Blood Clot Analysis From Living & Deceased…

Jul 10, 2023

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In this series of articles, we describe our analysis of multiple blood clots received and our preliminary results.


Mike Gollins, PE - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

When is it enough? When will the PEOPLE rise up?


Apologetic Yankee - Jul 10, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

Not until Their fear & greed is effectively addressed...along with the long list of Posers (some blv Agents) We're surrounded by.
My (rhetorical) question is > where's the amplified voices in this space...Geowatch, Jim Lee, etc.... it's a long list of Individuals with "approved" Platforms who get much of the attention > & these Players have the audacity to also complain about censorship > there's a very lengthy list of heavily censored Humanitarian's, far more so than the ", approved" Platforms & there We find the most credible Advocates.
Case in point > See NOLA Butterfly aka Raphael O'Neil who recently appeared on local radio >
she has a Docuseries World of Hot Water that's been out for several yrs now & not once have ANY of the amplified voices shown support for this heavily censored research proving Doppler & Nexrad drive/steer the storms...a narrative Geowatch stays away from .... that & the fact Earth is transitioning through a Maunder Solar Minimum which blows his warming fear mongering out the water.
People need to be looking beyond the "approved" amplified "Advocates" & listen to the actual presented by Humanitarians like Carnicom & O'Neil... again another most credible Advocate who receives no support from the approved Platforms.
If the Landscape Posers would actually show support for the correct & thus most pressing narratives We would be much further along in getting the correct message out.


Michael Wachocki - Jul 14, 2023

Michael Wachocki

Yupper. I've been following "watts up with that" for many years. I'm well aware of the climate scam, the vaxx scam, the election scam and the haarp climate control issue. I've lost "friends" over these issues. I know how hard it is to defeat the mind control games the government has been putting us through.


Apologetic Yankee - Jul 14, 2023

Apologetic Yankee truly is a Cointelpro shit show of shit shows > Family's destroyed & of course lives lost.
When it's for all the marbles TptsNb spare no expense and go to significant length... stooping ever so lower & lower.


Michael Wachocki - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited

Michael Wachocki

When someone stands up to lead us.


Apologetic Yankee - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

No "Leader" required... just enough ppl willing to disseminate the correct message.
The fact Earth is transitioning through a Maunder Solar Minimum exposing the warming lie > see Milankovitch Cycles & Carnicoms' Nobel deserving Science along with the fact Microwave proliferation is a primary catalyst/weapon being used against Humanity... frequency manipulation.
Of course censorship must also be effectively addressed as well > far too few even know who Assange is, let alone the reason why he's being illegally detained.
Censorship & Biowarfare along with fear & greed are killing Humanity


Michael Wachocki - Jul 10, 2023

Michael Wachocki

True statements but leadership is still required. We are just wandering around sqauwking like chickens. Talkin to the hand cause the ear don't hear.
People just don't wake up and march without a leader. Right now we are the conspiracy misinfo spreaders. So many of our citizens are already so deep into their stockholm syndrome it becomes much harder to break free from the programming.


Apologetic Yankee - Jul 10, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

Of course truly effective Leadership won't be happening within the Political Landscape > even if Kennedy has some success, We need many more with such clout willing to carry such a message forward.
It needs to be done by the People outside of the political Realm > I had hope when for 2+ yrs the Yellow Vests in France were popping off... also Hong Kong too around the same pre-covid window > was hopeful it would catch on in the US > but it wasn't the correct Message unfortunately > that's key... supporting the correct Message...I say it's exposing the ongoing biowarfare being systematically committed on the Masses along with disseminating Climate truth...which would effectively debunk/mitigate the power structure argument for the need to climate engineer.
Give Carnicom his due Nobel while amplifying additional narratives as echoed by Dr. Ana & NOLA Butterfly > of course I'd immediately release Assange & give him a Nobel as well while jailing the actual War Criminals.
Hope Nobody awakens me from such a dream


Lilly - Jul 14, 2023


Are you willing to march with me on Washington?


joe stuerzl 85 - Jul 11, 2023

joe’s Substack

If we wait for some leaders to lead us we are not using our own critical thinking to save our self .Separate truth from lies .It can be done if you are honest to yourself .Men like Dr Sansone give us the tools ,the rest is up to us .


Lilly - Jul 14, 2023


Are you willing to march with me on Washington ?


Michael Wachocki - Jul 14, 2023

Michael Wachocki

Are you the leader we're looking for? We only need 999,998 more people.


Lilly - Jul 15, 2023


I don't know you, and vice-versa. One thing I can tell you about me, Is I am a force.
Are you the one who mentioned million man march?
I could not tell if you were being facetious or not, so I took the high road..
I don't need a million people.
The million man march didn't have a million people. That's a myth.
I'm definitely smelling something in the various places I go online. I
I stand outside the matrix and there is something definitive going on in regards to people protesting.
I have a large sense of humor, and already had visions of being a lone protester.


Michael Wachocki - Jul 16, 2023

Michael Wachocki

And a fine vision it is. I heavily supported the truckers protest and found to my dismay that it was left floundering from a lack of support. Just as election fraud was swept under the rug
And child trafficking and outright brainwashing in our education system. Without a large peaceful protest, MLK like, I don't see any movement against the marxist attack on our society. Elections are no longer trustworthy. So, you and I marching alone would have zero effect. Having this conversation online at least allows a few people to engage their brains and possibly change their minds.


Mike Gollins, PE - Jul 14, 2023




Lilly - Jul 15, 2023


I have not picked a date, bc nobody has shown interest. I'm floored. Seriously.
If there is any honest people left on that damn hill, then that's who we pay towards.


Lilly - Aug 2, 2023


Comment removed.


Lilly - Aug 3, 2023


I'm with this mindset 100%... Normally I say , are you ready to march on Washington with me?
I leave it at that..
When public servants are not serving the best interests of said public, it is our DUTY to remove them.
All of them.


kaal - Jul 10, 2023


We need the assistance of Harold Kautz Vella and Hope and Tivon - I think her name is hope girl on rumble. Their work coincides and sheds light on this. Dr Ana should have more assistance.


kaal - Jul 10, 2023


From what I listened to of Harold he explains all of this and its mind boggling. Very complicated. He is brilliant and I could not listen for long and dont remember what site it was.


Mark Squibb - Jul 10, 2023

I have video of the hydra-gel artifacts parasitizing RBCs and growing in the process. It appears the whole body becomes magnetic (a magnet sticks to deltoids and forhead) when the hydragel percentage exceeds about 10% plasma blood volume. Vaccinated subjects.


Teressa W - Jul 10, 2023

Angie Renee

Can ANYTHING BE DONE TO REMOVE THE C19 vaccine?????!?!? My grandchildren all took the shot!!
Thank you in advance
Also is everyone affected who took the shot? I noticed a lot of Dr. Ana material states. C19 injured
Please help me understand so I can share what you more experienced persons already understand 🌸🧘‍♀️🌸🙏


Angie Renee - Jul 10, 2023

Angie Renee

I think some things may help, I agree with the other peoples suggestions, detox spike stuff on flccc is great , plant medicines can help (even bay leaves just use in a home made soup remove after don’t eat the leaves)-. Also (me not a doctor just research for fun lots of plant medicines) maybe get your grandkids for a little while i on nattokinase and a digestive enzyme w Bromelain to break down the weird clots, there is a nice moringa and tumeric supplement which can help w inflammation, get extra vitamin c and d. I love the green powder u add to water these drinks (like cytogreens) that have probiotics and minerals and the stuff that helps rebuild healthy cells etc.- I tell my kids it’s “hulk juice” 🙂


kaal - Jul 10, 2023


the flccc is medical. laquintacolumna is to detox graphene. dr robert o young is to detox the worser parts but caution its terrifying. you need to read the comments. borax. raw unfiltered acv w mother. greens like powder cilantro alfalfa alkaline diet food grade baking soda. zeolite powder plastic tub amazon. check zeee media subscribe to her guests research.


JustANobody - Jul 10, 2023


Read the comments where? Do you have the link anout Boron and ACV, zeolite and such? Thank you kindly.


kaal - Jul 10, 2023


read comments on trusted sites for info. i cant remember every site or where i read it. ppl on this site have mentioned borax as most useful in killing nano. zeolite as certain size detoxes metals. personally i dont do much to detox. and keep it simple. i gave you sites. read their info read comments.


Heather LibertyCricket - Feb 11, 2024

Heather LibertyCricket

a pinch of borax 3x/day is ideal. any is better than nothing. or 2 cups borax in a bath. I love my ionic footbath as well that uses electricity to pull crap out. there's lots who will say it is fake, but my sons lymph nodes have visibly and physically shrunk over 50% on 4bor 5 occasions and we have both stopped getting whatever it was our bodies were trying to get immediately. so I'm a believer in the ionic footbath. which I've not heard anyone else discuss for detox.


Teressa W - Jul 10, 2023


Thank you so much


kaal - Jul 10, 2023


your welcome. search using duckduckgo google censors.


SusanMc - Jul 10, 2023


Check out FLCCC; Frontline doctors. Their website give protocols for vaxed people.


SusanMc - Jul 10, 2023



Agent Midnight Rider - Jul 11, 2023

Agent’s Substack

there is only 1 peer reviewed treatment so far.... cbda and cbga stops replication of the spike protein.


Maiasta - Jul 10, 2023

Maiasta’s Substack

@Teresa. Dr Mihalcea has recommended intavenous EDTA. David Nixon has put forth colloidal gold, as experiments in vitro showed the nanotech components disappearing in its presence.


Douglass Hetherly - Jul 10, 2023


Ana, Great work. The blood clots being generated by the jab components activated by frequencies from various devices and specifically 5G will become more noticeable in the near future due to the plan of the WEF and CDC and other criminal agencies who are out to kill us.
You are a highly intelligent and beautiful woman who is working endlessly to present information we all need so desperately, thank you for all your efforts, just know that GOD is watching and available when you feel under too much pressure or concerns about what you need to do, GOD will let you know in dreams.
Thank you for all your efforts and loss of personal life while doing all or your research and patient health work.


kaal - Jul 10, 2023


I never believed in prophets especially those predicting worldy things. But YES not to me but GOD is speaking in dreams and more- dreams with scripture, words a human cant write. On these end times with USA being Mystery Babylon. Just watched servantforhisglory44 on yt- video Vain pursuits and the modern church i think was the video, She laid out her notebook and read from it. You can sense Gods mercy and also wrath. I fear this more. No human wrote those words. also UBREADY on yt endtimespropheticmessengers144k on yt a voice calling on yt


Joe - Jul 10, 2023

Joe’s Substack

But doesn’t the edta IV dissolve these polymers?


Philip Edwards - Jul 10, 2023

Philip Edwards

My understanding is that the polymer structures (some call clots) that form, derive from the self assembling nanoparticle hydrogels that are in the jab. Karen Kingston has found in her patent research (and I have read myself) that EDTA dissolves hydrogels. Therefore, for that very reason, I am detoxing daily with Liposomal EDTA with R-Lipoic Acid. I believe that it has already helped my kidneys.


Joe - Jul 12, 2023

Joe’s Substack

I will use the cream and will use intramax


Philip Edwards - Jul 12, 2023

Philip Edwards

Other than intravenous EDTA chelation, that would have been my first choice too.


Joe - Jul 12, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Yeah EDTA cream is what I will do instead as the Intrvenous makes me a bit nervous


Faith - Jul 10, 2023

ASnhat 40KFt

EDTA is a chelating agent that attaches primarily to minerals, not an enzyme that can break the bonds in these proteinaceous polymers.


Joe - Jul 12, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Confusing as dr Anna said edta is the only antidote that works at resolving hydrogels and colloidal gold for nanos


kaal - Jul 10, 2023


i dont think so.


Joe - Jul 10, 2023

Joe’s Substack

That does not make much sense as Dr Ana said in your previous videos that EDTA chelation desolves these hydrogels=polymers


Tracy C - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

is this a byproduct of the Covid tests? Food? Water? Ardis warned us to watch the water! More importantly, how do we degrade it out?


Ravenessence - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Love Ardis!! Also Dr Nixon.. he says take 3/4 tblspn colloidal gold daily.. it destroys the tech in the vax as well as for those of us who haven't taken it or the swab. Really surprised Ana hasn't even brought up colloidal gold, ya know?


Nostradamus X - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

It's a matter of time before people realize that there are many options. I read the colloidal gold reports but did not believe it because gold is an inert material and cannot react with any other chemical. When you take 24K gold in the food, it exits the body as it entered it.
But, there is another aspect that is forgotten. Gold turns out to be a catalyst for some chemical reactions. In this case, it works by adsorbing itself on the surface of another reactant and preventing it from reacting... This is the opposite of what a normal catalyst does - i.e enhancing a reaction.
In the case of self-assembling nano-particles, gold adsorbs itself on the surface, changes the surface tension of the substrate and stops the replication process. There is zero chemical reaction taking place here, everything is physical. Stopping the replication process leads the nano filament to die like a bacteria that cannot replicate.
NB: These graphene filaments are the DARPA synthetic biology cross domain bacteria (CDB) and I am not surprised that they behave like bacteria in the presence of colloidal gold.
This is a very serious option that people should investigate.
NB: you cannot take too much colloidal gold since it's inert and you should expect 0.0000 side effects!


Ravenessence - Jul 15, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Check this out... Dr Nixon is the one who showed how the CG destroys the tech.... This is another video he is showing with dental injections


Nostradamus X - Jul 16, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

They started adding hydrogel to seasonal quackcines in 2019 (verified). It seems to me that all medical fluids are also "contaminated" by the WEF since 2019. Eye drops, ear drops, dental anaestetics, etc.....
Time to say adios to the Big Pharma!


Ravenessence - Jul 16, 2023

I agree, time to say adios! I even stopped allergy shots. I never was one for the seasonal quackines but since we had the floods here in WNC back in 2004, I had a severe reaction to mold, moving several times because of it. In '21 I went to see an allergist so the "symptoms" wouldn't "chase me." Then it dawned on me who was the head of allergy and infectious disease and stopped going to the allergist all together. I had larengitis for a solid year and looked like I had a permanent black mask on my eyes, from the nose to the temple area. I have been seeing a functional medicine practitioner, that helped a lot but still have the issues with mold reactions. From everything I have been reading, it seems there is graphine everywhere and in everything including supp's used to detox... not sure what to do now, truth be told.


Jeb - Jul 11, 2023

NAC, Borax in water, EDTA, Vit. C, Vit. D, Zinc, baking soda in water, quercetin.


Lucky 1 - Jul 10, 2023

Lucky’s Substack

Does high frequency technology destroy hydrogel's , does anyone know?


kaal - Jul 10, 2023


some frequency? i posted a scientist shattered crystal cancer parasite in previous comment.


Marcia K. - Jul 11, 2023

Marcia K.

Sapien medicine (on you tube) has many different sound programs to destroy illnesses & symptoms. For nano for Morgellons &


CozzyCorner🪔 - Jan 29, 2024


Dr Ana🙏💕 God bless & protect you always in Jesus Christ.


Tony Lohnes - Jan 7, 2024

I do a podcast and would love to have you on with me.
Tony Lohnes


Terry Moore - Aug 13, 2023

This has been going on for many years, they have mastered our DNA, we are all connected to the cloud, the satellites have us all in their spider web, they can cause any illness, hear attacks, mental illness, and kill us on the spot. Our bodies are full of unmanageable technology, if you want to get some understanding, look up Psinergy on Odyssey.


rataplann - Jul 11, 2023

Are you telling us that we who didn't get the injected poison are just as infected as the vaccinated? This is completely disappointing and unfair.. we resisted and they hunted us down..How is it possible that we have received all the components of the injection without having done it?


Michael Wachocki - Jul 11, 2023

Michael Wachocki

That's a nice thought but humanity has proven over and over again that the herd will require a leader in order to be moved. Our words are not enough. Never in the history of mankind has a movement arisen without a leader. Trump, flawed though he is, started it, but you see no one to follow up. Meanwhile we drift as the forces controlling our government force us into slavery.


kaal - Jul 11, 2023


Would Tolu balsaam [not chemical derivative} dissolve hydrogel? It can be mixed with those agents. My comment was deleted and forget the info.


Agent Midnight Rider - Jul 11, 2023

Agent’s Substack

NEWSFLASH!!!! Let me help you. It's; ALIEN technology and the clots are an ALIEN life is your first clue...
for your second clue go tobing.comand type .aluminum based life form, NOTICE, if you type it in google the results are erased. WTF does that tell you???... intel courtesy of Agent Freak Nasty's advance ALIEN bio-warfare division


kaal - Jul 11, 2023


what does alien mean? thats why it cant be dissolved?


Agent Midnight Rider - Jul 11, 2023

Agent’s Substack

alien, like NOT FROM EARTH, I don't know if they can be dissolved or not. La Qunita Columna has already said it is REVERSE ENGINERED ALIEN TECHNOLOGY... See see DR. DEAGLE on bitchute on the origination of Morgellons .....Q-


kaal - Jul 11, 2023


yes. the alien implants seem like this tech.


kaal - Jul 11, 2023


Ok. I was thinking its earth reptile insect DNA. Now I think its an alien reptoid insect being. Like a literal DEMONIC creature. And the synthetic part is just to make it grow. And then be controlled with frequencies. Literally injected the ABOMINATION of DESOLATION mark of the BEAST that as a commenter said can only be destroyed by FIRE. I think accepting a chip to be in the SYSTEM and "upgrade" into the hive SEALS the DEAL.


Agent Midnight Rider - Jul 11, 2023

Agent’s Substack

not sure on your question or reply, it makes it difficult to chat with this platform, better to hit me on via the telegram links.


kaal - Jul 11, 2023


i typed aluminum based life forms into duckduckgo and there is info.


Agent Midnight Rider - Jul 11, 2023

Agent’s Substack

duck duck go pulls its search results from bing. the best one to use for research isyandex.coma RUSSIAN SEARCH ENGINE. The BEST way to find the truth is to search it in GOOGLE, and see if they are HIDING IT....


Beth - Jul 10, 2023

Beth’s Substack

So, the “UNVACCINATED “ blood also has these clots? Is that because the donor had C19 or is it due to shedding?!


Jeb - Jul 11, 2023

The whole environment is contaminated. Start taking some of the protocols. Nac, EDTA, Borax in water, quercetin, ivermectin, Vit. c, Vit. d, Zinc.



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