Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 12, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Dear all,
today IS A GREAT DAY. The AAPS, of which I am a member of, is suing the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), the American Board of Family Medicine and American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology for threatening us doctors who speak out against the tyrannical Covid narrative. I have been board certified through ABIM since 2003. This is the board that has threatened Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Carey Madrej and other prominent doctors, with revoking their Board Certification because they spoke out. This is a fight for medical freedom and it affects every American. Without those doctors that say no to the vaccine, yes to early treatments with Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and other interventions, and no to medical tyranny - the health of Americans is in jeopardy. Please read the email sent by AAPS to us today. Please consider joining and supporting the fight through a tax deductible donation.
Thank you so much for your support.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Greetings AAPS Members and Friends:
Medical specialty boards are threatening to revoke physicians' board certification merely for speaking against government officials like Anthony Fauci. Losing certification often results in the loss of a physician's hospital privileges and insurers frequently make board certification a requirement to pay for care.
In other words, when a specialty board takes away a physician's board certification, they may be taking away patients' access to that doctor. That is why the AAPS Educational Foundation filed a lawsuit today to stop the egregious actions of medical specialty boards and to protect physicians from dangerous intimidation from Biden's "Disinformation Governance Board."
Please read our press release with more details, copied below, and spread the word. Your financial help is also needed.
You can support this effort with a tax-deductible contribution:
Our opponents are well funded and formidable. But surrender is not an option. With your help we can and will win!
With appreciation,
Lawsuit to Stop Retaliation by Medical Specialty Boards Filed by AAPS Educational Foundation
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Educational Foundation (AAPS)
filed a lawsuit today
in the federal Southern District of Texas, against three medical special boards for their threatened retaliation against physicians who speak out on matters of public concern. AAPS stands up for First Amendment rights of physicians who, like all American citizens, should be able to speak publicly without risk of retaliation.
“Our freedoms depend on the ability of physicians and all Americans to speak out on important issues of our day,” said Andrew Schlafly, who filed this lawsuit. “Entities holding monopolies over board certification should not be retaliating against good physicians.”
This new lawsuit asserts that “Defendants wrongly misuse their authority in a politically partisan manner to chill speech critical of positions taken by Dr. Anthony Fauci, lockdowns, mask mandates, Covid vaccines and even abortion.” This Complaint seeks injunctive and declaratory relief against several specialty Board Defendants that hold monopolies over board certification, and against the federal government for its newly created Disinformation Governance Board.
“Although only official state medical boards have the proper authority to regulate the practice of medicine, certifications by the Board Defendants constitute a
de facto
essential credential for practicing in most hospitals or participating in most networks,” this lawsuit asserts. “By threatening to revoke board certification of physicians, the Board Defendants improperly chill speech by physicians without the political accountability of official state medical boards,” this Complaint adds.
The Board Defendants are the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology, and the American Board of Family Medicine. Each of these entities, which hold monopolies over board certification in their specialties, have declared their plans to discipline physicians who speak out.
“Criticizing Dr. Anthony Fauci should not be a basis for retaliating against a physician for speaking his mind,” Andrew Schlafly states. The lawsuit points out that many Republican senators properly rebuked Dr. Fauci for his statements that “I represent science” and that those who criticize him “are really criticizing science.” The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Educational Foundation is a national organization that co-sponsors conferences and funds scholarships for attendance by medical students and residents.
Link to Support Lawsuit:
Link to Press Release:
Link to Complaint:
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