A New Atomic Model Includes Consciousness …

Feb 26

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Keith - 1d


Sounds like psychobabble to me. Show us some mathematics.


Kathy M. - 1d

Kathy M.

I think they lost the trail someplace. The hypotheticals have too many hypotheticals. And the mistake might be at square one!


J.-J. - 1d

Inspiring conversation (if at times difficult to follow). I believe this man had the competence to be able to translate his profound personal vision/spiritual experience into scientific terms. Thank you Dr. Ana for this presentation. We have to elevate our thinking and our perception if we want to adapt to the drastic changes coming.


Linda Tanner - 1d

Linda Tanner

Wow! What a heavy-duty interview, with a heavy-duty thinker. I had to stop periodically and take notes, and will have to watch again several times and still probably won't "get it all".
One of the earliest things he said was, "through the ring of an aromatic structure, where the radius of that ring corresonds to the age of the universe, and that's linked to how our mind sees time." That statement alone is my opinion is MIND-BLOWING!
And loved the part where they dissect AI and Dr. Ana said, rightly so, that we don't need AI to be more powerful, we can be more powerful with our own minds! (Not exactly verbatim but the same meaning.)
Am still so taken aback by their discussion that it may take a day or two before I can watch again, so in the meantime, thanks again Dr. Ana for having Dr. Keryn Johnson on your show!


Mary - 1d - Edited

Rusyn’s Substack

Interesting. The atoms in our body have a little piston that creates light. They haven't been able to figure that one out. It will come to "light" eventually. :-)


the LastManStanding - 1d

Rusyn’s Substack

True dat! "They" haven't figured it out...
but folks playing for "our" team did... long time gone! Fritz-Albert Popp, a theoretical biophysicist at the University of Marburg in Germany took a long look at the transfer of 'light energy' via frequency in cellular activity...
and realized that everything we thought we knew needed to be 'redone' ... this time with observation rather than 'theories.'
Rather than poke our heads into the stars, we could well keep em down at ground level... where the real action takes place!
"In an old documentary film taken in the laboratory at the International Institute of Biophysics, Dr. Popp opens a chamber about the size of a bread box. He places a fresh cutting from a plant and a wooden match in a plastic container inside the dark chamber and closed the light proof door. Immediately he switches on the photomultiplyer and the image shows up on a computer screen. The match stick is black while the green, glowing silhouette of the leaves is clearly visible. Dr. Popp exclaims, "We now know, today, that man is essentially a being of light."
Being 'light years' ahead of his times, Popp was considered just another 'eccentric'... until his discoveries forced even the dimmest light bulbs in the 'field' to sit up and pay attention. Now his discoveries are recognized and acknowledged... but their application to medicine - as a proven treatment of cancerous diseases has been abolished, as usual, at the behest of those whose 'business model' is to make money from keeping people sick.
Jeff Bezos Is Paying For a Way to Make Humans Immortal
He's backing a new biotech company working on "cellular rejuvenation programming."


Peter: of Family Forrest - 21h - Edited

Peter’s Substack

Walter Russell explained that 'piston' as the lifeforce generated by 'the divided mind of God'; simply the desire to remain whole (holy) without Mind in the intensity of Complete Oneness (the pull of gravity - contraction) contrasted and balanced by the desire to explore ITs endless possibilities in electromagnetic expansion.
The One Divine Thought mirrored exponentially to create a fractal universe of motion generated by Divine Thinking - ''Imagine-I-Nation'' - the Divine Thrumb of Creation


Alexandra - 1d

Alexandra’s Substack

Thank you, Dr. Ana for sharing Dr. Johnson with us. I look forward to re-viewings. Thank you again. xo


Gary Johnson - 1d

Gary Johnson

This is excellent Ana. Your Halo is really starting to shine. True science and scripture is the hand that fits the glove. “When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, ‘I am the Light of the World. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life.’” John 8:12
In 2 Enoch, The Son of Man is referred to as the Great "Adoil." "The great Adoil was commanded to come undone. And a great Light came out and I was in the midst of the great light, and as there is born light from light, there came forth a great age, and showed all creation, which I had thought to create. And I saw that it was good."
The Apostle Paul teaches that Jesus was the fulcrum point of Light and all creation that came out of the Father.
Only the Father/Neutron can donate or offer up a Proton/a Son. Also in this process of separating the chaff, the Father/Neutron is reunited with the Mother/Electron. Checkmate. Quantum Physics explains this better than i.


Lawdog - 1d

Lawdog’s Substack

This seems very weird.


David Merrill - 10h

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

An elaborate post below:../a-new-atomic-model-includes-consciousness.html/comment/96650456
I want to summarize why I consume a large amount of (monatomic) metals, especially without eating any food for thirty of forty days now.
These metals are special and reflect the light energy of a quasar instead of a dieing yellow dwarf. Many octaves higher in resonance and harmonics. See the passage of the video at Minute 47 in the interview.
I am transposing the activation of the ATP Tesla circuit in my ATP to many octaved higher, to the true harmonic of the coronal discharge. I augment this change (transposition) with EPHOD tech.


Rob K - 11h

Great emphasis on personal maintenance. I dabble with classical piano now for 40 years, it is a connection to something greater. It is remarkable and scary, these moments of "knowing" come from my future self! Knowing this relationship now enables me to make the best choices, but wait, I am already doing that! Being grounded sounds like the ticket and isn't true that natural moving water gives off negative hydroxide ions, the fuel for busting these aromatic rings which then become keys to our future knowledge. How fantastic, Thank you Dr. Ana and Dr. Keryn Johnson.


lauron Smith - 15h

lauron Smith

Dr. Johnson. I have noticed in my studies by my video recorder I can see my image in the mirror behind the towel that I have between me and the mirror this is apparently the double split theory and the matrix that we are living in revealing itself, so I took an individual and had him hold the towel to the mirror and it serve him and I could not see him in the mirror behind the towel, so I took a picture of the person holding the towel up against the mirror and I still could not see him behind the towel in the mirror, but when I observed him holding the towel to the mirror by a video I could observe the towel holder behind the towel in the mirror, I have searched thousands of videos since 1999 and this phenomena does not occur until 2025 can you please give your opinion if you read this comment.


Randy Wysong - 20h

As If Thinking Matters Substack

Granted that consciousness is not tied to the material.
However, black holes and such are entirely speculative as is all of modern cosmology and cosmogony.https://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/blog/category/cosmology-lies-as-big-as-the-universe
We can know there is intelligence underlying us and the entire material world.
1. Complex functional machinery requires intelligent causation.
2. Atoms, molecules and living organisms are complex functional machines.
3. Therefore, atoms, molecules, and living organisms require intelligent causation.
This has nothing to do with man-made religions and their man-made gods.


Peter: of Family Forrest - 21h

Peter’s Substack

'The Secret of Light' by Walter Russell revealed Real Science in 1947 and should inform all 'scientists.
Clearly our collective ignorance is determined by the separation of apparent 'bodies-in-space'; an illusion effectively dismissed by the revelation of 'quantum' physics that the material world presented by our 5 senses is 99.99999% space.
Nevertheless our 'religions', in long-term, habitual 'hierarchical' dispute, ignore That Oneness of Space and, therefore, there is no cognisance of our Actual Nature as a Reflection in Divine Mind. So, we remain entrapped in a 'light-show' that manifests within waves of motion generated by Divine Thinking.
Thus, egoic delusion ensures that concepts of mind-body-spirit merely serve to increase our separation; as reflected in the social-cultural-economic-political- financial structures of our societies. In effect, believing in the illusion, mankind can only serve to intensify its delusions. Indeed, the most deluded and separated can and will continue to misdirect us through hierarchical control of our energies; employing money-law-education as debt-fraud-indoctrination.
Now we can employ digital tech systems to create media refocused to bring the 'missing link' of Divine Truth into a 'new conversation'. Thus, we can require 'real science' to meld science-religion-philosophy into the investigation and revelation of 'space' as Divine Mind - God - exploring ITs endless possibilities in space-time relativity.
In effect, we will realise the Divine Wisdom that cause-and-effect enables the living lessons whereby we can learn from our 'mistakes' as we discover the actual process of education from within - in-tuition. Founded on the Reality of Oneness, the wise advice of millennia has tried to guide us to 'cause no harm'. Now is the time (point in the 'script' of Divine Mind) that we can and must reveal the structure of 99.99999% space as the Divine 'Playground'; in effect, mankind is challenged to 'grow up and stand up' as characters who need to learn their True Nature in order that the Play of God can unfold perfectly and effortlessly.


LM2 - 1d

Electric universe, he should really delve into that... No black holes necessary... Go to Thunderbolts Project channel for a start... And look into the STARFIRE project where they created an electric sun in a lab. I love scientists who love God too so why I feel it necessary to invite people to look into Electric Universe Theory, plasma universe... Blessings


David Merrill - 1d

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

50 Minutes in... Read about the hydrogen molecule behind my diet. A month now without a bite of food.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zdA6xRptrP3D_ALjcmDVS7yUM63iaRbi/view?usp=sharing


David Merrill - 1d - Edited

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

Marvelous! I like this guy!!
By bending time I will live forever. The 48 Minute Mark is how we do this - about the relationship between quasar and a dying yellow dwarf. Where to you energize the Tesla circuit of the ATP? What's in your wallet?https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CN46rkrLPklVtyFA16w42Bok-pLPr6-y/view?usp=sharing


Bee Gee - 15h - Edited

Bee Gee

Why would you take a bunch of metals when the blood polymerization reaction is started by metals?
I think people should be Removing metals.
And Most of the things that seem to help the most are metal-reactive, like curcumin is a phytochelator.
Glutathione, ALA, NAC, Vitamins C and E, sodium citrate, malic acid, EDTA, curcumin, bromelain and others all help people now...
and all have at least some potential metal-reactive properties so it seems to me much Much more likely Removing metals is better than adding them.


David Merrill - 14h

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

Yes. Of course I want to do all I can toward cleaning it out. But I like permanent prevention tech.


David Merrill - 14h

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

I mailed my pre-treatment application yesterday. I hope for the three-day Treatment of 2-EDTA and 1-VC IV's. Maybe if Dr Ana has her phlebodomy in a rucksack we can even do it deep in the old growth. Away from most all RF.


David Merrill - 14h - Edited

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

You make an excellent point.
These metals are monatomic - or at best microclustered metals. And if you discriminate, reading carefully through the Transhuman books you see that these platinum group metals are not the neurotoxic "heavy metals".
The effects of these metals is transition metallofullerenes which activate binding dopamine with DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid. Inspect the connections:
I am adding this because of Parkinson's - my wife died due to complications. Dr Keryn refers to the dimensions of dopamine several times.
Look how it binds into the inner winding, displacing any attachment for the nanotech, for example Tale 142. Nanotech poisoning.
People should pay more attention to the Bible. Moses went up to meet Jethro the Alchemist who turned the gold into manna. It is superconductive at body temperature and raises the microtubules to a coherent state of Meissner field for unity consciousness like described in the video.
P.S. Chapter 4 Footnote 125 of II Transhuman mentions transition metals and I have yet to read up on her article. But gold especially will stay monatomic short of nuclear fission, as I recall.
P.P.S. Found it! P. 258 - This requires a catalyst, which is a transition metal compound.125
Footnote 125 leads to her article reporting from Dr Asash GARI. "Polyethylene Polymers self assemble or polymerize via the process of “Coordination Polymerization”. This requires a catalyst, which is a transition metal compound. These metals are Titanium, Vanadium, Zirconium, Yttrium, Manganese, Iron, Nickel, Copper, Chromium etc.
Please note Dr Hagima found Manganese, Nickel, Yittrium and others found other elements that could be used for polymer catalyst functions, as well as Nanosensor building."
None of the metals overlap except for copper, with my regimen. And the copper I ingest is monatomic, not metallic. I believe it relates to the skeleton and generation of undifferentiated stem cells.
My Doped Carbon 60 Transition Metallofullerene Pump with labels.


David Merrill - 1d

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

Add the Hebrew letters in Kabbala - 137 - The Fine Structure Constant!



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