Jan 7, 2023

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Bill - Jan 7, 2023 - Edited


Bombshell dropped on the American people and the world by its own DOD and government, who we give trillions to every year, rubber stamped by the pRESIDENT on down to destroy their own people.. So this was worldwide, so our DOD was not the only governmental agency involved.. Finance from England, and religion from the Vatican, nobody stopped it so they all are part of it, and the CONDUCTOR of this orchestration is pulling all the strings behind the scenes..


Renee Marie - Jan 7, 2023 - Edited

Renee Marie

Look at the the changes right now in Rome/The Vatican! The Vatican will be used, I think, to eliminate the Papacy and reign in the NWO!
This is definitely GOOD vs. EVIL.
“Our Father who Art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.”


Stevanovitch - Jan 7, 2023 - Edited


Vatican reign in the NWO by first eliminating the papacy? Please elaborate-- it sounds great.


Renee Marie - Jan 7, 2023 - Edited

Renee Marie

Look at the “Catholic Pope”…he goes against everything Catholic! He’s pro: abortion, homosexual, pro jab, etc. Catholics see it (I’m a recovered Catholic-lol). Archbishop Vigano knows exactly what’s happening. I think the entire Vatican is being subverted…for power, but for evil as well.


Stevanovitch - Jan 7, 2023 - Edited


Indeed, Renee Marie. I am reading Anne Roche-Muggeridge’s book on the topic. I knew her and her family, progeny of the famous BBC correspondent. His grandson John writes for the Canadian min of agriculture, alas. We were classmates in 1960s at St Kevin’s, Welland Ontario.
She didn’t quite state it, but knew that the papacy was infiltrated long ago by evil. 1958 is said to be the last real pope, possibly excepting the late Benedict.
If the jab is an “act of love “, well, that did it for me. Jesuit/satanist/Luciferian describes jo biden, pelosi, trudeau. All fake like the news.
There’s 2kinds of Catholics like every other group, say, md’s, paramedics, scientists, etc etc. Truth seekers/oath holders vs those who haven’t forgotten the duty to seek and call out the Big Lie.
Both Anne and my own mother went to their graves in that peaceful knowledge at a ripe old age.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ


Renee Marie - Jan 7, 2023 - Edited

Renee Marie

That would be a VERY interesting book to read! The Vatican is very political and there’s so much history and power grabs involved. I adore God, but I want no part of man made religion because of this. Man gets in the way of my Father.


Stevanovitch - Jan 7, 2023


Any heirarchy of humans is bound for corruption where wealth and power are sought. That heirarchy, at best, was co-opted into civil governance in many nations especially European ones.
Isn’t it a manmade notion that an ancient celibate intercede between man and his creator? You have choice in how you view this. Based and of faith, you self-govern to a greater extent than those woke folk lost in ether. And need less of a heirarchy/gov over you.
I fear that the so-called death of God, as its author knew, would usher in the failure of the civilizations that were built on that foundation. Even the US constitution has been shredded to allow depopulation/globalist death agendas.
There are dire times ahead during which, excepting a miracle, humanity will suffer that inevitable earthquake. And imho if the phoenix ever rises it will do so only on the eternal principles we were handed on the silver platter of faith. For we were not born with a moral code as birthright. That gift was freely given; we misuse it at our peril.
What a wonderful time to be alive, Renee Marie! When we as people, male or female, access the wisdom of the ages, conquer what demons may have inhabited us. And, armed with that experience, know our strength and its true source.
Onward, Christian soldiers. To the good fight! Win or lose on earth’s battlefield, the Realm of Actual Reality is the destination. The journey, that’s our test.
May God have eternal mercy on those who, in weakness, wielded evil upon the peaceful among us. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ


Renee Marie - Jan 7, 2023

Renee Marie

YES!!!! You are๐ŸŽฏ! I think “the last Pope” was trying to stack the deck with good, holy men of God. This is very serious!
Have you read the Jesuit oath? Wow! No wonder I didn’t like St. Ignatius boys in school! I went to an all girls Catholic school for 4 years, and all Catholic 1-8 grade. It was very different then and strict. After Vatican II, there were many changes. My mother and father both had Latin mass. I prefer that. I’m 59, so that was many years ago. God bless those nuns! Lol!


Stevanovitch - Jan 7, 2023


Wizard of Oz? WHO?WEF? CPC? DoD? Oval Office.


marlene - Jan 7, 2023

marlene-’s Substack

The Deep State IS the Deep Swamp.


Andy Bunting - Jan 9, 2023

Andy’s Skint/Broke. Older Bloke…

Conductor? Here you go. The Ultimate true EVIL SATAN. Rothschild.


Bill - Jan 9, 2023


The Red Sign, Thank You very much, knew it but did not want to say it since its been said, so many time, but ultimately he has listened to SATAN whispering in his ear and passed his EVIL to his sons, from the beginning, and they have passed that EVIL from generation to generation....


Hannahlehigh - Jan 7, 2023


This is what Karen Kingston has been saying for over a year. I'm glad you now see it too Dr Ana.


Renee Marie - Jan 7, 2023

Renee Marie

Karen knows the Truth and she is based…on GOD.


Stevanovitch - Jan 7, 2023


There are bombs, and there are bombs. But this one sure ain’t conventional. TNT, meet Plutonium.
There needs to be a word for that period of confusion/indecision during which one ponders the utility of forwarding such info to those who need awakening the most. Like loved ones who no longer communicate over disgust of a hot-button topic. Like this one.


Renee Marie - Jan 7, 2023

Renee Marie

They are asleep. And there are many of us that “know” what is transpiring. I’ve known for a few years, that’s why it was “easy” to say no to the test/jab. I also prayed for guidance and was given grace. I thank my Father everyday.
Now what? Prayer to fight this evil!


Grasshopper Kaplan - Jan 7, 2023 - Edited

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Marketing, meaning release upon us by coercion. And injextxtion
So that is why tis called, sic, department of defense, which means killing Womanity.
Countermeasures to be sure are as counter , as it weren't, as our so called defense


Possum - Jan 7, 2023

Possum’s Newsletter

The DoDgy dunnit


DF - Jan 7, 2023

Renee Marie

The US and most other governments have gone rogue attacking their own citizens with a bio-weapon.


Renee Marie - Jan 7, 2023

Renee Marie

BOOM๐Ÿ’ฅ๐ŸŽฏ…and when you take out all the pages and pages and pages of fine print, letter agencies and big words we don’t understand, THIS IS WHAT YOU GET!
You DF, hit the millions of nails on the head!


marlene - Jan 7, 2023

marlene-’s Substack

"DOD was involved in creation of COVID through intelligence agency partnerships with EcoHealth Alliance & the same people pushed the vaccine bioweapons & is involved in a plot that's killed over 10 million people globally between the jabs, the disease & the lockdowns.  769 athletes collapsed during competition & non-athletes, all 'died suddenly' in the last 2 weeks.  769 athletes collapsed during competition.  Jab-related injuries off-field:  31-yo Super Bowl champion, 38-yo former NFL linebacker, former Olympian, a professional golfer, a 16-yo hockey player.  Non-athletes:  Pittsburg Steelers owner, 58-yo Australian fashion designer, 28-yo ABC News producer, 37-yo ABC News Producer, 43-yo rapper, Bob Marley’s grandson - all 'died suddenly' in the last 2 weeks. The media are notoriously reluctant to give causes of death & others pushing the jabs even admitted they lied throughout the pandemic.  mRNA injections can harm you in so many ways-the virus itself & artificial spike proteins the jabs induce your body into manufacturing cause circulatory system inflammation, myocarditis & pericarditis which can lead to clotting, pulmonary embolism & stroke. Data signals each successive jab progressively compromises your immune system, leading to susceptibility to infection that otherwise is unlikely to present significant danger, as well as permitting fast, aggressive cancers


Dominique Guillet - Jan 7, 2023

Xochi’s Substack

Ana Hello. Speaking of orchestration. You may remember that one of the conclusions of Craig Paardekooper, the British statistician, is that there was, seemingly, a higher authority, in USA, at least, above the Pharma Mafia. Craig discovered waves of very highly toxic lots coming from Pfizer, and then Moderna, and then Johnson and Johnson - chronologically distinct as per one agenda.


Sandy K - Jan 8, 2023

Sandy K

Dr Rima Laibow has been telling us about a woman who was in the royalty somewhere who mentioned to her (Rima) in about 2000 that it was 'almost time for the great culling' when 90% of the human population would be eliminated....sounded crazy at the time, but think about the last three years and future prognosis, the black death (~1346), the disappearance of the Mayan population suddenly, and other thriving populations that 'died out suddenly'....
The Enuma Elish states that the "gods" wanted to get rid of humans in that Sumerian story! And there is the story of Enki and Enlil....a lot of crazy stories aren't so crazy these days. (BTW, I am a biologist; I love trying to figure humans out, so I read all over the place from Sitchin to Holy books...!)
And Craig Paardekooper is an amazing biostatistician! I believe he is or was part of Team Enigma with Sasha Latypova, and Jessica Rose...when this insanity first started.


Lorrie Crismon - Jan 7, 2023

Lorrie Crismon

I can’t wait to see how the LORD of heaven & earth deals with all of their countermeasures! Ppl who want to remain ignorant, indifferent, & compliant of evil, don’t help at all. Many of them are in the evangelical churches. This is indeed, a spiritual battle of good vs evil, & only spiritual weapons of our warfare (prayer, worship, thanking God, proclaiming Scripture, praying in agreement w/other believers, praying the Word of God), only by standing on the eternal Word & grace of GOD will we win over wicked ppl governed by the prince of darkness. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Jesus, HELP! ASAPโ€ผ๏ธ


Nancy Rose - Jan 8, 2023

Nancy’s Newsletter

Hi Dr. Ana, Did you see this? DR. MASATAKA NAGAO: "ABNORMAL TEMPERATURES IN AUTOPSIES. INVESTIGATION OF VACCINE INFLAMMATION" This would add to the validity that graphene oxide is in the shots and that the processes the GO sets up don't stop at death. Hope this reaches your attention. Thank you for all the work you do.


Deborah Richardson Evans - Jan 7, 2023

Deborah’s Newsletter

This is insanity.


Renee Marie - Jan 7, 2023

Renee Marie

They’re simply “getting the job done”. TPTB are pure evil. In my lifetime, I never thought I’d witness something there are no words for.
May God the Father, Almighty have mercy on our souls. And may God give those left, the guidance to fight this evil however we can. Amen


Kathy Clarke - Jan 26, 2023

Kathy Clarke, MD Substack

Ana Maria, why has McCollough helped elevate DOD gene therapy bioweapon developer Robert Malone? Please help me understand.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 26, 2023

Dear Kathy, I do not know. I get nasty emails just because I share information that I find interesting. People want to be war like, divisive, and enjoy attacking each other. The silliness of people demanding you are in one camp and fight against all others, restrict the information you consume or share... I do not have much hope for humanity. People do not understand yet that we survive only collectively. The internal war games do absolutely nothing to evolve humanity. Share your views and allow. Nobody knows any other person's soul journey. Nobody knows why another human being does what they do. People disagree with me all the time, that does not diminish me or make me change my views. Let people be and be a light to the world in your own capacity. That is what we need. I disagree with people's scientific viewpoints and am happy to argue them but that does not diminish their value as a human being, nor does that create enemies. It is just a different viewpoint. Thank God we have the freedom to have these different opinions.


The Helpful Consultant - Jan 12, 2023

The Helpful Conclusions

Please. Its not just deeper, its also higher! I have been waiting for the experts to get to this point. I am a researcher im the cannabis industry. The deployment started before covid. My rabbit hole started with plant diseases suspiciously destroying crops when previously controllable. I found a patent from 1960s that google recently bought for incendiary disbursement and cloaking of aerosolized “pest” control with optional bioweapon deployment functions. A qdot on binary code is a simple nano semiconductor. But quantum computing interface crisper controling the skies, sun lensing, cloaking for nano bot assembly time. Orbs are growing im size and numbers, i have thousands of pictures that match your slides. Good news is I have a simple nonviolent solution. Could karen, an agro expert, and a physicist please contact me? Freedom on frankspeech


Adana Bota - Jan 9, 2023

Please spred the below:
Many thanks& regards


jsand - Jan 9, 2023

The DoD Tiberius Platform needs to be addressed. Controlled manufacture/delivery process. "With information from both federal and local sources, Tiberius can provide a zip code-by-zip code view of priority populations, including frontline workers and nursing home residents." Odd name for a "platform" but that's the occult DoD for you.


Richard - Jan 8, 2023

Covid is fake. There is no virus. It’s been the VAXX bio weapons the entire time. ALL VACCINES



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