There have been many, many articles by you about the benefits of EDTA for this purpose BUT! I never see any information at all about DOSAGE and method of taking EDTA. Did I miss it? Surely the drops on the slides would not be sufficient for the human body, and, human bodies differ is size as well. The information is intellectual, not practical. As such, it is beyond frustrating. My apologies if I missed it.
I and many others give advice about taking EDTA in the comments of Dr Ana's articles. She does sometimes but not every article.
The most important thing to remember about taking EDTA is that its Not just another vitamin, because it binds with many many many things.
So if you take oral EDTA with most other vitamins or food or many beverages like coffee with dairy, it will Instantly bind with those things and be Totally wasted. Zero. Nothing.
I find the best way to take it is to fast, because then you Know it is working for our intended purposes and not just binding with something else you ate or drank or took.
Many people think they need these special administrations types, like enteric-coated or rectal administration but just basic old EDTA pills taken orally works just fine, if people actually follow the directions.
Also the science on EDTA destruction by stomach acids is very old and flawed... I should get affiliate deals for all these products I keep recommending though.
There Are other things you can take with EDTA that help, you just need to be sure they do not bind with EDTA.
Like ALA, NAC, bromelain, sodium/natural citrate and Vitamins C, D and E.
We take a lot of all of those while we fast for 3-5 days, which is actually Really easy with EDTA.
Please tell us exactly how you fast , like without water or with water . the quantities of vitamins , EDTA. It will help a lot !
I heard recently about chlorine dioxide from DR . Pedro Chavez when he discuss with Dr .Ana Mihalcea . It disolves the nanotehnology from blood ?
I posted the fast details below. Chlorine Dioxide seems to help but cannot fully fix it on its own.
And you cannot take it with EDTA or it will break down the EDTA molecule.
Yes, you need to drink a lot of water when fasting or chelating. I drink gallons.
I use a Zerowater water filter, its cheap and the best IMO.
And a huge drinking glass/vase that holds 4 cups of water, my wife hates it because its heavy but you can drink a Lot of water with a Big cup.
I think one hour is not enough and personally I would do it the other way, EDTA First then 2 or 3 hours later try the MMS. At least at first, to test.
MMS/chlorine dioxide has a longer bioavaiable halflife and stays circulating in your system longer than EDTA and so if you take it first, I think it is just going to break down the EDTA when you take it.
Fwiw, I myself no longer take them on the same Day.
I've read CDS only stays in your system about an hour.I wouldn't hesitate to take it every 2 hrs for a bad cold or the flu.Had one a couple yrs ago with a bad cough and CDS stopped the cough 90% right away.Not a cure all but a must have.
Yeah, people can definitely take a lot, if you read Jim Humbles book, some people take Huge amounts but I dont take them together anymore. Why take the chance on wasting your EDTA?
I myself have taken one cup of MMS at 250ppms every half hour for 8 then 9 then 10 hours over 3 days.
Not easy on your stomach and you have to keep drinking a lot of water but also not going to kill you. It is definitely very useful for biologics like a cold and water sterilization but not for removing nanotech from your blood, IMO.
I think EDTA and Vitamin C is more effective for that.
Hi John, just curious. How did you take CDS to stop your cough? I had a bad one last year, pulling muscles in my back and side. I nebulized CDS and cough stopped before I was done, I went to bed and in the morning everything in my chest was loose. The cough never came back and the month long cold was over.
Yes that works. That is why MedFive recommends taking it at night before bed, to minimize the things you eat or drink that will bind with the EDTA.
That is one of the most important things about taking oral EDTA… it is easy to take incorrectly and you arent going to die or anything, it just wont Work.
Some people take it for Years and then realize that they were wasting it the whole time because they took it with a multivitamin or zinc or with food.
It gives you a little buzz though when you first start taking it in appreciable amounts and your brain starts firing on all cylinders again, so it may make it hard to sleep at first.
And honestly, fasting while taking EDTA is the easiest fast ever. I wish I would have known that Before and I would have done an EDTA fast Every time I fasted before in my life.
We will probably do another one this weekend, so I will post my protocol again at some point before then.
And I just looked up my big MedFive order and it was last August, so that means I have been taking EDTA for around 18 months now and I am better than fine. Seriously, I cannot recommend it enough.
Do you have a scope to see how your strategies are working? I have a feeling that with what you’re doing, your blood is almost whistle clean!
With plump non-sticky blood cells!
I have ordered a darkfield microscope so that is in the works but I hope.
I only have to go out to the store once every two weeks now so maybe that is helping but they also give out vaxxes in their pharmacy there so we shall see.
I also plan on getting a heavy metals screen and a hair metals analysis too, since that gives you a more historic look into how much metals Were in your blood while the blood or urine give you a better idea how much you still have in your blood or are actively chelating out.
Are you able to order from Bulk Supplements? Very inexpensive, EDTA powder, and Vit C powder, buy slow release capsules to protect the EDTA from stomach acid. Amazon and EBay sells Bulk Supplements.
I would love to see an easy graphic comparable to Dr. peter Mccullough's' Spike Protein De-Tox Protocol" chart. I've taken that for about 7 months. (Within two weeks I felt alive again, and continued to regainenergy, but I have inexplicable facial rashes, shortness of breath, acid reflux and coughing up green... sorry. I'm ready to try Dr. Ana's expulsion as soon as I can find a 'protocol."
Here is the protocol for people who dont know what it is.
However that protocol does not have enough nattokinase or bromelain. If I were following it, I would take the bromelain twice a day and Greatly increase the amount of nattokinase to 4000Fus every 12 hours or perhaps even more.
Many people take 10000fus every 12 hours and have no adverse events, as long as you arent allergic to soy, nattokinase is one of the safest and most stable supplements you can take in my opinion.
However it Cannot dissolve the nanotech, no matter how much you take although it does make you blood flow much better which can make the EDTA/vitamin C work better when you do take it. Also you cannot take curcumin or nattokinase with EDTA because it will bind with the mineral content in them so I no longer take them on the same day.
A friend, un jabbed, have rubber clots around his wrist and bad circulation on his hands till it affect one tip of his finger, necrosis. He's on wafrin and injectables. Again his Dr is baffled, seem like they are all using that word to keep silent..
How would that affect his medication? Should he take the vC and Edta and leave 2 hrs before his meds or there other way around.
So far some color has come back to his hands, before it was whitish, lack of blood flow. I can see it's working. And he on 500mg. So told him to increase to 1000mg.
I have amalgams and take a lot of EDTA, you just cannot put it under your tongue and hold it in your mouth.
Just take the pills like normal with a full glass of water.
I used to get seizures from 1996 until 2007. For many years I have done so much research about amalgam fillings and seizures. I took out my amalgam fillings in 2007, have done oral chelation therapy and changed my food into more 95% organic whole foods life style, since 2007 until now, no seizures.
You have Modified Citrus Pectin but I’m not sure if it will give you the same results for the shots but it works similarly to EDTA as a heavy medal cleanse. EDTA is a better binder though.
If you can, find a holistic dentist and have them removed. They replace the fillings with a non bpa substance. I did mine, shopped it around. 3 different dentists and a huge difference in their prices but same procedure.
Yes, so it doesnt bind with something you eat or drink or other vitamins.
Many people take Zinc or Iron or a multivitamin, which EDTA will Instantly bind with and be wasted so they need to be taken Hours apart.
Thanks for the AN link. I bought a lot of that product when first heard about it but then thought it was not effective used orally. You take the NAC, vit C, etc. at the same time as EDTA? Have you noticed any benefits of the EDTA use? Thanks again!
From my experience with oral Calcium EDTA, various formulations:
We are different and reacting differently to an array of supplements and foods. There is simply not one size fits all in here and Dr Ana has emphasized that.
Keeping a journal for EDTA plus all supplements, for all in the house, dog and cat included, is what I do. If you are a petite woman, a kid, etc using the judgement and not jumping on the maximum advised doses is important too. There are so many variables, better to document them daily.
Dr Garry Gordon, who conducted huge studies employing both IV and oral chelation, stated in his Detox with Oral Chelation book that in IV sessions , for people with healthy kidneys, 50mg/ kg of body weight is perfectly safe. In present, we know it’s ok with higher quantities but using discernment and being cautious.
You are right, we need that chelation doctors to start to publish comprehensive guidance for lay persons, adapted to the present assault on people worldwide.
The Calcium-EDTA 1 minute push IV needs to be urgently shaped to be safely used at home already! The tech should be employed for un-doing devil, let’s go, please!
The water needs to be abundant enough and purest you can get at least in the hours before and after oral chelation.
The BeeGee’s fast is something I will be able to do next month, although not with the quantities from both forms of EDTA he takes. I’ll adjust them according with my frame. Keeping MedFive at 2 and plain EDTA around, I’ve started to add it and gently going up with it.
I was sensitive to MedFive but didn’t quit, splitting the pill in two for weeks at the beginning.
At good distance from fasting hours with EDTA and distilled water only, maybe other co-chelators like malic acid, NAC , garlic extract in the game, I will replenish with good multiminerals and vitamins. According with our ages and many other factors, we need to carefully look after some more B vitamins too, folic acid in the methylated forms. Don’t look at mice quantities, do your homework thoroughly, it’s rewarding in terms of great results.
His fast has pineapple in it, for an almost carnivore gal here, I am waiting with anticipation to feast on fruit for 5 days in a row.
Happy chelation to you all!
God bless Dr Ana and all the other brave people devoting so much time and knowledge, exposing themselves to vile attacks, for trying to save our Humanity! Thank you!
Hi Monica you mentioned my good friend Dr. Gary Gordon in your post. He was considered the father of chelation therapy in Arizona. He was an amazing man. He used to say that he never lost a patient to a heart attack who was on Chelation therapy. I really miss him. He passed in August of 2022.
Dear Patti,
May Dr Gordon rest in peace! God bless his memory!
May his Family and friends find solace!
Dr Gordon is indeed the father of oral chelation therapy and he also wrote the training norms of chelation, IV and oral, for doctors and nurses, nationally and internationally. Under his guidance, millions were able to get better, avoiding bypass surgeries, amputations and Alzheimer, etc, etc.
A great Doctor and an original mind!
So happy you’ve took the time to write this post!
Some time ago, I have started to gather and read all I could find on Dr Gordon, his books, interviews, podcasts… The man was a titan in his field and maybe his Family and friends will want to urgently republish his books because there aren’t many available.
I have found mines at thrift stores, online… The world needs them more than ever: families, nurses , doctors…
Just look at the questions on Dr Ana’s Substack, people urgently need consistent answers on chelation, to feel safe and start it already!
‘Detox with Oral Chelation’ is easy to read, it has everything we need to know to confidently start chelation at home.
Thank you so much , you’ve made my day!
God bless you and your Family!
Monica I have his IV Push EDTA protocol. Doesn't take long to do and is safe. It's explained very well with the research he did with it. I'll look for it and send it to Dr. Margaret Aranda when I find it.
By the way are you in healthcare?
Wow, Patti, God sent you here, be blessed!
No, I’m not in healthcare but I learn fast whatever it takes to keep my Family healthy and away from doctors.
I was thinking about Ca-EDTA IV -push because it’s much faster and less complicated for doctors and nurses who never did chelation before but they might want to start to help the jab-injured people all over the world, immediately.
It will be huge if it’s doable at home because chelation clinics are not easy to find.
Dr Elmer Cranton’s Textbook for Chelation also contains this protocol I guess, my exemplary is on the way.
Our family is on oral Calcium EDTA, 13 months into it and doing very well.
Regular persons with discernment should be able to administer this protocol in their homes because all the planet needs chelation. A nice kit put together with a handbook, maybe?
Please, Patti, make it accessible/ adapted? for home treatment, if possible!
Thank you very much!
Monica you need a trained professional to calculate evaluate and administer a treatment such as this. Labs need to be drawn and certain body functions need to be able to handle this treatment or harm could be done. How many in your family for example could place a needle in a vein and not blow the vein? Do you know what extravasation means and how to handle an unexpected emergency? IV EDTA requires a prescription from a licensed physician. This needs to be done by someone who has taken the courses and is certified in Chelation therapy. Anything less would be dangerous in untrained hands. Find a doc or Naturopath who does this near you. Set up a relationship with them so you have access to help now.
This paper covers IV and Oral EDTA Chelation
Second Draft, May 15. 2002. It covers Direct IV push of calcium Edta which has been used in Europe for 30 years at the time the paper was written.
Hello, I live in Europe and cannot find anywhere to get the EDTA. I een went to an elderly "more holistic" pharmacist. No one knew what I was talking about.
This is a side question but if nano particles are in our water how can we avoid them? Did anyone study water? Does a black Berkey filtration with the fluoride filter remove nano particles? Doesn’t help our EPA fined Berkey company with a stop order. Something. Fishy going on with the EPA
I use a Zerowater filter, it is the best there is but you have to keep buying filters for it.
Which sucks but also makes sense when you think about it. Filters fill up. Zerowater is much better than a berkey though, even the berkey multistage.
Many people like reverse osmosis but they are more expensive and a whole lot more expensive when they go bad and you have to replace the membrane... which is made of nanotechnology.
And zerowater comes with a free TDS meter to test your water.
Not that TDS is the final answer to all contaminants, a TDS meter doesnt detect Everything but its better than the companies that Dont give you a TDS meter to test how well their filter works.
We fill up the sink with water and then throw in a chlorine dioxide tablet to kill all biologics and then put That water through the zerowater filter, it makes the filters last a lot longer IME.
I love my countertop distiller. Only cost $120 and has been making a couple gallons or so every day for four years now. It is stainless steel with a glass container. I add about 1/16th to an 1/8th of a tsp of non-aluminum baking soda to a glass to make the water alkaline.
Dorothy, I have expressed exact concern a few days ago. I hope Anna responds and gives us more detail. I am a paid subscriber, so hopefully Anna can help us who cannot get to her clinic for intravenous treatment.
1 ml twice a day is the recommended dose. I have asked Global Healing Center to bundle the EDTA with Methylene Blue & Foreign Protein Cleanse. I rotate the items once a day with one ingredient. Of course, I take the Vitamin C from One Planet Nutrition called Nano-Vitamin C daily along with other supplements like Magnesium Citrate!
If you read agents substack on vitamins and the rockefellers petroleum medicine it does fit with depopulation and transhumanism.The fockafellers also convinced the worlds gov'ts to change music to 440 hertz from 432.440 is found nowhere in nature.Discernment,add synthetic vitamins or food based non synthetic vitamins to a long list,
Actually John it was the Catholic Church who changed that frequency many many millenia ago. This was because they knew it was a Healing frequency. They went to 440 first. Then in more modern times the Rockefellers moved to change to make it the standard in music.
Are you saying 1 ml twice a day for oral EDTA? The oral EDTA tabs (and liquid drops) I have are measured in mg. They say either 500mg or 1,000 mg for a serving. How many mg of Vit C are you taking during the day?
I just happened to be reading about Dr. Ana’s dosage recommendation (from her article Wednesday, 9/11/24) regarding the *ineffectiveness* of nicotine in inhibiting the nanotech structures) when I next saw your comment, so I thought I’d copy/paste the part pertaining to your question. Dosages for both EDTA and high-dose Vitamin C are clearly outlined in the following clip from said article: ☺️
“I would not use Nicotine/ tobacco as a solitary solution.
I noted that the EDTA plus Vitamin C combination was weakened by tobacco, so if you are going to use it, maybe increasing the EDTA and Vitamin C dose would be a good idea. In patients with normal kidney function EDTA 500mg daily in the evening ( must be liposomal, microsomal, enteric coated or rectal as it othewise gets disintegrated in the gut). Most people tolerate this well daily and some could take the weekends off. Full Multimineral support must be taken in the morning. I currently prefer Global Healings microsomal Calcium EDTA as an oral source, but others also work fine.
I recommend high doses of Vitamin C up to 10.000mg daily. I have seen great results with oral regimens only, meaning people do not have to do IV therapy. I have treated vaccine injured patients with oral regimens of EDTA/ Vitamin C and it works well.
The more severely symptomatic definately benefit from more intensive treatment intravenously.
I hope this adds to the discussion regarding Nicotine/ tobacco for self assembly nanotechnology. I personally will continue to recommend EDTA + Vitamin C as the primary treatment as I have for three years. I have shown in many articles that it works. My recent testing was a complete confirmation of my work. I think everybody in the world should be on this combo, until we stop Geoengineering and the nanotechnological assault on humanity in food, water, medicines and all other convenience products.
In my mind, after finding the results below, there was just one sentence:
Check Mate, Deep State.
Humanity will live.
Breaking News: Calcium Disodium EDTA +Vitamin C Deactivates Nano/Microrobots And Dissolves All Microchips In Pfizer COVID19 "Vaccine"- Darkfield Microscopy
SEP 9”
Very toxic for medical industrial complex, DARPA people, deep state altogether, etc
Disodium-EDTA and later Calcium-EDTA had long , glorious days in treating a vast array of frightening conditions… Dr Gordon and Dr Elmer Cranton are just two pioneers in chelation to be studied, before totally quitting on EDTA. Just to see how those who have the power masterfully erase enormous load of info and change the public discourse , in a blink of the eye!
And no editing house printing about EDTA anymore…
Aspirin is dangerous too as is water, if we use them wrong.
I wonder if you could clarify your comment using typical English structure, which is Subject-Verb- Object. I don't have enough background in the subject to infer these components when they are omitted. I would very much like to know what you are saying. No offense.
😆Really?Do you want us to go to the grammar’s war? With someone who writes, I am citing you, ‘ …sufficient for human body, and, human bodies differ in size…’?
Have a nice day!
John, you really need to quit commenting on the subjects you obviously have never studied or researched. You certainly CAN die from ingesting too much aspirin, which causes hemorrhages in your stomach lining. As for water, ask the radio DJ who decided to start a contest over the air on "Who can drink the most water in 10 minutes?" A young woman actually drowned from forcing too much water into her gulping down tap water too hurriedly. So Monica's comment is far from "idiotic"....I hope you can now agree.🤔🤷
Its the nicotine angle. A few days ago LQC put some tobacco juice on a slide with jab-crystals and everyone went crazy thinking they had found something no one else had found.
Except Many Many people had already tested this in Many forms and and found it has Zero effect on the nanotech in peoples blood, for example.
Or in stopping people from getting the shedding, but everyone went crazy thinking its some new 'cure' rather than a repeat of 3 year old information. LQC didnt even say it was a cure, they said it needed further research.
I myself do not like Brian Ardis, who is a big proponent of the nicotine patches, and I gave Multiple reasons from reality Why I feel that way but a lot of people like him nonetheless, which is fine, thats their opinion.
But a lot of people are getting physically ill from the patches, which is why half the advice surrounding them is how to take less or cut them smaller to Not make you sick. Also those same receptors bind with acetylcholine, so they Could just take that rather than a nicotine patch but meh, they've got it all figured out.
Im no tobacco hater, to each their own but everyone using tobacco or nicotine patches still has the shedding and from what I have seen and read has no difference in their blood from people who do Not take nicotine. None.
It does make you feel better though, just like smoking a cigarette. Thats why this old news is back up again though.
Hi Bee Gee.
I believe people are getting ill from the nicotine because they’re not using binders with it.
I took a 4mg nicotine lozenge before a lunch outing (empty stomach) and was HORRIBLY ILL, as in projectile 🤮
several times because the nic released the venom lodged in my body way too fast.
I got home and took a load of activated charcoal and it was gone within a half hour.
Ardis uses a 7mg patch prophylactically and apple pectin three times a day to bind the venom released.
Oral is for sale with dosage on the bottle. IV is available but is expensive. Rectal EDTA suppositories are available cheap with dosage on the container. All but the IV therapy are available online and cone with directions.
It cannot be said enough how amazing, dedicated, and brilliant you are. Thank you for all you've done and continue to do, esp in this day and age of truly inferior "white coats" (with zero cognition and even less of a moral compass), who are roaming the halls of "medical care" causing devastation and death. You are truly a gift and a blessing, a rare gem of hope, who actually makes a difference and matters. God bless you. And thank you for sharing the incredible benefits of your hard-fought knowledge.
I am glad to have read your very touching words. It’s as if you wrote my feelings and gracefully. I’m so glad we are but two grateful people in the world. Certainly not the only ones! And still even more that I find good people all the time. I do believe I could not judge others nor do I want to say who’s good or bad. I do believe there is only one judge and that is ourselves when we need to make decisions which affect our lives, especially. I believe. I believe in all of us who stand for freedom of will, expression, bodily autonomy and every God given right to live- not merely exist in torment under oppressive rule. May we have the will and strength to keep pushing forward.
Let we all be strong keep the fighting spirits alive human spirit don’t give up
we know we’re fighting evil war the Devils wants to exterminate inhabitant
It would be extremely helpful if, after you've done and repeated and reached a solid conclusion, you would provide instructions for how to do this. Doseage? Recommended products? Does EDTA need to be done using IV? Can the program be done all orally? Obviously a lot of people are very interested and want information for how they could do this on their own, which is not clear at this point. Thank you for your great work!
She doesnt put all of that info in every single post but she has in a lot of her other work.
IV EDTA is better but more expensive and harder to get. Oral EDTA can work although slower and is over the counter but most people dont take it right.
$170 dollars in Grandhotel Tijuana-HOLISTIC CARE, Mexico,they bring you,from the border and return back,evening,for FREE ( 4 hr,plus vitamins,that my be lost)
BG I have been reading Anna‘s work for years now and I have never seen her give details on dosage for EDTA and or vitamin C, etc. I am also been a paid subscriber for nearly a year. Also, are you a licensed physician or trained to give some advice on EDTA? I am in chiropractic position, but I have very little knowledge of EDTA.
Dr Elmer’s work along with Dr Gordon’s were references and norms not long ago.
The book I’ve mentioned to you is a reference training for chelation doctors.
Dr Cranton has sold his practice to Dr Eduardo Castro, when he retired.
He was formed by Dr Cranton and you will find him in Troutdale, VA.
Just found his
Good luck with starting IV chelation and maybe inspiring other Doctors to do it!
Because they don't understand how dangerous chelation therapy is in the long run. Most toxins stay in the body and get redistributed. A raw diet based on raw fat and raw meats etc works best for detox.
That would be interesting to know if it's true.
I guess you'd need to sign a waiver before the process.
Overall health of the patient going into her for treatment is definitely a factor. Especially if they've taken the kill shot.
The mentor of Not-a-doctor Ariyana Loves is Also-not-a-doctor Robert Young, who is still trying to scam people with Masterpiece...
despite the fact that zeolite is silica and aluminum, which are known building blocks of nanotechnology. And seawater plasma isnt even a real thing, its totally fake saline solution.
She always says her 'healing protocols' are in high demand and that a 'client asked her too look at something' so heres all the bad things she can find about it... yet shes clueless.
Somehow she actually manages to know Less than people who know absolutely Nothing about a thing, which is impressive for all the wrong reasons.
Personally I wouldn't trust her if she said the sky was blue.
Totally agree! She is unprofessional and loves to rant.
Her and the masterpiece people make a lot of claims but their clinical data looks weak to me. I have not yet found one single photo of before and after photos from the 1/2 million dollar microscope they claim to have. If anyone can please reply with link. thank you.
I think her last name is another reversal current,bet she's on a payroll.General rule,trust debunkers like fact checkers.The king of all debunkers could be mick west if I remember correctly from Matabunk.
Chelation therapy is quite dangerous. The body can not excrete or secrete most of the toxins bound by the chelation agent which is toxic itself. The metals and plaque re-store in the body in the bones, bone marrow, lymph, connective tissue and skin. Chelation therapy is chemotherapy(this is from the book by Aajonus Vonderplanitz of the Primal Diet). Dr Ana is doing great work but she doesn't know enough about nutrition. There is no magic pill, raw fat will detox the body but it takes work over time.
You might want to research that a little more. The medical establishment is rabid about eliminating EDTA from availability and the local AMA mafias push lies about it all the time. I went through a full course of IV EDTA 30 years ago at a clinic that was administering the therapy to many patients every day. Very beneficial and never had a problem. It's not dangerous unless it is being abused. One can abuse water and drown in it too.
The local AMA mafia eventually ran the Dr out of town. Today there is a Longevity clinic on the beach here Panama City that does IV EDTA. There is also a clinic in Tallahassee that does EDTA. Do not believe the lies about this health boosting therapy.
I have used oradix edta suppositories.Oradix is closed for a while because of moving of the factory ,but there are more edta suppository brands like detoxamin, kelamin and more you can find with search engine I think you can take 5 gram of ascorbic acid powder per hour but you have to find youre tolerance on that and do research about it furder Vitamin e can also be taken and malic acid powder can also be found to order. methylene blue from earth harmony deffinetly is a good thing and i can say that fromexperience.italso shows in this article to pull hydrogel and microbots to it like a magnet and then it can excreted out
Dr. Mihalcea, can you please use in one of your experiments, synthetic nicotine powder? The kind that is in most of the synthetic smokeless nicotine pouches today. And see if it makes any difference. Or if you know the answer please share. Because a lot of the younger people use the synthetic nicotine pouches that have powdered synthetic nicotine in them. Wondering if this blocks the ACE2 receptors like another doctor said it would.
Yes dr bryan ardiss . I had very bad throat and used about 8 - 12 mg nic per day - it went away in a few days, After taking a nic tablet 2 mg i felt worse for about 1/2 hour - sneezing and increased clear mucus froth. The nic blocks ace2 and the spike cannot enter actually gets expelled - this is the reaction bit I assume . I was never vaxed but caught covid from shedding.
One fag = 10mg so not harmful - see brian ardiss on natural news interviewed by mike adams
It came back and i had dry cough at night almost like whooping cough - did the same again and got rid of spike proteins completely
Plants make nicotine to kill parasites - eg potatoes etc similar to hydroxy and quinine
Not sure if it works for any corona virus like flu/colds but it certainly worked for covid
as i had the covid symptoms with long lasting cough but not the other covid symptoms such as clotting as it was less severe ie not coming from a jab .
Another member of my family used it twice successfully - she caught it from shedding on holiday in morocco. So the govn will have to ban potatoes along with cigs - lol But the urge to ban smoking when the world is flooded with toxic drugs makes me highly suspicious - plus organic farmers spray nicotine on crops as an insecticide. Millions could be saved if the infected took nic plus all the other immune
aids - zinc vit c d3 etc etc
All vapes and ecigs and nicotine patches use synthetic nicotine, which as many many people have found, does not dissolve nanotech or stop you from getting the shedding.
It May stop you from getting severe disease from sars-cov2 because it also binds with the nicotinic-acetylcholine receptors in the brain and that can cause a cytokine storm...
but to my mind that is not really a concern as the variants that are out there do not really cause that severe disease anymore.
Most people are taking nicotine patches because shocker, your brain likes nicotine and Brian Ardis, like most scammers, is a good salesperson.
He is selling nicotine patches and everything else under the sun, any supplement anyone has ever mentioned Might help. Many of those supplements have outright fake ingredients in them, which is always the sign of a distrustful company, IMO.
Triple purified Biophotonic Structured water, for one. Its not even a real thing, like the 'Seawater Plasma' that scammer Robert Young sells... Also Fake.
People do feel better when they take nicotine patches, just like they would feel better if they smoked a cigarette... because you have nicotine receptors in your brain.
However, there is no difference in the clinical presentation of the blood of someone who is on nicotine patches and someone who is Not, so whatever makes you feel better but many people also get Sick trying to use nicotine patches. Then they have to reduce the patch size or change brands several times to find the 'right' one. And for what?
To each their own, I'm no hater and know more about tobacco than most but many people seem to believe the patches are doing something they are proven to Not do.... like clean your blood of nanotech or prevent you from getting shedding.
Oh yeah, it doesnt look like he does sell them anymore.
I take back my "Ardis the scammer sell nicotine patches" statement.
It just says "Dr. Ardis Trusted Brands of Nicotine Agents".
If you think buying supplements with fake ingredients like 'triple-purified biophotonic structured water' under the cover of authority of a 'doctor' is a good idea, feel free to continue.
So you would take ' trusted ' drugs like remdesevir and midazolam from pharma and get suffocated with intubation - i would not trust you as far as i could throw you - you sound like a pharma shill.
I use supplements - how do you know they are fake - do you phone dr fauci
I used to smoke around 20 small cigars a day = approx 400mg of nic - the nic gummies are 2mg of which i took 4 = 8mg - less than one cig a day - lol
Do you have a lab in your house to test dr ardiss ingredients - amazing how you know they are fake - by telepathy - can you provide evidence ? whats dr young got to do with this ?
BG, I think you are dead wrong when you accuse Dr. ardis of being a scammer. He is a brilliant physician and has helped many people. His new book will quiet, many skeptics. I am anxious to get the book myself and read it. I am also a licensed, chiropractic physician and have, good idea who the scammers are out there. What are your qualifications to be critiquing Dr. Artis?
I have the inclination to believe that BG is using “Dumbed Down Google” as his search engine where they smear brilliant minds… his comments seem to reflect that…. Not all of it, but he seems to be intent in denigrating some pretty brilliant minds, which Google typically labels as “Conspiracy Theory” and the like.
Trying to make my own nicotine oil tincture. Bought a pack of organic tobacco and will infuse it in organic almond oil..the patches they sell here are all with shareholders of Blackrock, state Street and Vanguard. So prob have graphine in it
Yes I worried about this as well - they could even put more venom in it then say you died of nicotine.
My brother took all the jabs - about 5 - he has slight fibrillation but his wife got clots in her legs and is now almost blind . But my brother smokes a pipe and is fairly undamaged - so maybe i will take up the pipe again - about 1 smoke a night should maintain prophylaxis - the pipe tob. has more nic
I don’t think calling people names and labeling them to degrade is good policy on a public forum. It’s in very poor taste, no matter what. I read every post because I like listening to everyone’s opinion, but I think I’ll just go past your particular “Comments” from now on.
Max, Charles, we have little to go on as far as determining who is a scammer, a fraud, or a 'medical Dr.' that is known as a gatekeeper in that they are telling some truth but steering you and I away from the heart of the matter. I've read enough to remember people saying Karen Kingston is one, Jane Ruby, Mike Adams, Robert Young, and Ariyana Love as well as chiropractor Ardis.
Suspect everyone of them.
I've read enough of BeeGee's posts to figure out he is on to something that is more healthful than any of those Dr.'s that call themselves such even though they're chiropractors and I think Jane Ruby is one also. (BG reports on researching Moderna's medical info saying EDTA is effectively the solution to the problems we're seeing.)
I've nothing against chiropractors as I've gotten great relief from them in the past for back troubles. Temporary relief though it was.
Remember we are dealing with synthetic life forms.
I'd like to remind everyone here that Dr Jane Ruby is a Nurse Practioner with 20 years clinical experience and 2 PhD's. Dr Ardis is a chiropractor with a PhD in chiropractic medicine. You don't get those credentials easily. Dr Ardis in my opinion is one of the best literature reviewers I have come across in a long time.
Never disparage a person by saying "just a chiropractor or just a nurse" because you have no idea how much education and training goes into getting those degrees and licenses.
chiropractors cure more and do less harm than Rockefeller drones off the pharma production line . You seem to write in a similar fashion to BG not really saying anything much - slinging mud with no facts - tag team ? or BG twice
I wouldn't touch EDTA, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or any supplement that isn't a raw food source. Heavy metals are best detoxed with raw fats, especially raw animal fats as described in the Primal Diet of Aajonus Vonderplanitz.
I will have a look - i mainly use food but cooked and also take some supplements - most of the human diet is cooked for taste and to avoid parasites since the creation . Coconut oil as well
Thats true, I am a jerk, but I also unfortunately know a lot of things....
which helps contribute to my general jerkiness when I have to constantly restate things long since proven over and over again and argue with people about things they just havent learned Yet, while also trying to help them survive a biowar most people dont even know they are in.
I think there is some Block or Ignore option here but I don't know, I have never used it... I care more about the knowledge than the delivery but I can respect your decision to ignore me.
I mean after this comment... good luck to you in any case.
Many more people than that share those beliefs and they might be right....
but it is irrelevant because the nanotechnology behaves the same as a organic virus.
not irrelevant as the entire medical psyop rests on folks believing in contagion. Most are totally unaware of the nanotech, but follow mainstream science, all based on lies.
All "viruses" are man made and manipulated and are injected into humans and animals via childhood and other "vaccinations". What do you consider an organic virus? Polio? Nope. That was poisoning by pesticide. Etc. Viruses, as defined by psychopaths, don't exist as a "contagion". So what's an "organic" virus? 🤦♀️
Ardis has a PhD in Chiropractic Medicine. When you get your training and license then you can come back and make statements like you just did.
Ardis is a brilliant man with years of experience in his field and is one of the best in reviewing complex medical literature.
A Phd. in chiropractic medicine does not make him a virologist. And trying to find Dr. Ardis website (or Ardis Labs) presents a challenge, at least for the Brave browser.
Here's one:
You'll find a 1oz. vial of CBD tincture for $100. (on sale!) and things like 200 mg. of pet shampoo for $32., 8 tblsp. of CBD coffee for $60. , 2 oz. of lotion for dry skin for $47. , 1 oz. of tincture for $105. And onardisshow.comthe Kid's vitamin complex looks ok until you look sideways on the plastic container and see magnesium stearate and stearic acid, 2 things that no one should consume.
I even found one off-the -wall website that claims he is a well known member of the British royal family. He may be doing what some would call God's work but he is getting very wealthy in the process. (Pet shampoo, anyone?)
Big pharma got very very very wealthy killing and maiming with a vaccine which did not even work and have been doing it for centuries . He's right about venoms - been around for hundreds of years and is a perfect bioweapon and was probably used in some of the vaxxes but the malthusians are smart enough not to kill everyone at once or they would be hanging high You can buy venoms online .
Snake venom seems to be blocked very cheaply with 10mg a bay of nicotine and he does not sell - you are probably BG or another shill slinging mud with no facts v
Dont agree with you at all - I have used it from supermarkets and it worked and it did incredibly quickly - although if they had an ordinary cold it might not work - the variants never caused severe disease - the jabs and intubation etc caused the death and disease.
He is not a scammer in the slightest - the scammers are big pharma - are you working for them .
It blocks the ace receptors to STOP the storm - are you ai ?
Your last sentence is incomprehensible
I found a good source for to tobacco leaves and related paraphernalia. They have some organic too. I would either smoke it in a pipe, or make an extract out if it.
I think smoking it in a pipe, maybe even a “water pipe” 🤪 might work on the nano in the lungs and nasal passage after shedding exposure.
I wonder why Moderna included suggestions on how to destroy the microchips? Doesn't that foil their purpose of injecting them in people to begin with?......
Also what harm do the dissolved microchips do in a human's circulatory system? Would they make the blood thicker causing fatal blockages in a different form? Can the human body manage the amount of EDTA et al in the treatment without causing harm???......
That’s a great question for Ms Karen Kingston, she knows the answer, for sure. Maybe she already spoke about it, in her interviews and substacks?
A patent is as thorough as it can, in all aspects, the fact that a drug has the description of the antidote in such documents shouldn’t be unusual… I’d like to listen what Ms Karen thinks .
You can't have a nano domestic quell of the human population without a treatment guaranteeing money to be made.Why did the cdc and their 5000 medical corporations not use moderna's suggestions
Excellent comment!
I am reading, right now, how the last large study on IV EDTA, TACT, was distorted by the medical (mob-ical sounds better) world…
From ‘The Chelation Revolution’, author Gary Greenberg:
“Dr Robert Willix, a former heart surgeon who owned a chelation clinic in Boca Raton, Florida, in the late 1980s, says […] The standard of care for coronary artery disease was bypass surgery and stents.If you started doing chelation on people who could get a stent or bypass, your waiting room would fill with lawyers”.
That's my interpretation Michael of the Dr Ana articles I've read because she reports nanotechnology ongoing in the blood of vaxed and non-vaxed alike😯! Which it horrifying that could even happen without permission!!😡
After profiting from the j abs, they’re also after the data the foreign material provides via the effects of chemtrails, food, water, meds, everyday products, etc.
Very intriguing work, Dr. Ana! Two thoughts:
1) I'd love to see this demonstration replicated in bot/tech infested live blood (which begs the question of dosage and follow-up measurements for duration of efficacy); and
2) I'd love to see whether it's possible and what steps are required to effectively REMOVE all the dead nano-debris from one's body/blood after the EDTA bomb kills/deactivates it all.
EDTA binds instantly with metals and you urinate Them out, but Im not sure about nanodebris.
I would guess if its rendered nonfunctional it would be cleaned out by normal blood cleansing processes and go out through your kidneys and liver... assuming you dont get it again the very next time you go anywhere.
Some people may not realize, but this whole article of Dr Ana's above is Old.
IE, the article was Entirely written about old info.
Everything she said above has been known by Dr Ana and others, for over 3 years now.
None of it is New Info, it is actually very old, it is only new to You.
Here is info on my EDTA fast, which is the only way to make oral EDTA approach the effectiveness of IV EDTA. Its annoying because you cant see old comments without subscribing, so I cant just link to an old one.
Ultimate chelation fast
Here is what I am doing and taking. They are all pretty mild and chelate heavy metals as well as dissolve hydrogels. They also cross the blood brain barrier and bromelain gets into closed organs systems others cannot, like the reproductive system.
Oral EDTA (Arizona & MedFive)
ALA (via organic cold pressed hempseed oil)
Sodium & natural Citrate
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
- all every 12 hours
**** I will add Trypsin Proteases as soon as I find the best source and method to take with EDTA
I only eat once a day anyway but I ate last night at around 9pm so I wont have eaten in around 24 hours when I start. I did have coffee with some heavy cream this morning, and have been drinking orange juice in zerowater all day.
I just took 3 Arizona Naturals EDTA pills (1800mg) and one Medfive (500mg-ish) with a big glass of zerowater.
I will wait an hour or so and then I will take 3 1-gram pills of hempseed oil, a tablespoon of sodium citrate in water, one bromelain pill (500mg), one vitamin D (5000 iu), one vitamin E (180mg), 1 pill/1200mg of NAC and 2000-4000 iu's of vitamin C.
Then I will do the same thing again every 12 hours for 3 full days, drinking gallons of zerowater. I wont eat any food or drink any coffee again for 3 full days, although sometimes we stretch it to 4 or 5 days since we feel so great.
I personally want to get the maximum intake of Bromelain and Vitamin C possible so I also bought 8 pineapples and maybe 15 pounds of clearance and regular price oranges. I will vamp a whole pineapple or more per day and juice all of those oranges too. I strain the orange juice using a coffee filter and then use zerowater to rince the pulp into my glass, since C and natural citrate are water soluble.
That way Nothing is interfering with the oral EDTA chelating out metals and nanotech from my body and 100% of the EDTA is doing what I want. We do this about once a month, because Everywhere you go, the infected are shedding. Everywhere and Anywhere, all the time, and it transfects in Seconds through the air.
Im not giving anyone medical advice and always look up all of the above in a drug interaction checker with anything else you take but there are Multiple reasons each of these help.
And oral EDTA makes it very easy to fast anyway, much much easier than fasting without it, even when you arent drinking juice. I think if you're gonna fast, you should probably be doing a EDTA chelation fast, but thats just me.
And nicotine patches make you feel better, because you have nicotine receptors in your brain but do not stop you from getting the shedding or reduce the nanotech in your blood.
You know what else what would make you feel better? Heroin.
Does that mean you should take it? Probably not but do what you want, I'm just the messenger.
Good luck in any case.... Vitamin C and EDTA will Work, even the cheapest kind, if you actually take them and take them Right.
I highly recommend it.
There is also no information on MEdfive about the amount of VItamin C and Ala. Dr. Ana does her tests with ascorbic acid, but acerola is a hundred times better. What type of vitamin C is in Medfive, I assume liposomal ascorbic acid? Wouldn't it be an idea to combine it with OPC. I have a product where the daily dose (2 capsules) contains 630mg OPC, 150mg rosehip and 150mg camu camu. OPC also activates vitamin C and increases its antioxidant properties tenfold. This gives you 3 grams of highly effective vitamin C, which is probably much more than 10 grams of ascorbic acid. Among other things, Ala recycles vitamin C and further increases its absorption. Dr. ana has done an excellent job. I think next it would be important to do studies with different protocols accompanied by dark field imaging. One could define the infusion of EDTA and vitamin C as the gold standard. And modified intakes, e.g. oral EDTA, natural vitamin C, combinations with e.g. OPC, could then be measured against this gold standard. This would allow everyone to use their available methods and know what dosages to work with.
OPC, rose hips and camu camu are all vegetable matter that contains natural minerals and binds with EDTA, similar to nattokinase or curcumin. So I would take them hours apart if I were testing that.
Also we dont know that OPC works the same as various forms of Vitamin C so I would not assume that it does, simply because they have found more active antioxidant content in some studies.
Each MedFive pill has 59mg of Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid), 25mg ALA and 325mg choline, in addition to the 400mg EDTA.
It's food based vitamin C also so that looks like a great source,Due to recently sourced new information my days of buying synthetic vitamins from the big corporations is over.They all have satanic logos,we should all look at ths,do you see your supplements.
II bought a lot from Sunday Natural. It was founded in 2010 by two private individuals. The brand stood for purity and quality. In January 2024, Sunday was swallowed up by CVC for 800 million. CVC was advised on the takeover by Rothschild.
It is not clear who exactly CVC's backers are. Why can't I get rid of the feeling that names like Blackrock and Vanguard are involved here?
An example of how a good brand becomes unelectable for me.
I only buy from small companies. I have already ordered pills from China and realised that they are magnetic! I test everything with a magnet before I take it. Be careful.
Hello, I find your article very interesting. I have been following Dr ana for a while and am trying to translate the advice into protocols that I can implement. You are taking Medfive. I am from Germany here it is difficult to get. I have an oral EDTA here ( It is 4 servings of 15 ml, each serving contains 1 gr calcium disodium EDTA. I can find the ingredients on the MEdfive website, but no information on the quantity! a bit dubious? Can you tell me how much EDTA you take per day and how many days per month? I plan to take 4 servings each month. One after the other with a day off each time.
I think if we are not fasting, the EDTA may be be wasted so we typically only take EDTA when we fast, once or twice a month.
We fast for 3-5 days and take EDTA and the other things I have found that help.
We take aprox 7000mg of EDTA per day during this time.... so three times per day, we take 3 Arizona brand EDTA pills and one MedFive EDTA pills.
thanks for the detailed information. it's a good idea to fast during this time.
Do I understand correctly that medvife is liposomal, arizona not?
You are right, the opc must be taken a few hours apart.
I can't say for sure whether OPC has a different effect to vitamin C. As an antioxidant, it is an electron donor. And the antioxidant power is 20 times as strong as vitamin C. What is important is that vitamin C and OPC reinforce each other in their effect and extend the duration of action of both vital substances. I haven't found the study, but OPC is said to increase the effect of vitamin C by a factor of 10, which I find interesting.
Yes, thats essentially correct....
I fast to be Sure the EDTA is working properly and none is wasted.
MedFive is enteric-coated, so it passes into your intestines before it fully dissolves.
Arizona Naturals EDTA is not liposomal or enteric coated, it is just standard EDTA in pill form so it gets into your system very quickly, within minutes.
And then the MedFive takes 2 hours to dissolve.
Then we get a longer more consistent application of EDTA evenly thoughout the day (or until our next dose).
It is very possible OPCs can work better but I am not Sure of that so I would not recommend it to people at this point, as I Know Vitamin C works.
Definitely needs further research though.
'Some people may not realize, but this whole article of Dr Ana's above is Old. '
When I received the new posting, I thought huh? Am I receiving original posts again?
But I do see many new researches are finding use of these old positive findings, when they are re-released without scouring over old articles.
EDTA binds with many many things, like all food, many beverages and vitamins or other supplements.
So you should take EDTA 2 or 3 hours after you take any of those things and then do not eat or drink anything except water for 2 or 3 hours after you take the EDTA. Or Longer if possible.
You do not Need to fast but it will make it Much more effective, because there is nothing else in your system or gut that EDTA can bind with...
So for example if you take EDTA with zinc or iron or a multivitamin, the EDTA will Instantly bind with it and be totally wasted.
It is also Very easy to fast while taking EDTA, much much easier than fasting Without EDTA because you do not get hungry while taking it.
Start with one day and you might just feel so good you keep going for additional days, like we did.
We also take ALA, NAC, Glutathione, Bromelain and Vitamins D, and E, along with the EDTA and Vitamin C.
They are all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier and most importantly do not bind with EDTA.
Hello. Thank you for that description of "taking it right." Helpful. I am just wondering, if you take the EDTA via infusion, you wouldn't have to worry about it binding to anything, right? Has Dr. Mihalcea made any comments in the past about taking oral EDTA? I have been taking Enhanced Garlic EDTA by Nutricrafters. I noticed that it has malic acid, 900 mg included in the 1,000 mg EDTA dose. I also happen to have malic acid powder on hand, so I could also use that separately as needed. I also didn't realize the value of Vit C prior to seeing this article, but i found it interesting that around the same time I was taking this oral supplement, I was craving oranges, something that I've never experienced before. Now I always have lots of oranges on hand. That must be the Vit C calling to me. I also was taking Methylene Blue when I took the EDTA, about a month ago. Btw, what is OPC? Regards
OPC is another antioxidant made from grape seed or other plants. It is not proven to work the same as Vitamin C so if I were you, I would not bother experimenting with it, just stick with C.
Also EDTA binds with the minerals in all organic substances like garlic or parsley... or nattokinase, curcumin, etc.
So each serving of those pills is losing 300mg of that 1000mg total EDTA per serving when it dissolves and the EDTA Immediately binds with the minerals in the garlic and parsley.
It will still work but going forward I would try to find another EDTA that is only EDTA. I use Arizona Naturals, its only $24 and seems to work great but there are others.
OK, sounds like a plan. Also, I am wondering if you or others have been getting d-dimers done that would help with assessing one's current status? I had one done a few months ago, the results showed that within a range of 0 to 500, (normal range) my bloodwork came up with 243 as a value. I assume that if the value is abnormal, then that it an indication of clotting issues to be concerned about? Also - is AZ naturals obtainable through Amazon? Where can I find a list of others? I live in South America, so I need to use a US shipper to get it to me. By the way, infusions of EDTA and Vit C are readily available here, given by a nurse. But still concerned about how it could affect my body more intensely than an oral EDTA supplement.
I have not had a D-dimer.
What works better initially for clotting issues IME would be Nattokinase, Bromelain and Curcumin.
I would take 6-10,000 fus of nattokinase, along with one serving of curcumin and one bromelain every 12 hours. That helps more initially with poor blood circulation, so if you take those for a week or two, the EDTA/Vitamin C will work a Lot better because it can circulate around much better IMPE.
However you cannot take natto or curcumin with EDTA or it will bind with them and the EDTA will be wasted.
Arizzona Naturals brand EDTA is available from amazon though.
I do not think IV EDTA is too bad for most people... I have taken ounces orally and do not think it is bad or scary but I dont know your health particulars.
I have never gotten IV EDTA because all the places around me that do it also give out the vaxxes and I dont want to sit there for 2 or 3 hours.
just like package inserts and privacy statements, and that is what they rely on.
The information is always out there as it is part of their rules/guidelines whatever you want to call it. It absolves them of karma, in their minds.
I like Arizona Naturals, it works fine and they even tell people that the most important thing with EDTA is that it binds with everything, so you need to take it hours away from anything else. I also take MedFive which are delayed release, for a more even spread of EDTA.
Arizonas normal dose is 3 pills for 1800mg, so even if some of it Is destroyed by stomach acid (questionable IMO), you are still getting much much more than liposomal EDTA drops, which have very very low EDTA.
Almost as low as the EDTA lotion, which is better than nothing I guess but I myself think people need more than the drops.
Also if you want EDTA to work as well as possible, you can fast while you take EDTA. Then you are sure it is not binding with something else you ate or drank and being wasted.
If you are taking the Arizona, its actually way easier than fasting Without taking EDTA. Im not sure the same thing happens for the drops though.
If you are taking EDTA though, you should be taking vitamin C as well. I would just get a plain C with nothing else in it, because most of those Other things in many C pills DO bind with EDTA, unlike straight Vitamin C.
Some other things that you can take while you fast (or without binding with EDTA) include ALA, NAC, glutathione, Bromelain, and vitamins D and E. They are all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier and bromelain also gets into closed organ systems like your reproductive system or eyeball when almost nothing else does.
This is great work, Dr. Ana! However, this is not true “science“ until you can exhibit a dose response. In other words, lower levels of EDTA exhibit lower levels of disintegration… while higher levels of EDTA exhibit higher levels of disintegration. Or maybe putting together a multifactorial experiment that involves vitamin C combined with EDTA, vitamin C alone, and EDTA alone.
You can only get IV EDTA through a certified chelation practitioner.
Do a web search for "EDTA Chelation Near Me".
Or you can take oral EDTA and vitamin C, which is over the counter in the US but that is much slower and may not be as effective, depending on how well you take it.
Thank-you so much for your work, Dr . Ana. I am assuming that the above slides are the vaccine alone - not after finding it in someone's blood. Am I correct? You had said that EDTA injections were powerful enough to halt the nanobot assembly. Would over the counter oral EDTA have any effect?
enjoy reading your comments. What MG dosage of vitamin c are you suggesting if on a daily regimen ? and do you think this would interfere with weekly HCQ 200mg?
Thanks, Im glad you like them but its a mixed crowd here... some people are not fans of my Facts over Feelings approach to biological warfare survival. C'est la vie.
I take around 4000 mg of C a day, usually in C crystals that do not have anything else in them but I have basic C pills too. When I am fasting I up that to around 6000 or 8000 but I also drink a lot of fresh squeezed orange juice I just make with a twist juicer.
I am not aware of any interaction between Vitamin C and HCQ.
Dont take HCQ and drink grapefruit juice but I Think HCQ and Vitamin C should be fine IMO.
I am not a doctor of course, Im just a dude on the internet, so always do your own research.,238-3823,238-3823
Dorothy Frew - Sep 9 - Edited
Dorothy’s Substack
There have been many, many articles by you about the benefits of EDTA for this purpose BUT! I never see any information at all about DOSAGE and method of taking EDTA. Did I miss it? Surely the drops on the slides would not be sufficient for the human body, and, human bodies differ is size as well. The information is intellectual, not practical. As such, it is beyond frustrating. My apologies if I missed it.
Bee Gee - Sep 9
Bee Gee
I and many others give advice about taking EDTA in the comments of Dr Ana's articles. She does sometimes but not every article.
The most important thing to remember about taking EDTA is that its Not just another vitamin, because it binds with many many many things.
So if you take oral EDTA with most other vitamins or food or many beverages like coffee with dairy, it will Instantly bind with those things and be Totally wasted. Zero. Nothing.
I find the best way to take it is to fast, because then you Know it is working for our intended purposes and not just binding with something else you ate or drank or took.
Many people think they need these special administrations types, like enteric-coated or rectal administration but just basic old EDTA pills taken orally works just fine, if people actually follow the directions.
Also the science on EDTA destruction by stomach acids is very old and flawed... I should get affiliate deals for all these products I keep recommending though.
There Are other things you can take with EDTA that help, you just need to be sure they do not bind with EDTA.
Like ALA, NAC, bromelain, sodium/natural citrate and Vitamins C, D and E.
We take a lot of all of those while we fast for 3-5 days, which is actually Really easy with EDTA.
paul r - Sep 9
paul’s Substack
Please tell us exactly how you fast , like without water or with water . the quantities of vitamins , EDTA. It will help a lot !
I heard recently about chlorine dioxide from DR . Pedro Chavez when he discuss with Dr .Ana Mihalcea . It disolves the nanotehnology from blood ?
Bee Gee - Sep 9
Bee Gee
I posted the fast details below. Chlorine Dioxide seems to help but cannot fully fix it on its own.
And you cannot take it with EDTA or it will break down the EDTA molecule.
AncientHeart369 - Sep 14
AncientHeart369’s Substack
Bee Gee, I am so grateful for your contributions!
Reply (1) - Sep 13
Bee Gee
Comment removed.
Bee Gee - Sep 13
Bee Gee
John dorusinec - Sep 10
John dorusinec
Bee Gee - Sep 11
Bee Gee
Yes, you need to drink a lot of water when fasting or chelating. I drink gallons.
I use a Zerowater water filter, its cheap and the best IMO.
And a huge drinking glass/vase that holds 4 cups of water, my wife hates it because its heavy but you can drink a Lot of water with a Big cup.
Alan Tan - Sep 10
Alan’s Substack
What happens taking mms first and then take edta one hour after..
Bee Gee - Sep 10
Bee Gee
I think one hour is not enough and personally I would do it the other way, EDTA First then 2 or 3 hours later try the MMS. At least at first, to test.
MMS/chlorine dioxide has a longer bioavaiable halflife and stays circulating in your system longer than EDTA and so if you take it first, I think it is just going to break down the EDTA when you take it.
Fwiw, I myself no longer take them on the same Day.
John Vargo - Sep 11
John Vargo
I've read CDS only stays in your system about an hour.I wouldn't hesitate to take it every 2 hrs for a bad cold or the flu.Had one a couple yrs ago with a bad cough and CDS stopped the cough 90% right away.Not a cure all but a must have.
Bee Gee - Sep 11
Bee Gee
Yeah, people can definitely take a lot, if you read Jim Humbles book, some people take Huge amounts but I dont take them together anymore. Why take the chance on wasting your EDTA?
I myself have taken one cup of MMS at 250ppms every half hour for 8 then 9 then 10 hours over 3 days.
Not easy on your stomach and you have to keep drinking a lot of water but also not going to kill you. It is definitely very useful for biologics like a cold and water sterilization but not for removing nanotech from your blood, IMO.
I think EDTA and Vitamin C is more effective for that.
Elvee Marie - Nov 22
Hi John, just curious. How did you take CDS to stop your cough? I had a bad one last year, pulling muscles in my back and side. I nebulized CDS and cough stopped before I was done, I went to bed and in the morning everything in my chest was loose. The cough never came back and the month long cold was over.
Alan Tan - Sep 18
Alan’s Substack
What about taking Edta before you go to bed
Bee Gee - Sep 18
Bee Gee
Yes that works. That is why MedFive recommends taking it at night before bed, to minimize the things you eat or drink that will bind with the EDTA.
That is one of the most important things about taking oral EDTA… it is easy to take incorrectly and you arent going to die or anything, it just wont Work.
Some people take it for Years and then realize that they were wasting it the whole time because they took it with a multivitamin or zinc or with food.
It gives you a little buzz though when you first start taking it in appreciable amounts and your brain starts firing on all cylinders again, so it may make it hard to sleep at first.
And honestly, fasting while taking EDTA is the easiest fast ever. I wish I would have known that Before and I would have done an EDTA fast Every time I fasted before in my life.
We will probably do another one this weekend, so I will post my protocol again at some point before then.
And I just looked up my big MedFive order and it was last August, so that means I have been taking EDTA for around 18 months now and I am better than fine. Seriously, I cannot recommend it enough.
AncientHeart369 - Sep 14
AncientHeart369’s Substack
Do you have a scope to see how your strategies are working? I have a feeling that with what you’re doing, your blood is almost whistle clean!
With plump non-sticky blood cells!
Bee Gee - Sep 19
Bee Gee
I have ordered a darkfield microscope so that is in the works but I hope.
I only have to go out to the store once every two weeks now so maybe that is helping but they also give out vaxxes in their pharmacy there so we shall see.
I also plan on getting a heavy metals screen and a hair metals analysis too, since that gives you a more historic look into how much metals Were in your blood while the blood or urine give you a better idea how much you still have in your blood or are actively chelating out.
Wendy Lee Hermance - Sep 23
I think taking the EDTA at night seems sound. So far I cannot find the EDTA though in Europe.
Nadine Brennan - Jan 25
Are you able to order from Bulk Supplements? Very inexpensive, EDTA powder, and Vit C powder, buy slow release capsules to protect the EDTA from stomach acid. Amazon and EBay sells Bulk Supplements.
Bjorn Falkestrom - Oct 16
Iherb sells EDTA capsules
Wendy Lee Hermance - Sep 23
Bee Gee
I would love to see an easy graphic comparable to Dr. peter Mccullough's' Spike Protein De-Tox Protocol" chart. I've taken that for about 7 months. (Within two weeks I felt alive again, and continued to regainenergy, but I have inexplicable facial rashes, shortness of breath, acid reflux and coughing up green... sorry. I'm ready to try Dr. Ana's expulsion as soon as I can find a 'protocol."
Bee Gee - Sep 23
Bee Gee
Here is the protocol for people who dont know what it is.
However that protocol does not have enough nattokinase or bromelain. If I were following it, I would take the bromelain twice a day and Greatly increase the amount of nattokinase to 4000Fus every 12 hours or perhaps even more.
Many people take 10000fus every 12 hours and have no adverse events, as long as you arent allergic to soy, nattokinase is one of the safest and most stable supplements you can take in my opinion.
However it Cannot dissolve the nanotech, no matter how much you take although it does make you blood flow much better which can make the EDTA/vitamin C work better when you do take it. Also you cannot take curcumin or nattokinase with EDTA because it will bind with the mineral content in them so I no longer take them on the same day.
Alan Tan - Sep 18
Alan’s Substack
A friend, un jabbed, have rubber clots around his wrist and bad circulation on his hands till it affect one tip of his finger, necrosis. He's on wafrin and injectables. Again his Dr is baffled, seem like they are all using that word to keep silent..
How would that affect his medication? Should he take the vC and Edta and leave 2 hrs before his meds or there other way around.
Wendy Lee Hermance - Sep 23
Alan’s Substack
I hope your friend knows you are rooting for him. I hope he can recover.
Alan Tan - Oct 20
Alan’s Substack
So far some color has come back to his hands, before it was whitish, lack of blood flow. I can see it's working. And he on 500mg. So told him to increase to 1000mg.
Seeking Truth - Sep 11
Seeking Truth
what if you have amalgams & cannot take EDTA? Is another chelating agent a substitute?
Bee Gee - Sep 11
Bee Gee
I have amalgams and take a lot of EDTA, you just cannot put it under your tongue and hold it in your mouth.
Just take the pills like normal with a full glass of water.
Angel - Sep 13
I used to get seizures from 1996 until 2007. For many years I have done so much research about amalgam fillings and seizures. I took out my amalgam fillings in 2007, have done oral chelation therapy and changed my food into more 95% organic whole foods life style, since 2007 until now, no seizures.
Susannah - Feb 5
Do you have an email address you could share with me? Thanks
Angel - Sep 11
Monica Onit
You have Modified Citrus Pectin but I’m not sure if it will give you the same results for the shots but it works similarly to EDTA as a heavy medal cleanse. EDTA is a better binder though.
Monica Onit - Sep 14
Monica Onit
Thank you for sharing with us!
terri - Sep 16
If you can, find a holistic dentist and have them removed. They replace the fillings with a non bpa substance. I did mine, shopped it around. 3 different dentists and a huge difference in their prices but same procedure.
Antony Oliver - Sep 23
the problem is finding a dental anaesthetic that is not crawling with nanobots. Seems they all are now
rachel - Oct 28
MY holistic dentist tests for nanobots and has not yet found contaminations.
Alan Tan - Sep 10
Alan’s Substack
On EDTA supplementation, it say you should take it on an empty stomach
Bee Gee - Sep 10
Bee Gee
Yes, so it doesnt bind with something you eat or drink or other vitamins.
Many people take Zinc or Iron or a multivitamin, which EDTA will Instantly bind with and be wasted so they need to be taken Hours apart.
Swan - Dec 3
Thanks for the AN link. I bought a lot of that product when first heard about it but then thought it was not effective used orally. You take the NAC, vit C, etc. at the same time as EDTA? Have you noticed any benefits of the EDTA use? Thanks again!
Monica Onit - Sep 9 - Edited
Monica Onit
From my experience with oral Calcium EDTA, various formulations:
We are different and reacting differently to an array of supplements and foods. There is simply not one size fits all in here and Dr Ana has emphasized that.
Keeping a journal for EDTA plus all supplements, for all in the house, dog and cat included, is what I do. If you are a petite woman, a kid, etc using the judgement and not jumping on the maximum advised doses is important too. There are so many variables, better to document them daily.
Dr Garry Gordon, who conducted huge studies employing both IV and oral chelation, stated in his Detox with Oral Chelation book that in IV sessions , for people with healthy kidneys, 50mg/ kg of body weight is perfectly safe. In present, we know it’s ok with higher quantities but using discernment and being cautious.
You are right, we need that chelation doctors to start to publish comprehensive guidance for lay persons, adapted to the present assault on people worldwide.
The Calcium-EDTA 1 minute push IV needs to be urgently shaped to be safely used at home already! The tech should be employed for un-doing devil, let’s go, please!
The water needs to be abundant enough and purest you can get at least in the hours before and after oral chelation.
The BeeGee’s fast is something I will be able to do next month, although not with the quantities from both forms of EDTA he takes. I’ll adjust them according with my frame. Keeping MedFive at 2 and plain EDTA around, I’ve started to add it and gently going up with it.
I was sensitive to MedFive but didn’t quit, splitting the pill in two for weeks at the beginning.
At good distance from fasting hours with EDTA and distilled water only, maybe other co-chelators like malic acid, NAC , garlic extract in the game, I will replenish with good multiminerals and vitamins. According with our ages and many other factors, we need to carefully look after some more B vitamins too, folic acid in the methylated forms. Don’t look at mice quantities, do your homework thoroughly, it’s rewarding in terms of great results.
His fast has pineapple in it, for an almost carnivore gal here, I am waiting with anticipation to feast on fruit for 5 days in a row.
Happy chelation to you all!
God bless Dr Ana and all the other brave people devoting so much time and knowledge, exposing themselves to vile attacks, for trying to save our Humanity! Thank you!
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Sep 10
Patti’s Substack
Hi Monica you mentioned my good friend Dr. Gary Gordon in your post. He was considered the father of chelation therapy in Arizona. He was an amazing man. He used to say that he never lost a patient to a heart attack who was on Chelation therapy. I really miss him. He passed in August of 2022.
Monica Onit - Sep 11
Monica Onit
Dear Patti,
May Dr Gordon rest in peace! God bless his memory!
May his Family and friends find solace!
Dr Gordon is indeed the father of oral chelation therapy and he also wrote the training norms of chelation, IV and oral, for doctors and nurses, nationally and internationally. Under his guidance, millions were able to get better, avoiding bypass surgeries, amputations and Alzheimer, etc, etc.
A great Doctor and an original mind!
So happy you’ve took the time to write this post!
Some time ago, I have started to gather and read all I could find on Dr Gordon, his books, interviews, podcasts… The man was a titan in his field and maybe his Family and friends will want to urgently republish his books because there aren’t many available.
I have found mines at thrift stores, online… The world needs them more than ever: families, nurses , doctors…
Just look at the questions on Dr Ana’s Substack, people urgently need consistent answers on chelation, to feel safe and start it already!
‘Detox with Oral Chelation’ is easy to read, it has everything we need to know to confidently start chelation at home.
Thank you so much , you’ve made my day!
God bless you and your Family!
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Sep 11
Patti’s Substack
Monica I have his IV Push EDTA protocol. Doesn't take long to do and is safe. It's explained very well with the research he did with it. I'll look for it and send it to Dr. Margaret Aranda when I find it.
By the way are you in healthcare?
Monica Onit - Sep 11
Monica Onit
Wow, Patti, God sent you here, be blessed!
No, I’m not in healthcare but I learn fast whatever it takes to keep my Family healthy and away from doctors.
I was thinking about Ca-EDTA IV -push because it’s much faster and less complicated for doctors and nurses who never did chelation before but they might want to start to help the jab-injured people all over the world, immediately.
It will be huge if it’s doable at home because chelation clinics are not easy to find.
Dr Elmer Cranton’s Textbook for Chelation also contains this protocol I guess, my exemplary is on the way.
Our family is on oral Calcium EDTA, 13 months into it and doing very well.
Regular persons with discernment should be able to administer this protocol in their homes because all the planet needs chelation. A nice kit put together with a handbook, maybe?
Please, Patti, make it accessible/ adapted? for home treatment, if possible!
Thank you very much!
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Sep 11
Patti’s Substack
Monica you need a trained professional to calculate evaluate and administer a treatment such as this. Labs need to be drawn and certain body functions need to be able to handle this treatment or harm could be done. How many in your family for example could place a needle in a vein and not blow the vein? Do you know what extravasation means and how to handle an unexpected emergency? IV EDTA requires a prescription from a licensed physician. This needs to be done by someone who has taken the courses and is certified in Chelation therapy. Anything less would be dangerous in untrained hands. Find a doc or Naturopath who does this near you. Set up a relationship with them so you have access to help now.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Sep 11
Patti’s Substack
This paper covers IV and Oral EDTA Chelation
Second Draft, May 15. 2002. It covers Direct IV push of calcium Edta which has been used in Europe for 30 years at the time the paper was written.
Wendy Lee Hermance - Sep 23
Hello, I live in Europe and cannot find anywhere to get the EDTA. I een went to an elderly "more holistic" pharmacist. No one knew what I was talking about.
Janis Rough - Sep 11 - Edited
Janis Rough
This is a side question but if nano particles are in our water how can we avoid them? Did anyone study water? Does a black Berkey filtration with the fluoride filter remove nano particles? Doesn’t help our EPA fined Berkey company with a stop order. Something. Fishy going on with the EPA
Bee Gee - Sep 13 - Edited
Bee Gee
I use a Zerowater filter, it is the best there is but you have to keep buying filters for it.
Which sucks but also makes sense when you think about it. Filters fill up. Zerowater is much better than a berkey though, even the berkey multistage.
Many people like reverse osmosis but they are more expensive and a whole lot more expensive when they go bad and you have to replace the membrane... which is made of nanotechnology.
And zerowater comes with a free TDS meter to test your water.
Not that TDS is the final answer to all contaminants, a TDS meter doesnt detect Everything but its better than the companies that Dont give you a TDS meter to test how well their filter works.
We fill up the sink with water and then throw in a chlorine dioxide tablet to kill all biologics and then put That water through the zerowater filter, it makes the filters last a lot longer IME.
Michelle Vogelsang - Sep 24 - Edited
Susan’s Substack
I use a simple distiller to make distill water and then add a pinch of salt :)
Pamela Burnham - Oct 27 - Edited
Susan’s Substack
I love my countertop distiller. Only cost $120 and has been making a couple gallons or so every day for four years now. It is stainless steel with a glass container. I add about 1/16th to an 1/8th of a tsp of non-aluminum baking soda to a glass to make the water alkaline.
Susan sullivan - Feb 12
Susan’s Substack
I need to buy a distiller. What did you get your distiller? Please respond. Thank you so much. God bless.
william schneider - Sep 9
william’s Substack
Dorothy, I have expressed exact concern a few days ago. I hope Anna responds and gives us more detail. I am a paid subscriber, so hopefully Anna can help us who cannot get to her clinic for intravenous treatment.
Bernie_miltenberger - Sep 9 - Edited
The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
1 ml twice a day is the recommended dose. I have asked Global Healing Center to bundle the EDTA with Methylene Blue & Foreign Protein Cleanse. I rotate the items once a day with one ingredient. Of course, I take the Vitamin C from One Planet Nutrition called Nano-Vitamin C daily along with other supplements like Magnesium Citrate!
Monica Onit - Sep 9
Monica Onit
Can you , please, share how much Nano-Vitamin C daily? How many times a day?
Thank you very much!
Bernie_miltenberger - Sep 9
The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
It comes with a little scoop. Twice a day!
Monica Onit - Sep 9
Monica Onit
Thank you!
Twice a day sounds like a keeper to me.
Susannah - Sep 13
How many mg in a scoop?
Dorothy Frew - Sep 9
Dorothy’s Substack
Thank you . This is helpful.
Seeking Truth - Sep 11 - Edited
Seeking Truth
Mag citrate is made from black mold , & Global Healing has Vit C.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Sep 11
Patti’s Substack
Penicillin was discovered in a mold on oranges. So what!
John Vargo - Sep 11
John Vargo
If you read agents substack on vitamins and the rockefellers petroleum medicine it does fit with depopulation and transhumanism.The fockafellers also convinced the worlds gov'ts to change music to 440 hertz from 432.440 is found nowhere in nature.Discernment,add synthetic vitamins or food based non synthetic vitamins to a long list,
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Sep 12
Patti’s Substack
Actually John it was the Catholic Church who changed that frequency many many millenia ago. This was because they knew it was a Healing frequency. They went to 440 first. Then in more modern times the Rockefellers moved to change to make it the standard in music.
John Vargo - Sep 12
John Vargo
If the world only knew,
John Vargo - Sep 13 - Edited
John Vargo
Yeah you will eat ze insects,I am buying nothing but REAL natural from now on.Yeah the big pharma satanic corporations don't like that.,actual%20natural%20plant%2Dderived%20ingredients.,actual%20natural%20plant%2Dderived%20ingredients
John Vargo - Sep 13
John Vargo
They're not letting me post it, try again,,actual%20natural%20plant%2Dderived%20ingredients.,actual%20natural%20plant%2Dderived%20ingredients
Susannah - Sep 13
Are you saying 1 ml twice a day for oral EDTA? The oral EDTA tabs (and liquid drops) I have are measured in mg. They say either 500mg or 1,000 mg for a serving. How many mg of Vit C are you taking during the day?
Brandy - Sep 13
I just happened to be reading about Dr. Ana’s dosage recommendation (from her article Wednesday, 9/11/24) regarding the *ineffectiveness* of nicotine in inhibiting the nanotech structures) when I next saw your comment, so I thought I’d copy/paste the part pertaining to your question. Dosages for both EDTA and high-dose Vitamin C are clearly outlined in the following clip from said article: ☺️
“I would not use Nicotine/ tobacco as a solitary solution.
I noted that the EDTA plus Vitamin C combination was weakened by tobacco, so if you are going to use it, maybe increasing the EDTA and Vitamin C dose would be a good idea. In patients with normal kidney function EDTA 500mg daily in the evening ( must be liposomal, microsomal, enteric coated or rectal as it othewise gets disintegrated in the gut). Most people tolerate this well daily and some could take the weekends off. Full Multimineral support must be taken in the morning. I currently prefer Global Healings microsomal Calcium EDTA as an oral source, but others also work fine.
I recommend high doses of Vitamin C up to 10.000mg daily. I have seen great results with oral regimens only, meaning people do not have to do IV therapy. I have treated vaccine injured patients with oral regimens of EDTA/ Vitamin C and it works well.
The more severely symptomatic definately benefit from more intensive treatment intravenously.
I hope this adds to the discussion regarding Nicotine/ tobacco for self assembly nanotechnology. I personally will continue to recommend EDTA + Vitamin C as the primary treatment as I have for three years. I have shown in many articles that it works. My recent testing was a complete confirmation of my work. I think everybody in the world should be on this combo, until we stop Geoengineering and the nanotechnological assault on humanity in food, water, medicines and all other convenience products.
In my mind, after finding the results below, there was just one sentence:
Check Mate, Deep State.
Humanity will live.
Breaking News: Calcium Disodium EDTA +Vitamin C Deactivates Nano/Microrobots And Dissolves All Microchips In Pfizer COVID19 "Vaccine"- Darkfield Microscopy
SEP 9”
Wendy Lee Hermance - Sep 23
Has anyone found a source of the correct Calcium EDTA 500 mg oral tablets in Europe, please?
Michelle Vogelsang - Jan 13
You can buy the ones she recommneds on iherb :)
Nicolina - Sep 9
Monica Onit
Plus EDTA is toxic
Monica Onit - Sep 9
Monica Onit
Very toxic for medical industrial complex, DARPA people, deep state altogether, etc
Disodium-EDTA and later Calcium-EDTA had long , glorious days in treating a vast array of frightening conditions… Dr Gordon and Dr Elmer Cranton are just two pioneers in chelation to be studied, before totally quitting on EDTA. Just to see how those who have the power masterfully erase enormous load of info and change the public discourse , in a blink of the eye!
And no editing house printing about EDTA anymore…
Aspirin is dangerous too as is water, if we use them wrong.
Dorothy Frew - Sep 9
Dorothy’s Substack
I wonder if you could clarify your comment using typical English structure, which is Subject-Verb- Object. I don't have enough background in the subject to infer these components when they are omitted. I would very much like to know what you are saying. No offense.
Monica Onit - Sep 9
Monica Onit
😆Really?Do you want us to go to the grammar’s war? With someone who writes, I am citing you, ‘ …sufficient for human body, and, human bodies differ in size…’?
Have a nice day!
John dorusinec - Sep 10
John dorusinec
I will be dead long time ago,what a idiotic comment??
Molly Gentry - Sep 12
Molly Gentry
John, you really need to quit commenting on the subjects you obviously have never studied or researched. You certainly CAN die from ingesting too much aspirin, which causes hemorrhages in your stomach lining. As for water, ask the radio DJ who decided to start a contest over the air on "Who can drink the most water in 10 minutes?" A young woman actually drowned from forcing too much water into her gulping down tap water too hurriedly. So Monica's comment is far from "idiotic"....I hope you can now agree.🤔🤷
Nancy Hirsch - Sep 9
Bee Gee
Me too! Hasn't Dr. Ana said for the past year or so (maybe longer?) that EDTA and Vitamin C destroy the nanobots? What makes this information new?
Bee Gee - Sep 10
Bee Gee
Its the nicotine angle. A few days ago LQC put some tobacco juice on a slide with jab-crystals and everyone went crazy thinking they had found something no one else had found.
Except Many Many people had already tested this in Many forms and and found it has Zero effect on the nanotech in peoples blood, for example.
Or in stopping people from getting the shedding, but everyone went crazy thinking its some new 'cure' rather than a repeat of 3 year old information. LQC didnt even say it was a cure, they said it needed further research.
I myself do not like Brian Ardis, who is a big proponent of the nicotine patches, and I gave Multiple reasons from reality Why I feel that way but a lot of people like him nonetheless, which is fine, thats their opinion.
But a lot of people are getting physically ill from the patches, which is why half the advice surrounding them is how to take less or cut them smaller to Not make you sick. Also those same receptors bind with acetylcholine, so they Could just take that rather than a nicotine patch but meh, they've got it all figured out.
Im no tobacco hater, to each their own but everyone using tobacco or nicotine patches still has the shedding and from what I have seen and read has no difference in their blood from people who do Not take nicotine. None.
It does make you feel better though, just like smoking a cigarette. Thats why this old news is back up again though.
AncientHeart369 - Sep 14
AncientHeart369’s Substack
Hi Bee Gee.
I believe people are getting ill from the nicotine because they’re not using binders with it.
I took a 4mg nicotine lozenge before a lunch outing (empty stomach) and was HORRIBLY ILL, as in projectile 🤮
several times because the nic released the venom lodged in my body way too fast.
I got home and took a load of activated charcoal and it was gone within a half hour.
Ardis uses a 7mg patch prophylactically and apple pectin three times a day to bind the venom released.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Sep 22
Patti’s Substack
Oral is for sale with dosage on the bottle. IV is available but is expensive. Rectal EDTA suppositories are available cheap with dosage on the container. All but the IV therapy are available online and cone with directions.
Liberty Liz - Sep 9
Liberty Liz
It cannot be said enough how amazing, dedicated, and brilliant you are. Thank you for all you've done and continue to do, esp in this day and age of truly inferior "white coats" (with zero cognition and even less of a moral compass), who are roaming the halls of "medical care" causing devastation and death. You are truly a gift and a blessing, a rare gem of hope, who actually makes a difference and matters. God bless you. And thank you for sharing the incredible benefits of your hard-fought knowledge.
Adriana J. Garces - Sep 10
Adriana J. Garces
I am glad to have read your very touching words. It’s as if you wrote my feelings and gracefully. I’m so glad we are but two grateful people in the world. Certainly not the only ones! And still even more that I find good people all the time. I do believe I could not judge others nor do I want to say who’s good or bad. I do believe there is only one judge and that is ourselves when we need to make decisions which affect our lives, especially. I believe. I believe in all of us who stand for freedom of will, expression, bodily autonomy and every God given right to live- not merely exist in torment under oppressive rule. May we have the will and strength to keep pushing forward.
Linda - Sep 10
Linda’s Substack
Let we all be strong keep the fighting spirits alive human spirit don’t give up
we know we’re fighting evil war the Devils wants to exterminate inhabitant
Politico Phil - Sep 13
Politico Phil
Jeff Nelson - VegSource - Sep 9 - Edited
Jeff Nelson - VegSource
It would be extremely helpful if, after you've done and repeated and reached a solid conclusion, you would provide instructions for how to do this. Doseage? Recommended products? Does EDTA need to be done using IV? Can the program be done all orally? Obviously a lot of people are very interested and want information for how they could do this on their own, which is not clear at this point. Thank you for your great work!
Bee Gee - Sep 9 - Edited
Bee Gee
She doesnt put all of that info in every single post but she has in a lot of her other work.
IV EDTA is better but more expensive and harder to get. Oral EDTA can work although slower and is over the counter but most people dont take it right.
John dorusinec - Sep 10
John dorusinec
$170 dollars in Grandhotel Tijuana-HOLISTIC CARE, Mexico,they bring you,from the border and return back,evening,for FREE ( 4 hr,plus vitamins,that my be lost)
Monica Onit - Sep 10
Monica Onit
Good for you, very fine arrangement! Cheers to Tijuana for doing REAL care!
william schneider - Sep 9
william’s Substack
BG I have been reading Anna‘s work for years now and I have never seen her give details on dosage for EDTA and or vitamin C, etc. I am also been a paid subscriber for nearly a year. Also, are you a licensed physician or trained to give some advice on EDTA? I am in chiropractic position, but I have very little knowledge of EDTA.
Monica Onit - Sep 9
Monica Onit
A Textbook on EDTA Therapy, by Dr Elmer M. Cranton.
Re-published in 2001.
We need more doctors able to do IV chelations.
God bless you, Sir!
william schneider - Sep 9
william’s Substack
I agree Monica. more docs doingchelation therapy IV
Monica Onit - Sep 9
Monica Onit
Dr Elmer’s work along with Dr Gordon’s were references and norms not long ago.
The book I’ve mentioned to you is a reference training for chelation doctors.
Monica Onit - Sep 9
Monica Onit
Dr Cranton has sold his practice to Dr Eduardo Castro, when he retired.
He was formed by Dr Cranton and you will find him in Troutdale, VA.
Just found his
Good luck with starting IV chelation and maybe inspiring other Doctors to do it!
John dorusinec - Sep 10
John dorusinec
one is in Bakersfield,but i go to Tijuana
Nancy Urga - Sep 10
Nancy Urga
What type of Dr. is in Bakersfield? Thx
Nancy Urga - Sep 10
Nancy Urga
Have you the doctor’s name? Integrative medicine? TY
Seeking Truth - Sep 11
Seeking Truth
why doesn't Dr Ana, or anyone else but myself mention you cannot take edta with silver fillings!!!
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Sep 11
Patti’s Substack
That's not true where did you get that idea?
MJ - Sep 11
Because they don't understand how dangerous chelation therapy is in the long run. Most toxins stay in the body and get redistributed. A raw diet based on raw fat and raw meats etc works best for detox.
Allie Jeanene - Sep 10 - Edited
crapshoot farmer
Are the claims of IV EDTA being dangerous, true? I’ve heard she’s lost a few patients while giving it to them
crapshoot farmer - Sep 10
crapshoot farmer
That would be interesting to know if it's true.
I guess you'd need to sign a waiver before the process.
Overall health of the patient going into her for treatment is definitely a factor. Especially if they've taken the kill shot.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Sep 11 - Edited
Patti’s Substack
What's your source of information on that statement? Where's the documentation on that claim?
Allie Jeanene - Sep 11 - Edited
Bee Gee
I don’t have it. Heard is from Dr. Ariyana Love here on her Substack
Bee Gee - Sep 13 - Edited
Bee Gee
The mentor of Not-a-doctor Ariyana Loves is Also-not-a-doctor Robert Young, who is still trying to scam people with Masterpiece...
despite the fact that zeolite is silica and aluminum, which are known building blocks of nanotechnology. And seawater plasma isnt even a real thing, its totally fake saline solution.
She always says her 'healing protocols' are in high demand and that a 'client asked her too look at something' so heres all the bad things she can find about it... yet shes clueless.
Somehow she actually manages to know Less than people who know absolutely Nothing about a thing, which is impressive for all the wrong reasons.
Personally I wouldn't trust her if she said the sky was blue.
Sue Smith - Nov 13
Totally agree! She is unprofessional and loves to rant.
Her and the masterpiece people make a lot of claims but their clinical data looks weak to me. I have not yet found one single photo of before and after photos from the 1/2 million dollar microscope they claim to have. If anyone can please reply with link. thank you.
John Vargo - Sep 13 - Edited
John Vargo
I think her last name is another reversal current,bet she's on a payroll.General rule,trust debunkers like fact checkers.The king of all debunkers could be mick west if I remember correctly from Matabunk.
MJ - Sep 10
Bee Gee
Chelation therapy is quite dangerous. The body can not excrete or secrete most of the toxins bound by the chelation agent which is toxic itself. The metals and plaque re-store in the body in the bones, bone marrow, lymph, connective tissue and skin. Chelation therapy is chemotherapy(this is from the book by Aajonus Vonderplanitz of the Primal Diet). Dr Ana is doing great work but she doesn't know enough about nutrition. There is no magic pill, raw fat will detox the body but it takes work over time.
Bee Gee - Sep 13
Bee Gee
Im just surprised you dont have a substack and a medical practice and a darkfield microscope so you can show how little she knows.
Politico Phil - Sep 13
Politico Phil
You might want to research that a little more. The medical establishment is rabid about eliminating EDTA from availability and the local AMA mafias push lies about it all the time. I went through a full course of IV EDTA 30 years ago at a clinic that was administering the therapy to many patients every day. Very beneficial and never had a problem. It's not dangerous unless it is being abused. One can abuse water and drown in it too.
The local AMA mafia eventually ran the Dr out of town. Today there is a Longevity clinic on the beach here Panama City that does IV EDTA. There is also a clinic in Tallahassee that does EDTA. Do not believe the lies about this health boosting therapy.
g v - Oct 15
Hi, could you please share the link of a post where she lays out the protocol for EDTA? Or could you please share it here? Thank you
Barry - Sep 11
Bee Gee
I have used oradix edta suppositories.Oradix is closed for a while because of moving of the factory ,but there are more edta suppository brands like detoxamin, kelamin and more you can find with search engine I think you can take 5 gram of ascorbic acid powder per hour but you have to find youre tolerance on that and do research about it furder Vitamin e can also be taken and malic acid powder can also be found to order. methylene blue from earth harmony deffinetly is a good thing and i can say that fromexperience.italso shows in this article to pull hydrogel and microbots to it like a magnet and then it can excreted out
Bee Gee - Sep 13
Bee Gee
Other things you can take that help but will not bind with EDTA include ALA, NAC, glutathione, bromelain, and Vitamins C, D and E.
nico napo - Sep 9
nico’s Newsletter
LoZo - Sep 9
Thank God for this day....and for you -- and your brains! TY!!! TY!!!
TruthSeeker - Sep 9 - Edited
charles allan
Dr. Mihalcea, can you please use in one of your experiments, synthetic nicotine powder? The kind that is in most of the synthetic smokeless nicotine pouches today. And see if it makes any difference. Or if you know the answer please share. Because a lot of the younger people use the synthetic nicotine pouches that have powdered synthetic nicotine in them. Wondering if this blocks the ACE2 receptors like another doctor said it would.
charles allan - Sep 9
charles allan
Yes dr bryan ardiss . I had very bad throat and used about 8 - 12 mg nic per day - it went away in a few days, After taking a nic tablet 2 mg i felt worse for about 1/2 hour - sneezing and increased clear mucus froth. The nic blocks ace2 and the spike cannot enter actually gets expelled - this is the reaction bit I assume . I was never vaxed but caught covid from shedding.
One fag = 10mg so not harmful - see brian ardiss on natural news interviewed by mike adams
It came back and i had dry cough at night almost like whooping cough - did the same again and got rid of spike proteins completely
Plants make nicotine to kill parasites - eg potatoes etc similar to hydroxy and quinine
Adriana J. Garces - Sep 10
Adriana J. Garces
Wow that’s quite interesting. Thanks for sharing this, also!
charles allan - Sep 10
charles allan
Not sure if it works for any corona virus like flu/colds but it certainly worked for covid
as i had the covid symptoms with long lasting cough but not the other covid symptoms such as clotting as it was less severe ie not coming from a jab .
Another member of my family used it twice successfully - she caught it from shedding on holiday in morocco. So the govn will have to ban potatoes along with cigs - lol But the urge to ban smoking when the world is flooded with toxic drugs makes me highly suspicious - plus organic farmers spray nicotine on crops as an insecticide. Millions could be saved if the infected took nic plus all the other immune
aids - zinc vit c d3 etc etc
Bee Gee - Sep 9 - Edited
Bee Gee
All vapes and ecigs and nicotine patches use synthetic nicotine, which as many many people have found, does not dissolve nanotech or stop you from getting the shedding.
It May stop you from getting severe disease from sars-cov2 because it also binds with the nicotinic-acetylcholine receptors in the brain and that can cause a cytokine storm...
but to my mind that is not really a concern as the variants that are out there do not really cause that severe disease anymore.
Most people are taking nicotine patches because shocker, your brain likes nicotine and Brian Ardis, like most scammers, is a good salesperson.
anna burns - Sep 9 - Edited
Bee Gee
Brian Ardis is not selling nicotine patches.
My MD told me to take the patches with Ivermectin for long covid and they really helped.
Bee Gee - Sep 9
Bee Gee
He is selling nicotine patches and everything else under the sun, any supplement anyone has ever mentioned Might help. Many of those supplements have outright fake ingredients in them, which is always the sign of a distrustful company, IMO.
Triple purified Biophotonic Structured water, for one. Its not even a real thing, like the 'Seawater Plasma' that scammer Robert Young sells... Also Fake.
People do feel better when they take nicotine patches, just like they would feel better if they smoked a cigarette... because you have nicotine receptors in your brain.
However, there is no difference in the clinical presentation of the blood of someone who is on nicotine patches and someone who is Not, so whatever makes you feel better but many people also get Sick trying to use nicotine patches. Then they have to reduce the patch size or change brands several times to find the 'right' one. And for what?
To each their own, I'm no hater and know more about tobacco than most but many people seem to believe the patches are doing something they are proven to Not do.... like clean your blood of nanotech or prevent you from getting shedding.
anna burns - Sep 9
Bee Gee
He does not sell nicotine patches. Get your information right before you spread slander.
Bee Gee - Sep 9
Bee Gee
Oh yeah, it doesnt look like he does sell them anymore.
I take back my "Ardis the scammer sell nicotine patches" statement.
It just says "Dr. Ardis Trusted Brands of Nicotine Agents".
If you think buying supplements with fake ingredients like 'triple-purified biophotonic structured water' under the cover of authority of a 'doctor' is a good idea, feel free to continue.
anna burns - Sep 9
I don't buy his products, or many product at all. I am selective about what I take and who I buy from. You have a major attitude. Really a turn off.
charles allan - Sep 10
charles allan
So you would take ' trusted ' drugs like remdesevir and midazolam from pharma and get suffocated with intubation - i would not trust you as far as i could throw you - you sound like a pharma shill.
I use supplements - how do you know they are fake - do you phone dr fauci
charles allan - Sep 10
charles allan
I used to smoke around 20 small cigars a day = approx 400mg of nic - the nic gummies are 2mg of which i took 4 = 8mg - less than one cig a day - lol
Do you have a lab in your house to test dr ardiss ingredients - amazing how you know they are fake - by telepathy - can you provide evidence ? whats dr young got to do with this ?
william schneider - Sep 9
william’s Substack
BG, I think you are dead wrong when you accuse Dr. ardis of being a scammer. He is a brilliant physician and has helped many people. His new book will quiet, many skeptics. I am anxious to get the book myself and read it. I am also a licensed, chiropractic physician and have, good idea who the scammers are out there. What are your qualifications to be critiquing Dr. Artis?
eternalMax - Sep 9
charles allan
I have the inclination to believe that BG is using “Dumbed Down Google” as his search engine where they smear brilliant minds… his comments seem to reflect that…. Not all of it, but he seems to be intent in denigrating some pretty brilliant minds, which Google typically labels as “Conspiracy Theory” and the like.
charles allan - Sep 10
charles allan
And he is already dumbed down to begin with
charles allan - Sep 10
charles allan
BG qual seems to be a a 1 day dr fauci course vetenary medicine
Alan Tan - Sep 10
Alan’s Substack
Trying to make my own nicotine oil tincture. Bought a pack of organic tobacco and will infuse it in organic almond oil..the patches they sell here are all with shareholders of Blackrock, state Street and Vanguard. So prob have graphine in it
charles allan - Sep 10
charles allan
Yes I worried about this as well - they could even put more venom in it then say you died of nicotine.
My brother took all the jabs - about 5 - he has slight fibrillation but his wife got clots in her legs and is now almost blind . But my brother smokes a pipe and is fairly undamaged - so maybe i will take up the pipe again - about 1 smoke a night should maintain prophylaxis - the pipe tob. has more nic
eternalMax - Sep 9 - Edited
crapshoot farmer
I don’t think calling people names and labeling them to degrade is good policy on a public forum. It’s in very poor taste, no matter what. I read every post because I like listening to everyone’s opinion, but I think I’ll just go past your particular “Comments” from now on.
crapshoot farmer - Sep 10
crapshoot farmer
Max, Charles, we have little to go on as far as determining who is a scammer, a fraud, or a 'medical Dr.' that is known as a gatekeeper in that they are telling some truth but steering you and I away from the heart of the matter. I've read enough to remember people saying Karen Kingston is one, Jane Ruby, Mike Adams, Robert Young, and Ariyana Love as well as chiropractor Ardis.
Suspect everyone of them.
I've read enough of BeeGee's posts to figure out he is on to something that is more healthful than any of those Dr.'s that call themselves such even though they're chiropractors and I think Jane Ruby is one also. (BG reports on researching Moderna's medical info saying EDTA is effectively the solution to the problems we're seeing.)
I've nothing against chiropractors as I've gotten great relief from them in the past for back troubles. Temporary relief though it was.
Remember we are dealing with synthetic life forms.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Sep 11
Patti’s Substack
I'd like to remind everyone here that Dr Jane Ruby is a Nurse Practioner with 20 years clinical experience and 2 PhD's. Dr Ardis is a chiropractor with a PhD in chiropractic medicine. You don't get those credentials easily. Dr Ardis in my opinion is one of the best literature reviewers I have come across in a long time.
Never disparage a person by saying "just a chiropractor or just a nurse" because you have no idea how much education and training goes into getting those degrees and licenses.
charles allan - Sep 10
charles allan
chiropractors cure more and do less harm than Rockefeller drones off the pharma production line . You seem to write in a similar fashion to BG not really saying anything much - slinging mud with no facts - tag team ? or BG twice
MJ - Sep 10
charles allan
I wouldn't touch EDTA, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or any supplement that isn't a raw food source. Heavy metals are best detoxed with raw fats, especially raw animal fats as described in the Primal Diet of Aajonus Vonderplanitz.
charles allan - Sep 10
charles allan
I will have a look - i mainly use food but cooked and also take some supplements - most of the human diet is cooked for taste and to avoid parasites since the creation . Coconut oil as well
Liberty Liz - Sep 12
Liberty Liz
Good luck with that raw animal ideology in today's contaminated food source. These fads are getting tiresome.
Bee Gee - Sep 9 - Edited
Bee Gee
Thats true, I am a jerk, but I also unfortunately know a lot of things....
which helps contribute to my general jerkiness when I have to constantly restate things long since proven over and over again and argue with people about things they just havent learned Yet, while also trying to help them survive a biowar most people dont even know they are in.
I think there is some Block or Ignore option here but I don't know, I have never used it... I care more about the knowledge than the delivery but I can respect your decision to ignore me.
I mean after this comment... good luck to you in any case.
Betsey - Sep 10 - Edited
perhaps you should look at Dr,s Cowen and Kaufman regarding viruses have never been proven to cause disease!!!
Bee Gee - Sep 10 - Edited
Bee Gee
Many more people than that share those beliefs and they might be right....
but it is irrelevant because the nanotechnology behaves the same as a organic virus.
Betsey - Sep 10
not irrelevant as the entire medical psyop rests on folks believing in contagion. Most are totally unaware of the nanotech, but follow mainstream science, all based on lies.
Liberty Liz - Sep 12 - Edited
Liberty Liz
All "viruses" are man made and manipulated and are injected into humans and animals via childhood and other "vaccinations". What do you consider an organic virus? Polio? Nope. That was poisoning by pesticide. Etc. Viruses, as defined by psychopaths, don't exist as a "contagion". So what's an "organic" virus? 🤦♀️
charles allan - Sep 10
charles allan
nano tech behaves in same way as a virus ?? viruses are a code which harnesses the cellular machinery to multiply - where are your facts on this ?
charles allan - Sep 10
charles allan
More gobbolygook - keep taking the pharma pills
crapshoot farmer - Sep 10
crapshoot farmer
Ardis is a chiropractor, and probably not a good one. But he undoubtedly has gotten very wealthy selling snake venom cures.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Sep 11
Patti’s Substack
Ardis has a PhD in Chiropractic Medicine. When you get your training and license then you can come back and make statements like you just did.
Ardis is a brilliant man with years of experience in his field and is one of the best in reviewing complex medical literature.
crapshoot farmer - Sep 12
crapshoot farmer
A Phd. in chiropractic medicine does not make him a virologist. And trying to find Dr. Ardis website (or Ardis Labs) presents a challenge, at least for the Brave browser.
Here's one:
You'll find a 1oz. vial of CBD tincture for $100. (on sale!) and things like 200 mg. of pet shampoo for $32., 8 tblsp. of CBD coffee for $60. , 2 oz. of lotion for dry skin for $47. , 1 oz. of tincture for $105. And onardisshow.comthe Kid's vitamin complex looks ok until you look sideways on the plastic container and see magnesium stearate and stearic acid, 2 things that no one should consume.
I even found one off-the -wall website that claims he is a well known member of the British royal family. He may be doing what some would call God's work but he is getting very wealthy in the process. (Pet shampoo, anyone?)
charles allan - Sep 10
charles allan
Big pharma got very very very wealthy killing and maiming with a vaccine which did not even work and have been doing it for centuries . He's right about venoms - been around for hundreds of years and is a perfect bioweapon and was probably used in some of the vaxxes but the malthusians are smart enough not to kill everyone at once or they would be hanging high You can buy venoms online .
Snake venom seems to be blocked very cheaply with 10mg a bay of nicotine and he does not sell - you are probably BG or another shill slinging mud with no facts v
charles allan - Sep 10
charles allan
Dont agree with you at all - I have used it from supermarkets and it worked and it did incredibly quickly - although if they had an ordinary cold it might not work - the variants never caused severe disease - the jabs and intubation etc caused the death and disease.
He is not a scammer in the slightest - the scammers are big pharma - are you working for them .
It blocks the ace receptors to STOP the storm - are you ai ?
Your last sentence is incomprehensible
Bee Gee - Sep 10
Bee Gee
Sure, Charles, you have it all figured out and your insults are really really good too.
Thats me, Big Pharma shill.... ; )
Liberty Liz - Sep 12
Liberty Liz
Wrong. First of all, wrong about Ardis; secondly, wrong about nicotine.
AncientHeart369 - Sep 14
AncientHeart369’s Substack
I found a good source for to tobacco leaves and related paraphernalia. They have some organic too. I would either smoke it in a pipe, or make an extract out if it.
I think smoking it in a pipe, maybe even a “water pipe” 🤪 might work on the nano in the lungs and nasal passage after shedding exposure.
Loraine - Sep 9
Monica Onit
I wonder why Moderna included suggestions on how to destroy the microchips? Doesn't that foil their purpose of injecting them in people to begin with?......
Also what harm do the dissolved microchips do in a human's circulatory system? Would they make the blood thicker causing fatal blockages in a different form? Can the human body manage the amount of EDTA et al in the treatment without causing harm???......
Monica Onit - Sep 10
Monica Onit
That’s a great question for Ms Karen Kingston, she knows the answer, for sure. Maybe she already spoke about it, in her interviews and substacks?
A patent is as thorough as it can, in all aspects, the fact that a drug has the description of the antidote in such documents shouldn’t be unusual… I’d like to listen what Ms Karen thinks .
John Vargo - Sep 13
John Vargo
You can't have a nano domestic quell of the human population without a treatment guaranteeing money to be made.Why did the cdc and their 5000 medical corporations not use moderna's suggestions
Monica Onit - Sep 14
Monica Onit
Excellent comment!
I am reading, right now, how the last large study on IV EDTA, TACT, was distorted by the medical (mob-ical sounds better) world…
From ‘The Chelation Revolution’, author Gary Greenberg:
“Dr Robert Willix, a former heart surgeon who owned a chelation clinic in Boca Raton, Florida, in the late 1980s, says […] The standard of care for coronary artery disease was bypass surgery and stents.If you started doing chelation on people who could get a stent or bypass, your waiting room would fill with lawyers”.
eternalMax - Sep 9
crapshoot farmer
Good question… thank you for asking. I look forward to hearing what Dr. Mihalcea’s response to this might be.
crapshoot farmer - Sep 10
crapshoot farmer
Max, I've been subscribing to her for over a year and have yet to see her answer or write a single sentence. She's too busy.
michael janket - Sep 9
michael janket
For takers of the shots, would inclusion of EDTA and ascorbate obviate the bad things that current vaccines produce?
Loraine - Sep 9
Seeking Truth
That's my interpretation Michael of the Dr Ana articles I've read because she reports nanotechnology ongoing in the blood of vaxed and non-vaxed alike😯! Which it horrifying that could even happen without permission!!😡
Seeking Truth - Sep 11
Seeking Truth
it re-assembles, self-adssbles
Seeking Truth - Sep 11
Seeking Truth
true- how do we get it out of the body? Maybe something like charcoal & flaxseed or chia seed?
Webe1 - Sep 10
After profiting from the j abs, they’re also after the data the foreign material provides via the effects of chemtrails, food, water, meds, everyday products, etc.
J Shannon - Sep 9
aka’s Substack
That is an excellent question. Is that part of their, "revelation of the method?"
Loraine - Sep 9
I believe so J Shannon but Dr Ana is the expert and she would be the one to ask...
Thoughtful - Sep 9
Bee Gee
Very intriguing work, Dr. Ana! Two thoughts:
1) I'd love to see this demonstration replicated in bot/tech infested live blood (which begs the question of dosage and follow-up measurements for duration of efficacy); and
2) I'd love to see whether it's possible and what steps are required to effectively REMOVE all the dead nano-debris from one's body/blood after the EDTA bomb kills/deactivates it all.
Bee Gee - Sep 13
Bee Gee
EDTA binds instantly with metals and you urinate Them out, but Im not sure about nanodebris.
I would guess if its rendered nonfunctional it would be cleaned out by normal blood cleansing processes and go out through your kidneys and liver... assuming you dont get it again the very next time you go anywhere.
Bee Gee - Sep 9 - Edited
Bee Gee
Some people may not realize, but this whole article of Dr Ana's above is Old.
IE, the article was Entirely written about old info.
Everything she said above has been known by Dr Ana and others, for over 3 years now.
None of it is New Info, it is actually very old, it is only new to You.
Here is info on my EDTA fast, which is the only way to make oral EDTA approach the effectiveness of IV EDTA. Its annoying because you cant see old comments without subscribing, so I cant just link to an old one.
Ultimate chelation fast
Here is what I am doing and taking. They are all pretty mild and chelate heavy metals as well as dissolve hydrogels. They also cross the blood brain barrier and bromelain gets into closed organs systems others cannot, like the reproductive system.
Oral EDTA (Arizona & MedFive)
ALA (via organic cold pressed hempseed oil)
Sodium & natural Citrate
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
- all every 12 hours
**** I will add Trypsin Proteases as soon as I find the best source and method to take with EDTA
I only eat once a day anyway but I ate last night at around 9pm so I wont have eaten in around 24 hours when I start. I did have coffee with some heavy cream this morning, and have been drinking orange juice in zerowater all day.
I just took 3 Arizona Naturals EDTA pills (1800mg) and one Medfive (500mg-ish) with a big glass of zerowater.
I will wait an hour or so and then I will take 3 1-gram pills of hempseed oil, a tablespoon of sodium citrate in water, one bromelain pill (500mg), one vitamin D (5000 iu), one vitamin E (180mg), 1 pill/1200mg of NAC and 2000-4000 iu's of vitamin C.
Then I will do the same thing again every 12 hours for 3 full days, drinking gallons of zerowater. I wont eat any food or drink any coffee again for 3 full days, although sometimes we stretch it to 4 or 5 days since we feel so great.
I personally want to get the maximum intake of Bromelain and Vitamin C possible so I also bought 8 pineapples and maybe 15 pounds of clearance and regular price oranges. I will vamp a whole pineapple or more per day and juice all of those oranges too. I strain the orange juice using a coffee filter and then use zerowater to rince the pulp into my glass, since C and natural citrate are water soluble.
That way Nothing is interfering with the oral EDTA chelating out metals and nanotech from my body and 100% of the EDTA is doing what I want. We do this about once a month, because Everywhere you go, the infected are shedding. Everywhere and Anywhere, all the time, and it transfects in Seconds through the air.
Im not giving anyone medical advice and always look up all of the above in a drug interaction checker with anything else you take but there are Multiple reasons each of these help.
And oral EDTA makes it very easy to fast anyway, much much easier than fasting without it, even when you arent drinking juice. I think if you're gonna fast, you should probably be doing a EDTA chelation fast, but thats just me.
And nicotine patches make you feel better, because you have nicotine receptors in your brain but do not stop you from getting the shedding or reduce the nanotech in your blood.
You know what else what would make you feel better? Heroin.
Does that mean you should take it? Probably not but do what you want, I'm just the messenger.
Good luck in any case.... Vitamin C and EDTA will Work, even the cheapest kind, if you actually take them and take them Right.
I highly recommend it.
michael68 - Sep 10 - Edited
michael68’s Substack
There is also no information on MEdfive about the amount of VItamin C and Ala. Dr. Ana does her tests with ascorbic acid, but acerola is a hundred times better. What type of vitamin C is in Medfive, I assume liposomal ascorbic acid? Wouldn't it be an idea to combine it with OPC. I have a product where the daily dose (2 capsules) contains 630mg OPC, 150mg rosehip and 150mg camu camu. OPC also activates vitamin C and increases its antioxidant properties tenfold. This gives you 3 grams of highly effective vitamin C, which is probably much more than 10 grams of ascorbic acid. Among other things, Ala recycles vitamin C and further increases its absorption. Dr. ana has done an excellent job. I think next it would be important to do studies with different protocols accompanied by dark field imaging. One could define the infusion of EDTA and vitamin C as the gold standard. And modified intakes, e.g. oral EDTA, natural vitamin C, combinations with e.g. OPC, could then be measured against this gold standard. This would allow everyone to use their available methods and know what dosages to work with.
Bee Gee - Sep 10
Bee Gee
OPC, rose hips and camu camu are all vegetable matter that contains natural minerals and binds with EDTA, similar to nattokinase or curcumin. So I would take them hours apart if I were testing that.
Also we dont know that OPC works the same as various forms of Vitamin C so I would not assume that it does, simply because they have found more active antioxidant content in some studies.
Each MedFive pill has 59mg of Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid), 25mg ALA and 325mg choline, in addition to the 400mg EDTA.
Reply (2) - Sep 10
Linda’s Substack
Comment removed.
Linda - Sep 10
Linda’s Substack
Please share knowledges if you know
I like to know too. Thank you 🙏🏻
michael68 - Sep 10
michael68’s Substack
its from Luondu OPC VITC
John Vargo - Sep 14
John Vargo
It's food based vitamin C also so that looks like a great source,Due to recently sourced new information my days of buying synthetic vitamins from the big corporations is over.They all have satanic logos,we should all look at ths,do you see your supplements.
michael68 - Sep 14
michael68’s Substack
II bought a lot from Sunday Natural. It was founded in 2010 by two private individuals. The brand stood for purity and quality. In January 2024, Sunday was swallowed up by CVC for 800 million. CVC was advised on the takeover by Rothschild.
It is not clear who exactly CVC's backers are. Why can't I get rid of the feeling that names like Blackrock and Vanguard are involved here?
An example of how a good brand becomes unelectable for me.
I only buy from small companies. I have already ordered pills from China and realised that they are magnetic! I test everything with a magnet before I take it. Be careful.
michael68 - Sep 10 - Edited
michael68’s Substack
Hello, I find your article very interesting. I have been following Dr ana for a while and am trying to translate the advice into protocols that I can implement. You are taking Medfive. I am from Germany here it is difficult to get. I have an oral EDTA here ( It is 4 servings of 15 ml, each serving contains 1 gr calcium disodium EDTA. I can find the ingredients on the MEdfive website, but no information on the quantity! a bit dubious? Can you tell me how much EDTA you take per day and how many days per month? I plan to take 4 servings each month. One after the other with a day off each time.
Bee Gee - Sep 10 - Edited
Bee Gee
I think if we are not fasting, the EDTA may be be wasted so we typically only take EDTA when we fast, once or twice a month.
We fast for 3-5 days and take EDTA and the other things I have found that help.
We take aprox 7000mg of EDTA per day during this time.... so three times per day, we take 3 Arizona brand EDTA pills and one MedFive EDTA pills.
michael68 - Sep 11 - Edited
michael68’s Substack
thanks for the detailed information. it's a good idea to fast during this time.
Do I understand correctly that medvife is liposomal, arizona not?
You are right, the opc must be taken a few hours apart.
I can't say for sure whether OPC has a different effect to vitamin C. As an antioxidant, it is an electron donor. And the antioxidant power is 20 times as strong as vitamin C. What is important is that vitamin C and OPC reinforce each other in their effect and extend the duration of action of both vital substances. I haven't found the study, but OPC is said to increase the effect of vitamin C by a factor of 10, which I find interesting.
Bee Gee - Sep 11 - Edited
Bee Gee
Yes, thats essentially correct....
I fast to be Sure the EDTA is working properly and none is wasted.
MedFive is enteric-coated, so it passes into your intestines before it fully dissolves.
Arizona Naturals EDTA is not liposomal or enteric coated, it is just standard EDTA in pill form so it gets into your system very quickly, within minutes.
And then the MedFive takes 2 hours to dissolve.
Then we get a longer more consistent application of EDTA evenly thoughout the day (or until our next dose).
It is very possible OPCs can work better but I am not Sure of that so I would not recommend it to people at this point, as I Know Vitamin C works.
Definitely needs further research though.
CoS - Sep 9
'Some people may not realize, but this whole article of Dr Ana's above is Old. '
When I received the new posting, I thought huh? Am I receiving original posts again?
But I do see many new researches are finding use of these old positive findings, when they are re-released without scouring over old articles.
Susannah - Sep 13 - Edited
Bee Gee
When you say, take Vit C and EDTA "right," do you mean follow the label instructions? Are you saying you need to fast in order to "take it right?"
Bee Gee - Sep 13 - Edited
Bee Gee
EDTA binds with many many things, like all food, many beverages and vitamins or other supplements.
So you should take EDTA 2 or 3 hours after you take any of those things and then do not eat or drink anything except water for 2 or 3 hours after you take the EDTA. Or Longer if possible.
You do not Need to fast but it will make it Much more effective, because there is nothing else in your system or gut that EDTA can bind with...
So for example if you take EDTA with zinc or iron or a multivitamin, the EDTA will Instantly bind with it and be totally wasted.
It is also Very easy to fast while taking EDTA, much much easier than fasting Without EDTA because you do not get hungry while taking it.
Start with one day and you might just feel so good you keep going for additional days, like we did.
We also take ALA, NAC, Glutathione, Bromelain and Vitamins D, and E, along with the EDTA and Vitamin C.
They are all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier and most importantly do not bind with EDTA.
Susannah - Sep 13 - Edited
Bee Gee
Hello. Thank you for that description of "taking it right." Helpful. I am just wondering, if you take the EDTA via infusion, you wouldn't have to worry about it binding to anything, right? Has Dr. Mihalcea made any comments in the past about taking oral EDTA? I have been taking Enhanced Garlic EDTA by Nutricrafters. I noticed that it has malic acid, 900 mg included in the 1,000 mg EDTA dose. I also happen to have malic acid powder on hand, so I could also use that separately as needed. I also didn't realize the value of Vit C prior to seeing this article, but i found it interesting that around the same time I was taking this oral supplement, I was craving oranges, something that I've never experienced before. Now I always have lots of oranges on hand. That must be the Vit C calling to me. I also was taking Methylene Blue when I took the EDTA, about a month ago. Btw, what is OPC? Regards
Bee Gee - Sep 13 - Edited
Bee Gee
OPC is another antioxidant made from grape seed or other plants. It is not proven to work the same as Vitamin C so if I were you, I would not bother experimenting with it, just stick with C.
Also EDTA binds with the minerals in all organic substances like garlic or parsley... or nattokinase, curcumin, etc.
So each serving of those pills is losing 300mg of that 1000mg total EDTA per serving when it dissolves and the EDTA Immediately binds with the minerals in the garlic and parsley.
It will still work but going forward I would try to find another EDTA that is only EDTA. I use Arizona Naturals, its only $24 and seems to work great but there are others.
Susannah - Sep 13 - Edited
Bee Gee
OK, sounds like a plan. Also, I am wondering if you or others have been getting d-dimers done that would help with assessing one's current status? I had one done a few months ago, the results showed that within a range of 0 to 500, (normal range) my bloodwork came up with 243 as a value. I assume that if the value is abnormal, then that it an indication of clotting issues to be concerned about? Also - is AZ naturals obtainable through Amazon? Where can I find a list of others? I live in South America, so I need to use a US shipper to get it to me. By the way, infusions of EDTA and Vit C are readily available here, given by a nurse. But still concerned about how it could affect my body more intensely than an oral EDTA supplement.
Bee Gee - Sep 13
Bee Gee
I have not had a D-dimer.
What works better initially for clotting issues IME would be Nattokinase, Bromelain and Curcumin.
I would take 6-10,000 fus of nattokinase, along with one serving of curcumin and one bromelain every 12 hours. That helps more initially with poor blood circulation, so if you take those for a week or two, the EDTA/Vitamin C will work a Lot better because it can circulate around much better IMPE.
However you cannot take natto or curcumin with EDTA or it will bind with them and the EDTA will be wasted.
Arizzona Naturals brand EDTA is available from amazon though.
I do not think IV EDTA is too bad for most people... I have taken ounces orally and do not think it is bad or scary but I dont know your health particulars.
I have never gotten IV EDTA because all the places around me that do it also give out the vaxxes and I dont want to sit there for 2 or 3 hours.
Vinnie - Sep 9 - Edited
Bee Gee
So, the anecdote was already LISTED as you highlighted clearly in their papers?
Bee Gee - Sep 9 - Edited
Bee Gee
Yes, and it has been for several Years now.
Most people didnt bother to read it however.
CoS - Sep 9 - Edited
just like package inserts and privacy statements, and that is what they rely on.
The information is always out there as it is part of their rules/guidelines whatever you want to call it. It absolves them of karma, in their minds.
MrSuspicious - Sep 9
MrSuspicious’s Substack
I'm suspicious.
Kieran Jaegar - Sep 10
Kieran Jaegar
Me too.
John Vargo - Sep 13
John Vargo
Yeah,that's the occult.Occult just means hidden,there's a lot of the occult hidden in plain sight.some say symbols rule the world!
Eccentrik - Sep 9
Eccentrik’s Substack
you do amazing work!
people are trying to dismiss ALL of these findings as just anomalous salt and cholesterol crystals...
InLawsAttic - Sep 9
Seeking Truth
Product choice to buy edta is overwhelming. Wish you could recommend several. Thanks, this is good news, am sharing.
Seeking Truth - Sep 11
Seeking Truth
Global Healing
Bee Gee - Sep 13
Bee Gee
I like Arizona Naturals, it works fine and they even tell people that the most important thing with EDTA is that it binds with everything, so you need to take it hours away from anything else. I also take MedFive which are delayed release, for a more even spread of EDTA.
Arizonas normal dose is 3 pills for 1800mg, so even if some of it Is destroyed by stomach acid (questionable IMO), you are still getting much much more than liposomal EDTA drops, which have very very low EDTA.
Almost as low as the EDTA lotion, which is better than nothing I guess but I myself think people need more than the drops.
Also if you want EDTA to work as well as possible, you can fast while you take EDTA. Then you are sure it is not binding with something else you ate or drank and being wasted.
If you are taking the Arizona, its actually way easier than fasting Without taking EDTA. Im not sure the same thing happens for the drops though.
If you are taking EDTA though, you should be taking vitamin C as well. I would just get a plain C with nothing else in it, because most of those Other things in many C pills DO bind with EDTA, unlike straight Vitamin C.
Some other things that you can take while you fast (or without binding with EDTA) include ALA, NAC, glutathione, Bromelain, and vitamins D and E. They are all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier and bromelain also gets into closed organ systems like your reproductive system or eyeball when almost nothing else does.
InLawsAttic - Sep 14
Thank you!! 🌹
Steve Clough - Sep 9
Steve Clough
This is great work, Dr. Ana! However, this is not true “science“ until you can exhibit a dose response. In other words, lower levels of EDTA exhibit lower levels of disintegration… while higher levels of EDTA exhibit higher levels of disintegration. Or maybe putting together a multifactorial experiment that involves vitamin C combined with EDTA, vitamin C alone, and EDTA alone.
Bee Gee - Sep 9
Bee Gee
Thanks Dr Steve, Im glad you could explain that to us... 3 years later.
She has done everything you suggest, you just havent read it yet.
Read More.
Nancy Urga - Sep 9
Nancy Urga
How does one obtain supplies/inject this material if not in med field?!
Bee Gee - Sep 9
Bee Gee
You can only get IV EDTA through a certified chelation practitioner.
Do a web search for "EDTA Chelation Near Me".
Or you can take oral EDTA and vitamin C, which is over the counter in the US but that is much slower and may not be as effective, depending on how well you take it.
Phil - Sep 9
Thank God for your work! Great news nice work!!!
Outrageddd - Sep 9
Bee Gee
Thank-you so much for your work, Dr . Ana. I am assuming that the above slides are the vaccine alone - not after finding it in someone's blood. Am I correct? You had said that EDTA injections were powerful enough to halt the nanobot assembly. Would over the counter oral EDTA have any effect?
Bee Gee - Sep 9
Bee Gee
Yes, the above photos are of the pfizer vaxx on a slide, although most peoples blood is very similar these days.
Yes, oral EDTA and Vitamin C can work, if you take it right.
Outrageddd - Sep 10
Thank-you so much!
SEPT - Sep 9
Bee Gee
enjoy reading your comments. What MG dosage of vitamin c are you suggesting if on a daily regimen ? and do you think this would interfere with weekly HCQ 200mg?
Bee Gee - Sep 9
Bee Gee
Thanks, Im glad you like them but its a mixed crowd here... some people are not fans of my Facts over Feelings approach to biological warfare survival. C'est la vie.
I take around 4000 mg of C a day, usually in C crystals that do not have anything else in them but I have basic C pills too. When I am fasting I up that to around 6000 or 8000 but I also drink a lot of fresh squeezed orange juice I just make with a twist juicer.
I am not aware of any interaction between Vitamin C and HCQ.
Dont take HCQ and drink grapefruit juice but I Think HCQ and Vitamin C should be fine IMO.
I am not a doctor of course, Im just a dude on the internet, so always do your own research.,238-3823,238-3823
SEPT - Sep 10
aight dude!
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