying don't accept a second injection that the dentist offered.. Luckily no heart issues have occured aside from occasional heart burn, which I always feel is somehow connected. But I'm not a doctor.. so I really doubt my own instincts, so chalk it up as intuition..
Laura - Aug 9
Comment removed.
Laura - Aug 12
Just to be nice, reference above. I was unavailable for a bit, I wasn't ignoring people. As a "gatekeeper" I choose to help those I choose to help. I've dealt with the egos of enough people to gatekeep if I feel it is necessary. However, in this case, I was dealing with the secondary fallout of the dental procedure -- I had a stroke at the end of July. So, perhaps I'm not the problem here. Just in case this is also needed, 100% recovery. That isn't to say I am clear of additional problems. I still work in an office that is detrimental to my health, surrounded by 16,000+ zombies.
Robert D. - Oct 9
Robert’s Substack
Bless you, for your sacrifices!!
Laura - Oct 9
I may have been premature in believing 100% recovery. I do have a mild struggle with word finding. However, if I am patient enough, I do find the words I need. So, I suspect I lost a few IQ points. I can live with that. A distraction to not find the real blame: the genetic testing shows 1 of 2 genes for Factor V Leiden.
Pam Vernon - Jul 30 - Edited
I had the same experience in terms of the dentals 8 months ago. Knew there was likely something in these from what I had read. But aching tooth, emergency extraction, difficult to find a dentist to do this let alone safe anesthetics. And white coats don't like being questioned - I knew that. I have been told which anesthetic to ask for now. The one that is (hopefully) still safe. I've not had bad adverse effects however I have a chemical smell on my body like those spoken of by the jabbed (I was not jabbed). I have had two tiny lumps appear - don't know if they are related or not.
Here is a link to the post I found on the smell, you need to scroll right down beyond the heading on Shedding to 'The Shedding Odor' :https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-shedding-experiences
EK MtnTime - Jul 30 - Edited
EK MtnTime
Are you going to share this “safe anesthetic” with everyone or is it a secret you are going to keep to yourself?
Pam Vernon - Jul 30 - Edited
I have shared it on other threads (so alarmed I've been at this situation I am in & given it was without informed consent) ... I'm also very aware that its safety days are probably numbered given they are determined to cover all bases. The name of the product is Ubistesin by 3M. I was told around 4 months ago by a reliable source it is the safe one... thus far anyway. Knowing how averse the white coats are to being questioned by us plebs, I have emailed several dentists and asked, (without explaining why) do they use it? Out of 5 or so only two replied and only one uses it. The one who did inject me with the emergency extraction, he said the injection has something in it to help clotting ... so I didn't bleed a lot. Too late of course.
EK MtnTime - Jul 31
EK MtnTime
Thanks so much for the info. I am in need of a new filling and am loathe to getting it done because everything medical these days is contaminated…heck, what isn’t contaminated especially since, at least in the Rockies, the chemtrails daily pollute our skies and then everything it falls down on. Hopefully, I will find a dentist who uses Ubistesin or I can tough it out without any numbing agent.
Pam Vernon - Jul 31
Good luck with it. I concur on the chemtrails... rife here also. I've begun using clove oil on my currently dodgy tooth. It helps a lot. Someone recommended me a site on that topic for self care & teeth. Can't find it, will post if it turns up.
Phar Percheron - Jul 31
Iodine for Horses
Aria Veritas substack, she cured her abscessed tooth
EK MtnTime - Jul 31
EK MtnTime
Thanks. That would be great to have. I will try the clove oil 🙏🏻
Kent - Jul 31
use about a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide and add a qtr teaspoon of baking soda. mix it. swish the mix in and around the aching tooth....let it stay AROUND the tooth area for about a minute so the mixture gets down inside the broken tooth and gums. if its an upper tooth, tilt your head so the solution pools around the troubled area. Spit out after a minute. It doesnt taste good but it works. You'll notice if the solution got into the troubled area, the pain will lesson. If necessary, do it again later. It WORKS and can be used every other day to keep the infection neutralized until you can find a dentist who doesnt use the compromised analgesic. I've used this for years and it has saved me many times from painful misery. it cleans OUT the infection that has gotten in under the tooth.
bshepherd - Aug 5
What kind of Hydrogen Peroxide ? The food grade... there are differing strengths... Or are you referring to the over-the counter stuff from a pharmacy? thanks
EK MtnTime - Jul 31
EK MtnTime
Thanks for the info and advice! Will incorporate it with my routine! Every bit helps!🙏🏻
DrLina - Aug 2
DrLina’s Substack
Try also to get ear acupuncture (acupuncture needles in the ear while the dental procedure is being done) they are tack type very small needles that can be taped in place). It’s is a natural anesthetic. It’s done in China a lot.
EK MtnTime - Aug 2
EK MtnTime
Thanks, I am a fan of acupuncture! I will definitely look in to it!
Fleur - Oct 13
Ubistesin contains graphene, because it is in fact articaine !
Be carefull.
John - Aug 3
Wouldn't it be a lot safer and easier just to use Nitrous and skip the unpleasant numbing anyway?
Pam Vernon - Aug 3
Nitrous? Can you explain?
EK MtnTime - Aug 5
EK MtnTime
Back in our day, Pam, they called it Laughing Gas. That’s a good option for certain!
going2cabo - Aug 9
What I have heard is:
If you find it, let everyone know.
My dentist offers 3 different ones. All with the bad stuff.
bshepherd - Aug 5
You're skeptical.... why not just ask her what it is?
Neve O - Jul 30
Neve O
Hope you stay well.Those tampering with the anaesthetics and of course maiming and killing millions per country with the 'jabs' must be stopped and punished because their goal is to destroy 99% of 'Useless Eaters'. These billionaire psychopaths such as Gates, WEF, and many others have been depopulsting with 'vxeens' for 4, 5 decades at least worldwide. Most or all social systems are bought & so complicit including MSM, government, health care, legal. financial, health, education & more. The only justice seems to be if the people create it themselves.
I am curious about the secret' you me tion and wonder if you will share it - is it about the safe anaesthetic?! I have urgently needed dental treatment for months but have had to avoid...
Pam Vernon - Jul 31
Re a safe anesthetic, I have added one above that I was told of... Ubistesin by 3M. I hope that it is still safe!! I have more teeth to extract. I concur with your comment. We are targets for extermination... right in our faces now tho some still don't see it. Our NZ 'health' (not) system is definitely complicit and the one loud whistle blower they silenced by locking him up for a time & likely intend to again. He was a govt data analyst. The corporation here parading as a govt is still pushing the 'safe & effective'.
Sandal - Jul 31
I'm also searching for safe dental anesthetics. Ubistesin's active ingredient is articaine so I would be inclined to question that.
Pam Vernon - Jul 31
I am keen to hear if you find anything else. That data sheet does look a little concerning. Mind you, when one reads any full data sheet they look the same. Small wonder Doctors are told never to discuss side effects. Can of worms.
Sandal - Jul 31
I've been told lignocaine (lidocaine, xylocaine) or Citanest are probably the better options, or anaesthetic without epinephrine (not sure why that is). It's such a complex situation to navigate as sometimes you have very limited choices if any. I agree a it's a can of worm, alright.
Rlap - Aug 1
Rlap’s Substack
How about freebasing street cocaine to remove impurities and adding saline soulition
John - Aug 3
Nitrous would be a lot safer and easier.
mums - Oct 13
dental ozon therapy withot pain and whatever intervention plus diet with cow meat and butter from cows which eat gras. Try to find ozon dentist
Neve O - Oct 9
Neve O
Thanks. I do worry about tooth issue but I guess it's just part of bigger poisoning the 'plebs' plan which has been, shockingly, going on for at least 150 years, maybe much longer but the psycho billionaires dd not have the technology back then to cull so many so quickly.
Pam Vernon - Oct 10
They're doing way better on the cull now with all the storm tech. Add to that the VXs specially the last one.
Fleur - Oct 13
Be carefull, Ubistesin contains articaïne which has been found containing plenty of graphène particles.
Use Levobupivacaïne instead (someone said here it is the only one without graphène). I just checked five minutes ago its usages, it is possible for dental anaesthesia.
Rlap - Jul 30 - Edited
Rlap’s Substack
Where are the lumps and how big? I have had a few appear on my hands recently
Pam Vernon - Jul 30 - Edited
One is on my forefinger, inside (palm side) just below the second joint, and measures about half a cm across. The other was on my breast, it appeared at first a bit inflamed & nasty so I applied colloidal silver. It's gone down now so may not be the same kind as the other lump which I'm also applying colloidal to now. Interesting yours are on your hands too. I figured it was a strange place for any lump to appear.
Rlap - Jul 30 - Edited
Rlap’s Substack
Agreed, odd. My right hand is palm side about ⅓ the way to my middle finger. Left is palm side 1½ inch below my pinky and inboard a ½ inch, both half the size of a pea. The same place on my phone hits these 2 spots when I switch hands, is the only thing that makes sense at the moment. I have gout so it could possibly be uric acid accumulated, thinking about going to the clinic for a biopsy. I will try colloidal first, seems you have luck with it, I also bought an emf proof case
Pam Vernon - Jul 31 - Edited
Being on my left hand I figure not related to phone as I am right handed. Certainly I've never encountered lumps like these prior to that dental injection. It's been recommended EDTA cream & Methylene Blue. Have not tried yet though.
Rlap - Aug 1
Rlap’s Substack
I found this
Steve Connally - Aug 1 - Edited
Rlap’s Substack
Can you describe the lumps a little bit more. I have some on my left hand along tendons. My father says it's a genetic thing. He has them as well. The odd one is a new one on my left pinky just above the second knuckle. The condition my father has is called Dupuytren’s disease
Rlap - Aug 1
Rlap’s Substack
Mine are along tendons as well, the hand lump started with Pam Vernon. I think I may have found 2 more starting. I'm thinking it may have something to do with where my cell phone hits my hand from high emf possibly, it would be interesting to know where the Antena are. Mine are located where the edge of my cell hits my hand
Steve Connally - Aug 1
Rlap’s Substack
Thanks for responding. Mine are on my left hand and I usually hold my phone in my right. The initial spots are on a tendon for a finger I had reconstructive surgery on but the new one on the pinks is concerning. I've been trying red light therapy and it doesn't seem to help. Considering Sumac oil.
Rlap - Aug 1
Rlap’s Substack
Rlap - Aug 1
Rlap’s Substack
Castor oil pad overnight, DMSO added may be good as well
Rlap - Aug 1
Rlap’s Substack
One gal said colloidal silver topically worked. CS has had rumors of contamination, u can buy a CS generator off Amazon fyi
crystalwhiteraven - Jul 30
crystalwhiteraven’s Substack
Aaaaaaaaannnnnndddd the purportedly safe anasthetic is .... please 🕉
Pam Vernon - Jul 30
now added to my original comment
John - Aug 3
Nitrous Oxide.
karen - Jul 30
What one is safe u was told to ask for??
Pam Vernon - Jul 30
added now to my original comment
Adrian - Jul 30
This green lazer treatment targets lipids, if the nano is in the lipids, would this be helpfull?https://www.emeraldlaser.com
going2cabo - Aug 9
Have you seen the patents on the Lipid Nano packets. They can put all sorts of nasty things in them. HIV. SV40 Cancer cells. Automotive antifreeze. Different types of rubber substance. The doctors doing the tests are finding all of the above and more.
Jeanette Estrada - Jul 31
Jeanette Estrada
Well I had an abscessed tooth, infection went very deep and my jaw was affected. I had tried everything possible to treat it myself, but then had to have it extracted. I knew all of this and I had no choice. He only numbed that tooth, not a nerve block, but it acted like a nerve block and numbed half of my face. It was weeks before the feeling came back and it has been 3 months now and still have numbness in part of my lips and tongue...but what really worries me...what else is going on inside me now? I've started getting bad headaches. Anyone have any advice that will actually help? I'm not able to get chelation therapy here.
Larry Arnold - Jul 31
Larry Arnold
Heavy metals detox might help. Dr. Ana recommends some of the best
Nurse Dan - Aug 1
Nurse Dan
chlorine dioxide tablets in water.
Jeanette Estrada - Aug 1
Jeanette Estrada
TY, but what do you mean exactly? Tablets like those for water treatment, rather than mixing CDS solution?
How much how often...and are there any resources regarding this?
Robert D. - Oct 9
Robert’s Substack
I have a Chlorine Dioxide kit.. you can buy from Amazon.. and its extremely diluted.. 2 pints equals 400 gallons of solution if memory serves.. and its pre- diluted to begin with.. And it is very effective in many ways..
Fleur - Oct 13
It seems your body has difficulty to remove localy the product, and also to detox.
I would say to help the liver because the liver is the one who has the natural ability to perform this kind of detox. So to help the liver, I have already taken lemon juice in the morning with water, before meal. And sylimarine or milk thistle (great for the liver). After two or three weeks of taking sylimarine or milk thistle, I have taken desmodium in order to help the regeneration of the liver.
There are also several audios which can greatly help, from Sapien medecine, on you tube. I use the one against the cirrhosis of the liver: Liver Cirrhosis Treatment ver2.0 (Energetic Video). All his videos are to listen twice in a row, two times a day or once every two days depending the video.
Helping the liver is the best thing to do, always.
Also Zeolite can detox many things....
going2cabo - Aug 1
The bacteria buildup from a needed extraction could have been the cause of the heart issue. Some I hear are using hydrogen peroxide to help put off the inevitable.
Robert D. - Oct 9
Robert’s Substack
I live near Cabo, in LP btw, But I brush my teeth with peroxide and a lil dab of flouride free paste.. daily.. And occasionally take probiotics as well.
Brad - Jul 31
I hear you loud and clear as another of the discriminated against unvaxxed. I have to have a small cist removed in August with local anesthetic. I preparing for this with a detox treatment. I'll initiate this just before this procedure and continue it after. Unlike my EX dentist the surgeon did not abuse me when I questioned and added my concerns about the local's ingredients. Her reply was along the lines of "What can we do otherwise?" I'll suggest to her the nitrous oxide that my new dentist will use in lieu of injecting a local anesthetic.
going2cabo - Aug 9
People needing dental work are in extra quandary. Oral decay can produce a vicious bacteria that attacks areas like the heart. On the other hand, we now know the dental jabs might have mRNA, Lipid Nanotechnology and/or graphene oxide. Russian roulette.
Maggie V - Jul 30
Maggie’s Newsletter
I cant tell you how many times that has happened because they do not notifiy the oral surgeons . I find it in the obitiurary.
Edmond Paré - Jul 31
Edmond Paré
I do not understand. Would you please explain what the "that" is in your "that has happened"; and, the "it" in your "find it in the obituary". -- Thank you
Larry Arnold - Jul 30
Larry Arnold
The graphene oxide has been in the injectable dental anesthesias since 2017. A process has been developed to avoid injecting the graphene oxide from the vial using heat and magnets.
David Nixon - Jul 31
It has been a lot longer than that. I have found evidence of the complex chemistry in a local anaesthetic that was manufactured by Pfizer in 2011. I am doubtful that the heat and magnetic strategy works well enough. But I will test this asap.
Larry Arnold - Jul 31
Larry Arnold
Please let us know the results. Some folks are delaying dental procedures for months while looking for solution to the contamination.
Edmond Paré - Jul 31
Edmond Paré
For months? It's been over a year and a half for me.
crapshoot farmer - Jul 31
crapshoot farmer
La Quinta Columna depuration technique? ...My dermatologist lets me do it before a local anesthetic shot.
curious butterfly - Aug 3
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
How did you explain this to your dentist without them thinking you're crazy? If my dentist thinks I'm crazy I'm afraid he won't want to have me as a patient anymore. Did you tell your dentist you are concerned about self-assembling nanobots in anesthetic or did you approach more from a general perspective of harmful metals?
crapshoot farmer - Aug 3
crapshoot farmer
Dermatologist, not dentist. I mentioned that I had a root canal almost two years ago and I wasn't aware of the poisonous shot at the dentist/or, if I was, I didn't have time to back out of it. Have had zero problems so far.
Maybe the anti nano bucket helps.
As for the magnets/depuration technique if I recall the La Quinta guys said a magnet with 25 kilos of power, which is a lot. I had trouble getting out of the metal chair after I put the magnets in my pocket.,
And I only mentioned the ingredients had metal in them. I doubt if she (Dr.) believed me and just humored me.
MIMICrajkfo - Aug 6
crapshoot farmer
Please explain in detail - magnets in pocket - or on vials of drugs? I have neodymium magnets. Need dental work.
crapshoot farmer - Aug 6
crapshoot farmer
Go to La Quinta Columna site and look up their depuration technique. Short video, named after the two scientists there. I no longer have the link or I'd leave it here. Takes only a few seconds. Pass the magnets down the glass vial from top to bottom 5 times andhhold it at the bottom a couple seconds. Then the dr. (hopefully) draws from the top with the syringe and leaves some of the product at the bottom of the vial.
curious butterfly - Aug 4
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Glad you've not had any problems. I live with someone who gets a regular injection and she is okay. I do a lot of detoxing. She doesn't do anything and neither of us are emitting a MAC address yet.
Jeanette Estrada - Jul 31
Jeanette Estrada
Yes sir, just like geoengineering and all of the latest "inventions" we're told about...they've already been doing it for decades!
karen - Aug 1
Pls let us know. Thanks
FreedomWarriorWoman - Jul 30
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
FYI- I, and Dr. David Nixon, looked at a Marcaine/Bupivacaine expired sample from 2013, manufactured in 2011. The nanobots and other Nanotechnolgoy were still active.
Devi - Jul 30
Discouraging! These demons are so far ahead of us.
Jeanette Estrada - Jul 31
Jeanette Estrada
You know... just like everything else that they tell us they "just invented" but have actually been using for a decade or 2 already!
karen - Jul 31
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
Is there an article on that pls
FreedomWarriorWoman - Jul 31
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
Hi Karen- There is not an article from Dr. David Nixon, because his photos were pre-Substack. But he has he photos from an expired Dental Anesthetic manufactured by Pfizer in 2011 showing Nanotechnology. Here is my post showing Nanotech in its moving/constructing Hydrogel form in an Anesthetic called Marcaine/Bupivacaine, that expired in 2013 (manufactured in 2011):https://unhackableanimal.substack.com/p/ask-your-dentist-if-nanos-are-right-435. Liquid Hydrogel is one of the major components of nanotech, separate from, but works with graphene, visible in the fluorescing graphene quantum dots/nanobots. Under the microscope, you can see these dot building inside the transparent nanofibers etc. The post I did on the expired Anesthetic does not show video of the moving nanobots, but I know I saw them, and should do another test under the scope with that sample and videotape if I can capture them. Hope that helps.
karen - Jul 30
Larry Arnold
So it been in there since 2017 the mrna nanobots??
Larry Arnold - Jul 31
Larry Arnold
Yes, dental anesthetics without the GO are not available in the United States.
FreedomWarriorWoman - Jul 31
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
Nanobots since at least 2011.
crapshoot farmer - Jul 31
crapshoot farmer
Oh, well. Sorry I posted that rec. above.
Black pepper and turmeric are said to relieve pain. Is that where we're going? Sheesh.
John Vargo - Aug 5
John Vargo
How you doing freedom,I've heard Levobupivacaine is not nanu nanu.That's all I've heard about it and that was 2 or 3 months ago.
Devi - Jul 30
Truthseeker’s Substack
Yes, La Quinta Columna has demonstrated that with the magnets where it is pulled to bottom of vial and the doctor can withdraw the “pure(r)”anesthetic from the top of vial.
Truthseeker - Jul 31
Truthseeker’s Substack
How many dentists do you think are even aware of this? Doctors and dentists don't have a clue as to ingredients, and are just as controlled as the medical doctors are. They would probably think we are deranged "conspiracy theorists" if we asked them to put a magnet on the bottom of the vial of anesthetic. 🤪😵💫
It's doubtful they would act on it even if they knew. They would lose their license, their business, their entire livelihood.
I assure you, doctors administrating the c-19 Vax saw the results in their patients. They KNOW, but are controlled by fear of losing their paycheck if they speak out. Do you think dentists are any different? Good luck with that!
Gypsy Queen - Jul 31
Gypsy Queen
Agree. The ADA had a gag order in dentists until mid 2000s re mercury in fillings. I saw a biological dentist in 2003 to remove mine, and he made it clear he was at risk if it was discussed.
Marty - Aug 2
Nano Ordo Mundi
A lot of them must know, but i wouldn't expect most dentists to know how dangerous graphene oxide is for the human body, they're brainwashed into thinking it's safe and don't take the time to do a research. The presence of GO in any anesthetic is unjustifiable and pure malfeasance.
There's a reason they targeted dental anesthetics first, the graphene gets directly to the brain. Imagine walking by a 5G tower with your brain full of graphene oxide.
Dee - Jul 31
Yep! Either they KNOW or are really stupid. Either way not a person I would 100% trust for medical advice.
going2cabo - Aug 1
That kind of makes them no different than the drug pusher on the school yard. People will sell out their mothers if they can make a buck
Devi - Aug 1
My biodentist was aware of the GO in the anesthetics at the point I met him but if he can’t get his hands on it, there is not much he can do. He is truly an exceptional individual and so are some in his group. He used only a 1/4 ampule on the two deeper cavities I had and it worked well and I wasn’t numb after the filling. Pray is powerful. I recite Gene DeCode’s prayer from time to time.
Fre - Aug 1
You could probably do without. Real holistic dentists know.
80 percent of dentistry is OVER treatment. The part that is necessary can be treated for a large part WITHOUT anaesthetics. This is what I (tooth healer and once titled master of science in dissidental surgery) have done for 40 years and described in the new book 'free your smile' . I call this BRACED treatment but the few dentists that are trained to do this follow ideas that are called biometric dentistry. There is a lot more information on the websiteasklepion.academy
SEA - Aug 8
My adult son is due to have a large cavity on a moler in two weeks (Calif).
He is pretty tollerant of pain- what do you suggest in place of an anesthtic for this?
Fre - Aug 8
Find a dentist who is trained in bio- mimetic dentistry without anaesthetics. Will cost at least double the time and the cost of normal dentistry. But long term you might have no dead teeth and need for unnecessary root canal treatment. You can read it al here:www.freeyoursmile.org
FreedomWarriorWoman - Jul 30
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
Unfortunately, other microscopists have tried the magnet method,
and it does Not work : (
crapshoot farmer - Jul 31
crapshoot farmer
I wonder if they used a magnet strength of 50+lbs. If I recall that was the number they used.
I had trouble getting out of my steel chair at the dr.'s office after I put the magnets in my pocket!
MIMICrajkfo - Aug 6
Wonder if neodymium magnets work best ? Any thoughts ?
Edmond Paré - Jul 31
Edmond Paré
Where does the application of heat enter the process?
Misha - Jul 30
Misha’s Substack
So how do we access this great method here in the United States? Who knows, who has the skills and how do you find these people?
Fre - Aug 1
80 percent of dentistry is OVER treatment. The part that is necessary can be treated for a large part WITHOUT anaesthetics. This is what I (tooth healer and once titled master of science in dissidental surgery) have done for 40 years and described in the new book 'free your smile' . I call this BRACED treatment but the few dentists that are trained to do this follow ideas that are called biometric dentistry. There is a lot more information on the websiteasklepion.academy
Ako Merla - Jul 30
Gas Axe - Jul 30
Gas’s Substack
Do you use telegram. If so it available there in Spanish.
Alice - Jul 30
Linda’s Substack
So WHY would graphene and other nano-technology be added to dental anesthetics... Who is the manufacturer? Who would have access to add this...And does this mean that all who had dental work became human subjects of research?
Linda O - Jul 30
Linda’s Substack
GO is in vax for animals as well - I am sure.
I would avoid the vets…
JP Spatzier - Jul 30
JP Spatzier
Yup. Dentists have long been involved in “experimental” questionable stuff
michael janket - Jul 30
michael janket
You are implying that dentists deliberately added graphene to their anesthetics???
Sharing and Caring - Jul 30
Sharing and Caring
Dentists are under such ridiculous rules and regulations, here is one example. A few months back, looking for a new dentist in my area I went in and asked if I could have my teeth cleaned without x-ray. Answer, absolutely not. The receptionist suggested that I drive to Nogales, which is an hour from me. Dentist not at fault, but somebody sure wants to get that Radiation into us. Wonder who that would be?
Edmond Paré - Jul 31
Edmond Paré
Get a new dentist on the younger side (developing a relatively new practice) and work up a rapport with her/him. My dentist knows to no longer suggest a cleaning to me (I don't want to waste a 90 minute drive to Boston for that). Now, I just go into his office and discuss with him what I want done. But, do some research and know what you are talking about. I have a doctorate in human anatomy; so, I'm able to converse with him intelligently (hopefully <g>).
But, you are correct. Dental students are taught to obey almost unquestionably and that carries over later on when it comes to their overlords.
Dee - Jul 31
If you walk in the door and see advertisements all over the place for fluoride then you know they are idiots or very much compromised.
Bicycling Mom - Jul 30
It didn’t get there by accident. But dentists don’t make the anasthetics.
Neve O - Jul 30
Neve O
As we can see, anyone can be bribed it seems - medics of all kinds taking the money and committing genocide even. before 'Covid". Eg UK we discovered years ago ( despite the usual complicit cover'up by MSM) that hospitals were killing many patients using starvation & 'Do Not Resuscitate' signs on tb
their beds. During "Lockdowns' UK gov ordered huge supply of 'Midazolam'and killed at keadt 40 thousan elderly in care homes ( old peoples homes) etc PM Johnson & Health Mi International 'Hancock' often laughing about giving the elderly 'a good death'
Depopulation has been the agenda of the least and most powerful for at least a century - they do not hide their plans as much recently eg club of worlds richest and most powerful the 'World Ec onomic Forum'UK and other Royals part of this especially UK 'Charles' & now his son 'William'. Global Democide, Genocide ongoing
John Vargo - Aug 5
John Vargo
That's true,I was frequency targeted in a small town emergency room hospital to accept a jab in the ass(Tetanus I think)I don't think I have ever been angrier in my life,that was about 4 yrs ago.I thought about doing my own depopulation.
Truthseeker - Jul 31
Truthseeker’s Substack
Dentists don't add it. Big Pharma manufactures whatever they please in ANY injectable drugs, including dental and veterinary.
If people would research the ingredients in the injectable drugs they take, they would be sickened!!
And they shoot these toxic abominations directly into their blood stream!
Does anyone read the package insert that comes with these drugs? Ask the pharmacist for it, because your doctor sure won't give it to you, and doesn't have a clue what is in them...same with dentists and veterinarians. Pfizer, Merck, Eli Lilly, Moderna, Johnso and Johnson, etc. make all the drugs on the market. ALL of them, including over the counter drugs.
Gary - Jul 31
Truthseeker’s Substack
Following along with this thread. Please share with us if there are alternatives to injecting anesthetics? How can I avoid this but still get dental care?
Truthseeker - Jul 31
Truthseeker’s Substack
Gary, I don't know of anything as effective for anesthetic. Back before the "caines" came into existence, they used Laudanum, which is an opioid drug. Also Ether, but that has to be very carefully controlled. Some dentists still use "laughing gas" aka Nitric Oxide. That's very effective for pain, and doesn't have terrible side effects of you are relatively healthy. Not to be used with heart disease, asthma or COPD patients. But otherwise is safe. Getting your dentist to use it is another matter. They make money on the other drugs they use...big pharma gives them kickbacks for using them.
Gary - Jul 31
Thank you. I’m not sure what to do. It’s beginning to feel like Russian roulette.
John Vargo - Aug 5
John Vargo
Yeah,laughing gas and quaaludes,maybe a little street angel dust.
Fre - Aug 1
80 percent of dentistry is OVER treatment. The part that is necessary can be treated for a large part WITHOUT anaesthetics. This is what I (tooth healer and once titled master of science in dissidental surgery) have done for 40 years and described in the new book 'free your smile' . I call this BRACED treatment but the few dentists that are trained to do this follow ideas that are called biometric dentistry. There is a lot more information on the websiteasklepion.academy
Aminata Diouf - Jul 31
Aminata Diouf
Not the dentist.Or did you think the doctor added the graphene in the so called vaccines before he inject to the human?The companys,make it they are rolled by this evil people like Gates or Obama etc.......
JP Spatzier - Jul 30
JP Spatzier
Check out Nonvaxer420 on Rumble. They post science videos
Laura - Jul 30
Anesthetics, insulin, Humera, anything injectable. It's being found in soda.
Michael Folks - Jul 30
Michael’s Substack
I suspect Foods, Toothpastes, Mouthwashes, Water...
Misha - Jul 30
Misha’s Substack
going2cabo - Aug 1
michael janket - Jul 30
michael janket
It's called sabotage........
Linda O - Jul 30
Linda’s Substack
The info is here:
Love_Learning - Jul 30
going2cabo - Aug 9
Technically, since Gates owns some of the patents on some of the self assembling graphene Nanobots, you may now fall under his patent as a new being.
going2cabo - Aug 1
Graphene Oxide has thousands of miracle uses. Unfortunately the Eugenicists of the world have decided it best to kill us with it instead. BTW, 5G is a military weapon and has little to do with cell phones. Wake up. Stand up. Speak up.
Nona 104 - Jul 30 - Edited
Misha’s Substack
I’m so sorry and maddened that you had to go through this. I’m pretty sure I have 3 cavities but when I heard of the possibility of contamination of dental anesthesia I decided to do the best I could and avoid getting them filled.
You did the right thing because your situation was serious. The responsibility for the results people are incurring are all on the elites. They’ll have to answer to a higher power than themselves when they’re at the end of their lives.
Misha - Jul 30
Misha’s Substack
May I ask what are you going to do with your three cavities? That is always the MAJOR problem....at some time we shall need to deal with cavities, crown, extractions, etc. Does Dr. Ana have a solution? If one has no other alternative, one can do big-time detox afterward, no?
A Walter - Jul 30
Edmond Paré
Curious to know if Dr. Ana has a solution, also. I’ve had a tooth that should be removed since November. Two dentists and an oral surgeon have refused to look into the possibility they may have “tainted” anesthesia. The oral surgeon said there was no such thing.
Ako Merla - Jul 30
Edmond Paré
Edmond Paré - Jul 31
Edmond Paré
What is the make and model and the name of the device shown at the beginning of the video which has the square red button on its lower front and has the one hole at it's top to hold the vial vertical?
Also, what is the make and model of the thermostat/temperature unit which has capacity for three anesthsia vials? -- Thank you.
Maggie V - Jul 30
Maggie’s Newsletter
going2cabo - Aug 1
Dentists are paid incentives for using certain drugs. If it weren’t for these incentives many would be out of business.
Nona 104 - Jul 31
Chris’s Substack
I’m using a Waterpik every night to make sure no food particles get stuck in my teeth. I started brushing with a tooth powder I found on the internet. Since using this for about 2 months I can bite down without pain. I’m going to continue to use the tooth powder and be careful what I eat- limited to no sugar to make the cavities worse. This is the Healing Tooth Powder recipe:
4T Bentonite clay
3T Diatomaceous earth
1 capsule activated charcoal powder
1T Organic ground cinnamon
1T Organic cloves
1T Organic ground nutmeg
1 T Xylitol powder-optional
Stir together and store in a jar with a lid. Use 1-2 times/day as needed.
* If it’s too gritty for you put a dab of natural toothpaste on your toothbrush first, wet the brush slightly and then dip the end of the brush in the tooth powder. Then brush as you normally would. Rinse your mouth well.
I hope this helps keep you all away from the dentist
Chris - Jul 31
Chris’s Substack
Start eating raw animal product only and no unnecessary sugar and you won’t have to deal with cavities ever again. Brush with coconut oil
Chris - Jul 31
Chris’s Substack
Primitives on their natural diet almost never got dental caries or had crooked teeth
Chris - Jul 31
Chris’s Substack
Read Dr Weston Price DDS
Aminata Diouf - Jul 31
Aminata Diouf
So ridiculous most people need a dentist for the rest of their lives or have you never been to the dentist because you use your miracle powder mix? so ridiculous
Nona 104 - Aug 1
I have gone to the dentist but because I take care of my teeth I haven’t had issues until lately. I’m 64 years old and I was going to the dentist once a year for a cleaning. No X-rays or fluoride treatments. Since Covid I have avoided the dentist when I heard about what was going on with the anesthesia. So having cavities is a guess on my part because I have pain but they may not be cavities.
What I use is not a miracle powder but it has taken the pain and sensitivity away. Maybe that’s ridiculous to you but it’s helped me and hopefully it helps someone else get rid of their pain.
Marty - Aug 2
Nano Ordo Mundi
And colloidal silver as mouthwash too from time to time ...
going2cabo - Aug 1
This sounds pretty amazing and worth a try. Maybe add mint? I was told Chewing 2 cloves per day can help with bad bacteria in the mouth.
Nona 104 - Aug 2
Mint is good to add.
michael janket - Jul 30
michael janket
Acid etch the areas where cavities breached and bond in, as an indirect capping agent, a composite resin. It will seal off the cavity and prevent bacteria from entering and causing the cavity to expand.
dyr - Jul 30
As mentioned on these comments pages a few times and elsewhere , my resin of choice has been alcohol softened bee propolis chunks, covering various needy spots, for >16 years. Also very good are tree resins such as from cedar (thuja), fir. The seals are hardly permanent and need daily even several times daily attending to. Worth it! No dentist seen in all those years. Next to no deterioration - "next to no" means previously unpropolised spots, a few over the years, came to be needing. Side benefits as well, eg nice breath; discolouration is worth lining with considering the alternative...
Kamii Neko - Jul 30
Yes, we face the pain in the moment. It passes, like all pain, unlike the poisons. Clove oil is also an option, as is edible indica cannabis if available/legal.
Sharing and Caring - Jul 30
Sharing and Caring
Daily high doses of Vitamin C, Non-Fluoride Silver Toothpaste, and swishing and swallowing with Colloidal Silver has really helped my oral health. Also, I give my two little (14yr old) Terrier brothers a dropper of the silver daily. Don't trust the Vet's either.
Roger - Aug 1
Roger’s Substack
I had a cataract surgery 10 months ago, they injected an anesthetic just to the right of my right eye. All my symptoms came back, headaches everyday, dizziness, balance issues, shortness of breath and exercise intolerance. Started having gut issues about 6 months ago and that is slowly getting better. I have been detoxing for 2 years now, yes they poisoned me in Nov. 2022 in the hospital when I had atrial flutter. Three moderna jabs in 2021. Yes I'm an idiot, but still alive and slowly getting better. I need a knee surgery and dental work, but holding out on those.
Chris - Jul 31
Chris’s Substack
If you want to turn your general health around for the better and have teeth so strong as take a full one punch from Mike Tyson and still have a pretty smile I would suggest you drink raw milk by the gallon!
Truthseeker - Jul 31
Truthseeker’s Substack
No. You don't even know what is in them. Some things, like Lipid Nanoparticles ensure that plasmid viral particles become incorporated into your DNA. With spike proteins, they can't be "killed" or fully removed from your cells.
Janet Gernand - Jul 31
Janet Gernand
I was wondering the same thing. I have two teeth that need to be extracted. I’ve been putting it off because of this. What are we to do and how can we fight this to stop it? Any idea, Dr. Ana?
crapshoot farmer - Jul 31
crapshoot farmer
Too bad Dr. Ana does not answer your question. She will not take 5 min. and scan her own comments and offer minimal help.
We are her supporters. Oh, I forgot, those who pay for expensive EDTA chelation and her related treatments ARE her supporters.
We're cattle trying to find out own solutions.
Sorry, but I'm feeling cynical about this substack.
John Vargo - Aug 5
John Vargo
Just about the first time I disagree with you,takes a long time to read the comments section especially when so many are worthless!It's up to us to figure it out.Colorado confirmed what she and others said many months ago.Dr.Ana is one of the best of the best,that's my opinion.
crapshoot farmer - Aug 6
crapshoot farmer
John, I agree that she is one of the best of the best.
But it would be nice if she moved forward on making those who will never visit her clinic and point out what works for the general population as far as ridding the bloodstream of nanos, etc.
If I still lived on the Pacific Northwest I'd definitely consider going to her clinic. Except for one big reason and that is she has not shown the results after a period of time, say, 6 months or a year.
If the treatment works, great, but for long? If reinfected in 30 days, 90 days, is that good enough?
John Vargo - Aug 6
John Vargo
Best we are going to get and that's doing well i think.We have to accept this information might be true or is true,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Genetic_Modification_of_Human_DNA
going2cabo - Aug 1
Bacteria from decay can be as bad. Some are using hydrogen peroxide to delay
Linda O - Jul 30 - Edited
Linda’s Substack
Unless your cavities are very severe, you can get them filled without anaesthetic. I have had a few done. It is more a momentary annoyance than an excruciating pain.
I really dislike the ‘numbness’.
Gordie Lawrence - Jul 31
Agree I never get jabbed for a filling but an extraction would be a challenge.
Rlap - Jul 30
Rlap’s Substack
Look up Barbra oniel and others about tooth repair themselves, she says they are like all other bones in the body and they repair, follow what she recommends
Marty - Aug 2
Nano Ordo Mundi
Have you heard about the use of colloidal silver for dental health by using it as a mouthwash ? It's actually very good to manage cavities because cavities are caused by bacteria and plaque.
"Truth be told, experienced colloidal silver users have long known that simply swishing a little bit of colloidal silver around in the mouth for several minutes after each brushing can promote superb oral hygiene and produce phenomenal healing benefits in the teeth and gums as well."
bats3697 - Jul 30
Susan Skinner - Jul 30
Susan’s Newsletter
Gosh, they are going to be so surprised when they meet God face to face. They will cry out and shiver as He throws them into the “ Eternal Lake of Fire” It is written…. Eternity is forever.
These evil people have no clue because they know nothing about God! God gives us so many opportunities to know Him. We are born knowing right from wrong. Be cheerful. We will never hear about or see evil in Heaven. I feel it won’t be crowded in Heaven.
Neve O - Jul 30
Neve O
God or not, billions ard being killed so we need to take action not just sit around waiting for possible justice in a possible afterlife
Maggie V - Jul 30
Maggie’s Newsletter
I have been trying to comment on here.
I work in an oral surgery office and dan tell you DO NOT TAKE ANY INJEDTIONS.
My last 3 comments never made it here so IDK if this one will. I can verifty where I work.
Bicycling Mom - Jul 31
Maggie’s Newsletter
Maggie V - Jul 31
Maggie’s Newsletter
La Quita Columbia showed GO in all samples of anesthetics and botos and juviederm. I am not sure it I correctly spelled there organizaion.
Marty - Aug 2
Nano Ordo Mundi
It's "La Quinta Columna" (it means "the Fifth Column" in spanish).
I think you meant Juvéderm.
John Vargo - Aug 5
John Vargo
Well about 4 yrs ago I was frequency targeted to take a jab in my ass when I was in an emergency room hospital.Tetanus shot that one of the male nurses was obviously pushing.
S R 3 J 0 - Jul 30
Neve O
Here in Spain we have a list of dentists that use a special technique for move the graphene to the bottom of the recipient using magnets. So they insert only the part above without graphene.
TimeIsNear - Jul 30
Neve O
Lucky you. The majority of our dentists and doctors are retards in America.
Neve O - Jul 30
Neve O
Same in UK - the money is all they want.
TimeIsNear - Jul 30
Same here. They don't care about anything except money.
Sneekyneek - Aug 4
Goeff - Jul 31
You are much too kind.
S R 3 J 0 - Jul 31
Here is the same. The smart dentists are 50 only in all the country. Yes, is better than nothing. Here there is the list :https://www.laquintacolumna.info/noticias/lista-dinamica-de-clinicas-odontologicas-despiertas/
Marty - Aug 2
Nano Ordo Mundi
Dentist (talking to the patient in his mind): "Please wait just a second, i need to use a magnet first to isolate the deadliest parts of the anesthetic from the vial, then i'll inject you the rest of the toxic junk floating above that isn't magnetic".
"Thanks, Doc"
S R 3 J 0 - Jul 30
They insert in your mouth I mean.
Skupe - Jul 30
Anyone who has considered doing Invisalign, a reminder that they won't tell you is that your teeth could loosen like mine did. Using a remineralizing tooth powder now for brushing has saved me $600 and no loss of teeth.
Elke - Jul 30
Elke’s Substack
What remineralizing tooth powder did you use?
Skupe - Jul 30
Shine byOraWellness.comAlso spend some time on the site learning, as there is a lot there.
Chris - Jul 31
Chris’s Substack
Raw milk!
JP Spatzier - Jul 30
JP Spatzier
Neve O - Jul 30
Neve O
Thanks - do all braces like Invisalign do this I wonder?Hope your teeth recover - hope you can sue them
Skupe - Jul 30
If you read my other comments you would see that I now use remineralizing tooth powder to brush with. It tightened them up right away. It depends on how much bone there is on whether it happens or not. When I was 12 and first had braces, I had more bone.
Skupe - Jul 30 - Edited
Although it's often double or triple the price, going to a holistic dentist is always worth it.
Misha - Jul 30 - Edited
Misha’s Substack
What do they do DIFFERENTLY? Not one of these holistic dentists has let me know!
Misha - Jul 30 - Edited
Misha’s Substack
OK, here is what a Dallas holistic dentist has just emailed me: "With regards to the anesthetic. The way we get around the problems associated with anesthetics is we have a compounding pharmacy that mixes a buffered procaine that we can use for anesthesia. I am familiar with the links you shared and we have looked at some of our anesthetics under a microscope and have not seen any signs of graphene. But to be as safe as possible it would be best to use the buffered procaine that we have compounded"
Maggie V - Jul 31
Maggie’s Newsletter
STOP. I work in oral surgery and they have to do their own work
I am tired of people asking me "source" or "where do I find this".
ALL INJECTIONS ARE POISON. "this is a fictional story and is not true".
I had a woman spend $1700 on botox and die two days later. This, of course, is a fictional story and not true.
Rlap - Jul 30
Rlap’s Substack
Please send me as well
Misha - Aug 3
Misha’s Substack
HOLISTIC DENTIST - Since many of you requested this info:www.ecodentalwellness.com, Dr. Marshall Olson, Biological Dentist in Irving, TX, 75063, (close to Dallas, TX) - Inquiries - 469-639-0209. He says "No Insurance, No problem." This refers to what I posted last week.
Misha - Aug 10
Misha’s Substack
Did Rlap and Lisa get my info on Marshall Olson? Please let me know
Misha - Aug 10
Misha’s Substack
Did Rlap and Lisa get my info on Marshall Olson? Please let me know
Elaine Urban - Jul 30 - Edited
liza s
Could you possible send me a prescription for this anesthetic to share with my provider? I had part of an old mercury filling break off that needs to be removed promptly. Would very much appreciate it. Thank you.
liza s - Jul 31 - Edited
liza s
me too I am postponing mercury amalgams removal
I heard that septodont usa makes a a clean product
@elaine im in same boat as you= if you find any could we keep in touch
Elaine Urban - Jul 31
Neve O
Before I had cataract surgery, I was given Valium. It worked great. No pain or anxiety. If I can't find a certified source of a clean injectable anesthetic, I may try Valium again. With being subdued, the pain would at least be less. I'd rather have some pain than horrible regret for giving in. It's also good to start drinking Fiji water. It detoxes your body. This is day 4 of probable mercury leaking in my system and was feeling punk. The Fiji water seemed to really help. I'd love to keep in touch and share info. I was hoping for some direction from Ana. May all go well for you.
Neve O - Jul 31
Neve O
I need a few pieces of broken tooth removed from my gums! Valium might not work enough also the bits are deeply embedded. Happened months ago but do not want the dental injection...Mouth, tooth health is linked to heart health it seems & bisy health ingeneral.soI need to find a solution. Luckily it dies not hurt but....
liza s - Jul 31
liza s
So Fiji supposedly has microplastics i checked on oasis water on IG, Its better to make silica rich water
liza s - Jul 31
liza s
can you provide the dentists name from dallas..
Misha - Aug 3
Misha’s Substack
HOLISTIC DENTIST - Since many of you requested this info:www.ecodentalwellness.com, Dr. Marshall Olson, Biological Dentist in Irving, TX, 75063, (close to Dallas, TX) - Inquiries - 469-639-0209. He says "No Insurance, No problem." This refers to what I posted last week.
liza s - Aug 7
liza s
Have you had work done by him/.
Misha - Aug 10
Misha’s Substack
To Lisa s - Yes, he took out three root canals, left Keller where he was working from, but now is in Irving, near Dallas.
going2cabo - Aug 1
Cannot be seen with a regular scope
Gypsy Queen - Jul 31
Gypsy Queen
I had cracked molars extracted years ago with a biological dentists that used acupuncture for the pain. Worked very well!!
Skupe - Jul 30
They insist on you taking vitamin C to bowel tolerance and other supplements before the extraction appointment but you can do that with any dentist, once you are aware of it. They use safer materials as well.
Danny Weiss - Jul 30
I had the unpleasant experience of going in for an extraction and finding that the dental anesthetic did not get me numb. This happened on two consecutive visits to the dentist separated by several weeks. I then discovered that vitamin C, which I had loaded up on prior to my dental appointments, inhibits the anesthetic from working.
I am very concerned with the amount of graphene oxide that may have been injected with the dental anesthetic.
As a post script, I have not had that tooth extracted and have successfully treated the infection with vitamin C and magnesium citrate mixed with MCT coconut oil held in the mouth bathing the tooth 2X/day. I’ve also used and continue to use essential oils on my teeth and gums which eliminates all tartar and plaque. The tooth that was to be extracted is now infection-free.
Skupe - Jul 30
Coconut oil MCT is great and I have been sticking with C8 MCT oil for my keto plan. It would work well with what you are doing.
karen - Jul 30
What essential oils did u use to remove plaque??. Thansk
dyr - Jul 30
See my comments here and elsewhere re propolis. When I am neglectful to pack in the propolis (alcohol softened from chunks) maybe once a year or two over 16 it has happened that some pathogenic factor has entered and caused the beginnings of painful inflammation - every single time repeated and timely application of colloidal silver eliminated the problem. Be prepared tho' for some pain due to the 'Herxheimer effect" of accumulation until it is escorted away from within.
Beth Burton - Jul 30
Beth Burton
Hi, which specific essential oils are you using, i.e. myrrh, lemongrass, etc..
Heather - Jul 30
Thank you Dr. Ana for the comprehensive compilation on tainted injections.
Gary - Jul 31
Misha’s Substack
Please tell me what they offer as alternatives to these jabs etc. thank you!
Misha - Aug 3
Misha’s Substack
HOLISTIC DENTIST - Since many of you requested this info:www.ecodentalwellness.com, Dr. Marshall Olson, Biological Dentist in Irving, TX, 75063, (close to Dallas, TX) - Inquiries - 469-639-0209. He says "No Insurance, No problem." This refers to what I posted last week:
'OK, here is what a Dallas holistic dentist has just emailed me: "With regards to the anesthetic. The way we get around the problems associated with anesthetics is we have a compounding pharmacy that mixes a buffered procaine that we can use for anesthesia. I am familiar with the links you shared and we have looked at some of our anesthetics under a microscope and have not seen any signs of graphene. But to be as safe as possible it would be best to use the buffered procaine that we have compounded." '
going2cabo - Jul 31
Ana. Are you aware of a dental injectable that does not have this garbage in it? I asked my dentist what they use and all 3 options have the garbage in it.
Paul Wilke - Jul 31
I emailed the company that makes Septocaine and asked them if there was graphene oxide in their carpules but they did not respond. So I bought four very powerful ring magnets and now I place each carpule through the magnet three times drawing any graphene toward the rear plunger. Then I use about 2/3 of each carpule and discard the rest. I am not aware of any problems with my patients before or after using this technique. Thanks for this article Dr Ana Maria. Paul G Wilke DDS
pJ Hoover - Jul 31
pJ Hoover
Found out 3 yrs ago that graphene is also used as the hardening agent in the dental implants they are placing in every mouth that doesn't know! My Dentist fired me and said he doesn't need a Conspiracy next spotting lies in his waiting room!
I wear it as a bridge of Fearless Hunting!
dyr - Jul 31
Neve O
I feel I should spell out more of my "protocol" that has worked well for me for now >16 years, apart from just dropping hints in replies to comments here. This dental thing seems to matter a whole lot for very many. Some might take up what I do and am very grateful for all these years, to maintain chewing power with no real further deterioration for so long, may it continue as long and longer. It does take diligence. This is for plugging problem spots in lieu of seeking dental fillings etc. even to be considered in a bad overall situation as mine seemed to the one dentist I was encouraged to see back when, who did not recommend anything but encouraged my pursuit of a programme to arrest what was occurring.
I won't get into more background, just some details of things relied on:
Bee propolis chunks softened to the right consistency in vodka. if too wet or too dry, does not work or work well. Dry is easy to fix by exposing to alcohol; too much alcohol is fixed by allowing to evaporate some. When purchasing do examine for foreign matter esp. paint bits I have found on occasion, likely from beekeeper scraping propolis from painted containers. I use a 10x magnifier.
Tea, as in camelia sinensis, esp. a black or twig version but others usually okay (as is plain water, but tea has other benefits, incl. plentiful fluoride). This is to thoroughly and vigourously rinse after eating esp. if any propolis plugs have become dislodged, as happens a lot. Repeatedly with every mouthful of tea as felt needed. This rinsing is very important. The maintenance in re-plugging even if several times daily, is not much and I'd bet does not exceed many people's time spent brushing teeth etc. Also, what seems like a dauntingly big hole to tongue feel, you'll see is really usually tiny based on the propolis quantity needed to plug - it is not hard at all to get used to this "protocol".
No toothbrushing or toothpaste. Ever in >16 years. Quit when I got serious about this "protocol".
Beeswax can be used to help plug larger holes. I use in one or two spots which being deeper are less frequently needing re-plugging, chewing or otherwise warming to softness the wax first to put in 1st then sealing with the sticky propolis. Always your tongue is your best oral instrument to check goings on, and to assist with plugging . Also finger pressure through skin helps at times to get things in place right and tight. Plugs that have not come loose or degraded after some days should be replaced anyway, my practice. I used to be assiduous about this, but have found a week or two can go by without real need, so I am more relaxed about that in recent years, but less so if having eaten animal food like meat or fish. Depends also on whether the plug is lateral, e.g., or more easily and thus regularly dislodged on tooth crowns.
If ever a pathogenic factor does get in (as has happened to me maybe average once every year or two from neglect to plug promptly enough or whatever), always have colloidal silver on hand to use orally (promptly at slightest feeling something is off like that) over the place it hurts, repeated several times until you sense it's over. This has ALWAYS worked for me. A bit of a swollen hurt should ensue nearby, a gathering of what your body will expel from the defeated inflammation, does not last that long.
The propolis used repeatedly will stain some. But fresh breath, other benefits to propolis incl. likely from incidental ingestion that occurs, not to mention the main reason being avoidance of harmful professional practices, make it most worthwhile, if quite different from one's usual ways and assumptions. If now is not a time to reconsider many things seriously...
Feel free to message me for further elaboration. That I tout this so is due to my gratitude for what it has done for me, perhaps now some others, too, will be inspired.
Flossing can be quite useful, esp if needed to prep a spot for plugging. Some very acidic things like apple or rice or balsamic vinegars used have no effect, but some like sour apples do easily degrade the propolis necessitating replugging (after rinse!).
(Kombucha be careful about re dental erosion, but it is great for gut benefit.)
One more thing: at times I have used in lieu of propolis fir and cedar resin directly, if still in relatively fresh adhering form (no alcohol needed). Very pleasant as well.
For young children this seems not. But that dentist I mentioned was something of a dissident re pediatric dentistry, esp. i think re needless interventions for teeth that will soon fall out normally anyway.
Reconsideration and diligence are key.
dyr - Jul 31
Two other things maybe to add:
I always carry a very small container with readied propolis and a tiny twig to dispense (very sticky, part of the point) if needed when away from home. Vigilance & diligence required.
There has been some suspicion about purity of propolis, and that to an extent is valid. Bees have been known to grab road tar if needed, for example. One does encounter various things , eg tiny bits bees would enclose to protect their hive of stuff that might get in, or incidental stuff from packer's handling. But in alcohol these do not dissolve or soften so are recognizable and removable. Sometimes excess wax is among the propolis chunks, no prob as mentioned wax-propolis combo is good, cheaper. The whole care thing tho' this way costs pennies a day, even if outlay for say a lb of propolis seems high. We are dealing with teensy if essential quantities.
Rina - Jul 31
Fluoride??= neurotoxin
Neve O - Jul 31
Neve O
Thanks Why no toothbrush? I can understand 'no toothpaste' give the fluoride.
dyr - Jul 31
Fluoride in tea good.
Mentioned in another comment, i do not think even the mild abrasions good, also takes away good with undesirable, other ways to do it, plastic usually miniscule bits coming free no good, just to be different (joking) etc
MyTooSents - Jul 30
Neve O
The next time you go to the dentist, have the dentist sign a wavier that the anesthetics is free of graphene.
Neve O - Jul 31
Neve O
Hood idea butbtgey would refuse no doubt & say that it is deranged to think the anaesthetic is unsafe.
going2cabo - Aug 1
They will something brilliant like,”it is ADA approved”.
Michael Folks - Jul 30
Michael’s Substack
Is it possible our free wills can be lost? Not realizing we've become Cyborgs? Marching to thr commands given by the 5G, and higher G cell networks?
Neve O - Jul 30
Neve O
Yes it can be and is an important goal of the bilioniaire psychopaths committing genocide globally for a century at least. Before nano tech it was not as easy to kill billions so quickly...Schwab, head of WEF and others like him ( UK royal Charles mentored by Schwab for decades) openly writes, says that billions must die and those left must have their minds fully linked to tech etc. Schwab stepping down it seems so new WEF leader will take over.
John Vargo - Aug 6
John Vargo
It's like this,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Genetic_Modification_of_Human_DNA
Denise - Jul 30
Great! And love how dentists think you’re crazy for asking about this. Are we not supposed to get dental work now? WTF? Are there any recommendations for what to do to avoid the graphine when dental work is necessary? Thanks!
Misha - Jul 30
Misha’s Substack
OK, here is what a Dallas holistic dentist has just emailed me: "With regards to the anesthetic. The way we get around the problems associated with anesthetics is we have a compounding pharmacy that mixes a buffered procaine that we can use for anesthesia. I am familiar with the links you shared and we have looked at some of our anesthetics under a microscope and have not seen any signs of graphene. But to be as safe as possible it would be best to use the buffered procaine that we have compounded"
Neve O - Jul 30
Neve O
I live in UK! But maybe a holstic dentist here...If I mention the nano, graphene in anything, people do not believe usually - probably dentists also sceptical here. Dentists cost a lot and the standard is often low.
Sneekyneek - Aug 4
Alexandra - Jul 30
Alexandra’s Substack
Laura - Jul 30
Biodentists is my recommendation
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