Astonishing Darkfield Live Blood Footage Of…

Apr 27, 2024

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Video: Darkfield live blood microscopy of nano/microrobots maneuvering at extreme speed and precision through the blood.


Catherine - Apr 27 - Edited

Lisa Rene

Where can we as a public go to have our blood examined like this? Id like the proof so we can all begin to sue whomever it is responsible and build the case for this? Without that individual proof, its all speculation on our part.


E.C. - Apr 27

Good question💥


Lisa Rene - Apr 27 - Edited

Lisa Rene

A question I've been asking for two years. You can find professional "live blood analysis" with your favorite search engine, but can we trust them? I don't trust ANYONE in the medical industry any more after what they have done. Sure wish we had some way to do this in our own States. I'm a Montanan. My stepping foot into the State of California to visit Dr Milhacia will never happen, as much as I want to know what they've done to my personhood. Instead, I'll just sit here, knowing they murdered THE WHOLE WORLD including me.


crapshoot farmer - Apr 27 - Edited

crapshoot farmer

Her clinic is in Washington state I believe.


Catherine - Apr 27 - Edited

Then the next question is what would she charge us to test our blood, because I, like others, dont trust Anyone in the 100% owned and operated Big Pharma of Bill Gates Foundation, but I would trust an independent Brighteon TV Health Ranger or maybe Dr A Mahachi.


Lisa Rene - Apr 27 - Edited

Lisa Rene

Oh gosh! I don't know how I got that confused. Thank You!


Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 27

Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…

our time would be better spent using non-lethal annoyance tactics making it so that all functionaries will want to stop working for that gov't money because of the constant humiliation. If the shitheads can't bribe people to work for them, they can't get anything done. In the case of FBI and CIA, EPA, arseholes like that, we might need to get pretty mean.


crapshoot farmer - Apr 27

crapshoot farmer

What kind of tactics are you thinking of? And would it not make someone a targeted individual?
Oh, I forgot, we're all targeted now!
Hate to sound discouraged but I don't think anything's going to work at this point but we have to keep looking. My microscope arrives late next week. I need proof from my blood..


Catherine - Apr 30 - Edited

Comment removed.


Catherine - Apr 30 - Edited

Naturalpath? is not a word. Naturopath or Naturopathy or Naturopathic is. FYI, the tools used to examine these specimens are expensive and not normally at a Naturopaths' office. If it were that easy, I would not be asking.


Catherine - Apr 30 - Edited

Comment removed.


Catherine - May 1 - Edited

I didn't need to use spellcheck, but your welcome.


Catherine - May 1 - Edited

Comment removed.


Catherine - May 1 - Edited

Ill send you my bill💲


Cristina - Apr 27

El Substack de Cristina

Impressive and scary video!
With my microscope I have no possibility of observing nanobots, but I have found what look like filaments of hydrogel in the blood of my unvaccinated cats


croydon kemp - Apr 27

croydon’s Substack

Are you saying that unvaccinated people have these robots in there blood. If so where did they get them?


Cristina - Apr 27

El Substack de Cristina

Well, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, graphene, hydrogels, etc. They introduce it to us everywhere: food, water and chemtrails. Virtually everything is contaminated.
The target is an hybridization of tissues to connect our bodies and mind to Artificial Intelligence.


Prof. Fred Nazar - Apr 27

Scientific Progress

Dear Ana Maria,
When you say unvaxxed, do you mean COVID-unvaxxed or someone without even childhood vaccines?
Has the person been swabbed? We've found very strange elements in swabs including graphene oxyde.
Have you tested reaction to a strong magnet?
Have you tested for Bluetooth Low Energy signals?
Prof. Fred Nazar
What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?
Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.
The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!
The most effective strategy is asking about the person’s opinion on some of these topics:
I start with the 20 million dollar question, while showing videos of baby seizures (money or babies always get attention):
If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:
Why is food poisoning legal?
How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.
Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!
Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"
Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:
Then, show that every single person in the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vacicnes, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!
If he doesn’t like the topic, I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):
(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)
9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!
Watch amazing short and more evidence here:
Please watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:
- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:
All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!
- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:
1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries
2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)
Checksoundchoice.orgor videos at bottom after this page:
Free 100 redpill movies and documentaries:
(don't miss the 1st one, 10 min at 2x, an amazing tool to start a discussion):
- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:
- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:
Elon's top secret: EVs cause cancer
Go green with gasoline!
- It's genocide for depopulation:
- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:
Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):
Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller (finest quotes):
Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard: how the world REALLY works
Attali illuminati (“finest” quotes)
The way out of this mess:
1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)
2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with
3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)
4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits
Anything else you might think of?
Now, are you really ready for this?:
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.
Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):
Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons
Masonry's Satanic Connection's-Satanic-Connection:4's-Satanic-Connection:4
Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books
Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See't-Want-You-To-See-%EF%BD%9C-Hidden-Agendas---Walter-Veith:0't-Want-You-To-See-%EF%BD%9C-Hidden-Agendas---Walter-Veith:0
Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]
Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed
Freemasonry: 100% incompatible with Christ
or rumble:
Obama pushing Freemasonry:


ZoeL - Apr 27


I saw Dr Ana at her office in WA, and in one drop of blood there was a hydrogel stand in my unvaxxed from CV blood and a lot of clumping of blood cells! She is not speaking of vx in the past. She looked at my iphone and said clumping from cell phones is real. She now has a flip phone! All blood is affected from shedding. She is an amazing doctor and a huge warrior on the front lines. Thank you for all your the info you posted, I too have been aware of most you posted and my brain is full!
Blessings to you!!!


Lanky Lisa - Apr 27

Do you know why flip phones are safer? Just wondering. If there weren't any nanobots in the blood, would the cell phone still cause clumping or do the nanobots just help it along?


crapshoot farmer - Apr 27

crapshoot farmer

I've read more than once that our illustrious defense department created the Covid vaccines and had the pharma companies distribute them.
And, Cos, (below) a little alien tech is likely involved.


Anita Söderman - Apr 27

Anita’s Substack

To me Rumsfeld has alwas sailed good and well under the radar, while in fact done one or two very questionable things, charming as he was. So did he ever force anything I would run the opposite way... good questions thanks prof Nazar.


GL Hendricks - Apr 27 - Edited

Real Truth Real News

This is a recent video by Sabrina - I wonder if she's accurate:


Dee Dee - Apr 27

Dee’s Substack

I have a hard time wrapping my head around this when we can't even get rid of hiccups.


E.C. - Apr 27

Ken MacPhee

Stand over bathtub with head down and glass of water in hand. Drink the water with head upside down. Stay in that position for a few seconds. Works for us most of the time😁


Ken MacPhee - Apr 27

Ken MacPhee

I remember reading decades ago about someone who had hiccups nonstop for I believe at least a year and they tried everything and the only thing that worked was the technique that you recommend. Maybe he discovered it!


Lanky Lisa - Apr 27

So, should we use a straw? (I'm trying to imagine drinking from a glass with my head upside down, but I can't see how unless i'm using a straw.)


E.C. - Apr 27

No straw. When you bend your head down and start drinking.. a few sips you will understand better.


E.C. - Apr 27

You will be drinking from the opposite side of the glass while head is down.


Lee - Apr 27

Real Truth Real News

The days of Noah. I have a hard time sharing her videos because she can’t control her mouth.


Lee - Apr 27

Real Truth Real News

Sabrina that is…


GL Hendricks - Apr 28

Real Truth Real News

I agree. There are some videos (and memes) out there from really brilliant people that I won't share because of bad language, so unnecessary...


Cos - Apr 27 - Edited

Keyesgood’s Substack

Thanks for sharing, although dramatic, she's always been on point.
This is next level again! I would really like to know if this is human based tech, or not?


Keyesgood - Apr 27 - Edited

Keyesgood’s Substack

You don’t need to completely kill the tech just modify it so it don’t work ,


Cos - Apr 27 - Edited

When humans use the word 'kill' it is commonly used against life, I don't put this stuff in the 'life' category. Never looking to 'kill' it, but immobilize and prevent ingress.


Claudia - Apr 27


That you so seriously, carefully, insightfully explain this bizarre dismantling of our natural existence is truly astounding. Thank you.


duckman - Apr 27


"bizarre dismantling of Our natural existence"
Yes, its a puzzler?
However when a few dots are connected the picture becomes clearer
Understanding the source and the "reasoning" behind this makes focusing on what is happening now... and what happens next more grounded..
However to get grounded You will need to let go of some indocrinated preconceptions You have All been fed with... since day One..
Back in the 90`s a Chinese general Chi Haotian spoke to the "party" about Chinas need for more land and how they would take it (americans need to understand that China views Your country as theirs by ancient rights), i digress
In his speech Chi speaks about how aquiring land by war/nuclear would be foolish due to the inheritance of ash/wasteland..
He speaks about dna sub-group specific bio-weapons, in this case disease that would not affect the "yellow people"...
He then states that however (remember this is the mid 90`s) that in that field "israel" are years more advanced in bio-weapons that kill non "jews",
An hour spent researching the dna "quirks" of the ahkenaz will point You in the right direction, being that the occupying force in Palestine are 97.5% ashkenaz and less than 2.5% "semite", that from "johns hopkins" no less...
Now You need to understand the full doctrine of the "religion" the ashkenaz chose to follow so precisely when presented with the choice given to them by Russia and Turkey over a millenia ago..
torah and talmud are also accompanied by zohar, so We are being presented with a polite face that hides many crimes deep in its "doctrine"..
"judaism" expressed at its fullest requires:
1) the destruction of all "non jews", even to the degree of preventing Us re-incarnating here
2) the merging of male and female to encourage "yahweh" and "shekinah" to re-unite
3) the merging of those that remain after the destruction with "technology"
4) the near total destruction of Gods` abundant Realm that We inhabit
After that they believe they will live as "gods"
To this end they have been sacrificing Children to their "deity", this "act" bring actual contact with this "being", has done for hundreds of years, it is what is required to be part of the club, to be.... on the "winning side", failure to participate/cooperate and the relevant government/agency is reminded of the 200 or so stolen nuclear war heads buried under countless cities around the world, You remember how easily "9/11" was explained away????
Perhaps You All now understand the motivation behind all the destruction of So much Beauty in this world, chems/gmo/pharma/haarp/geo eng/5g, the list is endless.
When dealing with a group who have convinced themselves they are equal to "God" then what do You expect.
Where are We now? Right now We are in the time period when the "elect" have or are planning to very soon murder some "red cows" in jerusalem, these cow/s will then be burnt and the ashes used to "cleanse" the priests (rabbis) for the re-construction of solomons temple... So what is a temple? A temple is a place where union between "man' and "god" more easily takes place, another word is "portal"
This "temple" will form the "bed chamber" where the split entity of "god-head" yahweh/sheknah will once again feel comfortable enough to re-unite (how fucking sweet), more importantly all around the Realm "goyim" will be knocking ten bags of sh*t out of each other in a "war to end all wars"...
Understanding that some absurdly high % of americans, both gen pop and "elected" all believe whole heartedly that such a "war" will inspire a "messiah" to come forth is the insane driving force of one of the worlds largest military regimes... utter insanity
A "messiah" may come forth but it will not be what You imagined, quite the opposite..
There is a pdf that can be read that decodes the doctrine, it can be found for free here:
slow partner server 2 works very well
it is not an easy read... these things rarely are..
I appreciate this might be a deep dive for some, but if You have not yet understood that the hour is very late and that All is at stake then perhaps ~You should
i hope this goes some way to explaining the motivation/s behind "bizarre dismantling"


Kelly Holland - May 5


I am just becoming aware of everything you just explained and now I understand that this really is a spiritual battle and Revelation 2:9 finally makes sense to me but could you please explain number 2 on the list that you posted above ? I am genuinely curious.
Also is Yahweh the true name of son of our heavenly father? Again I am just learning and you seem to know your stuff and I would appreciate your help understanding. Thank you😉


duckman - May 5


Kelly, a pleasure...
ive spent arguably far too many hours studying this stuff over the last few years, but personally and for my family i needed to know..
Theres background stuff that relates to how things pre 2019 prepared me for this education, but thats another story..
Ok, where to start?
We have what we know of history, much of it distorted, much fabricated, much total lies, but we do see the direct result (today, right now) of 2 opposing forms of abrahamic religions being used by a 3rd party to bring about total destruction..
The "hebrew" or "judaic" doctrine (which is contained in several forms/levels) states that it/they are the origin of our religions, we share "old testament" between all 3 christian/muslim/judaic, but that is where it ends..
The public face of judaism is presented as a rather closed shop but benign entity which atracts a degree of suspicion but not too much, ongoing, accelerated Genocide has changed that however.
When we understand that the abrahamic religions of christianity and muslim were formulated to bring about total destruction as craved by the kabbalic/zohar extreme versions of judaism which are in the main kept hidden then we begin to feel the edges of the situation we are in..
A situation that will if left unchecked bring about near total extinction levels of life on the surface of "earth" while a self styled religious "elite" shelter in underground cities, and yes you bet they exist, beyond our imagining..
Or did the north american trucker convoys of unmarked rigs that were headed toward the Canadian trucker protest (but never got there) go forgotten and unoticed, yes in the main they did, vast quantities of materials moving around with a completely "valid" excuse... they are so sneaky as to be almost worthy of respect..
In the "higher" level texts of "judaism" yahweh is the male essence of god head, shekinah the female, the extreme judaics seeking armagedon believe that total destruction of ALL gentiles and ALL of The Creators work (as nature stands, albeit embattered today) must be wiped clean and then "god-head" can reunite in an androgynous form, hence trans sexual being pushed and trans human....
The path chosen by these insane, power mad loons is that of the roots of the tree of life, AWAY from Creator, toward sa-tan and thus a path toward becoming "gods" themselves.
The tree of life above ground is the mystical path to reunion, blissful reunion with the "One",
What complicates matters is that the public face of "judaism" when inspected/investigated finds evidence of the "basic" form of worship, emulatimng the more benign/ "nice" way...
Once a degree of learning is obtained, only then does the "fun" begin, clever huh?
However, We are not entirely alone in this struggle, certain transgressions against the "laws" of this realm made by these groups, for example breach of "consent" protocols around "the jab" and all that the jab potentailly incurs, which is not merely resticted to killing people, quickly, slowly, painfully, there is another element that relates to Soul...
To write this, i am typing keys in a known pattern in order to convey information/communication to another sentient being... the electic pulse created inside ye olde laptop converts one form of energy (the tap of my finger) into another form of energy (an electric pulse) which in turn is converted into a code recognisable by the format we loosely share (the internet) so that You can see/read my thoughts....
Human bodies/dna/reality there is a protocol by which Our Souls interact with the One, Creator, God (confusing term tho "god), The infinite expanse beyond which Our corporeal form knows instinctively it is a part of despite being trapped in a "bio-experience suit" (body)...
Re a really deep dive into the decoded complexities of the kabbalah "sat-an" path, this is a good, but extremely chewy read, the general picture tho can be gained without a complete read.. its the best i have to offer at this juncture, i will repulse or resonate, depends on ones degree of indoctrination, remnants of education/brain washing, see what you think:
the slow server 2 worked very well to get the download..
Down load, its a very good term, theres alot going on right now, primarily becuase We stand right at the precipice, from which return may be impossible, tensions that have been accelerated by the totally "in your face" attrocity of the Palestinian people is winding up the hatred between muslim and christian, see the like of john hagee talking up religious war... to what 100 million fundamantal zionist "christians" in am-er-ica, justifying total destruction, nuclear oblivion, because "it will force Jesus to return", yikes, help
As there are two elements of godhead, there are also two "messiahs" ben joseph (Jesus) and ben david (kind of JC`s opposite, if you get my drift)...
So the abrahamic religions factions A (muslim) and B (christian) are both being driven toward beating the shit out of each other in order to bring about the return of "messiah 1", but in reality those pulling the levers are bringing about the advent of "messiah 2", who will take humanity away from Creator and destroy All of the Gentiles/Goyim and ensure a "world" of their own for this certain group..
We are being brought to the edge of assured and total destruction by religious deviants and obsessives, and most of them have been misled purposefully for over 2000 years...
Which opens up a really, really big elephant in the room, it is now highly apparent that some form of time travel has/is involved, kinda the point where even the most curious walk away...
Revealtion is a script written long, long ago, it assists in bringing about credence and validity as why what is happening is happening, handy huh?
Even the freemasons of the victorian era spoke of the "wars to come" 1, 2 and then the big one, they even stated very clearly (Pike) that it would involve setting muslim against christian..
For many realising that the history around their religion was fabricated is simply too much to take, However it is well understood that things often become greater than the sum of their parts, i needs must deal with my physical life, i hope this gives you something to work on, time is short, genuinely
Best regards, excuse any spelling i havent checked it, must go do


Ken MacPhee - Sep 20

Ken MacPhee

Yes, and Cliff High’s latest predictive analysis is pointing to the next few months. Along with Martin Armstrong’s Socrates program. i’ve been rushing around filling my bucket list!😁


Ken MacPhee - Apr 27

Ken MacPhee

I believe another name for them is kazarian mafia.Biglino’s The Naked Bible adds the alien influence into the mix.


duckman - Apr 27


The khazaar history makes for interesting reading, a bandit nation profiting from the ancient silk route traders, Russia and Turkey had issue with them and it was at that time they adopted "judaism" as it allowed for usury, which suited them, ritual sacrifice of children, (ideally goyim children not their own) has allowed for a "demonic" degree of actual protection.
It is interesting that when pressed (and when it suits them) the occupiers in Palestine are happy to agree they have non semitic eastern european dna... go figure?
they also claim they have nephalim and annunak blood and are thus "super beings".
Anyone failing to perceive that this is an actual species war involving poisonous terra forming is living in a liberal rabbit hole..
The alien link to ahkenaz/ area formerly known as "ukraine" relates also to reputed entrances to another Realm below the soil...
The attempt to reclaim their former residence (khazaaria) is known to them as the "heavenly jerusalem project" details easily found and confirmed with very basic searching..
Soon, if things are not reversed We will be pondering why We did not take direct action... but such is the way of this incredibly indoctrinated/brain washed "society" ?


Onthebeach6 - Apr 27 - Edited

Analysis of “Astonishing Darkfield Live Blood Footage Of Nano/Microrobots In C19 Unvaccinated Blood” Dr Ana Mihalcea 27-4-2024 (Duration O0:00.58)
Tiny Tentacle Bots in action in the blood.
Tentacle bots come in different sizes (From nanobot to microbot) and generally have six tentacles that can be used for a variety of purposes including recharging (at assembled computer chips) and manipulating equipment. I believe they can also be used for propulsion.
I’ve written about tentacle bots (and half a dozen other types) a lot over the last year and a half – one analysis concerned one of the MMR ‘vaccine’ videos (the last video on the MMR article I believe) made by Dr Ana on Sept 9th last year. In it I described how the bots were actually tiny tentacle bots swimming in the vial solution – I now see the same thing in the blood in this latest Dr Ana video.
Let’s get to it and have a close look at them.
@ 0:44 you will see a microbot appear at the top of the screen just right of centre. At first it appears to look just like a large bright dot. But there’s more to it.
If you look carefully and move the slider from 0:44 to 0:46 you will clearly see it using tentacles to probe its way forward.
@ 0:46 it actually appears to encircle an RBC in its path with two tentacles in much the same way that an octopus would reach around a rock on the ocean floor.
This bot seems on a mission but using their tentacles is presumably how they can grab onto RBCs and hitch a ride after which they can drain energy from the RBC.
In both ‘vaccine’ solution and blood they can also travel without extending the tentacles far from the body of the bot.
Now let’s have a look at some tentacle bots that have caught an RBC and are attached.
@ 0:39 go to just under the centre of screen and you’ll see what looks like a small greenish looking head attached to the right- hand edge of an RBC. Use your mobile phone camera to zoom in. If you look carefully you’ll also see a couple of tentacles attached to the RBC.
There are many RBCs that have been captured by the tentacle bots and many RBCs have bots inside them.
Once you know what to look for the bots are easy to find.


Adrian - Apr 27 - Edited


Ive got this nanoCRAP in advantage...only retards free thought and creativity. In my dreams i see the you tube feed in advance, whoopty effing dooo. When my neighbors turn their wifi security system on and off my head goes bzzzt bzzzt, this tech sucks, its not more intelligent, i can say from experience life was better without it. Its been hacked, tyrannts control it now, its a daily goo battle under my skin...biggest dumbass hubristic mistake of all time. The only way to stop this ai takeover is by banning wifi entirely. Is humanity capable of comprehending wifi equals extinction. I hope so, doesnt seem likely at this point, but miracles do happen.


Angie - Apr 27 - Edited


Scroll way down in this article to see the lawsuit filed against Neurolink by Bianca Popovic, a woman tortured by this technology after she was covertly implanted. 👇


Richard N. Syder - Apr 27

John Vargo

It would be very helpful to convince those who may be skeptical about what those little fast moving things are, to get a far more powerful telescope, say 10-100x more powerful and let us see them with it.


John Vargo - Apr 29

John Vargo

If you did as I have seen you would see the blood demons.Yes as Dr.Ana has pointed out there are synthetics in the mix.Demons,Jinn are black hole entities.I've seen the reptiles in those microscopy photos at high magnification myself,it's was up to X 10,000 photos.Have also seen them morphing and shapeshifting.Then I knew it was hyperdimensional.


E.C. - Apr 27



Harald Brems - Apr 27

Substack von Harald

Hello Dr. Mihalcea,
I write you because I want to do an interview with you about your research. I am a TI from Germany. You can find me on the internet. I contacted you via email before but didn't get any response. Would you like to do an interview with me?
Best regards
Harald Brems


Christian - Apr 27

Ar’s Substack

Ich bin Französer aber ich spreche etwas Deutsch. Ich habe gesehen Professor Frisch in Deutschland. Ich bin "Unvaxxed", Sie k£onnen sehe, die Blut Bildung voher und später Chelate...


John Vargo - Apr 27

John Vargo

Seems like the human race has always been in a timeline loop,that's the real reason history keeps repeating itself.9-11 was a holographic insert that has led to them running both the 1917 Russian bolshevik revolution and the 1918 spanish flu programs.


duckman - Apr 27


Thank You, the first intelligent comment i have come across in some time,
Understanding the physical and virtual frameworks of the Realm We inhabit is key to solving a way forward, first One must remove all traces of the indoctrination programs fed to us since birth, not an easy task..
Once, at least partially completed We see before Us the "work" of tricksters and con artists attempting to swindle Us of Our essence (soul)..
Those who have spotted the con are then alocated "special treatment" in order that their deviancy does not spread. In contrast, the sheer inpenatrability of the normals blows my mind, i have heard mention that "they" are building a new realm just for them, some refer to it as the "simalcrum"..
The expression "soul harvest" is being used, here with the "nanobots" We see merely the mechanisms but not all of the motivations/drivers
Recent events over Jordan show Us that perhaps it is not just the "enemy" that has access to time travel? i admit to a wry smirk over that little episode..
Few understand that the photgraphic images used to justify the current thinking re "ww2" and the supremacy/untouchability of the "chosen" were in fact taken from the systematic murder of 30 million in "bolshevik" Russia by the "chosen" themselves, what a sick place We inhabit...
However testing time is truly upon Us


John Vargo - Apr 28

John Vargo

Awesore duckman,thank you.I'm not that smart but I like to think I'm becoming more and more spiritual.Have still a lot of work to do.Time to wakey wakey huh-)


John Vargo - Apr 29

John Vargo

My research points to humans have never been in charge on this planet.Our thoughts are not only our own thoughts,never have been.Time travel,teleportation,interstellar travel 40 times or more than the speed of light,stargates,wormholes are's going to require some effort to stay in control of your mind.


duckman - Apr 29


i was having a break from work and saw Your response.
i wonder did You ever stray across the interesting and seemingly quite benign transcript that was known as c.h.a.n.i?
it involved early hadron collider experiments in Africa (Congo i think) by a "secret" am-eri-can lab.
Using the collider as a means of communication with "whatever" they could find out there...
Apparently the conversation was over several years, with as was best described to Us a "person" from a similar but differing dimension "earth"..
The conversation was in what We refer to as "text speak" a kind of visual prompt phonetic, the respondent pointing out that in their dimension it was acknowledged that "words are spells" and it had been accpted that using pictographs was far better for everyones well being..
The respondent stated that things at their "earth" were far better since the moon had been destroyed, no wars, better weather, less storms...
Several other quite innocent points were provided in the text that alerted my antenae that quite probably the text was genuine.
Including in those points were the relevance of dolphins and whales and that the behaviour over here in "our" dimension by self styled "elites" was disrupting the whole framework, to the risk of All sharing a similar core, thread...
It was amongst other things the abscence of such as "and if you dont stop what you are doing some hard space traveler mofos are coming to kick arse", quite the contrary, more a sad plea to find a way to stop them...
i remember stumbling across the likes of "prepare for change" back in earlier searching days, i have limited enthusiasm for salvation, imho a more consolidated, focussed aproach via waking up vast numbers of Good people "may" assist in returning balance..
I found Your earlier linked page fascinating and look forward to a little more time to explore the second offering, moon mysteries have always piqued my personal interest..
Reading wise have You covered Modi "Remarkable healings" and S Asher "Soul Revolution", two prime pieces that still hold well despite further searching, which i deem to be as near as can be found to "credulity"
Pot of last nights stew on slow gas requires my attention
Best Regards


John Vargo - Apr 29

John Vargo

I have heard of that yes,yrs ago but don't remember much.after a dozen yrs of NWO research Energetic Synthesis has become my truthsite when all along have never used just one source.Personally salvation is a concern now as the soultrap theory appears to be true,lisa confirmed it and I figure I will betargeted.Asabove,so below.Every object on earth also exist in another dimension or maybe it's the parallel universe.Quantum psychics, a object doesn't exist unless it's observed.Proven I guess by the slit experiment or the double slit experiment.I don't know how,I don't think anyone does but we are the creators or as it is the co-creators.


duckman - Apr 29


i am "fortunate" enough to have near full memory capacity for things that mean alot, interesting the c.h.a.n.i "conversation respondent" also mentioned that We are "Gods in the making" and that it was important that "We did not run b4 We could walk"
i think You would find S Ashers "Soul revolution" adds much to the field of study You are focussed on, his focus is on genuine hebrew scholar research on the ancient texts, being as He is the "real deal" and thus hunted by the current khazaar "problem", currently residing up a remote mountain in am-er-ica, he has done a few fascinating radio slots, the most notable You might resoante with is here:
This very recent offering from CJB is also very much on point for current "issues" and "directions", the son of psycopath "mike" schlomo hararri even gets a little bit of coverage.. interesting that so few know of this little psychos parentage?
i have spread the above far and wide, it is something many will need to take on board.
Salvation is a concern, agreed, however when faced with what is happening i remind myself that i chose to be here and i also chose where to be physically, my efforts over 30+ yrs to at least attempt self sufficiency in respect of water, food, heat and electric will not be taken from me easily, i speak from the position that not only is my physical boundary perceivable i also suffer none of the "ill dreaming" that folk i know do, lucky me... i guess i will have to make space for others nearer the "time" ;0)
Which is also pertinent, like the covid psyop farce of which i in the main not only refused, but did so vocally and quite vociferously, the situation reminds Us that its about consent...
Something the Palestinians are showing Us a new level on... such sacrifice will bring about something the dark ones have not expected.
i am going now to read in full the Farsight pages, thanks


John Vargo - May 1

John Vargo

We were Gods when we were created with 12 strand DNA,god like was our true potential.There's that ridiculous claim of Junk DNA,there's no such thing.


David Merrill - Apr 27 - Edited

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

"One possibility is that humans would add the processing power of a computer to their own innate intelligence, becoming supercharged versions of themselves. "
I utilize a brain trust. This is about 135 redeemed people in a coherent Meissner field of right hemisphericity.
See Key 208, verse 3 of the Book of Knowledge; Keys to Enoch:
"Man, as the highest point on mammalian evolution is now being repatterned to go beyond the evolutionary breakdown into a new arrangement of his chromosomal patterns in order that he may function as a multimammalian Light force."
I sent that to you a couple years ago. Do you like it?
The latest Whisper is:
There are many blood disorders from shedding but transfection requires rolling up your sleeve.
Full Testimony:
Genome Heritage of David Merrill:
Observations about Shedding Adverse Effects:


Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 27

Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…

the usual lack of any science. Science is not observing a thing and saying that you know what you're seeing and what is causing it. It's trying to confirm your hypotheses with experiments. Simply watching isn't good enough. Did she try to influence the movement that she saw with magnetism or electricity? Did she do anything to confirm her hypotheses? No she didn't. And every time I say such a thing I get responses from people who seem to think that just because she's who she is and says a thing that she's surely right and who ami I? That is the definition of the logical fallacy of the cult of authority. And if you are tempted to react as I've described, clearly you don't know the difference between logic and logical fallacy. If I'm mistaken, please you logic to show me that and not logical fallacy.


gary mcevoy - Apr 27

gary mcevoy

Dig a hole 🕳️ and put your 🗣️ in it!


Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 27

Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…

well thanks for participating. I can tell that you gave it your all. And it was kind of youi to demonstrate how most people are so totally fucking useless.


Yang-chu Higgins - Apr 27

Good point. In other words, have these phenomena been isolated a purified to determine whether they create WEF zombies.


Frances Leader - Apr 27


5G does not need any metals or robotics in the blood. It causes hypoxia aka rouleaux blood and deprives bodies of oxygen. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid.


John Vargo - Apr 29

John Vargo


Keyesgood - Apr 27

Keyesgood’s Substack

Anna , and everyone look into
Chlorine dioxide,


Cos - Apr 27

Keyesgood’s Substack

It helps eliminate pathogens and oxygenate, but appears to be too distant from this technology.


Keyesgood - Apr 27

Keyesgood’s Substack

It will have to be a continuous process of detox , check blood, repeat,


KP Stoller - Apr 27 - Edited

KP’s Substack

This is very interesting but this like this:
....all needs independent verification. Has anyone independently verified, for example, that there are spider silk genes in the COVID injection?


E.C. - Apr 27

I know Dr Ana was asking for help, for scientists.


Anita Söderman - Apr 27

Anita’s Substack

I do too in fact.


Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 27 - Edited

Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…

Comment removed.


Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 27

Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…

I think we had a giant advance in the limit of detection stymied when the psychopaths did their work on Royal Rife. That fellow was a scientists. The idiots today looking at their microscopes are mostly shills trying to keep a job to not end up pushing a broom or worse.


KP Stoller - Apr 27

KP’s Substack

Power does attract the pschopaths amongst us, but my question was... has anyone independently verified some of these claims. Spider Silk genes in the modRNA is a pretty serious issue (understatement) if it can be verified.


E.C. - Apr 27

She needs scientific help. No one comes forward, or not that im aware of.


Anita Söderman - Apr 27

Anita’s Substack

Sure, the lackmus test of Truth might be of good use for discerning good from bad also in intricate nano matters... I especially like the idea of replacing fears with marvel, generally more pleasant and about equally efficient, but not naively forgetting the popping dangers all along which will need some Sherlocking to pin.


Agent Midnight Rider - Apr 27 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

The dangers of uncontrolled self replication is the extermination of the host, be that a physical body or our biosphere. Currently uncontrolled self replication of micellar nanospheres can be seen in in human blood, and I have shown how the self assembly of filaments and mesogen DNA sensors occurs.
The creators of the BIOWEAPON knew the dangers of uncontrolled Self Replication, they STATED It in TOP SECRET NASA documents. Thats why they genetically programmed a KILL SWITCH for the elites in case it started eating them up atom by atom. And HERE it is directly from the PEER REVIEW papers of the CREATOR of the BIOWEAPON. Dr. Ralph Baric ...... Agent Midnight Rider.


John Vargo - Apr 29 - Edited

John Vargo

Some good info but not entirely accurate Midnight.For instance good ole Zev medicine,wouldn't trust it after seeing him in a video with Maria zee saying he thought everyone should be adhering to Noahide Law which congress passed into law in 1991,WTF!!! Law sits on the books like all 800 empty fema camps waiting for martial law.where's the provision for martial law in the constitution? We already had the chemtrail nano kill switch way before the firstscamdemic.Technologyis alien,humans working on it useful idiots so I really don't think they cared if the replication was uncontrolled.Their goal is to destroy our two stand diamond sun DNA ending the human race.


Agent Midnight Rider - Apr 29 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

The medicine is IRREVELANT, because there are 20 different ways to cure the same PROBLEM .......PARASITES. Even DOG DEWORMER works. See:
Here is an ALTERNATIVE Parasite Detox by Former Navy Surgeon Dr. Lee Merritt.....
The CURE for cancer has ALWAYS been right there in our face. The SECRET was they were injecting us with EGGS in Vaccines from DAY 1 to give it to us PARASITES. yeah and they have been DOING It for THOUSANDS of YEARS.
You see HUMANS are one of the very few mammals on earth who don't produce their own Vitamin C. This was GENETICALLY programmed into us THOUSANDS of years ago. WHY? to disable our immune system so we could be better PETRI DISHES for their PETS. Its BIZZARE believe me on that one.


John Vargo - Apr 29 - Edited

John Vargo

It's not just parasites but then there are parasites and then there are parasiticalentities.Blackhole entities,reptilians.Pause the video at 15;22,look at our masters.About 20 minutes in the author states this reset is not humanities first.Add up the statues of angelic humans and all the free energy architecture that exist today.looks incredibly hard to build some of these buildings,


Agent Midnight Rider - Apr 29 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

I am aware, don't want to take people down that rabbit hole yet. These MFS are NOT READY.....>HUMAN baby steps....Agent Q MIB


John Vargo - Apr 29

John Vargo

That's my Boy,haha


Agent Midnight Rider - Apr 30

Agent’s Substack

let me know if you have any more intel on PARASITES. Gracias.


Agent Midnight Rider - Apr 29

Agent’s Substack

Have you read the Parasite Pill Yet??



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