I have a question. What ever happened to the microchips that we were seeing at the beginning with Dr. David Nixon and Matt Taylor, as well as Shimon Yanowitz?
I understand about the assembly of the hydrogel filaments by the spheres and nano/microrobots, but how does this fit in with the microchip assembly?
Hi Kim,
We are still seeing them but tend to change our focus on to the new oddities that are happening in our meds, foods, water, air , body fluids, blood etc and the effects these are having on us.
As far as the bots and how they fit in?, they are another part of the integrated system you see here. m
Dr. Ana, I'm only a lay person who's been watching all this from the beginning, and the most convincing aspect that I saw, was when you were showing the contrast of healthy blood and injured blood. We pretty much know what good blood looks like, and when you showed the effects of someone receiving the poison, and then again after you cleaned the body of the patients, to me that was irrefutable. Exactly what the little robots are doing or their purpose, is less insightful except to see the magellans that they produce.
I guess it was the original evidence of the long "clots" produced by the mortician that got me looking into this topic. I'm suggesting that it might be more convincing to strangers to see the effects of the healthy blood to the sick or dying blood in conjunction with the workings of the little bots. Then after they digest that, they need to read all the literature you've dug up from the scientists and evil minds that have planned all this. That is what makes all your work so irrefutable!
I can't thank you enough for all your hard work. I see now the wisdom in your effort to spread the information so far and wide, that they can't hide it. I just saw an interview on Mike Adams site of an undercover reporter interviewing a high level CIA agent, bragging about how they destroy people they think are making too much "noise". Alex Jones in particular. He was bragging about how they cut him off at the knees with lies and criminal tactics to crush him financially. I've watched so many other doctors either get put in prison or poisoned to death because their discoveries didn't fit their agenda, like Dr. Mikavits or another doctor I can't remember his name, quite recently. They play hard ball and for keeps!
Stay strong, we love you.
does / has anybody seen written or heard what / how can satan do to us ... in the bible in "job satan has to get permission from the good God to affect job ... and by extension the rest of humanity ,,, satan isnt allowed to mess with our souls he has to get our consent too ,,, i pray but now gm humans arnt made in Good Gods image and likeness any more ... therefore no human rights ... new medi sin es no longer need safety testing for the vaxxed genetically modyfied people ... because ... they dont have human rights ... because they are no longer considered humans because... they are no longer made exclusivally by God made in Gods image and likeness ,,, but are genetically modyfied [ changed ] with mrna vaxxes .... please good God help the demon possesed pshycopathic world leaders and their knowing and not knowing supporters return to goodness and truth ...https://thereisnopandemic.net/2022/02/26/legal-impact-of-mrna-vaccines-chile-enacts-anti-discrimination-against-mutants-law-24-february-2022/LegalizedFDA non-regulation of biological products effective May 2, 2019, by Federal Register Final Rule, signed by then-FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb.
To muddy the waters further, many independant scientists from around the world have examined lots of different vials of most brands of C19 injections. None had the biological components of mRNA whatsoever! The contained many elements that were not disclosed but are used in production of quantum dots. Graphene oxide also found. When you look at the attempts/stage 3 trials of mRNA for cancer patients, for example, the cost per dose is over $1m so think about that and the claims of this technology in the so called vaccines. As there was no pandemic, no new virus, the concept of the body receiving mRNA instructions to make the illusive spike protein is a lie but was the way they got everyone to roll up their sleeves to inject this stuff. Covid ID Project substack is an excellent diary of events following the planning of this human assault.
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=+marburg+viral+vector+gene+therapy&t=ffab&atb=v223-1&ia=web.... different ingrediants for different people races countries ethnic groups different religions etc they have " lists" agendas ... they use viruses to modify d n a ie viral vectors ... good God please help
Agent131711 has a stack and is also on Bitchute. Yesterday I watched a video on how different outbreaks of pathogens always appeared after an innoculation drive, sometimes for something else and other times for the thing they jabbed for. Whilst they claim to have the genetic code of life, they still can't cure sickle cell or cystic fibrosis so I think trying to separate and find cures or weapons for specific types is a long way off. However, we are already seeing the results of their experiments.
they want us to believe that silence is consent [ satanic kaa baal istic legal jargon ][ no silence always means silence neither consent or non consent..thats why they required us to sigh a consent form for the kowwid wacx. therefore i made in good Gods and image and likeness proclaim that silence when dealing with the baalists or anyone else is always non consent ... they must get my consent directly openly knowingly in my written not coerced consent in triplicate with witnesses of my choosing ... by the law of the God of goodness truth love etc my heavenly Father and me as His prodigal son and heir ... all glory and thanks to our Father His Son and His Holy Spirit....
Do you want to know why MOST DOCTORS are not trying to find the REAL CURE?
1. They all are scared of what you are going to do to them when you find out there was a CURE to almost every disease from DAY 1 including mental and obesity.
2. They will be sued into oblivion.
3. They all will be out of jobs.
4. They can't rob you blind anymore because the treatment only cost each person 30 dollars a month.
But guess what??? ***Agent Midnight Rider*** aint no god damn doctor.....>
#GITMOSURPRISE ...............>https://rumble.com/v4no6gn-the-operation-warp-speed-trap-by-agent-freak-nasty.html
Acceptance that this is a (ELE)
Is hard for most on here to accept ..
dr Anna has in her own words now clearly said … there is no cure
She is gently trying to explain that
The amount of speed in which the nanotech is now self replicating is (faster & greater ) than we can push back with the only 3 weapons we had
Methylene blue
Vitamin c
So it seems soon we will have to leave our body’s when nanotechnology
(sand timer) runs out for us all
For those awake enough to understand we have had many life cycles then there is nothing to fear with our body’s now soon to expire ..
She is correct to say focus on our spiritual connection & basically she is trying to not scare us ! .. by mentioning the word death…
she is very aware that this planets human life cycle
time line is about to terminate and we return to source as we have many times before ..
None of us here now .. would exist anyway 100 years from now so we must remember that this life cycle was always temporary.
Time is irrelevant..
Enjoy & savour how exciting this life cycle has been ..
I am wondering is there is some place to check every 4-6-8 weeks as to the latest on what vitamins, herbs or minerals are thought to help fight what is being done to us by the Mrna, nanos thru the elite, NWO, the bought off medical and precsription cabal?
The information is quite voluminus - and fascinating but sometimes - I just as an 80 yr old need things to be - what we in my office in the 1970s call "horsey - duckey"
get yourself some ClO2. find yourself some videos which show ClO2 making all of these effects disappear quickly leaving only perfectly formed and spaced spherical red blood cells. This person shows no experiments, no mention of some falsifiable hypothesis which she tested and the results of such an experiment. That's not science, it's propaganda.
The cds is good, especially for the serum, but doesn't remove all the gels unfortunately. I doubt any one thing will eliminate the entirety of what is being done to us.
I think there are three main things that are happening to us. We're being made to believe we need certain things which we don't need, like wireless networks on radio frequencies rather than light frequencies and governments. We're being pushed to eat poisons in food and in "medicine". The worst of the three is that we are being made to believe things which are absolutely not true. They themselves have said that this is the most important operation. William Casey said it in 1981.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Proven relief and regeneration. This is not our home. You are either for him or you are against him. Time is running out......the door is closing.
In Spanish they make the distinction
dióxido de clorito
El dióxido de clorito es un compuesto químico que se forma cuando el dióxido de cloro reacciona en el agua. Es importante destacar que el dióxido de clorito es muy reactivo y puede tener efectos perjudiciales en la salud. Al entrar en contacto con el cuerpo, el dióxido de clorito se transforma rápidamente en iones de clorito, los cuales pueden descomponerse en iones de cloruro. Estos iones son utilizados en procesos normales del cuerpo y se eliminan principalmente a través de la orina en cuestión de horas o días[1][2].
[1] Dióxido de cloro y clorito (Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite) | PHS | ATSDRhttps://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/es/phs/es_phs160.html
[2] ToxFAQs™ - Dióxido de cloro y clorito (Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite)https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/es/toxfaqs/es_tfacts160.html
[3] Esto le pasa a tu cuerpo cuando tomas dióxido de cloro - El Financierohttps://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/salud/esto-le-pasa-a-tu-cuerpo-cuando-tomas-dioxido-de-cloro/
[4] Uso de dióxido de cloro para el tratamiento de pacientes con ...https://pesquisa.bvsalud.org/portal/resource/pt/biblio-1119652
[5] Dióxido de cloro -Argentina.gob.arhttps://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/dioxido-de-cloro
start here:http://whale.to/a/mms_instructions.html
but it's ClO2. a molecule with one chlorine and two oxygens. You were perhaps reading without your glasses, or maybe just made a typo. I didn't go back to see if I made a typo. You wrote CIO2, but it's ClO2. CIO2 would be I guess a molecule with one carbon one iodine and two oxygens. I don't know if that can be made or what it would do. Keep the conversation going, I'll happily send you more sources, maybe you'll find interesting stuff I haven't seen. That's the whole point of collaborating. Two researchers is always better than one unless one of them is a banker shill. Looking forward to it, hopefully others will join us.
It's to give the **majority of them something to grip, so they don't cross their fingers ๐ค๐ค in front of you, when they give your diagnosis/therapy, and give the game away, that they likely have no clue as to why/how you got sick, or why the "cure" doesn't work.๐
**obviously not ALL doctors.
Because they (doctors and nurses too) use it often as a tool and it is a convenient place to put it so that you don't have to go and look for it every time you need to use it.
This Land Mass, is run by those who run by Dept. of Homeland Security, ISRAELI,
MOSSAD, who shot me, a severe dyslexic, in back of my 'right-side' head for taking photo's of a microwave Cell Tower!! Myself injured 2014. After what you read below CONFIRMS USA Been COMPLETELY Taken OVER By SATAN Worshippers, beginning in 1871, 1913 (Pres. Wilson a Trader!)
Allowed a fully Purim Gang to steal our wealth. Then in 1933 Pres. Roosevelt, STEALS Americans privately owned Gold to be robbed from them and SET-UP a Mafia like Organization to Rob the the
paychecks of all Americans from 1933 onwards. Just like protection funds.
But In 1994, I Had alerted a (retired) ONI/NSG author of mine of 100% chance, a "Big firecracker" was going to "pop" in next four days!! IT DID, turning out to be USA-#41, 42, 43, 44 Sold Super ICBM plans to Asians, Others!! Turned out these ICBM had a 50% large capacity to carry double the amount of nuke targets!! 15-months later, wife & I, are gang stalked as "TI" types, then I'm shot with smaller DEW rifle in back of heart....as I felt GODLY ANGELS trying to block 'Kill Shot'!!!!!! This ALL can be Confirmed!! As can be even ET Groups connected to SOURCE / GOD, when they shortly after did massive 'Open Heart Surgery' on me at Fairview General Hospital.. Some think it was an actual "heart replacement", many of my Talents were gone... At same day, time a UFO/UAP came up through ground near Hospital, de-Cloaked, too soon (into solid Craft) causing a USPS workers home to "Explode", first they blamed it on gas leak...No way said investigators, others found this eruption came up through ground!! A person I knew for years later "Confirmed the entire incident had been SHUT-OFF" by apparently Federal Officials.. (.REASON was communicated by STAR-SEED Being to me) I Lost my Health, Publishing Firm, and dreams do to Criminal selling of "THEIR NEWEST DEADLIET WEAPON", right off the design tables....
I also warned a large group of people Worldwide in 2018, " if these TOP 2% 'things' get the chance' , they going to kill us ALL!! ANGELS of GOD, had informed me...Khazars, made Vaccine! Got it launched to appear as US did IT!! These are the Children of infamous reptilian group! Me, FRIEND'S with Various ET, Groups. Including Reptilian's... At 74 yrs. old, I'm Tired and Need Help from a NONE KHAZARIAN/Askenazi (last mix of Khazar+Germanic, Polish, Lithuanian's, UKRAINE bloodlines) Never From Holy Lands, EVER!! They not Franks! Russia, Persian (Iran). Gave them chance to reform & 3 times!!! Big BEAR+ PERSIANS jumped on them. So, ever since THEY upset. When BIG BEAR defeat Their Communist BOLSHEVIKS invasion (1917-18) mass murder that last until 1991, THEY use USA, England to fight Them...MOSSoD runs All MSM!! Banks, US Mil., etc. , NOW, Outside Galactic's (Unknown to ALL Our TRADERS!!!) "Coming To AMERICA & Earth Area...) To take OVER 'MANLY Human' , To demonstrate, take off Planet/MATRIX/Hard Hologram, AGENTS of DEATH.....EITHER Our US MIL. FORCES Work with THEM or be FULLY Exposed, AFTER FAKE Military/ Industrial Con-Game IS REVEALED...As our 34th President Dwight D. Eisenhower, bravely tried to WARN U.S. in 1961!!!! My ET Friends Warn: WATCH OUT For DEAD HUMANS, these FAKE Players "CLONED" RETURNING Soon.." EITHER Fight or be destroyed body & SOUL>>> Another FAKE Disease TEST, alone. will kill!!
Yes, it would! Have years of using, plus many IV's of EDTA. IF, you took the 'jab'?? Their REAL plan is to give YOU Another Test at?? Road Blocks?? take 3 min.s, positive jabbed go in Trucks/buses to confinement Camps! Destroy in transit (so read in WARNING B4itsNEWS) Then taken to facility where Same type LASERS used on MAUI, HI will totally burn-up the dead remains.. Me, so "battered", gave-up, this NO godly life...hope these New ET's be Willing or FORCED to SAVE what little Good, Decent, Moral, life remains on/in this Lovely GAIA EARTH!! They Already kill/murdered my heart...
I have not taken this injection and I will never have any for the rest of my life.... but if we are being "shed" on from the vaccinated..... we are all infected with this nano tec.... I have seen the glowing dots on my face with the black light.... but I have also noticed a reduction in them since I do the EDTA orally and Methylene Blue.... so it will be a constant up hill battle
Every time I visit these continuing findings, I always come away with the same questions in my mind. How can we humans be transformed into transhumans by this experimental "technology" if the technology is so damaging to us that it maims or kills us? How does that serve as an efficient transhumanism technology? What is the success curve of this application of this technology? Is there only one Eugenics-selected ethnic group that can survive it or something like that?
Why isn't Congress voting to outlaw this heinous technology? Why won't they stand on the side of the people and preserve lives?
I have heard people say that someone they know who has been vaxed has changed in personality. Are those the successes of this tech application -- people who don't get physically ill and damaged but just "change"?
This situation more and more reminds me of that movie 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'. But instead of some off-planet source of threat, the perpetrators appear to be the very people whose salaries we pay with our everyday living costs or the taxes we give them. What else can be surmised if we keep seeing this wall of force used against those who seek information, ask questions, educate about risks, speak the truth about the scamdemic?
Who will survive the next engineered episode of human die off? It appears it will be due to the famines the perpetrators are literally creating by twisting rules on farmers, restricting resources (fertilizers and even water) on food producers, calling in loans on farmers, using the PCR tests AGAIN to claim animals are sick and must be destroyed, using weather modification as a weapon to flood or harm farmlands, using DEW to incinerate large swaths of food-producing lands and herds?
From the microcosm to the macrocosm, the perpetrators are using EVERY evil killing tool they have devised.
Many thanks for all your work, both in science and in advocating for true public safety and health.
I have photo receptors in my retinas and am being harassed by EMF frequencies EVERY DAY. As I am writing this I am being attacked by EMF and feel like there is electricity running through both of my feet....
I have confirmed that my eyes have this tech with BLACK (or UV) LIGHT. My pupils GLOW under this light.
They can see what I see and hear what I hear, they can even decode MY THOUGHTS! This is not some pie in the sky concepts but PROVEN concepts... Look UP META AI ALLOWS MIND READING A decent Search Engine.
I did not get vaccinated but was exposed through other means...
I have tried chelation and it hasn't worked yet. I found an Australian Patent that outlines exactly what I am experiencing... It's a form a Synthetic Telepathy that has been enabled through Remote Neural Monitoring (NRM).. This requires nano sensors in each synapse in the brain and can effectively relay their on/off state to an AI that then maps the thought pattern to another persons brain allowing them to actually experience and hear your thoughts (even imagery which is another Meta achievement recently).. They are pretending to be exploring "new areas" in this tech but are YEARS ahead of what they are saying... The telepathy patent above is from 2005!
Good girl, to have made these intricate things so clear to us uninformed masses. We have been able to follow your research day by day and now can tell others. THANK YOU!
Liz Porter - Apr 4
Agent’s Substack
How do we get rid of it??? Is ivermectin got a chance against this?
Agent Midnight Rider - Apr 5
Agent’s Substack
Kim - Apr 5 - Edited
I have a question. What ever happened to the microchips that we were seeing at the beginning with Dr. David Nixon and Matt Taylor, as well as Shimon Yanowitz?
I understand about the assembly of the hydrogel filaments by the spheres and nano/microrobots, but how does this fit in with the microchip assembly?
matt. j.a.o.b - Apr 5
matt’s microscopy
Hi Kim,
We are still seeing them but tend to change our focus on to the new oddities that are happening in our meds, foods, water, air , body fluids, blood etc and the effects these are having on us.
As far as the bots and how they fit in?, they are another part of the integrated system you see here. m
Kim - Apr 5
Thank you, Matt, for that answer. That causes me to wonder why we wouldn't also see the chips when looking at the filaments and bots within the blood?
matt. j.a.o.b - Apr 5
matt’s microscopy
Hi Kim,
I have both seen and posted them. They are very small usually but occasionally you do see a mobile phone in the blood too.
Thanks, m
Seeking Truth - Apr 23
Seeking Truth
a mobile phone??? What ?
matt. j.a.o.b - Apr 23
matt’s microscopy
Yep, like this one.
Seeking Truth - Apr 23
Seeking Truth
I must have missed that. Get's crazier & crazier
Gerald Shantz - Apr 12
Dr. Ana, I'm only a lay person who's been watching all this from the beginning, and the most convincing aspect that I saw, was when you were showing the contrast of healthy blood and injured blood. We pretty much know what good blood looks like, and when you showed the effects of someone receiving the poison, and then again after you cleaned the body of the patients, to me that was irrefutable. Exactly what the little robots are doing or their purpose, is less insightful except to see the magellans that they produce.
I guess it was the original evidence of the long "clots" produced by the mortician that got me looking into this topic. I'm suggesting that it might be more convincing to strangers to see the effects of the healthy blood to the sick or dying blood in conjunction with the workings of the little bots. Then after they digest that, they need to read all the literature you've dug up from the scientists and evil minds that have planned all this. That is what makes all your work so irrefutable!
I can't thank you enough for all your hard work. I see now the wisdom in your effort to spread the information so far and wide, that they can't hide it. I just saw an interview on Mike Adams site of an undercover reporter interviewing a high level CIA agent, bragging about how they destroy people they think are making too much "noise". Alex Jones in particular. He was bragging about how they cut him off at the knees with lies and criminal tactics to crush him financially. I've watched so many other doctors either get put in prison or poisoned to death because their discoveries didn't fit their agenda, like Dr. Mikavits or another doctor I can't remember his name, quite recently. They play hard ball and for keeps!
Stay strong, we love you.
alexxxxxxxx - Apr 5
does / has anybody seen written or heard what / how can satan do to us ... in the bible in "job satan has to get permission from the good God to affect job ... and by extension the rest of humanity ,,, satan isnt allowed to mess with our souls he has to get our consent too ,,, i pray but now gm humans arnt made in Good Gods image and likeness any more ... therefore no human rights ... new medi sin es no longer need safety testing for the vaxxed genetically modyfied people ... because ... they dont have human rights ... because they are no longer considered humans because... they are no longer made exclusivally by God made in Gods image and likeness ,,, but are genetically modyfied [ changed ] with mrna vaxxes .... please good God help the demon possesed pshycopathic world leaders and their knowing and not knowing supporters return to goodness and truth ...https://thereisnopandemic.net/2022/02/26/legal-impact-of-mrna-vaccines-chile-enacts-anti-discrimination-against-mutants-law-24-february-2022/LegalizedFDA non-regulation of biological products effective May 2, 2019, by Federal Register Final Rule, signed by then-FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb.
Markker - Apr 5
To muddy the waters further, many independant scientists from around the world have examined lots of different vials of most brands of C19 injections. None had the biological components of mRNA whatsoever! The contained many elements that were not disclosed but are used in production of quantum dots. Graphene oxide also found. When you look at the attempts/stage 3 trials of mRNA for cancer patients, for example, the cost per dose is over $1m so think about that and the claims of this technology in the so called vaccines. As there was no pandemic, no new virus, the concept of the body receiving mRNA instructions to make the illusive spike protein is a lie but was the way they got everyone to roll up their sleeves to inject this stuff. Covid ID Project substack is an excellent diary of events following the planning of this human assault.
alexxxxxxxx - Apr 5
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=+marburg+viral+vector+gene+therapy&t=ffab&atb=v223-1&ia=web.... different ingrediants for different people races countries ethnic groups different religions etc they have " lists" agendas ... they use viruses to modify d n a ie viral vectors ... good God please help
Markker - Apr 5
Agent131711 has a stack and is also on Bitchute. Yesterday I watched a video on how different outbreaks of pathogens always appeared after an innoculation drive, sometimes for something else and other times for the thing they jabbed for. Whilst they claim to have the genetic code of life, they still can't cure sickle cell or cystic fibrosis so I think trying to separate and find cures or weapons for specific types is a long way off. However, we are already seeing the results of their experiments.
alexxxxxxxx - Apr 5
most modern diseases are caused by pesticides and other 20th century chemicals in food water air and medicines,,, and pathogens are blamed....https://duckduckgo.com/?q=sewerage+divers+india&t=ffab&atb=v223-1&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images....
Markker - Apr 5
Yikes! Some very desperate people doing those jobs!
Sarah - Apr 5
We give our consent by not taking action to assert our soverign rights as children of God.
alexxxxxxxx - Apr 6
they want us to believe that silence is consent [ satanic kaa baal istic legal jargon ][ no silence always means silence neither consent or non consent..thats why they required us to sigh a consent form for the kowwid wacx. therefore i made in good Gods and image and likeness proclaim that silence when dealing with the baalists or anyone else is always non consent ... they must get my consent directly openly knowingly in my written not coerced consent in triplicate with witnesses of my choosing ... by the law of the God of goodness truth love etc my heavenly Father and me as His prodigal son and heir ... all glory and thanks to our Father His Son and His Holy Spirit....
Susannah - Apr 23
Agent Midnight Rider - Apr 5 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Do you want to know why MOST DOCTORS are not trying to find the REAL CURE?
1. They all are scared of what you are going to do to them when you find out there was a CURE to almost every disease from DAY 1 including mental and obesity.
2. They will be sued into oblivion.
3. They all will be out of jobs.
4. They can't rob you blind anymore because the treatment only cost each person 30 dollars a month.
But guess what??? ***Agent Midnight Rider*** aint no god damn doctor.....>
#GITMOSURPRISE ...............>https://rumble.com/v4no6gn-the-operation-warp-speed-trap-by-agent-freak-nasty.html
John Vargo - Apr 5 - Edited
John Vargo
Hahahaha,tanks for that,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGtAwuHk7nA
Agent Midnight Rider - Apr 5 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Copy 5 x 5 The voices are shrieking in my head!!! They say Love Lace who is this fool???...bahahahahah
John Vargo - Apr 5
John Vargo
Haha,may the floggings continue until morale improves.
j d - Apr 6
Acceptance that this is a (ELE)
Is hard for most on here to accept ..
dr Anna has in her own words now clearly said … there is no cure
She is gently trying to explain that
The amount of speed in which the nanotech is now self replicating is (faster & greater ) than we can push back with the only 3 weapons we had
Methylene blue
Vitamin c
So it seems soon we will have to leave our body’s when nanotechnology
(sand timer) runs out for us all
For those awake enough to understand we have had many life cycles then there is nothing to fear with our body’s now soon to expire ..
She is correct to say focus on our spiritual connection & basically she is trying to not scare us ! .. by mentioning the word death…
she is very aware that this planets human life cycle
time line is about to terminate and we return to source as we have many times before ..
None of us here now .. would exist anyway 100 years from now so we must remember that this life cycle was always temporary.
Time is irrelevant..
Enjoy & savour how exciting this life cycle has been ..
Splish_Splash - Apr 5
macDuff’s Substack
I am wondering is there is some place to check every 4-6-8 weeks as to the latest on what vitamins, herbs or minerals are thought to help fight what is being done to us by the Mrna, nanos thru the elite, NWO, the bought off medical and precsription cabal?
The information is quite voluminus - and fascinating but sometimes - I just as an 80 yr old need things to be - what we in my office in the 1970s call "horsey - duckey"
macDuff - Apr 5
macDuff’s Substack
get yourself some ClO2. find yourself some videos which show ClO2 making all of these effects disappear quickly leaving only perfectly formed and spaced spherical red blood cells. This person shows no experiments, no mention of some falsifiable hypothesis which she tested and the results of such an experiment. That's not science, it's propaganda.
matt. j.a.o.b - Apr 5
matt’s microscopy
The cds is good, especially for the serum, but doesn't remove all the gels unfortunately. I doubt any one thing will eliminate the entirety of what is being done to us.
macDuff - Apr 5
macDuff’s Substack
I think there are three main things that are happening to us. We're being made to believe we need certain things which we don't need, like wireless networks on radio frequencies rather than light frequencies and governments. We're being pushed to eat poisons in food and in "medicine". The worst of the three is that we are being made to believe things which are absolutely not true. They themselves have said that this is the most important operation. William Casey said it in 1981.
Georgia Lynn Justice - Apr 23
Solutions for the Targeted Comm…
Whats cds
PaulieG - Jun 6
Chlorine Dioxide Solution. Look up 'The Universal Antidote'
Susannah - Apr 23
Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Proven relief and regeneration. This is not our home. You are either for him or you are against him. Time is running out......the door is closing.
John Vargo - Apr 5
John Vargo
We have to eliminate it,it's a great challenge for sure.https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3698-solar-synthesis
macDuff - Apr 5
macDuff’s Substack
please give me enuff info on the "gels" to permit me to look up what you're referring to?
Georgia Lynn Justice - Apr 23
Solutions for the Targeted Comm…
Whats c102
MXTM (a.k.a.: vjtsu) - Apr 6
MXTM’s Newsletter
CLO2- i might add.
macDuff - Apr 6
macDuff’s Substack
why? for you there's a difference between ClO2 and CLO2?
MXTM (a.k.a.: vjtsu) - Apr 6
MXTM’s Newsletter
Lowercase typo. In fact it's CLO2- not chlorine dioxide but chlorine dioxite which they're 2 negative electrons makes all the difference.
macDuff - Apr 6
macDuff’s Substack
you seem to be in a class by yourself. Nobody else on any search engine I know of is aware of the existence of a substance called "chlorine dioxite".
MXTM (a.k.a.: vjtsu) - Apr 6
MXTM’s Newsletter
In Spanish they make the distinction
dióxido de clorito
El dióxido de clorito es un compuesto químico que se forma cuando el dióxido de cloro reacciona en el agua. Es importante destacar que el dióxido de clorito es muy reactivo y puede tener efectos perjudiciales en la salud. Al entrar en contacto con el cuerpo, el dióxido de clorito se transforma rápidamente en iones de clorito, los cuales pueden descomponerse en iones de cloruro. Estos iones son utilizados en procesos normales del cuerpo y se eliminan principalmente a través de la orina en cuestión de horas o días[1][2].
[1] Dióxido de cloro y clorito (Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite) | PHS | ATSDRhttps://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/es/phs/es_phs160.html
[2] ToxFAQs™ - Dióxido de cloro y clorito (Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite)https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/es/toxfaqs/es_tfacts160.html
[3] Esto le pasa a tu cuerpo cuando tomas dióxido de cloro - El Financierohttps://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/salud/esto-le-pasa-a-tu-cuerpo-cuando-tomas-dioxido-de-cloro/
[4] Uso de dióxido de cloro para el tratamiento de pacientes con ...https://pesquisa.bvsalud.org/portal/resource/pt/biblio-1119652
[5] Dióxido de cloro -Argentina.gob.arhttps://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/dioxido-de-cloro
NolaD - Apr 5
macDuff’s Substack
What is CIO2?
macDuff - Apr 5
macDuff’s Substack
start here:http://whale.to/a/mms_instructions.html
but it's ClO2. a molecule with one chlorine and two oxygens. You were perhaps reading without your glasses, or maybe just made a typo. I didn't go back to see if I made a typo. You wrote CIO2, but it's ClO2. CIO2 would be I guess a molecule with one carbon one iodine and two oxygens. I don't know if that can be made or what it would do. Keep the conversation going, I'll happily send you more sources, maybe you'll find interesting stuff I haven't seen. That's the whole point of collaborating. Two researchers is always better than one unless one of them is a banker shill. Looking forward to it, hopefully others will join us.
Bard Joseph - Apr 5
Joseph’s Substack
Why do doctors always have a stethoscope around their neck.
The BarefootHealer - Apr 5
It's to give the **majority of them something to grip, so they don't cross their fingers ๐ค๐ค in front of you, when they give your diagnosis/therapy, and give the game away, that they likely have no clue as to why/how you got sick, or why the "cure" doesn't work.๐
**obviously not ALL doctors.
Kim - Apr 5
Because they (doctors and nurses too) use it often as a tool and it is a convenient place to put it so that you don't have to go and look for it every time you need to use it.
John Staub - Apr 23 - Edited
Alpha Publications
This Land Mass, is run by those who run by Dept. of Homeland Security, ISRAELI,
MOSSAD, who shot me, a severe dyslexic, in back of my 'right-side' head for taking photo's of a microwave Cell Tower!! Myself injured 2014. After what you read below CONFIRMS USA Been COMPLETELY Taken OVER By SATAN Worshippers, beginning in 1871, 1913 (Pres. Wilson a Trader!)
Allowed a fully Purim Gang to steal our wealth. Then in 1933 Pres. Roosevelt, STEALS Americans privately owned Gold to be robbed from them and SET-UP a Mafia like Organization to Rob the the
paychecks of all Americans from 1933 onwards. Just like protection funds.
But In 1994, I Had alerted a (retired) ONI/NSG author of mine of 100% chance, a "Big firecracker" was going to "pop" in next four days!! IT DID, turning out to be USA-#41, 42, 43, 44 Sold Super ICBM plans to Asians, Others!! Turned out these ICBM had a 50% large capacity to carry double the amount of nuke targets!! 15-months later, wife & I, are gang stalked as "TI" types, then I'm shot with smaller DEW rifle in back of heart....as I felt GODLY ANGELS trying to block 'Kill Shot'!!!!!! This ALL can be Confirmed!! As can be even ET Groups connected to SOURCE / GOD, when they shortly after did massive 'Open Heart Surgery' on me at Fairview General Hospital.. Some think it was an actual "heart replacement", many of my Talents were gone... At same day, time a UFO/UAP came up through ground near Hospital, de-Cloaked, too soon (into solid Craft) causing a USPS workers home to "Explode", first they blamed it on gas leak...No way said investigators, others found this eruption came up through ground!! A person I knew for years later "Confirmed the entire incident had been SHUT-OFF" by apparently Federal Officials.. (.REASON was communicated by STAR-SEED Being to me) I Lost my Health, Publishing Firm, and dreams do to Criminal selling of "THEIR NEWEST DEADLIET WEAPON", right off the design tables....
I also warned a large group of people Worldwide in 2018, " if these TOP 2% 'things' get the chance' , they going to kill us ALL!! ANGELS of GOD, had informed me...Khazars, made Vaccine! Got it launched to appear as US did IT!! These are the Children of infamous reptilian group! Me, FRIEND'S with Various ET, Groups. Including Reptilian's... At 74 yrs. old, I'm Tired and Need Help from a NONE KHAZARIAN/Askenazi (last mix of Khazar+Germanic, Polish, Lithuanian's, UKRAINE bloodlines) Never From Holy Lands, EVER!! They not Franks! Russia, Persian (Iran). Gave them chance to reform & 3 times!!! Big BEAR+ PERSIANS jumped on them. So, ever since THEY upset. When BIG BEAR defeat Their Communist BOLSHEVIKS invasion (1917-18) mass murder that last until 1991, THEY use USA, England to fight Them...MOSSoD runs All MSM!! Banks, US Mil., etc. , NOW, Outside Galactic's (Unknown to ALL Our TRADERS!!!) "Coming To AMERICA & Earth Area...) To take OVER 'MANLY Human' , To demonstrate, take off Planet/MATRIX/Hard Hologram, AGENTS of DEATH.....EITHER Our US MIL. FORCES Work with THEM or be FULLY Exposed, AFTER FAKE Military/ Industrial Con-Game IS REVEALED...As our 34th President Dwight D. Eisenhower, bravely tried to WARN U.S. in 1961!!!! My ET Friends Warn: WATCH OUT For DEAD HUMANS, these FAKE Players "CLONED" RETURNING Soon.." EITHER Fight or be destroyed body & SOUL>>> Another FAKE Disease TEST, alone. will kill!!
FionMor - Apr 17
so this would help with vaxxed and unvaxxed?
FionMor - Apr 17
isn't EDTA ziolite?
FionMor - Apr 17
Alpha Publications
I wonder if chelation with EDTA would help get this crap out of us/
John Staub - Jun 20
Alpha Publications
Yes, it would! Have years of using, plus many IV's of EDTA. IF, you took the 'jab'?? Their REAL plan is to give YOU Another Test at?? Road Blocks?? take 3 min.s, positive jabbed go in Trucks/buses to confinement Camps! Destroy in transit (so read in WARNING B4itsNEWS) Then taken to facility where Same type LASERS used on MAUI, HI will totally burn-up the dead remains.. Me, so "battered", gave-up, this NO godly life...hope these New ET's be Willing or FORCED to SAVE what little Good, Decent, Moral, life remains on/in this Lovely GAIA EARTH!! They Already kill/murdered my heart...
FionMor - Jun 29
I have not taken this injection and I will never have any for the rest of my life.... but if we are being "shed" on from the vaccinated..... we are all infected with this nano tec.... I have seen the glowing dots on my face with the black light.... but I have also noticed a reduction in them since I do the EDTA orally and Methylene Blue.... so it will be a constant up hill battle
nickij - Apr 5 - Edited
Every time I visit these continuing findings, I always come away with the same questions in my mind. How can we humans be transformed into transhumans by this experimental "technology" if the technology is so damaging to us that it maims or kills us? How does that serve as an efficient transhumanism technology? What is the success curve of this application of this technology? Is there only one Eugenics-selected ethnic group that can survive it or something like that?
Why isn't Congress voting to outlaw this heinous technology? Why won't they stand on the side of the people and preserve lives?
I have heard people say that someone they know who has been vaxed has changed in personality. Are those the successes of this tech application -- people who don't get physically ill and damaged but just "change"?
This situation more and more reminds me of that movie 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'. But instead of some off-planet source of threat, the perpetrators appear to be the very people whose salaries we pay with our everyday living costs or the taxes we give them. What else can be surmised if we keep seeing this wall of force used against those who seek information, ask questions, educate about risks, speak the truth about the scamdemic?
Who will survive the next engineered episode of human die off? It appears it will be due to the famines the perpetrators are literally creating by twisting rules on farmers, restricting resources (fertilizers and even water) on food producers, calling in loans on farmers, using the PCR tests AGAIN to claim animals are sick and must be destroyed, using weather modification as a weapon to flood or harm farmlands, using DEW to incinerate large swaths of food-producing lands and herds?
From the microcosm to the macrocosm, the perpetrators are using EVERY evil killing tool they have devised.
Many thanks for all your work, both in science and in advocating for true public safety and health.
Gecko Pico - Jul 15 - Edited
Gecko Pico's Special Brew
I have photo receptors in my retinas and am being harassed by EMF frequencies EVERY DAY. As I am writing this I am being attacked by EMF and feel like there is electricity running through both of my feet....
I have confirmed that my eyes have this tech with BLACK (or UV) LIGHT. My pupils GLOW under this light.
They can see what I see and hear what I hear, they can even decode MY THOUGHTS! This is not some pie in the sky concepts but PROVEN concepts... Look UP META AI ALLOWS MIND READING A decent Search Engine.
I did not get vaccinated but was exposed through other means...
I have tried chelation and it hasn't worked yet. I found an Australian Patent that outlines exactly what I am experiencing... It's a form a Synthetic Telepathy that has been enabled through Remote Neural Monitoring (NRM).. This requires nano sensors in each synapse in the brain and can effectively relay their on/off state to an AI that then maps the thought pattern to another persons brain allowing them to actually experience and hear your thoughts (even imagery which is another Meta achievement recently).. They are pretending to be exploring "new areas" in this tech but are YEARS ahead of what they are saying... The telepathy patent above is from 2005!
Anita Söderman - Apr 26
Anita’s Substack
Good girl, to have made these intricate things so clear to us uninformed masses. We have been able to follow your research day by day and now can tell others. THANK YOU!
alexxxxxxxx - Apr 25
https://www.bitchute.com/video/Kg1i2tQ569VI/us supreme court ruled the wwaxxwd not human ,no human rights
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