It still amazes me that no matter how much Evidence she provides that its in everyone now...
no matter how many studies and documents she finds for people, and puts the link right there under their finger...
no matter how many hours of images and videos and interviews she provides...
no matter how many times she tells people that once it starts growing into the Gray Clots, we cannot reverse that...
People are still like NAH.
I dont Wanna take a Proven albeit slow Solution.
I read skary werds and ignored alllllllllllllllll the mountains of evidence to the contrary, so Im just gonna do my own thing and see how That works out.
Well good Luck with that, because people have been trying that for 3 years... and Failing.
And if you dont care enough to save your own life, what do you think anyone else is going to be able to do for you?
Stop being a wussy and Choose to Live.
The interface is the weakest link, but how does it work? My research suggests that it's modified proteins (the links in my article contain the whole history of my progress):
Your post of Aug 29 this year brought up some interesting speculations, which, combined with that of your "Being Synthetic" allow for some further extensions of - to quote you -
"wild conjecturing"...of the kind only the 'clinically insane' and/or truly gifted seem capable.
Following up with the rest of that same quotation -
"but the data seems to support it. Also, the complexity of the operation suggests that it has multiple components.."
I offer for you inspection the notion that the 'complexity' is a function of the nature of the 'operator,' which in this case has been purposely obfuscated by all parties complicit in the scam called "medical science" for well over 100 years.
Pleomorphism, you see, is a verifiable phenomena undertaken by life forms which are deliberately 'mis-labeled' so as to hide their full functionality and capacities. Though not actually verboten in the 'scientificism' community, discussion of this key phenomena is heavily censored to contain the implications which a proper empirical investigation would proffer.
This led me to view the title of your piece "Being Synthetic" through fresh eyes - since the very notion of what 'synthetic' means may be a clue to why we seem to make little progress in naming the real perps and the real 'progress' towards which 'they' are heading.*
"Synthetic" constructions do not preclude manufactures by 'life forms' other than 'ourselves/humans' ... life forms which it can be argued are 'synthesizing' humans as a project the ultimate purpose of which is not at all clear to the subject population. If this were the case, many of the unexplained anomalies and "complexity of the multiple components" would be better explained than by the frenetic trend towards 'nano' this and nano that' as catch all thesis.
If you are interested, I'll expand on that outline over on your own site.
*at this point I've pretty much dismissed the claims of "Ana" et al as to what they feel they are 'seeing' through their primitive instruments. Indeed, it seems increasingly likely that 'they' themselves are agents of that same 'other life form' which has sufficiently succeeded in it's program to invade and alter humans as to be able to 'run' programmed entities as part of it's increasingly successful applications of 'techne' (not 'technologies!')which our anthropocentrically-limited imaginations simply do not 'allow' for the possibility of.(although your "it looks like the synthetic materials in the human body follow their own metabolism that very well might go exactly in the opposite direction from the generic human way" seems to indicate a widened capacity in that regard!)
With each new article detailing even more nanotechnology capable of increasingly varied kinds of murderous capabilities, it is hard to feel we can survive this onslaught.
But we must.
Seeing the work RAND Corp. is doing, and coupling that with the DOD's various war-related endeavors, you have to wonder--is anyone or any agency, anywhere on the planet, actually interested in seeing living things as anything other than resources? Maybe AI has already conquered most of the Universe, or at least most of the Milky Way Galaxy, and now they've set their sights on Earth and its "Resources" (us and wild lifeforms). After all, aren't they mainly interested in our electrons? Any electrons. Electrons from any element.
OK, brothers and sisters, we have work to do, and we can be very thankful to Dr. Ana and her international colleagues for all their research and investigations, that for now give us a glimmer of hope, including some of the aids such as Vitamin C and EDTA chelation.
Think of it this way...they have been working on this for a long time and we have survived it without even knowing about it. I think that we can survive this too!
Much as I like Dr Ana Maria I am concerned about EDTA "...Dr. Rashid Buttar was using EDTA. Given that he was already severely poisoned.. , using EDTA Acid would have been enough to tip him over the edge and kill him."??? "EDTA is an oxidant when used internally. ... . according to Mount Sinai ...EDTA “chelation's serious side effects that have been reported include low blood sugar, diminished calcium levels, headache, nausea, dangerously low blood pressure, kidney failure, organ damage, irregular heartbeat, seizures, or even death. ......, Ana Maria has been claiming that EDTA detoxes graphene, dissolves graphene and chelates heavy metals, but experts such as Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Judy Mikovitz told me this is impossible. "
i agree Judy Mikovitz ic not to be trusted, can you elaborate about Robert Young "...Dr. Rashid Buttar was using EDTA. Given that he was already severely poisoned.. , using EDTA Acid would have been enough to tip him over the edge and kill him." is wrong?
Was looking up hemp for building materials, and found this.....what do you think? NW USA.
Top of the morning to everyone from downunder. I am a Pure Blood and to my knowledge having lived 68 years had not gotten a vaccine since leaving school. Around a year ago I was shocked to hear a doctor say that there were around 20 million dead globally from the COVID vax. One guy on another video months later estimated 1 Billion. Some Spanish doctors even found Bluetooth addresses on the vaxxed. Even in graveyards they still came up in corpses. That aside on another site I saw an article saying that Pfizer and Moderna just slapped their brand label on the bottle and that it was all a project of the Pentagon. Don't be surprised that 5g will be upped to 6g. I saw on the Rense Report this morning Trump calling himself the Father of the vaccine. He boasted getting them and also telling everyone to hurry and get one for themselves and children. May God protect us all from all these shills.
Yeah, What Ever. I Know that we will be messed with . The thing to Remember is, God will let Each of us Know What He needs Us to Do.
God tells US, Fear Not! Good Enough for ME!!
At, Dr Ana is quoted as making the following statement:
"This is an important topic. All pet vaccines have the same nanotechnology as human shots. Shedding occurs between owners and animal. Illness in pets has been going up with rare cancers and diseases of aging. Vaccines are biological weapons no matter who gets them. Myocarditis in animals after COVID19 shots and death. This depopulation agenda is warfare against all life. Vaccinated owners are a health danger to their pets via shedding and the vaccinated pets can transmit the nanotechnology to the owners. Read this. Its all true. – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD"
Does anyone know if Dr. Ana has a substack article where she investigated one or more pet rabies vaccine vials and found this nanotechnology? I need to convince my vet to help me not have my dog jabbed for rabies. -- Thanks.
Lopsided souls with highly developed, rational minds continuing to commit that mind to the most irrational of purposes... Creating hell on earth... God bless Anna Maria! Keep exposing the heart of darkness on earth... the Military Industrial Complex...
Andrejka - Nov 26
Andrejka’s Substack
Lord HELP us, in the mighty name of Lord Jesus Christ!
Bee Gee - Nov 26
Bee Gee
It still amazes me that no matter how much Evidence she provides that its in everyone now...
no matter how many studies and documents she finds for people, and puts the link right there under their finger...
no matter how many hours of images and videos and interviews she provides...
no matter how many times she tells people that once it starts growing into the Gray Clots, we cannot reverse that...
People are still like NAH.
I dont Wanna take a Proven albeit slow Solution.
I read skary werds and ignored alllllllllllllllll the mountains of evidence to the contrary, so Im just gonna do my own thing and see how That works out.
Well good Luck with that, because people have been trying that for 3 years... and Failing.
And if you dont care enough to save your own life, what do you think anyone else is going to be able to do for you?
Stop being a wussy and Choose to Live.
Brian Klunder - Nov 26
Brian Klunder
Thank you, Ana. Your work is appreciated far more than you realize!
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Nov 26
Ray’s Newsletter
The interface is the weakest link, but how does it work? My research suggests that it's modified proteins (the links in my article contain the whole history of my progress):
the LastManStanding - Nov 27
Rusyn’s Substack
Your post of Aug 29 this year brought up some interesting speculations, which, combined with that of your "Being Synthetic" allow for some further extensions of - to quote you -
"wild conjecturing"...of the kind only the 'clinically insane' and/or truly gifted seem capable.
Following up with the rest of that same quotation -
"but the data seems to support it. Also, the complexity of the operation suggests that it has multiple components.."
I offer for you inspection the notion that the 'complexity' is a function of the nature of the 'operator,' which in this case has been purposely obfuscated by all parties complicit in the scam called "medical science" for well over 100 years.
Pleomorphism, you see, is a verifiable phenomena undertaken by life forms which are deliberately 'mis-labeled' so as to hide their full functionality and capacities. Though not actually verboten in the 'scientificism' community, discussion of this key phenomena is heavily censored to contain the implications which a proper empirical investigation would proffer.
This led me to view the title of your piece "Being Synthetic" through fresh eyes - since the very notion of what 'synthetic' means may be a clue to why we seem to make little progress in naming the real perps and the real 'progress' towards which 'they' are heading.*
"Synthetic" constructions do not preclude manufactures by 'life forms' other than 'ourselves/humans' ... life forms which it can be argued are 'synthesizing' humans as a project the ultimate purpose of which is not at all clear to the subject population. If this were the case, many of the unexplained anomalies and "complexity of the multiple components" would be better explained than by the frenetic trend towards 'nano' this and nano that' as catch all thesis.
If you are interested, I'll expand on that outline over on your own site.
*at this point I've pretty much dismissed the claims of "Ana" et al as to what they feel they are 'seeing' through their primitive instruments. Indeed, it seems increasingly likely that 'they' themselves are agents of that same 'other life form' which has sufficiently succeeded in it's program to invade and alter humans as to be able to 'run' programmed entities as part of it's increasingly successful applications of 'techne' (not 'technologies!')which our anthropocentrically-limited imaginations simply do not 'allow' for the possibility of.(although your "it looks like the synthetic materials in the human body follow their own metabolism that very well might go exactly in the opposite direction from the generic human way" seems to indicate a widened capacity in that regard!)
Linda Tanner - Nov 26
Linda Tanner
With each new article detailing even more nanotechnology capable of increasingly varied kinds of murderous capabilities, it is hard to feel we can survive this onslaught.
But we must.
Seeing the work RAND Corp. is doing, and coupling that with the DOD's various war-related endeavors, you have to wonder--is anyone or any agency, anywhere on the planet, actually interested in seeing living things as anything other than resources? Maybe AI has already conquered most of the Universe, or at least most of the Milky Way Galaxy, and now they've set their sights on Earth and its "Resources" (us and wild lifeforms). After all, aren't they mainly interested in our electrons? Any electrons. Electrons from any element.
OK, brothers and sisters, we have work to do, and we can be very thankful to Dr. Ana and her international colleagues for all their research and investigations, that for now give us a glimmer of hope, including some of the aids such as Vitamin C and EDTA chelation.
Kim - Nov 26
Think of it this way...they have been working on this for a long time and we have survived it without even knowing about it. I think that we can survive this too!
Andrejka - Nov 26
Andrejka’s Substack
Much as I like Dr Ana Maria I am concerned about EDTA "...Dr. Rashid Buttar was using EDTA. Given that he was already severely poisoned.. , using EDTA Acid would have been enough to tip him over the edge and kill him."??? "EDTA is an oxidant when used internally. ... . according to Mount Sinai ...EDTA “chelation's serious side effects that have been reported include low blood sugar, diminished calcium levels, headache, nausea, dangerously low blood pressure, kidney failure, organ damage, irregular heartbeat, seizures, or even death. ......, Ana Maria has been claiming that EDTA detoxes graphene, dissolves graphene and chelates heavy metals, but experts such as Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Judy Mikovitz told me this is impossible. "
Bee Gee - Nov 30
Bee Gee
Thats a fake article full of bullshit. Never listen to anything her or that other liar Robert Young say.
Andrejka - Nov 30
Andrejka’s Substack
i agree Judy Mikovitz ic not to be trusted, can you elaborate about Robert Young "...Dr. Rashid Buttar was using EDTA. Given that he was already severely poisoned.. , using EDTA Acid would have been enough to tip him over the edge and kill him." is wrong?
jacquelyn sauriol - Nov 26
Was looking up hemp for building materials, and found this.....what do you think? NW USA.
Gerry_O'C - Nov 26
Gerry_O'C’s Substack
...i s'pose we'll soon have 'Big Nanotechnology'...😠...
Crixcyon - Nov 26
Shaping the future of warfare...against us or them?
Robert Sun - Nov 26
Robert Sun
Tboxtango - Nov 26
Tboxtango’s Newsletter
After all, it's a "family affair." Just look at what the Federal government has been able to achieve via these familial contacts 😳
Lynette Devries - Nov 26
Top of the morning to everyone from downunder. I am a Pure Blood and to my knowledge having lived 68 years had not gotten a vaccine since leaving school. Around a year ago I was shocked to hear a doctor say that there were around 20 million dead globally from the COVID vax. One guy on another video months later estimated 1 Billion. Some Spanish doctors even found Bluetooth addresses on the vaxxed. Even in graveyards they still came up in corpses. That aside on another site I saw an article saying that Pfizer and Moderna just slapped their brand label on the bottle and that it was all a project of the Pentagon. Don't be surprised that 5g will be upped to 6g. I saw on the Rense Report this morning Trump calling himself the Father of the vaccine. He boasted getting them and also telling everyone to hurry and get one for themselves and children. May God protect us all from all these shills.
Robert Sun - Dec 10
Robert Sun
An Arduino board controls a robot arm using EMOTIV EEG. (Credit: Matt Su)
Thru The Veil - Nov 29
Thru’s Substack
The military mindset is a satanic cancer upon the earth.
Robert Sun - Nov 28
Robert Sun
Susan Hojdik - Nov 27
Susan Hojdik
Yeah, What Ever. I Know that we will be messed with . The thing to Remember is, God will let Each of us Know What He needs Us to Do.
God tells US, Fear Not! Good Enough for ME!!
Edmond Paré - Nov 27
Edmond Paré
At, Dr Ana is quoted as making the following statement:
"This is an important topic. All pet vaccines have the same nanotechnology as human shots. Shedding occurs between owners and animal. Illness in pets has been going up with rare cancers and diseases of aging. Vaccines are biological weapons no matter who gets them. Myocarditis in animals after COVID19 shots and death. This depopulation agenda is warfare against all life. Vaccinated owners are a health danger to their pets via shedding and the vaccinated pets can transmit the nanotechnology to the owners. Read this. Its all true. – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD"
Does anyone know if Dr. Ana has a substack article where she investigated one or more pet rabies vaccine vials and found this nanotechnology? I need to convince my vet to help me not have my dog jabbed for rabies. -- Thanks.
curt s sanders - Nov 27
Sitting in a Nest of Cobras
Lopsided souls with highly developed, rational minds continuing to commit that mind to the most irrational of purposes... Creating hell on earth... God bless Anna Maria! Keep exposing the heart of darkness on earth... the Military Industrial Complex...
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