Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 02, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I recently had the honor of speaking with Dr Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin. The conversation about the similarities of his experience with lobotomy patients many decades ago and my observations related to the nanotechnology in the blood and its effects in the physical, emotional and spiritual expression of people was profound, and I hope you listen to it.
Here is the link to the interview and article that I am reposting below:
Blurring Lines: Nanotechnology, Vaccines, and Control
Here is the link to the podcast. If you cannot access it, please go to the original America Out Loud Pulse website, linked above.
Dr Peter Breggin interviews Dr. Ana Mihalcea
We are now in the year 2023. Humans everywhere have been under assault and have been being attacked for four years. Increasing numbers of freedom-loving scientists and physicians fear humankind is on the brink of a mass extinction event. The health and life impact COVID “vaccines,” including the mRNA and DNA versions, immune destruction, [1] neurological disorders, [2] and early sudden deaths. [3] The Department of Defense is using them for nanotechnology [4] experiments that appear designed to irrevocably change the essences of biological humans [5] and perhaps even capture humans through wireless connections, enslaving them. [6]
As farfetched as the nanotechnology disclosures would have seemed to us three or four years ago, the evidence has been mounting, despite enormous efforts to suppress both the message and messengers, even within the health freedom movement. This is the looming dystopian drumbeat that we hear coming.
Enter Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Dr. Mihalcea is a practicing internist and a pathologist. Along with a worldwide circle of physician colleagues, scientists, engineers, and chemists, [7] she is examining the biotechnology found in COVID-19 “vaccines,” as well as other injectable medical fluids and more.
Dr. Mihalcea and Karen Kingston are two of the handful of freedom movement experts/spokespeople in the US who are exposing this potentially species-ending nanotechnology. We have spoken with colleagues who vastly admire her work and agree that stopping totalitarian transhumanism and protecting humanity is at stake.
Echoes of Earlier Resistance to Mind Control Experiments
We sat down to have a conversation with Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea for several reasons. We know that for more than 70 years, the federal US government has been experimenting with techniques that would enable control of human beings through their minds. [8] There were echoes of Dr. Breggin’s work going back to the 1970s when he began taking on massively destructive damage being caused by psychiatric drugs, electroshock, and lobotomy (psychosurgery). He had been dismayed to find that the CIA was covertly funding brutal experiments with ECT in Canada [9] and that the Department of Justice was funding psychosurgery through a private foundation created by William Sweet, the director of neurosurgery at Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital. [10]
To this day, without going through any testing, the FDA’s Division of Devices has been protecting electroshock “treatment” as if it were a secret weapon. [11] , [12]
From the nanotechnology in the fake vaccines to drugs, electroshock, and psychosurgery, the ultimate goal is mind control. But in some ways, mind control is a misleading rubric for all these technologies because they cannot as yet force a person into specific actions or put specific thoughts into their minds. All they can do is impair brain function, rendering people less energetic, less motivated, more docile, and more easily controlled—and this in itself can pave the way for authoritarianism and totalitarianism in a society.
Once again, the issue is not a mysterious “mass formation psychosis” that is described as being generated from within the population but is a violent oppression being imposed on the people by the elites and global predators. [13] , [14]
We have heard from the various elites and global predators, including Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari, that one of the chief goals of the One World Governance gang is to connect humans to machines for both enhancement and control purposes. [15] A foundational premise in all the goals of a One World government is that there are too many humans for “spaceship Earth” to comfortably support. [16] , [17]
Energy is at the Core of the Physical and the Living Universe
Energy is the basis of all life forms, including us humans. The most simple and effective way of “controlling” life is to disrupt, suppress, and steal its energy sources, from food to the finetuning of its brain functions.
Every living being and every physical aspect of our universe has an electromagnetic frequency. NASA provides a deeper understanding of this fact in a video here. [18] Literally, electromagnetic waves are the fuel of life.
Menacing Findings in Blood Samples
Well-trained medical experts and scientists around the world are using dark field microscopes to see and document incredibly menacing findings in blood samples of people given the Covid shots and even in people exposed to their shedding. These experts are also finding the same disturbing nanotechnology in samples of the COVID-19 vaccine and in other medical injectable products.
Nanoparticles are being observed in blood samples, including the ongoing formation of clumped and clotted blood cells, the production of ultimately large rubber-like synthetic clots, and the assembly of metallic complexes that are responsive to low-frequency electromagnetic waves.
Infinitesimal blue and yellow dots, called quantum dots, flashing in colors and never before seen in human blood, have been filmed by Dr.Mihalcea, jumping around like high-speed fireflies attending to and seeming to be constructing micro platforms. Dr. Mihalcea and her colleague Clifford Carnicom have shown that vaccinated blood has a sensitivity to extremely low frequencies when tested with impedance spectroscopy. Dr. David Nixon has demonstrated that when vaccine samples are covered with Faraday cages that block them from exposure to environmental energy, nanoparticle activity that can be seen ceases, indicating they are responding to outside influence. When removed from the Faraday cages, they begin to re-activate.
Our radio interview with “Doctor Ana” aired on Thursday, August 31, 2023, on America Out Loud and described these incredible dark field microscopy [19] findings made by herself and by her colleagues around the world. On her Substack, a recent presentation titled Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity includes photos and videos of her findings in the blood of people directly and indirectly exposed to the COVID-19 shots. [20]
Who Would Do This to Humans?
In the lengthy chronology at the conclusion of our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey , we succinctly foreshadow the dangers of mRNA shots with the following entry for December 8, 2017: [21]
Dr. Tal Zaks, Moderna’s Chief Medical Officer, compares mRNA to a “line of code” in a computer program and declares that, with the new mRNA vaccines used experimentally for cancer treatment, “We are actually hacking the software of life.” Transhumanism and vaccine technology unite.
The remarks by Tal Zacks were made at a TED Talk. [22] The comment “Transhumanism and vaccine technology unite” is ours. Although we were aware that the mRNA Covid shots had the potential to become a device for physically and genetically transforming human beings and humanity, we never imagined anything like what Dr. Mihalcea and her colleagues are finding. It’s probable that many readers will find it as implausible as we first did when hearing about it.
Given the great amount of documentation now available, it is highly probable—and more likely true than not—that the COVID shots make human beings subject to electronic control from outside themselves. The controls, while high-tech, may remain largely ineffective in achieving actual control over people. But as already emphasized, they are destructive enough to induce sufficient harm to the brains of people, making them more vulnerable and readily submissive to authoritarian and totalitarian control.
What Are the Effects on Humans
We believe that the short-term effects on the overall health of human beings are bad and that the long-term effects, although unpredictable, are probably going to be much worse. We also believe that those effects that result from the impact on the blood circulating in the brain are almost certainly producing the effect we are seeing in the form of strokes and even more surely producing the personality and character changes that are being observed throughout the world. [23]
Many human beings are becoming less able to engage in a meaningful way with other human beings. People in the health professions, for example, all of whom have been required to take the shots, often seem more aloof, less emotionally engaged, shorter in their responses, and sometimes more irritable. Basically, they seem shallower. [24] Fewer and fewer people are even available to fill the job needs of the nation, perhaps in part because their motivation systems and mental capacities have been harmed by the jabs.
Increasingly we hear comments are made about the observed docility/passivity/dehumanization—a kind of emotional flattening that is being seen across the population.
I first noticed this most dramatically in the early 1970s when I conducted an international campaign to stop the return of lobotomy and psychosurgery. [25] Patients who had their brains mutilated by hot electrodes were supposed to become happier and less “mentally ill.” Specific hopes were offered, such as overcoming schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
From interviewing patients and families, often for legal cases against the surgeons, as well as from carefully reading the scientific literature, I found that these promises were lies. The patients were being experimented on, and the results always involved, at the least, a vast reduction in their overall human qualities.
Every Lobotomy Victim Had the Losses People Are Seeing Now
Every lobotomy victim had the losses people are now seeing in many people after exposure to the COVID shots: more aloof, less emotionally engaged, shorter in their responses, sometimes more irritable, and basically more shallow. [26] But the lobotomy victims—suffering from gross mutilation of the highest centers of their brain—had more gross destruction of their basic autonomy or sovereignty as individuals and were seen as doing better in controlled residential settings rather than on their own.
In our current circumstances in regard to the apathy and lack of independent resistance to the growing totalitarianism around all of us, damage from the vaccines may be contributing to this docility. This would be very consistent with the aims of the global predators to rob us of all our highest functions, from our connections to God to our concern about our own well-being and that of our loved ones.
Chronic Brain Impairment
In 2010, I published a scientific analysis of what I called “chronic brain impairment” that was not as severe as “dementia” but devasting to individuals and their quality of life in ways often overlooked by clinicians. I wrote: [27]
Global or generalized brain impairments—those that involve the whole brain—look so much alike in their mental symptoms because the injured brain has only a limited repertoire of reactions. The healthy brain seems almost infinite in its capacity to create, so the mental life of individuals with normal brains is very complex, rich and varied, and always unique. The wounded brain, and its associated mental malfunctions, are much more limited and pedestrian. Its remaining richness and complexity depend on the existence of sufficient remaining brain function to allow for unique self-expression.
Then I specifically defined the syndrome of chronic brain injury (CBI):
To help in identifying these deficits in clinical practice, the CBI syndrome can be divided into four symptom complexes that commonly present together:
(1) Cognitive dysfunctions manifest in the early stages as short-term memory dysfunction and impaired new learning, inattention, and difficulty concentrating.
(2) Apathy or loss of energy and vitality, often manifesting as indifference (“not caring”) and fatigue. The individual commonly loses interest in creative activities, as well as other endeavors requiring higher mental processes, sensitivity to others, and spontaneity. The loss of empathy seen in these patients is probably an aspect of apathy as well as an aspect of the overall affective worsening.
(3) Emotional worsening (affective dysregulation), including loss of empathy, increased impatience, irritability, and anger, as well as frequent mood changes with depression and anxiety. This deterioration usually has a gradual onset over months or years so that it seems “normal” or becomes attributed to “stress,” “mental illness,” or “getting old.”
(4) Anosognosia—lack of self-awareness of these symptoms of brain dysfunction. Whether it involves TBI, Alzheimer’s disease, drug-induced tardive dyskinesia, or psychiatry drugs, CBI patients commonly fail to identify their mental symptoms of brain dysfunction. Often someone other than the patient notices these changes. This is an aspect of anosognosia, or the inability to recognize brain dysfunction in oneself.
As a result of these deficits, there is an associated reduction in the quality of life.
Over the last 40 years, my wife, Ginger Breggin, and I have frequently pondered, however vaguely, about whether or not this pattern in psychiatry of promising health but providing brain damage and common death in the state mental hospitals was intentional. Our deep dive into the forces behind COVID-19 led to our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey , and ultimately to the conclusion that the elite has for generations been imposing mind-numbing brain damage to make people more docile and helpless with the ultimate goal of tightening and closing the noose of authoritarian and totalitarian government control upon them.
The Human Spirit
Increasing numbers of scientifically oriented individuals are becoming convinced that we are now under attack by elites and their institutions with the specific goal of taking down our democracies and especially the U.S. with its continuing traditional views still alive within its ruins.
By almost any and every measure, the American Founders fought for and then created the most successful nation in the history of the world. It was the first large government ever based on protecting the rights of its citizens as individuals to govern themselves. The people and the Founding documents explicitly promoted not government control but “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” They genuinely believed what they wrote in the Declaration of Independence, that our right to individual freedom is given to us by God and not by politicians and despots.
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, our guest who gave us this amazing interview on America Out Loud Pulse, is a genuine expression of the scientific and medical spirit at its best—meaning her values are rooted in the God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. She is eloquent in expressing her belief, which we share, that freedom is being crushed by global people who hate us, hate freedom, and hate God. As skeptical as you may be, you may be deeply inspired by both the scientific research and the spiritual values of Dr. Mihalcea.
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Bufus Alvarius - Sep 2, 2023
Dr Ana. Please hear me out. I am one of your most grateful followers and I am deeply concerned for humanity - you have to see ALL work of Sabrina Wallace - she is from the TOP END of the spystate - PLEASE go onodysee.comand search for psinergy, this is the most authentic and important whistleblower of humanity BESIDES you and others!!!! Everyone in their field - we HAVE to collaborate - Please check her out :
REPLY | 20 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others
Gregory May - Sep 2, 2023
Gregory May
Not COVID vaxxed, but I feel like my 'brain function' has been compromised.
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