Facts. Go through my substack for the legal takedown and many conference vids to watch amd learn quickly. Get involved thank you. Sign all petitions aswell
As a Kiwi.
Our new pm is a wef man.
Our new deputy PM, Winston Peters, is not a wef man, is a very independent thinker and our first true statesman since David Lange. Our descendants futures are largely in this mans capable hands more than at any time in our history. Go Winnie.
Winston Peters has been made directly aware of the deaths and injuries from the poison shots. This may include members of his own family. There is some hope here now. How justified this hope is will be shown in due course. The interim health minister of the new government has continued the poisoning policy for now..
New Zealand has a window of opportunity to take some action and all aware Kiwi's need to re invigorate information campaigns to take advantage of this time.
I doubt the whole truth will ever be told here as it will come under "national security" due to the uprising of the people if fully informed. A partial truth will be presented instead to pacify the population. That's politics everywhere.
NZ is a part of the 5 eyes and has for a long time been used as a test country for many products and "services".
There is talk of withdrawing NZ from the w.h.o. agreement - but I personally doubt that as NZ's sovereignty, like Australia's was sold down the river to the u.n. many years ago. Would love to be wrong though.
The previous "health" minister here had a military background and that should be no surprise to any who are awake today.
Doctors, Coroners, pathologists and embalmers, along with others, are seeing the results and scared to speak publicly. If true free speech continues to be suppressed here, as it is now, and these people are not released from their fears of telling the truth then the hope may well be short lived.
Much of this can be laid at the feet of the paid off media and no penalty will be harsh enough for these people in my view. Without them and the thousands of secretly "exempted" medical professionals and others this abomination couldn't have taken place.
International pressure may help our local cause today as we are a small nation who takes its international reputation seriously. I humbly ask for that.
Regards, matt.
As of 16 Oct 2023 Counter to what the UN claimed, due to substantial resistance from member countries, the WHO treaty has been watered completely back down to a non binding agreement and they have removed most of their grasping OWG (one world gov) attempts. The vote on this new agreement is still not until May 2024. We still need to withdraw from this criminal enterprise.
It is really hard to figure out exactly who is fighting who as there appears to be two teams vying for the world. Luxon is with Gates though and his GMO, so it would be safe to presume that he is also pro the WHO and China.
There is a brand new three party coalition Government in NZ, barely one week old in power.
This will be the test whether an inquiry is called, or whether a hushing narrative lie will be employed.
Already, the country's head of Health Ministry [referred to as the 'Te Whata Ora'] has appeared on yesterday's national TV evening news with a very short clip of 100% refutation, saying the whistleblower is a 'no longer employed lying data thief' end of story.
..you could so easily assess that the mature woman CEO was flat-out lying, from an unchanging flat monotone of the voice, and an odd blank 'eyes-averted' staring of the face.. priceless..! ..earning her pay and selling her soul..!
..all blame on the man himself of course, whose job single-handedly it had been to collect and compile the statistical data for the whole of the country ..the 'CEO' saying the data had been 'stolen' and it was 'misinformation' lol
..actually it looked like completely professional time evolution data capture converted into columns and summary bar graphings.. a finite bar graph is what it is, that can neither be squashed down nor extended up.. it merely reflects visually what has in fact occurred.
It is so horrifying to contemplate that many of the minds choose involuntarily to slide sideways into the safety of numbed dissonance. Outrage does not seem to occur. Is it a new twist do you think on the Stockholm Syndrome??
Can you not find the health minister and take him for a nice drive in the country....let him visit the families of those who died....and let him try and deny!!!
Isn't this absolutely gutting Ana ? ? The principal medical perpetrator, Dr Sir Ashley Bloomfield, now sits at the WHO, primed to advise the Director when to act under the ratified WHO Pandemic Treaty ! !
No "Justice" will manifest as long as public apathy persists > even at that, the nefarious Vectors are countless > sealing off 1, 2 or even 3+ avenues will possibly slow down the egregious encroachment upon the DNA of ALL Life which imo is seen as a lottery like long shot > with best case scenario being free edta chelation for All who wish to receive it > of course via Professional of the Individuals choosing > certainly would NEVER trust any Institutional facing (hmo, etc) provider
Remaining realistic, best We can do (aside from well organized Mass efforts/ongoing Protests with Mass Public Strikes) is to live an immunity support/detox rational fasting
Lifestyle & CHElate! CHELate!! CHELATE!!!
Truly meaningful progress will have a chance at manifesting when the Masses choose to address publicly & transparently, no sooner imo
War spears tall being beat up and down in the right hand of my angels has persisted for three days, beat, beat beat. ■ Today marks the battle cry with the beating (rapid 7X) of the tall arrows, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, [Y]ah/battle cry! repeat loop. M
This will keep the serfs distracted and 'hopeful'. Surely someone will come save us? ummmm...No. The Diablos in charge -and their Acolytes in managerial positions (of which 'not anti-vxx' Winston is/was one) - are actually Doubling Down on their Narrative.
Meanwhile we are being bombarded with EMFs and nanoparticles; our food water and air is being transformed and poisoned; the energy grids are being disrupted; 'they' are planning a cyber attack that will kill the internet -and your bank account; and everything from speech to 'race' to 'sex' to migration is being horribly weaponised.
We could at least reject the injectables but the real assault is ubiquitous and out of our control - and theirs, quite frankly.
They Are Slouching Towards Bethlehem - and dragging us along with them.
The public health and political “leaders” weren’t at all concerned about science during the rollout of novel untested jabs, & simply parroted their assigned talking points given by pharma handlers. Watch for those same actors to suddenly become avid about “the” science in trying to refute Winston’s findings. The findings are smokin’ hot... And his philosophy re humanity...Bravo! Plato spoke of the Philosopher King. What the world needs now are more health professionals to become philosopher scientists, like Winston. Kudos to him.
i guess we will have to talk to some Spaniards , to learn how to grab the bull by it's horns ! all the time you hear, protest for this, protest for that . just one guy standing at every bionteck psyczer office on this planet with a sign that reads "PLEASE STOP MAKING YOUR KILLER VXS " & i d little girls screams -"HOW DARE YOU !!!!!! " , I AM ANTI-VAXS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! elcasto .
Let he who would be deceived, be deceived.
In Lies We Trust.
“Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.” ~John Lennon
They are the predators among us, and the only known intra-species predators at that. These days, they’re most commonly referred to as psychopaths. More accurately it means antihuman.
The Hidden Evil is a psychopathic program which exists in a society controlled by psychopaths.
The World Is Run By Real Psychopaths
“What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?... In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?” "When we’re finished, you’ll wish you had the rights of a tree." --Maurice Strong on the Earth Charter view on human rights and founder of the UN Environment Program
From the book: Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 by John Coleman
“At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.
The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world’s population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.” (p. 105)
This MAY be the drone we want but...Igor Chudov downloaded this data and there are serious problems with its integrity. A huge chunk of missing data, duplicated data entries, Before we all run with this, further analysis by Jessica Rose, Igor, et al seems warranted.
Margie Chism - Dec 1, 2023
Margie Chism
Urgent Call to Action: Block the Pandemic Treaty ■https://citizengo.org/en-us/ot/212361-urgent-call-action-block-pandemic-treaty-now
Carolyn Sheridan - Dec 2, 2023
Margie Chism
I signed, and posted it around.
Margie Chism - Dec 2, 2023
Margie Chism
MBC - Great! ■ We are the fortunate ones who know and care! So many depend on someone else to do it; it is love. M
Monique - Dec 3, 2023
Monique’s For the Love of Truth…
Margie Chism - Dec 3, 2023
Margie Chism
Mon - Thank you! ■ M
William chesebro - Dec 1, 2023
Facts. Go through my substack for the legal takedown and many conference vids to watch amd learn quickly. Get involved thank you. Sign all petitions aswell
Reply (1) - Dec 1, 2023
Monique’s For the Love of Truth…
Comment removed.
Monique - Dec 3, 2023
Monique’s For the Love of Truth…
Like this (:https://rumble.com/v3yobm1-i-do-not-consent-w.h.o.-led-by-drug-free-psychiatrist-dr.-rima-laibow-md-su.html
Reply (1) - Dec 4, 2023
Monique’s For the Love of Truth…
Comment removed.
Monique - Dec 4, 2023
Monique’s For the Love of Truth…
Here are some new inteviews from her:https://rumble.com/search/all?q=Rima%20Laibow
Stephane Roy - Dec 1, 2023
Stephane Roy
I think the guy is in great danger.
Please pray for his safety.
zeb11 - Dec 2, 2023
he says he doesn't fear the repercusions bc he had a near death experience (in the past) which profoundly changed him
Margie Chism - Dec 1, 2023
Margie Chism
I appreciate these videos ■ I hate wasting time to find little out of an hour; some stuff can be written in one sentence! M
matt. j.a.o.b - Dec 1, 2023 - Edited
matt’s microscopy
As a Kiwi.
Our new pm is a wef man.
Our new deputy PM, Winston Peters, is not a wef man, is a very independent thinker and our first true statesman since David Lange. Our descendants futures are largely in this mans capable hands more than at any time in our history. Go Winnie.
Winston Peters has been made directly aware of the deaths and injuries from the poison shots. This may include members of his own family. There is some hope here now. How justified this hope is will be shown in due course. The interim health minister of the new government has continued the poisoning policy for now..
New Zealand has a window of opportunity to take some action and all aware Kiwi's need to re invigorate information campaigns to take advantage of this time.
I doubt the whole truth will ever be told here as it will come under "national security" due to the uprising of the people if fully informed. A partial truth will be presented instead to pacify the population. That's politics everywhere.
NZ is a part of the 5 eyes and has for a long time been used as a test country for many products and "services".
There is talk of withdrawing NZ from the w.h.o. agreement - but I personally doubt that as NZ's sovereignty, like Australia's was sold down the river to the u.n. many years ago. Would love to be wrong though.
The previous "health" minister here had a military background and that should be no surprise to any who are awake today.
Doctors, Coroners, pathologists and embalmers, along with others, are seeing the results and scared to speak publicly. If true free speech continues to be suppressed here, as it is now, and these people are not released from their fears of telling the truth then the hope may well be short lived.
Much of this can be laid at the feet of the paid off media and no penalty will be harsh enough for these people in my view. Without them and the thousands of secretly "exempted" medical professionals and others this abomination couldn't have taken place.
International pressure may help our local cause today as we are a small nation who takes its international reputation seriously. I humbly ask for that.
Regards, matt.
Kamii Neko - Dec 2, 2023 - Edited
As of 16 Oct 2023 Counter to what the UN claimed, due to substantial resistance from member countries, the WHO treaty has been watered completely back down to a non binding agreement and they have removed most of their grasping OWG (one world gov) attempts. The vote on this new agreement is still not until May 2024. We still need to withdraw from this criminal enterprise.
It is really hard to figure out exactly who is fighting who as there appears to be two teams vying for the world. Luxon is with Gates though and his GMO, so it would be safe to presume that he is also pro the WHO and China.
zeb11 - Dec 2, 2023
great summary! Steve Maharey (former NZ Polician) quits as chair of Pharmac, ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation)
Stephane Roy - Dec 1, 2023 - Edited
Stephane Roy
There is a brand new three party coalition Government in NZ, barely one week old in power.
This will be the test whether an inquiry is called, or whether a hushing narrative lie will be employed.
Already, the country's head of Health Ministry [referred to as the 'Te Whata Ora'] has appeared on yesterday's national TV evening news with a very short clip of 100% refutation, saying the whistleblower is a 'no longer employed lying data thief' end of story.
Cairn - mutual eye-rolling - Dec 1, 2023 - Edited
Cairn - mutual eye-rolling
On the TV
Should give the story some traction.
Is the Department of Death disputing the data or just the whistle blower interpretation of it?
zeb11 - Dec 2, 2023 - Edited
they are calling it misinformation and saying he breached their own whistleblowers policy!! Ironic and telling.
Stephane Roy - Dec 2, 2023
Stephane Roy
..you could so easily assess that the mature woman CEO was flat-out lying, from an unchanging flat monotone of the voice, and an odd blank 'eyes-averted' staring of the face.. priceless..! ..earning her pay and selling her soul..!
Stephane Roy - Dec 2, 2023
Stephane Roy
..all blame on the man himself of course, whose job single-handedly it had been to collect and compile the statistical data for the whole of the country ..the 'CEO' saying the data had been 'stolen' and it was 'misinformation' lol
..actually it looked like completely professional time evolution data capture converted into columns and summary bar graphings.. a finite bar graph is what it is, that can neither be squashed down nor extended up.. it merely reflects visually what has in fact occurred.
Jean Pierre LaRocque - Dec 1, 2023
Jean Pierre LaRocque
Stephane Roy - Dec 2, 2023
Stephane Roy
It is so horrifying to contemplate that many of the minds choose involuntarily to slide sideways into the safety of numbed dissonance. Outrage does not seem to occur. Is it a new twist do you think on the Stockholm Syndrome??
Jean Pierre LaRocque - Dec 1, 2023
Jean Pierre LaRocque
Can you not find the health minister and take him for a nice drive in the country....let him visit the families of those who died....and let him try and deny!!!
Jean Pierre LaRocque - Dec 1, 2023 - Edited
Jean Pierre LaRocque
deny deny deny....is all the scum of the earth will do! So many need jail or a rope!
Stephane Roy - Dec 2, 2023 - Edited
Stephane Roy
Imagine Schwab on the rack being enlightened he now owns nothing but a broken body and he is happy . . so happy!
Stephane Roy - Dec 2, 2023
Stephane Roy
..a rope would be best!
Stephen Russell - Dec 2, 2023
Stephen’s Substack
Piano wire is excellent :)
Stephane Roy - Dec 2, 2023
Stephane Roy
..six starving rats in an upturned 'bare tummy-tickle' bucket.. hmm
Stephane Roy - Dec 1, 2023
Stephane Roy
Isn't this absolutely gutting Ana ? ? The principal medical perpetrator, Dr Sir Ashley Bloomfield, now sits at the WHO, primed to advise the Director when to act under the ratified WHO Pandemic Treaty ! !
Apologetic Yankee - Dec 1, 2023 - Edited
Apologetic Yankee
No "Justice" will manifest as long as public apathy persists > even at that, the nefarious Vectors are countless > sealing off 1, 2 or even 3+ avenues will possibly slow down the egregious encroachment upon the DNA of ALL Life which imo is seen as a lottery like long shot > with best case scenario being free edta chelation for All who wish to receive it > of course via Professional of the Individuals choosing > certainly would NEVER trust any Institutional facing (hmo, etc) provider
Remaining realistic, best We can do (aside from well organized Mass efforts/ongoing Protests with Mass Public Strikes) is to live an immunity support/detox rational fasting
Lifestyle & CHElate! CHELate!! CHELATE!!!
Truly meaningful progress will have a chance at manifesting when the Masses choose to address publicly & transparently, no sooner imo
Jean Pierre LaRocque - Dec 1, 2023
Jean Pierre LaRocque
your gonna need way more then that!
Margie Chism - Dec 1, 2023
Margie Chism
War spears tall being beat up and down in the right hand of my angels has persisted for three days, beat, beat beat. ■ Today marks the battle cry with the beating (rapid 7X) of the tall arrows, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, [Y]ah/battle cry! repeat loop. M
Linda O - Dec 2, 2023 - Edited
Linda’s Substack
This will keep the serfs distracted and 'hopeful'. Surely someone will come save us? ummmm...No. The Diablos in charge -and their Acolytes in managerial positions (of which 'not anti-vxx' Winston is/was one) - are actually Doubling Down on their Narrative.
Meanwhile we are being bombarded with EMFs and nanoparticles; our food water and air is being transformed and poisoned; the energy grids are being disrupted; 'they' are planning a cyber attack that will kill the internet -and your bank account; and everything from speech to 'race' to 'sex' to migration is being horribly weaponised.
We could at least reject the injectables but the real assault is ubiquitous and out of our control - and theirs, quite frankly.
They Are Slouching Towards Bethlehem - and dragging us along with them.
EAMBDGC - Dec 1, 2023
watched M.O.A.R. 🤯💔😭
Dear Dr Ana,
God bless all the people fighting against this bioweapon. May He give them everything they need to win ⚔️
Jean Pierre LaRocque - Dec 1, 2023
Jean Pierre LaRocque
Ardern should be arrested jailed and "...............
Joey jinx - Dec 2, 2023
Piano wire ,
Joseph Robinson - Dec 1, 2023
The public health and political “leaders” weren’t at all concerned about science during the rollout of novel untested jabs, & simply parroted their assigned talking points given by pharma handlers. Watch for those same actors to suddenly become avid about “the” science in trying to refute Winston’s findings. The findings are smokin’ hot... And his philosophy re humanity...Bravo! Plato spoke of the Philosopher King. What the world needs now are more health professionals to become philosopher scientists, like Winston. Kudos to him.
elcasto - Dec 1, 2023
Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…
i guess we will have to talk to some Spaniards , to learn how to grab the bull by it's horns ! all the time you hear, protest for this, protest for that . just one guy standing at every bionteck psyczer office on this planet with a sign that reads "PLEASE STOP MAKING YOUR KILLER VXS " & i d little girls screams -"HOW DARE YOU !!!!!! " , I AM ANTI-VAXS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! elcasto .
Allan S - Dec 3, 2023
Allan’s Substack
Let he who would be deceived, be deceived.
In Lies We Trust.
“Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.” ~John Lennon
They are the predators among us, and the only known intra-species predators at that. These days, they’re most commonly referred to as psychopaths. More accurately it means antihuman.
The Hidden Evil is a psychopathic program which exists in a society controlled by psychopaths.
The World Is Run By Real Psychopaths
“What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?... In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?” "When we’re finished, you’ll wish you had the rights of a tree." --Maurice Strong on the Earth Charter view on human rights and founder of the UN Environment Program
From the book: Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 by John Coleman
“At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.
The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world’s population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.” (p. 105)
Curious and Concerned - Dec 2, 2023
This MAY be the drone we want but...Igor Chudov downloaded this data and there are serious problems with its integrity. A huge chunk of missing data, duplicated data entries, Before we all run with this, further analysis by Jessica Rose, Igor, et al seems warranted.
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