Alarming New Report from Working Group of…

Aug 8, 2022

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Vaccines Must Be Stopped Immediately!


DF - Aug 11, 2022 - Edited


Watched video of hacker's accessing real time data of those injected with Sputnik jab; these people are now connected with the internet of things. Their data being mined constantly. Remember when sicko Harari said "humans are now hackable"
They've done it with these injections!


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 12, 2022 - Edited


Yes I agree. This is a great video to explain the mechanism.


SD - Aug 14, 2022 - Edited


I have also watched that video and read the claims about the cars with vaccinated in them, I worked in network engineering for fifteen years, five as an instructor. The claims and video are unadulterated rubbish. There was no verification of the tools, techniques, no topological diagrams, or copies of system logs which most intruders will take to back up the claim of the hack and then clean the originals to cover their tracks, the so called hackers did not even pipe the data stream into files and upload them to the usual places for verification. As for the cars with vaccinated in them, Most if not all cars now have Bluetooth for hands free calls and to connect phones to the stereo to play music. The claim by those clowns they were seeing vaccinated in each vehicle is laughable at best. It is disappointing to see allegedly PhD qualified people parrot this garbage without having done the least bit of due diligence. From where I sit, if you are going to claim a position of subject matter expertise you should be demonstrating a higher degree of rigor and validate the claims you support which the vaccine makers and governments are not.


Markker - Sep 6, 2022


I watched a video with Spanish docs who took a group to a remote area, some jabbed some not. They tested them by each walking towards them who had software to pick up bluetooth. Not all did who were jabbed and not all free if not. They repeated experiment and in some cases a different code was shwing. One unjabbed was tested 14 days prior and another married to a jabbed person. Another test done in Mexican cemetery where 2021 and 2022 graves found by bluetooth search. Would a bluetooth signal be picked up on a dead battery phone for example? I have tried this out on people but not in a remote place and all kinds of devices appear, some unknown. Also I did not have access to any manufacturer codes. Who can anyone trust these days? We do need to know but would anyone want know the facts or just remain in denial? I'm not sure I'd want to know. What can we do about it?


Joe Allen - Aug 27, 2022


The voice of reason. Thank God. Not too common in this neck of the woods.


think twice - Aug 23, 2022

By the way it seems to be an AI-voice "explaining" the phenomenon, so perhaps fake video to disturb better reseach?


SD - Aug 24, 2022

Text to speech reader.


Reply (1) - Mar 29, 2023


Comment removed.


Joe Allen - Mar 30, 2023


No spam


Ellen - Aug 14, 2022

Another Betrayed Liberal

With respect, I must express skepticism about this video / source / explanation. One red flag was a link to Pfizer VP being arrested - wasn't that from a satire website? (I do understand that "fact checkers" are lying slime, but there was nothing to support that allegation, only things about it coming from a satire website).
The part about standing on an empty road and seeing signals from vaccinated people drive by in cars - how do they account for the various devices people have on them as they drive, and that many cars, to varying degrees, are mobile microwaves with all sorts of signaling capacities?
I remember last year seeing a video of three men talking in Russian looking at a computer screen - supposedly seeing the data of their vaccinated friends on the screen. But it did not seem rooted, there was no verification.
Even Karen Kingston, Pfizer whistleblower who was appalled at the ingredients she found, was asked if there is connectivity from vaccinated people to live networks, this was over a few months ago, but her answer was no, it's not that advanced yet.
I know this is far beyond pharma trying to make money and cutting some safety corners. But I want to be able to share this biological information found by the German researchers, and be taken seriously. The information seems to be saying what was found, without jumping to conclusions about everything it means. Yet the allegations of these current rounds of injections making the "vaccinated" into the internet of things - and an explanation on a bitchute page which didn't fully vet other info shared (Pfizer VP arrested), doesn't feel solid enough. . .


j t - Aug 14, 2022

Agree completely, Ellen. Just like you, I fully believe there is no evil these sociopaths won't attempt to serve their "lord," but we need to always keep our research AND our interpretations of research above board and provable, as they will infiltrate / troll all our sites / blogs and try to discredit those working hard to expose their crimes. Better to under- than to over-state.


salialioli - Aug 17, 2022

see my Aug 17 post for research into this subject.
La; /info ; /tv


RoJo - Aug 20, 2023

Thank you. I posted the video on my channel as soon as Mik Andersen (a psudonym) released it. Jim Crenshaw failed to mention that it was mirrored from my channel. With that said, Mik Andersen's site was pulled down within days of the release, and the only remnants of his website are found with the internet archive 'wayback machine'.
I suggest that everyone download "The Intra-body Nano-Network" before it is scrubbed.
Finally, I hope this reply is published. For some reason, other replies that I have authored are not published.


AnaD - Aug 18, 2022


A few months ago, Klaus Schwab said the "internet of things" is old news, what it will turn out to be is the "internet of bodies".
They are talking about it in public, they are so sure they will succeed.
Most people understand "internet of bodies" as living bodies, but what if Schwab meant dead bodies, too ? Cadavers of humans, which are still controlled by microwave signals, and which move and act - or attack. That is the zombie apocalypse.
I was long wondering, how they are going to do it (the zombie apocalypse), whether it will be a lab-generated virus, bacteria or a fungus.
But now I think it will be nanobots within the body that control muscle contractions, and that will be controlled via microwave.
There was this old music video from the 80s or 90s, which predicted that bodies will turn into some type of bio-metal and "you will never die". I think it was on Ramola D's blog, but I couldn't find it again.


Markker - Sep 6, 2022


Prion disease affecting brain so neuro illnesses mad cow, parkinson or dementia.


BenDover - Oct 4, 2022


The book by Stephen King... Cell... read it or watch the movie... here we are


AnaD - Oct 4, 2022


"Crimson Mist" by investigative researcher Joe Vialls (who died months after publication). He describes how the US Army used microwave signals to trigger the Rwanda genocide, in which 1 million Tutsis were hacked to death by Hutus who had gone beserk.
I had researched this genocide for some time and come to the conclusion that it was just a test for what they are planning for Europe and the US.


Unagnu - Apr 6, 2023


Yes. This technology most undoubtedly exists. Only it amplifies what ever is there, it cannot randomly generate an effect. So, if there is tension, anger etc already present, it can be whipped into a frenzy of mindless violence...


aj - Jan 12, 2023


Sweet Jesus


antoinette.uiterdijk - Mar 20

Antoinette’s Newsletter

With the amount of hatred between Tutsis and Hutus, caused by a long and complicated history, no microwaves were needed to start these horrible atrocities.
All through history, groups of people have murdered, killed, maimed, raped, other groups of people for whatever reason. Similar to the Rwanda genocide. The microwave was invented in October 1945.


Noren O Drisc - Aug 14, 2022


Those who survive will be monitored but
many or most who get injected will die and are, even children. The 'vaccines' are for Depopulation and Surveillance and Control of the, Transhuman (ie injected).person. Global Genocide and genetic manipulation of multi millions without their knowledge or permission. Nuremberg is too good for the Eugenicist Psychopaths doing this.


AAA - Dec 19, 2022


Is it "eugenics" if they're targeting everyone, rather than just people with worse genetics?


Unagnu - Apr 6, 2023


It is eugenics because they judge themselves to be 'above' the norm, and the norms must go. Hence they will genocide everyone not 'them'.


KarlM Alias - Feb 15, 2023

KarlM Alias

More like people with worse bank-accounts.


Noren O Drisc - Aug 22, 2023



ARIANE - Mar 8

ARIANE’s Substack

Sources? Please. Thanks


Michelle - Jul 13, 2023

Thank you for everything you are doing Dr. Ana. May God bless you and keep you - you will be rewarded greatly in heaven.
DF, where can I watch the video of hackers accessing real time data of the injected, I would like to see it. Thank you!


DonnyJSands - Aug 25, 2022

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

Hello Dr. Ana. I’m in perfect health and have not taken the injection. My blood was analyzed under the microscope in early June. The Red blood cells were perfectly rounded and spaced. The white blood cells were sized correctly and perfect. I have since got back with my boosted girlfriend. Stupid, I know. I am going in today for a electron microscopy exam and see if there has been a change at the cellular level. I will keep you posted on the results. I have pictures of my first visit documented.


Whole Mommy - Feb 21, 2023

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

I am interested to see your comparison.


Abigail - Jun 20, 2023

Abigail’s Newsletter

I am also interested in your findings. Are you willing to share an update?


Trudy - Feb 25, 2024

Wishing you the best!


Original Lisa - Aug 22, 2023

How do you get your blood analyzed? Do regular GP’s do live blood analysis?


DonnyJSands - Aug 22, 2023

I go see a microbiologist and view my cells. My GP doesn’t do that type of analysis. You need to find someone who has a microscope and a degree in microbiology.


Original Lisa - Aug 22, 2023

Thank you!


Dana March - Jun 28, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

How are you doing?


DonnyJSands - Jun 28, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

I have had my blood analysis done 6 times since. The red blood cells are round, well spaced and no structures of GO. This proves that the whole transmission is BS. People are getting individually sick from the poison shots.


Dana March - Jun 28, 2023

Do you think what Ana is saying is incorrect? I've also heard that GO/nanotechnology is being used in lidocaine and possibly insulin? Could this be how unvaccinated are showing this crap in their blood? I pray it is not true.


Canadian Apple Pie - Jul 17, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

Pfizers documents say it's self-spreading technology. I had a reactivation of HPV that was in remission for 15 years after visiting Vaxxed loved ones for two days Christmas 2021. I was able to prevent blisters by using Supportive Therapies; Vitamin b12, 4 injections in 4 days, Ascorbic Acid Powder 6000 mg per day in three doses. Vitamin D3 10000 IU per day. NAC, Zinc, Quercitin, Nascent Iodine, Oregano Oil, Fennel Tea, White Pine tea, and a Mushroom Coffee. I got these suggestions from UK & Ireland College Of Homeopathic Medicine Post Covid Vaccine Protocol.


Brent Rice - Jul 13, 2023

Brent Rice

The so-called "unvaccinated" nay have been vaccinated with other vaccines in the past, especially who got many childhood vaccines. The 2019-2020 flu shot was found to contain the same graphene as the Covid vax. Graphene has also been found in lidocaine shots, so anyone who has dental work with lidocaine in recent years could have gotten it that way.


Ani - Dec 30, 2023

GO is also in septocaine and carbocaine, Enbrel, Lantus insulin, and most likely other injectable meds, anesthetics, steroids


KarlD - Aug 13, 2022

KarlD’s Newsletter

I am not a medical professional but have held First Aid tickets since 15, the last being a Level 3 First Responder with a Spinal Endorsement. I started taking pictures of Jabbed and un-jabbed blood four months ago. I have posted some of the pictures taken with a medical microscope and digital camera on my I am seeing the same constructs in jabbed and un-jabbed smears that people around the world are seeing. The preferred jab here (West coast Canada) seems to be Moderna. Being un-jabbed I do believe I am walking proof of 'vaccine shedding' as my smears show direct similarities to the jabbed, although at a somewhat lower occurrence. Self-spreading vaccines are already here and operational it appears...


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 13, 2022

Hello Karl, I looked at your website and I agree. Excellent work. I do think that this can be detoxed - even if its graphene hydroxide. Mass spectroscopy shows many different metals. I have done it in unvaxxed and verifiably reversed elevated D-Dimers. I will look at microscopic images as well. I do think EDTA chelation also does the job as described by frontline doctors. Pulls out nanoparticulate metals. I wrote about this here ( look at the urine toxicity test), NAC, Vitamin C high dose. Experiment and take some pictures. Here is before and after by Dr Levy: I also think the operations system can be knocked out with Tesla tech high voltage. If you can knock out a cell phone, you could maybe knock out this tera HZ emitting operations system? I have a chair and am looking at effects. You could check out before and after Blu Tooth signals - I have not seen unvaxxed have those even with high D-dimers. These are just a few ideas. More of us need to research and come up with solutions. Let me know what you find. Thank you


terryindorset - Aug 13, 2022

I am a retired Registered Nurse from England where senicide is rife. What worries me is you refering to these jabs as vaccines, thus giving them credence, when they are NOT vaccines.
They are technically, gene modifying injections. Pfizer & ilk called the 'vaccines' to get people to accept being jabbed with poisons. These experimental injections disables/destroys the immune system in order to install AutoImmuneDeficiencySysndrome 'bombs'.
I hear the latest news is that 5G signals damages blood cells post injections.....if you can avoid 5G masts, then you should do so.


Goch - Aug 11, 2022

You will soon understand the purpose of these entities.
Beware the 5G towers.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 11, 2022

Yes, most people argue even about the nanotechnology. They will have a rude awakening when 5 G comes into play... remember Wuhan's streets


salialioli - Aug 17, 2022

Another researcher, a Spanish Professor of Chemistry and Physics from the University of Almeria has done extensive research, along with the team of La Quinta Columna, into the content of the Pfizer and other pharma "vaccine" vials.
Download the technical report in English: Not On The Beeb
For an explanation of the microtechnology and its purpose YOU MUST READ Mik Andersen (pseudonym) mirrored at
This material, Graphene Oxide, is not only what makes the vaccine highly toxic, but also embodies properties that initiate and activate electrical conductivity between molecules within body cells and between the cells themselves and serves to make possible an intra-body nano-nework that can link to the 5G satellite network.
By Mik Andersen: "The properties of graphene are exceptional from the physical point of view, but also thermodynamic, electronic, mechanical and magnetic. Its characteristics allow its use as a superconductor, electromagnetic wave absorbing material (microwave EM), emitter, signal receiver, quantum antenna, which makes it possible to create advanced electronics on a nano and micrometric scale. Such is the case, that it is the fundamental nanomaterial for the development of nano-biomedicine [...]
However, all the benefits aside, the scientific literature is very clear regarding the health implications for the human body. It is well known that graphene (G), graphene oxide (GO) and other derivatives such as carbon nanotubes (CNT) are toxic in almost all their forms, causing mutagenesis, cell death (apoptosis), release of free radicals, lung toxicity , bilateral pneumonia, genotoxicity or DNA damage, inflammation, immunosuppression, damage to the nervous system, the circulatory, endocrine, reproductive, and urinary systems, which can cause anaphylactic death and multi-organ dysfunction, see page “Damages and toxicity of graphene oxide” and from “Damage and toxicity of carbon-graphene nanotubes“.
Here is a link to the intra-body intra-brain nanonetwork system:
Look up the work of Josep Miquel Jornet and Rafa Yusté (was 'Obama's lead neuroscientist' on his InBrain project.
My same name gab account has more. Please give me feedback on this Ana, and thank you for this illuminating post.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 17, 2022

Thanks for the info and links, will study it this weekend and look at your site.
When we work together to bring forth the extensive knowledge, we can move mountains. ...


salialioli - Aug 18, 2022



Ungarnn - Aug 11, 2022

Ungarnn’s Newsletter

Thoughts on the covid swab tests containing nanoparticles?


PJ - Aug 10, 2022

PJ’s Substack

I would like to see the vile content subjected to EMF frequencies for a possible response/reaction to show they may become 'activated'. This would determine that any self-assembling elements or molecules would be acting under instruction and at different frequencies.
In my mind, the EMF waves from 'rapidly installed' 5G towers possibly work in conjunction with, or under the influence of, instructions from varying frequency band widths and strength.
Oxygen at 60ghz loses electrons, that frequency EMF beam directed at a person would cause the oxygen outside them and inside them to become ineffective and suffocate the target, i.e. pass out or die within 7 - 14 seconds.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 11, 2022

I agree. It has all ingredients of self assembly AI nanobrain which can self program and self learn and be remote controlled with external frequencies. Fact that it needs to be frozen for storage and will grow at body temp is interesting. Heat=frequency. Magnetic crystals have been shown to edit DNA sequences and contain genetic information, thereby the genetic code can further be altered, even if some vials only contain GO, no RNA.


salialioli - Aug 17, 2022

They are self-assembling components of a telecomms system. See La Quinta's research


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 17, 2022

yes, I know.


Keyra - Aug 27, 2022


I want to share my experience, my husband passed away recently.
He was unvaccinated like me, he stared not feeling well and loosing weigh but not red flags at the moment that we went to his doctor and everything pointed something simple as an ulcers and thyroid problems. He took his treatment and got worse and worse and in 3 months he died of an aggressive myeloma cancer and amyloids, by the moment that the doctors figure out was too late, only took 3 months to got worse and worse. I didn't want to believe about shedding even though we tried to not expose our selfs with vaccinated people but at work was hard to not expose. Based on all the information that Dr. Anna is posted I believed he died of the shedding and I share with all of you to be aware and take care. We have to fight to stop vaccines immediately!!!!


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 27, 2022

Dearest Keyra. My condolences.
Much love to you.
Dr. Ana


Keyra - Aug 27, 2022

Also I want to say THANK YOU Dr. Anna for sharing with all of us all the information and help to prevent it too !!


JC - May 27, 2023


Keyra I am so sorry for your loss.
I have wondered about vaccinated households who lose pets - or whose pets get infections that don't heal - I know a dozen people whose pets died in 2021-2022. And I know - pets have shorter lifespans but I wonder.


Unagnu - Aug 23, 2023


That is why I'm on the IVM and a protocol with daily doses of supplements AND IV every 2 to 3 weeks. I don't live with or get too close to the vaxxed BUT.. I figure protection JIC


Daniel neilson - Aug 26, 2022

It's absolutely shocking what these billionaire hoaxers have done to the world . I've not took any of their poison vaccines , as I knew from start they kill and seriously injury people, but now I'm told they even pass terrible things from vaccinated to unvaccinated , looks like they are trying to kill us all .


FIR - Aug 9, 2022



salialioli - Aug 17, 2022

see my (@same name) Stirred Not Shaken gab account (pinned) for detox instructions and or pass an EMP jammer over your shoulders, upper arms, back and chest. This may stop the electro-magnetism in yr body if that is a problem. (see my notes on this gab June 12) and below:
Here's how to make an EMP jammer:


BeachBabe - Jan 23, 2023

Something horribleis going on with these toxic jabs. I am a firm believer in tbat .
However I am not willing at this point to make a story around it.
So many findings are subject to interpretation.
Dr Ana....
Do u do follow-up appointments with patients who's blood is abnormal, get your treatment and blood returns to normal?
If so, at what intervals do you recheck their blood? This is very important information to know long term results of your treatments.
Thank you


Daniel neilson - Aug 24, 2022

The billionaires behind this hoax must be held accountable soon. Its crimes against humanity, they should be given the death penalty


Vito "Nick" Giotta - Aug 14, 2022

Vito’s Substack

My wife, Son, Daughter in-law and our two grand kids are unvac and will stay that way.


Danna - Aug 4, 2023

Danna’s Substack

We need to start calling this "The 4th Reich" because that's exactly what it is.
If you dig into WEF's Klaus Schwab you can easily find out about his ties to Hitler. It's taken 50 years, and it's not the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", it's the continuation of Hitler's 3rd Reich.


Pure - Apr 26, 2023

The only thing anyone can really do is help mother nature reverse the damage that has been done. How? Stop putting into the body food/substances that harm it and put ONLY food (as fuel) that it was designed to run on. This way your body will detox itself, regain the balance it needs and keep you healthy and strong. Research these:
rawfigs.comDr. Robert Morse
Loren Lockman on youtube
John Rose on youtube - The ideal diet for humans
Eli Martyr on youtube
"And the Truth will set you free" Jesus Christ



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