Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 09, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Ribbon connects to microchip with microwires
Dr. David Nixon called me earlier from Australia - he and Engineer Matt Taylor had a recorded zoom call evaluating darkfield microscopy of C19 Pfizer Vial contents that showed how the ribbons we see in the dried vial contents connecting like wires to the microchips.
David captured images of how the ribbons connect with the microchip, with discrete wire connections to different aspects of the chip.
Here is the link to their 2.5 hour session:
David Nixon, Matt Taylor, Ribbon highways microcchips
Another view showing wires connecting to parts of the microchip
This Ribbon grew in 2 days:
Microchip in different self assembly stages with optical light communication showing
Ribbon highway connecting micro chips
Ribbon making connection to micro chip with luminosity?
Details of Ribbon highway
Ribbon highway and Microchip
These are the same ribbons we see in live blood analysis of vaccinated and unvaccinated people and we are very concerned that these hydrogel artificial structures are causing the extensive clots seen by the embalmers.
Ribbon in vaccinated blood
Ribbon in unvaccinated blood
Karen Kingston showed the patents explaining the hydrogel etiology of the large clots found:
Here is the specific patent:
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Emmie - Dec 9, 2022
Could the ribbons get into the unvaccinated through the c19 testing? Like i remember hearing some concerns that the swab they shove up the nose may purposely be saturated with something? Just over here hoping and praying its not from inhalation or casual contact. Please let those of us that endured all the hate and coercion, avoided the jab and testing still have our bodily autonomy 🙏
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Lorrie Crismon - Dec 9, 2022
Lorrie Crismon
What entity on earth will hold the guilty accountable? And that right soon??
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