We've known that these bio-weapon artery BLOCKERS ('clots' is NOT the right word to use), keep growing outside of the body; we've known this, early on. Mike Adams (aka The Health Ranger; Natural News; creator/owner ofBrighteon.com[social media website]), was testing these things, a few years ago, in his certified lab, and these things kept growing, in test tubes, in the fridge/freezer.
I cannot remember where Mike had stated, that the samples of the 'blockage material' that he'd been testing in his Lab, grew in his viles.......I can't remember if he stated this on his Health Ranger Report podcast, or on InfoWars, or elsewhere......but he DID state this fact. If someone else wants to search/find that video, please do, because I just don't have the time to do so.
I did find this video (where it was NOT mentioned).......
Mike Adams reveals shocking LAB RESULTS of post-vaccine CLOTS that are killing millions
Mike hasn't gone anywhere. Yes.....he was the first to be banned/kicked off of all of Corporate Social Media, all of those years ago, but as soon as THAT happened.....he created HIS OWN (NO CENSOR/FREE SPEECH) Social Media websites.
Mike's Channel, on HIS Brighteon, (video) social media site, is :https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hrreport
Then there is his Brighteon 'wastebook'/'TWIT-er' type social media site :https://brighteon.social/web/timelines/home
Brighteon/BrighteonSocial and Gab are THE ONLY TWO social media sites that will 'fight to the death' for NO CENSOR/FREE SPEECH on their sites! They will NOT cave, to the EVIL Globalists' bullshit!
They are doing a study injecting hamsters, to look for the detox protocol, as well as coagulation cascade and most of all the neurological symptoms that the hamsters are developing.
When do the arrests begin? When will the criminals responsible for this, the most appalling and monstrous crime in human history, be held to account? When do the executions commence? Those executions must be public, and televised: Nothing less is adequate.
While modes of execution such as "burning at the stake", "the gibbet" or "crucifiction" are entirely appropriate I personally favour the Guillotine, no ambiguity, no possibility of faking it, and an entirely undeserved element of compassion pertains. 🤔
“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities of darkness . . .”
The real perpetrators of this crime are the powers and principalities of darkness behind the flesh and blood frontmen.
In a situation like that we can't wait for any lakes of fire after we are dead .The crimes are committed now and here and the punishment must be here and now .What are our so called LEADERS waiting for,a revolution ?? If that is what it takes ,we should have started yesterday .Fighting for our life must be carried out by all the means possible .
When are you going to tell people they ARE ALIVE and have fingers, and move????
Listen for yourself. From Jeff Rense .............>https://t.me/DrrpbertYoungchat/18382
Intelligence courtesy of your boy!!!!!........#Agentmidnightrider
I wasn’t able to find the full Rense podcast referenced in that brief video, and am still searching for it, but it is part of a longer discussion about the jabs having alien technology in this 1 hr 15 min video.
The cat is now well and truly out of the bag, thanks to your good self and other brave souls prepared to blow the whistle on the COVID gene altering injections masquerading as vaccines.
Since the rollout, never-before-seen large - and clearly potentially lethal - rubbery white clots and "coffee ground" microclots have been found clogging the veins and arteries of the mRNA-jabbed across the world..
In this interview with UK YouTube Dr John Campell, US researcher Major Tom Haviland reveals the shock results of a comprehensive survey of embalmers - and displays samples of rogue clots flushed from victims bodies. Not for the fainthearted, but essential viewing before the censors strike.
Rubbery Clot Aliens found in YOUR HINEY HOLE after sitting for over 24 hours but Not #AgentMidnightRider and #AgentNightNurse.. and they let their blood sit for OVER A WEEK. And it STILL was BEAUTIFUL son. How did we do it??? .....OBSERVE ......https://rumble.com/v372wj2-ph-miracle-and-cbd-detox-test-of-covid-vaccine-and-shedding-injuries.html
I'm no Dr, clinician or pregnant women :), just a civilian. So not giving you medical advice, however maybe something like activated charcoal is worth investigating further. Dr's such as (Dr Robert Young)https://www.drrobertyoung.comor Dr Andreas Kalcker (CDS) may have some answers or you may find something else here:http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/index.shtmlHope you find the help you are looking for. Good luck :)
The natural sources of these recommendations are:
Nattokinase from natto (japanese fermented soybeans can be found in little boxes in Asian supermarkets)
Bromelain from pineapple (not advised for pregnant women because it may induce labour)
Curcumin from tumeric (there are some tumeric caffeine-free teas at the natural tea section)
Apparently cath-labs have been finding the polymer clots in living patients but not coming out with it publicly. This is disturbing, knowing how much is hidden and precious time lost that could have been used to seek solutions...https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/are-the-embalmers-clots-occurring
Hi Dr Ana,
I was looking at your Methalane blue and noticed it contains NANO gold. Why? Couldn't nano gold build up in the brain or elsewhere since it's nano-sized?? I've read in literature we really don't want to ingest metals at nano scale or really much if anything at nanoscale since it bypasses barriers.
Thank you!
Thank you Ana for sounding the alarm for the individuals that did not receive the Clot Shot and are being affected by the people that did. Thank you! Thank you!
Yes a few of us known they continue to grow in dead tissue, which is so disturbing. This is one hell of a maniacal Bioweapon... Must've taken at least 10 or 15 years to formulate this super poison.. Maybe three or four labs all working on it simultaneously?
DawnieR - Feb 8, 2024 - Edited
We've known that these bio-weapon artery BLOCKERS ('clots' is NOT the right word to use), keep growing outside of the body; we've known this, early on. Mike Adams (aka The Health Ranger; Natural News; creator/owner ofBrighteon.com[social media website]), was testing these things, a few years ago, in his certified lab, and these things kept growing, in test tubes, in the fridge/freezer.
Sandy K - Feb 9, 2024 - Edited
Sandy K
Do I understand that these things continue growing AFTER they are removed from the body?
Capt. Roy Harkness - Feb 8, 2024
Capt. Roy Harkness’ Substack
Reply (1) - Feb 9, 2024
Comment removed.
DawnieR - Feb 9, 2024
I cannot remember where Mike had stated, that the samples of the 'blockage material' that he'd been testing in his Lab, grew in his viles.......I can't remember if he stated this on his Health Ranger Report podcast, or on InfoWars, or elsewhere......but he DID state this fact. If someone else wants to search/find that video, please do, because I just don't have the time to do so.
I did find this video (where it was NOT mentioned).......
Mike Adams reveals shocking LAB RESULTS of post-vaccine CLOTS that are killing millions
Seeking Truth - Feb 9, 2024
Seeking Truth
where has Mike Adams been? And what does he recommend for stopping this?
DawnieR - Feb 9, 2024
Mike hasn't gone anywhere. Yes.....he was the first to be banned/kicked off of all of Corporate Social Media, all of those years ago, but as soon as THAT happened.....he created HIS OWN (NO CENSOR/FREE SPEECH) Social Media websites.
Mike's Channel, on HIS Brighteon, (video) social media site, is :https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hrreport
Then there is his Brighteon 'wastebook'/'TWIT-er' type social media site :https://brighteon.social/web/timelines/home
Brighteon/BrighteonSocial and Gab are THE ONLY TWO social media sites that will 'fight to the death' for NO CENSOR/FREE SPEECH on their sites! They will NOT cave, to the EVIL Globalists' bullshit!
DawnieR - Feb 9, 2024
Almost forgot.......Mike still has hisNaturalNews.comsite.
Keyesgood - Feb 8, 2024
Keyesgood’s Substack
We have to win this war ,
Solo - Feb 8, 2024
They are doing a study injecting hamsters, to look for the detox protocol, as well as coagulation cascade and most of all the neurological symptoms that the hamsters are developing.
Boostershots - Feb 10, 2024
Interesting. Do you have a link or the title of that study?
Solo - Feb 10, 2024
I believe they are now doing the study, Dr Philip Mc MILLAN Substack is where they said it’s happening.
Boostershots - Feb 10, 2024
Thanks I'll check it out.
Capt. Roy Harkness - Feb 8, 2024
Capt. Roy Harkness’ Substack
When do the arrests begin? When will the criminals responsible for this, the most appalling and monstrous crime in human history, be held to account? When do the executions commence? Those executions must be public, and televised: Nothing less is adequate.
While modes of execution such as "burning at the stake", "the gibbet" or "crucifiction" are entirely appropriate I personally favour the Guillotine, no ambiguity, no possibility of faking it, and an entirely undeserved element of compassion pertains. 🤔
Effra - Feb 8, 2024
“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities of darkness . . .”
The real perpetrators of this crime are the powers and principalities of darkness behind the flesh and blood frontmen.
WrittenintheStars - Feb 8, 2024
Katie’s Substack
Yes!! Let us pray universally and give GOD the glory !!!
Capt. Roy Harkness - Feb 8, 2024
Capt. Roy Harkness’ Substack
I guess The Lake of Fire awaits, and well deserved...
WrittenintheStars - Feb 8, 2024
Katie’s Substack
Stoning in the public square!!! This is beyond evil !
joe stuerzl 85 - Feb 9, 2024
joe’s Substack
In a situation like that we can't wait for any lakes of fire after we are dead .The crimes are committed now and here and the punishment must be here and now .What are our so called LEADERS waiting for,a revolution ?? If that is what it takes ,we should have started yesterday .Fighting for our life must be carried out by all the means possible .
LawyerLisa - Feb 8, 2024
LawyerLisa’s Substack
Dr. Ana
smoking gun on admission of self assembly nano
Agent Midnight Rider - Feb 8, 2024
Agent’s Substack
When are you going to tell people they ARE ALIVE and have fingers, and move????
Listen for yourself. From Jeff Rense .............>https://t.me/DrrpbertYoungchat/18382
Intelligence courtesy of your boy!!!!!........#Agentmidnightrider
Natalia Killjoy - Feb 9, 2024
Singing in the Dark
I watched the short clip, do you know the name of the episode or when it aired? I can’t find it on his website
Singing in the Dark - Feb 16, 2024
Singing in the Dark
I wasn’t able to find the full Rense podcast referenced in that brief video, and am still searching for it, but it is part of a longer discussion about the jabs having alien technology in this 1 hr 15 min video.
joe stuerzl 85 - Feb 9, 2024
joe’s Substack
Mike Adams the Health Ranger ,showed the clots in glass tubes several month ago ,on my computer .
Claudia - Feb 8, 2024
Thank you for sharing this update and reminding us how to help dissolve these outrageous rubbery globs, which, to me, appear more root-like than medical clots. On a related note, Steve Kirsch (VSRF) will be interviewing a different embalmer on this issue today at 4 PM PT.https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=548354&post_id=141479466&utm_source=post-email-title&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=xqakk&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NjY1NDA4NCwicG9zdF9pZCI6MTQxNDc5NDY2LCJpYXQiOjE3MDc0MDc0MzQsImV4cCI6MTcwOTk5OTQzNCwiaXNzIjoicHViLTU0ODM1NCIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.SrjXMpOdIOmWhNgCiGdugfA4n-CgGIEEHjun8UnAOvM
Michael - Feb 9, 2024
Michael’s Substack
The cat is now well and truly out of the bag, thanks to your good self and other brave souls prepared to blow the whistle on the COVID gene altering injections masquerading as vaccines.
Since the rollout, never-before-seen large - and clearly potentially lethal - rubbery white clots and "coffee ground" microclots have been found clogging the veins and arteries of the mRNA-jabbed across the world..
In this interview with UK YouTube Dr John Campell, US researcher Major Tom Haviland reveals the shock results of a comprehensive survey of embalmers - and displays samples of rogue clots flushed from victims bodies. Not for the fainthearted, but essential viewing before the censors strike.
Agent Midnight Rider - Feb 9, 2024
Agent’s Substack
Rubbery Clot Aliens found in YOUR HINEY HOLE after sitting for over 24 hours but Not #AgentMidnightRider and #AgentNightNurse.. and they let their blood sit for OVER A WEEK. And it STILL was BEAUTIFUL son. How did we do it??? .....OBSERVE ......https://rumble.com/v372wj2-ph-miracle-and-cbd-detox-test-of-covid-vaccine-and-shedding-injuries.html
Lauren Tobin - Feb 8, 2024
Of the medications used to treat and prevent these clots, what would be most suitable for a pregnant mother?
William Robertson - Feb 8, 2024
I'm no Dr, clinician or pregnant women :), just a civilian. So not giving you medical advice, however maybe something like activated charcoal is worth investigating further. Dr's such as (Dr Robert Young)https://www.drrobertyoung.comor Dr Andreas Kalcker (CDS) may have some answers or you may find something else here:http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/index.shtmlHope you find the help you are looking for. Good luck :)
Lissa - Feb 16, 2024
The natural sources of these recommendations are:
Nattokinase from natto (japanese fermented soybeans can be found in little boxes in Asian supermarkets)
Bromelain from pineapple (not advised for pregnant women because it may induce labour)
Curcumin from tumeric (there are some tumeric caffeine-free teas at the natural tea section)
STH - Feb 10, 2024
Research methylene blue to see if it’s safe in pregnancy. That and EDTA is what Dr. M said can dissolve the fibrous clots in her research.
Dan Kraus - Feb 25, 2024
imagine peace
Apparently cath-labs have been finding the polymer clots in living patients but not coming out with it publicly. This is disturbing, knowing how much is hidden and precious time lost that could have been used to seek solutions...https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/are-the-embalmers-clots-occurring
Heather H - Feb 17, 2024
Hi Dr Ana,
I was looking at your Methalane blue and noticed it contains NANO gold. Why? Couldn't nano gold build up in the brain or elsewhere since it's nano-sized?? I've read in literature we really don't want to ingest metals at nano scale or really much if anything at nanoscale since it bypasses barriers.
Thank you!
Just call me Jack - Feb 15, 2024
Totality of Evidence News
Thanks for the link...I've added it to the huge EMBALMER list (though there are likely some I've missed)
Eeek - Feb 11, 2024
Does this paper confirm what we are seeing and are they calling it a virus?https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339023227_pH_Stability_and_Disassembly_Mechanism_of_Wild-Type_Simian_Virus_40
Mary - Feb 10, 2024
Mary’s Substack
Thank you Ana for sounding the alarm for the individuals that did not receive the Clot Shot and are being affected by the people that did. Thank you! Thank you!
curt s sanders - Feb 10, 2024
Sitting in a Nest of Cobras
Yes a few of us known they continue to grow in dead tissue, which is so disturbing. This is one hell of a maniacal Bioweapon... Must've taken at least 10 or 15 years to formulate this super poison.. Maybe three or four labs all working on it simultaneously?
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