Brain Computer Interface Technology: Brain…

Jan 13, 2024

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jeffrey p lubina - Jan 13, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

But still, every single day I’m constantly running into very intelligent people who insist this is all sci-fi nonsense. Over the past week I had to outright ban a Substack writer who was attacking me, calling me satanic for even suggesting or talking about this evolving science, particularly what’s been developed in secret and is currently being used against us.
As always, like the TedTalk vid, there’s always a pussyfooting “gatekeeper” or “operative” using Health Care or Security as a method for getting people to accept a science that would in fact help people if developed in full sunlight, but in reality is mostly being used to spy, control and outright destroy humanity.
I love science, but most people do NOT understand just how far some of this science has evolved by very evil monsters behind closed doors, and once it’s out there right in plain sight attacking us, most still refuse to understand the truths, and it’s destroying humanity; permanently changing our DNA and killing the human soul.


kim - Jan 13, 2024

Watch this...


Piotr Bein - Jan 13, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

That was the plan, seems like. Develop stelthily and deploy before useless eaters wotld be able to resist.
I don't believe AI exists beyond the cabal's ptropaganda. Anything that requires quantum computer to operate is suspect, as quantum computer is still ca. 10 to 15 yrs. away, according to official info. Do you know if there is a proof of a quantum computer operating, Jeffrey?


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 13, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

Only from public reports from both government and private companies. Did you watch all the videos? I’ve been convinced for decades now. While still on active duty I was aware the DoD was working on it back in early 1990. I’m sure if you take into consideration what is never reported and classified, the reality is at least 50 to 80 years more advanced and beyond what most can comprehend, just like self-arranging/nano quantum dot technology, and it’s use against people without their knowledge verified by tens of thousands of “targeted individuals” for over 30 years now—which are Crimes Against Humanity many in government and the private sector must be prosecuted for.


Piotr Bein - Jan 13, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Public reports cannot be trusted for top secret tech. E.g. Wiki entry talks about on-going r&d, many yrs to go. The hurdkes seem insurnountable, the algebra of errors amounts to garbage in garbage out.
A diff science base might work , e.g. torsion fields, according to Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak, and the cabal may have the tech to do it, but tells bs to the public.


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 14, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

In the same breath you say “public reports cannot be trusted,” then use Wiki as a reference. I think we can go back & forth about what tech is or is not developed in secret or possible until one of us drops dead from exhaustion. But it is a very interesting topic I’m heavily invested in, both time and money.
I know only what I know and what other targeted individuals & whistleblowers have reported. I trust my human sources and question everything I cannot scientifically prove myself, like the reality of quantum dot and other nano tech. In the end, I’ve come to understand quantum tech/computers are real and being used against humanity, but could be used to help people instead.
Honestly, most living physicists, engineers, medical doctors and scientists tire me with how little they really know and understand due to how manipulated our educational systems have been for the past several centuries, and the few who impress me the most are the ones the “schooled” professors and talking heads in the mainstream media call nuts or delusional—in gaslighting fashion.


Jim McGilbrith - Jan 14, 2024


People chose what news they allow to come in by selecting a trusted (main stream ) outlet that speaks to their truth. People don't want to know this shit. We see it all in the movies but think it is fantasy and it's not. Have a list of movie references in a previous post that will come later chronologically, but I bet the reader can remember a few. This just confirms it as fact.


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 14, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

True, going back to War of the Worlds radio broadcast and silent movies. “They” really are sick about advertising their intentions via entertainment and even political events. Then consider all the symbolisms in their “art,” on money, on public buildings and monuments. I’m always amazed at just how ridiculously stupid the average sheep and even intelligent minds can be. Not ignorant, as in “lacking knowledge,” but outright stupidity “in spite of the truths” of their messages in plain sight. And then when some of us start screaming with blood shooting out of our eyes in frustration, they have the nerve to tell you to just calm down and go along with the others. Just pick a side, one or the other of the same Satanic asshole, they say. Bloody Hell, man, I’m so exhausted—which is the point, of course.


Piotr Bein - Jan 14, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

It would be too easy a find for you, I've not smoked nor drank :)
If the cabal has a real QC tech, wiki entry would be a disguise.
Did you read the entry? It's full of baloney. No way THIS would be the AI the cabal is talking about
The huge computer halls that are shown in articles are current tech, cooled at great expense while struggling with simulation of behaviour on a sample numbering a few million (or billion?) aka metaverse. I don't know why some ppl place it in another dimension? The colour revolutions, Arab Spring, migrant flooding of Europe were simulated this way before deployment, so what's new? It has existed for a while, the Five Eyes boast they have every citizen in their database with 5k data categories each. Brexit, Trump erections and what else were simulated as well, using mass computer runs.,


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 14, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

Again, why go on and on with arguments “supposing what’s real” one way or another, indefinitely? And, so what? It’s such a waste of time.
Look, I’ve got material going back several hundred years, but particularly since the 1600’s, where the Eugenicists have been using Satanic Protocols—telling people exactly what they intend to do, then doing it, and it’s all verifiably true, like the use of fear & manmade plagues to get people to take vaccines to make them even more sick, or ChemTrail poisoning, or 9/11 physics & controlled demolitions. Why are you debating what you “believe” or negatives, rather than what’s “understood” and more probable, that is? Who are you trying to convince about what’s NOT possible or what is NOT being done and why?
I’ve listened to individuals argue weather or not we went to the moon or if the earth is really flat at the same time, then one of them says, “because we were lied to about one science-fact, then all science is a lie.” It’s senseless. The moon landing hoax is worth discussing, like FalseFlag 9/11 and Plannedemics, but not whether the earth is round or flat or if God is real.
I understand enough physics to make me question the moon landing and 9/11, and I think it’s important to keep the argument science-physics fact-based without “emotional beliefs.” But I don’t get the need to debate flat earth, for instance, unless you factor that they are bots, both real and unreal, interjecting nonsense into the debate to pollute legitimate conspiracy arguments that are worth ironing out, like 9/11, but not whether aliens from space did it.


Martin - Jan 13, 2024

Friends With God

I think I will go talk to the plants in the garden and get some reality, I mean real reality!


TimeIsNear - Jan 13, 2024

I like talking to my plants in the garden and microgreens. They're much happier and do better. It's also good for my mental health.


Larry Inn - Jan 13, 2024

Larry Inn

THE SECRET LIFE of PLANTS: A Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Relations Between Plants and Man. Authors: Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird.


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 13, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

Nasal Test Swabs: If you have test swabs still in their wrapper, put them in the freezer and never open them, unless it’s documented with a lawyer present to professionally test them. If you have the ability to test them, understand first that these swabs were created to preform multiple functions having noting to do with testing for pathogens: 1) delivery system to install nanotechnology directly into you brain; 2) install foreign DNA; 3) collect YOUR DNA to be used by the DoD to eventually control you and others in your family.


Robert Westover - Jan 16, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

How is anyone going to ever trust the government again? I never thought about those swabs delivering and retrieving. Damn.


jeffrey p lubina - Jan 16, 2024

jeffrey p lubina

I don’t see how it’s possible for me to trust the government in the first place for the very first time, ever. “The government,” left, right, middle…has never been our government. It’s always been a lie, just like the cause of never ending warfare. It’s not the people. And overpopulation & scarcity has also always been a lie, too. Check out this short clip (top of page) from the early 1900’s, one of several short and long video & audio files that’ll trouble you even more. It doesn’t say so, but it’s talking about Rockefeller’s “death Vaxx.” Warning: It will give you nightmares—if you’re smart.


Dorothy N. - Jan 13, 2024

Dorothy N.

Gee, just what we wanted to be when we grew up - not well-rounded, humane people but mindlessly manipulated tools to be run and used by machines for the purposes of appallingly ignorant, suicidally-murderous delusional psychopaths who apparently just might think that they can achieve some oxymoronic 'unliving immortality' as a recording playing on a machine somewhere in a dystopian version of Cloud Coo-Coo Land.
Hard to believe anyone's desperately attempting to present this literal brain-drain and unhitching from reality as a good thing...
What happens if/when the toxic tech bits cause all of the organic bits on us mindless slaves to die, odourously decay and start falling off? Is this where the CDC 'Zombie Apocalypse joke' arose? Rather than via some prion effect?
The people behind all this are sooooo stupidly, destructively insane...
Without Life (and the conditions with which interconnected/interdependent complex Life evolved as part of a vastly complex system and which make life, health and survival possible) nothing lives - how hard can it be to understand that basic fact, rather than destroying everything that the perps themselves fail to understand that they also need, to survive?


JP Spatzier - Jan 13, 2024

JP Spatzier

Unfortunately AI is already here …and the Brain interface with humans was rolled out during Covid. Follow nonvaxer420 on Rumble. He has most up to date science videos I’ve found 🙏. The people in charge lost their minds … nobody asked us if we wanted to participate..


Piotr Bein - Jan 13, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

The globalist cabal's plan dating back to 18th century is to cull useless eaters and have the Planet for themselves. Are they checking off the last points of their plan?


Robert Westover - Jan 16, 2024

They also hold a few back for entertainment purposes.


Jessica Wilczek - Jan 13, 2024

If your team needs any help with research or anything like that, I’m looking to get involved and I’ve been following y’all’s work very closely. This is the end game goal of the evil cabal and I think many are missing this whole picture and getting lost in the weeds of the many other problems associated with the bioweapon (many to choose from).
Please reach out if you’re in need of any help to move this forward.


John N. Hatzopoulos - Jan 13, 2024

DNA technology is never born, it was there as part of Nature for billions of years. Humans are also part of Nature but they are unable to create o single biological cell. The only thing they can do is to destruct DNA technology for gaining power due to the lack of education to act in harmony with Nature. They are so arrogant and go against Nature with catastrophic consequences.


Rosalind McGill - Jan 13, 2024

Rosalind McGill

I’ll be back later, thank you for this stack. Lots to absorb.
I did a sleep study years ago and had no idea it would ,or could, ever be used against my humanity. & my friends have similar regrets.


JP Spatzier - Jan 13, 2024

JP Spatzier

Please go to Sabrina Wallace on Psienergy on Odyssey… it’s ALL done already 🙏


Rosalind McGill - Jan 13, 2024

Rosalind McGill

Sabrina is something. Thanks for mentioning her.


Lynette Devries - Jan 13, 2024

There were a couple of Science Fiction movies of late that were about interlocking minds and so forth. The Illuminati have to warn us through movies what they are going to do before they do it. What about the BORG on STAR TREK. They were all connected to a Queen.


Edward Bernaysauce - Jan 13, 2024

Edward Bernaysauce

We are undoubtedly unified in our exposure to sticky, venomous particles, coursing through the miasma....


John Braby - Jan 13, 2024

John’s Newsletter

"The monkey broke its back".
How would a monkey ever break its back ? Oh right.
Code for "we broke the monkey's back".


Piotr Bein - Jan 13, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

And he works for a firm that travels round to collect good ideas. A sacret advanced tech project in a foreign country is off limits for outsiders, unless his outfit in US collaborates with the foreign one on a cabal's project.


Gas Axe - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited

Gas’s Substack

So my good friend came for coffee yesterday. He has taken the hotdogs because he was afraid.
He stated they want to kill 75% of the population.
I gently asked if he had the other hotdog victims where talking about this openly? He said "yes."
The lemmings are no longer running for the cliff.


The Bodysnatchers - Jan 13, 2024

The Bodysnatchers

I'm certainly not hoping for the financial collapse that many now say is imminent, but if it brings about a massive defending of the US military, I say bring it on.


The Bodysnatchers - Jan 13, 2024

The Bodysnatchers

'defunding' is what I meant


JP Spatzier - Jan 13, 2024

JP Spatzier

Defending or defunding


The Bodysnatchers - Jan 13, 2024

The Bodysnatchers

Sorry, autocorrected from 'defunding'


American State National - Jan 13, 2024

American State National

Sure this is being ATTEMPTED but it will not be allowed to gain a foothild as it is the antithesis of Cosmic Order Sacred Law....freewill for all beings.


Jeannettecally Modified - Jan 13, 2024

Jeannettecally Modified

THEY put it out into the consciousness of humanity. IF we do not rebel, rebuke & give no permission/no consent.... Then THEY see it as FREE Will CHOICE. ... BY doing their stupid swab tests & whatnot, you're willingly giving your DNA. There is ALWAYS a tough choice to be made.


Patrick Mockridge - Jan 13, 2024

Technology Truth

This same technology was part of Project Stargate:


Mary Dunn - Jan 13, 2024

Mary Dunn

Also I don’t wish to diminish the importance of this work and experience. I support by knowing about it by caring about the people hit by it. They are strong brave and their experience it has great
Impact and importance also in their own journey. It’s not easy being chosen. Caring sharing shaping.


Doug - Jan 13, 2024

Doug’s Substack
this is what's hitting me and very very very hard lately. My brain and mind feel like it should just explode please help pray do something.



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