Bioweapons Whistleblower Dr. William R…

Nov 20, 2023

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In this brief excerpt from 2006 Dr William Deagle speaks about Chemtrails and is a confirmation of many topics I have been speaking about:


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 20, 2023 - Edited

Jay’s Substack

Leaving my truck sitting in the yard gets a windshield covered with very fine powder. Running the washer/wiper and it sticks in a tannish gray line where the wiper stops.
Standing outside shining a concentrated beam LED flashlight into the sky on a clear night shows fine reflected particles raining down.
Non believers scoff at what I see in a complete difference in a chemtrail and a contrail.
Somebody wants us dead!


Triplethreat - Nov 20, 2023 - Edited

Jorge Carlin

Where are you located? We are experiencing the same thing in Elko County NV. It is hard to scrub off. I have been saying for 2yrs I suspected it was fine aluminum due it its coloration, difficulty of removal, and texture. Lots and lots of trails quite often here for quite some time. I have saved hail/corn snow samples from multiple occasions (that resulted after days of heavy spraying) in our freezer that I am hoping to send to an independent lab for analysis. I can tell the difference between natural precip and incited precip-- incited comes after sprayings and always leaves the greyish powdery residue on everything it touches.


Johnathan - Nov 21, 2023

Jorge Carlin

Remember that missing aluminum oxide? Do yourself a favor and google “aluminum oxide graphene” they def want us dead.


Jorge Carlin - Nov 21, 2023

Jorge Carlin

Better yet.... don't "google" but duckduckgo or "brave" search for it


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 22, 2023

Jay’s Substack

YES! Google omits thing's it doesn't want people to know and censors information.
They ban true videos on YouTube!
Most of what is in this thread would get us 30 days in Fakebook jail. Fakebook gave me 24 hours and I closed my business account and my personal page with about 3500 friends .
If I want to learn it's on Substack, some of Bitchute, and Duck Duck Go.


BRK7_2 - Nov 22, 2023

Linda’s Substack

The Duck has molted and joined the ranks of censorship. Time for the broiler….


Linda Redman - Nov 23, 2023

Linda’s Substack

Thanks for this info


Webe1 - Nov 26, 2023


Has anyone heard whether or not Brave and/or Freespoke have been compromised?


Johnathan - Nov 23, 2023

You know what i meant…bottom line is there are countless studies prior to covid happening showing not only that intake of aluminum oxide can suppress the immune system but in combination with graphene can have even deadlier effects on the respiratory system


Triplethreat - Mar 5

Soros has bought out DDG, unfortunately-- happened last year... Brave is your best choice currently.


Triplethreat - Mar 5

I've been pulling up research on GO since 2021 and it's all super concerning.


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 20, 2023 - Edited

Jay’s Substack

Southeastern Colorado. Some years back we had a forest fire Northwest of us heading directly toward gas wells.
They sprayed the Chemtrails slightly SE of us and everyone marveled at the way an unexpected storm arrived and dropped 10 inches of wet snow that put out the fires.


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 20, 2023 - Edited

Jay’s Substack

A local Fire Chief I was visiting with moved here from California and he told me how the Paradise fires appeared to be started with lasers.
Sounds Like Maui events and also the way hurricanes suddenly appear.


Grazyna Samborska - Nov 20, 2023

Grazyna’s Newsletter

DEWs. Paradise, 9/11 and Maui...


Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Nov 20, 2023

Professor Lulu Fuzzbean



Grazyna Samborska - Nov 20, 2023

Grazyna’s Newsletter

A link, please


Deidre - Nov 21, 2023

Deidre Madsen's Lightworkers Co…

Paradise's DEW attack was tracked by Dutchsinse back in the day.


PERSISTENT OBJECTOR to new IHR - Nov 22, 2023

I found so interesting that supposedly, the Paradise fire happened on the anniversary of the death day of Milton, the author of "Paradise Lost".


Jorge Carlin - Nov 21, 2023

Jorge Carlin

And reported on by Greg Reese


Diana Katsaros - Mar 18 - Edited

There is video of the start of the Paradise fire onstopthecrime.netandgeorengineeringwatch.orgit was captured by a man in Ukraine watching a satalite over nevada.


Johnny-O - Nov 20, 2023

Jorge Carlin

Have you guys seen the big thick "spider web" looking things that every once in a while come down?


Triplethreat - Nov 20, 2023

We sometimes get a really low lying fog/clouds that are a dirty grey ish color. Not normal for here. And the clouds higher above are white and fluffy. We don't have the air pollution here like the big cities. There are no wildfires blowing in smoke. There are no wind gusts kicking up clouds of dust. These are all excuses that I hear locals in denial giving. They still believe the trails are condensation. Even though the trails get turned off and on. And are sometimes from Gov planes per the live flight tracking sites I use. And sometimes they're private planes. And sometimes they are commercial jet liners. Sometimes they are Trust Bank registrations....super interesting. If I see a trail being laid, I check the flight radars right then.


Freedomisnotfree - Nov 21, 2023

Yes, to those strange grey on the bottom cloud formations.


Diana Katsaros - Mar 18

geoengineeringwatch.orgI have seen c5a landing at miramar after spraying by the border.


jacquelyn sauriol - Nov 20, 2023

About a week ago, Portland Or, saw what looked like a waterfall of clouds falling vertically. Today, after hearing at least 4 upper atmosphere jets in the night, complete cover and vague lines left over even at noon.....


Mark Angelo - Nov 20, 2023

I have seen the chem-webs in Nevada for 8-10 years.


Freedomisnotfree - Nov 21, 2023

Jorge Carlin

In videos, yes.


Deemarie - Nov 21, 2023

Jorge Carlin

This was helpful for me to accept current skies


Jorge Carlin - Nov 21, 2023

Jorge Carlin

Please reshare this link with friends and family


stardot - Nov 20, 2023

stardot’s Substack

You should try to collect an unadulterated sample for analysis.


Johnny-O - Nov 20, 2023

Cosmic Consultant

Its been bad in Arizona. When we first moved here in 2014 we had day after day after day of clear blue skies. Now we are lucky if we get two a week.


David Lamb - Nov 21, 2023

Cosmic Consultant

I first started seeing the spraying in Arizona in 2010, and it gradually got more intense every year. Now there's rarely a fully-clear day. Almost zero rain this year, but 'cloudy' almost every day, and the patterns every day are so obviously man-made, looking nothing like natural clouds. But like everywhere else, the vast majority of people are zombies, and don't notice anything amiss.


PERSISTENT OBJECTOR to new IHR - Nov 22, 2023

Do you also get sudden and heavy rain in the afternoons/evenings, the day after, or max two days after they spray? Alternatively, totally sudden onset surprise storm with no gusts, just blowing continuously. And much longer duration storm warnings now, and for many unrelated places throughout the country at the same time.


Steve - Nov 20, 2023


I’ve noticed that too. Someone definitely wants us dead. I’m in Western Australia and our skies are usually clear blue so it’s really noticeable now they are spraying us too.


koppykat - Nov 23, 2023


been filming and photos of it for years in Sth Oz. all day and overnight chemtrails


Margie Chism - Nov 20, 2023

Margie Chism

It all comes out in the wash ■ spray days make white towels grey. M


David Lamb - Nov 21, 2023

Cosmic Consultant

About a month ago I was in Arizona visiting family and went outside at night with a LED 'headlight' flashlight on, perfectly clear night with no wind, and it was raining fine shiny particulates.
We're breathing in way more of it than most people imagine. And I think they added graphene to the mix starting in 2019, making it far more deadly.


Marty - Nov 21, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Share this video with anyone who doesn't believe it's real. Doing the flashlight test on a night where the air is clean will show no particles.


Canadian Apple Pie - Nov 22, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

Thank you! I remember seeing dust particles under the street lights (1984) as a kid. But they were single-point-like dots. Not lit-up lines squiggling! I'm wowed.


420MedicineMan - Nov 21, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

"Standing outside shining a concentrated beam LED flashlight into the sky on a clear night shows fine reflected particles raining down."
I found the same in Australia years ago on old hobby farm, and friend in New Zealand has said the same to me.
They're trying to kill us.


koppykat - Nov 23, 2023


same same Sth Oz for years


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 21, 2023

Jay’s Substack

Comment removed.


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 21, 2023

Jay’s Substack

Around here too. A lot of people blame it on allergies.
There is an epidemic of dog respiratory illness across the country that has vets puzzled.


Canadian Apple Pie - Nov 22, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

I find Ascorbic Acid Powder very helpful for quieting cough. I give adults 2000mg in 1.5 oz of water. And kids 350 to 500mg doses in a spoonful of honey. Two to three times daily. High dose Vitamin C is taken to bowel tolerance. It takes about half an hour to show good effect and lasts for 3 to 5 hours in my experiences. Good luck everyone❣️


Marty - Nov 21, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

It's real, the flashlight test is the simplest way of showing the reflective nano, I also use a good flashlight at night after they've sprayed to get a sense of the concentration of nanoparticles and act accordingly, it's very useful to do this inside your home, if there's a lot then you need to aerate the rooms because these particles tend to float about and VMC won't help. Who wants to be living and breathing in a room full of nanoaluminum ? It's good to take any form of silica when the morons are spraying.


koppykat - Nov 23, 2023


are you sure about that mate? I've known for some time the opposite warning not to have any form of it/consumed/absorbed - as the nanotech uses it to build out their bots


Ruth - Nov 23, 2023

Jay’s Substack

I get white powder on my driveway and when it rains bubbles form in it. A few days later it's gone. Has happened several times.


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 26, 2023

Jay’s Substack

We are breathing this junk. Many I know are getting coughs thinking it is allergies. I see the jets making these Chemtrails far more often than ever before and people that don't pay attention say they are all just normal.


Deemarie - Nov 21, 2023

This was helpful for me to accept current skies


Freedomisnotfree - Nov 21, 2023 - Edited

Cosmic Consultant

Same here. Our roof gutters are full of it. Why are no Chemists at the Universities running it through the light spectrometers ??


David Lamb - Nov 21, 2023

Cosmic Consultant

Nobody is testing for it because we're in the midst of a global Bolshevik revolution, and everyone knows what happens if you go against the party. Americans, it turns out, are good Soviets.


Candice Shaw - Nov 21, 2023


Same in Canada! I am in BC but I've heard about the 'bio engineering' all over our country too. I'd like to know how we can stop it for good...


koppykat - Nov 23, 2023


lazer beams at the aircraft might go a long way


BRK7_2 - Nov 22, 2023 - Edited

Universities are front-line propaganda and mind-control agencies and contribute heavily to parasitic warfare against the people, flashing adorned PhD titles. Heavily bought off by NGO /‘Philanthropist’ ‘research’ grants running the show.


Blaise - Nov 20, 2023

Att Viska

Spray em on Wee Willy Gates since they are so great.


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 20, 2023

Jay’s Substack

He has a long term survival bunker for him and his offspring. Many of the rest of these NWO liars and money laundering scum do also.


Dorothy N. - Nov 20, 2023

Dorothy N.

Which will presumably be reliant on Microsoft tech? The same tech source that produced the old blue-screen effect and worked up to F-35-software-update glitches and crashes?
By the same delusional psychopaths who believe that they, themselves, can survive
without the inter-dependent, self-sustaining life-support system formed of Life evolving under the conditions that Earth Life requires for health and survival?
Leaving themselves - in the unlikely event of their surviving the rest of us - with nothing on a dead planet and nowhere to go when the tech fails?
Brilliant little Mad Scientismists that they are...
That much stupid will be universally fatal, albeit not very comforting to those of us failing to stop it by the lack of resources we accepted from those draining the world for their lunatic goals...


Margie Chism - Nov 20, 2023

Margie Chism

Gentry ■ always fail. M


Dorothy N. - Nov 21, 2023

Dorothy N.

Comment removed.


Dorothy N. - Nov 21, 2023

Dorothy N.

Crashes both, it seems!


Blaise - Nov 20, 2023

Att Viska

True, but he is still getting it now, as he galavants around the world spewing CO2


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 20, 2023

Jay’s Substack

And methane from his veggies?


Dorothy N. - Nov 20, 2023

Dorothy N.

Perhaps that methane's all going to his brain? Might explain a lot...


Loraine - Nov 20, 2023

Jay’s Substack

Does that Really matter? You can run but you can't hide....
Orchestrating this whole merciless outrage they're likely to end up killing each other off for some slight reason.....


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 20, 2023

Jay’s Substack



Dorothy N. - Nov 20, 2023

Dorothy N.

Boredom, once they've killed off everyone else? Seems to be the result of Disaster Capitalism at its logical endpoint, since the perps know nothing but causation of damage, destruction and death.


Loraine - Nov 21, 2023



Jay Skywatcher - Nov 20, 2023

Jay’s Substack

These super rich made their billions from billions of people buying their products. I guess they don't need us anymore!


Ruth - Nov 23, 2023

Cement it shut whoever is still alive.


Margie Chism - Nov 20, 2023

Margie Chism

Studing the beast ■ I found he takes out/kills the two witnesses. I can not say those two are not the sun and the moon. The sackcloth cloking day and night fits. The three days of darkness fits too; this must happen before Jesus Christ can be sent by/from his Father to judge and make war with the nations. M


Loraine - Nov 20, 2023

Margie Chism

And what a Sweet day that will be!!....


Margie Chism - Nov 20, 2023

Margie Chism

Amen ■ Amen. M


Randy Black - Nov 23, 2023

Randy Black

There is one Scripture in OT re these witnesses ie the sun and moon...


Margie Chism - Nov 23, 2023

Margie Chism

Rebecca - Thank you! ■ M


koppykat - Nov 23, 2023


you are a real treasure, so knowledgable


Margie Chism - Nov 23, 2023

Margie Chism

KK - Yesterday was a difficult day with the Lord God; I have moments of honestly that balances near blasphemy. He is from badass to mad/crazy, and when I find myself with him in these conversations it seems to me that few if any have ever walked on that dry crushed rock dust clouding expanse before; a territory not familiar. M


Cheryl Buchanan - Nov 21, 2023

Cheryl’s Substack

Gates and wife were hung by town’s people in India after poisoning and killing thousands with the Polio vax! 2014 I believe. The famous photographer Annie Leibowitz has been playing bill for the last several years and Kevin Klein has been playing the wife in drag.


Dennis August - Nov 21, 2023

Cheryl’s Substack

hey cheryl I'm not as smart as you Is this for real what you wrote? THANKS!


Cheryl Buchanan - Nov 21, 2023

Cheryl’s Substack

Yes is 100% real we are all being poisoned the elites of the world want to kill 90% of the worlds population. They have been planning this for years. Your food is poison if you were not eating organic and know where it came from you’re eating poison food. I’ve done so much research more than seven years now, and this protocol has helped me tremendously. When you operate in this world realizing that those that control it, that feed us information through the fake news, want to kill us then you really start to pay attention to everything happening around you. The parasites they’ve been infecting us with for so long and only through the chemtrails but through the medication‘s and injections they put in our bodies, are all killed using these medication‘s. This is why doctors who are prescribing these medication‘s for their patients or losing their licenses to practice and many were killed because they spoke too much truth. Remember Satan operates in opposites , what’s good is bad and what’s bad is good across-the-board doesn’t matter what it is! So next time you hear fake news saying some horrible thing just think the opposite and you’ll know the truth. This information must be spread with the masses. Please share as much as you can this is the only way we can wake people up otherwise we are all going to perish!


Dennis August - Nov 21, 2023

Cheryl’s Substack

Thanks Cheryl really I'm a chiropractor and nutritionist but what you wrote about BG dead is that true? I was told by a reliable source tat the wicked witch is you know who I mean and that that is NOT JB in the WH but A Roberts look it up! Please write THANKS!


Cheryl Buchanan - Nov 21, 2023

Cheryl’s Substack

Is the United States has been in a war for more than seven years it’s been Mainly digital it’s fifth generation warfare. Many people you think are alive or dead and vice versa. Biden was executed in 2019 and the inauguration that was televised was pre-recorded at a film studio in California. President Trump bankrupt and the United States corporation in 2020. So Joe Biden or the fake Joe Biden is the president of a defunct corporation. So the coup that took place with foreign agents and insiders in our government, created a new corporation called White House Inc. it has a Dun & Bradstreet number you can look this up. I suggest you listen to Derek Johnson, he is on Twitter, telegram, and I believe rumble . He knows military law inside and out. He connects the dots between the executive orders that Trump wrote and what’s actually happening now in our government. What you watching on TV is a lie. The earthquakes happening around the world or actually the Whitehat alliance military which consist of many countries coming together in creating a military to take out the Deep State Cabal that’s orchestrating this genocide on us. So they’ve been blowing up all of the tunnels under your feet there are thousands of miles of tunnels that connect the world together this is how they transported all of the humans they’ve been trafficking forever! The people for causing all this grief and chaos actually eat us they are cannibals! As hard as that is to wrap your head around it’s 100% true . They are pedophiles who tortured and killed her victims, consuming their blood which has been adrenalized and is called Adrina chrome, and they eat their bodies. Whatever is left over that is not consumed is ground up into our meat supply. So next time you go by a fast food burger or piece of chicken or pork just know that 60% or more of the ingredients in that thing you’re eating came from humans and mostly children . I am more than happy to give you more information of what I have uncovered. He was a chiropractor must be careful because every time you touch your patients those that are vaccinated or shedding on you so you have this garbage in your body you need to start detoxing now . Advising your clients who mistakenly took this poison to this protocol is an excellent idea but you must be careful because many of these people are all brainwashed that’s why they took the poison and it does alter their brain chemistry because it literally attaches to the DNA and changes the DNA in the human body and turns you into a cyborg a human antenna a human battery that they control with the 5G and the safe in your energy off of your body to use for their own purposes. Remember we are all just electrical currents spinning at different rates. So if you pass this protocol along to your clientele be careful who you give it to they are many wolves in sheep‘s clothing and you don’t want your license pulled or other nefarious things to happen to you. Good luck let me know if I can answer any more questions.


Lynette Devries - Nov 21, 2023

I'd love to know more too. I'm subscribed to a good couple of siteswww.NaturalNews.comwith their BRIGHTEON videos which Doctor Ana is interviewed on Like The Stew Peters Show. The other is Mike Adams the creator of the first site and BRIGHTEON has even on a video tested some of the new clots on his show. Stew Peters brought out a documentary called DIED SUDDENLY which over 10 million watched. Some Spanish speaking scientists even found Blue Tooth in the vaccinated. I have the video they brought out called BLUE TRUTH down loaded. Adrenochrome is the correct spelling and European royalty used to hunt down children for sport then kill them for it. I think the second site I mentioned has a couple of good videos on it. Love to hear back from you. Take care.


Dennis August - Nov 21, 2023

You are awesome! Let me study this I wanted to write to say THANKS! Yes that is arthur roberts from the nija movies he told boris johnson during his visit here It caused jan psaki to go berserk!
I know what JB looks like and this guy isn't even close Look up Dr bart classen an MD he knows all about what 2019 is all about he worked for that weasel at the n-i-h for several yrs , Ant F


Dennis August - Nov 21, 2023

IS BG dead?


Lynette Devries - Nov 21, 2023

A couple of Joe Biden's family have come out saying that he has been dead for years. Just look at comparisome photos of Biden on YouTube.


Dennis August - Nov 21, 2023

You are awesome Lynette!


EAMBDGC - Nov 20, 2023

Dorothy N.

where did his wife move to?
wonder what she is doing…


Dorothy N. - Nov 20, 2023

Dorothy N.

Rolling around in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Treasure Room with a Virtual Scrooge McDuck and all of the toxic sequences that made so much of their obscene levels of often ill-gotten gains?
And probably failing to notice all of the pricks and needles in the pay-stack amid the excitement of a febrile brain-storm set to 'Global Extinction Event' - forgetting that this includes themselves...


Isabella MacLeod - Nov 20, 2023 - Edited

Isabella’s Substack

Please contact me as I have a lotof information and I also have Morgellons and I am a Targeted Individual .A toxicology Dr. was a good friend of mine .I have written 3 books as well . I have also published my own microscopic blood samples and images on my website


Julie Parker - Nov 20, 2023

J.L. Parker, author, Newsletter

I'm a TI, too. What is your opinion of Targeted Justice? I think they are sincere but I saw a video attacking their credibility. Probably disinformation.


Deemarie - Nov 21, 2023

Objective Stomach

This was helpful for me to accept current skies


Objective Stomach - Nov 21, 2023

Objective Stomach

THIS, exactly


Isabella MacLeod - Nov 21, 2023

Isabella’s Substack

I believe that they are doing an Amazing job ,"Targeted Justice ".They are constantly being hacked and attacked with DEWS at the same time as well


Ryan Tanner - Nov 21, 2023

God Will Wipe Away Ever Tear

I trust them. They are led by good people. It’s a tough battle, but I believe that they want what’s best for the community.


Rust - Nov 20, 2023 - Edited

Rosalind McGill

I keep reading of Targeted Individuals. Can you give more info about exactly what that entails? How do you know you're being specifically targeted? Very curious about this. What are the signs?


Rosalind McGill - Nov 21, 2023 - Edited

Rosalind McGill

A lot of tricks, slander, gaslighting, it gets complicated, bit it’s basically a spiritual battle for our souls. Many people are targeted from birth, others are for being a whistleblower, others cross paths with gangs and covens and become targeted. Our government has targeted the mentally impaired and people in jail for decades. The book Guinea Pigs by dr John Hall was a lot like what I experienced myself. & I did renew my faith in Jesus and learned about prayer.


JustAnotherOpinion - Nov 22, 2023 - Edited

"Just Another Opinion" about Ph…

The tech uses a structure similar to to bee hive honeycombs. Wouldn't be a bit surprised if the developers studied bees.
If you think of a planar cross section of the tessellated quantum field as it builds an energy pathway through space, it looks a bit like a beehive honeycomb, except that it is nested in an irreptile way. Quantum signals traverse the natural rings within that tessellated field (a tessellation is a "mesh" or "matrix" made of like-geometry pattern, in this case a hexagon


Deemarie - Nov 21, 2023

Rosalind McGill

This was helpful for me to accept current skies


Rosalind McGill - Nov 21, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Thanks. I’m glad Dane Wiggington is still speaking out to a degree, he’s doing what he can.


Ryan Tanner - Nov 21, 2023

God Will Wipe Away Ever Tear

I’m happy that your struggles led you to renew your faith in Jesus. I myself had a deeply powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit several months ago that has given me the strength to endure all I have faced. I continue to be renewed by the love of Christ daily, and for that I am deeply grateful.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
‭‭II Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Deemarie - Nov 21, 2023

This was helpful for me to accept current skies


Georgia Lynn Justice - Nov 22, 2023

Solutions for the Targeted Comm…

It all started in the air with chemicals, then people were infected by nanobots nanodust tons of graphine ,carbon based, People inhaled this over and over , in the water food soil etc. The people that absorbed this to the extent of toxicity, became very sick , with their body full of this non earthly creature,that they became like a human antenna, which their body attracted all te cho ology signals. Getting hits from towers , nsa is alerted because there morgellion creatures are programmed it goes straight to their quantum computers, then the targeted start getting hit with microwave weapons and so on. They keep us in a low frequency which there morgellion creatures thrive in. I'm targeted and this is a fight. They are alien life forms put in our bodies. Wondering if this came from Mars or the moon ot where ever else the evils have been.


EAMBDGC - Nov 20, 2023

J.L. Parker, author, Newsletter

how can one tell if they’re being targeted?


Julie Parker - Nov 20, 2023

J.L. Parker, author, Newsletter

Search YouTube for "gangstalking". Also refer to Len Ber and Targeted Justice.


EAMBDGC - Nov 20, 2023

thank you Julie🙂


Bhavana Lymworth - Nov 20, 2023

Bhavana’s Substack

2006...and still there are "intelligent" people who do not believe this.


stardot - Nov 20, 2023

stardot’s Substack

Normalcy bias


INGRID C DURDEN - Nov 20, 2023


there is a series of 'fiction' by Robert Thornhill, that is where I first read about chemtrails. He also has books about other conspiracies - there most be 30 or so. I have since notice quite a bit of weird clouds, some triangular cloud hung above us a few weeks ago, with pinkkish sheep clouds inside it. Later there was a rectangle. This morning, there were 2 stripes that came together and then separated again. These are certainly not regular clouds. I hurry inside again with my animals when they pass over us.


Deemarie - Nov 21, 2023

This was helpful for me to accept current skies


INGRID C DURDEN - Nov 21, 2023


Comment removed.


INGRID C DURDEN - Nov 21, 2023


did you ever read the 3 days of the condor? a group of letterword agents reading all the fiction books - I wonder if that agency really existed and they are using the fiction to see what might work. Hilarious !


INGRID C DURDEN - Nov 22, 2023


Comment removed.


INGRID C DURDEN - Nov 22, 2023


yes it has been a long time for me too. I was a kid and loved the story. Who would have thought we had to find that old book back to see what is going on. Same with Point Ultimate, written in 1955, happening now. that govt agency must have really existed, or maybe still exists!


Stephen Verchinski - Nov 20, 2023

Stephen Verchinski

Eight lines over southern Albuquerque the other day. Stayed and dispersed for hours


Deemarie - Nov 21, 2023

This was helpful for me to accept current skies


Margie Chism - Nov 20, 2023

Margie Chism

Electric Light & Utility Pole Frequency Crowd Equipment ■ were installed/said to be in downtown Richmond, VA to effect the public in a popular restaurant zone; as an artist I was questioned why I would risk myself near/in this area when the intent of the equipment was known to lessen creativity. M


AncientLoveLover - Nov 21, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I’m part of several groups on social media of people (mostly recently) expressing symptoms of morgellons, the numbers are exploding. So many people suffering suicidal and completely abandoned by doctors. Morgellons can feel like a fate worse than death. I have managed to mitigate symptoms to almost negligible, but it is through careful diet, constant cleansing iodine supplementation and body alkalinity. So many others are suffering however, and my heart breaks for them and their families.


Deemarie - Nov 21, 2023

This was helpful for me to accept current skies


Reply (1) - Nov 23, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Comment removed.


AncientLoveLover - Nov 23, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Scabies meds are likely the first the first meds that docs prescribe when patients present these symptoms. Many people are going to be in for a rude awakening when theses symptoms start to hit. At some point everyone’s system will become overwhelmed by this. Most importantly, the answer is to return to God and stop living such careless selfish lives and to connect more deeply to everything we surround ourselves with and put into our bodies. Start by thanks and turning away from destruction. God will guide us to healing, but we must stop elevating vanity and pride and lust ect.


AncientLoveLover - Nov 22, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Comment removed.


AncientLoveLover - Nov 22, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I do turpentine cleanses. I take supplements with NAC. I take daily vitamin D3. Iodine Boron selenium magnesium copper turmeric. Still in my understanding of what this disease is, it doesn’t just go away and you live a carefree life as you did before. It’s always there and all we can do is mitigate the symptoms. I have not had really bad symptoms thankfully for about 2years. Still it’s there under the surface and I just do what I can to keep it under control.


AngelFish - Nov 24, 2023


Where do you get boron?


koppykat - Dec 2, 2023


if in most general supermarkets in 20 MULE TEAM BORAX in detergents aisle. it is 99.9% boron =cheapest way.
Also suppliers of natural minerals and compounds.


Margie Chism - Nov 20, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Liberty Counsel Action petition received in mail today ■ states: WARNING: DNA FRAGEMENTS HAVE BEEN FOUND! Some lots appear to include DNA fragments from a particular sequence known as Simian Virus (SV40). SV40 is an enhancer-promoter designed to drive the DNA into the nucleus of the host cell "where it can be replicated." Mat mentions Mike Johnson is his friend and as the new Speaker of the House, he believes they/we can stop the WHO if we act NOW. Sign their petition to stop the WHO. I suggest requesting to be on their paper mailing list and they have about a petition a week to deliver to those in Representative positions. M
Liberty Counsel, ACTION


Grasshopper Kaplan - Nov 20, 2023

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Most likely tis pilotless drones spraying. Now-- new skypainting


DrFred57 - Nov 20, 2023

DrFred’s Political Punditry and…

I cannot help but wonder about chemtrails. How is it the globalists apparently avoid exposure to these things? Serious question.


Dorothy N. - Nov 20, 2023

Dorothy N.

Something I've been wondering about for some time, as well...


Deemarie - Nov 21, 2023

This was helpful for me to accept current skies


Deemarie - Nov 21, 2023

This was helpful for me to accept current skies


Johnathan - Nov 21, 2023

They are not human. Human suits sure. The annunaki.


Michael Brownstein - Nov 20, 2023 - Edited


Yikes...But this is 2006. Where is Dr Deagle today? What happened to him?


Chris - Nov 20, 2023 - Edited


Interview with Dane Wiggington by Dr. Deagle from 2010.


Rosalind McGill - Nov 21, 2023

Rosalind McGill



Chris - Nov 21, 2023




Deemarie - Nov 21, 2023

This was helpful for me to accept current skies


Dorothy N. - Nov 21, 2023

Dorothy N.

Thanks SO much for posting this invaluable link - I hope it's also hosted elsewhere!


Nostradamus X - Nov 20, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

"By 2030, Smartphones Will Not Exist, Technology ‘Built Directly Into Our Bodies’"
--- Pekka Lundmark, Nokia CEO, Davos 2022.


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 20, 2023

Jay’s Substack

I saw an article about The Apple EYE phone. Sure reminds me of the BORG.


stardot - Nov 20, 2023

stardot’s Substack

It's almost time to make tinfoil hats!


Marty - Nov 21, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi


stardot - Nov 21, 2023

stardot’s Substack



Deemarie - Nov 21, 2023

This was helpful for me to accept current skies


Dorothy N. - Nov 20, 2023

Dorothy N.

Before the perps make tinfoil illegal, much as Hellth Canada is making nutritional supplements and all natural health products an 'illegal' thing of the past to be turned over to the genetic profiteers?
Heaven forefend that anything enhancing public health should be permitted to exist!


Margie Chism - Nov 21, 2023

Margie Chism

Dorothy ■ Terrible! M


Dorothy N. - Nov 21, 2023

Dorothy N.

Indeed! As is common in countries having governments infiltrated by WEF-trained 'Young Global Leaders', et al., virtually everything done by these lawless criminals - forming an illegitimate 'government' - has been in violation of the country's rights-protective Constitution, Bill of Rights and Charter forming the legitimate democratic basis of law.
This, with all attempted abuses automatically pre-rendered powerless and devoid of force by pre-existing rights-protective Law of the Land that cannot be over-ridden by illegal law made AFTER-THE-FACT and a crime.
Human rights are inherent and cannot be removed by anyone, under any excuse - only abused. Human rights abuse is a CRIME.


Johnathan - Nov 21, 2023

Why do you think theres a half bitten apple on the back of the iphone. And everyone has there face buried in there phone! Mankind is not meant to have unlimited information in there hands.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Nov 20, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

Some things speak for themselves. Yet what do they say?
So far, so good:


Johnathan - Nov 21, 2023 - Edited

The main thing people seem to be overlooking here is how are the elite are able to reside under the same skys the chem trails are peppered?
They are not human. This planet is one big laboratory. And we are the specimens


Margie Chism - Nov 20, 2023

Margie Chism

Citing Evidence of Health Risks ■ After being presented with evidence of wireless radiation’s negative health impacts, the Board of Representatives in Stamford, Connecticut, voted to reject an agreement that would have allowed telecommunications carriers to install 5G equipment on city-owned utility poles.



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