Evil scary πΏπ± they really DO want us all harmed, controlled, poisoned and/or dead. π΅ As Jesus said, unless these days were cut short no one would survive. (Matthew 24:22)
They are spraying in our atmosphere more than ever. It’s thinned out to look like a fog, & yes it’s very toxic to breath. My question is “ How do we stop them”, Tennessee passed a bill that goes into effect this June, that bans the geo engineering of our skys. All states should follow suit. This poison & the nano bots kills all life, a slow death. Yes ivermectin, EDTA, mega vit C do work, but you can’t take it everyday. I raise Bees, our Bee population is having trouble. Our trees are starting to die. Then you add the stinking 5G to the mix, & it really gets much worse.
Speak out, make people aware what’s going on. Tell them to look up.
We can’t give up!!!
Yes. The entire planet is being assaulted, whilst people mesmerize themselves looking into microscopes. The technologists (who belong in rubber rooms) continue to ply their trade. Stopping them will require murdering them. There is no other way.
Florida is stopping the spraying also. I've only seen a few in the last week. before the nearly every day, and a lot of them. Nice to see blue skies again.
I am so jealous π₯Ί I'm in Washington State where they spray every single day bc the sheeple just think it's supposed to be grey and cold here all the time. I've lived here my whole life. It's not.
Great info and truth!
May I contribute to your analysis? To answer the question of how can we stop it... we have to start with what IT is. Geoengineering only one piece to this madness is strictly weather related. Does that mean it's not as evil, absolutely not! Those who control the weather control the world. Anytime something or someone is vying for control of other persons that's NOT "GOOD" for the humans BEING controlled. But it might be for them, those driven by money, power are on a large base of people the ones running all of these industrial complexes. The part of the puzzle piece relating to Nanobots, it's here to complete in my opinion a psychopath trying to, it's not even transhuman isn't isn't anymore it's post-humanism! These people convinced themselves that this place is going to get so bad it's better for them to augment into the Borg ( which is happening to all of us whether we want to believe it or not. We can't decide we don't want to comply because they didn't ask! It's already here! This that we are discussing is not sci-fi s*** from the future. It's been happening since 1995! Sorry, I digress..
Back to the Nanobots, that is not geoengineering. That is smart dust metal materials, that is killing us. I should add if the poison don't kill us then we will be totally augmented! My point is in this very lengthy post comment is there two different things so we must address the two different issues separately. Weather modification, you only die if say a hurricane is what they've created and the hurricane wipes out your personal possessions but it won't kill you unless you are directly in the center of fake weather!
BOTH these very separate issues are ran (the doers, worker bees) military industrial complex. That is basically DARPA, DARPA is ran by NATO, NATO is ran by the the financial banking cartel out of Basel Switzerland, hence the head of the snake! The short answer should have been EVERYTHING controlling us peasants is ran out of Basel switzerland!! Sadly, they have all the money too. They will never run out of the $$$ to compensate the "doers/worker bees" because they need income to support them or their families. It's the Ouroboros or Fibonacci sequence. It just continues whether we LIKE it or NOT!
Not to sound like I don't have hope I do!!
So what do people like you and I and perhaps many following this thread that think alike and don't want any part of it do to make it out alive??!
MY conclusion: Unless you are one of these power hungry materialistic mindset who think you are God HUMANS functioning out of Basel Switzerland ( I assure you nobody reading this thread is) we can't do anything to STOP it. WE, have no control. I don't know about you but I don't like giving things my energy when it doesn't benefit me in any way. So I am going to focus on me and those I love by helping us continuously because it will be continuous.. do what we CAN to make it out alive! First and foremost in the immediate we must detach these self-replicating Nanobots that every living thing on the planet consumes from our living bodies! I have a whole series of things that I personally do. Every single human is different you have to figure out what works for you. It's a long process, nobody likes to read anymore, so they just don't want to deal with it then put their head in the sand and pray goes away. They too are part of the problem LOL.
WOW.. that was a lot π¬π«.
If this has resonated with anyone then the time I took to compose it will have been worth it π. That circles back to what can we do, we can at least inform other humans about what's really going on so they can decide "what's best for THEM". That is how people like you and I can contribute to humanity.
In the meantime we need to be fixing ourselves, individually slowing this augmenting to the Borg process down. If everybody focused on fixing themselves everyone would be well!!
This entails a lot of work figuring out how your body needs to be detoxed. It also entails giving up ALL of our wireless devices WE are now addicted to! Humans deem "convenient products" necessary for survival. I can't live without my smartphone when in fact yes you can people did for thousands of years! I can't get rid of my smart TV, yes you can people survive for thousands of years without them!
How many of us do you think will be totally committed to both of those processes? My truth is my belief is not too many. So most won't " make it out alive", by that I mean "Stay Human". A considerable amount of people are excited about getting neural linked or or living in the metaverse. To me and you that's the crazy part. People are standing in line to do that s*** just like the people stood in line to take the Jabs. IMO.. ( which don't mean s***, cuz I'm nobody LOL) it's the fear of death that humans have that is running their Google brain computer telling them what to do. I have no fear of death. My concern is only about staying human lol.
I wish all of you the best of luck on your individual Journeysπ₯°π
#NoFear πͺπ
False evidence appearing real is running people's reality. Stop that too! Don't participate don't engage don't give it your energy focus on what you controlβΊοΈ
Nice rant but I didn't get a lot of practical info there. You're correct that people don't want to read anymore, though.
People I talk to about this subject turn off their attention and some may seem interested for a moment but overall it's a hopeless endeavor. If it's not a lack of desire to read it's a lack of an attention span.
And I'm skeptical of NATO running and controlling DARPA. Our military "geniuses" wouldn't stand for that. Mossad, maybe.
IMO NATO is "the military of ALL Governments." Certainly the "members" of NATO Governments. The USA "pays" the participation fee or member fee if you will of many governments that can't afford to pay the fee. What's that about, if not this country (USA) paying ( supposed to be we the people's tax dollars, probably not true they just print more). The USA is the largest contributor to NATO.... by far !! That in itself demonstrates where are you us military Alliance lies. Certainly not in our own country. Evident by, you name it open borders, b******* politics two wings of the same bird.
If the US is the largest contributor to NATO why would it take orders from it?
You stated it as fact and now you're saying it's your opinion.
We don't know a lot of things because they hide their motives and their masters so well. Rothchilds, Vatican, aliens, Khazarians...to name a few.
My "opinion" was stated in the 1st sentence only.
NATO Spending by Country 2024
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization – or NATO is a military and political alliance used to guarantee each of its members' security and freedom. Created after World War II, the goal of NATO is to promote democratic values, cooperate on defense and security issues, and to build trust among members. This, in turn, helps prevent conflict from occurring. NATO also promotes a peaceful resolution of disputes. However, if diplomatic efforts do not work, the military alliance is used for crisis-management operations.
Well, thanks for educating me on what NATO is.
As if none of us knew.
We're in agreement for the most part but since we're in the extinction level event now it doesn't matter what NATO or any entity does.
Yes , I put water in my glass, then put the edta and instantly almost a black spot surfaced, when I looked at it under my microscope it was many round metallic like mercury shiny round things with an eye, like cameras, just like the old Logitech cams we used to have in old PC s. Scary !!!!!!
Daniela C - Can I ask where you sourced your water from?
Did you examine your glass prior to adding the water?
Did you view the water first under your microscope inspecting for contaminants?
Was you microscope Dark Field or Bright Field?
What magnification did you observe these 'objects at?
The reason I ask is, I collect these (near invisible) gel products from water vapor in our atmosphere regularly, when you interfere with them they go black in appearance. Your EDTA could be satisfactory for consumption? Possibly.
Researching it is on my list! If you have vetted the brand you use, would you provide it please? If you haven't researched it completely, I understand! Please, just say so π
I’m also interested in the brand of EDTA. I take a million vitamins and don’t really want to add anything that isn’t necessary. However, if it is I’d love to know which to take. Thanks
I think more experiments with different colloids to remove nanotechnology would be worthwhile π
In this short video, Dr. David Nixon uses his microscopic images to show how colloidal gold dissolves the nanotechnology compounds seen in the samples.
The remarkable thing is that the samples taken from his patients do not even have to come into direct contact with the colloidal gold and the dissolution of the nanotechnological structures still works. He always left a distance on the slide between the sample, in which the structures of the nanotechnology can be clearly seen, and the addition of a drop of colloidal gold. Here he is talking about one to several millimeters.
Dr. Nixon does not yet have a definitive explanation for this phenomenon, but he assumes that it must be due to the electrical charge of the colloidal gold, which was produced using the ELECTROLYSIS PROCESS.
Many, many thanks to Mezei and Marty. Your references were excellent. I'm stunned. As always, my guides specifically told me this morning to continue pursuing research by Sabrina Wallace.
Sabrina Wallace is a complex character. Some call her unintelligible. Some a charlatan. Others say she's brilliant.
She alleges that she is a product of DARPA projects. Her parents were apart of dark projects; her mother is a Rothschild. Here's a an excellent article summarizing her work:https://plasmaenergysolution.com/?p=15843
Summary: "What Sabrina Wallace reveals to us- is nothing short of groundbreaking:
A human body part, the bioenergetic field- got purposefully erased from scientific & public discourse, for about 100 years- and is being abused to route data through our body, aided by self assembling biosensors in the blood, for the WBAN 802.15.6 (wide body area network). Neural Lace has already been deployed, since 1995 (hydrogel, mesogens, qdots, aluminium, titanium, nickel, cadmium… then GO & other metamaterials, self assembling plasmonic nanorectennas etc.)!"
Our blood--our DNA--is being used to transmit data. Our electric body has been co-opted. She's brilliant, but listening to her is like trying to catch an speeding train careening out of control.
I encountered an earlier survivor of MKUltra projects, Starfire, whose book was completely unintelligible to me many years ago until I realized that she was completely autistic--made so by the MKUltra experimentation on her. Here's a synopsis of her book which is part of the "MK Ultra Dark Labs 1959 - 1975: Testimonial Report." Her book's available on Amazon. She's known as "Project Monarch Survivor Starfire." Iow, she's telling truth amid the maelstrom of an autistic affect.
"Dark Lab survivor, Starfire was born into the Illuminati and donated for space program experiments. She describes autism vaccines and their link to brain implants, voice to skull technology and mind control products. Her story describes how Nazi doctors were brought to Florida for the space program during the 1960's. She tells how she was surgically modified for brain based implants for mind and body control. Eventually, Starfire was able to hack satellites using her artificial brain implants. Are humans being genetically engineered to be more compatible with artificial life in space?"
The survivors of these labs are trying to communicate with us albeit they may be unintelligible at first glance.
So, I'm beginning to see the problem exactly as Carrin described. We can continually attempt to rid the blood of nanotech or take something to incapacitate the electrical circuitry of nanotech. I don't want to take a million supplements. My body doesn't do well over-supplemented.
I also had the insight this morning that the old religions of a wrathful God and highly structured religions from Mayan or Confucius are to designed to invoke fear--everyone submitted to rules rigidly enforced for the betterment of societies.
Today that "God" or "system of rules" is replaced by fear from genetic manipulation. People have largely abandoned the old religions like the Abrahamic. Albeit genetic fears are well-founded but without the needed expertise and knowledge, we all struggle through life looking for the method to return to our native bodily condition in complete darkness. Wallace makes statements like "Why didn't anybody tell you you were wireless? Because they don't want to give you the remote control to your own body."
Have all the colloidal, silver, gold , copper, but I’m kinda hesitant as it’s kind of nano tech too. I prefer to go NATURAL, as natural as possible, like I.e. hydroxy is in nature Quercetin, Ivermec, in nature is wormwood ( abysinthe a famous alcoholic drink in Europe too made of Artemisa abysinthia) , so I like the clays, but EDTA is super strong, like a magnet picking or vacuuming all the metals graphene etc and another one ( which was the precursor of Hydroxychloroquine, Methalene Blue, and Doc Anna Mihalcea and many more speak wonders about it, that’s my next buy as soon as I can afford it, and as a protection too , because this shite is everywhere . Yesterday I got attacked by some kind of weapon , I think I was targeted, I speak too much the Truth and they hate me hahahaha don’t care. A good thing I learnt from doc Ardis , how to ground immediately , if u can’t to go hug a tree or barefoot on grass, you run to the shower and as soon as all the + AC gets out of your body in the water and hits the ground floor, the entire pain was gone, unbelievable, I’m telling you, my pain came out of nowhere, and it was excruciating ( my right leg) I couldn’t breathe of the pain ( and I have high pain tolerance) I couldn’t think from the pain, I got rid of my phone, and ran to the shower to ground myself, it was miraculous, in like 3 minutes my pain was completely gone! Blessings to All, stay safe and don’t fall for their fear porn tricks. Believe in Source Creator, IS with us, make the connection everyday directly ( no need of fake organized religions ) directly with SOURCE !!! DC May SOURCE be with you!
IMO, this is definitely the route to go=to disrupt the electrical charge within nanotech.
We're never going to beat the game simply by taking old-fashioned parasite detoxes except after the nanotech has been disconnected and nullified. We're far too inundated with crap from our environment. If you breathe air, you breathe nanotech directly into your lungs. If you eat grass-fed, organic beef or anything else, you're getting nanotech in your digestive tract. You will need EDTA IV after EDTA IV for the rest of your life.
Moreover, I'm finished with the game of taking this and that...try the newest natural product working so well for someone else. I can't do it. My body cannot take an overload of one supplement after another.
A story I read long ago for your amusement. I read about Morgellons and followed Dr. Carnicom years ago when I red pilled in 2015. I read about a group of Morgellons sufferers who held onto an electrical current long enough to fry the nanotech within and then lept into a pool of cold water to stop the cooking of their tissues. I don't know if this method worked...but the idea is valid. Short circuit the nanotech. Cheers on Memorial Day!!
its the only video or article talking about coloidal gold. even Dr Nixon havent publish anything new regarding gold, and the experiment have not been reproduce by anybody else, or supported by anybody else. so i dont know what to think. i have a eletroliser at home to produce silver coloidal for personal use. i can easilly do gold coloidal, maybe i can invest...
That was Dr Nixon's findings at the time, purely experimentation. He also notes the development continues when the sample dries out. He doesn't recommend taking it though in his later information releases. Many products 'dilute' the nano, but it stills remains in situ.
If you read back through Dr Ana's research you will find ANY metals contribute to the development of this nano, that is why metal was injected.
Gold is not valuable as people think like jewelry , it’s an Element that connect you to Source Creator, and also Source has created Gold Veins of Earth . Gold is spiritually super conductor of Source Light Energy !!! Blessings ! DC
I only knew gold has a high frequency and very valuable to the annunaki.I have tried monatomic gold from Blue Emerald for that reason of lighting up my lightbody.
Dr Ana recommends MedFive EDTA, she has the link at the bottom of most of her articles. I take that, as well as Arizona brand EDTA pills, which do not have the enteric coating like MedFive.
You absolutely can take oral EDTA, you dont have to put it under ypur tongue but I plan on researching it further to see if ot is more effective.
The main point most people miss about EDTA is it bonds with many many many things. Like calcium or iron or most other minerals, which are in all foods. So if you take 1800mg of Arizona, it dissolves in your stomach and gets in your system immediately (unlike medfive) but if you had coffee with dairy in it in the last 2 hours, that 1800mg of EDTA Instantly bound with that residual calcium in your stomach and did absolutely zero for you.
And the window is even longer for food... if you eat a big meal, that can still be in your stomach and gut Hours later and the same thing will happen.
If you want EDTA to actually work, you need to be serious about how you take it and be sure that you arent just wasting it.
It also binds with many helpful supplements, like natto or curcumin, multivitamins, lots of things. EDTA does not bind with ALA, bromelain, sodium citrate, or vitamin C, D or E.
So what I do is a 3 day fast where I dont eat for around 24 hours, take 1 medfive and 3 Arizona EDTA, wait an hour, then start taking hempoil pills (ALA) and sodium citrate water, swallowing a ton of fresh pineappple juice and orange juice, and maybe some D and E if I have them.
EDTA makes it really easy to fast since you dont get hungry taking it and then you can be sure it is actually working.
I have taken 3 Arizona and 1 medfive two or three times a day for 3 days straight with no issues but no, you should not take EDTA constantly long term because it will lead to mineral imbalances.
So we do the fast about once a month, and go around the infected as little as possible
The problem is now almost everything has been contaminated or laced with some poison or other. I don’t pretend to be an expert, I just use my common sense and the gut wisdom that comes from Source Creator God. The key is to read the labels in the back of the bottle or whatever, and make sure the ingredients are only what you want to buy. Like I said, I double, triple check everything before I buy, and love the companies that make pure non gmo non laced supplements , minerals, whatever it is we need to buy. Remember in the “ Other ingredients” part of the label, make sure it says NONE, or simple ones, like rice flour, or vegetable capsule. Most of the Poisonous toxic things to watch out for and NEVER consume, at least I will never, I.e. Silicon, Dioxide, Titanium Dioxide , Dicalcum Phosphate, Croscarmellose, those are the most common “ bad ones” added to all vitamins, supplements etc. I would Avoid them at all costs!!!! And it’s amazing how some trusted brands we used to think we could trust , they are not nice at all….Hope this helps, also Doc Group and Global Healing is a “ extremely conscious about how he makes his supplements, like he triple distills his water and then with light and frequency, everything is carefully sourced from organic ingredients , etc etc. He’s a bit expensive for me but you can rest assured your getting super good quality,when I can’t afford I do the research and double triple check all ingredients ( be careful, online some people don’t show the label on the back, make sure you ask them to send you a picture so you can make sure ) . Hope all this helps. We’re all learning anew in this new earth we are living, also Source sends you “ downloads” once in a while, pay attention, he’s guiding you always ! Blessings DC
Great. Thanks. I read all ingredient labels. Always have. It’s very difficult to assess vitamins. There’s no actual ingredient label, just a list of what’s in them. Not sure that’s always trustworthy.
Thanks for all of the resource names. I downloaded the “bulk vitamins” app. π
Yes, i ask to show me back of bottle on supplements too.
One bottle was made in china but it was not advertised that way. You could only see "china" after you bought it and re-read label. This was on eBay.
I then told them i wanted to return product but they didn't want it back so i threw it out after money was refunded to me .
Yes you gotta be careful with anything coming from CHINA, very careful. Also India now is being compromised , many of their products have been recalled. It’s not easy , we gotta keep our eyes Wide open
I couldn't figure out why they set the cycle rate on the PCR test so high in the beginning of the plandemic. Until I considered that they perfected aerosolization and wanted to test the effectiveness of their aerosol campaign in dispersing the contents of the LNPs. There are obviously multiple technologies employed in the shots: one is what we are calling spike proteins, which we now know are lab created chimeras of viral spikes and various venoms depending upon availability; also what Fauci called self assembling nano particles that produce toxic effects within the body such as attacking red blood cells and damaging vascular systems; they are also contain nanobot technology to create nanotube and other technology designed for, among other things, turning you into a walking bluetooth device to eventually transmit and receive signals via cellular and wifi; and using your own cells to replicate and assemble venom peptides to indefinitely create toxic venoms that affect the alpha 7 acetylcholine choline receptors throughout the body which will create a myriad of different illnesses within each injected person. We see the rouleaux damage to the blood and vascular systems; the assembly of nanotubes, nanocircuitry and nanobots; and the wholesale disabling of the immune systems of the injected. Not a single vaccinated person gave concent to be experimented upon in such a manner. You were assaulted with a biotechnological weapon of unimaginable power and destruction, and one proving difficult to remove from your body. These facts need to be fully demonstrated and explained in a way accessible to the unscientific mind. That's the only way we are going to get any grass roots movement together against those who perpetrated this evil.
Actually. There is one thing PCR tests have traditionally been used for: testing for venom toxicity. I find it interesting they used that test to check for viruses.
Exactly, because viruses don’t exist. These reptiles Elite use/ speak in the “old language” virus = venom ( in Latin) that’s another thing, it’s a universe Law , they have to tell us what they’re doing before they do it
Anna, your research is leading edge!
I keep trying to figure out exactly what activism might be needed to stop these weapons from being created and spread by the lying, mass-murdering govs, who pay researchers our tax $$ to create and spread them.
As a former Prof, Interdisciplinary Ecologist, and still founding CEO of a leading Canadian Scientific Charity, I and thousands of others have been successful to protect 100's of millions of acres of important natural lands, and this week probably stopping the WHO/WEF insane, mass-murdering plans, but I have yet to figure out exactly how to stop these weapons that are now being spread over our heads into the air, our lungs, bodies, etc.
We may need an equivalent of Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, but I have yet to figure out exactly what might be done to use your fine research to directly stop the lying mass-murderers, that no doubt are planning to use these weapons to murder us all, and are already destroying our health with them.
This forum might not be the best place to discuss this, so feel free to send me your email where we might be able to figure something out (rickzammuto@xplornet.com).
Hi.daniela313@me.com, check Unitednetwork.earthand watch Kim our ground command giving every mon-wed-Fri world situation report updates ! Feel free to contact me . Also as Doc Lee Merritt says, we have to keep detoxing de worming ( we have organic and synthetic parasites lab made ,so….) everyday for the moment until we can stop them completely and then we can relax and enjoy our New Earth. Don’t despair, have Faith, Source won, we Won !!!! It’s just a matter of time, they’re desperate to get back their power but that will never happen, they’ll try what they can till their final demise. On the other hand Source is sending us, not only Humans , but animals, plants, rocks everything living being on the multiverse , lots of LIGHT and Healing Energy, be open to receive, and connect to Source directly everyday and help anchor the LIGHT here on Earth. Don’t fall for their fear porn tricks. It’s over they’re done, but they’re sooo arrogant I know, but feel the LIGHT and LOVE fr9m SOURCE to keep you going, we’re all here for a reason, we chose to be here at this time to help, these are Historic Biblical times we’re in, we’ll be written in the history books of the future !!! Many Blessings !!! from SXM , Daniela & the Beagles DC
I wonder how they protect themselves from this?
Perhaps the plan is to transform all life on this planet.
It appears nothing is safe in this environment.
THEY are NOT Human, that’s why they don’t care, these Reptilian Dracos they lack the “ Empathy” circuit in their brain, no Soul like us from Source Creator. They’re abominations, worshippers of Moloch, Baphomet, Baal and Lucifer. Ughhhhh it disgusts me to even say it……, watch UNN Unitednetwork.earthwatch KIM our Ground Command who gives mon-wed-fri world situation report updates !!! Blessings to All, don’t despair, Source won, we won!!! Since last year we have entered into Christalline Time, we are now in the GOLDEN LIGHT AGE ( no more cycles of dark age, neutral age or light age) now it’s FOREVER LIGHT AGE, Source has finally obliterated the lower Astral and the Omega system, we have ONLY ALPHA system from Source and only operates on LIGHT and LOVE ENERGY!!! “ They” though are very arrogant and cannot accept they have lost so that’s what we’re seeing now, the last desperate attempts to gain back control, but it’s just a matter of time now, they keep going until they fall off the cliff….but WE will be ok. TRUST SOURCE try to anchor the LIGHT here on Earth, don’t fall into their tricks of Fear Porn etc . Know that they lost and Source won ! WE WON !!! There is NO going back to the old ways ever again. Blessings ! DC
EDTA .,is best taken sublingually under the tongue.. simply empty a 1000mg capsule π of edta under the tongue and the blood absorbs 40% so I take 2 edta sublingual & I get 80% of what
a IV Chelation would give me
in 10 mins !
No needles & no expense ..
you can search
Sublingual Edta
& you will see it’s documented
Edta is not water soluble so it can cannot be absorbed in water
It must be held under the tongue which takes on average 6 mins to dissolve a 1000mg amount .
You do not want to swallow Edta as it’s in affective this way ..it must be held under the tongue..,
Absolutely, what I do is I make sure their is no “ other ingredients” in the label or the minimum possible, like I’ll accept vegetable capsule ( because I can’t swallow pills anyway so I empty the contents in the mouth and discard the plastic) but in the case of this company which I love , almost always , when you buy something it’s JUST that’s something , and in the “other ingredients” category, listed is NONE, love it !!! The company is Bulk Supplements and also if you buy bulk you get cheaper price. ( for me it’s a plus as since the corona batshit we’ve been upside down financially) hope this helps, also Doc Ardis said 2 days ago in the AGES zoom meeting, not to take it everyday ( as I was) but like mon-we’d-fri and then rest , I was doing everyday and now I m talking a break cause it also pulls out all the good minerals we need for our bodies. Blessings DC
HI daniela
EDTA .,is best taken sublingually under the tongue.. simply empty a 1000mg capsule π of edta under the tongue and the blood absorbs 40% so I take 2 edta sublingual & I get 80% of what
a IV Chelation would give me
in 10 mins !
No needles & no expense ..
Edta is not water soluble so it can cannot be absorbed in water
It must be held under the tongue which takes on average 6 mins to dissolve a 1000mg amount .
You do not want to swallow Edta as it’s in affective this way ..
I mostly everything take under my tongue, like dragons blood, motherworts tincture etc. Even wormwood/black walnut for parasites tinctures too, but the EDTA I bought is a white powder and in the instructions it says to take 1/5 of a teaspoon in water , and that’s what I do mornings and sometimes I do my clays, like zeolite or diatomaceous earth, etc also in a bit of water and down the hatch. It works as I check my blood and pee under the microscope and I’ve seen pieces of metal “dead” ( if u can call it that) like sometimes like if u broke a steel wool sponge into tiny pieces, that’s what it looks like.
Hi Daniela .
Wow you Certainly are taking a lot of items
Dr Ann has warned us to not take edta orally as it actually damages the micro biome of your stomach unless it’s in (liposomal ) form
& also dr Anna has warned us not to take zeolite as it also Promotes the growth of the nano technology as zeolite is used for raw material for the building blocks of the nano tech
If you search her work you will see it’s there . We all are on our own paths & have to try what’s right for us .
. it’s all just a game as we are immortal in spirit form πwe only came to play the human game so enjoy the human escaping the nano bot invasion game .. it’s fun
Zeolite has really fucked me up. I feel so fatigued since using it. I thought I was doing myself good but the opposite has happened. I wish I had read Dr Ana’s advice beforehand!
Nick .. zeolite is all contaminated & holds aluminium & metals inside it now be utilised by the nano tech
Don’t worry you can quickly remove it with EDTA .. no one is trying to ssell edta here Nick as it’s penny’s to buy there no money to be made in it
The navy used it to pull lead out of the blood stream of sailors but then they seen it removed all plaque from
The artery’s saving people from heart attacks & more .. even old guys reporting their hair getting darker after using edta ..
it will dissolve all nano tech & hydrogel in your bloodstream which is taking your energy now & return your energy Nick ..
I NEVER took anything in my life not even painkillers, but now sadly we have to, we need to help our bodies give it the building blocks it needs todo its job properly. Our soil has no nutrients anymore therefore our veggies and fruits and all have not many nutrients either and full of pesticides which mostly is Roundup Glyphosate = scorpion venom , if you’re female, well the attack is elevated to the nth potency, make up, nails, hair, body, face creams lotions etc etc were bombarded even much more than men. So 12 years ago when we started the first Hydroponics garden on the island ( fish in tanks fertilize the plants crops etc all in water pvc pipes ) I got rid of everything, now I make my own soap, toothpaste, as muchas we can we must try to avoid the venoms. Also glutathione is great , normally our body produce it, but obviously not in these conditions, so if you give it the building blocks it will, ( I.e. NAC + Selenium = gluthatione ) ( niacin ( vit b3) + melatonin = seratonin ) you see? It’s like a mathematical formula super easy !
as far as the statement about zeolite is concerned, dr ana was a bit hasty.
I took a closer look at the studies that Dr. ana linked. I think you really have to take a closer look here!
Daskaloff has confirmed on the basis of isotope labeling studies that clinoptilolite zeolite is not absorbed in the human intestine but is excreted.
Otherwise you are comparing apples with oranges. There are synthetic and natural zeolites.
One study here talks about clinoptilolite and zeolite beta polymorph A (BEA).
One Study mention "Graphene quantum dot incorporation in the zeolitic imidazolate framework with sodalite (SOD) topology. Graphene quantum dot (GQD) and zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-8) were synthesized.“
! ZIF glasses can be synthesized by the melt-quench method, and the first melt-quenched ZIF glass was firstly made and reported by Bennett et al. back in 2015. (wiki)
„the PXRD pattern verified the synthesis of ZIF-8(Fe) with a sod-like structure that sized consistently at 36.10 nm“ Source:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1387700322008668
So we are talking about technical zeolites of the subclass "metal-organic frameworks (MOF)" with a size of 35nm. In this size range, they can probably act as a catalyst. But natural zeolites in micrometer size do not get into the bloodstream and i have my doubts that they are a catalyst because of their size.
The cosmic agency youtube channel which is a pleiadian channel made a video about it's just a damngame.Itwas from Swaruu who has made some great videos including about black goo.I have trouble believing that one though,I don't think getting zapped by a couple billion volts either fun or just a damn game.https://farsight.org/FarsightPress/Escape_main_page.html
Well j d ,Dr.Young has endorsed masterpiece zeolite and says he takes it himself.The nano is in everything and it's the entire Torus(Globe),I know there's a lot of people taking masterpiece but I did listen to my instinct and Dr.Ana,we need to get this out,https://unhackableanimal.substack.com/p/masterpeace-take-some-nanos-to-detox/comments
Where is a reliable place to buy your stuff? I’m a long time advocate of vitamins & minerals but not very knowledgeable about herbs. Any info (books, products etc) you can recommend? Id appreciate it. Thanks
Also super important killer of all things and even cancer which is really “parasites” is The miraculous Vitamin C, ihahaha and not the stupid 100 mg or 500 mg like they try to sell you in a typical pharmacy, we need 5000mg min, 10,000 mg too, you can’t overdose on vitamin C. It’s a magic vitamin !!! Kills venoms too ( remember “They” like to use and talk in the old language…virus= venom (in Latin) . Blessings DC
Yrs ago saw a woman on Reddit post microscopic photos of what she thought was lime disease and treated herself with lots of salt and vitamin C and dried up the filaments.Some of the photos at X10,000 clearly showed snake looking creatures who looked like they were observers.
Yes Ive heard, many suffered from what’s called “ morgellons” it’s those purple, blue, green all colors filaments . It was probably early stages of “ their experiments” on us with nano tech.
& still far too many who continue on with their cognitive dissonce while projecting their own insecurities & fears upon those of Us who have been trying to warn the Public for years.
Also too true! I thank a friend everyday in my mind (as he died in 2008) for the awareness he gave me about chemtrails in 1990 and for the great many books like Fit for Life and others that gave me knowledge about the nonsense that is happening today (killing shots, et al).
Also check outTheTruthAboutVaccines.comand sign up to watch their new version called Remedy starting on May 30 and for eight more nights. If you aren't aware, this is all free for the first 24 hours and then they put the next episode online. They ask you to pay for it if you choose. Lately if you do, they will give you one - three extra copies for other people you want to share it with. They are always amazing and I always learn a lot.
Oh wow, I used to teach English to presidents of banks, CEOs etc ( in Argentina in the 80s) and I used the Audio book of “ Fit for Life “ as part of the learning class…hahaha…wow.. yes great book, and that’s how I’ve always eaten, never mix meat and potatoes, always Protein + High water content foods or
starch + HWCF, never mix protein and starch hahahaha that’s how it rots inside and u get fat , bad digestion etc etc etc . Wow thnx fond memories …
Aside from being grain-intolerant for 18 years, I wasn't actually writing of the diet. I was mostly thinking about all of the nutrition information between the pages, like eating organic, etc. When they divorced, Marilyn soon went to joinWestonAPrice.organd follows their plan.
A tower pulling air, into water to capture the microplastics, then circulate thru an electrocoagulation system, then browns gas sublimation of the sludge. About $500k to $1.5M to build a 1Mscftm to 10MSqftm flow.
ThinkOnTheseThings - May 25
Evil scary πΏπ± they really DO want us all harmed, controlled, poisoned and/or dead. π΅ As Jesus said, unless these days were cut short no one would survive. (Matthew 24:22)
Paul Vonharnish - May 25
Paul Vonharnish
Correction. They want everything and everyone but themselves dead... They are insane and dangerous, period.
Joe - May 29
Joe’s Substack
But if the bible said no one would survived then they would to not survived
Red Hawk - May 25 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
They are spraying in our atmosphere more than ever. It’s thinned out to look like a fog, & yes it’s very toxic to breath. My question is “ How do we stop them”, Tennessee passed a bill that goes into effect this June, that bans the geo engineering of our skys. All states should follow suit. This poison & the nano bots kills all life, a slow death. Yes ivermectin, EDTA, mega vit C do work, but you can’t take it everyday. I raise Bees, our Bee population is having trouble. Our trees are starting to die. Then you add the stinking 5G to the mix, & it really gets much worse.
Speak out, make people aware what’s going on. Tell them to look up.
We can’t give up!!!
Paul Vonharnish - May 25
Paul Vonharnish
Yes. The entire planet is being assaulted, whilst people mesmerize themselves looking into microscopes. The technologists (who belong in rubber rooms) continue to ply their trade. Stopping them will require murdering them. There is no other way.
Geotom - May 28
Geotom’s Substack
Florida is stopping the spraying also. I've only seen a few in the last week. before the nearly every day, and a lot of them. Nice to see blue skies again.
Danna - Jun 3
Danna’s Substack
I am so jealous π₯Ί I'm in Washington State where they spray every single day bc the sheeple just think it's supposed to be grey and cold here all the time. I've lived here my whole life. It's not.
Vickie Davis - May 27
crapshoot farmer
Great info and truth!
May I contribute to your analysis? To answer the question of how can we stop it... we have to start with what IT is. Geoengineering only one piece to this madness is strictly weather related. Does that mean it's not as evil, absolutely not! Those who control the weather control the world. Anytime something or someone is vying for control of other persons that's NOT "GOOD" for the humans BEING controlled. But it might be for them, those driven by money, power are on a large base of people the ones running all of these industrial complexes. The part of the puzzle piece relating to Nanobots, it's here to complete in my opinion a psychopath trying to, it's not even transhuman isn't isn't anymore it's post-humanism! These people convinced themselves that this place is going to get so bad it's better for them to augment into the Borg ( which is happening to all of us whether we want to believe it or not. We can't decide we don't want to comply because they didn't ask! It's already here! This that we are discussing is not sci-fi s*** from the future. It's been happening since 1995! Sorry, I digress..
Back to the Nanobots, that is not geoengineering. That is smart dust metal materials, that is killing us. I should add if the poison don't kill us then we will be totally augmented! My point is in this very lengthy post comment is there two different things so we must address the two different issues separately. Weather modification, you only die if say a hurricane is what they've created and the hurricane wipes out your personal possessions but it won't kill you unless you are directly in the center of fake weather!
BOTH these very separate issues are ran (the doers, worker bees) military industrial complex. That is basically DARPA, DARPA is ran by NATO, NATO is ran by the the financial banking cartel out of Basel Switzerland, hence the head of the snake! The short answer should have been EVERYTHING controlling us peasants is ran out of Basel switzerland!! Sadly, they have all the money too. They will never run out of the $$$ to compensate the "doers/worker bees" because they need income to support them or their families. It's the Ouroboros or Fibonacci sequence. It just continues whether we LIKE it or NOT!
Not to sound like I don't have hope I do!!
So what do people like you and I and perhaps many following this thread that think alike and don't want any part of it do to make it out alive??!
MY conclusion: Unless you are one of these power hungry materialistic mindset who think you are God HUMANS functioning out of Basel Switzerland ( I assure you nobody reading this thread is) we can't do anything to STOP it. WE, have no control. I don't know about you but I don't like giving things my energy when it doesn't benefit me in any way. So I am going to focus on me and those I love by helping us continuously because it will be continuous.. do what we CAN to make it out alive! First and foremost in the immediate we must detach these self-replicating Nanobots that every living thing on the planet consumes from our living bodies! I have a whole series of things that I personally do. Every single human is different you have to figure out what works for you. It's a long process, nobody likes to read anymore, so they just don't want to deal with it then put their head in the sand and pray goes away. They too are part of the problem LOL.
WOW.. that was a lot π¬π«.
If this has resonated with anyone then the time I took to compose it will have been worth it π. That circles back to what can we do, we can at least inform other humans about what's really going on so they can decide "what's best for THEM". That is how people like you and I can contribute to humanity.
In the meantime we need to be fixing ourselves, individually slowing this augmenting to the Borg process down. If everybody focused on fixing themselves everyone would be well!!
This entails a lot of work figuring out how your body needs to be detoxed. It also entails giving up ALL of our wireless devices WE are now addicted to! Humans deem "convenient products" necessary for survival. I can't live without my smartphone when in fact yes you can people did for thousands of years! I can't get rid of my smart TV, yes you can people survive for thousands of years without them!
How many of us do you think will be totally committed to both of those processes? My truth is my belief is not too many. So most won't " make it out alive", by that I mean "Stay Human". A considerable amount of people are excited about getting neural linked or or living in the metaverse. To me and you that's the crazy part. People are standing in line to do that s*** just like the people stood in line to take the Jabs. IMO.. ( which don't mean s***, cuz I'm nobody LOL) it's the fear of death that humans have that is running their Google brain computer telling them what to do. I have no fear of death. My concern is only about staying human lol.
I wish all of you the best of luck on your individual Journeysπ₯°π
#NoFear πͺπ
False evidence appearing real is running people's reality. Stop that too! Don't participate don't engage don't give it your energy focus on what you controlβΊοΈ
crapshoot farmer - May 27
crapshoot farmer
Nice rant but I didn't get a lot of practical info there. You're correct that people don't want to read anymore, though.
People I talk to about this subject turn off their attention and some may seem interested for a moment but overall it's a hopeless endeavor. If it's not a lack of desire to read it's a lack of an attention span.
And I'm skeptical of NATO running and controlling DARPA. Our military "geniuses" wouldn't stand for that. Mossad, maybe.
Vickie Davis - May 28
crapshoot farmer
IMO NATO is "the military of ALL Governments." Certainly the "members" of NATO Governments. The USA "pays" the participation fee or member fee if you will of many governments that can't afford to pay the fee. What's that about, if not this country (USA) paying ( supposed to be we the people's tax dollars, probably not true they just print more). The USA is the largest contributor to NATO.... by far !! That in itself demonstrates where are you us military Alliance lies. Certainly not in our own country. Evident by, you name it open borders, b******* politics two wings of the same bird.
crapshoot farmer - May 28
crapshoot farmer
If the US is the largest contributor to NATO why would it take orders from it?
You stated it as fact and now you're saying it's your opinion.
We don't know a lot of things because they hide their motives and their masters so well. Rothchilds, Vatican, aliens, Khazarians...to name a few.
Vickie Davis - May 29
If the US pays NATO "guarantee it's safety and freedom"...
Who is the boss π€?
( I copy pasted that from the NATO websiteπ)
Vickie Davis - May 28
crapshoot farmer
My "opinion" was stated in the 1st sentence only.
NATO Spending by Country 2024
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization – or NATO is a military and political alliance used to guarantee each of its members' security and freedom. Created after World War II, the goal of NATO is to promote democratic values, cooperate on defense and security issues, and to build trust among members. This, in turn, helps prevent conflict from occurring. NATO also promotes a peaceful resolution of disputes. However, if diplomatic efforts do not work, the military alliance is used for crisis-management operations.
crapshoot farmer - May 29
crapshoot farmer
Well, thanks for educating me on what NATO is.
As if none of us knew.
We're in agreement for the most part but since we're in the extinction level event now it doesn't matter what NATO or any entity does.
We The People - May 26
We’s Substack
Check out the work of Wilhelm Reich, particularly cloud busting.
JulesUSA - May 26
See Chemtrails Cleared on yt.
Cos - May 26 - Edited
But Red Hawk, it self replicates.
When I look deep, I can see their mission was a success. This is generational, at minimum.
Daniela C - May 26 - Edited
Sadly all the vaxxed are now a new species Homo Borg Genesis, patented and owned by elites, not Homo Sapiens anymore …..let that sink in!
Cos - May 26 - Edited
Sank in 3 1/2 years ago.
Gladly the vax'd and unvax'd blood is different
Daniela C - May 25 - Edited
Joe’s Substack
Yes , I put water in my glass, then put the edta and instantly almost a black spot surfaced, when I looked at it under my microscope it was many round metallic like mercury shiny round things with an eye, like cameras, just like the old Logitech cams we used to have in old PC s. Scary !!!!!!
Cos - May 26 - Edited
Daniela C - Can I ask where you sourced your water from?
Did you examine your glass prior to adding the water?
Did you view the water first under your microscope inspecting for contaminants?
Was you microscope Dark Field or Bright Field?
What magnification did you observe these 'objects at?
The reason I ask is, I collect these (near invisible) gel products from water vapor in our atmosphere regularly, when you interfere with them they go black in appearance. Your EDTA could be satisfactory for consumption? Possibly.
Vickie Davis - May 25
Joe’s Substack
Researching it is on my list! If you have vetted the brand you use, would you provide it please? If you haven't researched it completely, I understand! Please, just say so π
Daniela C - May 25
Joe’s Substack
Ohhhh trust I’m like Mrs. Monk, also have been super obsessed it’s the best before I buy and take anything ! DC
Joe - May 29
Joe’s Substack
Mr Keith’s super C
Nick - May 26
I just brought some EDTA on e-bay recommended by jd.
Vickie Davis - May 27
jd???? π€
Marilyn F - May 25
I’m also interested in the brand of EDTA. I take a million vitamins and don’t really want to add anything that isn’t necessary. However, if it is I’d love to know which to take. Thanks
Daniela C - May 25
Sometimes as s8mple as eBay but always make sure about the “ other ingredients” before
JulesUSA - May 26
Is this an experiment you did? Can someone else try it?
Chris Gfeller - May 26
"Old Logitech cameras" is exactly what I would describe those balls looking like in my blood and skin.
Daniela C - May 26
That’s exactly what I said
Joe - May 29
Joe’s Substack
I use vitamin C mixed with some edta
Mezei Ildiko - May 25
Mezei’s Substack
I think more experiments with different colloids to remove nanotechnology would be worthwhile π
In this short video, Dr. David Nixon uses his microscopic images to show how colloidal gold dissolves the nanotechnology compounds seen in the samples.
The remarkable thing is that the samples taken from his patients do not even have to come into direct contact with the colloidal gold and the dissolution of the nanotechnological structures still works. He always left a distance on the slide between the sample, in which the structures of the nanotechnology can be clearly seen, and the addition of a drop of colloidal gold. Here he is talking about one to several millimeters.
Dr. Nixon does not yet have a definitive explanation for this phenomenon, but he assumes that it must be due to the electrical charge of the colloidal gold, which was produced using the ELECTROLYSIS PROCESS.
ThinkOnTheseThings - May 25
No wonder the deep state Eugenicist Luciferian globalist are hoarding gold!
Mezei Ildiko - May 25
Mezei’s Substack
This is an old article, which points out that it's not a new discovery, but an old, hidden discovery.
Kris - May 25
Lol 28 years ago and they still can't come up with a cure wow
Honeybee - May 25
Honeybee’s Substack
Many, many thanks to Mezei and Marty. Your references were excellent. I'm stunned. As always, my guides specifically told me this morning to continue pursuing research by Sabrina Wallace.
Sabrina Wallace is a complex character. Some call her unintelligible. Some a charlatan. Others say she's brilliant.
She alleges that she is a product of DARPA projects. Her parents were apart of dark projects; her mother is a Rothschild. Here's a an excellent article summarizing her work:https://plasmaenergysolution.com/?p=15843
Summary: "What Sabrina Wallace reveals to us- is nothing short of groundbreaking:
A human body part, the bioenergetic field- got purposefully erased from scientific & public discourse, for about 100 years- and is being abused to route data through our body, aided by self assembling biosensors in the blood, for the WBAN 802.15.6 (wide body area network). Neural Lace has already been deployed, since 1995 (hydrogel, mesogens, qdots, aluminium, titanium, nickel, cadmium… then GO & other metamaterials, self assembling plasmonic nanorectennas etc.)!"
Our blood--our DNA--is being used to transmit data. Our electric body has been co-opted. She's brilliant, but listening to her is like trying to catch an speeding train careening out of control.
I encountered an earlier survivor of MKUltra projects, Starfire, whose book was completely unintelligible to me many years ago until I realized that she was completely autistic--made so by the MKUltra experimentation on her. Here's a synopsis of her book which is part of the "MK Ultra Dark Labs 1959 - 1975: Testimonial Report." Her book's available on Amazon. She's known as "Project Monarch Survivor Starfire." Iow, she's telling truth amid the maelstrom of an autistic affect.
"Dark Lab survivor, Starfire was born into the Illuminati and donated for space program experiments. She describes autism vaccines and their link to brain implants, voice to skull technology and mind control products. Her story describes how Nazi doctors were brought to Florida for the space program during the 1960's. She tells how she was surgically modified for brain based implants for mind and body control. Eventually, Starfire was able to hack satellites using her artificial brain implants. Are humans being genetically engineered to be more compatible with artificial life in space?"
The survivors of these labs are trying to communicate with us albeit they may be unintelligible at first glance.
So, I'm beginning to see the problem exactly as Carrin described. We can continually attempt to rid the blood of nanotech or take something to incapacitate the electrical circuitry of nanotech. I don't want to take a million supplements. My body doesn't do well over-supplemented.
I also had the insight this morning that the old religions of a wrathful God and highly structured religions from Mayan or Confucius are to designed to invoke fear--everyone submitted to rules rigidly enforced for the betterment of societies.
Today that "God" or "system of rules" is replaced by fear from genetic manipulation. People have largely abandoned the old religions like the Abrahamic. Albeit genetic fears are well-founded but without the needed expertise and knowledge, we all struggle through life looking for the method to return to our native bodily condition in complete darkness. Wallace makes statements like "Why didn't anybody tell you you were wireless? Because they don't want to give you the remote control to your own body."
Daniela C - May 26
Yes I follow and speak to Sabrina , she’s real and very knowledgeable !!!
JulesUSA - May 26
I also follow her Odysee channel.
Daniela C - May 26
Daniela C - May 25
John Vargo
Have all the colloidal, silver, gold , copper, but I’m kinda hesitant as it’s kind of nano tech too. I prefer to go NATURAL, as natural as possible, like I.e. hydroxy is in nature Quercetin, Ivermec, in nature is wormwood ( abysinthe a famous alcoholic drink in Europe too made of Artemisa abysinthia) , so I like the clays, but EDTA is super strong, like a magnet picking or vacuuming all the metals graphene etc and another one ( which was the precursor of Hydroxychloroquine, Methalene Blue, and Doc Anna Mihalcea and many more speak wonders about it, that’s my next buy as soon as I can afford it, and as a protection too , because this shite is everywhere . Yesterday I got attacked by some kind of weapon , I think I was targeted, I speak too much the Truth and they hate me hahahaha don’t care. A good thing I learnt from doc Ardis , how to ground immediately , if u can’t to go hug a tree or barefoot on grass, you run to the shower and as soon as all the + AC gets out of your body in the water and hits the ground floor, the entire pain was gone, unbelievable, I’m telling you, my pain came out of nowhere, and it was excruciating ( my right leg) I couldn’t breathe of the pain ( and I have high pain tolerance) I couldn’t think from the pain, I got rid of my phone, and ran to the shower to ground myself, it was miraculous, in like 3 minutes my pain was completely gone! Blessings to All, stay safe and don’t fall for their fear porn tricks. Believe in Source Creator, IS with us, make the connection everyday directly ( no need of fake organized religions ) directly with SOURCE !!! DC May SOURCE be with you!
John Vargo - May 26
John Vargo
Love it,raise your vibration and so your consciousness and stay connected,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/3D_Consciousness
Marty - May 25
Nano Ordo Mundi
Nicholas Carrin recently explained how he thinks CG is able to get rid of the nanotech here:
Mezei Ildiko - May 25
Mezei’s Substack
This is an old article, which points out that it's not a new discovery, but an old, hidden discovery.
Honeybee - May 27
Honeybee’s Substack
IMO, this is definitely the route to go=to disrupt the electrical charge within nanotech.
We're never going to beat the game simply by taking old-fashioned parasite detoxes except after the nanotech has been disconnected and nullified. We're far too inundated with crap from our environment. If you breathe air, you breathe nanotech directly into your lungs. If you eat grass-fed, organic beef or anything else, you're getting nanotech in your digestive tract. You will need EDTA IV after EDTA IV for the rest of your life.
Moreover, I'm finished with the game of taking this and that...try the newest natural product working so well for someone else. I can't do it. My body cannot take an overload of one supplement after another.
A story I read long ago for your amusement. I read about Morgellons and followed Dr. Carnicom years ago when I red pilled in 2015. I read about a group of Morgellons sufferers who held onto an electrical current long enough to fry the nanotech within and then lept into a pool of cold water to stop the cooking of their tissues. I don't know if this method worked...but the idea is valid. Short circuit the nanotech. Cheers on Memorial Day!!
E.C. - May 28
LOL! Thank you. I needed that laugh.
Long viet - May 26
Mezei’s Substack
its the only video or article talking about coloidal gold. even Dr Nixon havent publish anything new regarding gold, and the experiment have not been reproduce by anybody else, or supported by anybody else. so i dont know what to think. i have a eletroliser at home to produce silver coloidal for personal use. i can easilly do gold coloidal, maybe i can invest...
Mezei Ildiko - May 26
Mezei’s Substack
Lately, I've also been drinking colloids such as gold, germanium, wine, tantalum and magnesium.
Cos - May 26
That was Dr Nixon's findings at the time, purely experimentation. He also notes the development continues when the sample dries out. He doesn't recommend taking it though in his later information releases. Many products 'dilute' the nano, but it stills remains in situ.
If you read back through Dr Ana's research you will find ANY metals contribute to the development of this nano, that is why metal was injected.
Elspeth Ham - May 28
Elspeth’s Substack
Hm. Interesting. Remember all that stuff about monatomic gold. Where did all that go? I haven't seen mention of it for years.
Daniela C - May 25
John Vargo
Gold is not valuable as people think like jewelry , it’s an Element that connect you to Source Creator, and also Source has created Gold Veins of Earth . Gold is spiritually super conductor of Source Light Energy !!! Blessings ! DC
John Vargo - May 26
John Vargo
I only knew gold has a high frequency and very valuable to the annunaki.I have tried monatomic gold from Blue Emerald for that reason of lighting up my lightbody.
Bee Gee - May 25 - Edited
Bee Gee
Dr Ana recommends MedFive EDTA, she has the link at the bottom of most of her articles. I take that, as well as Arizona brand EDTA pills, which do not have the enteric coating like MedFive.
You absolutely can take oral EDTA, you dont have to put it under ypur tongue but I plan on researching it further to see if ot is more effective.
The main point most people miss about EDTA is it bonds with many many many things. Like calcium or iron or most other minerals, which are in all foods. So if you take 1800mg of Arizona, it dissolves in your stomach and gets in your system immediately (unlike medfive) but if you had coffee with dairy in it in the last 2 hours, that 1800mg of EDTA Instantly bound with that residual calcium in your stomach and did absolutely zero for you.
And the window is even longer for food... if you eat a big meal, that can still be in your stomach and gut Hours later and the same thing will happen.
If you want EDTA to actually work, you need to be serious about how you take it and be sure that you arent just wasting it.
It also binds with many helpful supplements, like natto or curcumin, multivitamins, lots of things. EDTA does not bind with ALA, bromelain, sodium citrate, or vitamin C, D or E.
So what I do is a 3 day fast where I dont eat for around 24 hours, take 1 medfive and 3 Arizona EDTA, wait an hour, then start taking hempoil pills (ALA) and sodium citrate water, swallowing a ton of fresh pineappple juice and orange juice, and maybe some D and E if I have them.
EDTA makes it really easy to fast since you dont get hungry taking it and then you can be sure it is actually working.
I have taken 3 Arizona and 1 medfive two or three times a day for 3 days straight with no issues but no, you should not take EDTA constantly long term because it will lead to mineral imbalances.
So we do the fast about once a month, and go around the infected as little as possible
JulesUSA - May 26
Interesting, thank you
Cos - May 26 - Edited
Sage words, that sadly many are overlooking.
Daniela C - May 25
The problem is now almost everything has been contaminated or laced with some poison or other. I don’t pretend to be an expert, I just use my common sense and the gut wisdom that comes from Source Creator God. The key is to read the labels in the back of the bottle or whatever, and make sure the ingredients are only what you want to buy. Like I said, I double, triple check everything before I buy, and love the companies that make pure non gmo non laced supplements , minerals, whatever it is we need to buy. Remember in the “ Other ingredients” part of the label, make sure it says NONE, or simple ones, like rice flour, or vegetable capsule. Most of the Poisonous toxic things to watch out for and NEVER consume, at least I will never, I.e. Silicon, Dioxide, Titanium Dioxide , Dicalcum Phosphate, Croscarmellose, those are the most common “ bad ones” added to all vitamins, supplements etc. I would Avoid them at all costs!!!! And it’s amazing how some trusted brands we used to think we could trust , they are not nice at all….Hope this helps, also Doc Group and Global Healing is a “ extremely conscious about how he makes his supplements, like he triple distills his water and then with light and frequency, everything is carefully sourced from organic ingredients , etc etc. He’s a bit expensive for me but you can rest assured your getting super good quality,when I can’t afford I do the research and double triple check all ingredients ( be careful, online some people don’t show the label on the back, make sure you ask them to send you a picture so you can make sure ) . Hope all this helps. We’re all learning anew in this new earth we are living, also Source sends you “ downloads” once in a while, pay attention, he’s guiding you always ! Blessings DC
Marilyn F - May 25
Great. Thanks. I read all ingredient labels. Always have. It’s very difficult to assess vitamins. There’s no actual ingredient label, just a list of what’s in them. Not sure that’s always trustworthy.
Thanks for all of the resource names. I downloaded the “bulk vitamins” app. π
E.C. - May 26
Yes, i ask to show me back of bottle on supplements too.
One bottle was made in china but it was not advertised that way. You could only see "china" after you bought it and re-read label. This was on eBay.
I then told them i wanted to return product but they didn't want it back so i threw it out after money was refunded to me .
Daniela C - May 26
Yes you gotta be careful with anything coming from CHINA, very careful. Also India now is being compromised , many of their products have been recalled. It’s not easy , we gotta keep our eyes Wide open
Ron - May 25
I couldn't figure out why they set the cycle rate on the PCR test so high in the beginning of the plandemic. Until I considered that they perfected aerosolization and wanted to test the effectiveness of their aerosol campaign in dispersing the contents of the LNPs. There are obviously multiple technologies employed in the shots: one is what we are calling spike proteins, which we now know are lab created chimeras of viral spikes and various venoms depending upon availability; also what Fauci called self assembling nano particles that produce toxic effects within the body such as attacking red blood cells and damaging vascular systems; they are also contain nanobot technology to create nanotube and other technology designed for, among other things, turning you into a walking bluetooth device to eventually transmit and receive signals via cellular and wifi; and using your own cells to replicate and assemble venom peptides to indefinitely create toxic venoms that affect the alpha 7 acetylcholine choline receptors throughout the body which will create a myriad of different illnesses within each injected person. We see the rouleaux damage to the blood and vascular systems; the assembly of nanotubes, nanocircuitry and nanobots; and the wholesale disabling of the immune systems of the injected. Not a single vaccinated person gave concent to be experimented upon in such a manner. You were assaulted with a biotechnological weapon of unimaginable power and destruction, and one proving difficult to remove from your body. These facts need to be fully demonstrated and explained in a way accessible to the unscientific mind. That's the only way we are going to get any grass roots movement together against those who perpetrated this evil.
Daniela C - May 26
PCR tests are fake, said by the Inventor, they’re not meant to test ANYTHING !!!!!
Ron - May 26
Actually. There is one thing PCR tests have traditionally been used for: testing for venom toxicity. I find it interesting they used that test to check for viruses.
Daniela C - May 26
Exactly, because viruses don’t exist. These reptiles Elite use/ speak in the “old language” virus = venom ( in Latin) that’s another thing, it’s a universe Law , they have to tell us what they’re doing before they do it
JulesUSA - May 26
And we need to verbally say, No, we refuse, we do not consent. Stop.
Rick Zammuto - May 25
Rick Zammuto
Anna, your research is leading edge!
I keep trying to figure out exactly what activism might be needed to stop these weapons from being created and spread by the lying, mass-murdering govs, who pay researchers our tax $$ to create and spread them.
As a former Prof, Interdisciplinary Ecologist, and still founding CEO of a leading Canadian Scientific Charity, I and thousands of others have been successful to protect 100's of millions of acres of important natural lands, and this week probably stopping the WHO/WEF insane, mass-murdering plans, but I have yet to figure out exactly how to stop these weapons that are now being spread over our heads into the air, our lungs, bodies, etc.
We may need an equivalent of Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, but I have yet to figure out exactly what might be done to use your fine research to directly stop the lying mass-murderers, that no doubt are planning to use these weapons to murder us all, and are already destroying our health with them.
This forum might not be the best place to discuss this, so feel free to send me your email where we might be able to figure something out (rickzammuto@xplornet.com).
Daniela C - May 26
Hi.daniela313@me.com, check Unitednetwork.earthand watch Kim our ground command giving every mon-wed-Fri world situation report updates ! Feel free to contact me . Also as Doc Lee Merritt says, we have to keep detoxing de worming ( we have organic and synthetic parasites lab made ,so….) everyday for the moment until we can stop them completely and then we can relax and enjoy our New Earth. Don’t despair, have Faith, Source won, we Won !!!! It’s just a matter of time, they’re desperate to get back their power but that will never happen, they’ll try what they can till their final demise. On the other hand Source is sending us, not only Humans , but animals, plants, rocks everything living being on the multiverse , lots of LIGHT and Healing Energy, be open to receive, and connect to Source directly everyday and help anchor the LIGHT here on Earth. Don’t fall for their fear porn tricks. It’s over they’re done, but they’re sooo arrogant I know, but feel the LIGHT and LOVE fr9m SOURCE to keep you going, we’re all here for a reason, we chose to be here at this time to help, these are Historic Biblical times we’re in, we’ll be written in the history books of the future !!! Many Blessings !!! from SXM , Daniela & the Beagles DC
JulesUSA - May 26
E.C. - May 26
Dr Lee Merritt does have lots of helpful info.
Gas Axe - May 25
Gas’s Substack
I wonder how they protect themselves from this?
Perhaps the plan is to transform all life on this planet.
It appears nothing is safe in this environment.
Daniela C - May 25
THEY are NOT Human, that’s why they don’t care, these Reptilian Dracos they lack the “ Empathy” circuit in their brain, no Soul like us from Source Creator. They’re abominations, worshippers of Moloch, Baphomet, Baal and Lucifer. Ughhhhh it disgusts me to even say it……, watch UNN Unitednetwork.earthwatch KIM our Ground Command who gives mon-wed-fri world situation report updates !!! Blessings to All, don’t despair, Source won, we won!!! Since last year we have entered into Christalline Time, we are now in the GOLDEN LIGHT AGE ( no more cycles of dark age, neutral age or light age) now it’s FOREVER LIGHT AGE, Source has finally obliterated the lower Astral and the Omega system, we have ONLY ALPHA system from Source and only operates on LIGHT and LOVE ENERGY!!! “ They” though are very arrogant and cannot accept they have lost so that’s what we’re seeing now, the last desperate attempts to gain back control, but it’s just a matter of time now, they keep going until they fall off the cliff….but WE will be ok. TRUST SOURCE try to anchor the LIGHT here on Earth, don’t fall into their tricks of Fear Porn etc . Know that they lost and Source won ! WE WON !!! There is NO going back to the old ways ever again. Blessings ! DC
Red Hawk - May 25
They have their underground cities, & they are not totally human. I call them Hybrids, or the Nepheline .
Marilyn F - May 25
It’s not π
JulesUSA - May 26
Remember also the Georgia Guidestones.
j d - May 25
EDTA .,is best taken sublingually under the tongue.. simply empty a 1000mg capsule π of edta under the tongue and the blood absorbs 40% so I take 2 edta sublingual & I get 80% of what
a IV Chelation would give me
in 10 mins !
No needles & no expense ..
you can search
Sublingual Edta
& you will see it’s documented
Edta is not water soluble so it can cannot be absorbed in water
It must be held under the tongue which takes on average 6 mins to dissolve a 1000mg amount .
You do not want to swallow Edta as it’s in affective this way ..it must be held under the tongue..,
Red Hawk - May 25
Excellent advice ♥οΈ
Daniela C - May 25
Absolutely, what I do is I make sure their is no “ other ingredients” in the label or the minimum possible, like I’ll accept vegetable capsule ( because I can’t swallow pills anyway so I empty the contents in the mouth and discard the plastic) but in the case of this company which I love , almost always , when you buy something it’s JUST that’s something , and in the “other ingredients” category, listed is NONE, love it !!! The company is Bulk Supplements and also if you buy bulk you get cheaper price. ( for me it’s a plus as since the corona batshit we’ve been upside down financially) hope this helps, also Doc Ardis said 2 days ago in the AGES zoom meeting, not to take it everyday ( as I was) but like mon-we’d-fri and then rest , I was doing everyday and now I m talking a break cause it also pulls out all the good minerals we need for our bodies. Blessings DC
j d - May 25
HI daniela
EDTA .,is best taken sublingually under the tongue.. simply empty a 1000mg capsule π of edta under the tongue and the blood absorbs 40% so I take 2 edta sublingual & I get 80% of what
a IV Chelation would give me
in 10 mins !
No needles & no expense ..
Edta is not water soluble so it can cannot be absorbed in water
It must be held under the tongue which takes on average 6 mins to dissolve a 1000mg amount .
You do not want to swallow Edta as it’s in affective this way ..
Daniela C - May 25
I mostly everything take under my tongue, like dragons blood, motherworts tincture etc. Even wormwood/black walnut for parasites tinctures too, but the EDTA I bought is a white powder and in the instructions it says to take 1/5 of a teaspoon in water , and that’s what I do mornings and sometimes I do my clays, like zeolite or diatomaceous earth, etc also in a bit of water and down the hatch. It works as I check my blood and pee under the microscope and I’ve seen pieces of metal “dead” ( if u can call it that) like sometimes like if u broke a steel wool sponge into tiny pieces, that’s what it looks like.
j d - May 25
Hi Daniela .
Wow you Certainly are taking a lot of items
Dr Ann has warned us to not take edta orally as it actually damages the micro biome of your stomach unless it’s in (liposomal ) form
& also dr Anna has warned us not to take zeolite as it also Promotes the growth of the nano technology as zeolite is used for raw material for the building blocks of the nano tech
If you search her work you will see it’s there . We all are on our own paths & have to try what’s right for us .
. it’s all just a game as we are immortal in spirit form πwe only came to play the human game so enjoy the human escaping the nano bot invasion game .. it’s fun
Nick - May 26
Zeolite has really fucked me up. I feel so fatigued since using it. I thought I was doing myself good but the opposite has happened. I wish I had read Dr Ana’s advice beforehand!
j d - May 26
Nick .. zeolite is all contaminated & holds aluminium & metals inside it now be utilised by the nano tech
Don’t worry you can quickly remove it with EDTA .. no one is trying to ssell edta here Nick as it’s penny’s to buy there no money to be made in it
The navy used it to pull lead out of the blood stream of sailors but then they seen it removed all plaque from
The artery’s saving people from heart attacks & more .. even old guys reporting their hair getting darker after using edta ..
it will dissolve all nano tech & hydrogel in your bloodstream which is taking your energy now & return your energy Nick ..
Nick - May 26
Thanks for the advice. I’m waiting to hear if they deliver EDTA to UK. It’s not pennies but worth every penny if it works.
Daniela C - May 26
I NEVER took anything in my life not even painkillers, but now sadly we have to, we need to help our bodies give it the building blocks it needs todo its job properly. Our soil has no nutrients anymore therefore our veggies and fruits and all have not many nutrients either and full of pesticides which mostly is Roundup Glyphosate = scorpion venom , if you’re female, well the attack is elevated to the nth potency, make up, nails, hair, body, face creams lotions etc etc were bombarded even much more than men. So 12 years ago when we started the first Hydroponics garden on the island ( fish in tanks fertilize the plants crops etc all in water pvc pipes ) I got rid of everything, now I make my own soap, toothpaste, as muchas we can we must try to avoid the venoms. Also glutathione is great , normally our body produce it, but obviously not in these conditions, so if you give it the building blocks it will, ( I.e. NAC + Selenium = gluthatione ) ( niacin ( vit b3) + melatonin = seratonin ) you see? It’s like a mathematical formula super easy !
michael68 - May 27
michael68’s Substack
as far as the statement about zeolite is concerned, dr ana was a bit hasty.
I took a closer look at the studies that Dr. ana linked. I think you really have to take a closer look here!
Daskaloff has confirmed on the basis of isotope labeling studies that clinoptilolite zeolite is not absorbed in the human intestine but is excreted.
Otherwise you are comparing apples with oranges. There are synthetic and natural zeolites.
One study here talks about clinoptilolite and zeolite beta polymorph A (BEA).
One Study mention "Graphene quantum dot incorporation in the zeolitic imidazolate framework with sodalite (SOD) topology. Graphene quantum dot (GQD) and zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-8) were synthesized.“
! ZIF glasses can be synthesized by the melt-quench method, and the first melt-quenched ZIF glass was firstly made and reported by Bennett et al. back in 2015. (wiki)
„the PXRD pattern verified the synthesis of ZIF-8(Fe) with a sod-like structure that sized consistently at 36.10 nm“ Source:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1387700322008668
So we are talking about technical zeolites of the subclass "metal-organic frameworks (MOF)" with a size of 35nm. In this size range, they can probably act as a catalyst. But natural zeolites in micrometer size do not get into the bloodstream and i have my doubts that they are a catalyst because of their size.
John Vargo - May 26
John Vargo
The cosmic agency youtube channel which is a pleiadian channel made a video about it's just a damngame.Itwas from Swaruu who has made some great videos including about black goo.I have trouble believing that one though,I don't think getting zapped by a couple billion volts either fun or just a damn game.https://farsight.org/FarsightPress/Escape_main_page.html
John Vargo - May 26
John Vargo
Here is more confirmation,it's all the confirmation I need,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Prison_Planet
John Vargo - May 26
John Vargo
Well j d ,Dr.Young has endorsed masterpiece zeolite and says he takes it himself.The nano is in everything and it's the entire Torus(Globe),I know there's a lot of people taking masterpiece but I did listen to my instinct and Dr.Ana,we need to get this out,https://unhackableanimal.substack.com/p/masterpeace-take-some-nanos-to-detox/comments
Marilyn F - May 25
Where is a reliable place to buy your stuff? I’m a long time advocate of vitamins & minerals but not very knowledgeable about herbs. Any info (books, products etc) you can recommend? Id appreciate it. Thanks
E.C. - May 26
Thought Dr Ana Mihalcea said she does not recommend zeolite.
Marilyn F - May 25
These are the details I wanted. Which edta do you take? Brand? Thanks π
Daniela C - May 26
Bulk supplements is the brand
Marilyn F - May 25
John Vargo
Do you replace the minerals that are removed?
Daniela C - May 25
Yes important to do that like zinc, selenium, etc
Daniela C - May 26
John Vargo
Also super important killer of all things and even cancer which is really “parasites” is The miraculous Vitamin C, ihahaha and not the stupid 100 mg or 500 mg like they try to sell you in a typical pharmacy, we need 5000mg min, 10,000 mg too, you can’t overdose on vitamin C. It’s a magic vitamin !!! Kills venoms too ( remember “They” like to use and talk in the old language…virus= venom (in Latin) . Blessings DC
John Vargo - May 26
John Vargo
Yrs ago saw a woman on Reddit post microscopic photos of what she thought was lime disease and treated herself with lots of salt and vitamin C and dried up the filaments.Some of the photos at X10,000 clearly showed snake looking creatures who looked like they were observers.
Daniela C - May 26
Yes Ive heard, many suffered from what’s called “ morgellons” it’s those purple, blue, green all colors filaments . It was probably early stages of “ their experiments” on us with nano tech.
Kris - May 25
Apologetic Yankee - May 25 - Edited
Apologetic Yankee
Support >ZeroGeoengineering.com
Skupe - May 25 - Edited
Thanks for posting the web link above! Most people are still so unaware of this!
Apologetic Yankee - May 25 - Edited
Apologetic Yankee
& still far too many who continue on with their cognitive dissonce while projecting their own insecurities & fears upon those of Us who have been trying to warn the Public for years.
Skupe - May 25
Also too true! I thank a friend everyday in my mind (as he died in 2008) for the awareness he gave me about chemtrails in 1990 and for the great many books like Fit for Life and others that gave me knowledge about the nonsense that is happening today (killing shots, et al).
Skupe - May 25
Also check outTheTruthAboutVaccines.comand sign up to watch their new version called Remedy starting on May 30 and for eight more nights. If you aren't aware, this is all free for the first 24 hours and then they put the next episode online. They ask you to pay for it if you choose. Lately if you do, they will give you one - three extra copies for other people you want to share it with. They are always amazing and I always learn a lot.
Daniela C - May 26
Oh wow, I used to teach English to presidents of banks, CEOs etc ( in Argentina in the 80s) and I used the Audio book of “ Fit for Life “ as part of the learning class…hahaha…wow.. yes great book, and that’s how I’ve always eaten, never mix meat and potatoes, always Protein + High water content foods or
starch + HWCF, never mix protein and starch hahahaha that’s how it rots inside and u get fat , bad digestion etc etc etc . Wow thnx fond memories …
Skupe - May 26
Aside from being grain-intolerant for 18 years, I wasn't actually writing of the diet. I was mostly thinking about all of the nutrition information between the pages, like eating organic, etc. When they divorced, Marilyn soon went to joinWestonAPrice.organd follows their plan.
Un-silent - May 26
I was wondering, concerning the food or water that is showing nano-contamination, does microwaving have any effect? Has anyone tried it?
ValkrieScotDottir - May 26
ValkrieScotDottir’s Substack
Can we quit calling it gene "therapy"? There's nothing therapeutic about it.
Elouise - May 26
We need to know more about the genetic therapy that was made
Adrian - May 26
A tower pulling air, into water to capture the microplastics, then circulate thru an electrocoagulation system, then browns gas sublimation of the sludge. About $500k to $1.5M to build a 1Mscftm to 10MSqftm flow.
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