Another Confirmation Of Self Assembly…

Aug 9, 2024

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In this important study, Dr Young Mi Lee with Dr Daniel Broudy describes her culture findings of Pfizer and Moderna Bioweapons.


Bee Gee - Aug 9 - Edited

Bee Gee

Thank you so much for posting this one, it confirms many things...
Like that it is in semen, which is why Bromelain is so important in conjunction with the other things I have detailed. It is also in womens ovaries, thats why they say they find microplastics in them now but I think that is beyond the scope of this study.
Most other enzyme and vitamin chelators do not easily get into closed organ systems, like the reproductive system. Bromelain Does, and fresh pineapple juice has much much MUCH more bioavailable bromelain than pills.
Additionally, trying to take too many bromelain pills will give you constipation whereas you can ramp up fairly quickly to vamping one or 1.5 fresh pineapples a day. I use it as part of my monthly EDTA chelation fast so I just went through 8 pineapples a few days ago during the latest fast.
Vamping is the best way to get the most bromelain available without intaking a bunch of fiber, like you will if you eat or even juice a whole fresh pineapple. I just cut off the top and bottom and slice it in half, then cut each half into 2 or 3 cross cut slices. Then I peel the skin off and cut the pineapple flesh into mouth sized chunks. Then just chew up each chunk, suck the juice out and swallow it but then spit the pulp out.
It will tingle or burn a little at first until you get your tolerance up, but dont try to do more than 1.5 pineapples a day or your tongue will bleed a little due to the action of the bromelain breaking down proteins on your tongue. Its not the end of the world and it will stop bleeding in a few seconds, but when you start spitting out the pink pineapple pulp, that's when you know its time to stop. I have never been able to build a tolerance beyond 1.5 a day myself and I do it all the time, so I think that is probably just the human limit. Or maybe I just have a weak tongue ; )
Similarly fresh oranges have a lot of bioavailable citrate and Vitamin C, and you can pretty quickly ramp up to higher doses than you can intake with C pills or powder, which give many people gut issues if they take too much.
I just peel or cut the end off a few oranges and put them through a basic twist juicer. It takes like 2 minutes and then I strain the juice into my big 4-cup glass of Zerowater with a coffee strainer. Then I pour more Zerowater through the strainer to fill up my glass, since both citrate and Vitamin C are water soluble. You will know it is almost all out when the pulp turns whitish rather than bright orange.
Oral EDTA, ALA, NAC, sodium/natural citrate, bromelain, and Vitamins C, D and E are the best things I have found to take for multiple reasons. We didnt eat for 5 days and took all of those things every 12 hours and we feel Great, I cannot recommend it enough.
They can all be taken together without binding with the EDTA (which is Most peoples problem when taking oral EDTA so they waste it) and they are all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier.... in addition to the bromelain getting into your respective junk, which is very very important for the continued survival of our species.
I dont want to have kids anytime soon, we are at war but I want to be Able to when the war is Won. Failure is not an option.
I don't think she has time to read these comments anymore but thank you again for posting this study, Dr Ana.... this is excellent ammunition in our battle.


Cos - Aug 9 - Edited

Bee Gee

Wonderful, wonderful idea's and suggestions!
Oranges where I am (and on Unhackable Animal's Substack through testing) has shown Oranges are loaded with nano. I was really enjoying sucking down locally grown Oranges, and found out through self discovery they really set off my EMF sensitivity, so sadly had to stop. It appears Fruits may be pulling in these 'toxins' through ground water.
Another finding I discovered with EDTA, if you use the slow dissolving capsules, which only dissolve at high acidity levels such as 5 PH, this allows the EDTA to reach the more optimal location, as opposed to being broken down by (large intestine - stomach) acids.
I am also well aware of what the capsules may be made of being hydrogel etc. but am working the assumption that EDTA (and other products released om dissolving) will take care of that.
Love those Pineapples. There is a really cool way of 'plucking' them, by rolling them over a hard surface for a couple of minutes.


Bee Gee - Aug 9 - Edited

Bee Gee

Hmm, I will have to research that, I looked at her page again but I do not see one about Oranges. It seems strange to me that Vit C and Citrate would break down nanotech in humans but not in oranges. I am starting to think it is Everywhere in the environment and it is getting into Everything at some stage of the production, growing, or even putting onto a slide processes.
At some point though, we have to use the things that work, even if they are not pristine sources. Otherwise it will just keep growing, embalmers are now finding the gray clots on both the Venous And Arterial sides of the vasculature, which is not a good sign. Its not going away or getting better for human health, its still getting Worse.
We take 3 Arizona Naturals oral EDTA pills and 1 MedFive oral EDTA every 12 hours, to get a better spread of EDTA over 24 hours.
The Arizona EDTA get into your system immediately and the MedFive takes the 2 hours to dissolve in your gut...
but that also makes it much Much harder to time unless you are fasting. Thats why MedFive says to take it right before bed and then after your morning meal, in order to try to minimize the things it will bind with in your gut.
And thats why we fast, EDTA makes fasting Much Much easier since you dont get hungry but mostly to make sure the EDTA is working Fully at removing nanotech and metals and not binding with something else we ate or drank.
Try it, I think you will be glad you did. Good luck in any case.


Cos - Aug 10 - Edited

I have taken a look around and can't locate the findings, if I run across it again I will share here.
So much info, I tend to remember then file 'high interest' items, confirm and move on. Luckily (or not) I can quickly tell when consuming what food is loaded.


JulesUSA - Aug 9

Bee Gee

What is Unhackable Animal?


Cos - Aug 9

Bee Gee

Apologies - Unhackable Animal's Substack


Bee Gee - Aug 9

Bee Gee

Haha, beat me to it.


JulesUSA - Aug 9

I bought a jar of EDTA skin cream. I like to use that as it moisturizes at the same time.


JulesUSA - Aug 9 - Edited

Thank you! Lots of good info!


Liberty Liz - Aug 23 - Edited

Liberty Liz

Except that bromelain is found in the stem of the pineapple, not the juice. The juice contains very little bromelain.


Bee Gee - Aug 23 - Edited

Bee Gee

Haha, you are reading something off the internet.
Unlike Me.
See how that works?
Its actually pretty basic, people who actually Do things know More than the people who are telling you what someone else told Them.
Im not sure why this is such a difficult concept for people.
There is Some bromelain in the stem but they use it to make pills because its a waste product, not because it has more bromelain, it has Less than the flesh. Also bromelain breaks down at around 110 degrees, so when they dehydrate the bromelain to make pills it becomes less active.
But I dont core the pineapple when I vamp it anyway, because I want all the bromelain I can get. You can chew the core, its just tougher but I spit it all out anyway because I dont want the fiber.
The amount in the core is negligible compared to the huge amount of flesh though.
Try it yourself and then you will Know.


Robert Childs - Aug 13

Robert’s Substack

Can you please send me more information. I am a morgellons survivor and was very infected with that madness. Edta and vitamin c have saved my life. I've been an addict most of my life due to chronic pain from an accident when I was very young. I am a patriot and love my beautiful country and everyone in


Andy Hens - Aug 10

Andy Hens

Hello, it seems you are well informed as well.
Are you a health practitioner or naturopath perhaps? So many doctors though with different ideas. Makes it hard to find the right one.
What I have seen so far is that Dr Ria Hayes from Britain and perhaps Dr Ana here are some of the doctors with the best knowledge on this subject.
Dr Ria (RiaNoMoreSilence on Facebook) has thousands of patients she is healing who have injuries from this bio weapon. She also uses EDTA (sometimes IV EDTA) and a specialized dialysis machine to filter the blood from her patients. And does before and after Live Blood analysis with results.
She also recommends humic fulvic acid (from Mother Earth labs) to remove the graphene oxide and shows evidence in Live Blood. And Nicotine (patches or organic) as a way to dissolve the Nano Tech, as also suggested by Dr Brian Ardis.
The bromelain from pineapples you suggest here looks like another good way to detox but do you have evidence it dissolves the Nano Tech? It does help with destroying the spike protein I have heard.
EDTA is a 'synthetic' product, is it not? I know Dr Ana recommends it too, yet I'm wondering if there's not a natural alternative like activated charcoal or spirulina/chlorella or so? I haven't seen many studies yet on this?


Christian - Aug 10

Ar’s Substack

Unvaxxed my blood in january was a mess. I started to have problems 1 year after having had dental works (anesthesics...) . I go to a german chelation clinic every 3/4months... I daily take vit C, vit B, NAC, and also methylene blue, (10 drops) and essential oils (grapefruit, cinnamon, lemon) ...


Andy Hens - Aug 10

Andy Hens

Hi Christian, and with all this are you better now? Did they do Live Blood as evidence your blood is not contaminated anymore?


Christian - Aug 11

Ar’s Substack

At least I am not dead... sometimes, i feel not too bad, sometimes, not too well... my last blood check was good after two weeks of zon therapy... But it is not stable. I have to go and check it every 3 months... and then I suffer from a mitochondria disease... last of energy. That us why I take MB... Merci beaucoup !


Un-silent - Aug 10


When taking EDTA do you supplement with minerals? If so, how much do you take? I was once given EDTA suppositories by a Naturopath, he had me taking around 15 capsules a day of mineral supplement along with it.


Bee Gee - Aug 12

Bee Gee

I do not take mineral supplements ever except for zinc sometimes but then I am not mineral deficient due to my carnivore diet, so that is never a concern to me. Carnivores get vitamin C from beef, which no one on any other diet can do... or higher absorption rates of all the minerals in meat as compared to all other diets so meh. I eat more minerals than most every day I eat.
EDTA binds with many things though, including food, drink and many vitamins and supplements, so the biggest mistake I see people make with EDTA is not taking it far enough away from other things.
Some people take EDTA for years, in various forms, but never take it properly so it is completely wasted, and they might as well not have even taken it at all.
Thats why we fast for several days when we take it, then we know its working but we also feel so good once we start doing the EDTA fast, we just keep doing it for longer than we planned.
I cant recommend it enough but time is running out for people to keep making excuses about why they cant be bothered to save their own life.
Arizona naturals oral EDTA is $24. Bulk EDTA powder you put into pills yourself is even cheaper.
Oranges and pineapples are cheap, vitamin C is cheap, ALA is cheap, NAC is cheap hempseedoil pills are cheap, sodium citrate is cheap, a Zerowater pitcher is cheap... and Fasting to make Sure those things are working is Free.
EDTA and Vitamin C are right there in their patent, even if you dont take anything else...its doesnt say Might Stop replication. So I say dont overanalyze it too long, people are just getting further behind every day and a small mineral imbalance means nothing compared to the nanotechnology growing unimpeded IMPE.


JulesUSA - Aug 9

Bee Gee

You fasted except for those things for 5 days?


Bee Gee - Aug 9

Bee Gee

Yes. Oral EDTA makes it Very Easy to fast, you wont even get very hungry and you will feel so good you will probably go longer than you had planned.
I originally only planned for 3 days but we decided to go 5 because we felt so great.


JulesUSA - Aug 9

Bee Gee

What is "vamping"?


Bee Gee - Aug 9

Bee Gee

Its my wifes name for ingesting fresh pineapple juice.
Cut off the top and bottom and slice it in half, then cut each half into 2 or 3 cross cut slices. Then peel the skin off and cut the pineapple flesh into mouth sized chunks. Then just chew up each chunk, suck the juice out and swallow it but then spit the pulp out.
You get more bromelain in your system this way than any other way I have found because it absorbs through your mouth and tongue, as well as from drinking the juice.


crapshoot farmer - Aug 10

crapshoot farmer

We harvested 24 pineapples last month. B.G. Luckily they grow year round here and I'm getting one a day now.
Made some great fresh juice with them.


Bee Gee - Aug 12

Bee Gee

Nice, I am envious. I have been thinking about trying to grow some myself, since I cannot get them all the time but I think bromelain helps greatly.


crapshoot farmer - Aug 13

crapshoot farmer

Pineapples take 18-24 months to mature so that's an issue.
I have one that was planted probably 5 years ago and it's done nothing! WTF?
They produce a beautiful flower and that becomes the fruit.
One plant= one pineapple and then another shoot comes out the side and produces another plant and in time your one plant becomes 5 or 6 or more and will get 6-10 ft. wide all growing next to each other.


M Henry - Aug 9

M Henry

Excellent point Dr ANA !
My Dr is Dr Villa who is treating almost 4000 vax injured seniors here.
I love that i keep finding confirmation of what Great Honest and Caring Physicians have been saying and writing about all along ! I know she thinks highly of you also.


Reply (2) - Aug 10

M Henry

Comment removed.


M Henry - Aug 10

M Henry

Thanks we know this and buy locally sourced clean meat and veggies.


crapshoot farmer - Aug 10

crapshoot farmer

And your food probably has the crap in it too.


Ernie Rockwell - Aug 9

Ernie Rockwell

Thanks for this post. Ugly, but the truth.


Adrian - Aug 10


ATTENTION DR. ANAπŸ‘‰How do we prove shedding? I asked a manufacturer of Browns Gas HHO Generators to donate a generator for research (with you in mind as the recipient). He asked how do you prove "shedding"? Firstly, the question for research is - If the jabbed are shedding to the unjabbed, does the shedding body contain graphene? If an HHO FLAME can sublimate metals (it does) will it sublimate the graphene in the shedding body and perhaps the CDB? HHO FLAME can sublimate metals that it contacts. IF a HHO FLAME were BRUSHED around the body of a infected person, would it affect the exterior invisible nano lipid-graphene mesh body and assist in preventing recontamination? He is willing to donate a generator for research, yet, for the purpose of before and after results, how do we prove its there? READERS, please like this comment to gain Dr. Ana's attention.


M Henry - Aug 10

M Henry

Go take a look at Pfizer's OWN documents that they went to court to seal for 75 years and were turned down by the Judge, Dr Naomi Wolf got a hold of them and constructed teams of volunteers to read the 400 some pages. SHEDDING is just one of the side effects Pfizer lists.
Dr Villa stated in a video with out State Surgeon General , Dr Lapado, that Japan is touting a self replicating mRNA shot which is actually funny because they are already self replicating through shedding . She is treating just about or over 4000 Vax injured patients and patients who never took any shots but have similar losses of immunity from shedding.


Adrian - Aug 11


Thanks, i have the pfizer statement. They say shedding happens, and photos show the nanotech in the blood, but still, the question remains, how do we detect or measure the "shedding body" exterior of the blood, exterior of the body? To prove if the "brushing a hho flame around the body" has an affect on the "shedding body" before and after results are needed. If anyone has any knowledge or ideas on how to conduct this test, kindly share your thoughts and ideas with me.


Honeybee - Aug 9

Honeybee’s Substack

Yahoo!!! I think this study is huge!! People might be able to dismiss those who've had their dark field microscopes engaged in the last few years as "conspiracy theorists" and "people on the fringe," but they can't contest these studies as they begin to appear in more and more literature scientists and doctors read. I hope we have a huge break-through where these subjects and topics become apart of mainstream discussion...where everybody acknowledges that the "Covid mRNA injections," in fact, all mRNA injections, are specious, untested, and highly experimental thereby having injured vast swaths of humanity. I don't watch TV, but I would hope people see this on their legacy channels. I think far more doctors and scientists who have hidden their heads in the sand the last four years will be forced to awaken.


John Roberts - Aug 9

John Roberts

I hope you are right.
Maybe they might consider other, so called conspiracy theories, to be taken into consideration as well.
It’s hard for most people to admit and accept that they were wrong, but we will see.


crapshoot farmer - Aug 10

crapshoot farmer

I hope Honey's right also but I have serious doubts about mainstream doctors coming around. Not when their livelihood depends on them staying "in line."


John Roberts - Aug 10

John Roberts

I would tend to agree.
That “livelihood” is an awfully strong motivator.


Duchess - Aug 9


Forgive me Dr. Anna been following you a long while..but i did hold out a faint hope that maybe it was just something to do with the microscope.
This is evil beyond comprehension for ordinary people.
Am so glad you are beingv vindicated.
I am firmly convinced now..that there are 2 soecies..humans..and psychopaths.


JulesUSA - Aug 9

This information needs to be shared.


Miss Parker - Aug 10 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

Predictive programming and publicity for nanotech and GO have made it to "fictional" TV:
The TV series, the Travelers, starring Eric McCormack, not only mentions but lauds the use of "nanites" and "graphene oxide" in advanced medical therapeutics. In episode 10, the lead character is nearly killed in a plane crash, but is saved by a medical team from the future using nanites and graphene oxide to repair his badly damaged organs, and even to grow a new spleen. They make a point of removing the nanites after they do their job. How isn't shown.
The nanites are also used in some subsequent episodes to treat various health and mental conditions, and then removed, somehow.


duckman - Aug 10


well, well, so those of us who knew something wasnt right about this are vindicated...
to what end?
to avert what "they" believe is inevitable...?
to fend it off for-just-a-little-longer?
fair play, thats what i am doing..
However dealing with symptomatic issues regarding the problem whilst still unable to see the problem for what it is and in its` true and entire context leaves one swimming randomly like a dying spermatazoa.. what a great image, humanity as a dying spermatazoa feebly swimming its last in the petri dish of the universe..
What is the problem? in a word "terra-forming"
Our world is being transformed into something else in order to suit the needs of an alien invading force... view it in its` correct context or utterly fail to grasp the full picture..
Pineapples are great, really great thanks for the heads up, but We need knowledge, knowledge will give Us power to save this... and hey, if you havent noticed the stakes are pretty high.
It is hard to explain to you what you are dealing with.. lets try.
The assumption that all avatar forms in human guise come from the same Soul group is incorrect, the huge almost total majority of Us do, however circa approx 3500 years ago a mercenary group from a lower dimension invaded Our Realm, they describe themselves even in the deep depths of their own doctrine/scripture as "guerilla operatives".
They seek this world for themselves and in case You havent noticed they are acheiving much toward this outcome, the "vax" is merely one arm, one tentacle, one "weapon".
Again they make no secret of their desire for a "world of their own" in their playbook/doctrine/script-ure..
Nor do they hide the methodologies, the inversions, however they are "succesfull" because they understand (better) what We might term "celestial mechanics" and when considered and processed correctly You will see that they have made such studies within the masses "out of bounds"..
In most of the "developed world" anyway, in some places such knowledge is understood.
"who" gave you "christianity"? "who" gave you "islam"?
Team A destroys Team B mutually and "team c" take the reward and in case You have not noticed they are quite happy to accept victory over a-scorched-earth... leviathan and behemoth as the old names go..
Some posit that they actually want it this way, either way the issue does not phase them..
If you search you easily enough find the likes of yuval noah harrari boasting of the "elites retreating to an ark below ground"..
Only the dimmest still view the existence of large underground cities a "fiction"..
Or did you think the naming of the underground city in the "matrix" was an accident?... did you?
Think back a couple or few years and how many of you would have scoffed at the very mention of self assembling structures made of electrically programmable being inside so called "vaccines", let alone food and drinking water.
For those of you that perhaps farm or grow on large or a small scale as i do, have you not noticed how hard it is to grow things? the steady gradual decline, the poor health in farmed animals, the reduction of natural species and the often apparent increase of harmful species like ants, which are great in balanced numbers but are increasing steadily, just an example.. and do Not throw the illusion of "climate change" anyone that has gor this far knows this
We are all pretty much impotent in all this, theres not much We can do, We can make sure We survive a little longer as im sure most here are doing,
Get out of the city
Eat well, do not drink "tap water" (or highly branded mineral water for that matter..)
Avoid if possible electric/emf/5g grids, easier said than done eh?
However those that know, know that the reason this whole process has taken/is taking 3500 years is because one does not simply stroll into another world/dimension and simply "take it" the original occupants (Us) for Whom this "world" was created are subject to Laws that encompase (amongst other things) Consent, therefore for You to be banished from this world (which is the intent at a Spiritual and thus utterly permanent level..) You must Consent, many, many have already Consented and thus the balance grows ever more uneven (in case You hadnt noticed..)
For the avoidance of doubt they include "tests" as satisfying the laws of Consent... sad to say for some
Indeed the speed of change and the accompanying desperation to seize victory by this invading force becomes increasingly more apparent (in case You hadnt noticed..)
By awareness of the crime does One become equipped to reveal it, if One is unaware of the crime than how can One reveal it?
Laws relate to Creation and the One that Created it, such Laws can only be acted upon if the victims and intended victims are aware of the crime...
When a magician astonisghes You with a neat parlour trick We say "wow, check that"..
When You are being conned out of the very fabric of the existence in which You dwell and consigned to a "simalcrum" from which there is No escape We must (with urgency) look at those upon whom We are expected to endure and not criticise.. the audacity?
Keep looking, listening, analysing, processing the answers are coming soon, be ready for this.
its as concise as i can put, if it resonates with You great, if not, keep trying or find Your own way


John Vargo - Aug 12

John Vargo

Geoengineering terraforming the planet for their "preferred"species.I suspect that's the Grey aliens due to recent information.We need full disclosure but a lot of people would have to admit false beliefs.The aliens are the demons,


MsDi - Aug 22

John Vargo

But, not all of the ET's and inner Earth crypto terrestrials are evil. Many of the benevolent ones are helping the White Hats to rid the Earth of the manivolent ET's who are working with the demonic deep state/Black Hats. I highly encourage everyone to watch Michael Salla's Exopolitics Today to learn more about what's happening. Focus on love, compassion, and higher conscienous to help move us into a higher density so we can live healthier and happier lives. Until we do these things we will continue to be ruled by these evil, satanic entities.


MsDi - Aug 22

John, I forgot to mention that I'm just getting into the link you posted. Thank you for posting it. I look forward to reading and investigating more of this.


John Vargo - Aug 23

John Vargo

Focus on love,compassion and higher consciousness is really good advice MsDi.


Richard Rader - Aug 10

At this point we need to show the spiritual light that emits from us...Have No fear in your mind ... Do all those things we have learned to keep our temporal body healthy...The Eternal Father will protect those who do not follow all these Demonic Agendas...RR


dyr - Aug 9

Much appreciated, Dr Ana's sharing this with us. Some quick comments after some quotes below, if all hastily just now read through.
"As we discuss below, drying out the incubated materials can easily introduce a bias which, we presently surmise, may have led certain other researchers to hastily claim that all of the observed self-assembling entities emerging from the nanotechnology(imperceptible withmany ordinary microscopes),does exist in the COVID-19 injectables." - a problem sentence, needs correction;
Cole was a notable example. He and various others in the, how shall i say, less dissident dissidence if still of use, appear in the recent book, Canar in a Covid World, see eg Rectenwald on his very early on covi-novel, Thought Criminal
"The donor was relatively young, still in his twenties, and had not been exposed to whatever toxic effects the other three donors may have experienced because of being injected with a COVID-19“vaccine”"
- important if single only example, contrasting with that apparently "everyone" is affected with vax-like constituents as seen in Dr Ana's and others' practice and observations
nb re Mexican MD interviewed recently here: " highly toxic chlorine dioxide interview"; but
"chlorine dioxide (ClO2)were also used as incubation media. The latter media were less accommodating, according to our results, in triggering and enablingthe self-assembly of foreign materialsthan were normal saline and distilled water.They possibly acted to suppress the developmentof self-assemblingsynthetic entities."
again but:
|1ppm(1/100 X) chlorine dioxide (ClO2)in the middle stage ( day 111) of theirincubation with Pfizer and Moderna, chip-like self-assembly were progressed similarly to other basic incubation media solutions and finally produced a few and shorter filaments, too."
"crystalline components of ClO2which could hamper the process of structural self-assembly. crystalline components of ClO2which could hamper the process of structural self-assembly. "- may be key to recommendations by some for its use
"flu vaccine led to the expected natural degradation that would occurover time without any notable addition of toxicity"- but cf claims re covi-tociity of many meds, as authors sort of themselves mention, see below
"(disturbed by EMF within the dish environment)" - unfortunately no data re ambient e-smog affecting samples! vs experiemntal exposures with some measurements
perhaps key re edta -
" indirect benefits of EDTA in vivo, however, could be realized through the chelating effect"
"Two to three weeks were needed for the growth of structures at room temperature (15~20 °C) whereas one evening was needed for the same growth at body temperature (Figure 22). The rapid development of nanostructures in vivo is probably significant to the impact of COVID-19 injectables in living human beings." plus their section 3)UV Study - may relate to my own reports re woostove & strong sun exposures , altho' these well before any full recognition and action to detox of what was going in inside my uninjected self
"With the results ofthis preliminary study,it could bepostulated that some kind of conditionedelectriccurrent can stimulatethe nanostructure’sactivity, while some conditionedmagnetic currentcan hampertheir activity. According to our hypothesis, some detoxifyingmodalities could be effective in treating damaged organs from thesecomplexforms ofEMFexposure.
- this may importantly relate to what i theorize as extrusion of toxic elements leading to itchy/prickly skin bouts in various people we have heard reported, and oursleves esp a few mo. ago - might there have been a particular mag field abroad to induce such? to mitigate some of the effects by then already known to a great many making perps less comfy with their perpetration? or not intentional just incidental to some deployment?
"the presence of unique, never-before-observed extremely elongated fibrous clots, categorically distinct from ordinary common blood clots" -
what i have been saying repeatedly here, urging diferentiated talk re clots and clots!
" consider intentionality. These products were meant to serve foremost as experimental injections for the whole of humanity —including all ethnicities,sexes, andagegroups" - seen nothing on distribution of shots, who got what and possibly why; earliest seen in that vein was i think 2021 from a Slovenian nurse saying several vial types were on hand and as directed given to each so-and-so
|if they use these personal electronic devices,the devices themselves may, beyond routine electromagnetic fieldexposure, increase harm to their health, particularly to cellular regeneration, as the contents react synergistically with ambient radiation." - it is of value they did some experimenteal extra exposures best 'd've been er what's ambient in own lab too
"If the injectablecontents are designed, in part, to serve as both software and hardware for the clandestine construction of intracorporeal networksas Kyrie and Broudy (2022) suggest, thecontentslikely interact withelectromagnetic energy fields outside the body. " EXACTLY AS I'VE REPORTED , my clot-throbs occur when near carriers etc induced electromagnetically
more of same:" When in close proximity to an electromagnetic field, the filaments could possibly triggerthe formation ofa clot and, thus, disturb free blood or lymph flow."
"Occasionally,other researchers have reported microscopic findings of filamentous structures in commercially branded normal saline" - thus my repeated question here and elsewhere re what's ambient vs directly intentional (ambient being indirect intentional or escape or pollution - see also re 2019 and Ft Detrick, as i wrote about inter alia in mar 2020 - sow max confusion going back to decades even )
" It is sobering to think that the covert technology may not be limited to the COVID-19 injectables." - why do they say "may"
"These structures could also serve as nanodevices such as plasmonic antennae or as transceivers for terahertz band communications" - also as i have speculated - is this what emanates from carriers that gets eg me?! it is essential do spectrum analysis on carriers


Uncostrike - Aug 10

We need to take a closer look at colloidal gold and silver.


Claudia - Aug 10


This is one of the most detailed, analytical, well-documented presentations on the subject I have ever seen. I hope these findings will be officially presented to all lawmakers, governors, “regulators,” military heads, FAA administrators, etc., so future generations, if they exist, will have record of this insidious evil against humanity.


Amy - Aug 10


All the water I’ve checked so far looks contaminated.


Ash 1952 - Aug 9

Ash 1952

It’s amazing those who are vexed and are so brainwashed won’t except these findings.
They will call it humbug 🀬🀬
I have a friend like that living in USA πŸ˜–
And guess what he is demrat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Cos - Aug 9

Great work, but also plenty of those magic (evil) numbers in the text. Sorry but can't help but notice the symbology and I guess largely unintended by Dr Ana.


Mareen Russell - Aug 22

Has anyone else developed parosmia? I've not been jabbed, nor has my husband. However, with the number of ways we are being bombarded with this toxic sludge in our everyday lives, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I haven't been diagnosed with this issue, but it isn't rocket science to do a little research and figure out why I can't eat/smell sour cream, ranch dressing, yogurt, and even my husband's coffee pods. They all give off the same unpleasant smell. All the sites I visited show 'C-19' as a source. Funny how that popped up time and time again!



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