Allopathic Medicine Is Facing a Credibility Crisis

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 09, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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More and more people are waking up to the devastating effects of the Covid shots. Debilitating adverse effects too numerous to list, deaths by shot in every which way, either sudden during sleep, within hours of getting the jab or via long agonizing suffering, myocarditis, prion disease and explosive cancer. Safe and effective at destroying lives and meeting the depopulation agenda.  This atrocity upon humanity was brought to America by a once trusted allopathic medical system, hospitals, doctors, medical boards, esteemed journals all following the overarching dictate of the complicit in fraud and genocide agencies - CDC, FDA, NIH and their sponsors, Pfizer and Moderna.

We have seen suppression of early treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine which cost innumerable lives, the persecution of physicians who offered such treatments and even dared to question the now proven false narrative of these institutions. We have seen fraudulent science in which esteemed medical journals publish papers completely made up or designed to give falsified answers:

RETRACTED: Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis

Such results were being used to create political policies of treatment guidelines ignoring early options, of lockdowns that have never shown to work, mask mandates that were always useless and cost millions of Americans their livelihood. Then we have seen the prostitution of medical data claiming 95% effectiveness of vaccines when the effects were reported in relative numbers and the absolute risk reduction was more in the 1.5% range in studies that were much too short to determine long term outcomes. Now in hindsight we have results that show an actual increase in infection with the shots.

So, everything was a lie. But is this a new trend?

It turns out that vaccines have never been safe, nor effective.

Over $4 Billion Paid for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths. Vaccination , Risk & Failure Reports .

Flu vaccine does not prevent flu. Pneumonia vaccine does not prevent pneumonia.

Many treatments that millions of Americans are getting are based on flawed concepts, studies that report phenomenal numbers in relative and never absolute risk reduction and without reports of harm. For example, cholesterol lowering statin drugs are being prescribed to millions of Americans as a supposedly preventative cardiovascular intervention and for all patients who had atherosclerosis or congestive heart failure. These drugs cause mitochondrial dysfunction, and thereby accelerate aging and increase atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure, cause diabetes, neuropathy as well as muscle damage.

Statins stimulate atherosclerosis and heart failure: pharmacological mechanisms

The theory that high cholesterol causes atherosclerosis also has found alternative explanations. Vascular scurvy - which is profound Vitamin C deficiency - and Nitric Oxide deficiency and high heavy metals have all been shown to affect the incidence and progression of Atherosclerosis.

Safe and effective? We have heard that a lot.

In cancer treatment, chemotherapy and radiation has been shown to be ineffective in prolonging lifespan or reducing mortality.

“The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.”

The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies

Mammograms do not help prevent cancer but help to cause them.

Radiation-Induced Breast Cancer Incidence and Mortality from Digital Mammography Screening: A Modeling Study

CT scans and MRI’s increase cancer risk and the contrast materials used like gadolinium stay in the body and cause brain toxicity.

The Debate Over Gadolinium MRI Contrast Toxicity

Many alternative treatments have been suppressed for years, just like we have seen in the pandemic. For example, Lead has been shown to be the number one killer for cardiovascular disease. Has your doctor ever talked to you about this? Published in Lancet:

Low-level environmental lead exposure is an important, but largely overlooked, risk factor for cardiovascular disease mortality in the USA. A comprehensive strategy to prevent deaths from cardiovascular disease should include efforts to reduce lead exposure.

Low-level lead exposure and mortality in US adults: a population-based cohort study.

Chelation therapy, which removes heavy metals from the body has been shown in the TACT trial to be more effective than Statins, Aspirin, Beta Blockers, in preventing cardiovascular events, especially in diabetics. Yet this therapy has been suppressed just like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. No one can deny that we have had a pandemic of cardiovascular disease for decades.

TACT Investigators. Effect of disodium EDTA chelation regimen on cardiovascular events in patients with previous myocardial infarction: the TACT randomized trial.

It is effective in reversing Atherosclerosis. Have you ever heard from your doctor about chelation as a possible treatment option?

Many people who are waking up to the dangers of the Rockefeller petroleum-based health care system look for other alternatives.

Alternatives exist but which ones do we consider?

The recent “Watch the Water” documentary and theory by Chiropractor and medical freedom fighter Dr. Bryan Ardis, that everything in Covid is about snake venom has exemplified a swing to the other side of evidenced based medicine – the implementation of hypothesis and medical recommendations without yet sufficient clinical proof of effectiveness. Many nonsmokers were now encouraged to start smoking, use nicotine patches or gum for Covid and vaccine shedding prevention to block the Nicotinic Acetyl Choline Receptor (NACR), so the diaphragm will not be paralyzed, and the body will be protected from envenomation. Since so many people have asked me why I do not recommend nicotine for Covid prevention, I use this as an example.

As colleagues like Dr. Pierre Kory, Intensive Care Specialist and Director of the Front-Line Critical Care Alliance, have written about, there is no paralysis of the diaphragm in Covid. While Dr Kory’s tone suggests some cynicism his scientific explanation merits consideration:

Although we all know that the ACE-2 receptor is how the virus enters and replicates, it is possible that the nicotinic acid receptor antagonism could indeed play a role in making people so ill. So, it has some snake venom like properties and suggests nicotine and other nicotinic acid agonists may have a therapeutic role.  May have one.  But that is as far as the science will get you. Problem is that the spike also has  sequences which encode proteins  identical to staphylococcus toxin so the following theory could equally apply to someone claiming “they” are sickening us with staph.

The same can be said about HIV like segments in the spike protein gene sequence. What happened to those considerations?

Incidentally, Ivermectin happens to bind to the NACR.

Ivermectin: a positive allosteric effector of the alpha7 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.

Many standard treatments have anti-venom capacity, including Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin C, Glutathione, even Methylene Blue, so for those concerned, the hypothesis can be included in early treatments and is being effectively addressed.

Smoking itself has its hazards. For example, tobacco leaves containing radioactive Cesium that is thought to be the actual cause of lung cancer.

New Scientist. Tobacco’s natural radiation dose higher than after Chernobyl.

A large Cochrane study (looks at many different studies and pulls results together) showing in 47 trials and over 32829 patients showed smokers had a significant increased risk in mechanical ventilation, ICU admission and death with COVID.

The effect of smoking on COVID-19 severity: A systematic review and meta-analysis

New study in ICU patients who were given nicotine patch showed no difference in outcome compared to placebo.

Nicotine patches in patients on mechanical ventilation for severe COVID-19: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial

It might help to point out that Dr. Ardis or Dr. Braun have not treated Covid patients, exploring if the Nicotine hypotheses is valid in clinical practice. I have seen hundreds of Covid patients in my practice and have seen plenty of smokers getting severe illness. Many smokers also had elevated D-Dimers, a potential marker for shedding exposure, when in contact with vaccinated people - so I have not seen any evidence of protection from vaccine shedding.

Apart from being highly addictive, nonsmokers can have severe side effects from Nicotine, like dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

In my mind, disregarding the fact that millions of people have effectively treated Covid with early treatment represents the level of distrust and fear that people have.

Where is the middle ground? Will the standard of care of the future be where everyone fends for themselves consulting the nearest internet search engine and self-experiment with hypothesis?

The danger lies in interpretation of the details. Another example of such absolute interpretation are recent internet claims that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine cure cancer. The articles were based on studies in cell cultures and animal models but never evaluated in humans as an alone treatment. However, as an adjunct therapy these repurpose drugs are of great benefit in specific cases. The difference between saying something is a “cure” for a disease versus it may have effectiveness in its treatment is important. This same principle is applicable to nicotine in Covid.


I am a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician and worked as a Geriatrician and Medical Director for large Nursing Facility and a Geriatric Medical Center. Realizing after 20 years of medical practice that I was only keeping people chronically ill on pharmaceutical medications, I left the system, started my own medical practice, and began revisiting basic biochemistry and physiology on how the body really works on a cellular level. I have replaced most pharmaceutical drugs with natural supplements or nutrition, but I use whatever the patient needs for their condition, which includes all modalities, natural and pharmaceutical.

Clinical experience does matter. Helping people heal does matter. Having excellent results matters. Many doctors are seeing what is broken in the health care system and yet are afraid to leave it for financial reasons and the concern of becoming independent practitioners. That old system is dying. We are witnessing the beginning of its death throws and it is the reveal of the vaccine genocide that will bury it forever. The threats of the Medical Boards and Medial Societies will be short lived, for the death toll of the mRNA technology will become impossible to hide. When people wake up in America to this fact, the system will collapse.

We need good doctors. We need people who can evaluate science. We need people who can advise others who do not have the complex medical knowledge and help them on their journey. Having been part of the Big Pharma Medical Complex Healthcare System is not a bad thing. There is much knowledge that can be used and built upon that many people do not have. I would let a Chiropractor adjust my spine, but I would not let them advise and manage complex medical issues like severe Covid. Instead, I would consult someone who actually has treated and reversed such illness successfully and consistently. I would open-mindedly evaluate any hypothesis but keep the wisdom of prior experience. No one needs to throw out the baby with the bathwater. i.e., if you as a patient want to use nicotine for Covid, that’s your personal choice and right, however, maybe also consider proven early treatments for your own safety. Consider that when many factors are still unknown, like with the gain of function ingredients of the spike protein or the actual contents of the mRNA shots, caution should be used about premature globalized assumptions.

We want to preserve and protect life and find the best solutions moving forward. Everyone in this freedom fight is needed. If the next variants of Omicron are indeed as bad as Delta was, then we need to prepare people to have access to proven and effective treatment. Long Covid has been debilitating and its prevention for the health of the population is important.

We always need to be evolving in our knowledge and its application. If better solutions for atherosclerosis, cancer, and any other chronic diseases come along, we should evaluate and study them while considering doing no harm in the meantime, by dismissing what works. Now that we know that solutions have been suppressed for decades, we can take another look at them for future usefulness.

We need to stop using vaccines that cause harm and chronic illness and make manufacturer liable for adverse events. Finding doctors outside the mainstream healthcare system that practice a more functional, integrative medical approach, which is interested in reversing the cause of disease - rather than maintaining chronic illness - can be helpful in this transition. Our health is the greatest and most important asset we have in life. The middle path in science as in life may help us maintain this best in these changing times.

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Agata - Jul 10, 2022

This is a great article. Thank you for sharing your wisdom dr. Ana. It is very important to gain knowledge and not to become a fanatic (like many do with the nicotine now)

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Johannes - Jul 9, 2022

Please Dr. Ana how can me or my wife get in touch with you? I am a V injured German desperate for your help.

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