AI Nanotechnology And Synthetic Biology in…

Apr 11, 2024

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Susan Smith - Apr 11 - Edited

Brian Klunder

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and research with the community. I’m so glad I found more experts talking about whatAnthonyPatch.comhas been talking about for many years. He’s been sharing his amazing knowledge on CERN, Quantum Computing, and tying it all together with the Vax for years. Unfortunately, he had to go private on subscribe star because of extreme censorship. On one of his live shows, he did a memorial service for the late doctor…Luc Montagnier, Nobel-Winning Co-Discoverer of H.I.V., Dies at 89
He helped find the virus that causes AIDS, fell into a feud over it and later turned controversial, taking an anti-vaccine stance during the Covid-19 crisis.
Many of us believe this brilliant doctor’s life was cut short.
Anthony and his wife Kathleen are great researchers. They’ve been sharing much of what you’re sharing with us for years. Anthony’s monthly magazine called “Entangled” is well documented studies that’s a nice visual and easy to understand magazine.
He does not believe once jabbed, it can not be reversed. Once your DNA 🧬 is modified it cannot be reversed and is permanent.
Thank you again for going public with this information. I find it extremely interesting yet very sad because we all have friends and family that got deceived.😢


Brian Klunder - Apr 12 - Edited

Brian Klunder

Do you believe, as he does, that everybody who took the jabbed is damned eternally?


Susan Smith - Apr 24

Brian Klunder

Hi Brian, as much as my mind and heart does not want to believe this is the MOTB, more compelling evidence is coming out every day.
The comments of this video are very interesting.
JD Farag just came out with his weekly prophecy report talking about Zombies and how people are changing.
Dr Bossche just came out with a video telling of a coming medical meltdown and the hospitals will be overwhelmed.
I believe this jab had many batches. Like in any trial people had different reactions. Some died immediately, some slow, some got a placebo, many sports people got myocarditis, and many will be activated when they increase frequency’s of 5G and even 6-G. The more info that comes out the more I’m leaning toward Anthony Patches research.🥲


Brian Klunder - Apr 24

Brian Klunder

Thanks for commenting! Deep subject foe sure!


Jude - Apr 12 - Edited

Brian Klunder

As to me, I believe yes, and easier would be to not think like this. You see, we're made in an image of God. Change something in the dna you change the image. And I'm not talking about spontanous mutations. This happened before, you can look at Genesis and the Book of Enoch. We're dealing with a sect of people devoted to devil and their own pride. Freemasons and others. Give them ability, and they'll make you a living breathing and walking blasphemy. We have not even scratched the surface of what this does. In the Bible it is said, Him who destroys God's temple God will destroy, and you together are that temple. Jesus talked about the temple of his body. AI is an idol. In many places in the scriptures, God condemned people for stupid looking things, comparing to this. In the Pfizer HQ in New York you can see Egyptian gods on the walls, beside Confucius and few Freemasons. Use of Luciferase is just paying tribute to the false light bearer. They made a new species. Vaccinated give birth to children that are not human. Jesus came in human body, so his sacrifice was for mankind. That's the thief that came inside the house Jesus spoke about... this vaccine. AI - they have no free will as Yuval Harari states, 'hackable animals' - that's what they think about them. If they have free will now, in any second they may get an impulse and will walk talk like a robot, whatever this system wants... I am not attacking anyone to be clear. Blessings


Brian Klunder - Apr 13 - Edited

Brian Klunder

Thank you for the response! I believe this subject really needs to be discussed in the light of scripture. Actually, I agree with all the points you brought up. I am actually writing a book on Rev 18:23 and the blasphemy of All vaccines that violate the word of God. Animal passaging - chimeras - aborted fetal cells in vaccines - and yes, the triple helix cDNA, which seems to be the cherry on this Luciferian enterprise.
Does animal passaging change one's DNA? Yes! Not to the same extent as cDNA, but that to me seems like saying ...Lighten up Lord, it was only porn, not actual fornication. So, I am persuaded that all vaccines need to be repented of.
So, I guess the question comes down to: What about the clueless 14-year-old after the age of accountability? They were honoring their father and mother, so can they never repent? And one about the one person who took only one shot and it was weak strength. Do we know for certain that the spike protein is with that person forever?
Heavy stuff that needs to be debated and discussed with fear and trembling before the Lord. And once again I thank you for venturing into waters most avoid...Be Blessed!


Jude - Apr 13 - Edited

Brian Klunder

Blessings once again :) you know, as to the old 'usual' vaccines - maybe they're no good in the light of the scripture, but it's like, sort of eating unclean animals - for example God restricted pork for the reason of it's uncleanness which is brought up many times in the scriptures of the old testament. MRNA ones are just gene therapies. So in my opinion, first vaccines are no good for the use of various ingredients, especially aluminum and titanium. But the new ones - they are not vaccines. Meaning we must separate between these two. As to the children and young / disabled people - during destruction of the old world, the great flood, or Sodom and Gomorrah, yes God destroyed young people, even babies. But God knew their hearts it's also mentioned. I see only one way it can be repented - when someone injects you by force, because it's not your own will. It's God's judgement on the Earth. But there will be also redemption. ABout weak strength - you may kill one person or kill a thousand. If you killed just one, and meet someone who killed more, it does not make you innocent in the eyes of God, you're still guilty. Covid Vaccine is also sort of a suicide - you kill yourself! You become something other. It is you, and at the same time it is no longer you, and there is no reverse therapy, for it would require quantum physics and atom scale clearing - knowing crispr is often unprecise leaving genes behind, cutting whole chromosome segments instead of just a one gene sequence, this spots out of place, altered genes would remain anyway. No natural way can reverse this change. Like - giving herbs won't change chicken's dna into human dna, same with them - they are now something different. Their brains and neural networks work differently. I know about Horizonthal gene transfer if that's what you mean on animal passaging, it's real but rare, and works only for one cell at a time. God specified in the bible how the mark of the beast will work. And old vaccines were nothing as this fake-cines are... in greek Charagma word is used concerning mark of the beast in the revelation of Jonh, meaning, sharpened to a point, carving, etching, and that's what Crispr does, it carves dna like a sculpture. But we're already in the image of God! “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” What we know for certain that change of dna is forever. There is also thing about new nucleotides which are visible in patents of moderna. ATCG to for example ATCGXY, it's 'language' expantion, making it possible for cells to manufacture new aminoacids - meaning new kinds of tissues and systems, that would not work in a body previously. Gene code is undisclosed, we don't know what they did. Nanotechnology is like an all seeing eye. Like a slavery machine. Mind control, body control, telepathy, brain hive... And Jesus says, do not become slaves of men!


Brian Klunder - Apr 13

Brian Klunder

May I offer this view? We've all been boiled frogs to a certain extent. I believe one of the most powerful chapters of my book is the quotes from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries condemning vaccines as a "Delusion of the Devil."
And surely, you would agree heavy metals are not the same as aborted fetal cells in vaccines. This is an abomination in the sight of the Lord: "Do we do evil (murder) so that good may come?" (Romans.) I do believe that the innocent murder of a child so that others may live argument will not stand up in the Heavenly court of God. So, I must either repent, which I have done and condemn this industry or defend medical Molech worship and ignorance of the sin. Of which neither I choose.
Be blessed and thank you for responding!


John Vargo - Apr 12

John Vargo

Good question,my answer is no simply because we are not the body.however Lisa talked about the goathead being etched onto the heads of those who died from the jab.Have to read it again,


Jude - Apr 11

Hello dr Ana, You should read about XNA and PNA synthetic DNA analogues, about the use of Pseudouridine (Ψ), and synthetic Nucleotides (expanding the alphabet of life), Triple Helix. We still do not know what change exactly happened inside of people that took the abomination. Their dna may not even be dna at all... Their gene system may (or may not) be remotly updatable. These chips that float around may be programmed with dna (check out Dna Data Storage Alliance). Hope everyone reading this believes in Jesus (Yeshua). He comes back and is our only hope. satan is real, and people serving him are real. This world ends. But there is still hope. Turn back to Jesus people.


E.C. - Apr 12

I too believe He is our only hope⚔️


Nigel Cockain - Apr 12

Black Sheep in Exile

Facinating and compelling conversation with Maria Crisler on live blood microscopy and hydrogel filaments, especially regarding snakes and snake skin, which really caught my attention ... "What The Heck Is This Thing??? Help Me To Identify This Shiny Metallic 'Micro-Robotic Snake' With Clunky Mechanical Movement Found In My Blood"


crapshoot farmer - Apr 12

crapshoot farmer

Excellent work, Nigel.


Nigel Cockain - Apr 13

Black Sheep in Exile

Thank you.


Doug Brown - Apr 12

Doug Brown

Thank you Dr Ana! Thank you Maria Crisler! This was fascinating. I want to hear more. I first saw those rope worm hybrids whatever you call them in Dr Bernard Jenson's 1981 classic "Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management." A life saving book. SO interesting to see them again here. I also had a super bizarre skin parasite thing happen to me in 2015 (which is along story) and I used permethrin cream a couple of times to treat it, and during that time I saw a whitish spider like organism in my armpit (I am very nearsighted.) It seemed to be attached with a probiscus and would not come out. I tried putting MMS on it with no luck but what got it out (maybe not all of it) was oregano oil applied directly to it with a washcloth. I have always wondered about that and supposed there are more inside me.


ConnectDots - Apr 12

Thank you for that book referral!


ConnectDots - Apr 12

I found a 131 page PDF of the book @


ConnectDots - Apr 12

Follow up research browsing through this PDF has led me to a very interesting website that says, "The primary cause of disease isn't germs, genes, or toxins. It's malnutrition."


ConnectDots - Apr 12

I've learned that Dr. Royal Lee (died 1967) was friends with Royal Rife. There is an interesting article about Dr. Lee's work "PROTOMORPHOGENS - The Blueprints To Health" @


ConnectDots - Apr 13

That term "protomorphogen," which Dr. Jensen (Jensen not Jenson) uses in Chapter 7, by saying "Lymph drainage is important. Drainage can be increased through the use of protomorphogens or . . ." has me on a research project now.
What is a protomorphogen? I found the Doctor Nutritionist article to be fascinating, but I have no idea who Doctor Nutritionist is! There is no About page on the website.
The fact that the article talks about Bechamp's microzyma is very important, because to me, his work should have been believed in the 19th century rather than the work of his rival Pasteur, whose science turns out to have been unscientific, as revealed in the book The Private Science of Louis Pasteur (Princeton University Press).


ConnectDots - Apr 14

Back to Dr. Jensen: I see there is a © 2024 Bernard Jensen Products website @


E.C. - Apr 12

crapshoot farmer

So let me try to get this straight.
ALL of humanities blood is full of this crap.
So HOW SOON until people start dropping dead from it?
How many of our red blood cells need to die before we die? Serious. Time frame.
Do the jabbed die first or can the unjabbed die before the jabbed?
What is the big difference between being jab bed or unjabbed if shedding is real and our blood looks just as bad? Really.
Do more people die when the 5G cell towers are turned up?
Can EVERYONE get out ALL the crap in their blood by doing the protocols we read?
How often do you have to do the protocols?
So we need pilots to stop the geoengineering,
destroy the 5G cell phone towers......
then fire all the bad guys and make a new health care system?!?!?
What kind of bizarre world am i living in?
Are we certain that it's not us who are going crazy?


Bernadette - Apr 12

crapshoot farmer

There may be multiple answers to your questions; and because diverse factors are involved in all physiological conditions, there cannot be standardized timeframes and especially prescriptions for each case.


E.C. - Apr 12

crapshoot farmer

Yes, thank you.
But can anyone estimate anything?


crapshoot farmer - Apr 12

crapshoot farmer

"Predictions are hard, especially about the future'" thanks to Yogi Berra.
According to TonyP, your smart phone is the weapon that will be used against you. 5G (and 6G?) will activate it when 'they' want it to. Economic collapse by design, riots begin, they will turn it on and up the volume. It's known as Operation Domestic Nano Quell.
Now Sabrina Wallace on Odysee is saying this tech is already under your skin and your smart phone doesn't matter as they can trigger a heart attack, stroke, etc. and be blameless.
Big rabbit hole they have dug for us and don't discount alien technology behind any of this.


E.C. - Apr 12

Operation Domestic Nano Quell is new to me. I will look it up.


E.C. - Apr 12

Thank you.


Dusty - Apr 11


Thank you Dr Ana


Trish Heath - Apr 11

So are you now saying zeolite is not good for you because it causes the graphine oxide to dislodge and become more dangerous?


adrian - Apr 13

i thought Maria Crisler was meaning that zeolite removes nano bots from blood and that zeolite is a powerful detox, i hope thats what she means because thats what i have been using for over a year


Cos - Apr 13

I don't think Dr Anna is saying anything directly, it is up to you to determine. How I interpret the discussion, I would stay well away from Zeolite, like many other products we find out about 'on the fly'.


Jennifer williams - Apr 11 - Edited

crapshoot farmer

Hi maybe you have seen this but I feel there is a huge connection to your discoveries. Watch The Antidote on Rumble with Dr Addis and Jason Shurka
The joining the dots snake Venom and snake worms . Great work you are doing thank you . Jennifer williams


crapshoot farmer - Apr 12

crapshoot farmer

I'm very skeptical of Dr. Ardis. He made sense at first but a chiropracter hawking supplements at high prices make me suspicious. Snake venom symtoms seem coincidental.
I may be wrong about him and I followed him at first but lost interest.


Cos - Apr 13 - Edited

In light of this discussion, I am starting to wonder now after all this time if there is actually a connection also. Guess we will find out soon enough.


Brian Klunder - Apr 12

Brian Klunder

Thank you, DR Ana; yes, this is a spiritual battle. The army's new universal vaccine is based on a ferritin nanoparticle = mind control via emf remote.


E.C. - Apr 12

Brian Klunder

Ferritin nanoparticle?


Brian Klunder - Apr 12

Brian Klunder

Yes, simply type in the above title, and you will find it.


Dale Valiukas - Apr 11

Thank you so much, I appreciate your knowledge.


E.C. - Apr 12

Thank you Dr Ana💥


Jim McGilbrith - Apr 14




Cos - Apr 13

Wonderful and insightful discussion.


Tom Subirge - Apr 12

Tom’s Substack

DR. ANA - PLEASE READ: Silvia Neitzner from SAM's substack is having some success using green lazars. There are medical grade lazars that are powered down and can be directly impinged on skin, w/o damage. She has observed the destruction of hydrogel AND also the start of disintegration of the white clots/plastic fibers. She notes that entire blood supply passes by - wrist for example - in 5 minutes, so 5 min treatments can help immensely. At minimum it will kill all q-dots currently in bloodstream so they cannot assemble. The end product of this destruction / disaggregation seems to be q-dots, which you have discovered can be removed thru EDTA. Green lazar kills q-dots. Silvia resides in Lapland, has had some significant progress.sam368@substack.comShe also runs a substack with at least 2-3 updates per week.


adrian - Apr 12


Bee Gee - Apr 12

Bee Gee

Thanks for another great informative episode, I wish I had one of those 3D echo's.
I have been wondering if hydrogen water would dissolve the gray clots?
I have no way to test it yet and I dont have any gray clots either but no point in putting the cart before the horse. Although if I DID have some gray clots, the first thing I would do is see if they are affected by a magnet... my wife and I keep wondering that every time we see some, for Years now.
I also cannot figure out at what point of the infection chain the magentism occurs, is it in the initial shedding of the quantum dot nanobots, once the hydrogel develops from the nanobots, or once the filaments are produced by the hydrogel? Or does it require significant dead RBC matrix growth?
In this video, it again looks like there is plainly magnetism occurring with the filament, all the blood cells are super rouleauxed and crushed together like disc magnets on one side of the filament, there is a clear break line with NO RBC's at all, and then it looks like they are getting slightly repelled on the other side of the filament.
I cannot stop thinking this magnetism like phenomenon is a Super Important part of this whole riddle yet it is constantly minimized or outright ignored.
And I wont even bring up how things like high density plastics or wood stick to people too, just like magnets and non-ferrous coins and keys and smartphones and on and on and on.
And what makes it go away? Time, lack of shedder contact, the right supplements? I dont know, but I do know if we fly somewhere, we get it again temporarily.
Its not a conspiracy theory or poisoning the well, its a Fact... just one that does not fit within our previous understanding of physics on this planet.
Maybe thats part of stopping all these stage 4 InstaCancers people keep 'getting' now, since I think its highly likely anyone with the magentism who gets 3 or 4 CT scans and an MRI and an Xray in 1 or 2 days probably dies in short order.
Just seems like maybe thats kind of Important to figuring this all out.



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