Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 25, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Imagine someone was to steal 5% of your life force from you. Would you be agreeable to that? What about 5% of the life force of all humans, would you sound the alarm? How about 10 to 25%? Even more?
Our mathematical model and repeated experiments show a result of such devastating consequences it has been stunning to us. In Clifford’s plain words:
“5-10 % loss is radical, but close to 50% is insane.”
I have been warning about the occurrence of sludge in the live blood of unvaccinated individuals. Its not rouleaux any more, the blood looks like a jello, incapable of transporting oxygen. In this sludge, many CDB/ hydrogel filaments are seen.
Image: C19 Unvaccinated Blood with classical CDB/ hydrogel filaments
I sent some of these C19 un-injected sludge blood samples to Clifford for testing of electrical conductivity. This revealed the lowest numbers yet of our samples, 4.8 milli siemens(mS) with the normal range being between 10-20 mS and for our purposes, we chose 15 mS as a conservative average. Other numbers were 4.8, 6.4, 6.7, 7.1 mS respectively. This is highly concerning. I have seen the rate of contamination accelerate significantly in people who try to do what they can to limit exposure to C19 injected individuals, environmental contamination etc.
The interesting observation is that the sample of the most visibly coagulated blood had the lowest electrical conductivity of 4.8 mS, hence it appears that there is a correlation between increased blood coagulation and low electrical conductivity. In one of the last papers, we recently discussed electrical conductivity.
In this research update we did not just measure electrical conductivity but also electrical impedance. Impedance is a field of more sophisticated measurement related to electrochemistry. The reason to expand the analysis is for the dual purpose of 1. showing people how affected they are by this even if they think they are not and 2. to find measurable parameters to document if and how we are helping people reverse the problem.
Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy(EIS) can be understood with a comparison to the resonance of a radio antenna. As we can dial in to the resonant frequency of a radio antenna, we can also measure the resonance of a biological system. EIS looks at the response of a system over a range of alternating current(AC) frequencies. AC signals oscillate but DC signals do not; AC electricity dominates the modern world. Our equipment can vary the frequencies over a range of 1HZ to 25000Hz.
Blood, like everything in this material universe, has a resonant frequency. The point of maximum energy transfer occurs at the point of resonance. Resonance is a physical property in electricity. In biophysics - which I described in my book Light Medicine, A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity - biphotonic coherence is equivalent to electrical resonance - this is where the system is operating most energy efficient and exhibits the maximum health.
The Graph shown above is the summary of all our data points so far. It represents an empirical model of the relationship of efficiency in energy transfer and blood conductivity from which we extrapolate the effect on health. We have the observation that coagulated blood reduces electrical conductivity and power/ energy transfer to the biological system.
If you look at the graph, it show that at 15 mS there is no loss of power. At 10mS there is a 10% estimated loss of power. The model is based on multiple regression analysis.
Resonance occurs at a specific frequency, not a range.
The black graph represents an idealized representation of what to expect.
The green graph represents blood operating at its normal range.
The red graph represents 17 samples of C19 injected and un-injected blood.
Again, we show even with conservative estimates that the power loss is commonly estimated on the order of 25-40%, and is as low as 47%.
Our question to the scientific community is this:
How could we see such conductivity and power loss numbers in people and not call for immediate worldwide scientific investigation of these findings?
If you would like to support our research Project “ What happened to Humanities Blood? “, please donate to Carnicom Institute . We are a team of scientists dedicated to saving the human species and our planet. Thank you.
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Rogue Researcher - Jun 25, 2023 - Edited
The Truth Awaits
Your work is incredible and shocking. Thank you for your transparency and search for truth. I am a critical care neuro nurse and I was fired because I discovered that through a process of analysis on neuro patients who were vaccinated for COVID19, that patients who received the bioweapon on the same date, were being hospitalized 180-780 days later on the same date into the same neuro critical care unit with the same LOT/BATCH number. This made me think that 5G or some type of lethal frequency was involved. I then began analyzing the Medicare death data available on the HHS website and discovered that many people of all ages were dying on the same date many months after being injected on the same date sometimes states apart. Your work is inspiring and I wish I could do here in ohio what you're doing to help facilitate analysis of data. Good luck to you.
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Kent - Jun 25, 2023
This is way more science than my ancient college courses left in my memory banks however it appears to me that the world population is being thinned by the elimination of its natural mechanisms for using the available oxygen in the air for the life force. Since we are all exposed to these hydrogels from everywhere, it seems as if we must do what we can to counteract the GO effects. I for one take IODINE very seriously and have found it to be extremely 'safe and effective' (sorry about that pun). I use 3-4 times a week a product recommended in a book The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow. Read this book about 8 years ago and it really made a lot of sense that we are not getting ENOUGH of this precious element and Big Pharma has done a good job of de-educating doctors of its importance. IODINE was a major 'medication' way back before the synthetic nostrums of the Rockefellers decided that anything their labs could make from petroleum sources was better than anything natural. Suffice it to say, until I read more on EDTA, I'll hold off on its use. I already use decent amounts of Vit C daily (not intravenously) but I KNOW from personal experience the increased use of the TRI-IODINE capsule has worked with me. I am my own 'lab rat' and I very much appreciate what Dr Ana's findings are saying.
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