American Health & Nutrition: A Second Opinion - Senator Ron Johnson - MUST WATCH AND SHARE!!

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 14, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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American Health & Nutrition: A Second Opinion

This hearing is fantastic. I highly recommend everyone watches and shares it with their family and friends. The background information on ultra processed foods and the link to chronic diseases is phenomenal. The toxic chemicals used in ultraprocessed food in the US that is not in the same products in other countries -shows how the US corporations target the US population to make them intentionally sicker. The corrupt and criminal food corporations that provide the customers for the corrupt and criminal health industry are sharing network of profit oriented propaganda called peer reviewed science.

You will be on the edge of your seat and applause for these great presenters. Fabulous information! Get involved in the grassroots movement to force Big Food to drop their poisenous chemicals, cancer causing toxins, microplastics, food dyes and over 10000 chemicals that are approved in the US while in Europe only 400.

This is another aspect of total WARFARE against the US population.

Sen. Johnson and a panel of experts will provide a foundational and historical understanding of the changes that have occurred over the last century within public sanitation, agriculture, food processing, and healthcare industries which impact the current state of national health.

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Marten - Oct 14

Marten’s Substack

Anyone who has a (brain), should never trust the Government......Period

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Paul Vonharnish - Oct 14

Paul Vonharnish

Where have all these 'experts' been? The American phood supply has been made a toxic waste dump for financial and industrial interests for over 50 years. Consumers don't need gaggles of 'experts' to inform their food habits. Consumers should learn how to read phood labels and actually think...
“Man joined the eternal abyss - When food became a commodity” - Paul Vonharnish - January 2, 2020

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