Planet Earth has been bombarded with a continuous barrage of electromagnetic energy ranging from below visible light to well beyond X and Gamma rays since its creation. These probably include frequencies beyond human detection capabilities and shielding from.
Hello JP Spatzier: You are correct in that 'we' are saturated in thousands of multiple frequency broadcast 24/7. Some of these signals are unexpectedly heterodyning... Not to worry. Every living being on the planet is being assaulted and all that death is just illusion. Not... Telecom's Weaponized 5G Caught in the Act While we Sleep >>> REINETTE SENUM >>> April 29, 2024
Yes. Like many others, it is an interesting article. I've read these types of articles for years, and some actually contain valid information... Therein lies the rub...
Studies regarding electromagnetic effects of biological cells, intellectual functions and behaviors, date back over 60 years. The majority of the public are too preoccupied with delusions of toy-time grandeur to observe that their behavior has become excessive and aberrant... The Earth is being murdered with electromagnetic broadcast, so we can spy on one another and order pizza really fast. >>>
Independent Science on the Effects of Wireless Radiation on Human Health and the Environment
5g and up are the foundation of total spectrum dominance, Pentagon style. And now we have a Pentagon fun by Drag Queens with brass. Talk about force evil multipliers. Mind control 5g in combination with mRNA and chem nanos, with internal bots, many inside the brain, heart, everywhere, has mind control patents. Old timer Delgado worked out primitive electronic mind control in the 60s with critters, a bull for one. Read Freeland's Geoengineering for a huge framework on this and all topics that link.
Fiber optics is safer, but must be shielded with underground placement as unshielded causing problems with plants, at some level,, if I recall, but far far safer than 5/6 g as latter is weaponized at several MORE levels that above.
After vaccination find your new MAC address with Apple: BT Explorer Android: Inpersona, or with Bluetooth. Your body now connects to and is logged in to a computer by 5G which knows where you are, like a mobile phone without a speaker - then there is this, who never wanted to be part of an Army experiment on the suitability of a vaccine to injure and kill?: Donald Trump's tenure as the 45th president of the United States began with his inauguration on January 20, 2017, and ended on January 20, 2021. Wikipedia - note "2017-2021"
The Defense Production Act has played a role in the U.S. government’s response to COVID-19 (from about November 1st 2019 US virus release date ) pandemic.
President Trump declared a national emergency in March 2020, making the pandemic eligible for government action under the Defense Production Act.
President Trump said he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to facilitate Operation Warp Speed.
Trump has made the vaccinated all part of a "US Army experiment" and when you re-elect him, he will finish the job on behalf of his masters, whoever they are, but let us presuppose they are those I have identified in the final paragraph and others.
The vaccinated are countermeasure prototypes, for the US Army, to see the objective of a Covid-19 (vaccines) countermeasure, in the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus" (vaccine) based on the measurable effects of their (the vaccines) deployment", by the US military's own definitions of terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the (vaccine) products it commissioned "amount to bioweapons" and the vaccinated are part of the US Army experiment to see the effectiveness of their Covid-19 vaccines weapon, as explained below:
The injection of these "countermeasure prototype vaccines" which satisfy the US military definition of a biological agent into people has killed some recipients and permanently disabled increasingly large numbers of others, "resulting in their (vaccines) operational effectiveness based on the measurable effects of their (vaccines) deployment", by the US military's own definitions of (vaccines) terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the (vaccines) products it commissioned "amount to bioweapons".
The US military defines a biological agent as a micro-organism (or toxin derived from it) that causes disease.
Vaccines are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration as biological products, therefore they can be described as biological agents.
The mRNA (ModRNA) products instruct recipients cells to make a form of its spike protein, the most antigenic and, some researchers argue, toxic part of a coronavirus.
Since December 2020, 5.5 billion people, 72 per cent of the global population, have been injected with Covid-19 vaccines commissioned under Operation Warp Speed by the US Army "as countermeasure prototypes", by 2024 at least 8 billion people out of 8.5 billion people have been vaccinated with these bioweapons.
By the US military's own definition, The US Army Covid-19 vaccines bioweapon provides "the objective of a countermeasure which is the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus,as a weapon,is proven,but for the vaccinated, they are the vaccine experiment then.
Trump followed on by Biden. Excuse me for saying so, but after the world populations have been decimated down to 250 million, more or less by 2025/26, by this US Army bioweapon, who will be left to use it on?
Refer back to the beginning of my above article and read it again, if you missed something, from my "Update 2".
I can't help wondering if the Elite, comprising Putin, Trump, Biden, Xi and other world leaders and the unseen billionaires, the WHO, WEF, etc, are in this together, but playing their parts to make we, the "Human Rubbish" of their societies, think there are warlike political divisions between us, when those divisions are for "your" show, just to fool you, while your extermination continues unregulated.
It is what I've been saying in my substack these past 4 years, I just never had the facts to prove my theories, now I do.
Whoever you are, wherever you work, vaccinate the Elite in your sphere of influence and make your vaccinated problems theirs too but leave their Human Rubbish, who we are, alone.
The full version is in my post before this one on my free substack - read it through and confirm if my assumptions are correct, to your satisfaction
Again one more weapon ,for witch the human body has no defense .Humans are biological creations ,mixing them with electric energy fields will mean one more nail in the coffin of humanity .
I've read and viewed many comments by Olle Johansson over the years, and he generally understates the actual problem. ALL man made electronic device are inherently destructive, regardless of how much we allegedly benefit from their use. Inherent biological damage is definitely frequency, dose, and time related. Most studies are focused within a certain frequency exposure. There are very few studies addressing real world conditions via multiple frequency environments. Hello?
The current focus on 5G technology is an absurdity, as ALL current broadcast frequencies are pulse modulated frequencies riding on square waves. The rapid on/off characteristic of square wave broadcast is decimating the entire ecosystem. Just one article of hundreds. >>>
Environmental Effects of 5G, Internet of Things, and Small Cells on Birds, Bees, Trees and Climate (Video) >>> AUGUST 4, 2021 >>>
Notice the list of published studies at the close of the article. None of this is "new" information".
Notice the headline at the 30:30 Minute Mark! "Effect of Mobile Tower Radiation on Microbial Diversity in Soil and Antibiotic Resistance" This lends strong evidence that the "natural" crossover (not the Gain of Function) was the SARS virus learning how to be more effective by forming an affinity to the ACE-2 receptor - the small sacs in the lungs. of Page 16). This teacher (information) was coming from the 5G Rollout in Wuhan, over the adrenochrome diners.
Dr. Ana:
The level of EMF radiation in the chelation rooms in Yelm exceeds my meters scale, while in my home I have level down to one square (safe Technology $400 meter). A few months ago, I left my meter there for ~3 weeks, for you to see levels. Usually my blood pressure is 125/70, but taken in your rooms, it's at least 25 points higher, and highest I've ever seen it. Dave Westerlund
I just skipped a bit through, one comment that provokes my own comes with commenter after around 23 min. She mentions how more and more people are tipping into what i think is better called hyperreactivity (vs hypersensitivity), while some still seem to be able to go lifelong without e-pollution adversity. The main international org. involved in influencing countries' setting of purported safety guidelines is the ICNIRP. Here is what the Council of Europe had to say years ago:
"it is most curious, to say the least, that the applicable official
threshold values for limiting the health impact of extremely low
frequency electromagnetic fields and high frequency waves were drawn
up and proposed to international political institutions […] by the
ICNIRP, an NGO whose origin and structure are none too clear and which
is furthermore suspected of having rather close links with the
industries whose expansion is shaped by recommendations for maximum
threshold values for the different frequencies of electromagnetic
Now ICNIRP seems modelled after ICIRP, the WHO deferring to both on these technical matters despite no need to do so when figuring about deleterious effect. Still, for "ionizing" radiation per ICIRP, i think they have a life dose concept, absent from reckoning re "non-ionizing" (both in quotes since the division when it comes to deleterious effect is effectively arbitrary and obfuscatory). I think it should be useful to think in such terms for the latter, however not really measurable now for its ubiquity. But it leads me to say further that I think a principal culprit has been grid-borne, setting people up for more easily "tipping" into the body's danger signal mode of hypersensitivity, for all the xenobiotic manmade e-pollution.
It was not always difficult to discern, e.g., before and after effect of an encroaching grid. Sam Milham, epidemiologist (book: Dirty Electricity), did this comparing 1940s cancers in grid latecomers' US counties, the cancers followed the deployment. Just one early warning signal. See eg what Andrew Marino went through trying to alert to the reproductive sterility dangers of relative closeness to major grid corridors, in his short but recommendable Electric Wilderness (early 80s). Etc etc etc etc etc
Since most people's exposure to EMF is via their cellphones, Dr, Devra Davis' video on cellphone radiation most relevant.
Of course 5G is harmful to humans, animals, and nature. It is the same frequency level that oxygen molecules vibrate at. So it essentially messes with people's oxygen levels. The first city to roll out 5G was WUHAN, CHINA...
I turned on my Bluetooth search at the grocery store today.
It's been awhile since I last had a look at the Mac addresses.
Has anyone actually cracked this phenomenon?
A group of Spanish speaking doctors found that vaccinated people have Bljuetooth addresses in them. They went to a graveyard to find out that Bluetooth was still operating in the corpses. Strange huh?
Yes the Quinta coluna has done some interesting studies.
Also another Spanish speaking fella on telegram I think from Argentina is doing some work on deactivatong these Mac addresses.
He makes an EMP paddle from simple appliance repair shop parts that fry's the signal.
This is an English pdf I just found on his telegram links.
It appears to have information one this paddle I am referring to.
I only looked at the table of content but it might be a good read.
The body electric,I remember Dr.Ana saying Tesla did not have to eat and only slept a couple hrs a night.Apparently Tesla knew healing by voltage.From the very beginning the Reptilians created big pharma to poison humanity and make money.
I think they're referring to 5G (5th generation technology), as opposed to 5G wifi (5 GHz wifi from router). 5G cellular is something like 60 GHz.
I agree though that turning off the wireless is a good thing at night.
Lenmor1776 - Jun 14
5G disrupts the biological beings. It is certainly a foe!
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 15
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Yes agreed - not sure what they're trying to say here with the subject line - it's certainly not good for any human or living creature.
Vonu - Jun 15
It is nothing compared to what we have experienced from outside the planet since creation.
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 15
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Thanks Vonu - what do you mean? Can you elaborate?
Vonu - Jun 16
Planet Earth has been bombarded with a continuous barrage of electromagnetic energy ranging from below visible light to well beyond X and Gamma rays since its creation. These probably include frequencies beyond human detection capabilities and shielding from.
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 16
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Let's get ready to grow some antlers and evolve then (:
John Vargo - Jun 16
John Vargo
Yes,but no antlers,
Vonu - Jun 16
Humans have no use for exterior bones.
JP Spatzier - Jun 14
JP Spatzier
We way past 5G
Elsie E Connelly - Jun 14
Elaine’s Substack
Yes we certainly are. H.A.A.R.P. and D.E.W. are being deployed as we converse
Vonu - Jun 15
HAARP is an acronym needing no punctuation.
Elsie E Connelly - Jun 15
Elaine’s Substack
I do that so people know how to find it.
Vonu - Jun 15
It wasn't an invention. It was merely a larger and higher power version than waht they built in Platteville, Colorado.
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 19
Paul Vonharnish
Hello JP Spatzier: You are correct in that 'we' are saturated in thousands of multiple frequency broadcast 24/7. Some of these signals are unexpectedly heterodyning... Not to worry. Every living being on the planet is being assaulted and all that death is just illusion. Not... Telecom's Weaponized 5G Caught in the Act While we Sleep >>> REINETTE SENUM >>> April 29, 2024
EmEm33 - Jun 15
I also found this article very interesting regarding GWEN transmitter towers....definitely another FOE to fight...and the article was written in 2017!
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 15
Paul Vonharnish
Yes. Like many others, it is an interesting article. I've read these types of articles for years, and some actually contain valid information... Therein lies the rub...
Studies regarding electromagnetic effects of biological cells, intellectual functions and behaviors, date back over 60 years. The majority of the public are too preoccupied with delusions of toy-time grandeur to observe that their behavior has become excessive and aberrant... The Earth is being murdered with electromagnetic broadcast, so we can spy on one another and order pizza really fast. >>>
Independent Science on the Effects of Wireless Radiation on Human Health and the Environment
Vonu - Jun 15
The electromagnetic output of human activity has always been easily dwarfed by that coming from outside the planet.
scout - Jun 14
5g and up are the foundation of total spectrum dominance, Pentagon style. And now we have a Pentagon fun by Drag Queens with brass. Talk about force evil multipliers. Mind control 5g in combination with mRNA and chem nanos, with internal bots, many inside the brain, heart, everywhere, has mind control patents. Old timer Delgado worked out primitive electronic mind control in the 60s with critters, a bull for one. Read Freeland's Geoengineering for a huge framework on this and all topics that link.
Fiber optics is safer, but must be shielded with underground placement as unshielded causing problems with plants, at some level,, if I recall, but far far safer than 5/6 g as latter is weaponized at several MORE levels that above.
Kahalaqueen - Jun 14
Foe!!!! Bad.
Christine - Jun 15
Christine’s Newsletter
After vaccination find your new MAC address with Apple: BT Explorer Android: Inpersona, or with Bluetooth. Your body now connects to and is logged in to a computer by 5G which knows where you are, like a mobile phone without a speaker - then there is this, who never wanted to be part of an Army experiment on the suitability of a vaccine to injure and kill?: Donald Trump's tenure as the 45th president of the United States began with his inauguration on January 20, 2017, and ended on January 20, 2021. Wikipedia - note "2017-2021"
The Defense Production Act has played a role in the U.S. government’s response to COVID-19 (from about November 1st 2019 US virus release date ) pandemic.
President Trump declared a national emergency in March 2020, making the pandemic eligible for government action under the Defense Production Act.
President Trump said he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to facilitate Operation Warp Speed.
Trump has made the vaccinated all part of a "US Army experiment" and when you re-elect him, he will finish the job on behalf of his masters, whoever they are, but let us presuppose they are those I have identified in the final paragraph and others.
The vaccinated are countermeasure prototypes, for the US Army, to see the objective of a Covid-19 (vaccines) countermeasure, in the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus" (vaccine) based on the measurable effects of their (the vaccines) deployment", by the US military's own definitions of terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the (vaccine) products it commissioned "amount to bioweapons" and the vaccinated are part of the US Army experiment to see the effectiveness of their Covid-19 vaccines weapon, as explained below:
The injection of these "countermeasure prototype vaccines" which satisfy the US military definition of a biological agent into people has killed some recipients and permanently disabled increasingly large numbers of others, "resulting in their (vaccines) operational effectiveness based on the measurable effects of their (vaccines) deployment", by the US military's own definitions of (vaccines) terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the (vaccines) products it commissioned "amount to bioweapons".
The US military defines a biological agent as a micro-organism (or toxin derived from it) that causes disease.
Vaccines are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration as biological products, therefore they can be described as biological agents.
The mRNA (ModRNA) products instruct recipients cells to make a form of its spike protein, the most antigenic and, some researchers argue, toxic part of a coronavirus.
Since December 2020, 5.5 billion people, 72 per cent of the global population, have been injected with Covid-19 vaccines commissioned under Operation Warp Speed by the US Army "as countermeasure prototypes", by 2024 at least 8 billion people out of 8.5 billion people have been vaccinated with these bioweapons.
By the US military's own definition, The US Army Covid-19 vaccines bioweapon provides "the objective of a countermeasure which is the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus,as a weapon,is proven,but for the vaccinated, they are the vaccine experiment then.
Trump followed on by Biden. Excuse me for saying so, but after the world populations have been decimated down to 250 million, more or less by 2025/26, by this US Army bioweapon, who will be left to use it on?
Refer back to the beginning of my above article and read it again, if you missed something, from my "Update 2".
I can't help wondering if the Elite, comprising Putin, Trump, Biden, Xi and other world leaders and the unseen billionaires, the WHO, WEF, etc, are in this together, but playing their parts to make we, the "Human Rubbish" of their societies, think there are warlike political divisions between us, when those divisions are for "your" show, just to fool you, while your extermination continues unregulated.
It is what I've been saying in my substack these past 4 years, I just never had the facts to prove my theories, now I do.
Whoever you are, wherever you work, vaccinate the Elite in your sphere of influence and make your vaccinated problems theirs too but leave their Human Rubbish, who we are, alone.
The full version is in my post before this one on my free substack - read it through and confirm if my assumptions are correct, to your satisfaction
joe stuerzl 85 - Jun 15 - Edited
joe’s Substack
Again one more weapon ,for witch the human body has no defense .Humans are biological creations ,mixing them with electric energy fields will mean one more nail in the coffin of humanity .
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 15
Paul Vonharnish
I've read and viewed many comments by Olle Johansson over the years, and he generally understates the actual problem. ALL man made electronic device are inherently destructive, regardless of how much we allegedly benefit from their use. Inherent biological damage is definitely frequency, dose, and time related. Most studies are focused within a certain frequency exposure. There are very few studies addressing real world conditions via multiple frequency environments. Hello?
The current focus on 5G technology is an absurdity, as ALL current broadcast frequencies are pulse modulated frequencies riding on square waves. The rapid on/off characteristic of square wave broadcast is decimating the entire ecosystem. Just one article of hundreds. >>>
Environmental Effects of 5G, Internet of Things, and Small Cells on Birds, Bees, Trees and Climate (Video) >>> AUGUST 4, 2021 >>>
Notice the list of published studies at the close of the article. None of this is "new" information".
David Merrill - Jun 15
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Notice the headline at the 30:30 Minute Mark! "Effect of Mobile Tower Radiation on Microbial Diversity in Soil and Antibiotic Resistance" This lends strong evidence that the "natural" crossover (not the Gain of Function) was the SARS virus learning how to be more effective by forming an affinity to the ACE-2 receptor - the small sacs in the lungs. of Page 16). This teacher (information) was coming from the 5G Rollout in Wuhan, over the adrenochrome diners.
David Westerlund - Jun 15
David’s Substack
Dr. Ana:
The level of EMF radiation in the chelation rooms in Yelm exceeds my meters scale, while in my home I have level down to one square (safe Technology $400 meter). A few months ago, I left my meter there for ~3 weeks, for you to see levels. Usually my blood pressure is 125/70, but taken in your rooms, it's at least 25 points higher, and highest I've ever seen it. Dave Westerlund
dyr - Jun 15 - Edited
I just skipped a bit through, one comment that provokes my own comes with commenter after around 23 min. She mentions how more and more people are tipping into what i think is better called hyperreactivity (vs hypersensitivity), while some still seem to be able to go lifelong without e-pollution adversity. The main international org. involved in influencing countries' setting of purported safety guidelines is the ICNIRP. Here is what the Council of Europe had to say years ago:
"it is most curious, to say the least, that the applicable official
threshold values for limiting the health impact of extremely low
frequency electromagnetic fields and high frequency waves were drawn
up and proposed to international political institutions […] by the
ICNIRP, an NGO whose origin and structure are none too clear and which
is furthermore suspected of having rather close links with the
industries whose expansion is shaped by recommendations for maximum
threshold values for the different frequencies of electromagnetic
Now ICNIRP seems modelled after ICIRP, the WHO deferring to both on these technical matters despite no need to do so when figuring about deleterious effect. Still, for "ionizing" radiation per ICIRP, i think they have a life dose concept, absent from reckoning re "non-ionizing" (both in quotes since the division when it comes to deleterious effect is effectively arbitrary and obfuscatory). I think it should be useful to think in such terms for the latter, however not really measurable now for its ubiquity. But it leads me to say further that I think a principal culprit has been grid-borne, setting people up for more easily "tipping" into the body's danger signal mode of hypersensitivity, for all the xenobiotic manmade e-pollution.
It was not always difficult to discern, e.g., before and after effect of an encroaching grid. Sam Milham, epidemiologist (book: Dirty Electricity), did this comparing 1940s cancers in grid latecomers' US counties, the cancers followed the deployment. Just one early warning signal. See eg what Andrew Marino went through trying to alert to the reproductive sterility dangers of relative closeness to major grid corridors, in his short but recommendable Electric Wilderness (early 80s). Etc etc etc etc etc
John Vargo - Jun 16
John Vargo
You can influence people's perceptions externally by broadcasting frequencies,just to be aware of that is important,
Vonu - Jun 15
Since most people's exposure to EMF is via their cellphones, Dr, Devra Davis' video on cellphone radiation most relevant.
TruthSeeker - Jun 14
Elaine’s Substack
Of course 5G is harmful to humans, animals, and nature. It is the same frequency level that oxygen molecules vibrate at. So it essentially messes with people's oxygen levels. The first city to roll out 5G was WUHAN, CHINA...
Elsie E Connelly - Jun 15
Elaine’s Substack
Obviously No one in power considered this.
Gas Axe - Jun 14
Gas’s Substack
I turned on my Bluetooth search at the grocery store today.
It's been awhile since I last had a look at the Mac addresses.
Has anyone actually cracked this phenomenon?
Lynette Devries - Jun 14
Gas’s Substack
A group of Spanish speaking doctors found that vaccinated people have Bljuetooth addresses in them. They went to a graveyard to find out that Bluetooth was still operating in the corpses. Strange huh?
Gas Axe - Jun 14
Gas’s Substack
Yes the Quinta coluna has done some interesting studies.
Also another Spanish speaking fella on telegram I think from Argentina is doing some work on deactivatong these Mac addresses.
He makes an EMP paddle from simple appliance repair shop parts that fry's the signal.
This is an English pdf I just found on his telegram links.
It appears to have information one this paddle I am referring to.
I only looked at the table of content but it might be a good read.
John Vargo - Jun 15
John Vargo
The body electric,I remember Dr.Ana saying Tesla did not have to eat and only slept a couple hrs a night.Apparently Tesla knew healing by voltage.From the very beginning the Reptilians created big pharma to poison humanity and make money.
Intellect - Jun 14
Turn off 5G on your phone and TV at night.
Markus - Jun 14
I think they're referring to 5G (5th generation technology), as opposed to 5G wifi (5 GHz wifi from router). 5G cellular is something like 60 GHz.
I agree though that turning off the wireless is a good thing at night.
TruthSeeker - Jun 14
Exactly. They are referring to 5G not 5g wifi.
Tiptriptrap - Jun 15
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
One and the same!! Dangerous levels of radiation……
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