AI- The Plan To Invade Humanity - Must Watch…

Jan 20, 2023

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The AI Organization


Kathleen Devanney. A human. - Jan 20, 2023

Kathleen Devanney's Newsletter

Thank you. Very familiar with Cyrus's work and warnings. Though will revisit. It's a big leap for many still - a non-human force on the planet that infiltrated long ago, and the take over has been going on in stages for a long time. Coming to an end soon.
A 'vaccine' that would cut humans off from their spirit was predicted by Rudolph Steiner too. (Astoundingly, Anthroposophists, the group that based their existence on his teachings, recommended the shot! )
And also fully agree - turning a newly depopulated planet into cyborgs is the goal. (This other source is synthetic like, so turning us into 'them' is the idea.) Also think, of course, this does not succeed - nature will not allow it. They will implode in the end though much damage done till then.
I don't think everyone who's taken the shot is doomed, either. I really don't. We need room for good surprises too.
Lots of twists and turns during this tail end of an age - on both sides of the spectrum - and we'll see breakthroughs in the direction of good and even miraculous.
They are trying to robotize humanity - yes - and those who won't have it will actually push into new avenues of what a human is. We've been so limited in this 'slave system' world we were born into. WE didn't know that. But as the whole matrix is breaking down and crumbles, our frequency range expands and we'll discover innate abilities - previously hampered - are now available. (Self-healing abilities, bodies that naturally know how to upgrade along with the increase in frequencies.)
The more we align to nature and love and stand in our sovereignty, (as the beings who belong on this planet) the higher our frequency will get. It's its own kind of protection.
Talk about a learning curve!! Thank you. I always appreciate a writer who goes 'there'.


Larry Druhall - Jan 22, 2023

Solution Seeking

Thank you for your insightful comment.


Ernie Rockwell - Jan 20, 2023

Ernie Rockwell

Very powerful Dr. Ana. It will take time to digest but thanks so much for shining your inner light in such dark times.


Jake - Jan 20, 2023

Amen. Go dark bags, limiting use of technology, detox from heavy metals, prayer, spending time in natures, kind to one another. Ways to fight back


Lisa - Jan 20, 2023


"They cannot feed off of love, harmony, wisdom, virtue, courage, truth. They run out of food if humanity awakens." Amen!


Esther Lee - Jan 20, 2023

Esther Lee

Wow. Thank you so very much for your whole souled commitment to telling the truth. Thank you for your courage and love for humanity.


Bodhimom - Jan 20, 2023

Beings from other planets have been on earth for a long time, even before humans came here or were genetically hybridized here as some researchers postulate. So there has been an ongoing battle for control of planet earth for eons. We are living through Star Wars and Star Trek will be our future. However, we are still God Ordained Divine Beings and those who wish to alter or snuff out the light of God in us are violating cosmic law and will sooner or later be taken out. We all get to participate in this grand drama and battle.


D.K. Fynn - Jan 20, 2023

D.K. Fynn: Sharing Thoughts

I went to glanced around.
I then found a link to this video:
When I saw Cyrus, he looked familiar: I had seen an interview of him before, but that might have been over a year ago. I vaguely remember thinking that he was very intelligent, but that's all I remember.
I wonder which interview it was.
Anyway, AI is a frontier that humanity must really face and become aware of. Personally, I think AI, in and of itself, is neutral, but like any tool, if it falls into the wrong hands (or is programmed with ill intent), then it could be devastating.


Bodhimom - Jan 20, 2023

I first saw Cyrus about 2 years ago on Stew Peters Show. Some of the things he was saying was incredible to a lot of us. So I will revisit his information again.


aprayerformonkey - Dec 2


It is not neutral. Technology creates the beings who will use it. Read Jerry Manders book "The Four Arguments for the Elimination Of Television." He saw what was going to happen.


Deborah Richardson Evans - Jan 21, 2023

Deborah’s Newsletter

I’ve read and have all Cathy O’BRIAN books and listen to and share all her podcasts, too. I support her and her daughter every chance presented. I have been introduced to Cyrus before but I am very, very prudent with my time and commitment. I’ve known that whatever the enemy presents to us that our Creator can and will smash it. As dim witted as I am, it never ceases to amaze me at how great minds buy into this nonsense of anything controlling us. “ Our Creator, created us in His image.” May Yahweh bless you and your work. Amien and Amien, hallelujah hallelujah, all glory to Our Yahweh.


LawyerLisa - Jan 20, 2023

LawyerLisa’s Substack

Please get this to Eu citizens the last legal protections are coming down with the new IHR amendments to be approved May 2023


Joy Levin - Jan 20, 2023

Thank you so much for your truthful and consistent work!!


Elspeth Ham - Jan 21, 2023

Elspeth’s Substack

Well this one is stellar as are you.....inexpressible appreciation!
Hm.... 1954? the E. connection has long hung out over the cliff there; always wondered.
The MIC speech has been much quoted.....Dr David Martin used the word "cunningly"
Re Kerry's use of the word extra.....t..... I went and listened to what he said. It was an adjective not a verb; a descriptive, not an action. Like the misrepresentation in the media of Stew P. and his
A template not an ingredient. I think precision matters right alongside the dauntless waders. As you noted with Carnicom. Meanwhile here come the "millennials" Whitney Webb and Gigi Young......holy shit...guard, guide and protect. I have to get it together to order your book. Your generosity in sharing these newsletters is ......loss for word. I quit.


Eszter Szendrei - Jan 21, 2023

Eszter Szendrei


Elspeth Ham - Jan 21, 2023

Elspeth’s Substack

that's the disappeared down to the bottom of page 2 it seemed almost immediately that I read it.


Eszter Szendrei - Jan 21, 2023

Eszter Szendrei


Tatjana - Jan 21, 2023 - Edited


I see one big problem with the documentary. Most Americans, even educated ones, seem to be so brainwashed that they are not able to grasp who is behind this: the GLOBAL OLIGARCHS, and the FINANCIAL EMPIRE. The correct word for what Americans call the new "communism", "socialism" is TOTALITARIANISM. Sorry for saying this so bluntly. In English, there is no word (adjective) to describe a person who is having equal rights. In Slavic languages, this concept is embodied in one word, in Slovene enakopraven, Polish równoprawny, Czech rovnoprávný, etc., and it is closely connected with notion of freedom/liberties (we have one word for those two English concepts). Could you please start working on incorporating this concept of having equal rights in the Western civilization? (Equality means we are all the same. Isn't this what the Davos elites are forcing on us? "You will be equal" does not mean "You will have equal rights".)
I was born in Yugoslavia, so I know how living in socialism was. Much better than living in capitalism. The real USA is not Hollywood stars lifestyle. The real USA is: no social security, no health security, no normal public education system, actually, it is a "perfect" model of feudalism (taxes never return to people, they are all used by elites). USA is people having 3 jobs to survive. And lots of homeless people. In Yugoslavia we had almost no homeless people. From time to time, someone decided to become homeless, but was taken care of by social system and was never hungry. So, capitalism? No thank you. USA should stop exporting capitalism under the false name of democracy. I believe people in Latin America would have even more to say about the import of American "democracy" embodied in dictators like Pinochet and juntas. Watch Oliver Stone's films, e.g. Salvador. The Greeks would have much to say about how the West killed 1 million people after 1945. Because they were "communists". So please, let's start calling this nightmare with right words: TOTALITARIANISM imposed by GLOBAL OLIGARCHS and FINANCIAL EMPIRE.
In my view, the reason we are here, is constant fight of the Western financial empire against equal rights. What is happening is only culmination of this war on human rights. If we don't care for how the others (people/living beings/nature) live, we will end up like them. What the global elites are pulling off now, is suicidal.


Larry Druhall - Jan 22, 2023 - Edited

Solution Seeking

Thank you for your thought provoking comment.


Tatjana - Jan 23, 2023 - Edited


You're wellcome. You can see how it looked like in Yugoslavia in this documentary by Boris Malagurski (he was born in Serbia, I was born in Slovenia, but I remmember the same things - with one exception: in the 1990s we were brainwashed about Serbia and Serbians, so I am re-discovering history of the Balkans now):


Larry Druhall - Jan 23, 2023 - Edited

Solution Seeking

I started the video. Thank you for sharing it. It makes sense so far. I realize the brainwashing is powerful and extensive. The English language is loaded and rigged.
Please consider taking a look at the project in the links below. It is my best attempt to act as an equal partner (facilitator-author) in an attempt to create an online think tank in Substack to use something like root cause analysis to look at an entire range of models for how the world works, and attempt to discover a unique new solution to stop the harm the (d)elites are causing through their world wide harm power puppet networks and save the planet from them. We have been sabotaged on Substack, and the evidence of that is clearly disclosed. So far most participants are American. I am thankful for their participation but we could use some diverse viewpoints from others. We could use some help. It has stalled. Even if it fails, it has been a tremendous learning opportunity, and since it went online, I see more of the alt media discussing solution seeking, a process that was almost extinct.
I am a solution seeking engineer. In my career I participated in creating innovative solutions and we used this kind of think tank to discuss ideas, come up with new ideas, and we succeeded in creating working solutions in areas the world's best experts said were impossible. This is what this site is attempting. It is not just for technical people. We discovered that often the best ideas come from those who are not brainwashed into accepting false technical limitations. We are in the initial brainstorming stage where ideas are presented. Now we have some decisions make about where we go from here.
Here are some of the links. The Substack subscription is free and, as long as I am the author, it will remain free. Thank you for reading this. Perhaps you will choose to help us out as an equal partner?


Tatjana - Jan 23, 2023 - Edited


Hi Larry, I am from Europe (Slovenia), translator and (very small, independent) publisher, but also solution oriented and promoting self-reflection (in our educational programmes - we have developed an educational module for reading club moderators, because reading books (printed books!) does miracles to human brain ;)).
I will gladly study your texts, at first glimpse, it looks great! Thank you!
P. S. Today a friend told me I haven't had time to plunge into it yet, but the model looks promissing. We could definitely use more platforms like that.


Larry Druhall - Jan 24, 2023

Solution Seeking

You may want to take a look at this comment thread.
And my last reply below. It is an attempt to explain why I started and persist in solution seeking. It is an attempt to explain why I will go on alone if required. Lucid dreams last night gave insights into the solution seeking PROCESS, but not the actual solution. Maybe we should be seeking the PROCESS and not one solution? Maybe the process is required so that people can engage and develop their own best solutions? Maybe that is the best solution, just doing something(s) that result in more people seeking new, better, solutions?
I will be even more explicit. Anger is exploding. Violence is being considered. Just avoiding discussing the violence people are considering will not, in my opinion, avoid it. My feeling is that, by giving the anger a voice, and exploring it, better, innovative, peaceful solutions might be uncovered, as a group, together, in a think tank type environment, or, maybe, in personal, move private, discussions, for even in personal creative visualizations, etc. I grew up with the original Captain Kirk not being satisfied with the options they knew of and attempting to get people together to continue seeking a better alternative. So, I continue to seek that alternative. If I seek it alone, so be it. I will not lead nor follow, so I am not trying to be Captain Kirk in some way. My hope is to seek a better alternative with others as an equal diverse partner. But this idea and spirit of this still lives on within me.


Larry Druhall - Jan 23, 2023

Solution Seeking

Hello Tatjana. Isn't Self Reflection an incredible experience? So many close friends did self reflection and group reflection in that past and most do not do it anymore. I wonder why?
I have heard, glimpsed at it, but have not spent much time on it, yet. My hope is that you will share more of your thoughts about it.
Thank you for taking a look at that Solution Seeking. It has stalled, but not failed. There are plenty of learning opportunities there. I have invited two journalists who excel at looking at complex things and the associated interdependencies to take an objective look at it and consider covering it. Like self reflection, many close friends who years ago were inclined to brainstorm innovative solution seeking are no longer ready, willing and/or able to do that anymore. The brainwashing, hypnosis, poisoning, etc. have/has been extremely effective?


John Reed - Nov 12, 2023

John’s Newsletter

The antichrist will be an AI. In Benson's The Lord of the World (1907) the antichrist is shown as enjoying near universal adulation, although the reason for this isn't clearly expressed. We now see that a super-intelligent AI, hooked-up to everyone via some kind of 5G network could accomplish this quite easily.


Kimberly Graciano - Jan 24, 2023

Kimberly’s Substack

I was onArchive.organd actually ran into Cyrus’ court documents. When he says he made a case, he really did! I’m just blanking on what exactly it was, but it was no small feat! He knows what he’s talking about! If he comes across a little “big headed” well, he IS very smart, and it is so worth hearing or reading what the man says because he REALLY PRETTY MUCH KNEW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN...



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