A Warning to Humanity: Historical Context Of…

Apr 12, 2023

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Here is the Link for this important video:


Okisuke - Apr 12, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

I performed 3 live blood analyses (LBA) of my own blood after the Moderna injection. In my first and third LBA I discovered those huge ribbons and was shocked, but also certain that even among the people who are supposed to be on our side there's a secret agenda to direct our attention away from these "contaminants" or don't mention them all. As you know the chemist Dr. Andreas Noack (one of Europes top graphene experts) had to die for confirming the existence of GO in these shots in early November 2021.
Just look at the first entry of live blood analysis on wikipedia from September 23, 2006:
"Live Blood Analysis (LBA), sometimes called Live Blood Cell Analysis, is a controversial diagnostic test used by some health care practitioners to determine a course of treatment. A drop of blood is taken from the patient's fingertip, put on a glass plate and viewed via a microscope on a video screen. "
And now compare that to the current version:
"Live blood analysis (LBA), live cell analysis, Hemaview or nutritional blood analysis is the use of high-resolution dark field microscopy to observe live blood cells. Live blood analysis is promoted by some alternative medicine practitioners, who assert that it can diagnose a range of diseases. There is no scientific evidence that live blood analysis is reliable or effective, and it has been described as a fraudulent means of convincing people that they are ill and should purchase dietary supplements. "
This whole article is referencing to a lot of newspaper articles. So how are these newspaper articles providing any evdidence that this method is "quackery"? Even the other references have very poor statements that don't prove anything. By reading such one-sided articles, you are not able to fully understand the benefits it can bring to you.
In my opinion LBA is a great tool complementary to a detailed blood test . So basically you are combining qualitative and quantitative analyses.


Jeff Maki - May 9, 2023

Where can you get a love blood analysis?


Susan - May 9, 2023

Seek a nutritionist with proper training. Seek an ND from a naturopathic school like Bastyr University who has been been properly trained in reading fresh blood and in reading dried blood. A well-trained person can identify every surgery you have had from dried blood abnormalities.


Frances Leader - Apr 12, 2023


I am still waiting for clear evidence that electro-magnetic radiation from cell phone networks are the root cause of a multitude of ailments. Collaboration with Russian scientists who are following up on Yuri Grigoriev's work may be MOST productive at this stage.


MsheArt2 - Apr 24, 2023

MsheArt2’s Newsletter

Hi Frances, nice to see you here. Have you seen Lena Pu's video on that subject, it was just out prior 2019. Her site is Fabulous Frequencies, I don't recall at the moment if I have uploaded the specific video on my bitchute channel.


Frances Leader - Apr 25, 2023


I haven't seen anything from Lena Pu in at least a year. The censorship has divided us.


MsheArt2 - Apr 27, 2023

MsheArt2’s Newsletter

I never connected with her personally, but yes, there's no end to the censorship,
but if you have some time do look at her website, Lena’s Fabulous Frequencies,
I'm right now looking at the research tab. "Declassified Military Research and More"
Still nothing on their, and I hope she's alright.. "RF Blood Study – Coming Soon.
60 GHz the Real Story – Coming Soon." on the same page, however the other items
are interesting, if you've not seen them, Frances, have a good day.


Frances Leader - Apr 28, 2023


That website looks abandoned to me. There has been nothing new added since 2020! She is not the first campaigner to disappear from the front lines either....


Kati_09 - May 8, 2023

If you look on her Patreon website it still has activity and she seems to release content for her "patreons" maybe she is just inactive in public(for whatever reasons)
Scroll down there to see the posts she made...


Michelle Katherine Orts - Apr 12, 2023

Michelle Katherine Orts' Substa…

God Bless every single Truth Teller on here. Thank you Dr. Ana for your, and your colleagues' pioneering reveal on the Morgellons connection to the mRNA/DNA bio weapons. This should go viral!


Reply (1) - Apr 12, 2023

Michelle Katherine Orts' Substa…

Comment removed.


Michelle Katherine Orts - Apr 12, 2023

Michelle Katherine Orts' Substa…

Well I definitely do not want to participate in New Age teachings...Only Jesus God made flesh is The Answer.


Michael Ginsburg - Apr 12, 2023 - Edited

Actionable Truths & Actions

Are these videos available on any other platform other than bitchute Ana?
I want to add them to a post on my website and embedding bitchute videos doesn't work very well.
Any chance this will be available also on Rumble or Odysee?


Marty - Apr 12, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

There's a piece of software called "VideoDownloader", it can download videos from many platforms including bitchute. Once you have downloaded it you can either put it directly in your website or upload it to another platform and embed it.


Bandit - Apr 12, 2023 - Edited


You're calling on psychopaths/demons to have ethics. Really? πŸ˜ΆπŸ™„


Reply (2) - Apr 12, 2023 - Edited


Comment removed.


Vintage - Apr 13, 2023

Thanks for investigating this and raising the alarm!
Rat poison is 99% sugar and very tasty, so is truth embedded in mystery school philosophy and teachings from demons.
From Anna Marie’s website, links:
“Based upon teachings by Ramtha the Enlightened One, Dr. Mihalcea presents a new way of assessing molecules of healing according to their light value. She explains the remarkable, scientific documentation of the great American Channel, JZ Knight, as an extraordinary example of how one’s Divine Spirit can manipulate the matter of the physical body.”


Angela - Apr 13, 2023 - Edited


Why do you keep repeating your longwinded comments? And if you have such a low opinion of Dr Ana, why do you even bother? Are you troll?


Jeff L - Apr 13, 2023 - Edited

Maybe an AI spam bot? When it detects we're onto the truth it spams the comments to distract and lead people down rabbit holes. I've found several websites that seem to be all AI generated, whole forums, news articles. On search engines sometimes it puts up images of women in bikinis but yet I'm looking for science stuff.


Darling Crimson - Oct 12

To inform Christians of who Ana Maria is affiliated with.
Certainly voicing her concerns does not make her a troll. A tad ignorant to suggest that she is. It is not difficult to recognize what her concerns are and why she feels the need to repeat her point.


ann watson - Apr 12, 2023

wow - this looks good - btw - on the same topic - but another branch of it - this is the best talk I have
ever heard on the vaccine topic -https://www.bitchute.com/video/nWEABC3ypAvh/- just incredible the information this guy has.


Ted Ehmann - Apr 12, 2023

Culture Wars. Edu

Dr. Ana:
It now begs to ascertain if we the people can go to say Labcorp or Quest and get a blood analysis for say metals or is it so highly specialized that such testing for the average vaccinated person is not possible at this time. Where I am headed is proof we can then take to our county prosecutor or sheriff to initiate a legal action.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - May 8, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

Doctor's Data is one of the primary "core laboratories" used by chelation experts in the medical field. Doctor's Data is based out of Illinois. They use "alliteration" in their name, so people remember it and they've grown over the years.https://www.doctorsdata.com/


Darling Crimson - Oct 12

Have you ever recieved a response from Ana?


Ted Ehmann - May 10, 2023

Culture Wars. Edu

Spoke with them this a.m. their metal blood test will not detect grahene oxide, To make matters worse. Just search bloodtesting graphene oxide and all these published papers on its common use now in nanotechnology appear. It is obvious that we must start pressuring consumer labs to develop and offer the test. I have P.O.T.S., I can hardly stand or walk, fatique, symptoms of heart attack, lightheadedness and extreme brain fog. Thanks Moderna.


Darling Crimson - Oct 12

I am very sorry to hear of your physical state, I pray that as of today Oct 12, 2024 you are recovering your abilities. I agree with you about the tests. I think we need to recognize that we all most likely have this stuff in our bodies as they never cease with the aerosol injections, Dane and Clifford Carnicom have both stated graphene is present in the aerosol. Have you tried consuming clay? Liquid bentonite clay? I would suggest fasting and consuming a form of clay that is known to absorb and remove metals and toxins. Stick with the most natural unprocessed forms of medicines. I wish you the best in your journey. Prays your way Ted.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - May 11, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

"NAC or Glutathione neutralizes the GO" fromhttps://katrinah.com/nutrition-protocol-to-neutralize-graphene-oxide/


Rachel - Apr 12, 2023


Dr Campra published his results in November 2021. It's what the Quinta Columna has been saying since then. I wish you would explain why you are instilling doubts about their result. They've pretty much been the first in saying it. And they seem to appreciate you, they've linked to your work several times. Why do you contradict them (serious question)


Marty - Apr 12, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Where do you see her contradicting the findings of Campra and LQC ? Sadly it's much more complex than just graphene.


JMarie.58 - Apr 12, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

You must be mistaken. Dr Ana featured LQC recent video presentation with live audience a few days back. It’s amazing!


Rachel - Apr 12, 2023 - Edited


Dr Ana, I have heard you saying that it cannot be said in a conclusive way that graphene has been found in the vials. It surprises me in the light of the spectroscopy and microraman análisis done by Dr Campra which says the contrary of you. What are the reasons why you contradict his results so affirmatively?


Nostradamus X - Apr 14, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Nobody knows with certainty all the chemicals that are in those vials.
The chemical composition varies from batch to batch. These are bioweapons and cannot be considered products. Some vials have graphene oxides and others don't. Some have Aluminum (Moderna in Japan 2021) and others don't. Some vaxxed have a verifiable MAC address and others don't. I've posted these contradictions online since 2021.
Even the FDA cannot tell you what those vials contain because they don't know!!!
How is a drugs regulator not aware of the contents of a novel gene therapy?
In the US, when a product is still in the EUA (emergency use authorization), the manufacturer can change up to 49% of its chemical composition without notifying the FDA.
These are straight poisons been tested on 7 billion people.
If you don't believe me, see what the Australian government website says below:


Vintage - Apr 14, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

There is currently a little over 8 billion people and maybe 65% of them have had at least one jab, so about 5.2 billion have been jabbed.
The article you linked here describes releasing this INTRANASAL GM “vaccine” into up to 1,000 people - which basically releases it into the wild.
They have had lots of practice with this process, using plants and animals.
And ultimately the genetic modification spreads to nearly fields (or in this case, people) who - once modified - BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE PATENT HOLDER.
“Licence issue date:
25 June 2021
Avance Clinical Pty Ltd is conducting a clinical trial of a COVID-19 vaccine in Australia.
The trial assesses intranasal administration of a GM vaccine for COVID-19. This is different to the intramuscular administration of COVID-19 vaccines currently in use.
The GM vaccine is imported and delivered directly to trial sites. Up to 1,000 healthy participants will take part in the trial.
The RARMP concluded that the clinical trial poses negligible risks to people or the environment. However, as this is a clinical trial under limited and controlled conditions, licence conditions have been imposed to:
restrict when and where the trial can take place
limit the size of the trial
restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine.”


Vintage - Apr 14, 2023

I was afraid you were going to go to the IP area. Cuz this is just a stepping stone to the eventual takeover of planet, & heaven - they think they can overthrow God. But that’s a discussion for another day, forum.
Agree about the DOD, but they can only do so much, behind-the-scenes, disguised as protectors of the free world. It will be China that runs this out in the open & drags the rest of the world into the totalitarian surveillance state linked to the social credit score, blockchain technology, embedded into humans and run by AI.
Ok oversimplification and obvious but I’m wondering how the DOD & China relationship is presently operating and how it will operate going forward. Perhaps it would be better to ask, who is behind the coordination between DOD & Chinese taking over the world?
I won’t click on the links because I can see they’re tracking markings but I am aware of the Ukrainian labs.


Nostradamus X - Apr 14, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

The most up to date stats can be found below - World: 70% quackcinated, Africa: 36%, etc... just hover over the chart.
At 70% + shedding you have no pureblood left in the world!


Vintage - Apr 14, 2023

Nostradamus X

Thank you. I almost said 70% but wanted to account for the saline injections and fake vax cards... but even at 65-70%, we are in same ballpark. And TBH, I don’t trust any official source of information. Anything part of the system isn’t to be trusted IMHO.
I do hope that there are still some “pure bloods” left out there, and also that some of the shedded don’t become shredded, like their jabbed associates and loved ones!
I try to detox best I can and will say I do feel much better when I do.
I’ll also mention that the jabbed are effected by other jabbed, which thus far I haven’t seen any mention of,... but different brands, dosages, confounding variables makes them just as vulnerable as the unjabbed - perhaps more so.


Nostradamus X - Apr 14, 2023

Nostradamus X

There are also many jabbed who think that they're unjabbed - see what Dr Mercola found last week below for those who eat pork! I believe that Merck's MmRNA Livestock gene therapies also contain the same toxic nanoparticles that they used to poison humans.
οƒ˜ Organic/Non-organic mRNA Pork since 2018: Are You Eating Pork Injected With Merck’s MmRNA Livestock Vaccine?
Since 2018, industrial pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based "vaccines" on their herds. According to drugmaker Merck, the vaccines target “existing and evolving swine pathogens, including diseases not covered by conventional swine vaccines.”


Vintage - Apr 14, 2023

I’m sure there are!
They could be slipping poisons into pretty much everything and anything.
Here’s one for you:
Note how many products they are selling and what they are composed of.


Vintage - Apr 14, 2023

Re: swine vaccines
I’m still not convinced that this is on the same level as injectable vaccines, but this is the new technology that will be incorporated into just about everything.


Freegan - May 9, 2023

I doubt there were different batches of vaxx. That doesn't add up. Variances could be due to mishandling. Reece Report did refer to one study that determined American coastal regions were assigned less lethal jabs than the flyover states. If there is a more extensive study that identified more extensive geography based contents variances, please let me know.


Nitram - Apr 13, 2023

Dr Campra found both GO which possibly have been misindentified mRNA. He also found reduced GO which shouldn't be misindentified. Also he noticed some graphene structures he was usable to identify.
Dr Andreas Noack got wild in a video and claimed Dr Campra had found graphenehydroxide which ackording to him was worse. Like having been injected with nano razor blades. Non biodegradable to boot.
Sadly it's hard to get to that conclusion because I don't think Noack can identify such without using XPS. He got his days from Dr Campra in form of Raman Spectra and images taken with a 600x microscope. If he's done his own confirming analyses it's definitely stashed or destroyed.
I also hope and believe Campra did it right with the 2D band. Heard some criticism around that from some not particularly fond of the Graphinequestion.


Vintage - Apr 14, 2023

It’s a simple enough procedure to test the blood which contains (x,y,z). Anything that is non-organic will be exposed & then those elements can be further tested to discover their properties.
Even a high school science kid could do this.
Sometimes I wonder what in the bloody hell is going on here. If blood has changed - and I believe it had - it should be obvious to all, there should be no debate.


Freegan - May 9, 2023

My sentiment exactly. I'm doing independent validation. Yesterday I looked at a $50 digital microscope at Amazon. It does 500X and Google says that renders blood cells viewable, so I should be able to view the robots too, I figure, if I'm infected. I'm an isolate in response to shedding from Day 1 though, so no exposure, at least none to any humans, so probably no robots, and that won't say much, so... I'm kind of a useless test subject, aren't I. Would one little pin prick of blood (eek, I hadn't thought that through) on a slide even be enough to capture a robot?


Terry - Apr 12, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Dear Dr. Ana, regretfully I have become worried of going to the swimming pool because of the worry that swimming with the vaxxed may have some unknown side effects. This is the only form of exercise I have had success with in the past. I would like to go swimming, but am not sure it is safe.
What's your opinion, should I go back to swimming in a public pool?A one word Yes or No would be nice if you read this.


Vintage - Apr 14, 2023

With the warming weather, many of us are wondering the same.
Speaking from my own experience, swimming in an Olympic-sized pool at a nearby health club was my intro to COVID and that was in 2017!
The place was being taken over by a group of very aggressive Chinese - looked like mainlanders- and I’ve spoken to others whose swimming places (YMCA, etc) were experiencing the same thing.
I got what was definitely COVID by swimming there and could not shake it for 3 months of being treated with antibiotics, albuterol.
I finally did a head- to -toe analysis of my symptoms and using a combo of natural remedies, got rid of it in a week.
It never came by like it had been although I apparently got COVID for one day & so mildly that if I’d blinked, I’d have missed it.
Everyone around me had it though and much more severely. I was the only person in my household unjabbed; Not bragging just sayin.
I complained to the owner about these people and he didn’t believe me - at that point - but I understand he did later.
But yes I believe it would be dangerous to swim in public places. And I’d noticed I would get sick even a few years before COVID and not just at that pool but at the nearby lake, as well.
This is so unfortunate as I was a swimmer too.


Reply (1) - Apr 12, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Comment removed.


Nostradamus X - Apr 14, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Chlorine cannot kill lipid nanoparticles or graphene oxides that are very likely shed into those swimming pools. It's used only to control living microorganisms.


Reply (1) - Apr 14, 2023

Nostradamus X

Comment removed.


Nostradamus X - Apr 14, 2023

Nostradamus X

People are thinking that things are going to go back to where they were in 2019.
That won't happen!
The Australian government has been testing aerosolized covid-19 quackcines since 2021 as shown below and nobody knows the chemical composition of these toxins.
What if they're using stadiums, public transportation or even ChemTrails to release them?


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Apr 12, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

Ana, thank you for a great site. It's good to see proven what I've been assuming from conjecturing in the last two years.
You are saying, "We explain, the correlation between finding environmental filaments of synthetic artificial intelligent biology historically in human blood called CDB/ aka Morgellons that was analyzed via the Carnicom Institute over a span of three decades. These filaments are chemically polymers or hydrogel with features of synthetic biology, including DNA. We draw attention to the similarities between the filaments now found in the C19 injection era and seen in C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood -and discuss the correlation with the nanotechnology found in the self spreading C19 injections."
The question is:
Where do all these originate from?


Andy Bunting - Apr 12, 2023

Andy’s Skint/Broke. Older Bloke…

Thanks Dr. Ana. Chillingly terrifying.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - May 8, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

You should hear about our team's experience in New Orleans, LA USA in 2022. Will do a post about it for everyone to learn from. Keep in mind synthetic biology is part of the #neurotechnology platform stack for brain monitoring, tv ratings, smart phone monitoring and also #cognitive sciences for "super humans" that has historically been used in "super soldiers" and "super spooks" as well as "sleeper cells". The mis-use of this technology is called "neurocrime" and the large scale deployment of it is called "neurostrike" by Dr. Robert McCreight at NDU.


jbc77 - Apr 12, 2023

Excellent presentation. I know Clifford doesn't like to speculate but has he ever given you his opinion on what he thinks might be happening to us?


JMarie.58 - Apr 13, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Well I guess these are my new go to resources in my effort to wake a few people. This video and La Quinta Columna presentation says it all. i won’t bother asking what court of law can stop this…smh. The scale of it and the evil are on a biblical level, praying for mercy, protection, and justice no matter what His justice may mean for humanity πŸ™πŸΌ


John H. - May 9, 2023

John H.

I agree. Here is our Lord Jesus Christ discussing the destruction of Jerusalem and the signs that would be present just prior to the end of the world: "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved: but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened", (Matthew 24:21-22. Mark 13:19-20, also see Daniel 12:1). I encourage everyone to read all of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Also read Revelation 13, especially verses 16 and 17.
Also relevant is this: "…there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, (“exceedingly terrible”, Daniel 7:19) "and it shall devour the whole earth, trample it down and break it to pieces.” (Daniel 7:23).
We should all pray, fast, and repent in the hope that God will deliver us (Psalms 90:1-7) from this global/evil/beast system (Revelation 13) that the enemy (Satan, [John 8:44]) has put in place with the assistance of a myriad of malevolent human beings. Recall Ephesians 6:10-18.”
Recall that the final clause in the Lord's Prayer as taught by Jesus Christ to his apostles is: "lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil." (Matthew 6:13)


Diane Manos - Apr 12, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

The meat has mRNA, the milk has mRNA, and the lettuce has mRNA, etc. At what point do these people who are fiddling with our lives figure out that they've injected us with a toxic overload? Will we be walking cytokine storms?


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - May 8, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

Please confirm with samples and references The meat supply has been confirmed to be contaminated with synbio materials, per prior R&D published, specifically on this blog, but also others with independent medical clinics in TN.


Dan Kraus - Apr 12, 2023

imagine peace

This was a great summary presentation of the findings. Thank you for your dedicated work Dr. Ana and colleagues to shed light into this dystopian madness. Perhaps one issue that complicates this analysis may be terminology use regarding these bio-synthetic filaments so using generic words can help avoid some conflicting views. There's a paper discussing creation of nanofibers/wires from Qdots ("The nanofiber formation of CdS QDs from a wet gel provides a strategy for the creation of quantum nanowires." Source:https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsanm.1c04403) and the provided images look similar to what you showed as well. Some others have suggested that morgellons are related to (synthetic?) fungal micelia. Clearly, there are various undisclosed technologies involved in these hybrid structures, and the unsettling part is that they keep growing back even after EDTA chelation treatment, which means there's something left behind and/or there's continued exposure possibly from multiple sources. Hope that nanotech specialists will come forward with more insights.



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