Are The Hydrogel Filaments That Come Out of…

Feb 1

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A Military-Funded Biosensor Could Be the Future of Pandemic Detection


ICN News - Feb 1

International Citizen Network

YES! for those who know it, they know it since 10 years, at least, first darpa patent of optogenetics and covid-19... bio weapon and autonomous self control of bodies via sensors an neural network


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 1 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Fitness trackers also destroy melatonin and spike blood sugar - variables they only track, and don't help improve:


EK MtnTime - Feb 1 - Edited

EK MtnTime

Anything with the word “Tracker” in the title or anything that can track you should be treated as a small, unstable, nuclear bomb!


Bos Zem - Feb 1

International Citizen Network

This will not end well for humanity!!


ICN News - Feb 1

International Citizen Network

no, unless we arrest the psychopaths and payers asap.


Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Feb 1

The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter

How it ends is up to every single one of us, in solidarity together. We The People.
It is a game. We are in a hologram. Play the game well!


EHFoundation - Feb 1

EHFoundation’s Substack

Looked at mine! COMING OUT OF ME for years Covered Up by all Involved Try to get medication to help yourself that patients have to pay for themselves Attacks Threats Harrasment Persecution On-going Crimes Against Humanity ALL Levels EVIL so call Healthcare Companie$ in bed with Big Pharma need to be put out of busine$$


Tboxtango - Feb 1

Tboxtango’s Newsletter



the LastManStanding - Feb 1

Rusyn’s Substack

Yet another excellent example of what I've previously referred to as the 'limited hangout' role of this stack. Indeed, the best yet! Why, for instance, the focus upon a clunky, already 'legacy' application of bio-sensor tech as used by the DARPA[read: military]element of the PEEP STATE ...
when the live action modeling which has already been employed in the PHASE ONE kovid kaper via clathrin self-assembling nano-particle tech - as created for and used by IARPA[read- intelligence agencies side]is fully capable of doing all the described 'sensoring' and much more???? Cui bono?
Part of the substack scammarama is to pose the dialectical deceit of DID THE USA MILITARY do it... vs DID THE CCP DO IT> example of illusory false 'choice' similar to choosing PEEP STATE PUPPETS FOR POTUS etc.,
here we are invited to continue focusing on the fluorescent lanthanides rather than the luciferase bio-luminescent components which are the actual item of interest. Proposing that 'injected body sensors' is some kind of cutting edge tech, when 'non-invasive methods' have rendered them trash discarded along the sides of the information highway is like wagering one's life savings on a bet that Wiley E Coyote is gonna blow up ROAD RUNNER with his latest package sent by ACME SURPLUS.


Alli - Feb 1

Alli’s Substack

100% gatekeeping 101. Valid info, but the juicy parts left out, keeping people focused on what sort of matters, but diverting from the rest. This isn’t the holy grail of exposure, not gonna find it on Substack


the LastManStanding - Feb 2

Rusyn’s Substack

Thanks, that was inspiring, insofar as causing me to realize the need to expand the search for signs of sentience beyond my usual grazing patch. As a result of looking in at one of your recommended sites, I ended up on the wikipedia page of one Steve Sailor… hoping to find out what constitutes a ‘paleo-conservative’ … and then further entry into bizarre, unknown demi-mondes opened!
As an outsider, looking in on the dystopia that is the wester world it’s hard to get such prompts in the direction of further insight. Most everyone being entirely absorbed in their own frenetic search for a ‘safe' space’ from which to view the outside anxiously - whilst awaiting their chosen messiah.
While I suspect there is no ‘holy grail’ whatsoever, in regards to real information about the pending extinction event (although C J Bjerknes certainly provides useful compendia)tis useful indeed to have access to further ‘warrens’ in the great rabbit hole!


Thomas Lewis - Feb 1

Useless Liberal

My favorite parts of Covid:
No one likes to blame a victim(s).
But sometimes you have to.
Experimental Injections
… is one of those times.


M Henry - Feb 1

M Henry

They are hopeful Dr Ana . Their next move is to cook up a new Plannedemic to monitor.


Kim - Feb 1


THEY may be hopeful but I think most everyone else is on to them and won't go near anything they may try and impose on us. I think that they really have over-played their hand with the whole Covid scam. People are no longer naïve like we were before.
Unfortunately, what they can't get with deception, they will try and take with force.


Bee Gee - Feb 1

Bee Gee

Back in June of 2021, when we first discovered we were magnetic, I was doing all kinds of tests. I found that if I took strong magnets from old hard drives and positioned them strategically around a glass of my urine, something in it would forms these weird spiral shapes. They were seemed to be permanently stable unless I moved the magnets or the glass.
And the particulate or whatever it was glowed kind of orange and pink under a forensic blacklight rather than the normal yellowish green color of urine under blacklight.
We are no longer magnetic and my urine no longer does the magnetic spirals or has pink or orange particulate in it.
I had thought at the time it might be a possible easy test for the magnetism in people but I never went any further with it and never tried to confirm it with anyones elses urine who was magnetic, including my wifes. Might be worthy of further research though.
For someone else I mean, Im focused on solutions, not tests... and I already know its real. Always more to learn though.


Publicus - Feb 1

Publicus’s Substack

Have you looked at EKG leads and the magnetic impact of pulling toxins to the leads? I would love to chat with you if interested


jsinton - Feb 1


Yeah, I bet that would work pretty good. Let me guess: Hard brown goo, looks like old rust, no? I'm wearing strong static magnets taped to my skin. I can feel it pulling the particles out of my head, believe it or not. Everyday, I scrape off the brown goo coming out of my skin, huge chunks forming on the magnet.


Nunya - Feb 4


I envision a person gets yanked out of society and eliminated when the sensor lights up 😦😲🙄


NOLAArtist - Feb 4


Does anyone know somewhere I can sent these samples to be analyzed??


NOLAArtist - Feb 4 - Edited


I have been finding super bright fluorescent red, teal, and green fibers with my black light flash light for 2 years now. I found them primarily inside- not outside in my yard. I found them in every house I checked.These are pretty much invisible in normal light and are a translucent white. They can only be seen with the naked eye using a black light.
We recently had a foot of snow in the Deep South. I looked at samples with my microscope under a black light- and samples from Mississippi and Louisiana were all the same. I found tiny dots of fluorescent red and teal specs. No green though. I’ve never found these in wooded areas away from people traffic- I took snow samples in the woods- same findings.
I saved all samples.
The next week I started finding bright fluorescent fibers outside and my friends let me check their hair- we all had black light visible red, teal, and an occasional green - tiny string like fibers in our hair and clothes!!!!
What is this crap? Bio sensors? Where can I send my samples for testing?!?!?


John - Feb 4


The podcast has much more info. But if you want I can write it here. The product is food grade hydrogen Peroxide. When you feel sickness coming on you mix 4 drops of food grade hydrogen Peroxide with 8 drops distilled water and squirt 2 drops in each nostril and it kills anything viral or bacterial instanly. In 8 years haven't been sick once. Here's the


NOLAArtist - Feb 4


What% of peroxide


John - Feb 4


I use the 35% because I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and used the food grade hydrogen Peroxide yo cure it. It took 30 days and was cancer free! However before that I was using the 17% to ward off sickness. So depends what you will be usingit for


NOLAArtist - Feb 10


Would you please share your protocol for use in continued well being and cancer treatment. I just bought 6% food grade peroxide off amazon. The internet, from my own searches, shows basic uses for 3% and the only applications for 6% is cleaning and tooth whitening 🙄


John - Feb 10


This is the detox and Chelation therapy forgot yo add glutathione so add once daily. Everyone must detox and Chelate. The cancer treatment and cure is 35% food grade hydrogen Peroxide or fghp. Start with 5 drops fghp with 15 drops distilled water drink after meal. Day 2 6 drops fghp with 24 drops water everyday add another drop of fghp with triple drops distilled water. When you reach 20 drops-60 water the cancer cells die
With my prostate cancer I was tested at 18 drops day and cancer was gone! I was taking one ivermectin and one Fenbendazole daily also and I detox and chelate everyday.


Lenmor1776 - Feb 2


Not only are humans being affected by these filaments our animals, pets are being affected by them as well. The vets have been injecting this into our pets for the last several years.


joe stuerzl 85 - Feb 1 - Edited

joe’s Substack

Since shedding will infect us ,even if we are not vaccinated ,how do the perpetrators escape the same fate as us ? Everyone no matter how careful we are not to get close to someone who is shedding will be shedd on .No one can live all their life not getting close to a shedder .


Miss Parker - Feb 2 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

Great question. They either have antidotes or don't care about themselves and children.


joe stuerzl 85 - Feb 2 - Edited

joe’s Substack

My thinking goes like ,if they can make a product that kills ,without the majority of the population noticing ,they can make a medicine that protects them . I believe both items where invented at the same time .


Miss Parker - Feb 2 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

Makes sense, but in their world sense is turned on its head! Perhaps they all want to be elite augmented cyborgs and are willing to take the chance that they are nano-AI tolerant.
Anyway, can you see a scenario in which many of the genocidal abettors haven't been given the ultimate saving formula, because they didn't make the list, so that the super-entitled creeps can save the therapeutics and stolen assets and resources for themselves?
They eat their own, yes?



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