Blood Cultures of Unvaccinated Blood Shows…

Apr 8, 2023

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Image 1: Unvaccinated live blood analysis Subject 1 - prior to incubation at room temperature for 2 weeks


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 8, 2023 - Edited

Laughing’s Substack

Please define "unvaccinated". Few people are unvaccinated. Very few. And they've been putting this shit in the shots for 45 years, I have solid proof of that. I know a woman who showed me in October of 2020, before covid kill shots rolled out, that she's had in injection site for about 45 yrs. now, that a magnet has always, and still does, stick to.
Whatever they say they're going to do or doing, they've been doing for years. As they warned us, we will study their actions in retrospect, "judiciously" as we will, while they continue to act.
But, wherever there's money, the train will roll on. Nothing more fascinating than studying evil. That's where the money is.


Ellen - Apr 9, 2023 - Edited

Jen’s Substack

The last vax I had was in about 1962 or 1963, a tetanus vax. That said, I still have issues from having been ill with whatever it was at the end of 2021--and I did not wear their shitting face diapers. A couple of weeks after that, I had bilateral pulmonary emboli, DVTs, and some consolidation in the lower left lung. Since then, my lower legs swell, left is the worst. I have painful areas that pop up and move around, joint issues, cannot walk more than about 3-4 car lengths without right flank pain and I get winded quickly and easily. I fatigue quickly and easily during the day. Have not consulted with any MD; the decent ones are few and far between.


Jen Claybourne - Apr 9, 2023

Jen’s Substack

The so-called virus (viruses don't exist) was POISON from snake &
sea snail venoms. It's in the water (among other things!) Nicotine is
the antidote:
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Could Nicotine Gum be the answer to the Whole Covid Pandemic?


Ellen - Apr 9, 2023

I watched Dr. Ardis many months ago. Nothing surprises me any more. Yeah, viruses have been a scam since the beginning. Thanks for the reply.


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 9, 2023 - Edited

Laughing’s Substack

damn, where are you? city? lots of 5G? I had several quick really scary episodes in 2021 and 22. Pianful shrinking feeling in neck, chest, like bones shrinking. It was always a lot of wifi, and all it took to back it down right away is good water.
But, I've been an herbalist for more than forty years. Learned early on how to keep abreast of the chem trails, too. Also, no phones. no tv. just this. nothing else.


Ellen - Apr 9, 2023 - Edited

Laughing’s Substack

Western massachusetts.....pigressive town of about 17K; Some 5G here but I don't know if it's the real thing. I used Zelenko's Z-Detox for several months but switched off to their Z-Shield. Am going back on the Detox. Never have touched cigarettes but probably would have had that protection. They'll get you one way or another. I appreciate the reply.


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 9, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

I lived in west brookfield in 1976. It was very beautiful then, but lonely . The air quality over new england is not good, say the maps.
The entire earth is going through a major Saturn grasp, they know and they plan accordingly. This too will pass.
I do smoke!! for at least thirty years now, I regularly drink an herbal mix made of root herbs, and my children and I were never ill as long as we had some at least once a week.
I buy my herbs organic from Pacific Botanicals in Wilderville, Ore. I mix marshmallow root, for the lung, excellent for the lung; dandelion root, less of that, it's high in minerals, so if taken too much can stress the kidneys; burdock root; ashwaganda root-(not too much!! I have a mix that's so bitter as I dumped too much in); astragalus root; echinacea purpurea root; and sometimes baikal skullcap root.
Animal milk cheese clogs me up right away. Gluten is rough on me. The problem with wheat is that here in the US most wheat is grown downwind of Hanford nuclear waste site, a big leaking mess, and so the wheat is highly irradiated. I learned this years ago from a woman who grew up there, had restless leg misery, and when young a neighbor announced to them one day that he had gotten uranium reading from their wheat fields, and applied for a mining permit. When the inspectors came to confirm a few months later, they got no readings whatsoever. The wheat had been harvested.
I find essential oils indispensable in the past few years. Frankincense surrata , spread in a carrier oil across forehead, down around ears, over nose bridge, all bony protuberances of face, and that spot at back of neck where it meets spine at head. That takes down the screaming signal swelling of the brain; then valerian root powder, all in ginger tea, and then skullcap. It takes two hours of drinking teas , and then using rescue sleep remedy, to get a night's sleep.
But when the signal is up for days and nights on end, I wake up crying.
It's hell. when going through hell, just keep going.
Fasting is the most powerful start, After which all that comes in can be identified in its effects.
Health can be simple, if one's life is lived at the level of simplicity. It's getting tricky, though. The herbs heal.
The 5G is real, and it's full on for years now. Pure water is most important. If you can't get mountain fed well water, or spring water from source, a water distiller . Pure water is first.
I can stay healthy, in body. But I can't figure out how to have enough money for a place to live!! I've never cared much about money. Pretty stupid there. I'm 72, been moved incessantly for five years now. This is my breaking zone.
Also, I buy and use no products. No pills. No potions. I need to smell, touch, taste the herb. I need to know what's coming in.


Ellen - Apr 10, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

I wonder if the nicotine protected you from becoming ill during 2021-2022. I tend to be well—except for that episode that I wrote about and the effects that linger. I mentioned the Zelenko Z-DTOX….I started it again a couple of days ago…..good results; I’ll stay on it for the foreseeable future.
I drink raw milk; my kids were raised on it as well. I prize it as a valuable food for me. I’ve been making sourdough bread since 2014 and it seems to agree with my physiology.
Yes, essential oils are part of what I use as well; great stuff. Was using a Berkey filtering system for about 10 years but then the filters seemed to be not functioning properly. The company was not terribly helpful so, after some research, I settled on reverse osmosis from a counter top unit. I remineralize the water before drinking. We shouldn’t have to go to such lengths but, until people wake up, we’ll just have to slog along.
We’re the same age...LOL! Money has never been a goal for me either but, unfortunately, it’s a necessity to live and it is not easy here either. I have supplemented for many years and continue to do so.


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 11, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

I smoke far more of the sacred herb, than nicotine. And that sacred one has been my medicine since 1970. I find the induced stress from the microwave agenda to be the worst challenge.


Rick Larson - Apr 8, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Interesting observation. How about ingredients in processed food?


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 8, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

that's just a merciful god's punishment for our original sin of being born human


Rick Larson - Apr 8, 2023

I'm ok. Its a skill to have the system to think they have control when they don't. That idea comes from those types of people who won't do business with me unless they think they are screwing me. So, let them think so as long as its profitable.


Rick Larson - Apr 8, 2023

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

If its in certain food, buy some but don't eat that food.


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Apr 8, 2023

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

Why would you buy it if you were not going to eat it?


Rick Larson - Apr 8, 2023

They think you ate it.


Cheryl Buchanan - Apr 17, 2023

Cheryl’s Substack



Blue Electric Storm - Apr 8, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Comment removed.


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 8, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

damn, so sorry for all that. Maybe our skin is right about not wanting to be pierced.


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Apr 8, 2023

Leslie Benjamini #🟦



Jen Claybourne - Apr 8, 2023

Jen’s Substack

Comment removed.


Jen Claybourne - Apr 9, 2023

Jen’s Substack

All vaccines are toxic and do nothing but damage to your body;
never take another vaccine.


Healingroze Earthwise - Apr 9, 2023

I agree with Jen Claybourne, ALL Vaccines are poison. We have been lied to from the beginning about them. In fact, any and all pharmaceuticals created in a lab are poison. Our whole “medical “ system is a lie. Meant to keep us sick and from living our best lives. Realize it now, and move forward as best as you can. Heavy metal detoxing is important as well as good nutrition and supplements, as our food supply is tainted too. Most of all, live in the high frequency of Love. Fight their low frequency weapons with the highest vibrations of LOVE. ❤️


Truth Seeker - Apr 9, 2023

Comment removed.


Truth Seeker - Apr 16, 2023

I'm so sorry to read this happened to you. Another old lady (from Australia). 🫂💕


Miles Davis - Apr 8, 2023 - Edited

Miles Davis

Too many variables. Not that I’m dismissing this theory. But there are factors not taken into consideration. One. The chem trails. There has been a massive uptick in the last 5+ years. I suspect they are releasing fungal particles as massive vegetation has died. Also. The obvious. 5g. Gwen towers. There is a direct correlation between the RF thru the years that correspond to the manufactured wars, and the outbreaks associated. Ie Spanish flu. Starting with the most basic Rf. Now we’re using ELF waves. These towers are tracking towers and not cell towers like they tell you. Hint. Putting them by schools should be the first clue. I also want to point out they can be weaponized. So we don’t know what ultrasound freq they are emitting. And look at ingredients in products. Lots of PEG and aluminum lake dyes and iron oxide. I suspect these are 2 part. Not dismissing the shed factor. But since it’s so obvious. I doubt it’s the cause. The real cause is never what they spread propaganda about. And since people are on public water supply. Maybe test people who drink their own well water. Vs city people. Again multiple paradigms .


Diana - Apr 8, 2023


I am wondering if those people took the PCR tests even though not vaccinated- because those nano tubes are filled with hydrogel that get stuck in the nasal passage and release it.
Ask your contributors more questions. Do they hang aroun or work with vaccinated people. is their spouse or family vaccinated, did they take PCR tests. I dont think this was a well controlled study if you dont have all the above information before testing the body fluids.


dana ciancimino - Apr 8, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Can we see what happens with dog's blood?


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 8, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

honey, take it from a former Six Year Med Student: When it comes to blood, NOTHING AND NO ONE is off limits. it's all about the blood. They'll drain it all, every last drop. To tell you what's wrong with it!!! I think it's original sin.


dana ciancimino - Apr 8, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Right. But I want to know where the poison is coming from? Are we buying it at the grocery store? Are we breathing it?
If dog's blood comes back clean, then we're eating the poison, not breathing or drinking it. If the blood is bad, our air or water, or both are poisoned.


Norcalrain - Apr 8, 2023

The dogs foods come from the same or worse meat sources then our food comes from.
It’s safe to assume it’s in the air, food and water.
Unless I misunderstood your question.
The grid patterns in my beautiful blue skies, that’d turn to ashy grey, tell me if it’s in the air, it’s falling into the soil and water.
We much be really hard to kill, with all these extreme efforts they are taking


Monica M - Apr 8, 2023

Norcalrain, I do indeed think we are hard to kill. I think God has designed us pretty well...pretty resilient. But I’m so sick of them trying to kill us anyway. They really need to stop playing God.


dana ciancimino - Apr 9, 2023

Then why test the meat? Is Dr Ana just doing it for the fear factor effect? I really thought she had a sincere desire to know, to unravel this mystery.
Are they so stupid as to poison everything? They will die too. Something doesn't add up for me.


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 8, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

The three poisons which are the source of all poisons:
Passion...what we want
Aggression...what we don't want
Ignorance...what we refuse to know


dana ciancimino - Apr 8, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Passion is a good thing, want is what leads to suffering.
Aggression is born of fear. Fear is not inherently bad, but manipulation of people through fear, is.
"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." -Ben Franklin
I would just like to know where the physical/tangible toxins that have poisoned us have come from.


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 8, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

from those who make and promote poisons, of course. Big Chemical Ag, Military, Pharma, Propaganda..oops, not physical...buying the cheapest food so as to have money for booze!! and tv! and cell phones!! Buy poison so you can "afford" more poisons, see?
I've thought about all this for decades now.......
ignorance comes from ignoring...not from "not knowing" or "no experience".
Alarm rings, six thirty am, winter. Body says no no no. Need sleep, now. Money says ignore the body. Get up, make appt. with doc for one month from now.
What's wrong with me? I've been getting up at six thirty am for twenty two years now!! Something must be wrong....doc will know. Gotta get some extra work hours in to pay doc.
That's ignorance. It comes in every size and flavor imaginable.


dana ciancimino - Apr 8, 2023

It doesn't seem Dr Ana has tested the cheapest of foods...the ones to make way for booze?? Hmmm. Organic meats are a pricier, conscious choice and an attempt to provide the least contaminated meat possible.
I think you may have intermixed ignorance and logic in your example; it seems to be more a faiure of logic and trust in self that youve described, than it is ignorance.
Ignorance from middle English via French from the Latin ignorantia, from ignorant - 'not knowing'


Miles Davis - Apr 8, 2023

Miles Davis

Why do you think a dog will be different? Lol. You would need to test unvax livestock. Dogs drink tap your tap and get fed terrible food.


dana ciancimino - Apr 8, 2023

Am I the only one who is interested in finding out what we've been exposed to that has poisoned us?? Dr Ana has tested steaks. And there is a problem. Dogs don't eat steak. Nor do we eat dog food.
But dogs live with us and yes, drink from the same water supply that we do. If dogs blood is uncontaminated it will be very relevant and if it is as contaminated as ours, that is also of relevance.
Digs are a bit of a control, are they not? They do not eat contaminated steaks.


Observer - Apr 10, 2023


Raphael - Apr 8, 2023


What the fall of man...from religious dogma original sin.
More like biting the apple of ego consciousness the world of duelality. Guilt of leaving the world of unconscious like our animal brothers and sisters who live in eden, the bosom of the mothers care. Return to the world of Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn
Promethians fire...consciousness
The Gods not happy with the titan. Chain him to a rock to eat his Liver..uhm
Liver=divining, psychic abilities.
Oops Can't let that happen another Great Reset


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 8, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

yeah, huh? ever notice how there's just no karma whatsoever for the "gods"....whom we should be more like?


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 8, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

The great Dave Barry comforts us with the knowledge that sacrificing a goat is still a medical intervention, in Florida. Long live the goats of Florida!!


Misha - Apr 8, 2023

Misha’s Substack

BREAKING: Switzerland withdraws all Covid vaccination recommendations


Truth Seeker - Apr 16, 2023

Yeah !!! 👍


George Chyz - Apr 9, 2023 - Edited

This looks like the growth of mold like organisms in the blood originally documented by Professor Antoine Bechamp (1816–1908), then by Royal Raymond Rife (1888–1971), Guenther Enderlein (1872–1968), and Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957). Finally and most recently Gaston Naessens (1924–2018) used a combination of optics and a very clever lighting system to create his somatoscope, which viewed living microorganisms magnified 30,000 times. He mapped out the polymorphic transformations of blood born organisms. This feature of living organisms has been mostly hidden by orthodox biology. It seems that you and the other researchers are stumbling on these organisms that eventually decompose dead corpses that are not treated with embalming fluid. This isn’t a new thing, it’s just not part of orthodox biology. Bechamp wrote an entire book on it, The Blood and Its Third Element. I have a copy that was printed in 2017. It’s a reissue of the english translation from 1911. The best book I found on this subject is, The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens: The True Story of the Efforts to Suppress an Alternative Treatment for Cancer, AIDS, and Other Immunologically Based Diseases, by Christopher Bird.
A living researcher acquainted with all of this is
Robert O Young DSc, PhD who is a naturopathic practitioner who can be found here:


D.K. Fynn - Apr 8, 2023

D.K. Fynn: Sharing Thoughts

Hi Anna,
Quick suggestion: I think the word "humanity" in "What happened to humanities blood?" should be "humanity's".


Bird - Apr 8, 2023


In a lecture by the inventor of CRISPR/Cas, she described how E. coli likes to make mounds of filament fibers. E. coli is classically used as a tool in the transfection pipeline, infected with plasmids to express various target genes. She described their work using color coding: colonies that were successfully transfected with the target gene produced blue fibers. Those who were not transfected produced white fibers. After the lecture I asked her what the red fibers meant. She turned stone cold and looked afraid and told me red didn't exist.
In the beginning of the Morgellons epidemic, many scientists in the forums were suggesting a role that modified E. coli might be playing.
As we know from recent investigations into the vaccine contents, a huge percentage of impurities from the lab manufacturing process exist in those vials.
It could be interesting to test both vaccine and blood for the presence of E. coli. Would these be visible in the slides that you're making? Have you tried running them through gram staining or (in the case of blood) doing a culture to see if colonies grow?
The Morgellons samples that we get glow in different colors under florescent microscopy, demonstrating their non-human / biolab origin (standard lab markers). Do you have access to a florescent microscope?


Mike Gollins, PE - Apr 8, 2023

Good stuff but it’s need a layman summary...


Elizabeth Lucy - Apr 9, 2023

[Switch from plural to possessive: "humanity's blood"]


Marcello Greidanus - Apr 8, 2023

What does CBD mean.


BeachBabe - Apr 8, 2023

Again I ask.... When will Dr Ana bring in some blood experts?
This is a complicated science and interpreting the meaning/ results of these blood tests require a very specific expertise.


John H. - Apr 8, 2023

John H.

Very interesting. Can you tell us how you insured that the water used in combination with the blood was sterile and what steps you took to be certain the blood was also sterile after being drawn since these are the questions your detractors will likely ask. Is there any time-lapse photography which documents that what appears to be division of 1 structure into 2 is really/actually the case. I realize the pictures strongly suggest that.


Su Chin - Apr 8, 2023

Thank you for all the hard work, very much appreciated.


Canadian Apple Pie - Jun 25, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

Thank you Dr. Ana for all of your great work. Kelly Bacher in Ontario Canada started live blood analysis in 2017 and she claims she never saw synthetic biology in her clients before the shots rolled out. Firstly she saw it only in those who took the Covid Injections but now she is seeing it in the unjabbed including her own blood. I myself experienced a decline in my immune response and my HPV acted up for the first time in 15 years after visiting my Vaxxed loved ones for two days Christmas 2021. Pfizer documents say it's self spreading technology. See Alternative Roots on FB to see Kelly Bacher's live blood analysis!


Heather H - May 15, 2023

Have you performed studies like this before in the exact same manner?? If yes, it has to be something newly introduced.



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