Brain Computer Interfaces: US Military…

Aug 17, 2023

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This review was prepared by the Rand Corporation, a defense contractor for the US Military.


Mario A Leblanc - Aug 17, 2023 - Edited

Mario’s Substack

TRANSHUMANISM - The goal with transhumanism is to merge us to a computer for control and more. The agenda behind transhumanism is to disconnect us from our souls and the source that is love. They are about to tell us : You are not a man, a woman but a robot connected to a super computer for a better ¨you.¨ The New You:(
And then, they will say that robots don't procreate. We don't need you for that. We clone human being in our own factories... Insane. We all have to say no to this diabolical agenda.
I do not consent! We do not consent!


Michael Folks - Aug 17, 2023

Michael’s Substack

Artifical Wombs, are coming, this all reads like a badly written SciFi novel, a harsh reality, unless stopped...


heather - Aug 18, 2023

-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....


Patricia P Tursi,PhD - Aug 17, 2023

Patricia’s Substack

Or a creative look at probable future science


Marty - Aug 17, 2023 - Edited

Nano Ordo Mundi

Remember that scene in the Matrix where Neo witnesses the machines cloning/farming humans in tubes ...


Mario A Leblanc - Aug 17, 2023 - Edited

Mario’s Substack

Yes I remember. Here it is for real : The Matrix is real Human Cloning a Reality Soon 3:23
ECTOLIFE - ¨In 2017, scientists created a “BioBag” that functioned as an artificial womb, and they used it to grow a baby lamb. Now, a new concept has been unveiled exclusively to Science and Stuff showing how the same could be done for humans. In recently released footage, Hashem Al-Ghaili shows what childbirth might look like tomorrow. Specifically, he created an artificial womb facility named EctoLife.¨ Read More


Kathleen Pimentel - Aug 17, 2023 - Edited

Kathleen Pimentel
What do you think about this breaking news?


Mario A Leblanc - Aug 17, 2023

Mario’s Substack

Here is the list of the BIOLABS WARFARE in Ukraine.
...However, the internet sleuths archived the information before it could be memory-holed forever.
US officials have gone into overdrive attempting to explain away the existence of the biolabs. Robert Pope, the director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, a 30-year-old Defense Department program, has admitted that the labs could release “dangerous pathogens.”


Mario A Leblanc - Aug 17, 2023

Mario’s Substack

I agree. The US Embassy in Ukraine Has Just Been Caught Attempting To Scrub Evidence of Bioweapons Laboratories Operated by the US Government on Ukrainian Soil. A Full List of the Biolabs By Baxter Dmitry February 26, 2022
Putin Orders Military to Destroy Bio-Labs in Ukraine as US Scrubs Evidence of Their Existence
¨Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to seek and destroy US-Deep State bio-labs engaged in top-secret zoonotic and infectious disease research in dozens of locations across Ukraine.
Bioweapons laboratories in Ukrainian cities including Kharkiv, Luhansk, Dnipropetrovsk, and the capital Kyiv, among others locations, have been targeted by Russian troops operating under Putin’s direct orders in recent days.
Meanwhile, the US embassy in Ukraine has been caught scrubbing evidence of biolabs in Ukraine while mainstream media and fact checkers have begun telling the masses that the biolabs don’t exist.
Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelensky stated Friday that Russian forces are firing at “military installations” leaving analysts speculating that term could include US-installed and operated bio-labs.
According to US government documents, the US has multiple biolabs in Ukraine. In typical Pentagon fashion, these biolabs are marketed as “defense.“
Russia has been warning the US for months to stop operating dangerous biolabs on their doorstep. Mainstream media won’t touch the topic now, but they did cover the news in the past.
Four months ago, Russia and China asked the UN for the US to be “checked and limited” in biological capabilities.
Russia and China blamed the US for the Covid-19 outbreak and were fearful that the US had more bioweapons to be unleashed on the world.¨ Read More


Kathleen Pimentel - Aug 17, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

Russia will play a huge role in terms of push back to the bad actors.


Kathy M. - Aug 18, 2023

Kathy M.

Putin will shine in the honest history books.


Mario A Leblanc - Aug 17, 2023

Mario’s Substack

I agree.


Kathy M. - Aug 18, 2023

Kathy M.

Good summary. I hear more truth out of Russia than anywhere.


Kathy M. - Aug 18, 2023 - Edited

Kathy M.

The link by Kathleen Pimentel is a Briefing by Russian Chief of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops of Russian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillo. In the video he is so honestly and calmly warning the world about what America did and plans to do. Ya gotta admire the man and thank Putin for what he is doing.


kaal - Aug 17, 2023


Russian general quoted karen k's med legal analysis of covid vaxxes as bioweapons- i think last march. I think they watch alt/ truth media- which basically betrayed karen in favor of see i aye chief controlled op- doc rm------e.


Elizabeth - Sep 15, 2023


They will still get you regardless of consent. I’ve been targeted since 2016. It’s used only for abuse in my case.


Stephen Verchinski - Aug 17, 2023

Stephen Verchinski

Thank you. Good overview


JimB - Aug 17, 2023 - Edited


the other day I slapped a link or two on some substacks about the biolab in Reedley Ca ….. with little to no response. While comparing various articles written over about a two week period some things bothered me about the ‘response’ by the 3 letter agencies. One article stated the Feds told the local Fresno Co personnel to suppress the information….. this lab was discovered in Dec 2022 and did not hit the press for almost 6 months…. Another issue I have is initial reports stated in the same warehouse where this occurred PCR tests were being manufactured or were present where at least a dozen pathogens and live mice were present. The FDA did a recall on the ‘PCR’ tests (see attached) which advised people to return them to the same company that distributed them. As a retired cop, this makes no f@#&$ing sense. Those test should be tested for the pathogens which were present in the warehouse.
While we’re at it
In the summer of 2018, one of China’s largest domestic vaccine makers sold at least 250,000 substandard doses of vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. It was the latest in a slew of scandals caused by poor quality drug products made in China over the last decade. In 2008, the contamination of a raw ingredient imported from China and used to make heparin, a blood-thinning drug, was associated with at least eighty-one deaths the United States.
In 2008, the contamination of a raw ingredient imported from China and used to make heparin, a blood-thinning drug, was associated with at least eighty-one deaths the United States. According to an investigative journalist, fraud and manipulation of quality data is still endemic in Chinese pharmaceutical firms.


BlazeCloude3 - Aug 17, 2023 - Edited


Your information when combined with the revelation of the owner of the 'Flannery' as the company purchasing mega-parcels of land surrounding Travis Air Force Base in Sodano County, CA magnifies the CHILL of all this discovery by Dr. Ana. It's assumed the CCP or CCP/BlackRock/Vanguard are THE ACTUAL BUYERS now suing the Farmers for uniting to inflate the price of land.


JimB - Aug 17, 2023



scout - Aug 17, 2023

Ana, what's interesting about the BCI concept is that anime scripts hit upon this topic often and for decades, using 'nano' as a script term, in some cases, but mostly pointing out Rand's apologies for the pursuit of cyborg/ computer/BCI. Trilateral/CFR funds anime production through foundations and suspect through our own treasury if CIA and any of their NGOs are involved. Point being is that all planned. btw, for a quick read, re-read Brave New World, especially the first 20 or so pages; I suspect Huxley's work is a Trilateral template pointing to our future (Huxley didn't see the future in 1922, or so, simply researched CFR/UK CFR (goes by a different title) and linked dots.


XX - Aug 18, 2023 - Edited

IEEE Deep State Black Project Miss Sabrina Wallace Mind Control


kaal - Aug 18, 2023


Agenda 2030 track and trace down to the cellular level and transmit data thru our dna in real time to control nano -robotics[which i guess are the quantum dot biosensors in us} inside of us. nonvaxer420 on rumble featuring sabrina wallace. the code is 802.15.6 IEEE sabrina wallace psinergy odysee


XX - Aug 18, 2023


I think the important thing is to stay calm and above all to feel comfortable trying to find a way to feel good about yourself as if you don't know anything about all this and always think about your dreams as a boy these are extraterrestrial technologies ..think about something constructive with these things they gave us... a bit like star war... Jedi... do or don't do there is no try


kaal - Aug 18, 2023


Thank You for your kind and wise words.


kaal - Aug 18, 2023


Im female.


XX - Aug 18, 2023

I follow my synchronicity very much.. not even on purpose the book appeared here .. I found Sabrina three days ago ... I've been doing research for a long time ... after so many years you perceive what it's worth ... I'm male


kaal - Aug 18, 2023


WELL. YOU FOUND the video to watch. Its worse than one can ever imagine. And its DONE. Your right time to let all this go and TRY to forget about it. She talks about your biofield trying to reclaim it as best you can. Really feel like throwing my computer in the trash. I have to disconnect. She SABRINA WALLACE Explains it all. Nothing more to do/ nothing can be done.


XX - Aug 18, 2023


The important thing is not to melt your own brain


kaal - Aug 18, 2023


You say its alien tech? Yes i think my brain is already melted. We have come to the end. Brace- pray to Jesus Christ the Triune God work out your salvation.-


kaal - Aug 17, 2023


Can someone go to nonvaxer420 on rumble and look at the info from sabrina wallace. She talks about wireless body are network- wban. she gives a code. is it the code for these biosensors? this was discussed in previous substack article. we were talking about haarp frequency 4gghz vaxxed blood sleep mind control. someone i think his name is real math replied with that code. which shows he knows something. this is too much for me. where are the tech/ science ppl??? dr ana please look at this info from nonvaxer420 on rumble sabrina wallace.


Marty - Aug 17, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

"move bipedally through space". Can't just say "walk", can they ..


jacquelyn sauriol - Aug 17, 2023

Sandy K

The answer to our 'intelligence' is in the water that is contained within us. It's clear to me the gov. will never understand the thing they are trying to steal; it's just (healthy, living) water. It seems they are effecively eliminating our blood, in favor of these animated plastic clots. But they have forsaken, are trying to destroy, the living thing inside us, the water. This is why their plan will fail, they do not heed this connection. Zombies are, after all, dead; the gravity of this is lost on Harari, on Soros, on the deathcult pushers.


Sandy K - Aug 17, 2023

Sandy K

"The life is in the blood"- Lev. 17:14. Blood is mostly water, as we are. Program your own blood with prayer, chants, love...don't let anyone mess with it!!!


jacquelyn sauriol - Aug 17, 2023

Thanks Sandy. Maybe we knew it once, some of us. I think some knew it before there were bibles too. best


BlazeCloude3 - Aug 17, 2023


SO CORRECT. Time is of the essence.


Kathleen Pimentel - Aug 17, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel
We may get some help? Let's hope.


BlazeCloude3 - Aug 18, 2023


Don't count on it...And, the U.S. isn't the primary driver of this present darkness. THE DRIVER IS OUT OF 'The City of London'/Basel, Nazi Switzerland'; The International Central Banker Mafia.
The Evils are going to MUCH TROUBLE TO HIDE THE Rothschilds with the Banker Death Cult DESTROYING THE WORLD AND ENSLAVING 'The People' throughout all time...AROUND THE WORLD and not just merely in Babylon and Eurasia.
Russia, too, is aligned with the Central Bankers as is China...It's a GLOBAL UNION OF EVIL WITH THE TOP OF THE HIERARCHY CENTERED IN "The City of London." Truth is...THIS was the actual ENEMY OF THE PATRIOTS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION as before the U.S.; 'The British Military' was the Banker's Pit Bully of Colonialism until WWII.
NOW, IT'S THE U.S.; but that doesn't mean the real ENEMY is changed...It's the same enemy as always throughout history. It's the 'Shadow Govt.' of the U.S. selling out the U.S. in 1871 when the Rothschilds covered the debt of the U.S. Civil War and Ulysses S. Grant was President.
As always, the U.S. will lead the way against this evil and will take care of it for good; or NOBODY WILL. Nobody in the world is as the Patriots in this Republic as it USED TO BE.


Kathleen Pimentel - Aug 18, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

Russia recognizes deepstate capture of America and I think appreciates real Patriots in U.S. and even worldwide.


BlazeCloude3 - Aug 18, 2023


Think you're correct.
People from around the world in all countries continue to ask about 'The People' of the U.S.
Keep hearing, "What are you Yanks gonna do?" and
"Can't believe you Yanks are behind this."
It's as though the world is collectively holding it's breath....
And, that collective wondering includes the TERRIFIED, HUMILIATED Bankers
the U.S. has kicked multiple times; the last being during the Civil War
when Lincoln asked the Russians to guard the harbors when the British/French Navies
tried to occupy on the West Coast and sent them packing.
RUSSIA has paid for THAT with the Banker's wrath since their murder of the Czar and Family,
in their funded Bolshevik Revolution...
The Vengeance of the Banker's is that
placing the U.S. in their proverbial Gun-Sights right now.
There is something coming...And, when it's done the whole world
will exhale in final relief after this long, drawn-out battle.


Kathleen Pimentel - Aug 18, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

I like this quote, Author unknown "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. " and this is what I pray outloud:
Psalms 37:1-40 Amen
We Stand Our Ground and there is something else: Shall Not Be Infringed has a certain meaning.


BlazeCloude3 - Aug 18, 2023


🤔😂🤣Do believe that quote was used to practice 'Speed' on the old Royal Typewriters once common in Typewriting Class back before Personal Computers, Laptops and other Keyboard Mechanisms with Cell Phones and such.
Maybe we didn't have all of what we define 'Conveniences'; but is SEEMED more sane...Even though we now know it was all a FABRICATION OF STABILITY and CONTROLLED SOCIAL SUBVERSION beginning with 'Project Paperclip' and M.K. Ultra leading to the Vietnam/'Sex, Drugs, & Rock-n-Roll Era' of the Cold War years.
THAT'S A WONDERFUL PSALM...Thanks. Think I'll meditate upon it tonight. Been spending more time with the Lord in conscious meditation lately and am constantly shown others to be on that same wavelength with our Lord.
On the other hand...Here's a little funny just coming through another Substack that's a bit racey...Hope you're not offended by a bit of gender comedy...
Have wonderful night...Really love that Psalm. 🙏🏻🎯🙏🏻🎶


BlazeCloude3 - Sep 16, 2023


AI has no sense of ethics/morality exactly as a psychopath has no sense of ethics/morality and NOBODY trusts psychopaths as those creating this evil.


420MedicineMan - Aug 18, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

Selling it through the medical industry, I was watching a TED the other day and they had a disabled patient with a NCI or MMI, what ever it is. The disabled patient was flying a drone around with his mind for a demonstration to the audience.
Personally if given a choice I would never want that stuff in my head.
Dr Ana thank you for that PDF and for showing everyone.
Check out the TED. They're trying to sell it big time.


Thaddeus Robinson - Feb 4, 2024

Thaddeus Robinson

Doesn't need to be sold. It is and has been imposed, ie, mind-cavasive technology. Ask our permission? Hah!


Laura - Aug 18, 2023

Modern Healthcare

Would the guys with the CBD blood footage check again and check to see if a MAC address emits from you?


Robert - Aug 17, 2023

Robert’s Substack

PEOPLE WAKE UP PLEASE. Focus on the cures proven that. Scientific method repeatable tests. As per dr As live blood draw vials test. AMR test of CBD IS good but needs to fo further with DFMicroscopy as to QD AND PEG really being gone.may just be GO is gone. Only EDTA IS PROVEN and oral edta is not fully proven More science and cures. TY.


Bronc Buster Self-Healing - Dec 21

Bronc Buster Self-Healing

I love you, courageous ladies. You are resonating in harmony with the Universe, where we might meet some day.
Almost from the day I was born, humanoids forced me to overcome the most evil, unbelievable, direct and indirect attacks, while I remained in great loneliness.
I am now more than twenty years older than my cohort. Oh, not pervy but male cohort.
I take no meds and am still dancing, even though it has gotten real lonely here, with dying plants, people and many fewer birds.


Claudia - Feb 5, 2024


How to stop the interface is the next question.


Thaddeus Robinson - Feb 4, 2024

Thaddeus Robinson

Thanks for the elucidation of the future. In my present world, the BCI, Remote, already exists. My muscles can be activated, my blood pressure, heart rate, bodily elimination are all under remote control. My every thought is acquired, and ten years ago I discovered all of "my thoughts" were not my thoughts. Words are inserted so smoothly into my brain, I've had to struggle, at times, to separate my thoughts from the insertions. I don't know what the technology is that's capable of such, but Robert Duncan demonstrated the timing sequence in his book "Project Soul Catcher"
The means whereby is evolving, but the Knowledge to accomplish these "feats" existed in the 1950's. I grew up @ Ft. Knox, Ky. I didn't know it then, but I and my family were lab rats for the electronic mind invaders.
There's not a person on the planet who's able to escape the electronic behavioral control grid. One does not know it, unless one is permitted to know, for example, after one's intellectual property has been stolen.



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