Excellent interview with 2 brave intelligent women who understand what is at stake - the future of humanity and our connection with God/Source.
What has taken place on this planet is truly Diabolical Evil planned by Satanic Forces to murder God and his children.
If you don't believe in these 2 woman whom I been following both with thousands of hours of studying them both then you and the other moron who doesn't trust them your statements have no merit and just go away and let Karen and Dr.Ana save humanity
You didn’t listen to the interview. I clearly explain that the NIH defines a virus as anything that can penetrate the cell wall of a cell inside of a living species and disrupt the mitochondrial function. It doesn’t have to produce symptoms of disease. It doesn’t need to replicate. It doesn’t even need to be biological. It just has to penetrate the cell wall of a cell inside of the cell of a biological species.
"Are you in touch with RFk &/or Trump?"
These Zio controls idiots are NOT the saviors!
The Father of the Vaccine Donald Warp Speed Swamp spent even billions to kill Americans with vaccines.
"Forget the politicians. The politicians are there to give the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations…
— George Carlin -https://rumble.com/v3vkrce-the-architect.html
Right, I didn't listen to the interview, but what you say is quite important, because it changes the narrative of these criminals completely.
Do they say virus or virus-like?
There is no Virus as germ as they did not isolate any virus in human history & the Virus in Latin language & old English means the "Poison "..
Since 1600 the British Crown controlling the science to get more power over humanity to enslave & steal all the Earth ..
Please see websites about the history of the Royal society !
This is how the British Crown they controlled the science & they stole the science including the Electromagnetic Technology , Free Energy Technology & others science to attack humanity secretly with Directed Energy Electromagnetic Field technology to lower our immunity , to make us have "flue like symptoms" because of the radiation poisoning to enslaved humanity with poisonous medications because the Crown in England since the start they are" Pirates" & they love to enslave humanity by making humanity crippled mentally & physically to follow orders as slaves !
Michael Faraday part of the Royal Society worked on electromagnetic field and also on the Chlorine & Nitrous gases ... etc !
See this website
The Crown in England controlled the science since the start and they are the Head of Satanic Freemasonry & also Satanic Freemasonry called Nazi & Zionists ! Means the Crown in England and their cousins the Crown in Germany behind every genocide against humanity including the WWI & WWII as they killed every morally correct person free minded including killing the Germans , killing the Jews , Killing everyone morally correct free minded person not slave to the system & before that the plandemic of Spanish flue with radiation poisoning & bio-weapon injections & gases poisoning !
Also the Crown in England stole the Free Energy Technology for "Tesla" to used it secretly against humanity as weapon of mass destruction via satellites and cell phone towers !!
We are already now in One World Government of Piracy led by the Crown in England secretly !
They own all the satellites in the sky to attack humanity directed energy beam weapon technology to lower our immunity , to make us have flue like symptoms !
"Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ,
Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language & " Virus" it means in Latin language the "Poison "
The "Crown Poison" against humanity
The genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison" either with ( directed energy weapons radiation poisoning 5G & with bio-weapon injections & with fake news to mislead the people to make them against each other for civil war & with synthetic telepathy subconsciously( any person do not know about the technology ) & consciously as V2K MIC orders ( to gang stalkers , police , governments , health system employees etc. ) beamed via satellites to make the people & nations depopulate each other in wars & to inject the poison without questioning !
Corona Virus is (radiation & Bio-weapons ) poisoning like what they did in Spanish flue plandemic too
This is " The Monarch Pox " to Rape & to Kill humanity to Steal all the Earth !
The Crown in England "infiltrated " ( every government , every top of military , every secret agency , every police , every top of health system , every religious leader , every media ... ) on Earth with Satanic Freemasonry and they stole the science since 1600 to use it as weapon mass destruction against humanity to steal all the Earth !
World Economic Forum is led by " K " Charles III & he is talking about cutting the emission of the CO2 & we need martial law to do that !
Watch !
This means this is announcement to kill humans on Earth with their livestock because we all expel CO2 when we breathe !
CO2 is not dangerous & this is a lie & deception !
We have infact very low level of CO2 in the environment because they are using technology to suck the CO2 from the environment because their plan to push humanity towards starvation because CO2 very important for the plants to produce food & in fact the higher level of CO2 is only dangerous to the Crown Parasites in England because this means more food for humanity that will live happy long life against the plan of the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide secretly against humanity!
Princeton's William Happer explains CO2 is no pollutant & infact we have very little CO2 in our environment now !
X disease means "Crucifixion culling sign " by making the X stand correctly as "Culling Cross" to crucify humanity !
Who created the WHO & UN & WEF is the Head of the Committee of 300 & their Committee of 300 members & the Head of the committee of 300 is the King & Queen of Piracy for the Crown in England !
See that the "British Imperialism in 1882" had 13 Colonies on the open in addition to England which means 14 colonies !
See Drawing:
Now all the Earth is One Giant Colony in the hands of Crown in England secretly with "infiltration of Freemasonry " they are the Head of "The One World Government of Imperialism Piracy "
Read book -This is the truth :
Crown in England are the Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide & theft to steal all the wealth & to steal all the Earth !
See the printed document how they are attacking the people to head , brains , all body including attacking the genitalia with directed energy through walls & through the clothes causing heating , violent itching around the genitalia , body , head & "forced orgasm" by controlling the function of the neurons in the body & head !
They hacked our brains and bodies since at least 1920 without our knowledge & they stole our DNA to spy on us & to control us with writing synthetic thoughts to subconscious mind to control us , also they can read and write to every cell and neurons in our body & brain to attack us microwave radiation to make us have high temperature , tremor , sweating , coughing , difficulty to breath , rapid heart rate , palpitation ..paralysis , spasm in the muscles , blistering , burns , rash , itching , pain in the teeth by killing the pulp with the microwave attack !
Then they will decide to kill us with deadly injections because we have symptoms that they generated against us with the Free Energy Technology attack against us remotely via satellites & cell phone towers !
With this technology they can see what we see & they can hear what we hear and they can read the mind through walls & inside our houses from thousands miles away via satellites & free energy technology for more than 100 years secretly !
"Imperialism" hacked our brains !
Graphene hidden in medicine in UK & I have samples of these NHS capsules !
* Watch Corona Virus symbol and 5G tower Printed on the Money 20 bill note in UK !
This One World Government Piracy against every human on Earth regardless what religion they are on & what race !
1) Trump & (every traitor like him in every government around the Earth ) Rolled out 5G & it is military weapon against the people in USA to make the people have short life span & to have cancer in the next 5 years !
Read his speech rolling out 5 G against the people in USA in 2019 in (Roosevelt Room)
Why Trump his speech was in ( Roosevelt Room ) because this is a signal that Trump following the path of "Franklin Roosevelt" (the traitor) as F. Roosevelt drafted Declaration for the "United Nations" with Churchill ( Crown in England) in 1941 & also Roosevelt in 1933 forced the people in USA to give up their gold to the government !
Means Trump like Franklin Roosevelt slave to the Head of the One World Government of Piracy ( Crown in England ) Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide against humanity secretly to own all the Earth !
2) Trump like every traitor like him rolled out the death bio-weapons injections called vaccines against the people in USA !
Millions are dead or disabled for life because of these injections
United Nations is created by the Crown in England the Head of the Freemasonry & the Head of the Committee of the 300 & their Committee of 300 members including Churchill & the Presidents like Franklin Roosevelt working for their secret genocide agenda against humanity to steal all the wealth & to steal all the Earth while enslaving humanity with the technology they stole !
Infiltration of Freemasonry around the Earth !
Freemasonry & Satanism is freedom of morality !!
All these governments around the earth now & in USA are Freemasons Satanists with zero morality they are working against the people of every nation for secret depopulation agenda their loyalty to the Head of the Satanic Freemasonry & the Head of Committee of 300 the Crown in England leading the genocide secretly !
All the presidents & their governments are actors hired by the Crown in England !
We the people around the Earth we have no governments & we are on our own !
Satellites exists since even the time of Victoria the Recluse secretly and they did not declare the satellites only in the 1950s !
Satellites are the Sky ships of Piracy as the Crown in England in all times are the Pirates on sea and lands and then after stealing the science and technology with Royal Society they got also the sky Piracy with the satellites !
I have a question for anyone who uses the methylene blue, which I assume is just about everyone who has been following Dr. Ana for any length of time.
Do you find that if you don't take the methylene blue, or don't take it at the same time you normally do, that you get a headache, a return of the brain fog, or just start feeling bad?
I am wondering, do you think that it could possibly be addictive? It feels like the symptoms of withdrawal.
Or maybe is it just the return of the symptoms from the nanotechnology that the methylene blue helps to alleviate?
I would like your thoughts.
I have not particularly noticed that.
Could it be a Herxheimer reaction? Can you find any dose relation to the symptoms, ie. does taking a larger dose increases symptoms?
I take it you know about the a G6PD deficiency problem with MB, but if it were that there would be signs, ie. urine colour orange/brown instead of blue/green. This is the only time I've heard of MB causing problems.
They use IV MB in emergency rooms for cyanide/carbon monoxide poisoning.
I use this brand, which is clean and works well, for me + partner anyway.
Btw. this is a study comparing oral/IV use wrt. organ uptake:
I usually only take 10 mg (20 drops) twice/day for a total of 20mg/day. I take it around the same time each day. At around 11am and 2pm. I don't have symptoms unless I forget to take it or take it later than usual. So, the reason I was asking if it is addictive is because the symptoms don't show up until I miss or delay the dose. As if my body has become habituated to it. Also, I can take it 3/times a day or even more without any symptoms.
It is not addictive. It's main action is in metabolic - increases electron transport chain function, while acting as a major anti-inflammatory. Ie increased etc function means fewer electrons escape the chain to become superoxides. And those superoxides that do exist are quickly reduced to water by MB.
Though, it does have an hormetic effect wrt. brain function, therefore, if the dose is too high, negative effects may be encountered:
The 280-mg dose selection was estimated as 4 mg/kg for an average body weight of 70 kg.
Methylene blue is a memory-enhancing drug in animals and humans after a single dose in the low-dose range of 0.5–4 mg/kg, but it has opposite effects at doses greater than 10 mg/kg and displays a hormetic dose response.
Thank you for that information. I personally love the stuff! It gives me energy and helps me to think more clearly WHILE I AM TAKING IT AND TAKING IT AT THE RIGHT TIME. However, I cannot understand why I get a headache and the brain fog when I DON'T take it. That doesn't appear to have anything to do with taking too much. Actually, that seems to be just the opposite.
The only thing I can figure out is that when I don't take it or I take it later than my body is "expecting" it, and why I get these symptoms is either because my body has become habituated to it or I get a return of the symptoms the MB works to correct. But even that second reason does not make sense since I don't get the symptoms at any other time of the day, only when I don't take it.
My reason for asking was to see if anyone else has experienced this same thing.
I will not quit taking it because like I said, I love what it does for me, even if it didn't help dissolve the hydrogel in the blood.
I havent watched it yet but I wonder if they will talk about the magnetism in the unvaxxed or if they Still dont want to talk about it for some reason.
They know, Karen Kingston had a video up on her website for a few days where she stuck a quarter to her forehead but that video went away after a few days when they redesigned her website.
Seems pretty important though, an effect that is beyond our understanding of physics on planet earth that unvaxxed people conveniently started getting right after the vaxx rollout. Keys and coins arent ferrous, but they sure can stick to many people now. And it can be secondhand shed from an unvaxxed who has been shed upon, to Other unvaxxed.
Me and my wife were talking about flying somewhere the other day but we both got it again Immediately after we flew last time and it took us each about a month to get rid of it again so No... I dont think I am going to fly anymore ever.
But if you know what to look for, you can see it out in public sometimes when peoples necklaces or crosses get stuck to the bare skin on their collarbone and sternum and it just sticks there with the actual chain hanging down. Happens all the time and most of them never even notice but sometimes they fix it and it sticks again. Once you see it though, you cant unsee it, now we just look at each other and shake our heads.
Maybe all these instant stage 4 turbocancers actually have some shedding syndrome issue and the magnetism-like phenomenon but then they go multiple high energy scans like an CT or Xray or MRI in a day or two.
And THEN they have turbocancer... that now kills people sometimes the Same Day as their Diagnosis.
That Keeps happening to these turbocancers now, despite how statistically improbable it is. Almost like the death and the method of diagnosis are related.
And if you actually Listen to these oncologists like Dr Makis, they keep saying its not just the vaxxed.
Seems important to Me but not to some people it seems.
I'm not giving up but I'm not too hopeful either.
imagine a world without a Rosa Parks . Supreme Creation Created Woman So We Males Would not look like stupid idiots . Annita & Karen are not alone . There are Many , Many Other Serious Scientists & Investigators that are backing their Restless Hard Work & Dedication in order to try to save all of our axes from the nasty evil agenda that's being in motion since freaking wall street & the federal reserve was created !!! Humble ! , Loyal , True , 24/7 workers / Patriotic , integrity , Principles , Defenders of Justice , Brave , Pros in their field ! Loyal to their field ! Spiritually Gifted ! those are the Qualities i appreciate in A WOMAN , & i want to go on Vacations With Annita & Karen ! Remember People , They've been fumigating the world with a cocktail that drops from the sky a bunch of miles per hour ! Beautiful Healthy Athletes Dying a not x-plained sudden death , NOW !!! That is Un-xplainable nano trash ! isn't it ??? -elcasto .
As an afterthought to my post a minute ago, has any physician who has access to an MRI setup pondered the possibility of exposing a jabbed, but newly deceased patient to an MRI to determine the effects of such a strong field on the internal nano-workings in that body? I know, I know, it sounds morbid, but in the interest of science and stopping the genocide, it is worth considering.
Of course, an exercise such as that would by necessity have to be done in "stealth mode"!
As Dr. Ana said, we need to start finding ways to defeat this genocidal behavior, especially re the shots, and the subsequent bodily infestation with nanotechnology of all types. So, this is an open question to anyone with knowledge of "constructive interference" and "destructive interference".
Has anyone experimented using tuning forks of various frequencies, alone and in combinations, to determine if there is any hint of disassembling or even disturbing the nano-construction going on in the blood? It seems it could be tried by doing live blood analysis, while simultaneously testing with the tuning forks. Well, it's a thought.....
Dear Dr. Ana, I have two questions, if you are able to answer them. My two children and I are unvaxxed. However, we are exposed to my children's father once a month, who vaxxed himself without telling us. 1.) Do you know if there is a lab test we can use to detect nanobots in our blood? 2.) Are the M.A.C. access codes also being found in the unvaxxed? Thank you for your work. <3
Karen, a few years ago, did you not reveal that in one of the big pharma Patents, in their own literature, they only needed to jab 36% of the population to completely cover/infect the population? Like the extermination of rats in Australia, a contagious V was given to a few let into the wild which would then contaminate/sterilize the whole population? Maybe it was
La Quinta Col,, ??
stardot - Aug 29
stardot’s Substack
The horror movie never ends.
Bodhimom - Aug 30
Excellent interview with 2 brave intelligent women who understand what is at stake - the future of humanity and our connection with God/Source.
What has taken place on this planet is truly Diabolical Evil planned by Satanic Forces to murder God and his children.
Roman S Shapoval - Aug 29
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
EMFs can magnetically lock our ferritin (iron is magnetic) in an immune response - this is why reducing them as much as possible at home is necessary.
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Aug 29 - Edited
I don't trust this woman. As far as I know, she is still member of the virus cult. Think about that…
John - Aug 29
Omg you are either nuts or working with the enemy. These 2 women are the last hope for humanity
Bee Gee - Aug 29
Bee Gee
Never rule out Both.
John - Aug 29
If you don't believe in these 2 woman whom I been following both with thousands of hours of studying them both then you and the other moron who doesn't trust them your statements have no merit and just go away and let Karen and Dr.Ana save humanity
Bee Gee - Aug 29
Bee Gee
Haha, I meant the haters could be both nuts And working for the enemy.
I'm on Team Humanity.
John - Aug 30
That's great to hear God bless you brother
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Aug 30
One for sure.
Karen Kingston - Aug 31 - Edited
The Kingston Report
You didn’t listen to the interview. I clearly explain that the NIH defines a virus as anything that can penetrate the cell wall of a cell inside of a living species and disrupt the mitochondrial function. It doesn’t have to produce symptoms of disease. It doesn’t need to replicate. It doesn’t even need to be biological. It just has to penetrate the cell wall of a cell inside of the cell of a biological species.
Seeking Truth - Aug 31 - Edited
Seeking Truth
Hi Karen! Thanks for all you are doing to save humanity! I know you are the real deal! please stay safe! ❤️🙏🏻
Are you in touch with RFk &/or Trump?
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Aug 31 - Edited
"Are you in touch with RFk &/or Trump?"
These Zio controls idiots are NOT the saviors!
The Father of the Vaccine Donald Warp Speed Swamp spent even billions to kill Americans with vaccines.
"Forget the politicians. The politicians are there to give the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations…
— George Carlin -https://rumble.com/v3vkrce-the-architect.html
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Aug 31 - Edited
Right, I didn't listen to the interview, but what you say is quite important, because it changes the narrative of these criminals completely.
Do they say virus or virus-like?
Proletarius64 - Aug 29
Proletarius64’s Substack
Bodhimom - Aug 30
Are you a troll? Take your negativity somewhere else.
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Aug 31
Are you Swamp fan boy? Take your naivety somewhere else.
István Habor - Sep 3 - Edited
You are trying to instill division and distrust! That is an old tactic of evil.
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Sep 4 - Edited
Oh, we have an expert here in sowing division and distrust.
Proletarius64 - Aug 29
Proletarius64’s Substack
White coats & stethoscopes, haven't we been here before?
Amal W. Dawood - Aug 30 - Edited
Amal W. Dawood
There is no Virus as germ as they did not isolate any virus in human history & the Virus in Latin language & old English means the "Poison "..
Since 1600 the British Crown controlling the science to get more power over humanity to enslave & steal all the Earth ..
Please see websites about the history of the Royal society !
This is how the British Crown they controlled the science & they stole the science including the Electromagnetic Technology , Free Energy Technology & others science to attack humanity secretly with Directed Energy Electromagnetic Field technology to lower our immunity , to make us have "flue like symptoms" because of the radiation poisoning to enslaved humanity with poisonous medications because the Crown in England since the start they are" Pirates" & they love to enslave humanity by making humanity crippled mentally & physically to follow orders as slaves !
Michael Faraday part of the Royal Society worked on electromagnetic field and also on the Chlorine & Nitrous gases ... etc !
See this website
The Crown in England controlled the science since the start and they are the Head of Satanic Freemasonry & also Satanic Freemasonry called Nazi & Zionists ! Means the Crown in England and their cousins the Crown in Germany behind every genocide against humanity including the WWI & WWII as they killed every morally correct person free minded including killing the Germans , killing the Jews , Killing everyone morally correct free minded person not slave to the system & before that the plandemic of Spanish flue with radiation poisoning & bio-weapon injections & gases poisoning !
Also the Crown in England stole the Free Energy Technology for "Tesla" to used it secretly against humanity as weapon of mass destruction via satellites and cell phone towers !!
We are already now in One World Government of Piracy led by the Crown in England secretly !
They own all the satellites in the sky to attack humanity directed energy beam weapon technology to lower our immunity , to make us have flue like symptoms !
"Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ,
Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language & " Virus" it means in Latin language the "Poison "
The "Crown Poison" against humanity
The genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison" either with ( directed energy weapons radiation poisoning 5G & with bio-weapon injections & with fake news to mislead the people to make them against each other for civil war & with synthetic telepathy subconsciously( any person do not know about the technology ) & consciously as V2K MIC orders ( to gang stalkers , police , governments , health system employees etc. ) beamed via satellites to make the people & nations depopulate each other in wars & to inject the poison without questioning !
Corona Virus is (radiation & Bio-weapons ) poisoning like what they did in Spanish flue plandemic too
This is " The Monarch Pox " to Rape & to Kill humanity to Steal all the Earth !
The Crown in England "infiltrated " ( every government , every top of military , every secret agency , every police , every top of health system , every religious leader , every media ... ) on Earth with Satanic Freemasonry and they stole the science since 1600 to use it as weapon mass destruction against humanity to steal all the Earth !
World Economic Forum is led by " K " Charles III & he is talking about cutting the emission of the CO2 & we need martial law to do that !
Watch !
This means this is announcement to kill humans on Earth with their livestock because we all expel CO2 when we breathe !
CO2 is not dangerous & this is a lie & deception !
We have infact very low level of CO2 in the environment because they are using technology to suck the CO2 from the environment because their plan to push humanity towards starvation because CO2 very important for the plants to produce food & in fact the higher level of CO2 is only dangerous to the Crown Parasites in England because this means more food for humanity that will live happy long life against the plan of the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide secretly against humanity!
Princeton's William Happer explains CO2 is no pollutant & infact we have very little CO2 in our environment now !
X disease means "Crucifixion culling sign " by making the X stand correctly as "Culling Cross" to crucify humanity !
Who created the WHO & UN & WEF is the Head of the Committee of 300 & their Committee of 300 members & the Head of the committee of 300 is the King & Queen of Piracy for the Crown in England !
See that the "British Imperialism in 1882" had 13 Colonies on the open in addition to England which means 14 colonies !
See Drawing:
Now all the Earth is One Giant Colony in the hands of Crown in England secretly with "infiltration of Freemasonry " they are the Head of "The One World Government of Imperialism Piracy "
Read book -This is the truth :
Crown in England are the Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide & theft to steal all the wealth & to steal all the Earth !
See the printed document how they are attacking the people to head , brains , all body including attacking the genitalia with directed energy through walls & through the clothes causing heating , violent itching around the genitalia , body , head & "forced orgasm" by controlling the function of the neurons in the body & head !
They hacked our brains and bodies since at least 1920 without our knowledge & they stole our DNA to spy on us & to control us with writing synthetic thoughts to subconscious mind to control us , also they can read and write to every cell and neurons in our body & brain to attack us microwave radiation to make us have high temperature , tremor , sweating , coughing , difficulty to breath , rapid heart rate , palpitation ..paralysis , spasm in the muscles , blistering , burns , rash , itching , pain in the teeth by killing the pulp with the microwave attack !
Then they will decide to kill us with deadly injections because we have symptoms that they generated against us with the Free Energy Technology attack against us remotely via satellites & cell phone towers !
With this technology they can see what we see & they can hear what we hear and they can read the mind through walls & inside our houses from thousands miles away via satellites & free energy technology for more than 100 years secretly !
"Imperialism" hacked our brains !
Graphene hidden in medicine in UK & I have samples of these NHS capsules !
* Watch Corona Virus symbol and 5G tower Printed on the Money 20 bill note in UK !
This One World Government Piracy against every human on Earth regardless what religion they are on & what race !
1) Trump & (every traitor like him in every government around the Earth ) Rolled out 5G & it is military weapon against the people in USA to make the people have short life span & to have cancer in the next 5 years !
Read his speech rolling out 5 G against the people in USA in 2019 in (Roosevelt Room)
Why Trump his speech was in ( Roosevelt Room ) because this is a signal that Trump following the path of "Franklin Roosevelt" (the traitor) as F. Roosevelt drafted Declaration for the "United Nations" with Churchill ( Crown in England) in 1941 & also Roosevelt in 1933 forced the people in USA to give up their gold to the government !
Means Trump like Franklin Roosevelt slave to the Head of the One World Government of Piracy ( Crown in England ) Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide against humanity secretly to own all the Earth !
2) Trump like every traitor like him rolled out the death bio-weapons injections called vaccines against the people in USA !
Millions are dead or disabled for life because of these injections
United Nations is created by the Crown in England the Head of the Freemasonry & the Head of the Committee of the 300 & their Committee of 300 members including Churchill & the Presidents like Franklin Roosevelt working for their secret genocide agenda against humanity to steal all the wealth & to steal all the Earth while enslaving humanity with the technology they stole !
Infiltration of Freemasonry around the Earth !
Freemasonry & Satanism is freedom of morality !!
All these governments around the earth now & in USA are Freemasons Satanists with zero morality they are working against the people of every nation for secret depopulation agenda their loyalty to the Head of the Satanic Freemasonry & the Head of Committee of 300 the Crown in England leading the genocide secretly !
All the presidents & their governments are actors hired by the Crown in England !
We the people around the Earth we have no governments & we are on our own !
Buhenka - Sep 1
Amal W. Dawood
All good points and true in many aspects. But satellites don't exist.
Amal W. Dawood - Sep 1
Amal W. Dawood
Satellites exists since even the time of Victoria the Recluse secretly and they did not declare the satellites only in the 1950s !
Satellites are the Sky ships of Piracy as the Crown in England in all times are the Pirates on sea and lands and then after stealing the science and technology with Royal Society they got also the sky Piracy with the satellites !
Kim - Aug 30 - Edited
I have a question for anyone who uses the methylene blue, which I assume is just about everyone who has been following Dr. Ana for any length of time.
Do you find that if you don't take the methylene blue, or don't take it at the same time you normally do, that you get a headache, a return of the brain fog, or just start feeling bad?
I am wondering, do you think that it could possibly be addictive? It feels like the symptoms of withdrawal.
Or maybe is it just the return of the symptoms from the nanotechnology that the methylene blue helps to alleviate?
I would like your thoughts.
KarlM Alias - Aug 30 - Edited
KarlM Alias
I have not particularly noticed that.
Could it be a Herxheimer reaction? Can you find any dose relation to the symptoms, ie. does taking a larger dose increases symptoms?
I take it you know about the a G6PD deficiency problem with MB, but if it were that there would be signs, ie. urine colour orange/brown instead of blue/green. This is the only time I've heard of MB causing problems.
Seeking Truth - Aug 31 - Edited
Seeking Truth
what is a clean brand? Do you know if IV meth blue is safe?
KarlM Alias - Aug 31 - Edited
KarlM Alias
They use IV MB in emergency rooms for cyanide/carbon monoxide poisoning.
I use this brand, which is clean and works well, for me + partner anyway.
Btw. this is a study comparing oral/IV use wrt. organ uptake:
Kim - Aug 31
I usually only take 10 mg (20 drops) twice/day for a total of 20mg/day. I take it around the same time each day. At around 11am and 2pm. I don't have symptoms unless I forget to take it or take it later than usual. So, the reason I was asking if it is addictive is because the symptoms don't show up until I miss or delay the dose. As if my body has become habituated to it. Also, I can take it 3/times a day or even more without any symptoms.
KarlM Alias - Aug 31
KarlM Alias
It is not addictive. It's main action is in metabolic - increases electron transport chain function, while acting as a major anti-inflammatory. Ie increased etc function means fewer electrons escape the chain to become superoxides. And those superoxides that do exist are quickly reduced to water by MB.
Though, it does have an hormetic effect wrt. brain function, therefore, if the dose is too high, negative effects may be encountered:
The 280-mg dose selection was estimated as 4 mg/kg for an average body weight of 70 kg.
Methylene blue is a memory-enhancing drug in animals and humans after a single dose in the low-dose range of 0.5–4 mg/kg, but it has opposite effects at doses greater than 10 mg/kg and displays a hormetic dose response.
Kim - Aug 31
Thank you for that information. I personally love the stuff! It gives me energy and helps me to think more clearly WHILE I AM TAKING IT AND TAKING IT AT THE RIGHT TIME. However, I cannot understand why I get a headache and the brain fog when I DON'T take it. That doesn't appear to have anything to do with taking too much. Actually, that seems to be just the opposite.
The only thing I can figure out is that when I don't take it or I take it later than my body is "expecting" it, and why I get these symptoms is either because my body has become habituated to it or I get a return of the symptoms the MB works to correct. But even that second reason does not make sense since I don't get the symptoms at any other time of the day, only when I don't take it.
My reason for asking was to see if anyone else has experienced this same thing.
I will not quit taking it because like I said, I love what it does for me, even if it didn't help dissolve the hydrogel in the blood.
Bee Gee - Aug 29
Bee Gee
I havent watched it yet but I wonder if they will talk about the magnetism in the unvaxxed or if they Still dont want to talk about it for some reason.
They know, Karen Kingston had a video up on her website for a few days where she stuck a quarter to her forehead but that video went away after a few days when they redesigned her website.
Seems pretty important though, an effect that is beyond our understanding of physics on planet earth that unvaxxed people conveniently started getting right after the vaxx rollout. Keys and coins arent ferrous, but they sure can stick to many people now. And it can be secondhand shed from an unvaxxed who has been shed upon, to Other unvaxxed.
Me and my wife were talking about flying somewhere the other day but we both got it again Immediately after we flew last time and it took us each about a month to get rid of it again so No... I dont think I am going to fly anymore ever.
But if you know what to look for, you can see it out in public sometimes when peoples necklaces or crosses get stuck to the bare skin on their collarbone and sternum and it just sticks there with the actual chain hanging down. Happens all the time and most of them never even notice but sometimes they fix it and it sticks again. Once you see it though, you cant unsee it, now we just look at each other and shake our heads.
Maybe all these instant stage 4 turbocancers actually have some shedding syndrome issue and the magnetism-like phenomenon but then they go multiple high energy scans like an CT or Xray or MRI in a day or two.
And THEN they have turbocancer... that now kills people sometimes the Same Day as their Diagnosis.
That Keeps happening to these turbocancers now, despite how statistically improbable it is. Almost like the death and the method of diagnosis are related.
And if you actually Listen to these oncologists like Dr Makis, they keep saying its not just the vaxxed.
Seems important to Me but not to some people it seems.
I'm not giving up but I'm not too hopeful either.
Cheryl - Sep 25
Cheryl’s Substack
You are a blessing to humanity.
elcasto - Sep 5
Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…
imagine a world without a Rosa Parks . Supreme Creation Created Woman So We Males Would not look like stupid idiots . Annita & Karen are not alone . There are Many , Many Other Serious Scientists & Investigators that are backing their Restless Hard Work & Dedication in order to try to save all of our axes from the nasty evil agenda that's being in motion since freaking wall street & the federal reserve was created !!! Humble ! , Loyal , True , 24/7 workers / Patriotic , integrity , Principles , Defenders of Justice , Brave , Pros in their field ! Loyal to their field ! Spiritually Gifted ! those are the Qualities i appreciate in A WOMAN , & i want to go on Vacations With Annita & Karen ! Remember People , They've been fumigating the world with a cocktail that drops from the sky a bunch of miles per hour ! Beautiful Healthy Athletes Dying a not x-plained sudden death , NOW !!! That is Un-xplainable nano trash ! isn't it ??? -elcasto .
Linda Tanner - Sep 2
Linda Tanner
As an afterthought to my post a minute ago, has any physician who has access to an MRI setup pondered the possibility of exposing a jabbed, but newly deceased patient to an MRI to determine the effects of such a strong field on the internal nano-workings in that body? I know, I know, it sounds morbid, but in the interest of science and stopping the genocide, it is worth considering.
Of course, an exercise such as that would by necessity have to be done in "stealth mode"!
Linda Tanner - Sep 2
Linda Tanner
As Dr. Ana said, we need to start finding ways to defeat this genocidal behavior, especially re the shots, and the subsequent bodily infestation with nanotechnology of all types. So, this is an open question to anyone with knowledge of "constructive interference" and "destructive interference".
Has anyone experimented using tuning forks of various frequencies, alone and in combinations, to determine if there is any hint of disassembling or even disturbing the nano-construction going on in the blood? It seems it could be tried by doing live blood analysis, while simultaneously testing with the tuning forks. Well, it's a thought.....
Roy Sutherland - Sep 2 - Edited
Roy’s Newsletter
Free online book, 'Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed'
Robert Sun - Sep 2
Robert Sun
Emily - Sep 1
Dear Dr. Ana, I have two questions, if you are able to answer them. My two children and I are unvaxxed. However, we are exposed to my children's father once a month, who vaxxed himself without telling us. 1.) Do you know if there is a lab test we can use to detect nanobots in our blood? 2.) Are the M.A.C. access codes also being found in the unvaxxed? Thank you for your work. <3
Yeh Right - Sep 1 - Edited
Karen, a few years ago, did you not reveal that in one of the big pharma Patents, in their own literature, they only needed to jab 36% of the population to completely cover/infect the population? Like the extermination of rats in Australia, a contagious V was given to a few let into the wild which would then contaminate/sterilize the whole population? Maybe it was
La Quinta Col,, ??
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