Answers To Some Questions and A Historical Perspective - A Personal Note To My Subscribers

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 10, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image Courtesy: ALEXANDER IVANOVITCH SAUERWEID (1783-1844) Russian Army, Tartar Uhlan, about 1816

Dear Subscribers,

I wanted to send you a note of gratitude for all of your support and explain a little bit about me - so you have an understanding of my situation, in regards to your inquiries and questions. I have over 22.000 subscribers now, and I appreciate very much that so many people take interest in my writing and research. Thank you kindly to all my paid subscribers for your generosity.

I am still, by the grace and protection of God, practicing medicine. I run my own business and have a busy practice. Monday through Thursday of my week is dedicated to my patients, and there is not much time for anything else. Friday through Sunday, I do my research, write my substack and give interviews as I can.

Needless to say, I am not able to respond to many inquiries. People send me messages from everywhere. Asking for help, clarifications, commenting, and often there are requests of practitioners to have meetings with them about their questions, helping to build their practices, how to do Chelation etc. It is not that I do not want to help, I simply can’t. I do as much as I can, but do not have the time and energy to respond to so many inquiries or meeting requests.

I would like to answer some commonly asked questions:

A. Treatment Background

  1. People often ask for clarification on my treatment protocols -

    please refer to my historical interviews and Substack posts. You will find extensive documentation about my findings, approaches, case studies and reports. If I have new findings, I update and share them here.

  2. I am not a Chelation teacher and cannot help you with protocols. This requires training, and I do not recommend getting treatment from untrained professionals, because there can be complications and adequate mineral substitutions and renal adjustments need to be considered. I was certified via the American College of the Advancement of Medicine as a Chelation Practitioner. Here is the link to their course: ACAM - National Chelation Certification

  3. I do not negate any other vax injury protocols given by other experienced clinicians, I advocated for expansion of them - to include metals and nanotechnology detoxification. People often ask me about Chlorine Dioxide. I know Dr. Andreas Kalcker, am very supportive of his work and of Comusav. I know CDS resolves the Rouleaux and has helped hundreds of thousands of people. I have not seen it dissolve the Hydrogel/ Graphene Ribbon Structures, but that research may have evolved. I use and recommend EDTA and my other treatments because in my personal experience as a clinician, it works - and you must get the metals out. I recommend people do their own research and make their own health choices.

  4. I cannot teach you about Darkfield Live Blood Microscopy. People ask me about microscopes and training for Live Blood Analysis all the time. Mine is top of the line Neogenesis Microscope and I recommend their online Live Blood course with Dr. Okker Botha from South Africa. ( Note: I have no financial or other ties to them, I am just answering questions)

  5. People still ask me about snake venom and Nicotine. First, there is not just one answer to this warfare. 5G, possible mRNA, DNA, unknown proteins, LNP’s/ Hydrogel, different carcinogens, CRISPR, toxic metals, Nanotech and more need to be considered. Nobody really knows what is in the vials. I have personally evaluated many people who were on Nicotine and saw no benefit. They were contaminated with Hydrogel/Graphene and had extensive Rouleaux formation, many had elevated D-Dimers. I have seen blood clots, deep vein thrombosis and strokes in those using Nicotine in different forms. In my clinical experience, I have not seen protection from shedding or “Covid”. I believe in freedom of choice for your health and encourage everyone to make decisions as you see fit. I base my recommendations not on scientific literature, but on verifying the recommendations of the literature in my own clinical experience. If something does not clinically work or I have more effective and safer solutions available, I do not recommend or use it.

Responses about my viewpoints about the Health Freedom Movement

My own understanding of the current situation is that it is intentionally very complex. This is a military operation, that includes many weapon systems and extensive psychological, spiritual and information warfare. Anyone who stands up for freedom and fights for humanity, in whatever understanding they have, has my respect and profound gratitude. There is not just one truth out there. I do not know one single human being, who understands the whole picture on a global scale in all of its complexity. Everyone clearly is evolving in understanding as more and more information is available. I do not proclaim that I have all the answers. I have consistently said that the technology and synthetic biology deployed here is at least decades ahead of many peoples scientific understanding. We are studying unknown territory.

I may not agree with some people’s scientific viewpoint, but I do agree that humanity is under siege. I do not see fellow scientists or doctors fighting for freedom as adversaries. In my mind, there is one common enemy, the Satanic Transhumanist Deep State Cabal that wants to exterminate most of humanity. Everyone who is not that, regardless of their viewpoints, virus - no virus, nanotech - no nanotech, vaxxed - unvaxxed, religious - spiritual, and whatever else you want to add to that list, is the army I am fighting for and in. In other words, humanity at large - minus the pedophile satanic tyrants running the world. Many have contributed to this genocide, including fellow physicians. It is my certainty, that all will face the consequences of their actions one day.

A historical perspective for those who feel this is hopeless

I have often been weary and overwhelmed by the magnitude of what I am researching and witnessing. I love what I do, and I love the people I care for. Seeing the changes in the blood, including my own, has been very difficult to process in its potential meaning. I understand people’s concern and struggles, because I had to fight for my own life, having almost died twice last year. I was told I had a target on my back for speaking out - and mysteriously two weeks later, had the worst case of “Covid” poisoning and the worst neurological sequelae I had seen to date, which I barely survived. It left me with neuropathy in both arms and legs, and I had to regain my strength to walk and be able to work. If I am not awakened with severe pain in my legs at night, its a very good day. I know about neuro weapons, because I experienced them. Everything I recommend to help my patients, I use myself, and it has kept me remarkably functional. I am constantly, as much as I can, exploring new possibilities of treatments. When at the end of the week I am extremely fatigued, I WILL myself to go on. It is that will, that I recommend and wish for all of my patients and all of those suffering, because it is greater than your pain and adversity. The human mind has tremendous power - and it affects the wellbeing of the body without any doubt.

When I get sad, I sometimes go home after a long day at the office and cry. These tears are not for me, but for the world and what is yet to come - based on what I see in people. Close observation is a great barometer. Darkfield Live Blood microscopy has been one of the most valuable diagnostic tools of my career, for I can see what nobody even suspects. I see the extent of DECEPTION in main stream medicine under the microscope. I do not see the ability to have compassion for my fellow man as weakness, but contemplate it as a valuable gift of my humanity. It is evident to me that those who want to depopulate the earth lack conscience, love, empathy, and compassion. I believe that to feel the pains of another comes from our soul and is a sign that our soul is still intact. That is a wonderful and blessed thing in these wicked end times.

When the magnitude of the meaning for humanity of what I am witnessing is sinking in, I think about my family roots. My mom and dad were from Romania. My mom was born shortly after WW2. Her mom was a nurse at the front who fell in love with a Tartar General from Georgia, Russia, a fierce warrior. My grandmother became pregnant out of wedlock. She died when my mom was two years old from tuberculosis. My mom grew up as an orphan, nearly starving to death. Despite this, she put herself through school via her superior academic performance and then through medical school, from which she graduated at the top of her class. She was a rebel, and constantly got in trouble with the communist party. She and my dad fled from the communist regime in 1972 at the Munich Olympic Games. My dad was in the National Volleyball team, a former European Champion. They had to leave my brother behind and bought him free one year later.

My uncle was a General in the Romanian military and my aunt worked for the American Ambassador. They had to endure great hardship, because my parents defected. They and we were under constant surveillance. All phone calls to our Romanian relatives were monitored. We could not even travel to East Germany, at the risk of being apprehended. My uncle, after decades of hardship from the Dictator Ceausescu, was part of the overthrow of the regime and the execution team for the dictator. I watched the video of that execution many times years ago. DECADES of suppression overturned by the people.

After the Berlin wall fell, and the Romanian Revolution had happened, I travelled for the first time as a young medical student to Romania. This left a deep impression on me and some of these scenes come back to me now. In Bucharest, I went one morning to buy bread at the factory. Compared to the Romanians, I as a Westerner was very wealthy. I had money, and yet I stood for 2.5 hours in line at the bread factory, only to be told that the bread was sold out. I would go to the stores and the shelves were empty. My money was of no use.

I remember when I arrived back in Germany and for the first time walked into one of the lavish bread bakeries that had dozens and dozens of different breads and pastries. I started uncontrollably crying. I understood the value of ONE LOAF OF BREAD in a moment.

Those of us that really have had everything, do not have a concept of decades of hardship, deprivation, political communist propaganda, spying on your neighbors, having the Securitate ( the Romanian KGB, CIA or FBI) knock on your door in the middle of the night and being taken in for interrogation. My family in Romania were cultured well rounded intellectuals. The effects of the constant police state, Securitate, the hunger, the lack, the worry, transformed them into ghosts of who they once were. I have watched the transformation of America - and my family history haunts me - because the picture looks eerily similar.

I often contemplate ENDURANCE and WILL. The long-term ability to cope and thrive in hardship and adversity. The more I am challenged in my own life now, the more my mom grows larger than life in my eyes. Imperfect, scarred and yet a wise woman, who had the strength for 35 years to serve people as a brilliant physician and still raise me and my brother. My life is still easy compared to what she endured.

When people email me in despair - hopeless and scared - I would say that humans can be way tougher then they know about themselves. Sometimes, you have to forget about your hardship and simply DO. Take action, keep fighting, for your health, your family, your future. Grow your own food, get out of the cities, get away from EMF exposure as much as you can. Fight for the survival of your planet, as it is being systematically poisoned. Get involved, overcome your lethargy. Make your life meaningful by considering not just yourself, but your communities and the world at large. Choose your battles, allow those who do not want to heed your warnings and respect their choice.

The changes continue to be upon us. I think of my uncle, the General. It took 23 years to overthrow the dictator and see his execution. But he did see it. Now that is endurance.

I just wanted to answer these questions and share this hopefully encouraging historical perspective. Never give up, never loose hope. Do not fight your fellow brother, keep your mind on defeating unfathomable evil that wants to exterminate humanity.

I send my greetings and love to all of you…I wanted to send you this personal message - thank you for all of your notes, research, letters, emails. Forgive me for not responding. I hope you understand now.


Dr. Ana

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(Comrade) Inugo - Mar 10, 2023

The New Normal

Godspeed, human.
Thank you.

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barbara ford - Mar 10, 2023

Oh my dear Dr Ana, please be encouraged and find joy knowing you have made a difference for the good. Your mother would beam with pride and your uncle would salute you. Rest easy. Thank you.

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