Breaking: Nano/Microbot Self Assembly Of…

Nov 13, 2024

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Image: Left: 30 cc COVID19 unvaccinated blood was drawn, after 3 hours rubbery clot formation can be seen.


Luc Lelievre - Nov 13 - Edited

Luc Lelievre

Let's hope RFK Jr does a very thorough job out there.


Maui Carrie - Nov 13 - Edited

Maui Carrie

He's already going back on doing anything real with vaccines except informed consent. I sincerely doubt there'll be any real progress even if Trump manages to make it til 12/17 (when the electoral college actually votes) and then 1/20. I can't see the ds conceding power that easily. They are too entrenched and would love to create total unrest by a coup which will really whip up the people and we will see a civil war which is exactly what they're going for imho. Only time and I mean about 2 months will tell if my perceptions are correct. God help the people if I'm right bc our own govt will do to us what it's done to other countries time and time again.


aprayerformonkey - Nov 13 - Edited


The left has been too quiet, It's very concerning. We are living a real sci fi movie now and we can't turn the channel this time. RFK jr is not to be trusted. He bases his whole movement on saving the children but promotes killing unborn babies up to the day of delivery. He wrings his hands about maternal vaccines damaging unborn babies, but if you don WANT the unborn baby, he advocates that the mother pay to have it dismembered, decapitated or burned alive. When I asked about this, I was permanently banned from his site. He's no different than the rest of the scum in DC.


Karen - Nov 13

I know David Icke has said that it doesn't matter who gets in, they will all have to do what they're told by the deep state. There are no saviours I believe. It's up to us the people. As Prince said, the war is in the mind. The people behind it all are masterminds at psychological manipulation.


Kallie Miller - Nov 13 - Edited


You have partially provided information on his stance. He has clarified his views which are not as you stated. I get the feeling you have very negative feelings against RFK as you did not provide the proof of the dismembering and burning alive. Your obvious extreme negativity and falsehoods certainly warns me not to believe you. IMHO it is no wonder you and your unreasonableness was banned. I happen to trust RFK and hope he survives to achieve some of his goals.


aprayerformonkey - Nov 13 - Edited


You are in deliberate denial. If you have any courage at all, please watch and read.


Shnarkle Von Barkle - Nov 17

Shnarkle’s Substack

That quote from Naomi Wolf is disturbing. She rightly observes that it is hypocrisy to hide pictures of aborted babies as well as pointing out that women that can't stomach what they're doing might not be the best person to make such a decision in the first place. How does she then support a women's right to choose?


Reply (1) - Nov 13 - Edited

Bee Gee

Comment removed.


Bee Gee - Nov 13

Bee Gee



Suzette - Nov 15


It is not spam … it’s a Dr telling of his experiences- go and watch and educate yourself..


Maui Carrie - Nov 13

Maui Carrie

I couldn't agree more! The lame stream on the left has been way too quiet - no Russian collusion, no cheating, or any other bs they typically hurl even tho I personally, believe right and left are just different wings of the same bird or plane. Liars all of them. I also heard his wife had a party during the plandemic and wouldn't allow any non quackzinated into the party. If that's true, what does that tell you either about who wears the pants or where he really stands on the quackzine issue? Another political shill to get us to think we can trust anyone other than Jesus Christ.


aprayerformonkey - Nov 13


And Malania's 'memoirs'. Coming out as pro-choice 3 weeks before the election. I have to say, I was caught off guard [ as I am frequently these days! ] I always saw her as an old school type despite her past. Motherly. Someone who might say, "Well I am not comfortable with abortion, but........ " Just wow. What a snake.


Kallie Miller - Nov 13


Will you please provide proof of the statements you claim he made? Thank you in advance.


aprayerformonkey - Nov 13



Bee Gee - Nov 13

Bee Gee

Thats pretty dishonest, rather than provide proof of your own statements you send her a garbage link to your own website... No wonder many people dont trust anti-abortion people.
Shady dishonest bullshit like that.


aprayerformonkey - Nov 14



aprayerformonkey - Nov 13


That's not my website. What on earth is wrong with you? Here: Is YT my website????????


Yolanda - Nov 13


Can u post a link where exactly you read that?thanx,


aprayerformonkey - Nov 13


It's called abortion. He is pro-choice all nine + months of pregnancy.

REPLY - Nov 13

Don't count on him. He will disappoint you. He is in the club you are not in.


Aminata Diouf - Nov 13

Aminata Diouf

All of them vip high politicans and celebritys are in,where we are out.


Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Nov 14

The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter

The ones with large media coverage might be in on it. RFK JR and Tulsi did not get that, so I guess they are not in on it. Let's hope they will have a good influence on Trump!


Aminata Diouf - Dec 9

Aminata Diouf

Yeah lets hope they will have a good influence on Trump!


Jorge Carlin - Nov 13

Jorge Carlin

He is not aware to my knowledge of the nanobots


Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Nov 14

The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter

I told RFK JR about it and sent him to Nonvaxer420 and Psinergy on Rumble. He might have informed Trump about it. If they do not want to become zombies and go to hell, they might want to do something about it.


Catherine - Nov 13 - Edited

Rick Zammuto

Pisses me off how this continues to be ignored. Chronic pain, chronic inflammation, chronic symptoms in the young old middle age. Everyone is sick and all we see on tv ads is more drugs by PFIZER and this GD flu /covid vax still being pushed. Saw an ad for a shot twice a month for children as young as one for allergies. WTF! Stomach paralysis in Ozempic/Wegovi users. Dr Ardis said this would happen because this drug is really a Gila Monster venom that paralyses the stomach and destroys the thyroid, causing cancer. Pharmacists say its killing people..they look like death after using it. It destroys the muscle and eats away at it. God help all of these users of this garbage! These murders continue and NOONE is addressing it, that can make changes. This country should declare a National HEALTH Emergency! Doctors have lost credibility. Pill pushers! Mass arrest for Big Pharma and their leaders Bill and Melinda Gates. PS...STOP the Government ChemTrails poisoning us with this nanogarbage!


Darling Crimson - Nov 13 - Edited

Rick Zammuto

The simple and only solution is: say NO. When the entire world population have individually decided NO then we will have our power and our world back. Until then we need to continue informing the YES individuals of the horrendous facts. When noone remains willing to take one single medicine pharma will have no life blood left. Speak, inform, print copies to hand out of documentation, flash drives with information - we must act, noone is coming to save us. We are Response - Able.


Catherine - Nov 13 - Edited

Rick Zammuto

I said NO DOCTORS years ago. I only practice natural remedies and if I cant find a solution I suffer through it. Antibiotics are not even the same, even they are tainted. 90% of the drugs people are taking come from China. Same people who poisoned baby food, lead in lipstick, lead in painted kids toys, leaded Jewelry, Airline uniforms that caused sickness that had to be returned and formaldehyde on all clothing ect... STOP buying their products. Shopping is not enjoyable when all you smell is the chemicals on the clothes, obviously approved by our good for nothing corrupt Gov inspectors. Those Climate Nut Cases who spray shit on us all day long!


Rick Zammuto - Nov 13

Rick Zammuto

Smart, there are hundreds of deadly chemicals in that smelly garbage!


Darling Crimson - Nov 13

I'll second that! I tell me family and friends this constantly, they never listen. On top of having to say no to this ourselves it also sucks having to tell those we love and watch them do it anyway because they trust corporations and government more than they trust their family member and friend! Watch them all jab up, get mentally weird and or maimed and die! Oh so grievous!


theylivehomocapensis - Nov 13

theylivehomocapensis' Debate Co…

I support you in saying no, but to wait for the entire world population to agree with you is foolhardy, in my opinion. The bad guys must be punished and made an example of, whether by state officials or by the common man.


Rick Zammuto - Nov 13

Rick Zammuto

Follow Ana and the many other substack authors that prove these things everyday, and keep spreading their news instead of the news from liars.


Catherine - Nov 13 - Edited

Rick Zammuto

Comment removed.


Catherine - Nov 13 - Edited

FYI China has given their children one clove of garlic a day to prevent bird flu for many years. Kids are forced to chew a clove at school. Eat garlic. Buy pickled garlic, it has no smell. Garlic is a better antibiotic that the stuff from China and you won't tear your stomach up or disrupt your good bacteria. Crushed and put in chicken broth for treatment twice a day when sick. Olive oil w crushed garlic let sit over night and use on food, 2 drops in each ear for ear ache or a few drops in mouth as well. After a few weeks discard.


Darling Crimson - Nov 13

Thank you for the tip! 🙂


Darling Crimson - Nov 13 - Edited

Rick Zammuto

That's it. It can anger me from time to time - having to live under constant threat, not knowing which foods to consume that are not yet contaminated. It's one thing for the 70% to be ignorant with their bodies but when their ignorance allows our food supply to also become contaminated because of their refusal to look at reality and ask even one question then I begin to wonder who to blame for my demise. If enough of the people saw and knew and stood for the basic, easy to see facts, we might stand a chance at not ALL being murdered! Sick sick world. All we need is the majority to wake up and stand up and say NO!


Rick Zammuto - Nov 13

Rick Zammuto

Follow Ana and the many other substack authors that prove these things everyday, and keep spreading their news instead of the news from liars.


Travis Ogle - Nov 14

Travis’s Substack

Trusting my doctors has been a way of life since childhood. That was appropriate back then, but not now.
Something significant has changed. I really don’t know what that something is but I seem to gravitate towards love of money playing a prominent role. People have always dreamed of having more money but wanting it so much to engage in evil to obtain it, is not an enduring value.


Darling Crimson - Nov 14

Travis’s Substack

I think what happen was 'conscience' was fired.
During the pandemic doctors, nurses and other health care professionals were told "get vaccinated or be fired".
Those with a conscience were fired, those who remain got paid a pretty penny and they are the current 'staff' of all mainstream health care facilities.
Those who value the right to choose what they do to their body no longer are employed in said facilities.
What remains are fools who value job and money over life.


Travis Ogle - Nov 14

Travis’s Substack

You’re probably right.


theylivehomocapensis - Nov 13

theylivehomocapensis' Debate Co…

Comment removed.


theylivehomocapensis - Nov 13

theylivehomocapensis' Debate Co…

Saying no is just words. Actions are what is needed. We have to physically punish the evil people that led the world into this mess


Darling Crimson - Nov 14

I agree. Stand in No and hold criminals accountable. The problem is our entire system is corrupt, courts will not convict most criminals in my country let alone the ones who pretended to care about our health and our lives.
When people live saying no to toxic drugs, if enough people said no there would be noone to sell to. That was my point.


Rick Zammuto - Nov 13

Rick Zammuto

Yes, the followers of the liars have made it worse for themselves and everybody else.


Aminata Diouf - Nov 13

Aminata Diouf

You are right not 100% you are right 1000%!!!!!!


Rick Zammuto - Nov 13

Rick Zammuto

Follow Ana and the many other substack authors that prove these things everyday, and keep spreading their news instead of the news from liars.


Robert Childs - Nov 20

Robert’s Substack

It's all really simple to stop, but apparently noone thinks it's a problem. Citizen arrest the pilots dropping this shit on us. Break Bill Gates with indictments and protests. Don't buy products from these people. America made them filthy rich and we can break them too. If we would all band together for once, instead of trying to get through this mess being aragant and proud puppets of the elites.
They aren't invincible.


Linda Tanner - Nov 13

Linda Tanner

More good work by Dr. Ana. One problem right now is APATHY. Dr. Ana and others continue to wonder why "regular" doctors continue to ignore the nano-elephant in the room, and perhaps they're just afraid to lose their license(s). Or, as others suggest, maybe they want life to continue as is, and not make waves, and not draw attention to themselves. After all, they probably have mortgages and other bills to pay, just as regular people do. Still, apathy is going to translate into many more deaths.


The Do Not Comply Guy - Nov 13

Sets You Free Newsletter

The biggest APATHY is from all the regular people...jabbed or not. It is literally wilfull and reckless ignorance at this point. You really must want to stay asleep if you're not already blown away by what we've been witnessing and not actively seeking truth...


beate - Nov 13

Rick Zammuto

It is fear of the 'unknown'. Doctors are no longer to study and learn anything different.
It is called being courageous, not putting one's neck out...


Rick Zammuto - Nov 13

Rick Zammuto

They are breaking the Hippocratic Oath they claimed they would not break!


Rick Zammuto - Nov 13

Rick Zammuto

They are breaking the Hippocratic Oath they claimed they would not break!


Jed Bennett - Nov 13 - Edited

Bee Gee

I was booked in for dental work today that needed anaesthetic - I’m that terrified to get it done now that I’ve cancelled my appointment. Are there any safe dental anaesthetics that don’t cause clots?


Bee Gee - Nov 13

Bee Gee

No there are not, there seems to be nanotechnology in Every Single Dental anesthetic everyone on every continent has looked at.
I would ask them if they offer gas anesthesia or find someone who does.


Catherine - Nov 13 - Edited

I cancelled my apt 6 months ago for the same reason. Product is probably all from CHINA. They US DOD are dropping on us all day from chem-trail planes. No way to escape it.


Rick Zammuto - Nov 13

Rick Zammuto

There are dentists today that do not use that crap but you have to search for them.


Bee Gee - Nov 13

Bee Gee

Dr Lundstrom is working on finding solutions but Im not sure what the latest news is.


Jed Bennett - Nov 16

Dr Lundstrom sounds like a real Hero! Thanks for the link. For now my mouth can wait


DogsLife - Nov 14

Wow. Astounding how this is being ignored or just denied without proof. Trust pHarma and the FDA, right. I wonder if dentists still using laughing gas?


L E X 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 - Nov 21

L E X 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

I had a cavity done without anesthetic
It's not as painful as you think
Lots of Vibration
When they put the filling in they had to heat it and that hurt the most, still not bad and lasted a minute
I've seen videos of dentists in Europe holding the injection up vertically and using a magnet to pull the magnetic nano junk to the bottom then only injecting 💉 the top 80%
The magnet is round and hollow so fits around the needle
Oil pulling can heal cavities over time
And prevent them
But something in the death jab is weakening bones and teeth
I'm still looking for a comprehensive protocol
I've heard so much, don't know what to believe
Oh, what about taking gas and being knocked out
Like some do for surgery like wisdom teeth extraction. Apparently we are now being told by Holistic doctors to leave those in too
We have been lied to for 200 year
And are now being exterminated
UN Agenda 2030
Good luck
If nothing else we can fight back with searching for and distributing the


Eccentrik - Nov 13

Eccentrik’s Substack

it was always my belief that the self-assembly leads directy or indirectly to these weird 'calamari' formations.
I don't know why, but they seem to slow or stop growing in some, but for many it's basically a slow, inevitable death spiral :/
btw thank you for all your work, I recently wrote an article supporting your assertions and those of Youngmi Lee and Daniel Broudy -

REPLY | replies.You

Aminata Diouf - Dec 9

Aminata Diouf

Hallo Eccentrik,I doe also believe that the self-assembling leads directly or inderectly to these weird "calamari" Formations.I get the pcr test and the swab into my nose since tree years now I am magnetic at my face and i am sick,cant no more walk or lift up my arms no day without pain tabletts and supplements,but thats not the solution,where and how i can test these calamari,or how they get stopped?Nobody can answer this question for me.Doe they find also calamari at living people.I heard the where made by missleading proteins and the nanotechnology.there have to be a way to see the calamari,or what you think?
I am in a horrible situation.
Greetings from Germany Aminata

REPLY | replies.You

Eccentrik - Dec 11

Eccentrik’s Substack

if you don’t have a centrifuge, you may be able to extract blood, put it in a vial and after a night in the fridge check it in the morning to see how much fibrin there is…
McCullough’s protocol of nattokinase, curcumin, and bromelain might help with the clotting…

REPLY | replies.You

Aminata Diouf - Dec 12

Aminata Diouf

Hi Eccentrik,thx for yourreplies.Youread the substack articel from Dr Ana,where she wrote a Client took (the McCullough protocol) nattokinase,curcumin,bromelain, serapeptasse and also heparin had those clotting blood and so full of sticky lumpen of hydrogel.And I took also already the McCullough protocol more than one year,nor signs the patterns of hydrogel/nanotechnology dissolves,even a littlebit.howthese massive attack of nanotechnology can be dissolved?

REPLY | replies.You

Eccentrik - Dec 13

Eccentrik’s Substack

any luck with nicotine?


Aminata Diouf - Dec 18

Aminata Diouf

No,I try nicotine,it doesnt help,to stop the horrible symptoms.Why the blood have to stay overnight in a fridge,if i am able to extract blood,for the the test of hydrogel?


Eccentrik - Dec 18

Eccentrik’s Substack

because the cold helps with separation of blood components to better see level of fibrin


Tom Burke - Nov 13

Sharing and Caring

So how in the name of God can I stop this?!! Pleasee advise. I was rushed to the hospital, after passing out and slaming my head on the concrete sidewalk, with a heart rate of 300 bpm - I almost coded on 4/17/21.
I developed serious AFIB,and on 5/10/23, I underwent 5-hour Cryoblation heart surgery @ the Cleveland Clinic hospital.
So far it's helped my AFIB; but I know, as an anti swap test/anti-vaxer, this "stuff" is still in my blood. I can feel changes when I'm around strong routers & 5G cell phones.
Please Dr. HELP!
Tom Burke


Sharing and Caring - Nov 13

Sharing and Caring

God Bless you Tom!
I just happened to read your message just before turning the computer off and had already had this written. This book will help you and guide you. Dr. Ardis is truly a Hero and wants to save as many Tom's as possible.
Dr. Bryan Ardis connects all the dot’s and provides solutions for the many suffering from this demonic attack on humanity. Just finished reading this book and am sending all of my family and friends a copy, including my Chiropractor. Reading this book could very well save you from the pain and suffering that you are experiencing. We must all, arm ourselves with the knowledge and solutions to whatever “they” have planned next. This book, I believe is the #1 remedy to have in your medicine box.
Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity


Robert - Nov 13

Robert’s Substack

Right you are.


Robert - Nov 13

Robert’s Substack

The article itself is giving you the answer you seek.


Sharing and Caring - Nov 13

Sharing and Caring

These Monster demons are after our Mind Body and Soul!
Trans Human – MIND Manipulation / TERROR:
This is another part of the puzzle, why the medical professional and so many are turning, non-human?


Robert - Nov 13

Robert’s Substack

Your assertions are correct.


P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 13 - Edited

P.’s Substack

[10/12/2024 5:21 AM]
Just took my first dose 1800 MG EDTA with 3000 Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Took with 3 - 12 oz glasses or more of water. Both of these things work very fast in the body. The EDTA that is not destroyed in the stomach immediately binds with heavy metals and is eliminated from the body.
[10/12/2024 5:30 AM]
What I am doing is a two month test of this dosage with the one bottle of EDTA I got from Piping Rock and one bottle of Nature's Way Vitamin C with Rose Hips.
[10/12/2024 5:41 AM]
So why do this dosage and why EDTA? Good question. Looking at Bill Gate's patent on his Covid-19 self replicating injection; he lists EDTA as the counter agent. In that injection you have graphine and nano self replicating nanobots. Even if you have not had the injection of Covid-19 bio-weapon it can and does shed onto those close to you. Any way Bill Gate's to keep his karma free of bad ju-ju must tell us peasants why his bio-weapon meant to KILL and enslave us has this get out of jail free card.
Still taking the dosage One Bottle of 100 capsules vitamin C is gone and ½ bottle of the EDTA is gone. Feeling better by far then before this EDTA program I have been on for a month. I drink the water and take my dosage upon waking in the morning.
I would need look threw the work of Dr Anna Maria and she has the patent info. It is also listed in the Patent Office USA under Bill Gates Covid-19 patent. Any way when I heard that and saw there was something I could do I went to Piping Rock and got their EDTA capsules. Come in a bottle with 200 capsules and cost about $24, I just went onto their website and will be ordering 6 bottles of their vitamin C with wild rose hips for $1.99 each. I am fugal since am on Social Security 100% and food stamps. I have never had the bio-weapon shot and refused to wear a mask and for that was made a enemy of the People here in Oregon and refused to even enter most stores here. I was asked to leave my only source of medical the VA Hospital and was forced not to have glasses or any health care for over three years. Made me irritated so got two shot guns to protect my home if they came to force me to take the Covid-19 bio-weapon shot. During this period the TV was spouting LIES about how safe and effective these Bio-Weapon shots were on every station in the whole world, and no one had even any clue to what was in these Bio-weapon shots; but all lined up to receive them to save Grandma. The gender stuff was happening then also and most folks here in parts of Oregon think men have periods and can bear children. I have also de-banked and that was difficult and made worse by the fact I have no income other then Social Security and food stamps. I am 100% into privacy coins and they are dirt cheap right now. The reason there is the government wants to trace every transaction and these make me invisible. That is my super power the USA government and their lackeys can not see me or my spending habits. The Commercial banks are not good folks and will be and are draining 100% of all the value out of our counterfeit paper currency that is backed by nothing. I have been very fugal these last 4 years and put the 100% of what little I had left after rent and food into privacy crypto. Last fall I traded them and had a 10X + increase; so now have some skin in the game. I also have a few silver coins. That is my story.
Dr Anna Maria offers some very interesting liquid EDTA and that is supposed to work better then what I am currently taking. She is my source for information and she has a very cool microscope and has noticed many things with it. I have done the best I could with the resources I have had. "ARRR" Matey.
“ARRR” Matey
All War is Evil. No More War.
Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes
Stop Paying for WAR.
Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's
Completed My 28 Day Water Fast
Water Fasting
Breakfast 18 Days Post Water Fast
Water Fasting


Bee Gee - Nov 13 - Edited

Bee Gee

Thats great, we are on our EDTA fast right now. We didnt eat for 24 hours and then this time we took:
3 -Arizona EDTA
1 -MedFive EDTA
1200mg C crystals
1000mg malic acid
Then about an hour later we take: 2grams hempseed oil (1000 mg of ALA)
2 -Glutathione
1- Vitamin E
1- NAC
1- Bromelain since I didnt get any pineapples
1- Vitamin D (5000iu)
Then I juice fresh oranges into water to supplement. Normally I would take sodium citrate too but Im out of citric acid.
So then we take those 3 times a day, which is around 7000mg EDTA per day. We are on Day 2 now and we will probably eat again Thursday night.
Its actually super easy to fast with EDTA, and then you know it is not binding with something else we eat or drink or food in our gut.
I think you should try some Vitamin C as ascorbic crystals, they're only like $10 and the mineral content in rosehips binds slightly with EDTA. Nattokinase and curcumin help too but they bind with EDTA so we only take them when we are not EDTA fasting.
I wouldnt worry too much about getting the liposomal drops, the reference study everyone quotes about EDTA degradation by stomach acid is from the 50's and is totally flawed. Acids dont break down EDTA at all, you can try it for yourself by opening a EDTA pill into a glass of orange juice water or hydrochloric acid @3ph. None of it breaks down or dissolves, just like it doesnt in your stomach. It takes a ph of 8 or 9 to get EDTA to dissolve into solution, which is far outside stomach range.
I highly recommend the EDTA fast to everyone though, its cheap (like $35 for Arizona and C crystals and also you dont need to make food for a few days) and IMPE it works great.


P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 13

P.’s Substack

You are adding a new dimension to this EDTA program. Interesting and highly illuminating. My present effort has been helping me allot. I enjoy this give and take discussion :)


Kim - Nov 13


I agree with Dr. Ana. There is no longer any excuse not to address this. Those who are ignoring this are not worthy to be licensed to take care of patients, and they are doing a great disservice to the entire medical profession. No one is going to trust them after this.
I don't know how they can sleep at night.


aprayerformonkey - Nov 13


Sadly, they sleep just fine.


Rick Zammuto - Nov 13

Rick Zammuto

It is more important to them to hide while being paid than doing the honorable thing like Ana does.



CLIVE’s Newsletter

check out 2 you tube videos by dr john campbell....1 new global health body....2 clots


Lewis Coleman - Nov 14

Lewis Coleman

An Open Letter to Robert Kennedy, Jr.
Dear Mr. Kennedy,
I am Dr. Lewis Coleman, a retired anesthesiologist and Chair of Science and Education at the American Institute of Stress in Weatherford, Texas.
You may recall receiving a copy of my book 50 Years Lost in Medical Advance: The Discovery of Hans Selye’s Stress Mechanism via Elizabeth and Dennis Kucinich.1 The book details my discovery of the Mammalian Stress Mechanism (MSM), which explains the common mechanisms of most disease.
From its discovery by the renowned Dr. Selye (1907-1982), Stress Theory has always promised to revolutionize medicine and surgery and introduce a new era of health, longevity, and freedom from the eternal curse of disease and premature death. Today we know that when the MSM is tested and confirmed, it will elevate medicine from an art based on experiment to a science founded on a theory that enables physicians to direct their treatments at the actual cause of disease.
It is my hope that the confirmation of stress theory will restore productive medical and biological research which deciphers the code that describes the “genetic blueprint” and discovers the mechanism that transmits this information from chromosomal DNA to the cell surface to enable embryological development. These achievements may reveal many of the secrets of evolution, with implications that promise to revolutionize our entire approach to medicine.
I am addressing this “open letter” to you because I believe that your important role in the Trump administration will provide a unique opportunity to test and confirm this landmark theory, actions which until now have been politically impossible. Animal and human trials are essential to confirm the ability of stress theory to optimize surgical outcome, provide a set of simple, safe, economical, efficient, and universal treatments that control and cure all forms of disease, promote productive pharmaceutical development, slash health care costs, and refute prevailing falsehoods, beginning with the “novel” coronavirus mRNA “immunizations” that are a worthless and willful form of malpractice.
These favorable circumstances may not last.
The COVID contagion has inadvertently yielded evidence that clarifies chronic illness and explains the white clots found by morticians in the small peripheral arteries of healthy young people who died suddenly after their receiving mRNA injections. I have previously published a paper explaining how the COVID mRNA injections attack blood vessels and release abnormal quantities of von Willebrand Factor and Tissue Factor into circulation, causing chaotic MSM hyperactivity that mimics nearly every known form of disease2 and cripples oxygen transport and delivery.3 This causes either sudden death or chronic cellular oxygen starvation and explains the crippling fatigue, mental fog, muscle weakness, and antibiotic resistant infections that characterize the “Long COVID Syndrome” (syndrome meaning “we don’t know”).
The white clots are surrounded by abnormal blood clots and bathed in amyloid protein. Amyloid protein, together with collagen sclerosis and fibrosis, is invariably found in the afflicted tissues of all chronic illnesses, including atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, and “rheumatoid” diseases, all of which are presently regarded as mysteries. This evidence has enabled me to understand that amyloid protein is a monomer that polymerizes into collagen. This understanding explains the abnormal white clots, as well as the fibrosis, sclerosis, and amyloidosis that characterize “rheumatoid” diseases, which until now have remained inexplicable, and provides a testable explanation of how chronic exposure to pesticides, herbicides, automobile exhaust, chlorinated water, air pollution, and emotional adversity undermine health and longevity, and how it can be neutralized through treatment.
I propose that this revolutionary hypothesis be initially tested using animal models treated with intravenous radioactive fibrinogen to determine whether the radioactivity becomes incorporated into amyloid and collagen in extravascular tissues. The animal model can also be treated with intravenous Tissue Factor to see if this provokes amyloidosis and collagen formation in blood vessels. Human clinical studies too numerous to summarize here can then be used to test the ability of stress theory to cure disease.
All such studies must be conducted with strict oversight that eliminates manipulation by commercial interests. I am available to assist in planning, performing, and proctoring these endeavors. I can be reached on 559-740-3520. My email islewis_coleman@yahoo.comand my website
Lewis S. Coleman, MD


Dana Nicholson - Nov 25

Dana Nicholson

Lewis Coleman, have you heard back from RFK? He may be busy. Perhaps you should apply for a grant to do this research. You may reach RFK by publishing your results


Max Walker - Nov 13

The patient whilst not vaccinated had been given a dental injection.
There are plenty of observations of what dental anaesthetics contain.
See the telegram channel 'Mira al microscopio' or 'La Quinta Columna International' for further information/examples.


Jorge Carlin - Nov 13

Jorge Carlin

The following is not to be construed as medical advice. Dr. Ana has written elsewhere that 500mg of the Calcium Disodium EDTA [from Global Healing] and 10,000 mg Vitamin C (crystalized version) is the magic bullet. You're welcome. And for Methylene blue, most people I've read recommend 10 drops a day mixed in water. Mercola just had an article on it a week or 2 ago. I'm not a doctor though, so do your own research and talk to a medical professional like Dr. Ana before taking anything.


Mary - Nov 26


In her recent interview-presentation Dr. Ana did with Inspire Health, she advised just one dropperful of the CD EDTA (which is much less than 500mg) plus 8-10000mg liposomal C. You've probably already listened to the interview, but in case not, here's the link:


Bee Gee - Nov 13

Bee Gee

You can take much more EDTA than that and many people have adverse reactions to M blue at even lower doses than that, so I would recommend people start with less.
Also the most important thing to remember about EDTA is it binds with many many things so you need to take it 2 or more hours away from anything it will bind with. Especially with small levels levels like that, or else it will be totally wasted and do nothing.


Shnarkle Von Barkle - Nov 17

Shnarkle’s Substack

Over and over, I continue to see unvaxxed people referring to themselves as 'pureblood' AFTER being made aware of shedding from the vaxxed. They're just as oblivious as the vaxxed when it comes to the threat to their own lives.


Brian Berger - Nov 15

Justice For All News...Where Li…
NC's "Culture of Corruption" from Coast to Raleigh to D.C. Damns Asheville Flood Victims.
After decades of embezzlement, bribery, rapes, lynching's, child sexual and physical abuse in public schools. and political violence and terrorism by N.C. judicial, law enforcement & government officials, aided by DOJ, FBI, other Federal Agencies & officials.
Sexual abuse of children, violence toward political “threats” to corrupt NC officials, aid to these crimes by NC & Federal government, judicial, law enforcement, “trusted” institutions, media...the traumatized victims and grieving families DO NOT MATTER in NC. District Attorney Office's used for rape, theft of taxpayer funds, child abuse and sadistic violence are NC's "Culture of Corruption," according to the FBI.
The same FBI that has and continues to aid and collude in criminal misconduct "Under color of law." subverting with violence representative democracy, Rule of Law, Constitutional & civil rights, due process, whistleblower protections, protection of minors from abuse & sexual violence trauma, engaging in sadistic brutality, torture, deprivation of basic rights, and torment of crime victims by subverting legal procedures & due process, undermining local democratic government for corrupt allies, and providing for embezzlement of public funds for personal theft, bribery & aid of media, law enforcement, clergy, both major political parties and officials.


Kim - Nov 13 - Edited


Dr. Ana will probably want to see this too...
"John Graff: All of Canada's Shrimp and an Unspecified Amount of Swine Are Already Injected With mRNA, America Has Been Slated to Follow
U.S. Democrats VOTED DOWN a bill that would have forced all meat products to clearly be labeled if injected mRNA vaccines."



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